Comentarios anteriores


Comentarios recibidos
Fecha - 15-11-10
Nombre: mari cabrera
Comentarios: esta pagina le permite a los estudiantes conseguir respuestas a sus diversa interrogante

Fecha - 16-05-10
Nombre: yesenia pabuena
Comentarios: Es bueno saber mucho afondo de estas culturas
Fecha - 06-04-10
Nombre: alexe516
Comentarios: Very nice site!
Fecha - 06-10-09
Nombre: jose fernando rojas restrepo
Email: Teléfono: 853 5262
Comentarios: Soy docente y tengo la siguiente inquietud:Que le parece que el ministerio esta tomando esta semana como de vacaciones para docentes y eso no es asi,pues nosotros estamos laborando seis horas al dia.Podran ustedes recalcar esto y no rebajarnos una semana en enero?
Fecha - 23-08-09
Nombre: Keelin
Email: {#file Mail.txt] Teléfono: Mirror for bathroom
Comentarios: Could you help me. The charity that hastens to proclaim its good deeds, ceases to be charity, and is only pride and ostentation.

I am from Haiti and know bad English, tell me right I wrote the following sentence: "If a new bathtub had a crack or chip in it, should it be replaced."

THX ;-), Keelin.
Fecha - 23-08-09
Nombre: flor
Email: Teléfono: 4340336
Comentarios: Acabo de llegar de la misa del Padre Chucho,en Compensar,donde se pidió por La Organización Ardila Lule.

Siempre la he admirado,sobre todo al señor Carlos Ardila,por su inteligencia prodigiosa para salir adelante.Esas capacidades se las ha dado Dios,por ser un hombre digno,justo,honesto y humano que él,su familia y empresas dejan en alto el nombre de Colombia.Esto lo digo con toda sinceridad de corazón. Quisiera conocerlo en persona,pero ya que es algo imposible,espero que algún día me de unos consejitos para poder salir de la crisis en que me encuentro.No he podido renunciar a mi trabajo.Soy pensionada y activa,en primer lugar porque al retirarme no podría pagar arriendo y en segundo lugar porque debido a las presiones en mi trabajo y a mi situación ecoómica,el psiquiatra me está tratando la ansiedad y la depresión y me dice que espere a darme de alta.Aconséjeme por favor doctor Ardila,al renunciar,cobro mis prestaciones que no son cuantiosas pero me alcanzaría para un apartamento o cuota inicial,o parte para pagar deudas.Cómo hago para rendir mis pesitos del trabajo de toda u
na vida? Soy separada hace 30 años,pude formar sola a mis hijas,tengo nietos. Tengo empeñada hasta la prima de navidad de mi pensión. Pienso retirarme en Diciembre,aunque con temores. Con la ayuda de Dios,y sus sabios consejos,creo que saldré adelante.Dios y la Santisima Virgen lo bendiga siempre a ud,a su honorable familia y sus bienes. ATTE

Fecha - 09-07-09
Nombre: Sandra Liliana Grateron Solano
Email: Teléfono: 4162810
Comentarios: Doctor Ardila de acuerdo a su requerimiento me permito enviarle el siguiente comunicado muy respetuosamente.

Respetado doctor.

Soy Sandra L. Grateron Solano ciudadana colombiana con 31 años de edad y madre cabeza de familia he vivido en la ciudad de Medellín desde los 14 años lejos de mi familia materna ya que vive en diferentes sitios de Colombia, quede en emberazo a los 17 y desde entonces trabajo para sacar mi hijo adelante el cual tiene ya 14 años, en estos momentos estoy terminando una complementación para obtener el titulo de contadora publica el cual siempre ha sido mi anhelo. En los últimos años he trabajado en el día hasta en dos empresas y estudiado en las noches luchando para alcanzar mis sueños pero en el momento requiero de $2.900.000 dos millones novecientos mil de pesos para pagar los gastos de la universidad que hacen falta para poderme graduarlos cuales surgieron del semestre en curso y del diplomado establecido como requisito de formación, se preguntara porque me dirijo a usted? Pues lo hago por la necesidad y desesperación en que me encuentro ya que he agotado todas las alternati
vas posibles y mi nivel de endeudamiento, edad y mis responsabilidades diarias no me permiten adquirir mas compromisos con entidades financieras, mis ahorros y cesantías fueron utilizados para adquirir una vivienda que desde el año 2.003 la constructora no ha podido entregar, el trabajo alterno que desempeñaba lo tuve que suspender por falta de tiempo mis labores en la empresa de tiempo completo y la universidad no me permitieron continuar buscando este medio económico como ayuda.

Mi deseo es poder obtener mi titulo y buscar así un empleo que mejore mi calidad de vida y la de mi hijo permitiéndonos vivir mas dignamente, siempre he sido una persona pujante y echada para delante pero la verdad necesito una colaboración para pagar estos costos universitarios, estoy dispuesta a dar como contraprestación mi trabajo y ofrecer mis mejores capacidades como profesional y como persona.

El dinero que requiero es para consignar directamente a la Fundación Universitaria Maria Cano a la Cuenta de Ahorros No10162884634 de la entidad Bancaria Bancolombia, en ningún momento a una a mi nombre, por favor necesito ayuda mi familia no posee los recursos necesarios para hacerlo y no encontré como lo mencione anteriormente otras posibilidades.

Conocedora de su apoyo incondicional y su gran calidad humana quedo a la espera de una respuesta positiva a mi solicitud.

Fecha - 08-05-09
Nombre: cecilia isabel carreño jimenez
Email: Teléfono: 3173778215-5682043





Fecha - 15-03-09
Nombre: jorge uribe ramon s.j.
Email: Teléfono: 0947771033
Comentarios: Conoci al Dr. Ardila en Madrid, por nexos con el padre hector lopez s.j. nunca imagine estar metido en la fundacion y mantenimiento de una oferta educativa que rescata reinsertados de grupos armados, mujeres adultas con buen numero de hijos a su cargo y acopaña a los beneficiarios en el mejoramiento de vida de estrato uno y poblacion vulnerable. cuando se tenia la estabilidad del gobierno de cordoba aparece el hecho de 24 gobernadores el año 2008 y ahora la disminucion del presupuesto educativo en millones de pesos. Ahora estan en compromiso de sanear la inversion educativa y hasta que no lo logren no hay asignacion de prespuesto.




TENEMOS UN GRUPO DE 400 ALUMNOS CON UN COSTO DE 200.000.000.oo millones, y estamos tratando de formal un pull de ong para subsidiarlo, por la falencia de la gobernacion de cordoba.

Con la gobernacion hay excelentes buenas relaciones.

se va logrando poco a poco la integracion de fundaciones con igual objetivo que van generando el respaldo economico al conocer la calidad y oportunidad de esta oferta educativa que diariamente pone al estudiante adulto las clases programa en su casa por medio de radio comunitaria, biblioteca entregada personalmente y grupo de profesores cualificados en este tipo de proyecto que el dia sabando los acompañan en extraer la sabiduria del libro. cuando todo estaba marchando bien, se produce la dificultad administrativa que estan tratando de resolver por todos los medios. si su entidad puede apoyarnos en hacer un pull de fundaciones o el milagro de una sola para no degastarnos en lo administrativo y poder continuar el logro de demovilizados incorporados a la sociedad civil, igualmente que desplazados, poblacion vulnerable y estrato uno.

llevamos ocho años con cinco promociones. informacion disponible. que bueno que la fundacion ardila lule por su medio estuviera presente. son 200.000.000 millones de pesos, de los cuales en una semana de trabajo logramos 18.000.000 millones.

atento a cualquier inquietud, preguna o apoyo insterinstitucional al instituto sergio restrepo inser de tierralta, donde se encuentr el famoso ralito, la presencia de los castaño, mono mancuso etc.

padrecito jorge uribe ramon s.j. 3114032077

fax 0947 771877; pbx a0947 771033 tierralta cordoba
Fecha - 31-08-08
Nombre: Maria Fernanda Ortiz de Zarate
Email: Teléfono: 0342 - 4741908
Comentarios: Hola!!! Que sorpresa haber encontrado esta dirección para poder contactarme con gente "de mi familiaaaaaaa", les cuento que vivo en Argentina, mas precisamente en Santa Fe, y estoy muy orgullosa de llevar este apellido. Les dejo mis saludos, y si Dios quiere, nos estaremos contactando próximamente. Un beso desde Argentina
Fecha - 07-05-08
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: Convocatoria

La gobernanza local participativa es posible y urgente; cada vez somos más los que compartimos estas convicciones y las últimas están proclamadas por las instituciones. Estamos dilapidando el potencial expuesto, en un contexto de crisis que pide, a gritos, alternativas. Dilapidamos, porque nos hemos encerrado en grupos, en egos –desengaños-, en la autocomplacencia o en la autocompasión.

Convocamos a quienes quieran participar en la remodelación de nuestros instrumentos para mejorar los resultados en captación, debate, formación y promoción de instrumentos de generación de democracia local participativa, aplicables, a corto plazo, en África Europa o Latinoamérica; territorios que nos parecen representar rasgos significativos de la globalidad.

Las herramientas virtuales que ofrecemos: un alojamiento en la plataforma de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), una web , dos listas de debate: y soporte técnico para hacer de nuestra web un espacio atractivo y eficaz para acoger sugerencias, informaciones, debate, biblioteca virtual, evaluaciones y planteamientos.

Contamos, asimismo, con convenios con instituciones académicas que han enmarcado satisfactoriamente nuestras acciones desde finales de los 80, como puede comprobarse en algunos ejemplos accesibles en la web:

III Seminario del Grupo de Estudios Comparados Euroafricanos y Eurolatinoamericanos

II Mesa Redonda de Agora :

IV Mesa Redonda de Agora :

V Mesa Redonda de Agora :

En 1999/2001 impartimos el programa ínter universitario de doctorado “La Ciudad Actual en Europa, África y Latinoamérica (Universidades de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, de París IV (Sorbona) y de París XII: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Se puede participar:

- Consultando los archivos de cualquiera de las dos listas indicadas
- Inscribiéndose en una de ellas
- Enviando opiniones y (o) propuestas por este medio o a través de cualquiera de los foros abiertos en agora
- Por el momento estableceremos el debate central en y en breve abriremos un foro para el tema, en la portada de la página.

Fecha - 04-05-08
Nombre: cecilia isabel carreño jimenez
Email: Teléfono: 3173778215
Comentarios: quisiera consultar como pedir ayuda para una escuela de artes y oficios, para una gran poblacion necesitada de pamplona norte de santander colombia
Fecha - 11-03-08
Nombre: said101
Email: Teléfono: 0021277333600
Comentarios: The name of God Mr. Rahman Rahim responsible extend to you this request, pleading God to find acceptance administrator. I am a person suffering from the Moroccan nationality problems of many physical troubles first ex unemployed I work for years since the departure of the study; and my family consisting of mother, father and ten brothers unfortunately no one has filled a specific day involved sitting for months and so on. For this, after suffering a long theoretical occurred when I was looking at the Internet on your Vaantapni hope wrote to you to assist me in any way be found appropriate. You and I would be grateful if responding to the demands. Inform you, I was born in 1975 in Rabat, getting the first secondary school. You Sincerely, respect

Fecha - 16-01-08




Fecha - 15-12-07
Nombre: jose maria rojas
Email: Teléfono: 300-3554405 7021765 300 3557605
Comentarios: cordial saludo

primero que todo los felicito por todas las labores sociales en pro de los mas necesitados, en dias pasados vi en television que existe una fundacion lllamada juan p. para ayuda a estudiantes universitarios con el respaldo de la fundacion ardila lule . mi caso es el siguiente: mi hijo mayor cursa cuarto año de derecho con muy buenas calificaciones, este semestre no pudo estudiar por falta de recursos para pagar una deuda pendiente con la universidad. muy amablemente les pido si me pueden colaborar con un auxilio o prestamo o de alguna forma para que mi hijo pueda seguir estudiando mil gracias padre necesitado en busca de ayuda
Fecha - 30-10-07
Email: Teléfono: 0429951163
Fecha - 30-10-07
Nombre: luis bobadilla pizarro
Email: Teléfono: cel.0429951163
Comentarios: señores leisa deseo asesoramiento sobre la produccion de cafe en el aspecto de tecnicas de maNEJO PARA UNA BUENA PRODUCCION DE CAFE
Fecha - 08-10-07
Nombre: mariela
Comentarios: esto esta muy bueno
Fecha - 08-10-07
Nombre: francisco fernandez-cotero campos
Email: Teléfono: 685844815
Comentarios: el futuro se ve esperanzador se vislumbra el fin del pensamiento unico gracias a personajes tales como evo morales, chaves, lula, y fidel que puede descansar en paz su hermano sigue sus pasos en este llamado socialismo del siglo XXI pero no cometamos el mismo herror que llevo el fracaso al socialismo europeo de intentar justificar lo injustificable Estalin y sus campos de reeducacion soy blando de esterminio los cuales fueron oviados por pensadores de la talla de jean paul sarte y toda la derecha europea como si eso fuese una postura atirrevolucionaria, y lo realmente antirrevolucionario es cañar.

no comentamos ese mismo error de nuevo no dejemos pasar una acordaros del libro de mao que crezcan mil flores las revoluciones pueden con todo pero no con la mentira ya que su fuerza radica en la verdad

Fecha - 26-09-07
Nombre: martha liliana cifuentes
Comentarios: buenas tardes,en una oracio a Dios pidiendo sabiduria para mi empresa, vino a mi mente el mobre ARDILA LULE. presente un proyecto al fondo emprender y entre 1050 proyectos de todo el pais 36 son del valle del cauca y quede selecionada con capital semilla tengo en este momento costituida mi empresa tengo año y medio con ella las ventas no han sido las mejores estoy atravesando una cituano muy dificil al punto de quizas tener que cerrar. Mi sueño es ver esta empresa grande y sobre todo generar mucho empleo en mi regio y sobre toda en mi cali diariamente veo en mi oficina llegar personas con una sonrisa trayendo su hoja de vida y ver que no es mucho lo que yo puedo hacer estimado doctor son muchas las puertas que he tocado con cartas de presentacion.como governacion,alcaldia,camara de comercio entre tantas y la verdad no se que camino cojer si depronto les interesa ayudar a mi empresa por fabor comuniquesen con los telefonos mencionados y yo podre dar mas imformacio
n aserca de ella

muchas gracias y que Dios los bendiga

Fecha - 14-09-07
Comentarios: BUENOS DIAS






Fecha - 30-08-07
Nombre: Patricia vasquez martinez
Email: Teléfono: 9511619233
Comentarios: Hola, les escribo desde Oaxaca, Mexico, necesito que me asesoren, estoy trabajando con sexoservidoras dem Muncipio de Oaxaca, y con pena me doy cuenta que no tienen apoya alguna para poder salir de este ambiente, ahora en este momento hay señoras de 55 a 65 años que necesitan otro modo de vida, ojala puedan indicarme el camino tengo tres peroyectos productivos para inciar el trabajo, pero como siempre no hay capital. gracias de antemano. Mi nombre es patricia Vasquez, soy psicologa. gracias
Fecha - 26-08-07
Nombre: vero
Email: Teléfono: 0000000
Comentarios: hola le escribo para desirles que esta re buena la banda bueno les dejo mi email pra que me agregen es:

Fecha - 22-08-07
Nombre: Hna. Blanca Hélida Valencia Henao
Email: Teléfono: 5780841
Comentarios: Fundación Carlos Ardila Lule: Apreciados Señores, he leído con admiración toda la labor social que realiza la Fundación Mario Santo Domingo a favor de los más necesitados de nuestra Patria, Dios les bendiga, pocos empresarios, tienen esta capacidad de compartir sus bienes con quienes por motivos que nadie sabe carecen de lo más elemental. Quisiera poder contactar con Uds. Para algunas necesidades de esta comunidad Religiosa que trabaja con las personas más vulneravles de nuestra sociedad y del mundo,ageadezco sinceramente vuestra respuesta, cordialemnte en JESUS Y María. Hna. Hélida VALENCIA h. sAN jOSÉ DE cÚCUTA n. s.
Fecha - 18-08-07
Nombre: igoor vazquez loaiza
Email: miguel_gentiles2007 Teléfono: 832128
Comentarios: sobre el trabajo que parte de la comunicacion felicito ala empresa por su imessa seguridad en la empresa intersu

y la atencion en la empreza en todo
Fecha - 01-07-07

Fecha - 04-01-07
Nombre: jairo sanchez pomares
Comentarios: SR:
Reciba un cordial saludo espero que se encuentre bien, junto con los suyos.
La presente carta es para contarle que hace ya varios años termine mis estudios secundarios y desde entonces he querido seguir estudiando, mi anhelo es estudiar medicina, pero lamentablemente no he podido debido a mis escasos recursos. Me he presentado en varias ocasiones a la universidad del valle y desafortunadamente no he sido admitido pues mi puntaje no es tan competitivo, he contemplado la idea de realizar un préstamo con icetex pero cuando miro realmente mi situación económica me doy cuenta que es imposible, vivo aquí en Cali- Colombia específicamente en la comuna 15 distrito de agua blanca.
Tal vez muchos jóvenes vean el estudio como una cosa más pero créame que para mi es muy pero muy importante educarme y servir a la comunidad y así ser diferente a los demás jóvenes de mi comunidad que carecen de interés por salir adelante.
Pero realmente esta carta no es para contarle aspectos juveniles sino para pedirle el gran favor de que me colabore con mis estudios, pues se que usted es el mas indicado por eso acudo a usted.
Deseo que usted me colabore con un patrocinio o beca en cualquier institución universitaria donde se encuentre el área de salud deseada.
Solo espero señor que por favor sea leída mi carta y tenga respuesta lo mas breve posible, realmente espero una respuesta positiva, pero solo espero que sepa que no se va arrepentir de darme esta oportunidad.
me despido agradeciéndole la atención prestada.

Dios le bendiga.
ATT: Jairo Alberto Sánchez Pomares
Tel: 3283425 Cali -Colombia

Fecha - 29-10-06
Nombre: jose garcia arroyo
Comentarios: Queria preguntar qué puedo hacer para evitar que talen unos eucaliptos frente a mi casa, puesto que a unos vecinos míos se les ha antojado talarlos,y no paran de reunirse para ver qué hacen para acabar con ellos.Creo que están reuniendo firmas de las personas de la calle para pedirle al Ayuntamiento que los corten ,haciendo fotos de ramas caídas alegando peligrosidad(que creo que con una poda se solucionaría).
Y todo es en realidad porque sueltan hojas y tienen que barrer más sus patios enlosados.
Sólo quería si alguien me pudiera aconsejar qué hacer y dónde debería dirigirme en Jerez de la Frontera para evitar esta catástrofe

Fecha - 23-09-06
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: Muchas gracias, Verónica, por interesarte en los cursos del Grupo de Estudios Comparados Euroafricanos y Eurolatinoamericanos; tenemos, en efecto, la intención de iniciar un programa de tele formación de “Agente de desarrollo local”, el próximo noviembre.
Fecha - 30-07-06
Nombre: luz stella alzate holguin
Comentarios: Soy de Buga Valle Colombia, no se si por este medio se pueda, pero ademas de felicitar al señor Ardila Lule por su obras y logros, quiero aprovechar para pedirle y prdone el atrecimiento, si me puede ayudar para pagar la casa en que vivo con mi madre y mi hija, ya que no tengo los recursos necesarios para ello, o sino por favor me de la oportunidad de trabajar en una de sus empresas.
Que Dios lo bendiga y se lo agradezco de todo corazon.

Yo tento 46 años, soy divorciada, actualmente no estoy laborando y de verdad señor no quiero perder mi casa.

Mil gracias por la atenciòn.

Cordial saludo.

Fecha - 30-03-06
Nombre: viviana
Comentarios: He entrado en vuestra página web y les hago lllegar mis felicitaciones por este emprendimiento. Me gustaría formar parte de ello, por lo que ya he remitido mi CV y postulación, aunque si hubiera alguna vacante de acuardo a mi trayectoria y perfil, les agradeceré me tengan en cuenta.

Nuevamente felicitaciones y éxitos!!!!....

Viviana Borneo.-

Fecha - 03-12-05
Nombre: Jose Duque
Comentarios: Un municipio sustentable debe ser participativo, dinamico, integrador y con vision a largo tiempo
Fecha - 16-07-05
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: Proyecto de tele formación en desarrollo local en Europa, África y Latinoamérica

El Grupo de Estudios Comparados Euroafricanos y Euro latinoamericanos ofrece una tele formación que tiene por objeto detectar y promocionar proyectos ciudadanos de desarrollo local limpio, solidario y sostenible, que es proclamado como objeto por una parte importante de las políticas, de las estrategias y de los fondos de las instituciones.

La formación se propone crear agentes, coordinadores y diseñadores de proyectos, de desarrollo local ciudadano en África, Europa y Latinoamérica o especialistas de cooperación en la materia. La superación de cada una de las fases de esta formación será objeto de un diploma de titulación propia de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y corresponderá a las siguientes designaciones: Agentes de desarrollo local ciudadano, que totalizará 15 créditos ETCS – un crédito ETCS. 30 horas -; coordinadores de desarrollo local, que requerirá el grado de agente y que cursará 15 créditos suplementarios y master en diseñado de proyectos de desarrollo local ciudadano para mancomunidades o en cooperación en desarrollo local ciudadano, que requerirá el grado de licenciado o equivalente y los diplomas de agente y de coordinador en desarrollo local ciudadano y 30 créditos suplementarios Para inscribirse en la formación de agente de desarrollo local ciudadano será necesario haber sido admitido en las pruebas del proceso de preinscripción, al que puede accederse para solicitar información suplementaria en mail dirigido a y a .

Los tres niveles de formación se perfilarán en componentes: práctico de 40%, tutorial de 20% y teórico de 40%. El acceso al último es informático, pero los dos primeros requieren una presencia que solamente podemos ofrecer en Agadir, en Argentina, en Cádiz, en Canarias, en Madera, en Mazatlán. Los candidatos que no tengan acceso suficiente a los lugares indicados no podrán ser admitidos. La formación teórica constituirá un módulo de tele formación de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y se compondrá de bibliotecas virtuales, de cursos, de debates, de tutorías y de tele reuniones.

Los admitidos a la formación deberán abonar una tasa de inscripción de treinta euros por crédito, que se abonarán por adelantado, en pagos por periodos bimensuales, a partir de octubre de 2005, por trasferencia al número de cuenta que nos ha atribuido la Fundación de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. No dudéis en solicitar información, formularios para la preinscripción, programas o cualquier tipo de información suplementaria a las direcciones indicadas.

Un sincero saludo Carlos Ortiz de Zárate, coordinador del Grupo de Estudios Comparados Euroafricanos y Euro latinoamericanos.

Fecha - 04-01-05


Fecha de redacción: enero de 2004, para ser publicado un año después.

La mediatización de la política diseña y vende los nuevos discursos, tal cual como si se tratara de una novela de corín tellado, al cual más, como se vende la pornografía velada de pasquines como el periódico El Espacio en Colombia que anuncia los cambios políticos anticorrupción al lado de fotografías pornográficas, acompañadas de la imagen del candidato a Gobernador de Cundinamarca, Señor PABLO ARDILA, dueño del periódico, y el candidato a la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá, D. C., Señor LUIS EDUARDO GARZÓN, quien representa “el humanismo de la ciudad moderna”, curtido en las lides sindicales, ambos personajes elegidos para el período 2003 – 2007. El modelo de partido atrapa todo se configura a través de la maquinaria propagandística de los medios de comunicación de la derecha colombiana que fabrica un rótulo y procede a venderlo como un partido de izquierda (izquierda LIGHT), como si se tratara de una crema para los piojos, las pulgas, las alergias o las sarnas, sobredimensiona!
da a través de los medios de comunicación. Precisamente en el primer semestre del año 2003 los medios masivos de comunicación de la derecha vendieron el movimiento político, rotulado POLO DEMOCRÁTICO INDEPENDIENTE como el nacimiento de un partido de izquierda democrática (izquierda LIGHT), sin más, y sin la posibilidad de participar de otros movimientos sean o no de izquierda, a menos que se sometan a la cúpula de dicho partido o movimiento, quienes obedecen a un plan previamente determinado por el sistema político imperante de la derecha judeo – cristiana occidental.

Sorprende como los más connotados periódicos, pasquines y demás medios de comunicación de la derecha colombiana (El Espacio, de propiedad de la familia Ardila, El diario Hoy y el Tiempo, de propiedad de la dinastía Santos, los noticieros de Televisión Caracol y RCN, de propiedad de los magnates J. Mario Santodomingo y Carlos Ardila Lule, entre otros medios de comunicación, pasquines y periódicos del establecimiento) han dispuesto de toda la maquinaria propagandística para informar a la opinión pública el ascenso al poder de lo que según ellos se ha venido a llamar la izquierda democrática (izquierda LIGHT). En ese discurso se ha sobredimensionado como prioridad algo que llaman política social, dando a conocer innovaciones como el día sin hambre, que impulsa la distribución de raciones alimenticias en sectores marginados de la ciudad de Bogotá, D. C., que surgieron como consecuencia de la violencia del Establecimiento, especialmente a partir de los año 1950s, cundo la ciudad !
no superaba los 200.000 habitantes, pues, en la actualidad (2004) está rondando los 10 millones de habitantes (Bogotá y municipio circunvecinos). En ese discurso se dice que de todas maneras hay que preservar lo bueno de las anteriores administraciones, y presentar las correcciones que se han planteado como eslogan de campaña, necesarias para “humanizar la modernización de la ciudad”. Que quiere decir esto? Que todo el embate del neoliberalismo cerrero, tal cual, no será objeto de replanteamientos democráticos o participativos, protegiéndose los grandes monopolios del capital especulativo montados a partir del advenimiento del neoliberalismo del Ex – Presidente Cesar Gaviria, sistema especulativo fielmente desarrollado a nivel Bogotá, por los ex – alcaldes ENRIQUE PEÑALOSA y ANTANAS MOCKUS. Es así que el carácter monopolista del transporte urbano (Transmilenio, certificado de defunción del pequeño transportador), de la explotación monopolista de los servicios públicos (la e!
nergía eléctrica a través de la Empresa CODENSA, EMPORIO DEL C!
UDIO), la monopolización de los recursos para vías urbanas por parte del capital judío, la privatización y mercantilización a ultranza de la Educación Pública, la explotación descarada de la población a través de créditos para vivienda con capitalización de los intereses de actualización del dinero (fórmula de matemática financiera de la UVR, antes UPAC), entre otros grandes negociados, para nada van a ser tema de replanteamiento alguno por parte de la administración del Alcalde LUIS EDUARDO GARZÓN. Por el contrario, su función dentro del establecimiento va a ser el fortalecimiento del modelo de explotación capitalista de la ciudad. El pasquín de propiedad de la dinastía Santos, denominado diario HOY, titulaba en primera página del día 2 de enero de 2004 la posesión del Alcalde, en los siguientes términos: “El Alcalde Luis Eduardo Garzón es el primer hombre de izquierda que llega a la Alcaldía de Bogotá en toda su historia. Ayer asumió su cargo y dijo que le cumplirá a la ci!
udad. Prometió acabar con el hambre de los niños y con la miseria”, y a páginas 4ª y 5ª se desplegó la noticia con títulos como “Somos la Esperanza: Luis Eduardo Garzón” quien prometió que al finalizar su mandato no habrá un solo niño con hambre, y otro título que dice “Menos niños con hambre”, al tiempo que ilustraba con grandes fotografías de la posesión como símbolo de simpatía periodística por el connotado hecho de que un hombre de izquierda fuera apoyado por semejante pasquín de una dinastía secularizada.

En ese sentido, lo planteado por el nuevo Alcalde Mayor de Bogotá, D. C., Señor LUIS EDUARDO GARZÓN, con más de treinta año de experiencia en discursos veintejulieros como sindicalista, es precisamente el nuevo modelo creado por la maquinaria de asesores del sistema político económico de la derecha juedo – cristiana occidental, de acudir a la FILANTROPÍA disfrazada de izquierda democrática (izquierda LIGHT) para calmar el hambre de sectores de población marginada por el mismo sistema político y económico que ha regido históricamente y que se agudizó a partir del neoliberalismo impulsado por el ex – presidente de Colombia y actual Secretario de la OEA, Señor CESAR GAVIRIA TRUJILLO. Así las cosas, nos aprestamos a desarrollar un programa de gobierno que dice de corte social y de anticorrupción, pero que en el fondo es el mismo discurso del Senador CARLOS MORENO DE CARO, que ofrece mogolla y leche para sus electores, que es la misma práctica de todos los politiqueros colombiano!
s que mediante porciones de comidas incluso descompuestas o trasnochadas con grave riesgo para la salud, ya sea con tamales, caldos de la Plaza San Victorino en Bogotá, chocolates santafereños, empanadas, entre otros platos típicos colombianos, se aprovechan de la grave marginalidad que produce el sistema capitalista para revivir y mantener la politiquería. Al mismo tiempo, reproducen el discurso anticorrupción (publicitar gatos para espantar a las ratas: MORENO DE CARO) pero que al fin y al cabo no denuncian a nadie ni nada se dice por fenómenos de corrupción, Vr gr, el caso de la jugada financiera de cuello blanco que hiciera la Señora FANNY KERSMAN, quien consignó los recursos de la DIAN en el Banco del Pacífico, que a la postre resultó quebrado llevando a la banca rota el Fisco Nacional, y como premió a su delincuencia de cuello blanco, el Señor Presidente ALVARO URIBE VÉLEZ la nombró embajadora en la República del Canada. La Señora KERSMAN, al parecer de origen judío, !
impulsaba el recaudo del impuesto mediante la imagen difundida!
por los
medios de comunicación de dos (2) perros peligrosos, queriendo infundir terrorismo de Estado en la población colombiana, acuciada por la más grave marginalidad progresiva de todos los sectores, que cada vez se aumentan los cinturones de miseria.

El modelo planteado por el discurso de izquierda mediante el recurso mediático (difusión sobredimensionada de los medios de comunicación de la derecha, representados en periódicos, pasquines, noticieros de televisión, radio, realtys, entre otros), no representa ninguna amenaza al sistema capitalista de los tremendos monopolios que se han incrustado y que han dado origen a la más devastadora de las marginalidades sociales; aspecto que ahora vienen a solucionar mediante el recurso de la FILANTROPIA, que desde luego no va a cubrir todo el problema sino que simplemente va a paliar de manera insignificante a los sectores de población que se encuentran en grado de indigencia.
A indagar por un INSTRUCTIVO PARA OPORTUNISTAS DE IZQUIERDA, quienes debieron sobresaltar la conciencia de aparente militancia en movimientos u organizaciones populares, acaparando los frutos personales que se reproducen cuando se manejan las cúpulas sindicales “ocupando los puestos que dejaban vacíos los mártires, los militantes que se iban a la clandestinidad y los exiliados” (lo resaltado es sacado de la internet). Se alimenta el instructivo para el oportunista “después, cuando el movimiento estaba derrotado y ya no se corría ningún peligro por "ser de izquierda", (…) hubo de radicalizarse a ultranza, estalinizarse o bien pregonarse neomarxista, aduciendo creer en las teorías del socialismo y enorgulleciéndose de no haber tenido nada que ver con las luchas para ponerlas en práctica” (lo resaltado es sacado de la internet). En esta línea de personajes que se van a poner al servicio de la más grande FILANTROPIA que ofrece el sistema capitalista, es decir, quienes van a ser!
vir para llevar ungüentos a sectores de población marginada que padecen llagas y enfermedades por diferentes causas o simplemente a llevar porciones de comida (mogolla y leche por ejemplo) a esas mismas poblaciones, son aquellos personajes que no militaron sino que pelecharon en los movimientos populares o insurgentes que desafortunadamente les sirvieron de pista de decolaje, quienes permanecen o pretenden permanecer como si fueran inocentones o de la más proclive formación social. Lo que no se ajuste a la izquierda democrática (izquierda LIGHT) es denominado izquierda radical, es decir, prácticamente señalados sus miembros como terroristas que no pueden tener asiento en ninguna parte del planeta. Dentro de la izquierda democrática (izquierda LIGHT), practicantes del discurso filantrópico, podemos señalar entre otros, al Señor ANGELINO GARZÓN, nuevo gobernador del Valle del Cauca, Señor LUIS EDUARDO GARZÓN, Alcalde Mayor de Bogotá, D. C., CARLOS ROMERO, Concejal de Bogotá, !
LF, Sena
dor de la República, prácticamente dueños del PDI con el Señor OTY PATIÑO, quien maneja el poder tras de bambalinas, ex integrante de la cúpula del M – 19, entre otros personajes, que están bien pelechados y se encuentran pelechando bajo la tutela de la extrema derecha colombiana. Son estos personajes quienes, propugnando un discurso social, se le han apoderado del discurso al famoso Senador CARLOS MORENO DE CARO y el hermano de este, ISAAC MORENO DE CARO, Concejal de Bogotá, D. C., y en palabras aparentemente de izquierda ofrecen porciones de comida (mogolla y leche, por ejemplo), discurso que se vende como la nueva izquierda o izquierda democrática (izquierda LIGHT). Estos señores venidos de pelechar en los movimientos populares y en el movimiento insurgente, incluso como infiltrados al servicio de la inteligencia Nacional y hasta de los E.E. U.U., cada uno de ellos, piensa que este discurso LIGHT “lo eximía de desagradables responsabilidades históricas y a la vez le otorg!
aba una imagen de alguien que seguía siendo políticamente consecuente en una época en la que muchos reniegan de sí mismos y otros denuncian con justicia la traición de la izquierda. En dos platos, para que su oportunismo siga teniendo éxito debe usted insistir en ser, constitutivamente, un cobarde” (lo resaltado es sacado de la internet) “A partir de aquí, usted está listo para hacer carrera y llegar a convertirse en un santón local, en una celebridad de su casa y vivir para siempre en el goce del prestigio provinciano a prueba de toda sospecha” (íbidem). Dentro del INSTRUCTIVO PARA OPORTUNISTAS DE IZQUIERDA, debe asumir una serie de etiquetas que representan mediatización y símbolos sociales, casi religiosos, Vr Gr, dedicarse a defender “instituciones que, aunque padezcan la corrupción y la impunidad, tienen una inercia de años o siglos que le puede garantizar a usted muchos simpatizantes de su defensa” (íbidem). Acuñar los siguientes consejos es de sabios oportunistas de !
izquierda: “es aconsejable que se deje engordar para ofrecer a!
l popula
cho una imagen de respetabilidad bonachona, y que empiece a actuar como viejo, a pensar como viejo, a comportarse como viejo” (íbidem). Ahí están casi todos, pero se puede resaltar algunos ejemplos para ilustrar, Vr Gr, ANGELINO GARZÓN, CARLOS ROMERO, LUIS EDUARDO GARZÓN, OTY PATIÑO, con panza de vaca y papada de cerdo. Para su recetario y manual de convivencia, “es más, sea solemne, sude en los actos públicos y adopte siempre un melancólico aspecto porcino, lo cual le ganará la simpatía inconsciente de quienes en su niñez leyeron la historia de los tres cochinitos: es decir, de casi todo el mundo. En otras palabras, para que su oportunismo tenga éxito permanente debe ser usted, estructuralmente, un hipócrita”. El manzanillismo de izquierda, dañino por excelencia no tiene límites, y la pragmática política adoptada por miembros del llamado POLO DEMOCRÁTICO INDEPENDIENTE, nos ayuda a enriquecer el manual del INSTRUCTIVO PARA OPORTUNISTAS DE IZQUIERDA. Al respecto el famoso Se!
nador ANTONIO NAVARRO WOLF, ya ha hecho gala de su imaginación; ahijado del Ex –Presidente ERNESTO SAMPER PIZANO, apoyó la Candidatura de ANDRES PASTRANA ARANGO en 1998; en esta misma escuela, está el reconocido Senador de la República, Señor LUIS ALBERTO GIL, con su movimiento de CONVERGENCIA CIUDADANA (paramilitarismo de izquierda LIGHT), aprovechado de los docentes santandereanos, pero bien visto en las toldas del más recalcitrante propósito del Uribismo, a quienes se les recomienda la siguiente nota : “alquile su pluma, apoye a candidatos a alcalde, presidente, rector y similares y tenga el valor de cambiar de candidato según vaya siendo la tendencia electoral: alabe a uno cuando esté ganando, y luego atáquelo cuando esté perdiendo, y alabe a quien haya atacado antes. Todo esto debe hacerlo sin escrúpulos ni miramientos, apelando al pensamiento político moderno. Otra cosa que puede hacer es apoyar a un candidato públicamente y a otro en secreto, así no tendrá que perder!
nunca. Dicho de otra forma, para ser un oportunista de éxito !
debe ser
usted lo que ha sido hasta ahora, un corrupto” (ibídem), pero sin que aparezca como tal, es decir, un delincuente de cuello blanco que no deja pistas, y además un personaje de izquierda democrática (izquierda LIGHT), para que reparta las porciones de comida y medicamentos para población lacerada por el sistema, a través de sus fundaciones por medio de las cuales se puede apropiar del 95% de los recursos que recoja en la práctica de la filantropía Nacional e internacional, que incluso otorgan las personas más ricas del mundo de origen judío o no judío, como es el caso del Señor BILL GATES. El oportunista de izquierda, para ser un oportunista de éxito debe ser usted un perfecto mediocre. Repita estos pasos una y otra vez a lo largo de su vida, sobre todo cuando se acercan elecciones de funcionarios que le puedan ser útiles para la forma de sobrevivencia para la que lo dotó la naturaleza. Lo cual quiere decir que para tener éxito en el oportunismo debe ser usted (no inteligent!
e sino) persistente y tenaz. Insista en sus mentiras sin molestarse en atender las razones de quienes polemizan con usted, haga oídos sordos a esas razones e insista en su sandez, sea necio (otro de los requisitos del oportunista de izquierda exitoso), terco, intolerante y cínico. ¡Y adelante! Todo esto, es la práctica audaz de la nueva izquierda, llamada izquierda democrática o izquierda LIGHT, es decir, un discurso elaborado por la maquinaria de asesores de la derecha, aceptado por los oportunistas de izquierda y difundido por la maquinaria propagandista de los medios de comunicación utilizando los más connotados pasquines, incluso al lado de la propaganda y divulgación pornográfica, Vr Gr, El Espacio de propiedad de la familia Ardila.
Si se analiza el equipo de gobierno de los elegidos con discurso de izquierda democrática, se encontrara los perfiles que indiscutiblemente van ha asegurar los grandes negociados, la protección de los monopolios y la representación de la derecha o de los más connotados manzanillos que han hecho carrera en los pasillos de la corrupción política. No más el Señor ANGELINO GARZÓN, personaje bonachón, elegido Gobernador del Valle, tiene la más plena aprobación de los círculos podridos de la casa Pastrana, expertos en grandes defraudaciones; Vr Gr el caso ya comentado de la Señora KERSMAN, al tiempo que era Ministro de Trabajo el mencionado Gobernador. El pasquín, conocido como el diario Hoy, de 2 de enero de 2004, a página No. 5, hace una presentación de algunos del equipo de Gobierno del Señor LUIS EDUARDO GARZÓN, de lo cual se hace necesario que analice cada personaje que se postula en los diferentes puestos, algunos formados en el ejercicio de los lagartos o manzanillos y otro!
s, connotados técnicos de la derecha o simplemente con grandes intereses dentro de la misma derecha. Al respecto, tenemos lo siguiente: Señor JUAN MANUEL OSPINA, Secretario de Gobierno, se desempeñó como Presidente de la Asociación de Agricultores de Colombia (SAC) (entidad protectora de los monopolios agrícolas), estuvo en el Congreso donde se desempeñó como senador del movimiento de Salvación Nacional (conservatismo Alvarista), perteneciente a una familia de la derecha tradicional colombiana; Señor PEDRO RODRIGUEZ TOBO, Secretario de Hacienda, ocupó una curul por el Partido Visionario (Mokista) (CAPITAL JUDIO), trabajó como director de Presupuesto de Bogotá, participó activamente en la Campaña a la Alcaldía de Luis Eduardo Garzón; Abel Rodríguez, Secretario de Educación, estuvo varios años en el sector sindical, donde desempeñó el cargo de Presidente de FECODE. A nombre de la Alianza Democrática M – 19, hizo parte del grupo de constituyentes que en 1991 redactó la Carta P!
olítica. Su especialidad son los temas educativos (manzanillo !
de izqui
erda por excelencia); Señor ENRIQUE BORDA, Secretario General, cursó estudios de Derecho en la Universidad Nacional, se desempeñó como Gerente de la campaña de Luis Eduardo Garzón a la Alcaldía; Señor AUGUSTO CUBIDES, Jefe de Prensa, periodista, se ha desempeñado como asesor de prensa de los congresistas Antonio Navarro y Gustavo Petro (puesto clave y mediático); Señor EDGAR RUIZ, Secretario Privado, economista de la Universidad Nacional, ocupó curul a la Cámara por Bogotá, estuvo como asesor de la campaña de Garzón a la Alcaldía; Señora LAURA RESTREPO, Directora del Instituto de Cultura y turismo, Escritora y Periodista; Señora CONSUELO CORREDOR, Directora del Departamento de Bienestar Social, Economista de la Universidad Externado, Decana de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Nacional, es experta en temas de pobreza (al servicio de la filantropía Nacional e Internacional); Señora CARMEN SALDÍAS, Directora de Planeación Distrital, su desempeño durante la ad!
ministración anterior (administración de Mockus) le valió que la ratificaran en el cargo, es considerada como una experta en el tema de ciudad – región, plato predilecto de los sectores de la derecha y las corrientes PEÑALOSISTAS y MOCKISTAS; Sacerdote ALIRIO LOPEZ, Director del Programa vida sagrada, desde el mandato de ANTANAS MOCKUS, se ha encargado de liderar el programa de protección a la vida y el desarme voluntario en las 20 localidades de la ciudad, sin embargo, no se compromete frente a temas como la limpieza social practicada por los organismos de seguridad del Estado en combinación con grupos paramilitares, que eliminan a grupos de población marginada por la misma política de Estado; Señor JOSÉ ANTONIO VARGAS LLERAS, Gerente de la Empresa de Energía, otro de los funcionarios de la Administración Mockus, pieza clave en la privatización de la energía para ser entregada al capital internacional de corte judío, hermano del Senador Ultra – Derechista GERMÁN VARGAS LLE!
RAS; ALBERTO MERLANO, Gerente de la Empresa del Acueducto, dur!
ante doc
e (12) años se desempeñó como vicepresidente administrativo de ECOPETROL, con quien LUIS EDUARDO GARZÓN negociaba los pliegos de petición sindical, fue uno de los creadores del programa de desarrollo y paz del Magdalena Medio, dirigió el Congreso por la Paz, en asocio con el Alto Comisionado para la Paz, que dio origen a la actual Asamblea Permanente de la Sociedad Civil por la Paz, organismos tecnocráticos de corte neoliberal y de la derecha; Carlos Eduardo Mendosa, Secretario de Tránsito, estuvo en el Ministerio de Trabajo como viceministro, hizo parte de las juntas directivas del Seguro Social, el Instituto de Bienestar Familiar, el Sena y Cajanal; entre otra serie de personajes que se acomodan al establecimiento sin restricciones al respecto. En la solapa de los nombramientos, se puede determinar a la Señor EUNICE SANTOS, en la Dirección de la política de vías y urbanismo (IDU), que tiene sus acercamientos al BANCO MUNDIAL de manera muy confidencial (¿?).
Concluye plena identidad en el sofismo politiquero del día sin hambre, para que la ciudad continúe con el programa de la cultura ciudadana de corriente judeo – cristiana, para que la población aprenda a levantar los excrementos de los perros que defecan en los andenes, pero no se adentre en la verdadera realidad social golpeada por la mano oscura de los judíos: Pregunten quien fue JAIR KLEIN, como MERCENARIO JUDIO impulsor de las escuelas bandas de sicarios en el Magdalena Medio, región del interior colombiano, grupos que luego pasaron a llamarse PARAMILITARES bajo la logística de las fuerzas militares del Estado Colombiano.

Fecha - 22-10-04
Nombre: Elkin Restrepo
Comentarios: Hola trabajo para el Ministerio de Agricultura en un proyecto para el desarrollo de las cadenas agroproductivas.

Fecha - 17-10-04
Nombre: webmaster"
Comentarios: "Microfinance Jobs Bulletin - October 15, 2004"

Distributed by the Microfinance Gateway

15 October 2004
There are 50 vacancies currently listed in our
Microfinance Jobs Marketplace. This email bulletin will
feature 10 job vacancies that have been updated since our
previous jobs bulletin.

Below you will find the latest additions.

NOTE: The Microfinance Gateway cannot process applications
for the positions advertised. You must contact the organization
offering the position to express your interest.

Associate Dean, India
Offered by: BASIX
Probable closing date: October 22, 2004

Consultants, Afghanistan
Offered by: UNDP
Probable closing date: October 15, 2004

Faculty Associate (3), India
Offered by: BASIX
Probable closing date: October 22, 2004

Faculty Coordinator (2), India
Offered by: BASIX
Probable closing date: October 22, 2004

Field Executives (2), India
Offered by: BASIX
Probable closing date: October 22, 2004

Microenterprise Development Specialists, United States
Offered by: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu ILA Group
Probable closing date: November 13, 2004

Microfinance Chief Finance Officer, Afghanistan
Offered by: Agency for Technical Co-operation and Development (ACTED)
Probable closing date: November 30, 2004

Program Executive (4), India
Offered by: BASIX
Probable closing date: October 30, 2004

SME Development Team Leader, Vietnam
Offered by: International Business & Technical Consultants
Probable closing date: November 01, 2004

Senior Research Associate: Community Development Finance, United States
Offered by: The Center for Community Capitalism
Probable closing date: November 15, 2004


The complete list is visible at:

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suggestion in the body of your email.

Fecha - 27-09-04
Nombre: david whitefield
Comentarios: Previously, I was talking with Juan Carlos de Zarate Denis. Your program is very much admired in Canada.

Saludos para Ustedes David Whitefield, Retired Professor
Fecha - 02-08-04
Nombre: Adam Doda
Comentarios: We ask for your aid support for to run our organization's programs.
For this purpose, I'd like to ask for your informations
Fecha - 06-05-04
Nombre: Maria Dolores Martínez Mora
Comentarios: Sr. Carlos Ortiz de Zarate:
Las presentes líneas van con el fin de saludarlo deseando que se encuentre muy bien, que aquí en Guadalajara nos encontramos muy bien, antes de seguir redactando, quiero identificarme; soy estudiante en la Universidad de Guadalajara lo conocí en Mazatlán con el asunto de los municipios y prometí escribir y visitar su pagina, se que aunque tarde aquí estoy cumpliendo mi promesa.
He visto que si hay participación en los temas y se que se que debería saber mas de lo que pasa en América latina y no tengo justificación pero la escuela y las múltiples lecturas escolares me absorben de investigaciones más allá de lo académico lo que es cierto es que tal vez no pueda sostener una discusión de los temas que hasta el momento han manejado pero podría hacerlo de lo que si se, es decir que le sugiero que se abra uno nuevo sobre la situación de México con Cuba, este tema que esta en boga en estos momentos tiene mucho material y creo que tanto ustedes que nos ven desde afuera podrían opinar como los que estamos adentro, prometo pasar la dirección de Ágora a mis compañeros de la carrera de Estudios Políticos y de Gobierno y su mail para que se dirijan a usted o bien participen es su pagina seria interesante que incluso los compañeros Estudios Internacionales, Filosofía y demás compañeros participaran haré todo lo posible por que esto suceda claro que no tardare ta
nto como lo hice para escribirle.
Por el momento me despido deseado lo mejor para sus proyectos y espero que con confianza exprese su opinión de lo que le sugiero.
Atte. Maria Dolores Martínez Mora
Estudiante de la Licenciatura de Estudios Políticos y de Gobierno

Fecha - 11-05-03
Nombre: Luis de la Rasilla
Comentarios: En relación con el anterior comentario hemos omitido indicar que el portal web es

Fecha - 11-05-03
Nombre: Luis de la Rasilla
Comentarios: Agradecemos vuestro mensaje ¡A por los municipios!, ciudadanos, que difundiremos.
Sugerimos que tengais en cuenta -y ayudeis a la difusión- la iniciativa DEMOCRACIA CIUDADANA que incluimos y la convocatoria de la Asamblea Ciudadana (en preparación) para el estudio de la reforma constitucional en materia de iniciativa legislativa popular y referendum que se encuentra en el portal del Proyecto INTER/SUR PARA LA DEMOCRACIA CIUDADANA Y LA ECOCIUDADANÍA. Un cordial.
Luis de la Rasilla.

Fecha - 01-05-03
Nombre: paulo gomes
Comentarios: Forum Social Portugues de 7 a 10 de Junho em Lisboa, inspirado no forum Social de Porto Alegre , Brasil.
Talvez fosse uma boa oportunidade para unir esforços e contactar com entidades, organizaçoes, etc lusófonas
Fecha - 26-04-03
Nombre: paulo gomes
Comentarios: 25 Abril 1974-Revoluçao dos cravos em Portugal.Festeja-se essencialmente a conquista da Liberdade de um povo,dos povos.
Afinal é possivel....

Fecha - 22-03-03
Nombre: Chen, Wells
Comentarios: Job opening: Financial Consultant/Credit Analyst

Senior Associate, Financial Services
Are you a financial services professional, interested in helping the
nonprofit sector meet today's challenges? If you're analytical and flexible
and have a sense of humor, with four years work experience in financial
consulting or lending, we'd like to hear from you. Nonprofit Finance Fund is
a leading provider of financial and strategic assistance to nonprofits
nationwide. We're looking for a Senior Associate, Financial Services to
provide a range of products and services to NFF's clients. The position
involves underwriting loans, providing financial consulting services and
presenting workshops. The ability to prepare written reports and present
assessments to clients is essential. As part of an eight-person team you
will provide financial services support to several NFF Programs outside New
York, and potentially manage one or more of NFF's financial, grant or
asset-building products.
NFF has assets of $45 million, including a loan pool of approximately $28
million to lend to nonprofits for capital projects including acquisition,
construction and renovation of facilities, purchase of capital equipment and
related financing needs. Since its inception, NFF has made more than 300
loans totaling more than $59 million. To learn more about what we do, please
visit our website at

* familiarize clients with NFF's lending guidelines and assist
borrowers in completing applications
* perform project and credit analysis including borrower interviews
and site visits
* prepare and present recommendations to the loan committees
* prepare loan and closing documents
* monitor borrowers' projects, loan disbursements and repayment
* assist in restructuring loans when necessary
Consulting and Technical Assistance
* work with nonprofit clients to evaluate and understand their
financial and organizational health, prepare written reports, and present
assessments to clients
* assist organizations in the lending process by assessing financing
needs, project feasibility and credit-readiness
* present workshops related to capital project planning, financing and
nonprofit financial health
Financial Analysis
* perform financial and/or organizational analyses for NFF's grant and
asset building products
* perform financial analyses and organizational assessments for
private and public funders
* perform other financial analyses as needed for clients
* contribute to the planning of the financial services program
including identifying markets and developing financial products and
strategies to serve those markets
* cultivate relationships with banks and other financial
* as needed, represent NFF in public forums
Product Management
* work with national and local staff to promote expansion of the
product into all sites
* be a resource to and train staff to deliver the product
* monitor product quality and consistency nationally
* evaluate the effectiveness of the product and plan for its next
iteration, adaptation or termination (if needed)
* provide information on product specifications for fundraising,
marketing and information management purposes
* a bachelor's degree required and preferably a master's degree in
business administration, public administration, or related field
* four years work experience in the financial services area, either in
a financial consulting or lending (commercial or nonprofit) position
* experience providing training
* knowledge of and demonstrated commitment to the nonprofit community
through professional or volunteer activities
* proficiency in Excel and Microsoft Word
* strong writing and communication skills, including presentation
* willing to do limited traveling

Mail, fax or e-mail cover letter and resume to:
Katje King
Nonprofit Finance Fund
70 W 36th Street
Eleventh Floor
New York, NY 10018
Fax: 212.268.8653
Salary is commensurate with experience, and includes four weeks of vacation,
and a generous benefits package. NFF is an equal opportunity employer.
People of color and diverse ethnicities are encouraged to apply. No phone
calls please.

Fecha - 22-03-03
Nombre: William Myers
Comentarios: Job Listing: ICE Loan Officer
National community development organization, which supports Community Land
Trusts and affordable housing projects, seeks candidates for the following

Loan Officer - Responsible for all aspects of loan processing and
monitoring including: assessing loan proposals, monitoring active caseload,
making site visits, and performing other underwriting tasks.

Position requires a bachelor's degree plus 2 years lending experience and
knowledge of non-profit housing development finance. Must have excellent
communication and analytical skills. EEO/MF Send résumé to:
Institute for Community Economics
Attn: Rachel Telushkin, Managing Director
57 School St.
Springfield, MA 01105-1331
(413) 746-8660

Fecha - 22-03-03
Nombre: Chen, Wells
Comentarios: Job opening: Financial Consultant/Credit Analyst
Senior Associate, Financial Services
Are you a financial services professional, interested in helping the
nonprofit sector meet today's challenges? If you're analytical and flexible
and have a sense of humor, with four years work experience in financial
consulting or lending, we'd like to hear from you. Nonprofit Finance Fund is
a leading provider of financial and strategic assistance to nonprofits
nationwide. We're looking for a Senior Associate, Financial Services to
provide a range of products and services to NFF's clients. The position
involves underwriting loans, providing financial consulting services and
presenting workshops. The ability to prepare written reports and present
assessments to clients is essential. As part of an eight-person team you
will provide financial services support to several NFF Programs outside New
York, and potentially manage one or more of NFF's financial, grant or
asset-building products.
NFF has assets of $45 million, including a loan pool of approximately $28
million to lend to nonprofits for capital projects including acquisition,
construction and renovation of facilities, purchase of capital equipment and
related financing needs. Since its inception, NFF has made more than 300
loans totaling more than $59 million. To learn more about what we do, please
visit our website at

* familiarize clients with NFF's lending guidelines and assist
borrowers in completing applications
* perform project and credit analysis including borrower interviews
and site visits
* prepare and present recommendations to the loan committees
* prepare loan and closing documents
* monitor borrowers' projects, loan disbursements and repayment
* assist in restructuring loans when necessary
Consulting and Technical Assistance
* work with nonprofit clients to evaluate and understand their
financial and organizational health, prepare written reports, and present
assessments to clients
* assist organizations in the lending process by assessing financing
needs, project feasibility and credit-readiness
* present workshops related to capital project planning, financing and
nonprofit financial health
Financial Analysis
* perform financial and/or organizational analyses for NFF's grant and
asset building products
* perform financial analyses and organizational assessments for
private and public funders
* perform other financial analyses as needed for clients
* contribute to the planning of the financial services program
including identifying markets and developing financial products and
strategies to serve those markets
* cultivate relationships with banks and other financial
* as needed, represent NFF in public forums
Product Management
* work with national and local staff to promote expansion of the
product into all sites
* be a resource to and train staff to deliver the product
* monitor product quality and consistency nationally
* evaluate the effectiveness of the product and plan for its next
iteration, adaptation or termination (if needed)
* provide information on product specifications for fundraising,
marketing and information management purposes
* a bachelor's degree required and preferably a master's degree in
business administration, public administration, or related field
* four years work experience in the financial services area, either in
a financial consulting or lending (commercial or nonprofit) position
* experience providing training
* knowledge of and demonstrated commitment to the nonprofit community
through professional or volunteer activities
* proficiency in Excel and Microsoft Word
* strong writing and communication skills, including presentation
* willing to do limited traveling

Mail, fax or e-mail cover letter and resume to:
Katje King
Nonprofit Finance Fund
70 W 36th Street
Eleventh Floor
New York, NY 10018
Fax: 212.268.8653
Salary is commensurate with experience, and includes four weeks of vacation,
and a generous benefits package. NFF is an equal opportunity employer.
People of color and diverse ethnicities are encouraged to apply. No phone
calls please.

Fecha - 04-03-03
Nombre: Microfinance Gateway
Comentarios: Devfinance: The latest microfinance vacancies

Distributed by the Microfinance Gateway

03 Mar 2003
There are 39 vacancies currently listed in our Microfinance Jobs Marketplace. Below you
will find the latest additions.

A full list of vacancies is available at:

You can subscribe to our regular bulletin at:

NOTE: The Microfinance Gateway cannot process applications for the positions
advertised. You must contact the organisation offering the position to express your

Financial sector specialist, Eastern Africa.
Offered by: International Consulting Group - ICG
Probable closing date: 05 March 2003

Project coordinator for the Africa/Middle East division, Washington, DC.
Offered by: ACDI/VOCA
Probable closing date: [28 Mar 2003]

Technical advisor to the credit union central organisation, Nepal.
Offered by: Canadian Co-operative Association - CCA
Probable closing date: 28 Mar 2003

STAGIAIRES: Chargé du fonds ce crédit rotatif, Paris, France.
Offered by: Planet Finance
Probable closing date: [28 Mar 2003]

Team leader small enterprise development, Lubango, Angola.
Offered by: SNV
Probable closing date: [14 Mar 2003]

VOLUNTARY - Capacity builder, Sevaré, Mali.
Offered by: International Service - UNAIS
Probable closing date: [24 Apr 2003]

VOLUNTARY - Capacity builders (2 posts), Kadiogo, Burkina Faso.
Offered by: International Service - UNAIS
Probable closing date: [24 Apr 2003]

VOLUNTARY - Rural credit and savings trainer/adviser, Burkina Faso.
Offered by: International Service - UNAIS
Probable closing date: [24 Apr 2003]

Credit specialist, Tajikistan.
Offered by: ACDI/VOCA
Probable closing date: 07 Mar 2003

Microfinance specialist, Ferghana Valley, Central Asia.
Offered by: ACDI/VOCA
Probable closing date: 07 Mar 2003

Microfinance or development expert, Mexico (DF)
Offered by: PlaNet Finance
Probable closing date: [30 Jun 2003]

Microfinance or development expert, Rabat / Casablanca, Morocco.
Offered by: PlaNet Finance
Probable closing date: [30 Jun 2003]

Short-term microfinance expert, Trinidad.
Offered by: HTS Development
Probable closing date: 10 Mar 2003

Fellowship in international microfinance and microenterprise (IMM), Canada.
Offered by: Aga Khan Foundation
Probable closing date: 01 Apr 2003

Project development manager, Madison, WI - USA.
Offered by: WOCCU
Probable closing date: [20 Apr 2003]

Find a microfinance job:
Microfinance internships:
If you would like to advertise a vacancy through this bulletin and on the Microfinance
Gateway JobMarketplace, please use the online form available at:

Or, Contact our Editor at

Fecha - 04-03-03
Nombre: Dan Hall & Susan Burton
Comentarios: Seeking Consultant for Start Up
The Reed-Cooke Economic Development Corporation (RCEDC) is seeking a
consultant to help with funding for technical assistance and start-up money.
We are now applying for our 501(c)3 status and potentially looking to
becoming a CDFI. Our founding mission is to work with the community of Reed
Cooke, in Adams Morgan, Washington, DC. Over the past year we have expanded
this mission to not only address the needs of the Reed Cooke Community,
residents and businesses, but have also begun to look towards the Georgia
Avenue corridor and the businesses that once thrived in this part of
Washington, DC. The consultant would help to identify funding sources and
help with the proposal process. We are operating with very minimal
resources, this would be a great opportunity for individuals seeking not
only to become familiar with the politics of the Nations Capital but also to
work in one of the most neighborhoods in the city.

Your help in making this happen would be extremely appreciated.

Please e-mail Dan Hall at

Fecha - 04-03-03
Nombre: Anne T. Sweetser
Comentarios: looking for consultants

ADB wishes to expand it's listings of consultants. Usually there is a need for people with experience in one or another part of Asia and the Pacific. Often there is preference for people with experience with multilateral organizations. Sometimes we need top notch facilitators who can do ZOPP or facilitate various other community and institutional level participatory exercises or training programs. If you are interested, please send your c.v. to me for circulation and filing for reference. Thank you very much. Anne (Social Development Specialist,
Participatory Development )

Anne T. Sweetser, RSDD/RSPR
Asian Development Bank
P.O. Box 789
0980 Manila
Tel: + 63(2) 632-5737

Fecha - 01-03-03
Nombre: Jethro Pettit
Email: J.Pettit@IDS.AC.UK
Comentarios: Fellowship Positions
Please circulate. Apologies for cross-postings. Please address replies to:

Fellowships at the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex

The IDS is seeking to appoint Fellows to join its multi-disciplinary Participation and Environment Teams.

Participation and Development
The Participation Team are seeking to appoint one or more Fellows. At least one of the Fellows should have an expertise in participatory learning and teaching in a development context, and would in the first instance be responsible for co-ordinating and contributing to the teaching and supervisory responsibilities of an innovative proposed Masters Programme on Participation, Development and Social Change. All candidates should have research experience in work related to themes of participation in one or more of the following areas: a) citizenship, rights and inclusion; b) development organisations, policies and discourses; or c) citizens' voices in economic agendas.
Closing date: 16 April 2003 (Noon)
Interview dates: 28 & 29 May 2003

The Environment Team are seeking to appoint one or more Fellows to join its multi-disciplinary group, which works on resources, livelihoods, technologies and governance in a global context. Outstanding candidates with specialist research interests in the following areas are sought: a) science, knowledge and participation, and b) the political economy of resource conflict and institutions.
Closing date: 30 May 2003 (Noon)
Interview dates: 25 & 26 June 2003

The above appointments will be full-time for four years in the first instance.


Personnel Office
Institute of Development Studies
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9RE

Confidential Fax: [Int +44 1273] 674553
Answerphone: [Int +44 1273] 678682
E-mail :
These Further Particulars will be available on the IDS web site after Monday, 3 March at:

We strongly encourage applications from all sections of the community regardless of race, sex, disability, HIV/AIDS, sexuality and age.

Jethro Pettit
Institute of Development Studies
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9RE
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 1273 606261 Ext 3300
Direct: +44 (0) 1273 873300
Fax: +44 (0) 1273 621202 or 691647
Participation group website:

Fecha - 13-02-03
Comentarios: Finance/Credit Specialists in Central Asia

ACDI/VOCA, an international economic development organization, seeks candidates for the following positions on ongoing
projects. We are seeking to field these specialists no later than March. Please submit CV and salary history to No phone calls please. Only finalist contacted. EOE.

Rural Credit Specialist - Tajikistan (through September or October 2003)
ACDI/VOCA is currently establishing rural savings & credit associations under the World Bank-funded Consulting Services
establishing Rural Savings and Credit Associations (RSCA). The credit specialist will be responsible for assisting and
training farmers to establish, license, and operate a pilot, farmer-owned credit institution. Specific tasks include:
1) In consultation with National Bank of Tajikistan, and the World Bank Project Management Unit, review and advise on
rules and regulations, criteria for registration of a pilot, grassroots credit institution, and prudential norms for its
operation; 2) Mobilize and support founding members in the establishment of pilot RSCA credit institution either as
independent entity or as branches, including finding facilities, procurement of basic office equipment, etc; 3) Frame
articles of incorporation, including structure and functions of the various bodies as well as rights and
responsibilities of members, in line with laws in Tajikistan; 4) Develop administrative and accounting rules and
procedures for the credit institution in accordance with best practices & standards acceptable to the IDA, including
provisions for timely submission of monthly accounts/statements to the PMU and annual audit by external auditors; 5)
Train the members of the credit institution in credit appraisal methods, risk evaluation and techniques for financing
working capital and investment requirement of private farmers, and providing credit on the basis of financial, economic,
social and technical viability; 6) Assist the credit institution in obtaining the initial working capital and credit
line from TSB and in the operation and management of the credit line obtained from TSB including their refund to
Government. QUALIFICATIONS: A minimum of 10 years experience in designing, implementing and managing financial service
institutions with an emphasis on rural or ag lending. NIS experience required. World Bank experience preferred. Russian
language a plus.

Microfinance Specialist - Ferghana Valley (2 years)
The Ferghana Valley Regional Micro-finance project,is establishing sustainable establishing lending institutions in
Andijan, Uzbekistan and Khojand, Tajikistan. The Specialist will have primary responsibility for 1) establishing
legally registered and operating organizations; 2) identifying and training a high quality local staff who can take
ownership of the management of the organization; 3) creating credit policies and procedures designed to establish
operational and financial sustainability; 4) implementing a group lending methodology 5) building the funds systems in
a manner that is consistent with Central Bank regulations and requirements; and 6) establishing a local board of
directors with local leaders that offers the funds strategic leadership. QUALIFICATIONS: A minimum of 10 years
experience in designing, implementing and managing microfinance institutions. NIS experience required. USAID experience
preferred. Russian language a plus.

Fecha - 10-02-03
Nombre: Microfinance Gateway
Comentarios: The latest microfinance vacancies

Distributed by the Microfinance Gateway

10 Feb 2003
There are 47 vacancies currently listed in our Microfinance Jobs Marketplace. Below you
will find the latest additions.

A full list of vacancies is available at:

You can subscribe to our regular bulletin at:

NOTE: The Microfinance Gateway cannot process applications for the positions
advertised. You must contact the organisation offering the position to express your

Vice president & department head, financial services, Boston, USA.
Offered by: ACCION International
Probable closing date: 31 Mar 2003

Senior director, financial services, Boston, USA.
Offered by: ACCION International
Probable closing date: 31 Mar 2003

Coordinator of international programmes, Washington, D.C.
Offered by: ISED
Probable closing date: 10 Feb 2003

Microfinance institutions specialist, Papua New Guinea.
Offered by: Bankakademie International
Probable closing date: 20 Feb 2003

SME lending advisors, South East Europe.
Offered by: Bankakademie International
Probable closing date: 20 Feb 2003

Short-term microfinance expert, Pakistan.
Offered by: HTS Development
Probable closing date: 21 Feb 2003

Advisor small and micro enterprise development, Ocotal, Nicaragua.
Offered by: SNV
Probable closing date: 14 Mar 2003

Rural credit specialist, Vietnam.
Offered by: LUX Development
Probable closing date: [07 Apr 2003]

Chef de projet microfinance, Romania.
Offered by: HORUS-Banque et Finance
Probable closing date: [30 Mar 2003]

Executive director of the Africa microfinance network - AFMIN, South Africa.
Offered by: AFMIN
Probable closing date: 17 Feb 2003

VOLUNTEER: Small business advisors, Indonesia.
Offered by: VSO
Probable closing date: [30 Mar 2003]

Vice president of development, Washington, DC, USA.
Offered by: Grameen Foundation USA
Probable closing date: [28 Feb 2003]

Cooperante capo progetto, Uruguay.
Offered by: CIES
Probable closing date: [28 Feb 2003]

Find a microfinance job:
Microfinance internships:
If you would like to advertise a vacancy through this bulletin and on the Microfinance
Gateway JobMarketplace, please use the online form available at:

Or, Contact our Editor at

Fecha - 08-02-03
Nombre: Kristina Gribovskaja
Comentarios: This message is for those list serve members who may be interested in volunteering their time and skills to help struggling farmers in developing countries:

CNFA is a non-profit organization based in Washington, DC that sends folks from the US agriculture sector on three week overseas assignments. The volunteer program is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and CNFA covers all expenses related to the assignment, including airfare. The volunteer provides his or her time and knowledge.

By sharing your knowledge and skills with struggling farmers in the developing countries of the former Soviet Union and Africa, YOU CAN HELP improve their lives! Please send me an email if you are interested in volunteering, , and I will be happy to provide more information.

Currently we have several volunteer positions open, including:


AGRODEALER SALESMANSHIP TRAINING: Using existing salesmanship training materials, train three agrodealer managers and their employees and collect feedback. Review the training results with training companies and input suppliers and make adjustments to the module and methodology based on the actual training experience.

AGRICULTURAL MARKETING: Review the marketing techniques and channels of farmers, members of a local credit union. Then, in consultation with local trainers and the credit union, modify the existing Agricultural Marketing training materials so that they address credit union members' needs. Using the revised training materials, train credit union members and local trainers in basic marketing tools and marketing plan development.

CUCUMBER PRODUCTION: Teach farmers cucumber production techniques (planting, monitoring the growth of the plant, nutrition, diseases, irrigation, harvesting, etc.) and how to calculate a gross margin for cucumber production using local market price estimates.

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Teach owners and managers of a mushroom production company the components of a financial plan, including financial statements analysis and calculation of key financial ratios. Work with owners and managers to develop an annual financial plan for the company.

MARKETING PLAN DEVELOPMENT: Work with owners and managers of a mushroom production company to assess customer needs and wants, conduct market research, and develop and implement a marketing plan.

MARKETING: Teach members of the co-op "Farmers of Crimea" how to obtain and analyze marketing information using available sources of information. Explain the need to make production decisions based on market demand and cost structure; help design a market survey form and assist in starting a database of potential buyers and sellers; teach the management of the co-op the basic elements of a marketing plan, so that they may create a plan for the cooperative and be able to assist member farmers in marketing.


ASSOCIATION DEVELOPMENT: Work with members of a horticulture and nursery association so they understand the benefits and responsibilities of association membership. Help the association identify and develop services demanded by members and calculate the cost structure of these services.

CROP PRODUCTION: Teach managers and employees of a private agribusiness how to maximize the production potential of farmland by assessing their current crop production and considering planting new more profitable crops (3,116 acres of farmland used primarily for production of rye, barley, legume, potatoes, flax, corn, annual and perennial grasses; 1,228 acres are occupied with hayfields and pastures).

DAIRY CATTLE PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT: Teach employees and managers of a private agribusiness cost effective dairy cattle management practices (productivity characteristics of various breeds, cost effective methods of keeping dairy herd, milking and sanitation, animal housing, dairy cattle hygiene, operation of milking equipment, A.I., feeding practices and pastures, ration formulation, cattle diseases and symptoms).

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Work with accountants and managers of a farm to expand their understanding of: accurate financial management of day-to-day businesses activities; cost accounting system; provisions for annual budgets and tracking their implementation; cash management and; cash flow.

STRATEGIC PLANNING: Train managers of a diversified agribusiness in the concepts, principles and applications of strategic management and business planning. Help them develop a strategic business plan.

STURGEON PRODUCTION: Train agribusiness managers in closed system of sturgeon production. Work with them to develop a sturgeon production and management plan.


COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT: Train members and leadership of five cooperatives on general principles of operation and structure of a cooperative. Increasing membership and marketing production will also be training topics.

COOPERATIVE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT: Train management of a service cooperative on preparing accurate budgets for all services, developing detailed projected and actual cash flow statements, and drafting a business plan that would include the existing marketing strategy.

POTATO PRODUCTION: Assist members of a potato production cooperative to determine the optimal chemicals and fertilizers needed for improving soil fertility, detect diseases and identify best treatment methods, determine cost-effective irrigation schemes (including timing and duration), and introduce correct harvesting and post-harvesting practices aimed to preserve potato quality and to ensure good shelf-appearance.

ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Provide training on modern accounting practices and improvement of the internal reporting system; explain some of the cooperative system concepts (i.e., equality and patronage management, board and manager responsibilities, etc.).

A.I. SERVICE DEVELOPMENT: Train veterinarians at two village milk collection stations in AI techniques, monitoring of pregnancy, and pre and post pregnancy care.

VETERINARY SERVICE DEVELOPMENT: Work with local veterinarian to develop a veterinary business, understand marketing of services, and best business practices along with providing quality care to the clientele.

VEGETABLE PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT: Train the membership of a new vegetable marketing cooperative on modern vegetable production techniques. Issues to be addressed will be irrigation, harvesting, new and appropriate crop varieties, and onion production.

SWINE PRODUCTION: Train the members of an informal farmer group on modern swine production techniques and general business planning.

SWINE MARKETING: Train the members of an informal farmer group in basic marketing principles. This will include making direct contact with potential buyers to better understand the marketplace and establish marketing contacts.

Please feel free to call me at 1-888-872-2632 (toll-free in the US) or write me an email ( to obtain more information on the projects listed above!

Thank you!

Kristina Gribovskaja
Program Coordinator
1111 19th St., NW
Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036
Toll-free: 1-888-872-2632
Tel: 202-296-3920
Fax: 202-296-3948

Fecha - 07-02-03
Nombre: Molly Markarian
Comentarios: Job Announcement
Program Manager
Lane MicroBusiness

Position Announcement:

Lane MicroBusiness seeks a Program Manager to lead a dynamic Lane County microenterprise development and training program.

Candidate qualifications will include demonstrable experience in economic and community development activities, capacity to manage multiple responsibilities, leadership, problem-solving skills, and proven ability to make effective presentations. Previous experience in microenterprise or small business development is preferred.

Candidates will possess an educational minimum of a BA / BS in Business Administration, Public Administration, or the equivalent in a related field. A minimum of 3 years working experience, preferably in a non-profit environment with supervisory experience, is also required.

This management level position is responsible for day-to-day operation of the program in a manner that ensures quality services, operational efficiency, program growth, and funding compliance.

Specific responsibilities include (but not limited to) personnel supervision, budget management, program development and performance, curriculum coordination, statistical reporting, marketing, and communications.

Salary range: $35,000 - $40,000 plus benefit package. Application period closes February 24th, 2003.
Interested parties may obtain a prepared information packet by request at (541) 485-1188.

Please send or deliver cover/introduction letter, resume', and references to be received by closing date to:
Lane MicroBusiness
c/o O.U.R. Federal Credit Union
325 Blair Blvd
P.O.Box 11922
Eugene, OR 97440

No fax and email submissions will be accepted.

Fecha - 01-02-03
Nombre: Colleen Connell
Comentarios: re: NCCA Job Posting

Job Posting for Senior Associate of Financial Services at National Community Capital Association

The Organization:

National Community Capital Association (NCCA) is a membership organization of high performing Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs). NCCA has four lines of business: Financing, Consulting, Training, and Policy. As of January 2003, National Community Capital had 140 members, with over $21 million invested in 40 CDFIs. In 2002, we provided consulting to 40 CDFIs, trained over 500 people at our Annual Training Conference, and offered over 20 classes over the web via our Virtual Learning Center. Our policy priorities include strengthening the CDFI Fund, identifying new government resources for CDFIs, extending the Community Reinvestment Act, and combating predatory lending.

The Financial Services Team:

NCCA’s Financial Services Team offers comprehensive financial services to build capacity and improve the performance of member CDFIs. Our financing activities leverage the creation of quality, affordable housing, small businesses, childcare centers, and jobs – tangible accomplishments that move people and communities into the economic mainstream. Through establishing long-term relationships with performance-driven CDFIs, we promote growth, innovation, and best practices within the CDFI Industry.

The Position:

NCCA is looking for someone with underwriting experience and knowledge of nonprofit financial statements, who is interested in building the capacity of the CDFI Industry to serve low-income people and communities. This job requires strong financial analytical skills, underwriting experience, and the ability to work closely with organizations to determine the appropriate financing to match the organizations’ needs and capacity. The Senior Associate will supervise the Junior Associate in reviewing membership applications and monitoring NCCA’s loan portfolio. The Senior Associate will help member CDFIs improve their financing, use their capital more strategically, and adhere to sound fiscal principles. The Senior Associate reports to the Director of Financial Services and supervises the Junior Associate of Financial Services.

The Requirements:

NCCA is looking for someone with a Bachelor’s degree and at least three years experience underwriting, ideally in the CDFI industry. A strong candidate will be able to manage projects with minimal supervision and work in a team as well as independently. Knowledge of nonprofit accounting is essential. This person should be able to work constructively with diverse constituents with an understanding of the complexities and challenges of community development finance. Some travel is required in this position.

Submit a letter of interest and resume to Colleen Connell, Director of Financial Services, 620 Chestnut Street, Suite 572, Philadelphia, PA 19106 or via email to Deadline for resumes is Friday, February 21, 2003.

Colleen Connell
Director, Financial Services
National Community Capital Association
Public Ledger Building, Suite 572
620 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106-3405
215.923.4754 ext. 201

Fecha - 27-01-03
Nombre: Microfinance Gateway
Comentarios: Devfinance: The latest microfinance vacancies

at the CGAP Microfinance Gateway

27 Jan 2003
There are 43 vacancies currently listed in our Microfinance Jobs Marketplace

You can subscribe to our regular bulletin at

Community development worker, Mozambique.
Offered by: Mennonite Central Committee - MCC
Probable closing date: [24 Mar 2003]

MED Programme Manager, Azerbaijan.
Offered by: World Vision
Probable closing date: 15 Mar 2003

Advisor to the banking and finance faculty, Congo.
Offered by: Université Protestante du Congo
Probable closing date: [24 Mar 2003]

Microfinance trainers for the banking and finance faculty, Congo.
Offered by: Université Protestante du Congo
Probable closing date: [04 Feb 2003]

Technical officer for Latin America and Caribbean, Madison, USA.
Offered by: World Council of Credit Unions
Probable closing date: 24 Mar 2003

Project development manager, Madison, USA.
Offered by: World Council of Credit Unions
Probable closing date: 24 Mar 2003

Poste de chercheur microfinance, Pondichéry, India.
Offered by: Institut Français de Pondichéry
Probable closing date: 28 Feb 2003

Programme assistant, Arlington, Virginia.
Offered by: Winrock International
Probable closing date: [24 Mar 2003]

STAGIAIRES: Chargé(e) de la plateforme de microfinance, Paris, France.
Offered by: Planet Finance
Probable closing date: [09 Mar 2003]

STAGIAIRES: Chargé de préparation de microfinance projets, Paris, France.
Offered by: Planet Finance
Probable closing date: [09 Mar 2003]

Branch manager coordinator, Cambodia.
Offered by: Concern Worldwide
Probable closing date: [14 Feb 2003]

Finance manager, microfinance, Cambodia.
Offered by: Concern Worldwide
Probable closing date: [14 Feb 2003]

Programme manager, Angola.
Offered by: Care International
Probable closing date: 03 Feb 2003

Full-time consultant, Washington D.C. USA.
Offered by: ISED
Probable closing date: [17 Mar 2003]

Client support & lending officer, Miami, Florida.
Offered by: ACCION USA
Probable closing date: [17 Mar 2003]

Community finance program officer - East Asia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Offered by: Oxfam America
Probable closing date: 27 Jan 2003

CEO microfinance institution, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Offered by: Concern Worldwide
Probable closing date: 14 Feb 2003

Find a microfinance job:
Microfinance internships:
Microfinance Gateway
Institute of Development Studies,
Sussex University, Brighton BN1 9RE, UK

Fecha - 25-01-03
Nombre: Walter Merkle
Comentarios: Job Posting-Small Business Loan Officer in NYC
The Lower East Side People's Federal Credit Union, a 17 year-old innovative
and growing community development financial institution seeks a highly
motivated small business loan officer. Primary responsibilities will
include: sourcing, underwriting and closing small business loans.

Candidates should have a bachelor's degree and small business lending
experience with a similar organization. Working knowledge of federal, state
and city programs supporting small business lending in New York City
preferred. Conversational Spanish required.

Please send cover letter, salary history and requirements, and resume to:
Lending Manager, LESPFCU, 37 Ave B, NY, NY 10009, or email to:

Fecha - 23-01-03
Nombre: Editorial Estudios Municipales

Bahía Blanca, 22 de Enero de 2003

Intendente Municipal
Pdte. H.C.D.
Secretarios Municipales
Directores y Subdirectores
Jefes de Departamentos y Divisiones


De mi consideración:

Me dirijo a Uds. a efectos de informarles que a partir de la fecha, hemos habilitado un nuevo servicio en, por el cual Ud. recibirá gratuitamente en su correo electrónico información y novedades en los temas que abajo se mencionan:

Nuestros newsletters

Suscríbase gratis y reciba un anticipo del tema en su Correo Electrónico y todo su desarrollo en

Doctrina Municipal

Todos los Lunes reciba información sobre distintos temas vinculados a la Gestión Financiera, Presupuestaria, de Administración Tributaria, de los Sistemas de Administración Financiera, de Planeamiento, de la Gestión de los Servicios, de Políticas de Financiamiento, de Medio Ambiente, etc.

Management Público

Todos los Miércoles reciba información sobre distintos temas asociados al Management Público; entre ellos Gestión de los Recursos Humanos, Reingeniería de Procesos, Política de Calidad, Carta de Servicios, Formación y Capacitación, Liderazgo, Participación Ciudadana, Revisión de Estructuras Funcionales, Etc.

Legislación y Jurisprudencia

Todos los Viernes reciba información sobre las novedades legislativas, fallos, dictámenes y jurisprudencia relacionadas a distintos temas municipales.

Doctrina Municipal

Todos los Lunes reciba información sobre distintos temas vinculados a la Gestión Financiera, Presupuestaria, de Administración Tributaria, de los Sistemas de Administración Financiera, de Planeamiento, de la Gestión de los Servicios, de Políticas de Financiamiento, de Medio Ambiente, etc.

Management Público

Todos los Miércoles reciba información sobre distintos temas asociados al Management Público; entre ellos Gestión de los Recursos Humanos, Reingeniería de Procesos, Política de Calidad, Carta de Servicios, Formación y Capacitación, Liderazgo, Participación Ciudadana, Revisión de Estructuras Funcionales, Etc.

Legislación y Jurisprudencia

Todos los Viernes reciba información sobre las novedades legislativas, fallos, dictámenes y jurisprudencia relacionadas a distintos temas municipales.

Para acceder al servicio deberá ingresar a e inscribirse, llenando los datos que se solicitan.

Sin otro particular, saludo a Uds. muy atte.

Fecha - 23-01-03
Nombre: Susannah Cameron

The Riverdale Community Development Corporation is an innovative community
economic development project working in the Greater Riverdale area of East
Toronto, Ont Canada. An urban initiative at the neighbourhood level, the
Centre provides micro-business support services; a retail revitalization
strategy; community enterprise development: and a local business network
connected with the film and TV production sector. We are seeking a
talented, dynamic, and self-motivated individual to coordinate the ACCE$$
Riverdale Community Loan Fund. Responsibilities of this challenging and
exciting position include:

· Promoting ACCE$$ Riverdale to potential applicants
· Assisting potential borrowers to develop loan applications and business
· Coordinating loan review activities
· Supporting and facilitating the work of the volunteer Loan Review Committee
· Facilitating the issuance of loans to approved borrowers
· Monitoring outstanding loans, and ensuring that all loan payments are
received on time
· Developing and providing business support services for borrowers (in
cooperation with the Business Support Services Coordinator)
· Monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on the impact of ACCE$$ loans on
the performance of borrowers' businesses
· Ensuring the prudent investment and management of the ACCE$$ Riverdale
loan guarantee fund
· Expanding the size of the loan fund by soliciting new community
investments while sustaining the support of existing investors
· Generating donated funds for the ACCE$$ Reserve Fund and for long term

Candidates will be assessed on their skills and experience in the following
areas: "micro" business lending and counseling; volunteer coordination;
fundraising; information management; partnership development; and financial

This is an 8-month contract beginning February 17 going to October 17,
2003, with the possibility of renewal. The starting salary will be
$40-45,000 per annum with benefits. Please submit your resume (by mail,
fax, or email) with a cover letter by February 3rd, 2003 to:

The ACCE$$ Coordinator Hiring Committee
Riverdale Community Business Centre
1007 Gerrard Street East, Toronto
Ontario, Canada M4M 1Z4
Fax: 416-462-3601 Email:

Fecha - 23-01-03
Nombre: Jennifer Helm
Comentarios: Waldron & Company has been retained by Global Partnerships to assist them
in recruiting their next Development Director.

Bill and Paula Clapp and individuals from the Northwest business community
founded Global Partnerships in 1994, a Foundation to support Latin American
micro-entrepreneurs through programs that offer the tools and resources
needed to create and grow small businesses. Currently the organization is
growing and changing their status from a Foundation to a Public Charity,
with 10 staff and a $2.5M budget.

Global Partnerships is seeking a highly experienced Development Director to
report to the COO and be responsible for creating best practices and
driving all development and marketing efforts of the organization including
major gifts, special events, special campaigns, donor cultivation and
solicitation, and foundation and corporate relations. In addition, the
Director will be responsible for managing a staff of three, leading a $10M
major gifts campaign, and serving as a key leader in escorting donors to
Latin America to witness first hand the impact the programs have on the

The successful candidate will have experience with an organization that
supports international causes, possesses a passion for impacting poverty on
a global level, and will demonstrate an understanding of venture
philanthropy and microfinance/microcredit programs. In addition to
possessing development program start-up experience, our ideal candidate
will be a dynamic development professional with a high level of energy and
someone who demonstrates a fearless and aggressive approach when it comes
to promoting programs and raising significant funds. Candidates should
have a minimum of 5 years experience in a senior fund development
capacity. A BA is required and a graduate degree is preferred, as is the
ability to speak and write in Spanish.

Global Partnerships is an EOE. Send resume and cover letter by February
10, 2003 to: Waldron & Company, 101 Stewart, Suite 1200, Seattle,
WA 98101, 206-441-4144, Fax 206-441-5213,

Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you.


Lara Cunningham
Senior Consultant

Fecha - 23-01-03
Nombre: Anthony Jones
Comentarios: New Job Posting - Pinellas County Florida
Senior Community Planning Specialist

Pinellas County, Florida is seeking a highly qualified individual for senior-level technical and professional community development work. The position reports to the Housing Manager and is directly responsible for developing and managing housing programs and residential redevelopment strategies.

The successful candidate must be able to design and direct neighborhood-based housing redevelopment initiatives in a built-out urbanized community. The person must have a history of working effectively with people of diverse backgrounds; strong leadership and consensus building skills are very important.

He or she must be self-directed and able to manage multiple projects. She or he should be familiar with current Federal and State housing and neighborhood revitalization programs. Specific technical knowledge about private sector housing development and finance is required. A working familiarity with housing market conditions is also highly desirable.

The position requires excellent research, writing, and communication skills. Public speaking skills are crucial. Excellent math and analytical skills are also necessary. He or she will prepare analyses, reports, surveys, and studies on housing and redevelopment related issues. Mastery of computer programs ranging from spreadsheets to desktop publishing will be required.

The person may periodically be required to travel to out-of-town locations with stays of overnight or longer. Evening meetings are not unusual and both daytime and nighttime driving is required.

Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree in community development, business, public administration, urban planning, finance, construction management, or related field and 3 years of professional work experience in community development or urban planning, or construction management; or an equivalent combination of education, training and/or experience. Salary Range: $38,281 - $60,866

Located on the west-central coast of Florida, Pinellas County offers a stimulating and challenging work environment where the person is limited only by his or her own desire to achieve. We have an excellent benefits package, a wonderful climate, and progressive leadership. If you are a self-starter who plays well with others and is excited by the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the shaping of community, we welcome your application.

Contact the Personnel Department, 400 South Fort Harrison Ave., County Annex, Rm 121, Clearwater, Florida, 33756-5113; Tel. 727-464-3367; M-F, 8am to 5pm. (Job Information Line 727-464-3745) Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m., 02/21/2003. Note: Applicants must complete a County application form and questionnaire. Application & questionnaires may be downloaded from Employment Opportunities. EEO/AA/ADA/DFW/VP

Fecha - 22-01-03
Nombre: Susannah Cameron
Comentarios: job posting
Contract position available

The Riverdale Community Development Corporation is an innovative community
economic development project working in the Greater Riverdale area of East
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. An urban initiative at the neighbourhood level,
the Centre provides micro-business support services; a retail
revitalization strategy; community enterprise development: and a local
business network connected with the film and TV production sector. We are
seeking a talented, dynamic, and self-motivated individual to coordinate
the ACCE$$ Riverdale Community Loan Fund. Responsibilities of this
challenging and exciting position include:

· Promoting ACCE$$ Riverdale to potential applicants
· Assisting potential borrowers to develop loan applications and business
· Coordinating loan review activities
· Supporting and facilitating the work of the volunteer Loan Review Committee
· Facilitating the issuance of loans to approved borrowers
· Monitoring outstanding loans, and ensuring that all loan payments are
received on time
· Developing and providing business support services for borrowers (in
cooperation with the Business Support Services Coordinator)
· Monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on the impact of ACCE$$ loans on
the performance of borrowers' businesses
· Ensuring the prudent investment and management of the ACCE$$ Riverdale
loan guarantee fund
· Expanding the size of the loan fund by soliciting new community
investments while sustaining the support of existing investors
· Generating donated funds for the ACCE$$ Reserve Fund and for long term

Candidates will be assessed on their skills and experience in the following
areas: "micro" business lending and counseling; volunteer coordination;
fundraising; information management; partnership development; and financial

This is an 8-month contract beginning February 17 going to October 17,
2003, with the possibility of renewal. The starting salary will be
$40-45,000 per annum with benefits. Please submit your resume (by mail,
fax, or email) with a cover letter by February 3rd, 2003 to:

The ACCE$$ Coordinator Hiring Committee
Riverdale Community Business Centre
1007 Gerrard Street East, Toronto
Ontario, Canada M4M 1Z4
Fax: 416-462-3601 Email:

Fecha - 21-01-03
Nombre: WOCCU Rwanda
Comentarios: Hello all,

We need a consultant on leasing or housing-leasing to work in Rwanda with
the local credit unions. He need to be French speaker.

If you know somebody, please let me know.

Adrian Rodriguez
Union des Banques Populaires du Rwanda
32 Avenue de l’armée, BP 1348 Kigali, Rwanda
Tel : (250) 573559/571754 Fax (250) 573579

Fecha - 19-01-03
Nombre: Kerberos
Comentarios: Aqui un militante socialista que esta encantado con vuestra pagina web, el tema me parece realmente interesante y creo que aun queda mucho por profundizar en el papel de las ciudades en el desarrollo y vida del ciudadano. Saludos
Fecha - 17-01-03
Nombre: a.uche
Comentarios: summer internship in Nigeria

LEAP Africa, a nonprofit organization committed to promoting leadership, effectiveness, accountability and professionalism on the African Continent is looking for a summer intern. This individual would be expected to spend 10-12 weeks in Eastern Nigeria to assist LEAP in launching the NIA project.

NIA stands for three powerful Igbo words - Ndu (Life), Ike (Strength) and Akunuba (Wealth). The mission of the NIA initiative is to empower female students residing in Eastern Nigeria with the information, tools and support that they need to achieve their highest potentials in life. Through the implementation of three major programs - 1) the Roving Movie and Speaker Series, 2) Saturday Career Counseling Camps,and 3) Leadership Institutes, NIA intends to impact the lives of at least 5,000 young women between July 2003 and July 2004, and at least 15,000 by 2006.

Qualifications for the position include: a) Some training in education, psychology, guidance counseling, ! organizational behavior, gender studies,international relations, or management; b) Strong project management, problem solving, communication,interpersonal and leadership skills; c) Ability to work independently; d) Ability to juggle multiple tasks; e) Previous experience in Nigeria will be
preferred; f) Commitment to the mission and objectives of LEAP Africa.

Interested applicants should submit their resumes to by February 25th 2003; For additional information about LEAP Africa, visit the LEAP website at

Fecha - 16-01-03
Nombre: Antonia Bullard
Comentarios: Position available: Chief Operating Officer

Vermont Development Credit Union

Chief Operating Officer

The Vermont Development Credit Union (VDCU) is seeking to hire a Chief Operating Officer (COO). This is a newly created position.

The COO will join an innovative Vermont institution that has been honored nationally as a Solution for America and has embarked on a strategic plan to build the first full-service, statewide community development bank in the nation. The COO will be responsible for ongoing operations in an atmosphere of rapid growth, will head a three-person management team and a current staff of 22, and will report directly to the CEO.

The successful candidate is already a leader, is organized, creative, a clear thinker, an effective planner who puts plans into operation, an evaluator, comfortable with change, and a polished writer and speaker. S/he has a commitment to economic justice and will bring energy and enthusiasm to the position.

This position requires a high level of financial and operational management skills combined with understanding and experience in community development. Prior experience in a financial institution is required. An advanced degree is not mandatory, but would be an asset if in a field such as finance, management, or economic development.

VDCU was chartered in 1989, has assets of $20 million, and serves 10,000 members in 205 Vermont towns from its location in Burlington. Using its signature counseling-based system, VDCU provides loans and other financial services to populations who are not well served by the mainstream financial system.

Send letter of interest and resume to Antonia Bullard at Vermont Development Credit Union, 18 Pearl Street, Burlington, VT 05401, or if you need further information prior to submitting a resume, call Antonia Bullard at (802) 865-3404 X104.

Fecha - 16-01-03
Job Opportunities: ACDI/VOCA
Rural Finance Consultant, Ethiopia

ACDI/VOCA, a US-based international development organization delivering technical assistance to businesses and
institutions, is recruiting for a micro-enterprise development specialist to be based in a rural area in Bahir Dar,
Ethiopia. The program will focus on partnering with local institutions to develop financial services and on- and
off-farm small business opportunities. The successful candidate will have a minimum of 5 years' experience in
rural/micro-finance and business development service. Knowledge of basic MIS requirements for a large microfinance
institution, and USAID project management experience within Africa is required. Please forward electronic résumé/cover
letter and salary requirements to referencing "Rural Finance Consultant, Ethiopia" in subject line.
No phone calls please. Only finalists will be contacted.

Africa/Middle East Division, Project Coordinator

ACDI/VOCA, an international development organization, seeks a DC-based Portuguese-speaking Project
Coordinator/Agribusiness Specialist and a French-speaking Project Coordinator/Microfinance Specialist for the
Africa/Middle East Division.
Duties: develop new business initiatives in Africa and the Middle East; provide technical, administrative, financial,
and programmatic supervision and backstopping to projects in the region; and assist in the marketing of ACDI/VOCA's
core competencies.
Qualifications: Agribusiness Specialist - Masters degree in agribusiness/business, economics or related field. At least
five years hands-on Africa/Middle East experience in agribusiness/trade/international development. Strong analytical,
organizational, administrative, and computer skills. Proven ability to write winning proposals, write articles, and make
oral presentations in English. Strong competency in Portuguese. Microfinance Specialist - Masters degree in finance,
economics, international relations or related field. At least five years hands-on Africa/Middle East experience in
microfinance/international development. Strong analytical, organizational, administrative, and computer skills. Proven
ability to write winning proposals - particularly in the area of micro and rural finance, write articles, and make oral
presentations in English. Strong competency in French.

Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Respond with resume, cover letter, and salary history to HR/AFR/MENA-PC,
PO Box 77316, Washington, DC 20013 ,or fax to (202) 638-7477 or e-mail No phone calls please.
Only finalist contacted. EOE.

Agricultural Marketing Specialist, Eritrea

ACDI/VOCA, a US-based international development organization delivering technical assistance to businesses and
institutions, is recruiting for a junior to mid-level Agricultural Marketing Specialist to be based in Eritrea.
Incumbent will work as part of a team in the design and implementation of a horticulture development project. S/he will
work to transfer expertise through training of trainers and field-based mentoring in areas such as the following:
- market analysis,
- market information systems,
- contracting,
- packaging,
- grading, and
- other forms of adding value.

Other duties include assisting in the development of appropriate marketing mechanisms ?out-grower schemes, informal
buying days, forward contracting, etc; designing strategies and tools to enable SMEs to calculate their most profitable
end market: be it retail, wholesale or an intermediary (processor, trader, etc.); consulting with in-country experts on
various legal entities that can be formed by groups of SME producers (such as private limited companies or trade
associations) to facilitate the marketing process; and developing appropriate written training materials for use with
horticulture-based SMEs.

The ideal candidate will have the following qualifications:
Bachelors and Masters Degrees in agricultural economics, marketing or related field.
Minimum of 3-5 years' relevant experience in horticultural marketing.
Experience in grading, packaging and other forms of adding value to horticultural produce.
International experience (minimum two years' field work in a developing country, preferably Africa).
Self-starter able to work independently with minimal supervision under difficult economic and political conditions.
Cultural and political sensitivity.

Please forward electronic résumé/cover letter to, referencing "Ag Mktg Specialist Eritrea" in
subject line. No phone calls please. Only finalists will be contacted.

Fecha - 16-01-03
Nombre: Karen Dabson
Comentarios: Job Posting IDA position

ISED Consulting and Research is currently seeking applicants for a consultant in its IDA work. Please see details in the job announcement below.

IDA Consultant: Full-time consultant position in D.C. to coordinate and provide technical assistance and training activities for IDA practitioners in the field. Requires substantial travel.

>Must have: Experience operating an IDA program; demonstrated effectiveness in working with low-income and ethnic populations and in collaborative relationships with CBOs and financial institutions; excellent verbal and written communication skills; bachelor degree in community development, social services, finance, economics, or a related field. Must be self-starter and team player.

>Prefer: Formal education related to IDAs; experience in curriculum and training materials development and workshop planning and delivery; consulting experience with IDA programs; knowledge of organizational development and capacity building.

>Interested candidates should submit a resume and salary history via e-mail to: Judy Hartenstein, Administrative Assistant, ISED at no later than January 21, 2003. (On email subject line, please use "IDA Consultant Applicant.")

Fecha - 15-01-03
Nombre: Eileen M. Flanagan
Comentarios: CDCU Job Posting

Position Available: General Manager for seven-year-old, $3 million
community development credit union. Progressive Neighborhood Federal
Credit Union (PNFCU) serves the low/moderate-income communities of the City
of Rochester, New York. The General Manager is responsible for the overall
operation of the credit union including staff recruitment, training and
supervision; budgeting and financial reporting; fundraising; marketing and
public relations; committee support. This position is responsible to the
Board of Directors.

Knowledge of the community development movement a plus. Experience in
management, marketing and public relations helpful. Must be
technologically literate; spreadsheet experience required.

Salary range mid-30s plus benefits package.

Submit resumes and references to: Carol Schwartz, Board Presiden, PNFCU,
470 West Main Street,
Rochester, New York 14608

You can also contact Carol Schwartz via e-mail at

Deadline for resumes/references is Friday, February 7, 2002.

Fecha - 14-01-03
Nombre: Caroline Dommen
Comentarios: Geneva-based NGO is looking for a
Programme Assistant (Human Rights)

We are
a non-governmental organisation whose activities aim to ensure that trade rules are developed and applied in a way that promotes sustainable development and is consistent with human rights. We focus on the activities of the World Trade Organization. We have undertaken this work so far under the framework of 3D Associates and are now creating a new organisation to launch new a new programme of activities that will focus specifically on trade, human rights and sustainable development.

The Programme Assistant
will provide support to the Director and other staff in setting up the new organisation. In the first instance, this post will require the Programme Assistant to carry out a wide variety of tasks, including helping draft the statutes and contracts, installing office equipment and setting up the internal management systems: this is why we are looking for a flexible and resourceful individual who knows who to turn to in Geneva for expertise in these varied areas. Once the administrative structures are in place, the Programme Assistant will continue to carry out administrative duties, but will spend an increasing amount of time on substantive work, including research on trade and human rights, writing background documents and organising meetings.

We are looking for someone who

· has sound knowledge of international human rights law and policy (1 - 4 years experience, whether through study or work),
· has had experience working in an office,
· is meticulous and methodical and at ease with numbers. Knowledge of accounting systems and software would be a distinct advantage, but willingness to learn would suffice,
· is a reliable, dynamic and creative individual with the capacity to work independently, as well as part of a small team,
· will enjoy the challenges and diversity involved in being part of a new project,
· is familiar with Swiss and Geneva institutions and processes, and preferably active in local social, cultural or political life,
· is a Swiss national or has a valid work permit.

If you are interested, please send your curriculum vitae, a short covering letter, and the names of two referees to 3D Associates, 43 rue de Neuchâtel, 1201 Geneva, email: We will only consider applications from candidates who meet the criteria set out above. Deadline for applications: 24th January.

3D Associates, 43 rue de Neuchâtel, 1201 Genève

Fecha - 14-01-03
Nombre: Microfinance Gateway
Comentarios: Devfinance: The latest microfinance vacancies
at the CGAP Microfinance Gateway

13 Jan 2003
There are 55 vacancies currently listed in our Microfinance Jobs Marketplace

You can subscribe to our regular bulletin at

Project manager-microcredit/rural industry, Bhopal, India.
Offered by: Lupin Human Welfare & Research Foundation - LHWRF
Probable closing date: [10 Mar 2003]

Full time manager, Bangladesh.
Offered by: International Consulting Group
Probable closing date: 14 Jan 2003

VOLUNTARY: Bookeeping and accounting for micro finance, Nigeria.
Offered by: Winrock International
Probable closing date: [10 Mar 2003]

VOLUNTARY: 2 Database designers and trainers for a rural micro-finance institution,
Kafanchan, Kaduna, Nigeria.
Offered by: Winrock International
Probable closing date: [10 Mar 2003]

VOLUNTARY: Technical advisor, Kafanchan, Kaduna, Nigeria.
Offered by: Winrock International
Probable closing date: [10 Mar 2003]

Chef de projet - programme d'assurance maladie, Cambodge.
Offered by: GRET
Probable closing date: 10 Apr 2003

Consultant - Small enterprise loan program, Turkey.
Offered by: LFS Consulting
Probable closing date: 30 Mar 2003

Microfinance resident project manager, Kenya.
Offered by: Development Partnerships
Probable closing date: [06 Feb 2003]

Field-based microfinance technical advisors, Central Asia, Latin America and Africa.
Offered by: Save the Children Federation
Probable closing date: 31 Jan 2003

Programme manager, West Africa.
Offered by: Co-operative Housing Foundation - CHF
Probable closing date: [15 Jan 2003]

Loan programme manager (Part-Time), Oakland, CA, USA.
Offered by: Oakland Business Development Corporation
Probable closing date: 19 Feb 2003

Business development specialist, Gallup, New Mexico.
Offered by: Northwest New Mexico Community Development Corporation
Probable closing date: [19 Jan 2003]

Technical advisor, Mongolia.
Offered by: Mercy Corps
Probable closing date: 31 Jan 2003

Microfinance specialist, Mali.
Offered by: World Education
Probable closing date: 15 Jan 2003

Microfinance expert (m/f), Amersfoort, the Netherlands.
Offered by: Oikocredit
Probable closing date: 30 Jan 2003

Find a microfinance job:
Microfinance internships:
Microfinance Gateway
Institute of Development Studies,
Sussex University, Brighton BN1 9RE, UK

Fecha - 13-01-03
Nombre: William Myers
Comentarios: <>
Fecha Lunes, Enero 13, 2003 1:41 am
NCB Development Corporation , Oakland, CA - Loan Officer I

Please send resumes to fax 202-336-7701 or email to

Nature & Scope As a loan officer, this person will be responsible
for meeting the goals and objectives stated in
NCBDC's Community Investment Group (CIG) Charter
School, Health Care and/or Economic Development
tactical plans. In addition, this position will be
charged with on-going portfolio, relationship and
credit management responsibilities, training and
development of junior staff and potential
development and implementation of line of business
strategic and tactical plans.

Responsibilities 1. Business Development
Include 60%
Relationship Management, Business Development and
Underwriting, requiring a willingness to travel up
to 20%. Experience working primarily with
community-based organizations and/or non-profit
service/membership organizations; must have an
ability and interest in developing new business in
the identified lines of business (Charter School,
Health Care and/or Economic Development) and in
developing strong relationships with industry
2. Portfolio Administration and Risk Management
Ability to underwrite, structure, and document
loans of all types with minimal assistance;
excellent oral and written presentation;
exceptional ability to build rapport with
non-traditional borrowers with a goal of
identifying and managing risks associated with this
type of lending; perform the credit reviews,
including quarterly financial reviews, annual site
visits, credit memoranda and ensuring all reviews
are completed in a timely manner. This includes
communications with the borrower, checking
compliance with loan terms and ensuring the timely
completion of all renewals, extensions and
financial updates.
3. Strategic/Tactical Plan Development and
Implementation 10%
Work with CIG leader and market sector leaders to
learn lines of business, set strategy, and develop
tactical plans that support the strategy.
4. Training and Development
Set training and development goals for self and
share knowledge and experience with other team
members. Act as coach and mentor to credit
analysts to develop stronger credit skills.

Minimum Bachelors degree in finance or other business
Qualifications related field preferred or commensurate experience.
Other qualifications include:
· sales presentation/negotiation skills
· mastery of various financial products and
services available to meet project needs
· loan documentation and function
· structuring options and parameters
(repayment, pricing, collateral)
· strong business development skills
· experience working with/lending to the
non-profit community

Fecha - 06-01-03
Nombre: Sandra Williams
Comentarios: This is a new position. Job Opening: Finance Manager

The Organization:
Alamo Area Mutual Housing Association is a private non-profit affordable
housing developer/owner with properties located throughout Bexar County
Texas. Alamo Area MHA currently owns 5 multifamily properties and is in
development on three other properties. Two properties are owned by LIHTC
Limited Partnerships.

The Position:
Alamo Area Mutual Housing Association finance manager oversees the
organization's finances including its $3,000,000 annual budget. The finance
manager plays a leading role in preparing budgets, projections, financial
analyses and other reports, and in developing and implementing Alamo Area
MHA's financial management systems. The Finance Manager works closely with
the Alamo Area MHA staff and board of directors, as well as with other
consultants and professionals in providing strong financial leadership.

The Finance Manager is responsible for the following functions:

1. Overseeing organizational financial systems and finances, including
preparing financial statements, projections, reports and analyses;

2. Managing the annual audit;

3. Working with the executive director and division directors to prepare the
annual organizational and project budgets;

4. Designing and implementing financial and project management systems as
needed to guide the organization's current and future operations.

5. Maintaining relationships with financial service providers and state

6. Working with the Board Finance Committee; and


The successful candidate will have 3 to 5 years related experience,
knowledge of not-for-profit accounting practices, demonstrated experience in
Low Income HOusing Tax Credit and bond financing of affordable housing
Proficiency with Microsoft Word, Access, Excel, Quickbooks, Peachtree and
other software programs. Bachelor's or Master's degree in accounting or
finance. The finance manager must demonstrate strong analytical, oral and
written communication and interpersonal skills. The successful candidate
will be an organized, detailed self-starter who is also able to manage a
number of responsibilities simultaneously, and to work as a supportive
member of the staff team. S/he must demonstrate the ability to exercise
initiative, use sound judgment and solve problems efficiently, taking the
needs of others into account The successful candidate will also be
committed to social justice and have an interest in contributing to Alamo's
mission of expanding affordable housing opportunities for San Antonio

Alamo Area Mutual Housing welcomes candidates of diverse backgrounds to
join us in our exciting and rewarding work.

Compensation: commensurate with experience
Schedule: full-time
Starting Date: immediate
To apply please submit a letter and resume to :

Sandra J. Williams, Executive Director;
Phone: (210-731-8030
Fax:(210) 731-8025

Fecha - 21-12-02
Nombre: Karen Klick
Comentarios: Position Announcement

Loan Officer

Piedmont Housing Alliance, a regional non-profit and certified Community Development Financial Institution with a mission to improve the lives of low and moderate income families and individuals, seeks an experienced and creative loan officer for its housing and community lending activities. Responsibilities include managing existing funds and loan portfolio; originating and closing new loans; implementing loan policies; developing new products; maintaining and creating relationships with partners. Ideal candidate has experience with mortgage lending, real estate financing, housing and community development. Bachelor’s degree and strong computer, organization, and communication skills required. EOE. Send resume by January 10th to Deputy Director, Piedmont Housing Alliance, 2000 Holiday Dr., Suite 200, Charlottesville, VA 22901; fax 434-817-0664; email

Fecha - 18-12-02
Comentarios: [pdforum-l] Re: Immediate consulting opportunities: Zambia and others


Subject: Immediate consulting opportunities: Zambia and others

I am looking for people who would be interested in being considered to do
one or more assessments of the potential for conflict in several African
countries over the period January, 2003 through June. These include 3 or
4 weeks of field work in the countries.

The most urgent one is scheduled to start in mid-January and will focus on
Zambia. It involves 3-4 weeks of field work, including a workshop on
conflict analysis and program review in the country Other possible
projects after that one are for Tanzania, Malawi, Sudan, Namibia, and

Ideal candidates for these roles would know the politics, history and
socio-economic structures of the country; have background in conflict
analysis and experience in doing data-based analysis of the sources of
actual or potential conflict in particular places; and speak any languages
that may be required for a given country. An advanced degree in a social
science is usually essential.

I am especially interested in engaging inidividuals with this kind of
experience who are from the countries involved or from the immediate

If you know of someone who would be interested and might qualify, please
send their email address to me or ask them to send their CV (resume) to
this email address, as soon as possible.

Thank you very much.

Michael Lund
Senior Associate
Conflict and Peacebuilding
Management Systems International
600 Water Street, SW
Washington, DC 20024 USA
MSI office: 202-484-7180 (x110) Fax: 202-488-0754;
Home office: 202-966-4265 Fax: 202-966-4265/0614; email:

Fecha - 17-12-02
Nombre: Devjobs
Comentarios: Table of Contents

There are 9 messages in this issue:

Message 1 - Project Director in West Africa for The World Conference on
Religion and Peace +b
Message 2 - Vacancy: MSI Mali D&G LT Positions +b
Message 3 - Program Coordinator-Burundi +b
Message 4 - Advocacy Trainer for Associations - Egypt +b
Message 5 - ROL/Human Rights/D&G Fulltime Position at MSI +b
Message 6 - Program Manager - West Africa +b
Message 7 - Immediate Opportunity: Ag Economic Development Manager +b
Message 8 - Job Openings at Mercy Corps +b
Message 9 - ReliefWeb Vacancies Update


Message 1

Project Director in West Africa for The World Conference on Religion and
Peace +b

Posted by: Lisa Stuffle

The World Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP) is an international,
interreligious coalition that seeks to promote dialogue and cooperation
among representatives of the world's religious traditions in order to seek
common action for peace. WCRP has been working in the region since late
1996 to support the efforts of religious leaders to build multi-religious
cooperation and to enhance the role that religious communities can play in
the reconstruction, reconciliation and development of their societies. WCRP
is currently seeking a person to fill the position of Project Director for
West Africa in order to continue and further develop these initiatives.
Please see our web site: for project history and more

The Project Director is responsible for day-to-day management of all
aspects of WCRP's project work in the West Africa region. These duties will
include program management, financial accountability, and staff supervision
in the regional office in Freetown covering our work with the
Inter-Religious Councils in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and Cote
d'Ivoire. There are possibilities for the position to assist in the
development of a future Pan-Africa program. The position must be flexible
for possible re-location to other African countries in the future. The
Project Director reports to the Program Director for Conflict
Transformation at the WCRP/International Secretariat in New York.

SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES (include but are not limited to)
* Assist in the development and support of representative inter-religious
councils throughout the region.
* Maintain regular contact and close working relationships with relevant
religious leaders in the countries of Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and
Cote d'Ivoire; when appropriate assist in building relationships with
relevant religious leaders in other African countries.
* Travel frequently throughout the region in monitoring and evaluating
current WCRP program activities with the Inter-Religious Councils.
* Design and implement peace building project activities consistent with
WCRP program goals for West Africa. Assist in the coordination of WCRP
activities with women and youth groups.
* Implement a capacity building program with the inter-religious councils
including training in finance, administration, organizational development,
strategic planning, leadership, mediation/negotiation, conflict resolution
and peace building.
* Coordinate and facilitate regular inter-religious regional meetings to
prepare and implement region wide peace building efforts.
* Represent WCRP with other international organizations, NGOs, local
governments and organizations in the region.
* Oversee staff in the region, including hiring all local staff and
coordination with WCRP NY in hiring international staff.
* Prepare regular narrative and financial reports for the International
Secretariat and periodic narrative and financial reports for project donors
in coordination with the International Secretariat in New York.
* Oversee financial management of project grant funds and providie regular
financial reports to WCRP/International.
* Assist in program development and proposal writing towards strengthening
the projects in the region.
* Possibility of assistance with a new Pan-African program and the need to
travel and/or re-locate to other areas.

QUALIFICATIONS: Please only apply if you meet all of the stated qualifications
* Minimum 3 years experience of living and working in Africa.
* Graduate degree in international relations, peace and conflict
resolution, religion, or a related field.
* Minimum 5 years experience in field-level program implementation and
management in conflict resolution, interreligious cooperation, and/or civil
society development.
* Excellent training skills and experience in the areas of organizational
capacity building and peace building/conflict transformation.
* Excellent English verbal and written communication skills and effective
representational skills.
* Program development and proposal writing experience.
* Strong management and organizational skills, particularly in working with
multi-religious staff and groups.
* Active involvement with a faith community.
* Knowledge of one of the main languages in the region is preferred.
* Not a family post.

Salary commensurate with experience. Full benefits package including life,
health, disability, housing allowance.

DEADLINE December 19 2002

Fax cover letter and resume/CV to AO (212) 983-0566, email to: or mail to AO, WCRP, 777 UN Plaza, 9th Fl., New York, NY,
10017. No phone calls please. Only suitable candidates will be contacted.

Lisa Stuffle
World Conference on Religion and Peace
777 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 687-2163, ext. 12
Fax: (212) 983-0566

Please mention clearly in your job application letter that you learned of
this job opportunity through DEVJOBS, and mention the URL of its website - Thanks.


Message 2

Vacancy: MSI Mali D&G LT Positions +b

Posted by: Geri Critchley

Democracy and Governance LT Project, Mali, West Africa

MSI, Management Systems International ( is seeking US
citizens, US permanent resident aliens (green card holders), Third Country
Nationals, and Host Country Nationals for the following long term positions:

1) COP +b

Required: 15+ years experience in national level policy, local governance,
or local civil society/community organization strengthening; French
language fluency; USAID COP or Team Leader experience or comparable high
level project oversight responsibilities; Strong team building, strategic
planning, and monitoring and evaluation experience; Extended work
experience in Francophone Africa, Mali-specific country experience
preferred; US citizens, US permanent resident aliens (green card holders)

2) National Civil Society Advocacy Capacity and NGO Policy/Enabling
Environment Expert +b

Required: 10 + years experience in national civil society advocacy capacity
building and policy/enabling environment; French language fluency; USAID
or USAID Contractor or Grantee experience, or comparable ; Work experience
in Francophone Africa

3) Local Governance Capacity Strengthening Expert +b

Required: 10+ years experience in local governance assistance programming;
French language fluency; USAID or USAID Contractor or Grantee experience,
or comparable; Work experience in Francophone Africa

4) Community-Based Advocacy and Community Organization Capacity-Building
Expert +b

Requirements: 10+ years experience in community-based advocacy or community
organization capacity building; French language fluency; USAID or USAID
Contractor or Grantee experience, or comparable ; Work experience in
Francophone Africa

5) Financial Manager +b

Requirements: 10+ years experience in financial management for
USAID-related contractor or grantee; French language fluency

If interested, please e-mail a cover letter and resume to:

Please mention clearly in your job application letter that you learned of
this job opportunity through DEVJOBS, and mention the URL of its website - Thanks.


Message 3

Program Coordinator-Burundi +b

Posted by: Recruiter

Organization: International Medical Corps

Job description: International Medical Corps (IMC) seeks a Program
Coordinator to oversee the implementation of activities in Muramvya. The
selected candidate will coordinate and monitor all IMC programs. Report to
Country Director in Bujumbura. Produce monthly and quarterly activity
reports for IMC, authorities, and donors. Serve as a liaison with local
authorities and counterparts, UN and NGO agencies. Oversee project
logistics, finance and administrative support for regional sub-office.
Represent IMC in coordination meetings. Maintain development of all data,
indicators, statistics and health information of IMC programs. Make regular
visits to the program sites. Oversee program activities and provide
technical support to the IMC teams. Actively prioritise standards for
monitoring and evaluation. Supervise and implement security procedures.
Perform additional tasks as required by the regional Director.

Qualifications: The qualified candidate will possess extensive previous
field experience with relief-development organizations. Appropriate medical
or clinical degree. Knowledge of the African context and complex
emergencies. Finance, Administration and Logistical background. Computer
proficiency in MSOffice, Internet; specialized Public health-Epidemiology
software highly recommended. Organizational skills, flexibility,
leadership, and team spirit. Fluent English and French required.

Starting date: ASAP

Salary range: Optional on your part to state

Deadline: 1/31/2003

Submit applications to: Recruiter

Email address:

Please mention clearly in your job application letter that you learned of
this job opportunity through DEVJOBS, and mention the URL of its website - Thanks.


Message 4

Advocacy Trainer for Associations - Egypt +b

Posted by: Amy Maher

ACDI/VOCA, a US-based international development organization delivering
technical assistance to businesses and institutions, is recruiting for an
Association Advocacy Trainer for a two-week assignment in Egypt in

The consultant will work with the Boards of Directors of four associations
to help them better serve their members through developing and implementing
their own advocacy initiatives. The consultant will assist each
association in defining the role and benefits of advocacy; assess advocacy
issues; develop an effective approach and strategy; plan an advocacy
campaign; and develop and implement advocacy approaches, such as networks,
lobbying, media relations and constituency building.

Qualifications required are extensive practical and professional knowledge
and experience in association advocacy; strong training and communication
skills; ability to identify the activities common to successful
member-based organizations; and competence in conveying these concepts to
leaders and members. Experience in developing nations, especially Africa
and the Middle East is strongly desired.

Please forward electronic résumé/cover letter to ,
referencing "Advocacy Trainer for Associations, Egypt" in subject line. No
phone calls please. Only finalists will be contacted.

Amy Maher
Associate Director, Recruitment
50 F St, NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-383-4986
Fax: 202-626-8726
Visit our website at

Please mention clearly in your job application letter that you learned of
this job opportunity through DEVJOBS, and mention the URL of its website - Thanks.


Message 5

ROL/Human Rights/D&G Fulltime Position at MSI +b

Posted by: Geri Critchley

Fulltime position available at MSI ( ) for an upper mid
level/senior Rule of Law/Human Rights expert with experience in South Asia
(including Afghanistan and Pakistan) or Eastern Europe/former Soviet Union.

Democracy and Governance analytical expertise, management expertise and
USAID experience required. US citizenship necessary.

Location: Washington, DC.

Deadline: January 4, 2003.

Please e-mail a cover letter and resume to:

Please mention clearly in your job application letter that you learned of
this job opportunity through DEVJOBS, and mention the URL of its website - Thanks.


Message 6

Program Manager - West Africa +b

Posted by: Human Resources

Organization name: CHF

Job description: Program Manager - West Africa
Code: PMA/JC
The Program Manager will be responsible for establishing the field office
and preparing for the rapid expansion of community development and
microfinance activities. The Program Manager will develop financial
projections and set goals for the program, create and execute budgets,
oversee daily operations of the new office, and manage a staff of host
country professionals. The Program Manager will have the responsibility for
developing private sector collaborations including multinational
corporations and construction sector businesses, and key relationships with
community leaders.
Requirements:6 to 8 years minimum experience in international development
program management, including experience in the development and
implementation of community development and micro-finance programs
required. Candidates have significant work experience in francophone West
Africa. Candidate must be able to travel freely between the US and West
Africa on a regular basis. Fluency in both English and French is absolutely
CHF does not discriminate on the basis of any legally protected
characteristic, including, race, sex, national origin, religion, age,
disability, or citizenship. We welcome and encourage candidates of all
nationalities to apply.
Excellent benefits package and competitive salary offered.

Starting date: Winter 2003

Deadline for submission of applications: 1/15/03

Submit your applications to: HR

Applications must be emailed to:

Instructions to applicants: Interested and qualified applicants need to
send a resume with a cover letter detailing available start date and salary
history/requirements to . Resumes must be received by
January 15, 2003.
Please mention clearly in your job application letter that you learned of
this job opportunity through DEVJOBS, and mention the URL of its website - Thanks.

Message 7

Immediate Opportunity: Ag Economic Development Manager +b

Posted by: Chris Balzano,

Deloitte Emerging Markets, the specialized development consulting arm of
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, has an immediate opening for an Agriculture
Economic Development Manager in Serbia for the U.S.A.I.D. Community
Revitalization through Democratic Action (CRDA) Program. This program
began in July 2001 and will operate until July 2006. Four pillars support
the program: economic, infrastructure, community and environment. The first
year of operations focused on targeted grant-funded economic interventions
to expand the markets to which agricultural producers could sell, and
delivered $1.5 million in equipment and technical assistance to 45
businesses, cooperatives, associations, and service providers in 18
municipalities. Year 2 program broadens the involvement of community
members in improving the agricultural competitiveness of southern Serbia's
livestock and fruit sub sectors.

The Economic Development Manager will perform the following tasks:
* Manage the Economic Development program, including writing RFPs & RFAs to
select implementation partners for actions identified by sector working
groups, conduct workshops to educate press and public and private sectors
about competitiveness, & report on results;
* Train livestock and fruit sector working groups to gradually assume more
responsibility for implementing competitiveness program;
* Provide training and technical assistance to businesses, associations and
cooperatives as appropriate;
* Build the technical skills of CRDA national staff;
* Work in close cooperation with CRDA staff implementing other Intermediate
Result program activities;
* Maintain regular administrative and program support communications with
Deloitte Project Manager in Deloitte home office; and
* Respond to the Mercy Corps Chief of Party (COP), the senior manager for
overall CRDA programmatic and operational issues.

* MBA or equivalent educational/professional background;
* 5-10 years experience in rural economic development;
* Experience managing human and financial resources;
* Previous experience working on USAID projects;
* Experience managing grant and/or technical assistance programs;
* Oral & written communication skills in English; and
* Teamwork and flexibility necessary to work in project situation.

Please email resumes to referencing the email
subject as "DJ -Serbia". EOE M/F/D/V

Please mention clearly in your job application letter that you learned of
this job opportunity through DEVJOBS, and mention the URL of its website - Thanks.


Message 8

Job Openings at Mercy Corps +b

Posted by: Rosalyn Tanicala

Finance Manager- South Asia +b

The Finance Manager is responsible for all aspects of daily financial
operations for this high profile, multi-donor operation. This experienced
professional will also ensure compliance with donor regulations,
procurement and reporting requirements.

The successful candidate will have a MA/S in accounting/finance or
equivalent and 5 years advanced accounting, fund accounting, financial
management and auditing experience. Demonstrated ability to effectively
lead a team is necessary as well as proven ability to think strategically.
Ability to work in an unstable and volatile environment is essential. Four
years of grant management experience including budget preparation and
analysis and financial report preparation is required. Regional
experience, emergency experience and a familiarity with local languages are

For more information, and to apply for this position, please visit our
website at . Click on "Jobs."

Sumatra Project Manager- Sumatra, Indonesia +b

The Sumatra Project Manager will have primary responsibility for
implementing the Soy Milk and Vitadele (complementary food) projects under
agreements with ACDI/VOCA and USDA.

This individual will coordinate with local partners to develop and
implement the complementary nutritional and health education project
through local health posts. Additionally, the Project Manager will oversee
the distribution of soy milk to schoolchildren through local partner
agencies. In this role, the Project Manager will have responsibility for
the management of the Sumatra branch's operation and staff.

This position requires a BA/S or equivalent in a relevant field and a
minimum of 5 years experience in nutrition, food processing and
distribution. Three years international field experience with nutrition
education, financial and inventory tracking and management systems and
demonstrated skill with managing and reporting commodities is necessary.
Proven skill in management of a project staff and ability to mentor
national staff. Demonstrated ability to successfully produce and manage
documents in word processing, spreadsheet and database applications is
required. Proven ability to closely coordinate and cooperate with other
agencies and international organizations is vital. Effective verbal and
written communication, multi-tasking, organizational, prioritization skills
are necessary. Demonstrated attention to detail, ability to follow
procedures, meet deadlines and work independently and cooperatively with
team members is required. Knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia and experience
driving in Asia is preferred.

For more information, and to apply for this position, please visit our
website at . Click on "Jobs."

Emergency Support Officer- Washington, D.C. +b

The Global Emergency Operations (GEO) team helps to spearhead Mercy Corps'
response to both natural and man-made emergencies worldwide. We are
currently looking for an experienced and energetic individual to join the
team as an Emergency Support Officer (ESO). The ESO will deploy to actual
or potential emergency areas to help establish and support response
operations. As part of these efforts, the ESO will be responsible for key
support functions such as procurement, financial systems set up and
management, logistics, and human resources. The ESO may also assist other
team members in performing initial assessments, composing detailed
situation reports, and managing initial implementation activities, as
appropriate. The ESO will help to ensure that the agency's emergency
interventions are designed and implemented in such a way as to facilitate a
well-coordinated transition to longer term programming activities. The ESO
may also work to strengthen the agency's overall emergency response
capacity by supporting on-going initiatives relating to disaster
preparedness planning, security management, staff training, and the
documentation of lessons learned and other relevant issues.

This position requires a minimum of four years in an administrative or
support function with a humanitarian non-governmental organization;
experience in setting up and managing financial systems; experience in
procurement, logistics, and human resource management; and a minimum of two
years experience in field emergency/relief settings. The successful
candidate must demonstrate an understanding of complex emergencies, related
security concerns, and appropriate responses to such emergencies; an
understanding of security management strategies, protocols, and related
communications equipment preferred; and have the willingness to deploy on
short notice to difficult and often times insecure environments.

Additional experience in assessments, program conceptualization, and
writing preferred. The successful candidate is a proven team player, has
the ability to effectively represent the agency in dealings with external
audiences, and is committed to incorporating longer-term
reconstruction/development considerations into initial relief interventions.

For more information and to apply for this position, please visit our
website at . Click on "Jobs."

Please mention clearly in your job application letter that you learned of
this job opportunity through DEVJOBS, and mention the URL of its website - Thanks.


Message 9

ReliefWeb Vacancies Update


Applications for positions should be sent directly to the organisation in
For details, see :

Job Title : Chief Finance Officer
Job Location : Afghanistan (Kabul)
Organisation : United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
URL Address :

Job Title : International Recruiter-Indonesia
Job Location : Indonesia (Jakarta)
Organisation : International Medical Corps
URL Address :

Job Title : Logistics Officer
Job Location : Afganistan (Kabul & Talaquan)
Organisation : Merlin (Medical Emergency Relief International)
URL Address :

Job Title : Programme Manager
Job Location : Sierra Leone (Kenema)
Organisation : GOAL
URL Address :

Job Title : Country Director - Angola
Job Location : Angola
Organisation : GOAL
URL Address :

Job Title : Humanitarian Programme Coordinator
Job Location : Kenya (Nairobi & Lokichokio)
Organisation : Oxfam GB
URL Address :

Job Title : Water Sanitation Program Manager
Job Location : Sierra Leone (Kono)
Organisation : International Rescue Committee
URL Address :

Job Title : Training Consultant - Reintegration Program for
War-Affected Children
Job Location : Sierra Leone
Organisation : International Rescue Committee
URL Address :

Job Title : Deputy Food Security Sector Coordinator
Job Location : Ethiopia (Addis Ababa)
Organisation : CARE
URL Address :

Job Title : Short Term Expert in Emergency Services
Job Location : India (Gujarat)
Organisation : ARCOTRASS GmbH
URL Address :

Job Title : Short Term Disaster Medicine Expert
Job Location : India (Gujarat)
Organisation : ARCOTRASS GmbH
URL Address :

Job Title : Logistician
Job Location : Afghanistan, Northern (Shibrighan, Jwazjan Prov.)
Organisation : GOAL
URL Address :

Job Title : Country Director
Job Location : Angola
Organisation : GOAL
URL Address :

Job Title : Food Security Advisor
Job Location : Zimbabwe (Harare)
Organisation : Save the Children UK
URL Address :

Job Title : Child Rights & Protection Co-ordinator
Job Location : Afghanistan (Kabul)
Organisation : Save the Children UK
URL Address :

Job Title : Programme Manager - GOAL Sierra Leone
Job Location : Sierra Leone (Kenema, Eastern District)
Organisation : GOAL
URL Address :

Job Title : Medical Coordinator
Job Location : Sudan (Khartoum)
Organisation : GOAL
URL Address :

Job Title : Hydraulic Engineer
Job Location : Afghanistan
Organisation : INTERSOS
URL Address :

Job Title : Project Engineer
Job Location : Congo, Dem. Rep. of (Manono, Kiambi & Mulongo Zones,
North Katanga)
Organisation : GOAL
URL Address :

Job Title : Obstetrician
Job Location : Sierra Leone (Kenema)
Organisation : Merlin (Medical Emergency Relief International)
URL Address :

Job Title : Director
Job Location : Yugoslavia, Fed. Rep. of (Kosovo)
Organisation : American Refugee Committee
URL Address :

Job Title : Anesthetist-Rapid Response Team
Job Location : Not specified
Organisation : International Medical Corps
URL Address :

Job Title : Surgical/Scrub Nurse - Rapid Response
Job Location : Worldwide
Organisation : International Medical Corps
URL Address :

Job Title : Senior Program Manager
Job Location : Afghanistan (Kandahar)
Organisation : Mercy Corps
URL Address :

Job Title : School Rehabilitation Project Manger
Job Location : Afghanistan (Taloqan)
Organisation : Mercy Corps
URL Address :

Job Title : Finance and Administration Manager
Job Location : Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek)
Organisation : Mercy Corps
URL Address :

Job Title : Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
Job Location : Croatia (Zagreb)
Organisation : Mercy Corps
URL Address :

Job Title : Trauma Surgeon - Emergency Response
Job Location : Not specified
Organisation : International Medical Corps
URL Address :

Job Title : Programme Manager
Job Location : Afghanistan (Kabul)
Organisation : Oxfam GB
URL Address :

Job Title : Executive Assistant
Job Location : Afghanistan (Kabul)
Organisation : Oxfam GB
URL Address :

Job Title : Administrateur - Financier - Logisticien
Job Location : Burundi (Bujumbura)
Organisation : Avocats Sans Frontières - Belgium
URL Address :

Job Title : Gender Researcher
Job Location : Afghanistan (Kabul)
Organisation : Amnesty International
URL Address :

Job Title : Thematic Researcher - Administration of Justice
Job Location : Afghanistan (Kabul)
Organisation : Amnesty International
URL Address :

Job Title : Video/TV Producer, P-3
Job Location : Afghanistan (Kabul)
Organisation : United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
URL Address :

Job Title : Coordinator
Job Location : Yugoslavia, Fed. Rep. of (Serbia)
Organisation : Médecins du Monde
URL Address :

Job Title : Physiotherapist
Job Location : Afghanistan (Herat)
Organisation : Handicap International France
URL Address :

Job Title : Malaria Control Specialist
Job Location : Angola (Huambo)
Organisation : Oxfam GB
URL Address :

Job Title : Responsable Administratif Financier
Job Location : Afghanistan (Kabul)
Organisation : Aide Médicale Internationale
URL Address :

Job Title : Laborantin
Job Location : Congo, Dem. Rep. of (South Kivu)
Organisation : Aide Médicale Internationale
URL Address :

Job Title : Reproductive Health Team Leader
Job Location : Sierra Leone (Kenema)
Organisation : Merlin (Medical Emergency Relief International)
URL Address :

Job Title : International Law and Child Rights Researcher, Israel /
Job Location : United Kingdom (London)
Organisation : Save the Children UK
URL Address :

Job Title : Médecin / Projet VIH
Job Location : Congo, Dem. Rep. of (South Kivu)
Organisation : Aide Médicale Internationale
URL Address :

Job Title : Socio Anthropologue
Job Location : Congo, Dem. Rep. of (Goma)
Organisation : Médecins du Monde
URL Address :

Job Title : Infirmier(e)s (2)
Job Location : Congo, Dem. Rep. of (South Kivu)
Organisation : Aide Médicale Internationale
URL Address :

Job Title : Fellowship - Human Rights
Job Location : USA (New York)
Organisation : Human Rights Watch
URL Address :

Job Title : Burmese Interpreters /Translators
Job Location : Not specified
Organisation : International Committee of the Red Cross
URL Address :

Job Title : Programme Manager
Job Location : Somalia (Somaliland)
Organisation : Danish Refugee Council
URL Address :

Job Title : Social Protection Manager
Job Location : Rwanda
Organisation : Save the Children
URL Address :

Job Title : Health Advisor, Humanitarian Department
Job Location : United Kingdom (Oxford)
Organisation : Oxfam GB
URL Address :

Job Title : Full Time Project Assistant
Job Location : Switzerland (Geneva)
Organisation : Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HDC)
URL Address :

Job Title : Community Development Program Director
Job Location : Azerbaijan (Baku)
Organisation : United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
URL Address :

Job Title : Program Coordinator
Job Location : Burundi
Organisation : International Medical Corps
URL Address :

Job Title : Health Program Manager
Job Location : Congo, Dem. Rep. of (Bukavu)
Organisation : International Rescue Committee
URL Address :

Job Title : Country Director
Job Location : Ethiopia
Organisation : International Medical Corps
URL Address :

Job Title : PHC/Nutritionist Nurse
Job Location : Ethiopia
Organisation : International Medical Corps
URL Address :

Job Title : Nutritionist Trainer
Job Location : Ethiopia
Organisation : International Medica Corps
URL Address :

Job Title : Regional Technical Officer
Job Location : Thailand (Bangkok)
Organisation : International Medical Corps
URL Address :

Job Title : Education Project Coordinator
Job Location : Somalia
Organisation : Adventist Development and Relief Agency
URL Address :

Job Title : Statistician (P-3)
Job Location : Switzerland (Geneva)
Organisation : United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
URL Address :

Job Title : Nutritionists, Nurses with therapeutic feeding
experience, Food Security Officers, Medical/ Nutritional Co-ordinators,
Project Managers
Job Location : Malawi, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Tajikistan
Organisation : Action Against Hunger
URL Address :

Job Title : Chief Civilian Engineer
Job Location : Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo)
Organisation : SFOR (Stabilisation Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
URL Address :

Job Title : Country Director
Job Location : Afghanistan (Kabul)
Organisation : GOAL
URL Address :

Job Title : Civil Engineer
Job Location : Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo)
Organisation : SFOR (Stabilisation Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
URL Address :

Job Title : Medical Coordinator with special focus on EPI
Job Location : Congo, Dem. Rep. of (Ariwara and Mahagi)
Organisation : Malteser
URL Address :

Job Title : Trainer in Print & Radio Journalism
Job Location : Afghanistan (Kabul)
Organisation : Media Action International
URL Address :

Job Title : External Liaison Officer
Job Location : Tanzania (Kasulu)
Organisation : CORD (Christian Outreach - Relief and Development)
URL Address :

Job Title : Medical Co-ordinator
Job Location : Angola (Menongue and Luanda)
Organisation : Malteser
URL Address :

Job Title : Field Coordinator
Job Location : Guinea (N'zerekore)
Organisation : Lutheran World Federation
URL Address :

Job Title : Ärzte/-innen,
Job Location : Kuwait and Iraq
Organisation : Malteser
URL Address :

Job Title : Consultant, Training of Migration Staff
Job Location : Cambodia (Phnom Penh)
Organisation : International Organization for Migration (IOM)
URL Address :

Job Title : Consultant, Public Administration
Job Location : Cambodia (Phnom Penh)
Organisation : International Organization for Migration (IOM)
URL Address :

Job Title : Consultant, Developing Migration Legislation
Job Location : Cambodia (Phnom Penh)
Organisation : International Organization for Migration (IOM)
URL Address :

Job Title : Arabic Interpreters /Translators
Job Location : Not specified
Organisation : International Committee of the Red Cross
URL Address :

Job Title : Technical Trainer/Supervisor
Job Location : Sudan (Nuba Mountains)
Organisation : Landmine Action
URL Address :

Job Title : Protection Coordinator
Job Location : Burundi
Organisation : International Rescue Committee
URL Address :

Please mention clearly in your job application letter that you learned of
this job opportunity through DEVJOBS, and mention the URL of its website - Thanks.

Fecha - 14-12-02
Comentarios: [pdforum-l] Re: Job Opportuniyt with CCIC - Pogram Officer


Job with CCIC

Title: Program Officer, Policy Team
Supervisor: Coordinator, Policy
Location: Ottawa
Classification: Level 6 (unionized)
Date: One Year Contract: February 2003 to February 2004


The Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC) is a coalition of
Canadian voluntary sector organizations working globally to achieve
sustainable human development. CCIC seeks to end global poverty, and to
promote social justice and human dignity for all.

The Policy Team is one of three program teams and is responsible for
providing research and analysis on CCIC policy priority areas. The team also
develops activities designed to promote policy development and learning among
CCIC members. The team participates in developing and facilitating a CCIC
membership mobilization strategy.


The Program Officer will have responsibility for implementing and developing
CCIC’s trade and poverty program in 2003. Under the direction of the Policy
Coordinator, the Program Officer will work with the Policy Team to set
priorities and carry out CCIC's policy agenda with the membership. He/She
will bring expertise in policy analysis, development and dialogue to shape
CCIC’s programs designed to improve NGO collaborative policy capacities and
policy goals. The Program Officer will have an excellent knowledge of trade
and poverty issues, as well as some familiarity with the other policy areas
of the CCIC in common program.


Implement and help develop the CCIC policy program in the area of trade and
poverty by:

Providing leadership in the development and implementation of CCIC advocacy,
dialogue and research strategies with members and allies, focusing on the WTO
Cancun Ministerial, as well as the FTAA;
Collaborating with other CCIC teams to ensure coherence of organizational
strategy on trade issues;
Leading dialogue with CCIC members on trade and poverty issues and CCIC
strategies through the trade reference group and other CCIC events;
Scanning, analyzing and synthesizing relevant reports and information on
trade and development trends for the Secretariat or the broader NGO

Facilitate and contribute to NGO policy development and collaborative
advocacy on trade and poverty issues by:
Participating in trade related coalitions for CCIC, including the Food
Security Policy Group;
Supporting CCIC working group policy initiatives particularly in the area of
trade and poverty, through assisting in goal setting, strategy development
and policy formulation in priority policy areas;
Writing for CCIC publications and other external publications.

Monitor, analyze, and liaise with government, parliament, and other policy
actors on trade and other priority development issues, by:
Supporting the Government Relations team and carrying out liaison initiatives
with government, parliament, academic, grassroots and other policy
Participating in NGO policy coalitions for CCIC in other areas such as
corporate social responsibility.
Support capacity building and learning programs for CCIC members in policy
and advocacy work by:
Participating in the policy capacity building program as determined through
work planning
Developing and implementing learning initiatives and programs to support CCIC
member NGOs in policy analysis, formulation and collaborative advocacy in
priorized policy issue areas, as determined through work planning.

Provide support for the ongoing operation and administration of the Policy
Team by:

Contributing to the development and carrying out of the workplan for the
Policy Team in co-ordination with other teams in the Secretariat Managing
projects related to the team's program including their financial management;
Preparing policies and proposals for CCIC's Board of Directors, Executive
Committee and other committees and task forces;
Supervising the work of consultants and temporary employees
Participating in regular workplanning, work review and evaluation with the
Policy Team
Performing other duties as requested to ensure smooth functioning of the


University degree in relevant field, preferably Masters, or equivalent
At least 4 years of relevant work experience including some experience in
policy research, international development analysis and NGO advocacy;
Strong familiarity with NGO advocacy and perspectives on trade and poverty
issues in Canada;
Familiarity with the general policy agenda of the Canadian NGO community
anglophone and francophone in including knowledge of international networks
Good knowledge of Canada's policy making process particularly as it relates
to trade and poverty issues;
Bilingualism in Canada's official languages is required;
Sound knowledge of international development theory and practice;
Understanding of gender analysis, the importance of gender equality, and the
role of women in development;
Strong communication and interpersonal skills;
Capacity to work in a self-directed manner and to collaborate with others in
a team setting;
Good computer skills including Internet and email;
Writing and research skills;
Work experience in a developing country or community development experience

Salary $48,643 per year plus a generous benefits package.

CCIC is committed to employment equity.

For more information, see the Development Policy section and the in common 10
Point Agenda on CCIC’s web site at

Application deadline: December 20, 2002

Application by external candidates will not be considered until applications
and interviews of internal candidates have been fully processed.

We regret that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Please send resume and a letter of interest to:
Shelley Druce, Human Resources Specialist, CCIC
1 Nicholas Street, Suite 300, Ottawa, Ontario, KlN 7B7

Fecha - 12-12-02
Nombre: Willy M. Rangira
Comentarios: [pdforum-l] Volunteer Opportunity: Community Mobilization Advisor (Ghana)

Position: Community Mobilization Advisor
Executing Agency: World University Service of Canada (WUSC)

Host organization: Ghana Education Service

Location: District Education Office (DEO) in Kassena- Nankana District, Northern Ghana

Duration: 2 years

Start Date: February 2003

Closing date for applications: December 16, 2002

Project Description
Ghana is implementing a policy for universal basic education, known as "fCube", the program for "Free, Compulsory, Universal Basic Education". It is recognized by donors and by the government of Ghana that girls are currently under-represented within the education system. WUSC and GES administered a CIDA supported project from 1997-2002. The project supported joint initiatives to reduce the barriers to girls' access and participation in education at the districts, local communities and schools level. Efforts are well underway and ongoing monitoring and support would greatly increase the sustainability of efforts made to date.

Job Description
The Development Worker (DW) will provide technical assistance and advice to members of the community to enhance involvement with the school and to reduce barriers to girls' education.

The DW will:
Assist certain key members of the community to conduct information and education campaigns for the purpose of promoting enrolment and retention in schools and strengthening local Parents and Teachers' Association (PTAs).
Promote the participation of mothers in the PTAs
Assist local schools in strengthening the PTAs in selected schools and expanded communities
Monitor a revolving fund scheme of small income generating activities for mothers involved in the PTAs and transfer those skills to key PTA members and selected teachers
Assist the District Girls Education Officer to train community facilitators and carry out Information and Education Campaigns
Apply participatory approaches.
Expand monitoring of PTAs to include neighbouring school.

Qualifications & Experience Required
BEd or BA in related field (International Development, Social Work or Community Relations)
Experience in designing and conducting information, education and communication activities, preferably in areas of health, nutrition, education or gender issues
Experience in working with community groups and organizational strengthening
Ability to facilitate the development of community organizations
Overseas experience in a rural setting (preferably Africa)

Required Skills

Training skills using participatory methodologies
Adult teaching skills
Ability to be flexible, adaptable, patient, diplomatic and culturally sensitive
Ability to work as a team with government officials, civil servants, community leaders for the purpose of community capacity building
Ability to work with a translator
Ability to drive a motor bike is an asset
Ability to work and live in an isolated rural and culturally challenging environment
The working language is English, however, the development worker's effectiveness will benefit from efforts made to learn basic elements of local languages.
Benefits: Airfare; shipping entitlement; medical and life insurance; modestly-furnished housing; orientation sessions; annual leave; statutory holidays; and ongoing WUSC support from the field office located in Benin. Development Workers receive (non-taxable) allowances and a volunteer stipend. See our website for more detail:

Local support from the organization: Office space and computer will be made available.

Living conditions: Navrongo is located in Northern Ghana. The security conditions are average. Walking at night is not recommended. Property and personal safety measures need to be taken. Navrongo is a malarial area and a prophylaxis is recommended. A bungalow house with basic furnishings will be provided for the DW. The DW will be required to share accommodation with the other DW based in Navrongo. Transportation to the regional capital Bolgatanga is readily available. Transportation to the capital Accra, leaves Navrongo 4 days of the week and daily from Bolgatanga

Position open to Canadian Citizens or permanent residents only.

For more information on Ghana, please visit the following website:

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Interested candidates should forward a resume and statement of interest by to the Recruitment Section at:
Fax: 613 798 0990.

World University Service of Canada (WUSC)
1404 Scott Street, P.O./C.P. 3000, Station/Succ. C
Ottawa, ON K1Y 4M8

Site WEB Site :

Fecha - 10-12-02
Nombre: Enterprising Solutions Global Consulting
Comentarios: Devfinance: International Microfinance Consultants

International Microfinance Consultants

Ongoing Openings for Short and Long-term Contracts

---- Enterprising Solutions Global Consulting ---

Enterprising Solutions Global Consulting is an international consulting firm specializing in microfinance and small/medium enterprise (SME) development. Enterprising Solutions provides services including technical assistance, management consulting, evaluation, and research focused on microfinance and SME to international financial institutions, foundations, private sector companies, bilateral and multilateral donor agencies, national governments and NGOs in over 20 countries. Working with a variety of investors and investment sources, Enterprising Solutions also provides financial advisory services for SMEs and MFIs.

Enterprising Solutions is part of the Chemonics-led consortium that was awarded the right to bid on USAID contracts for the microfinance component of the Accelerated Microenterprise Advancement Project (AMAP) Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC) over the next four years. The AMAP IQC will issue various types of microfinance contracts, ranging from technical assistance services and training, project design and implementation, performance assessment and program evaluation to commercialization of microfinance.

A young and growing company, Enterprising Solutions is seeking Associates interested in the possibility of joining our dynamic team of microfinance consultants and helping us to become the leading microfinance and small business consulting firm.

We are requesting an updated CV, along with a cover letter indicating your development values and approach to microfinance consulting. We will be sending detailed questionnaires only to those applicants with which we are interested in pursuing a relationship Please submit your CV and a cover letter by e-mail to: Director of Programs at (please reference International Microfinance Consultants announcement) by December 18, 2002. We thank you in advance for your consideration.

Enterprising Solutions Global Consulting
Florido 101, Col. Jardines de Tlaltenango
CP 62170, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
Tel/Fax main office: 52 777 313-0438, Tel. US office: (1) 212 4200339, Fax: (1) 212 4200180

Enterprising Solutions is a private sector international development firm specializing in enterprising solutions for social, environmental and economically sustainable development.

Fecha - 02-12-02
Nombre: José Antonio González Pérez

(BECA FPI, Ver Orden de 28 Octubre 2002 en BOE)

Titulado superior reciente (1 Enero 2000 salvo excepciones) con titulación
acorde al tema de investigación propuesto y un buen expediente, que desee
hacer su tesis doctoral asociada al proyecto de investigación REN2002-04602-


Finaliza el 12 de Diciembre de 2002

Los candidatos deben ponerse en contacto lo antes posible con:
Dr. Francisco J. González Vila ( o Dr. José A.
González Pérez (
Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla (IRNAS-CSIC).
Departamento de Biogeoquímica y dinámica de contaminantes.
Avda. Reina Mercedes 10, 41012 Sevilla.
Tel: 954624711 (Ext: 150, 163)

Mas Información sobre las becas en web del MCyT:

Los artículos de AMBIENTAL son distribuidos gracias al apoyo y colaboración
técnica de RedIRIS - Red Académica española - (

Fecha - 29-11-02
Nombre: Susannah Pinckney
Comentarios: Devfinance: Microenterprise Communications Specialist and Research Associate
Weidemann Associates, an international consulting business working in
microenterprise development, seeks to hire for two openings, described in
detail below. The closing date for each position is December 13, 2002.
Interested parties should email resumes to the email address listed for each
announcement. Thank you!

Microenterprise Communications Specialist

Provides professional writing and editing support related to the
microenterprise sector worldwide. Conceptualizes and designs communication
strategies, and then assists in or oversees their implementation. Reviews
and interprets technical material and prepares accurate and descriptive
abstracts and summaries. Interacts with customers to determine messages and
delivery mediums. Prepares the communications materials for print and
electronic distribution.

Duties and Responsibilities
. Collects or oversees collection of material related to microenterprise
development and prepares materials for distribution in print and electronic
formats, including fact sheets, articles, newsletters, technical notes,
reports, web sits and others.
. Participates in strategic planning, and manages and coordinates the
development, implementation, and completion of deliverables related to
communication initiatives.
. Performs research and analysis on specific issues as assigned and develops
comprehensive communications materials based on that analysis and
interpretation of issues.
. Plans and coordinates special events such as contractor meetings.
. Oversees the development and maintenance of comprehensive contact
databases of donor and practitioner organizations involved in
microenterprise services.

Required Skills and Experience
. Bachelor's degree in a related Business, Liberal Arts or Social Sciences
discipline with at least 5 years experience directly related to duties and
. Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
. Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
. Ability to analyze and interpret technical information and to develop
accurate and descriptive abstracts and summaries.
. Skilled in the use word processing and presentation software.
. Knowledge of media production and publishing principles and processes.
. Ability to foster a cooperative work environment.
. Two or more years working in a developing country context.

Desired Skills and Experience
. Master's Degree in a related discipline.
. Knowledge of research principles, methods, and resources.
. Experience with foreign languages preferably French and/or Spanish.
. Skills in the use of spreadsheet and database management software.
. Knowledge management initiatives.

Send Resume to or fax to:
(703) 525-6169 by December 13, 2002. We are an equal opportunity employer.

Microenterprise Research Associate

Weidemann Associates, an international consulting business working in
microenterprise development, seeks a Microenterprise Research Associate to
guide an Internet-based information processing system for developing

Duties include collecting, maintaining, analyzing and reporting micro
enterprise information worldwide. Information is collected from institutions
and companies that provide financial, business development services and
policy development services to micro enterprises. This position will oversee
preparation of questionnaires, data collection using Internet-based methods,
data management and document management. Upon request, this person will
conduct research about microenterprise development activities worldwide
using internal and external data sources. Other duties will be to manage and
replicate databases; produce reports from the database, support report
writing for customers and the public, distribute reports on-line and by
traditional methods and respond to information requests from customers and
the public.

Qualifications: Requires at least five years experience in microenterprise
development, two or more years in a developing country context, plus a
Bachelor's degree in a related subject matter. Must be detail-oriented and
self-directed. Must be able to communicate clearly the information required
from users and explain how to use the Internet based reporting system. Must
be able to the brief high-level company and government officials about data
reported through the system.

Preferred experience includes working with microfinance institutions and
business development services providers in developing countries. An advanced
degree such as MBA, MA, MS or its equivalent is useful. Statistical analysis
of economic and financial data is a plus. Persons who speak Spanish and/or
French will be given preference. Also preferred is experience with Microsoft
Office, Excel and Access, graphics and presentation software, and
preparation of items for print or web publication and web site maintenance.

Send resume to or fax to
703-525-6169 by December 13, 2002. We are an equal opportunity employer.

Fecha - 22-11-02
Nombre: William Myers
Comentarios: Job Opening: Finance Manager
Shared Interest is a social investment program that raises loan capital
and grants for community economic development in South Africa. Shared
Interest works through its South African partner, the Thembani
International Guarantee Fund, to provide technical and financial
assistance to grassroots financial intermediaries that extend credit for
very small businesses and low-cost housing to borrowers previously
denied loans because of their color, gender and income levels. In this
way, Shared Interest provides an opportunity for U.S. supporters to
participate in South Africa's democratic and equitable reconstruction.

The Position
Shared Interest's finance manager oversees the organization's finances
including its nearly $850,000 annual budget. The finance manager plays a
leading role in preparing budgets, projections, financial analyses and
other reports, and developing and implementing Shared Interest's
financial management systems. S/he works closely with Shared Interest's
executive director, the entire staff team and other financial
professionals, and is responsible for the following functions:

1. Overseeing organizational financial systems and finances, including preparing financial statements, projections, reports and analyses;
2. Analyzing guarantee applications and financials for South African micro-finance institutions and NGOs, and monitoring Shared Interest's exposure and risk;
3. Managing the annual audit;
4. Working with the executive director to prepare the annual organizational and project budgets;
5. Designing and implementing financial and project management systems as needed to guide Shared Interest's current and future operations.
6. Managing payroll, benefits and tax payments;
7. Preparing investor payments and managing investor records;
8. Maintaining relationships with financial service providers and state agencies;
9. Working with the Board Finance Committee; and
10. Coordinating work on finances with Shared Interest's South African partner organizations.


The successful candidate will have 3 to 5 years related experience,
knowledge of not-for-profit accounting practices, demonstrated
experience evaluating and underwriting CDFI or small business loans;
proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel, Quickbooks and other database
software programs. Bachelor's or Master's degree in accounting or
finance or CPA are a plus. The finance manager must demonstrate strong
analytical, oral and written communication and interpersonal skills.
S/he must be an organized, detailed self-starter who is also able to
manage a number of responsibilities simultaneously, and to work as a
supportive member of the staff team. S/he must demonstrate the ability
to exercise initiative, use sound judgment and solve problems
efficiently, taking the needs of others into account. S/he should also
be committed to social justice and have an interest in contributing to
South Africa's reconstruction.

Shared Interest welcomes candidates of diverse backgrounds to join us in
our exciting and rewarding work.

Compensation: commensurate with experience
Schedule: full-time
Starting Date: immediate
To apply please submit a letter and resume to :

Donna Katzin, Executive Director;
Phone: (212) 337-8547;
Fax:(212) 337-8548; website:>
Shared Interest, 121 W. 27th Street, Suite 905, NY, NY 10001

Fecha - 22-11-02
Comentarios: [pdforum-l] Program Officer Fund for Global Human Rights

Job at Fund for Global Human Rights
From: "Smita Varia"

Program Officer Fund for Global Human Rights (FGHR) Position Available

Background The Fund for Global Human Rights (FGHR) seeks to strengthen the
human rights movement globally through grantmaking to local, national and
regional human rights organizations around the world. Over the past decade,
efforts to promote human rights have proliferated around the world, with
activists often working under adverse and even dangerous conditions. Despite
this critical work by grassroots human rights activists and increasing
attention to human rights problems, many organizations on the front lines of
the human rights struggle have little or no access to the resources they need
to expand the scope and impact of their work. The FGHR is devoted to meeting
the needs of these organizations by facilitating support for them where the
need is great and the resources limited.

The Fund’s goals are as follows:

1. To identify and assess local, national, and regional human rights
organizations addressing critical issues;
2. To create a process and criteria to provide funding and other supports to
these organizations;
3. To identify donors who wish to support human rights work and provide a
mechanism that meets their needs; and
4. To create fora and networks for exchange of ideas, strategies and mutual
support among otherwise isolated human rights organizations.

The FGHR will begin grantmaking in early 2003 with support for human rights
organizations in three different regions.

The FGHR seeks a Program Officer to support the Executive Director in all
aspects of developing the structure and operations of the Fund. Specific
responsibilities include:

·Working with the Board of Directors and the Executive Director to develop
creative and effective grant-making procedures and to solicit appropriate
funding proposals; ·Identifying grantees and monitoring their work; ·Helping
to develop and work with an international network of advisors; ·Supporting
and building partnerships and coalitions with human rights foundations,
advocacy groups and other nongovernmental organizations; ·Engaging in
fundraising with institutional and individual donors; and ·Developing and
implementing strategies for increasing the awareness and credibility of the
Fund through the media and other outlets.

Significant international and national travel required.

Qualifications The Program Officer will work with the Executive Director in
building a new organization that will provide much-needed support to local,
national and regional human rights groups around the world. The ideal
candidate for this position will possess: ·A deep commitment to global human
rights and an understanding of the role that indigenous human rights
organizations play; ·Experience in fundraising and/or grant-making,
particularly in evaluating organizations and funding proposals; ·Experience
working with global organizations or other international experience;
·Familiarity with human rights standards and experience in human rights field
work; ·Excellent communication and writing skills; and ·Fluency in English,
and fluency in another language, highly desirable.

In addition, the Fund is looking for a candidate who is flexible; works
effectively with different groups—including funders, grantees, the media, and
government officials; is an excellent communicator who can represent the Fund
and the human rights issues and values it serves; is comfortable working in a
small organization that requires a hands-on style, and undertakes his/her
work with integrity, honesty, fairness, patience, discretion, energy,
graciousness and a sense of humor.

Salary commensurate with experience.

To Apply The Fund will be conducting rolling interviews, until the position
is filled.

Please send, as soon as possible, a resume, cover letter, a writing sample
(no more than 10 pages, excerpts of a longer writing sample will be accepted)
and a list of references to:

Electronic submission is strongly encouraged. However, if you are unable to
send it through email, please mail or fax it to: Program Officer Search Fund
for Global Human Rights 1634 I Street, Northwest Suite 1001 Washington, D.C.
20006 Fax: (202) 783-8499

The Fund for Global Human Rights is an equal opportunity/affirmative action
employer. Women and Minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Smita Varia
Operations Manager
Fund for Global Human Rights
1634 I Street, NW Suite 1001
Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202.347.7488
Fax: 202.783.8499

Participatory Development Forum
1404 Scott Street
PO Box 3000, Station C
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: (613) 792-1006;
Fax: (613) 792-1206
Please visit our website:
The PD Forum is an international network of development practitioners,
NGOs, action-researchers, private sector representatives and policy makers
committed to promoting a philosophy of participation that advocates for
people\'s capacity and right to define and control their own development, in
order to achieve social justice and equality. By subscribing to the listserv,
you will become a member of the PD Forum. If you would like to join the PD
Forum, please contact us at

Fecha - 19-11-02
Nombre: a.uche
Comentarios: Program Officer job posting

Are you a self-starter?

Are you entrepreneurial?

Are you passionate about Nigeria’s development?

Then you may be the perfect candidate for FATE USA’s program officer position.

FATE USA is a nonprofit organization, which was created to fill a substantial vacuum in the provision of support for Nigerian entrepreneurs. Its goal is to promote economic development in Nigeria by marshaling the resources, support, expertise, technology, and networks that exist in the United States, and making these assets available to Nigerian businesses. The organization’s main office is in Boston, Massachusetts. It also works with liaisons in NYC, Washington DC, Chicago and Boston. (

FATE USA is searching for a program officer.

Key Responsibilities:

- Work with the board to design and implement the organization’s operating strategy
- Design and implement a fundraising strategy
- Interface with the board, liaisons in over 5 U.S. cities, volunteers, funders and all other stakeholders
- Manage all communication and publicity efforts
- Support all volunteers
- Oversee all administrative tasks required to ensure the effective functioning of the organization
- Actively monitor the progress and performance of the organization

Required Qualifications:

- Bachelors degree; preference for background in management, marketing, business administration or international relations
- At least 2 years of experience within a reputable organization
- Strong project management, problem solving, communication, interpersonal and leadership skills
- Ability to work independently
- Ability to juggle multiple tasks
- Previous experience in Nigeria will be preferred
- Commitment to the mission and objectives of FATE USA

Interested applicants should submit their resume and cover letter to before November 16th 2002.

2 Copley Place, 7th Floor, Boston MA 02116, Phone: 617-572-2990, Fax: 617-572-2991;


Fecha - 14-11-02
Nombre: Isabelle Barres
Comentarios: Devfinance: The MIX - Senior Analyst Job Opening
The MIX (Microfinance Information eXchange), a new not-for-profit
corporation located in Washington, D.C. is looking for a Senior Analyst.

The microfinance industry is growing rapidly in developing countries,
providing opportunities and financial services to millions of poor people.
However, with most poor people still lacking access to basic financial
services, microfinance has yet to reach its full potential. One of the key
challenges to the development of financial services for the poor is the lack
of reliable, comparable and publicly available information on the financial
strength and performance of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs). The MIX
intends to address this information challenge by promoting information
exchange in the microfinance industry. Its mission is to help build market
infrastructure by providing data sourcing, benchmarking and monitoring
tools, and specialized information services. The MIX is managing the
MicroBanking Bulletin, the premier source of microfinance benchmarks and the
MIX Market, the global information exchange for the microfinance industry.

The MIX is supported by CGAP and several not-for-profit private foundations
such as the Rockdale Foundation, the Citigroup Foundation, Deutsche Bank
Americas Foundation, and the Open Society Institute. More details on MIX
and its activities can be found at

Senior Analyst Job Description

The Senior Analyst is responsible for promoting MIX services and enhancing
their value-added. Each Senior Analyst will specialize in one or more
region(s) and act as a coach for the Junior Analysts. The Senior Analyst
reports to the Executive Director.

· Act as a contact point for MFIs in a sub-region to collect, validate, and
update MFI, investor and macroeconomic data on an on-going basis (contact
management with MFIs, rating agencies, donors and researchers)
· Conduct financial analysis and provide feedback to selected MFIs on their
financial performance; act as a coach for the Junior Analyst when necessary;
Contribute to internal guidelines and procedures
· Represent the MIX at conferences or through the publication of articles
· Carry out field assessment of selected MFIs and write related reports
· Act as associate editor of the semi-annual publication "The MicroBanking
· Provide technical assistance to microfinance networks to build their
capacity in benchmarking, and in improving standardization and transparency
· Work on one or more of the following tasks: update of the MIX web site and
other marketing materials, publication of the MicroBanking Bulletin, support
to regional networks/ Apex in performance monitoring
· Actively participate in industry-wide efforts to improve transparency and
work on other tasks related to the MIX as it grows

· Masters in economics, finance, accounting/auditing, or relevant field or
· 3+ years experience in financial analysis
· Experience in Microfinance
· Fluency in written and spoken English is essential; fluency in written and
spoken Spanish and/or French is essential; other languages a plus
· Excellent attention to detail and organizational skills
· Excellent computer skills (spread sheets, databases, word processing,
web-page management, statistical software) and communication skills (verbal
and written)
· Training experience preferred
· Medium-term commitment to the project (3-5 years), and ability to work in
a team

Qualified candidates should e-mail a cover letter, writing sample, and
résumé to Isabelle Barrès at, or fax them to (202)
659-9095 (please, no telephone inquiries). The position is located in
Washington, D.C., and the closing date is November 30, 2002. Only
candidates selected for an interview will receive a response.

The MIX is an equal opportunity employer.

Fecha - 01-11-02
Nombre: William Myers
Comentarios: Job: Vermont Development CU, COO

Chief Operating Officer

Vermont Development Credit Union

Vermont Development Credit Union (VDCU) is seeking a Chief Operating
Officer. S/he will join an award-winning depository CDFI that, along with
its affiliates, is initiating a strategic plan to become Vermont s
full-service, state-wide community development bank. The COO will be
responsible for ongoing operations in an atmosphere of rapid growth, will
head a three-person management team and a current staff of 22 and will
report directly to the CEO.

The successful candidate is already a leader and an enabler, is
organized, creative, a clear thinker, an effective planner who puts plans
into operation, an evaluator, comfortable with change and a polished writer
and speaker. S/he has a commitment to social and economic justice and will
bring energy and enthusiasm to the position.

This position requires a high level of financial management skills
combined with understanding and experience in community development. Prior
experience in a CDFI is highly recommended. Advance degree not mandatory
but helpful if in such fields as economic development, management or finance.

VDCU was chartered in 1989, has assets of $20 million, and reaches
throughout Vermont. With its signature counseling-based system, VDCU makes
loans statewide to populations not served by the mainstream financial
system. We also provide a widening range of financial services to
effectively reach our target market throughout the state. Refer to to learn about VDCU. Equal opportunity employer.
Send letter of interest and resume to Caryl J. Stewart,
President, Vermont Development Credit Union, 18 Pearl Street, Burlington,
VT 05401.

Fecha - 01-11-02
Nombre: William Myers
Comentarios: CDFI job

Black Country Reinvestment Society are recruiting a Chief Executive to be
based in West Bromwich, UK. Please circulate this to anyone you think may
be interested.

Enquiries to Tel 0121 553 2620 email

Black Country Reinvestment Society is a Community Development Financial
Institution (CDFI) lending to social enterprises and social economy
organisations in the Black Country sub-region of the West Midlands. It was
established in April 2002, and at present is managed by a Board of
Directors on a voluntary basis. We now have a vacancy for a Chief Executive

This is an exciting opportunity to develop a new organisation that is
supporting the long-term sustainability of social enterprises in the
Black Country. The post-holder should have experience or understanding of
a lending environment (social lending desirable), experience of
working in the social economy, particularly with social enterprises. Above
all applicants should be able to demonstrate their entrepreneurial

Salary up to £25,000 depending upon experience
37 hours per week
Location: Social Economy House, West Bromwich, West Midlands.
Closing date for applications: Friday 8 November, 5pm
Interview Date: Tuesday 19 November
For an application pack telephone 0121 553 2620, fax 0121 553 2663,
email or write to BCRS, Social Economy House,
Victoria Street, West Bromwich, England B70 8ET.
For more information about BCRS see
Application forms only. No CVs.

BCRS is an equal opportunities employer.

Fecha - 01-11-02
Nombre: Amy Westerholm
Comentarios: Fecha Miercoles, Octubre 30, 2002 2:20 pm
Job Posting: Program Manager of the MIFA, Opportunity Banc, Memphis, TN

The MIFA Opportunity Banc is a Microenterprise program that provides business training, technical assistance and loans to low to moderate income entrepreneurs. Opportunity Banc is seeking a full time Program Manager. This individual will be responsible for program design, marketing, client screening and assessment, loan portfolio management, program evaluation, and fundraising. Qualifications: BA degree, two years experience in related field.

If you are interested in more information please contact Amy Westerholm at

Amy Westerholm

MIFA, Opportunity Banc

Memphis, TN

Fecha - 28-10-02
Nombre: osama alshami
Comentarios: Devfinance: request for consultancy services
Dear Sir or Madam:
SFD (Social Fund for Development-Yemen) is pleased to
announce its request for consultancy services. Please
find the TOR and details on the services required
attached to this e-mail.

Interested individuals and institutions should direct
their correspondence to Mr. Kais Aliriani, Unit Head,
Small and Micro Enterprise Development Unit,
SFD,Yemen. E-


Fecha - 28-10-02
Nombre: Emmanuel Aja
Comentarios: Fundacion de Accion manolo Taverez Justo a non profit organization with a team of great determination to help Dominican Children and the Poor Comunities.
I would like to get some information on how to get into your Grant for funds to anable us carry out our obligations.
Thanks in advance for your immediate respond to this e-mail.

Fecha - 27-10-02
Nombre: Jason Friedman
Comentarios: Position Announcement

StartSmart Business Counselor

Coastal Enterprises, Inc. (CEI), a private non-profit community development corporation providing financing and technical assistance to small businesses, social services and housing projects, seeks a business counselor for StartSmart, a microenterprise program for refugees and immigrants.

Primary Responsibilities: To provide assistance to refugees and immigrants who are interested in starting or expanding a small business.
Assistance includes providing entrepreneurship training, individual business counseling and support in obtaining financing. More specifically, the Business Counselor will work with the StartSmart Coordinator to design and deliver training, to provide one-on-one business counseling in a full range of business issues, and to help business owners prepare business plans and loan applications as appropriate.

Qualifications: Four-year college degree plus Masters degree in related field, business administration or professional designation. Experience with marketing, entrepreneurship training, business counseling, diverse populations and non-native English speakers. Strong analytical, organizational and communications skills. Ability to respond to a variety of business situations and to understand the needs of microenterprises. Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work collaboratively.

Please send cover letter and resume by November 7, 2002 to:

Personnel Administrator
Coastal Enterprises, Inc.
POB 268
Wiscasset, Maine 04578

The board and staff of Coastal Enterprises, Inc. value diversity in all aspects of program participation and employment. We are committed to equal opportunity through a continuing and effective Affirmative Action program.

Fecha - 23-10-02
Comentarios: Job Opportunity Program Officer, Organizational Development

Job Opportunity - Please do not respond to the PD Forum.

Please send all communications regarding this job opportunity to Shelley

Shelley Druce
Human Resources Specialist
1 Nicholas St., Suite 300
Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7

Fax: (613) 241-5302


Please post or circulate

Title: Program Officer, Organizational Development
Location: Ottawa
Supervisor: Coordinator, Organizational Development
Classification: Level 6 (unionized)
Salary Range: $48,643 - $51,332
Term: December 2, 2002 - July 31, 2004


The Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC) is a coalition of
Canadian voluntary sector organizations working globally to achieve
sustainable human development. CCIC seeks to end global poverty, and to
promote social justice and human dignity for all.

The Organizational Development (OD) Team is one of three program teams and
is responsible for developing and leading programs to assist CCIC's members
to improve ethical standards, public engagement strategies, organizational
learning and the capacity to innovate and creatively manage change, both as
individual organizations and as a community. The Team also participates in
developing and facilitating a CCIC membership mobilization strategy. The
Team provides advice and support in process design and implementation to
CCIC's overall program.


Under the direction of the Organizational Development (OD) Coordinator, the
Program Officer is responsible for implementing one or more program
components. Over the period of this contract, the major program priorities
for the OD team will be public engagement (including public deliberation),
the ethics program and a policy capacity building project. The Program
Officer will be a member of the OD team and contribute to the overall
functioning of this team. The particular focus of this position will be
capacity building.


1. Provides advice and collaborate in the CCIC policy capacity building

* Works with the Program Officer in the policy team responsible for
this capacity building process;
* Provides leadership/guidance in the design of learning processes;
* Provides guidance in the design and development of tools and
resources on policy capacity building with members;
* Assists in the implementation of relevant capacity building

2. Facilitates membership learning and capacity building opportunities:

* Develops and implements workshops and other learning opportunities
for members;
* Provides facilitation and training support to CCIC's public
deliberation program;
* Researches and writies educational support materials.

3. Supports the CCIC ethics program:

* Organizes an ethical training and dialogue process with fundraisers;
* Explores potential for a working group on fundraising images.

4. Supports the OD Team as required on other initiatives:

* Undertakes ongoing research and scanning of the environment of
organizational change issues and of members' needs for organizational change
* Provides ongoing consultative support to members on organizational
change issues;
* Collaborates and supports other OD program areas as appropriate;
* Analyzes learnings and results of organizational development
* Disseminates materials and learnings;
* Writing articles for use in CCIC and other printed communication
vehicles as appropriate;
* Monitoring Voluntary Sector sections of web site and providing
guidance re its updating and relevance for members.

5. Provides support for the ongoing operation and administration of the
OD Team:

* Contributes to the development and implementation of the workplan
for the OD Team in co-ordination with other teams in the Secretariat;
* Manages projects related to the team's program including their
financial management;
* Prepares policies and proposals for CCIC's Board of Directors,
Executive Committee and other committees and task forces;
* Supervises the work of consultants and temporary employees;
* Participates in regular workplanning, work review and evaluation
with the OD Team.
* Performs other duties as requested to ensure smooth functioning of
the team.


* University degree, preferably a Masters, or equivalent;
* A minimum of four years of related work experience, preferably in
organizational development and/or adult education and capacity building in
the NGO sector;
* Excellent facilitation skills are preferred;
* Bilingualism in Canada's official languages (written and spoken) is
* Strong research and writing skills;
* Excellent communication, interpersonal and organizational skills
including sensitivity to gender and cultural diversity;
* Sound knowledge of international cooperation practice and theory;
* Knowledge of the NGO sector and/or experience in membership
* Public engagement experience and knowledge of public dialogue
processes preferred;
* Strong computer skills (Word, internet, email);
* Capacity to work in a self-directed manner and to collaborate with
others in a team setting.

CCIC is committed to employment equity.

Application deadline: November 5, 2002

Interviews will be held the week of: November 11, 2002

CCIC offers a generous benefits package. For general information on CCIC,
please visit our web site at We thank all candidates for their
interest, however, only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Please send resume and letter of interest to:

Shelley Druce
Human Resources Specialist
1 Nicholas St., Suite 300
Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7

Fax: (613) 241-5302

Fecha - 21-10-02
Nombre: Miriam Djabali
Comentarios: call for project

Request for Projects : PlaNet Finance is seeking to finance microfinance institutions (MFIs). Preference will be given to MFIs located in Sub-saharan Africa and where PlaNet Finance has existing contacts or local representation.

Applicants requesting a loan from the Revolving Credit Fund must be microfinance institutions, defined as credit and savings cooperatives, village banks, mutualist organizations, or NGOs implementing microcredit programs and which foster micro-entrepreneurship or funding income-generating activities, in rural or urban areas.

Applicant MFIs must:

- have been in operation for at least one year. The Revolving Credit Fund program mainly targets young MFIs, whose growth has been limited due to lack of loan funds.

- have an interesting and detailed project.

- be situated in the zone determined by the RCF.

MFIs that satisfy the above three conditions are invited to fill in the application form at the following address: or by contacting us at

PlaNet Finance,

Fecha - 19-10-02
Nombre: Mary Rogier
Comentarios: Please share the following job announcement

Professional Opportunity at the Northern California Community Loan Fund
October, 2002


The Development Director is responsible for planning and implementing NCCLF’s annual effort to:
· raise operating support from foundations, corporations and individuals;
· expand NCCLF's total lending capital (through both investments and grants); and
· maintain and increase NCCLF’s public visibility.

The Development Director’s major responsibility is to develop, coordinate and implement annual and long-range plans for resource development including both capital and operating support. At this stage in NCCLF’s growth, the Development Director will be asked to focus on expanding our individual donor campaign, including spearheading an active volunteer solicitation effort and coordinating one to two small annual fundraising events. To build public awareness of NCCLF’s mission and services, the Development Director coordinates the production of a newsletter, annual report and other marketing materials. S/he also oversees the maintenance of NCCLF’s database information management system for donors and investors.

The Development Director is part of NCCLF’s management team and manages the activities of the Board of Directors’ Development Committee. The Development Director supervises one staffperson and hires and supervises the work of writers, photographers, designers, event planners, and other contractors as needed.


The ideal candidate for this position is an experienced and resourceful development professional who is highly organized, motivated, and people-oriented, with a high level of communication skills and creativity. Expertise with grantwriting, individual donor development and major gift campaigns is especially desirable. Desired qualifications include:
· At least three years experience in development or related position.
· Excellent written and oral communication skills.
· Successful track record in fundraising for a nonprofit organization, including individual donor and major gift campaigns as well as successful experience in foundation and corporate fundraising.
· Ability to produce grants and reports on schedule.
· Excellent planning, organizational skills; ability to work as a team player in a busy and friendly cooperative environment.
· Expertise with word processing, database and spreadsheet software, including donor database management and report production.
· Initiative, enthusiasm and interest in community development and services for low-income communities

Compensation and other information: NCCLF offers a competitive salary based on experience, plus an excellent benefits package including health, dental and retirement benefits. Position is full-time, 40 hours per week, with occasional evening or weekend hours required. Position open until filled. NCCLF is an equal opportunity employer and actively seeks to maintain a diverse staff.

To Apply: Send resume and cover letter to: Northern California Community Loan Fund. Attn: DD Search, 870 Market Street, Suite 677, San Francisco, CA 94102 OR fax to 415-392-8216 OR email to

The Northern California Community Loan Fund is a nonprofit community development lender and technical assistance provider dedicated to strengthening the economic base of low income and minority communities across northern California. Created in 1987 by socially concerned investors, NCCLF provides loans and technical expertise to nonprofit community-based organizations working to revitalize low income communities. Since inception, NCCLF has committed nearly $24 million to 169 projects and has helped nonprofits build hundreds of affordable housing units, create new jobs, and strengthen organizational and financial stability. Based in San Francisco, NCCLF has a revolving loan fund of nearly $12 million, a $1.1 million operating budget, a staff of eleven, an active volunteer Board of Directors, and over 150 individual, foundation, religious, and corporate investors. Please see our website at for more information.

Mary A. Rogier, President
Northern California Community Loan Fund
870 Market St Suite 677
San Francisco, CA 94102

Fecha - 19-10-02
Nombre: david whitefield
Comentarios: Last months, a Carelton University/Health Canada report
warned about the dangers to users' health of excessive use
of electronic mail and similar means of communication.

It is for users and providers to decide how damages will be avoided.

Fecha - 16-10-02
Nombre: William Myers
Comentarios: Job Position, NYC


Application deadline: October 15, 2002

The New York City Financial Network Action Consortium (NYCfNAC) is a nonprofit
organization located in Brooklyn, New York that promotes low-income residents
of New York City gaining access to affordable financial services and credit
through the development of stronger community development credit unions. We
are seeking an experienced Business Loan Officer to develop and implement a
small business lending program on behalf of the city’s leading community
development credit unions.

NYCfNAC was formed in 1999 to address the capacity needs of its participating
credit unions and generate vital economies of scale. Specifically, NYCfNAC
provides operational, technical and financial assistance to assist their
development of new products and services, expansion of branch operations,
acquisition of technology, and marketing to the city’s large underserved,
low-income population. The creation of a shared branch network is in

The Business Loan Officer will coordinate and develop a joint lending
operation among NYCfNAC’s participating credit unions to enable them to better
serve the credit needs of small businesses within their communities. The
Centralized Lending Program will promote their sharing of large loans and
effective use of SBA loan guarantees. The Business Loan Officer may assist
NYCfNAC to extend this “back office” arrangement to other products and
services as part of the establishment of a credit union service organization

Primary responsibilities:

· Identifying specific loan products, their underwriting criteria and pricing
· Developing proper procedures and processes for underwriting loans
· Developing effective marketing strategies
· Training credit union staff to enhance their participation and support
· Performing credit analysis and packaging loans referred by credit unions or
· Preparing detailed written loan reviews and managing approval process
· Negotiating loan structure and issuing commitment letters
· Maintaining accurate and complete loan files
· Coordinating with legal counsel
· Overseeing loan closings, loan disbursement and post-closing follow up
· Managing expectations of participating credit unions


· Minimum 5-years experience with small business lending in an increasingly
responsible position
· Strong analytical, organizational and interpersonal skills and attention to
· Knowledge of community development finance field
· Demonstrated ability to work effectively within a team
· Effective oral and written communication skills
· Computer literacy

· Ability to work cooperatively with community-based organizations, banks,
public agencies and individuals from various economic/cultural backgrounds
· Bilingual skills (English/Spanish) are preferred but not required
· B.A. degree

Compensation: Salary commensurate with experience; benefits include vacation;
medical and dental; 403(b) retirement plan

To apply: Submit a letter of introduction, resume and salary
history/requirements to:

Peter L. Bray
Executive Director
175 Remsen Street, Suite 350
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Fax (718) 260-0085

Fecha - 16-10-02
Nombre: Sylvia J. Rosales-Fike
Comentarios: Job announcement in California

JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: Business Development Manager

The New America Foundation (New America) is an asset-building community
foundation founded in 1999 serving the economic development needs of
low-income new Americans in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area. New America
offers a unique model that gives new Americans (new citizens, immigrants and
refugees) a way to build assets by integrating their cultural roots and
building a commitment to their community. Our programs combine business
incubation, savings incentives, access to capital and community development
and are currently serving Latinos and Asian/Vietnamese microentrepreneurs.
Our administrative offices are located in Berkeley, California.

We are currently accepting applications for a full-time Business Development
Manager to lead our Business Venture Broker program. This new position will
lead the development and implementation of strategic business initiatives to
help participants access markets and business opportunities. This position
reports to the President/CEO.

Responsibilities include:
1. Development of special initiatives in partnership with community economic
development departments of Bay Area city governments that may offer new
business opportunities to our program participants;
2. Working with local business associations, farmers markets, flea markets,
local fairs, and other similar organizations and create business
opportunities for our program microentrepreneurs;
3. Establishment of relations with established business owners, community
colleges, and other institutions for the purpose of recruitment of business
coaches for our program participants;
4. Coordination of assignments of business coaches to individual program
participants and tracks progress towards established goals;
5. Assisting with fundraising including relations with funders and proposal
6. Tracking data relevant to program evaluation and production of required
reports for internal and external purposes;
7. Other administration and program related duties as needed.

Minimum Job Requirements:
Master in Business Administration or any equivalent discipline. Minimum of 5
years of demonstrated experience in business development for urban
communities. Previous work with multicultural, immigrant communities is a
· Business management, marketing and sales experience a plus.
· Strong analytical skills: experience in concept and product development a
· High energy. Passion for nonprofit microbusiness/economic development
· A networker, with strong interpersonal and communication skills. Team
· Strong computer skills.
· Excellent business writing skills.
· Knowledge of Spanish or Vietnamese/other Asian language a plus.

Compensation: $45K to early 50’s DOE, plus benefits. Wonderful work
environment. The New America Foundation is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.

TO APPLY: Please send cover letter with resume and salary requirements to: or by mail to Search Committee for Business
Developer, The New America Foundation, 2974 Adeline Street, Berkeley, CA
94703 or fax to 510/540-7786. Other ways to contact poster:
V: 510-540-7785, x302 ; F: 510-540-7786.

Fecha - 11-10-02
Nombre: Pdforum
Comentarios: Vacancy Notice
Project Manager
Evaluation and Assessment of Mine Action
The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) is a
foundation promoting international cooperation in the field of mine action.
The Centre works in partnership with the United Nations, Governments,
Non-Governmental Organizations and all other groups active in the mine
action sector. It aims to provide advice and assistance to all its partners,
by providing a facility for the objective and impartial evaluation of mine
action programmes, and the assessment of problem areas affecting the setting
up of programmes for all facets of mine action (mine risk reduction,
minefield survey and clearance, victim assistance, stockpile destruction and
The GICHD now needs to hire a specialist to oversee the evaluation and
assessment functions carried out by the Centre, and to formulate methods for
such evaluation and assessment. The successful candidate will be based in
Geneva, but will be required to travel extensively, including to mine
affected countries. She/he will work as a senior member of a
multi-disciplinary team, containing staff with field experience from many
Qualifications and skills:
* A social science degree.
* At least five years experience in the evaluation of field
operations in general development, humanitarian or disaster relief work.
* The objectiveness and integrity to carry out unbiased
evaluations and assessments.
* The capacity and flexibility to accept new concepts and
ideas, and the inventiveness to create new initiatives.
* A track record in operating in challenging environments.
* The ability to interact effectively with a wide range of
* The vision to ensure that the findings and recommendations
of evaluations are effectively utilized for planning and programme purposes.
Please send applications and CV to Mr. Ian Mansfield, Operations Director, 7
bis avenue de la Paix, PO Box 1300, CH-1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland, by 31
For further information please contact via:
Telephone +41 22 9061674
Fax +41 22 9061690
Email i.mansfield*
Visit the GICHD website at
Issued 8 Oct 02

Fecha - 09-10-02
Comentarios: Job Announcement: Rural Finance Consultant, Ethiopia
ACDI/VOCA, a US-based international development organization delivering technical assistance to businesses and
institutions, is recruiting for a micro-enterprise development specialist to be based in a rural area in Bahir Dar,
Ethiopia. The program will focus on partnering with local institutions to develop financial services and on- and
off-farm small business opportunities. The successful candidate will have a minimum of 5 years' experience in
rural/micro-finance and business development service. Knowledge of basic MIS requirements for a large microfinance
institution, and USAID project management experience within Africa is required. Please forward electronic résumé/cover
letter and salary requirements to No phone calls please. Only finalists will be contacted.

Fecha - 05-10-02
Comentarios: [pdforum-l] Re: Participatory Evaluation Expertise

This request from CIAT may be of interest to a number of pdforum members.

Dear Colleagues:

CIAT is setting up a new Institute called the Institute of Rural Innovation.
One of its purposes is to help researchers and development agencies learn
more about how innovations develop and disseminate. Monitoring, evaluation
and impact assessment are one way of learning about innovation.The W.K.
Kellogg Foundation has invited us to contribute to making an inventory of
evaluation expertise in Latin America, and we are expanding this initiative

I'm writing to ask for your help in locating some people and institutions
who could help us and various partners with program evaluation. We are
looking for expertise in any of the following:
1. participatory monitoring and evaluation
2. participatory learning
3. quantitative or qualititative impact assessment
4. formative evaluation
5. beneficiary assessments
6. project or program evaluation in rural or urban development, health,
education, telecommunications, natural resource management or agriculture.

Being an evaluator is more important than the sector or field.

We'd like to locate individuals with experience in any of the above types of
evaluation who could act as consultants from time to time, or who could
teach or mentor projects in the field, and whom we might bring together for
a workshop or two in the future.

Similarly we're interested in institutions with experience in any of the
above types of evaluation which might mentor field projects, or provide
capacity building in evaluation.

These could be any of the following individuals or institutions:

1. International expertise located anywhere in the world
2. Latin American expertise, either Spanish speaking or bilingual in Spanish
or English, located anywhere in Latin America
3. Expertise with specific regional capability; Central America; Andean
region; Brazil; southern cone etc.
4. Africa or Asia expertise

After we contact people and find out their interest, we will start
networking to identify how they and we can work together

If you would like to suggest anyone with relevant expertise whom we can
contact or would like your name and address to appear in the inventory,
please reply to with the contact data and if you have it,
a short description of the kinds of evaluation expertise that should be
registered.Then we'll be in touch.

Please reply to both me ( and Anna Knox (
since PRGA is also in the process of establishing an expertise database to
help the program meet its growing demand for trainers and consultants in PR
and GA.

We hope this inventory will prove to be useful for you and reward any
contribution you make to it.

For further information please visit:

Many thanks, and best regards,

Jacqueline A. Ashby
Director of Research for Development and Rural Innovation
AA 6713
tel: 572 445 0043
tel: 1 6650 833 6625
fax: 572 445 0073

Fecha - 04-10-02
Nombre: Nonprofit Library
Email: nplib@JHU.EDU
Comentarios: International Philanthropy Fellows Program - Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies
Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies
Center for Civil Society Studies
International Philanthropy Fellows Program
Call for Applications
Academic Year 2003-2004

The Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies, Center for Civil Society
Studies is pleased to announce a call for applications for the International
Fellows in Philanthropy Program for the 2003-2004 academic year. This
program based in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, affords an opportunity for
advanced study, research, and training for up to eight participants each
year who are involved in studying or managing private nonprofit, or
philanthropic organizations outside of the United States, or working as NGO
liaisons in the public or commercial sectors. Fellowships, which can be an
academic year or semester, are available at both the Junior and Senior
level. Special funding is available for Fellows from East Africa.


We are soliciting candidates who: 1) have demonstrated a high degree of
interest, experience, and professional competence in research, management,
or general leadership related to the voluntary, nongovernmental, nonprofit,
or philanthropic sector; or 2) nonprofit liaison officers established by
governments and multinational organizations who play a role in linking with
nonprofit organizations through project partnerships, legal reform
initiatives, and a variety of other activities.

Candidates are expected to have attained a university diploma equivalent to
the American Bachelors of Arts or Science degree and be capable of carrying
out independent research and inquiry. A high degree of English fluency is
required as demonstrated by a score of 600 or higher on the TOEFL exam.

There are no restrictions as to nationality (except that US citizens are
excluded from eligibility). Fellows are required to attend the annual
International Fellows in Philanthropy Conference prior to their fellowship
year and are strongly encouraged to participate in subsequent annual

For more information, or to download an application, visit: or contact Carol Wessner (

Fecha - 04-10-02
Nombre: Julian Liu
Comentarios: [ESCR-NET] FW: [POPML] John Hopkins fellowship for NGO professionals who are not from the U.S.
Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies
Center for Civil Society Studies
International Philanthropy Fellows Program
Call for Applications
Academic Year 2003-2004

The Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies, Center for Civil Society
Studies is pleased to announce a call for applications for the
International Fellows in Philanthropy Program for the 2003-2004 academic
year. This program based in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, affords an
opportunity for advanced study, research, and training for up to eight
participants each year who are involved in studying or managing private
nonprofit, or philanthropic organizations outside of the United States,
or working as NGO liaisons in the public or commercial sectors.
Fellowships, which can be an academic year or semester, are available at
both the Junior and Senior level. Special funding is available for
Fellows from East Africa.


We are soliciting candidates who: 1) have demonstrated a high degree of
interest, experience, and professional competence in research,
management, or general leadership related to the voluntary,
nongovernmental, nonprofit, or philanthropic sector; or 2) nonprofit
liaison officers established by governments and multinational
organizations who play a role in linking with nonprofit organizations
through project partnerships, legal reform initiatives, and a variety of
other activities.

Candidates are expected to have attained a university diploma equivalent
to the American Bachelors of Arts or Science degree and be capable of
carrying out independent research and inquiry. A high degree of English
fluency is required as demonstrated by a score of 600 or higher on the
TOEFL exam.

There are no restrictions as to nationality (except that US citizens are
excluded from eligibility). Fellows are required to attend the annual
International Fellows in Philanthropy Conference prior to their
fellowship year and are strongly encouraged to participate in subsequent
annual conferences.

For more information, or to download an application, visit: or contact Carol Wessner (

Nonprofit Library, Room 530
Institute for Policy Studies
Wyman Park Building

Fecha - 04-10-02
Nombre: Sharmi Sobhan
Comentarios: Devfinance: Reposting Bank Fonkoze CFO job posting
Fonkoze is Haiti's Alternative Bank for the Organized Poor. It offers
the following financial services: (1) microcredit (2) savings (3)
currency exchange (4) money transfers. Structured originally as a local
ngo, it is now in the process of spinning off its financial services to
form Haiti's first microcredit oriented commercial bank.

BANK Fonkoze S.A. (Haiti)
Job Description



The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is responsible to the Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) for all long-range financial matters and for the
establishment of company-wide financial and administrative objectives,
policies, programs, and practices that insure the company of a
continuously sound financial structure. S/He controls the flow of cash
through the organization and maintains the integrity of funds,
securities and other valuable documents.

1. Establish and execute programs for the provision of the capital
required by the business, including negotiating the procurement of
capital and maintaining the required financial arrangements.

2. Supervise the production of the annual budget for the bank;
review, refine and implement the system for the strict control of and
adherence to the budget, and report monthly on the outcome of the budget
to the Board through the CEO.

3. Develop and implement a financial plan, including cash-flow
projections, which will enable the bank, while complying with all
regulatory requirements (liquidity, etc) to maximize its balance sheet
exposure, minimize exposure to risk and promote earnings potential to
achieve its corporate objectives and mission. The performance of the CFO
will be based on results to be measured against established targets and
set deadlines incorporated within the approved financial plan.

4. Lead the preparation of the financial statements of the bank,
including annual and quarterly financial reports and prospectuses.

5. Assess and implement improvements in the bank's accounting and
management information system:

* Study the reconciliation procedures and practices and set in
motion a mechanism for timely investigation and set off of
entries on suspense accounts
* Assess and develop an efficient reconciliation system with a
view to improving/expediting reconciliation of accounts and
strengthening internal control measures.

6. Review and implement improvements in the budgeting and planning
process at the bank.

7. Advise the CEO and the Chief Operations Officer (COO) on costing
systems and develop/establish appropriate systems for apportioning
overhead costs to the various profit/cost centers according to services

8. Examine the corporate expenditure structure and suggest areas
where cost reduction can be made without affecting operations adversely.

9. Approve all agreements concerning financial obligations, such as
contracts for products or services and other actions requiring a
commitment of financial resources. Responsible for the financial aspects
of real estate transactions and executes bids, contracts and leases.

10. Provides insurance coverage as required.

11. Suggest measures to improve earning capacity through both
traditional sources and new avenues.

12. Review the bank treasury function and redesign/implement it as
necessary to ensure consistently adequate liquidity in day-to-day
operations as well as maintaining daily balances.

13. Ensure that all legally mandated reports, including the annual
financial statements, are produce on time and are of an acceptable

14. Develop and implement a management development plan to ensure
that the financial functions within the Department have trained and
experienced personnel to ensure orderly succession following completion
of the contract. This involves taking appropriate steps to ensure that
such trained personnel have acquired all requisite capabilities to
support the bank's financial operations, the financial accounting
reporting and controllership function and any other financial management
departments concentrated within this area. Progress in reaching
sustainability of financial and all other operations is a major goal and
therefore subject to periodic review.

15. Supervise the preparation of budget and accounting manuals.


Directly accountable to the CEO and the board of directors through the
CEO for the performance of all responsibilities related to financial
management and administration.
Provides reports on company finances as
requested by the CEO and the board of directors.


* 6 - 10 years of increasingly responsible experience in
management capacities within a financial institution, especially a micro
finance institution and/or commercial bank.
* Minimum of a university degree, with a major in finance or
accounting preferred. Masters degree beneficial.
* Good communications skills and the ability to work well with
* Good leadership and teamwork skills.
* Fluent in English, French, and Creole.
* Understanding of and commitment to mission and values of Bank
Fonkoze S.A.

For more information, please contact Claude B. Labossiere at

Fecha - 04-10-02
Nombre: Ros Boyle
Comentarios: job opportunities with the new UK CDFI trade association

Three exciting new posts to support the development of transformational financial services for social change in the UK

The Community Development Finance Association (CDFA) is the newly formed trade association for UK Community Development Finance Institutions (CDFIs). CDFIs are sustainable, independent organisations which aim to generate a ‘double bottom-line’ of social and financial returns by supplying capital and business support to financially excluded communities. We aim to build a thriving Community Development Finance sector in the UK by becoming a centre of excellence supporting the growth and development of our members. We are now seeking to appoint a team of senior executives:

Chief Executive - Salary package up to £65,000
Responsible for:
- strategy and policy development
- building capacity within the sector
- building a sustainable association

The ideal candidate will have impressive leadership and communications skills, higher level management experience, an understanding of finance and community development and a commitment to social change. Experience in organisation start-up and management, economic development/ business/ community lending will be advantageous.

Capacity Building Director- Salary package c. £35,000
Responsible for:
- developing excellent training programmes
- running our Annual Conference
- establishing our consultancy services

The successful candidate will have experience of developing and delivering training, of managing large events and will preferably have worked in CDF/ economic regeneration/ financial services. Experience in providing technical advice and consultancy and in working in or with a networking organisation would also be an advantage.

Information Director - Salary package c. £35,000
Responsible for:
- building a framework for performance and accountability
- developing CDFI sector benchmarks
- publishing the annual ‘State of Community Development Finance’ report
- information services including the CDFA website and newsletter

The right candidate must understand the issues facing CDFI’s regarding measuring their performance and will have experience of monitoring and evaluation, preferably of financial organisations, and of managing the production of publications. Work experience in CDF/ economic regeneration/ financial services would be preferable.

Interested applicants should obtain an information pack from: Selva Romero-Toledo, CDFA, 80-84 Bondway, London SW8 1SF, T: 020 7820 1282, Email: Web:

Closing date for applications: 25 October 2002

Fecha - 01-10-02
Nombre: Tanya Stergiou
Comentarios: Program Manager - Mexico

Job: Program Manager - Mexico
Posted by: Human Resources

Organization Name: CHF International
Job title: Program Manager, Mexico
Place of Assignment: Mexico

Job Description: The CHF Mexico Program Manager will be based in Nuevo Laredo and responsible for assisting in the strengthening of the new office for the HILP in this US-Mexico border city and the rapid expansion of CHF development finance activities to neighboring cities. The Program Manager will conduct feasibility assessments in other cities in Mexico, develop financial projections and set goals for the program, create and execute budgets, oversee daily operations of the new office, and manage a small staff. The Program Manager will assist initially and later assume responsibility for developing private sector collaborations including multinational corporations and construction sector businesses, and key relationships with community leaders. The Program Manager will be responsible for submitting regular reports to the office in Juárez related to the loan portfolio, accounting and programmatic issues.

The Program Manager will be trained at the CHF/Mexico office in Ciudad Juárez and will familiarize him/herself with the procedures and policies.

Reporting: This position reports to the CHF Country Director for Mexico, but will coordinate closely with CHF Headquarters.

Qualifications and skills Required:
Five to 15 years work experience in the development sector, three years minimum in Latin America. Three to five years experience in the development and implementation of micro-finance programs required. Experience in low income housing and/or housing micro-finance strongly preferred. Program development experience a plus. Candidate must be able to move freely between Mexico and the US on a regular basis. Fluency in English and Spanish an absolute requirement. CHF does not discriminate on the basis of any legally protected characteristic, including, race, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability, or citizenship. We welcome and encourage candidates of all nationalities to apply.

Starting Date: ASAP
Deadline for submission of applications: November 1, 2002
Submit your applications to: Human Resources
Applications must be emailed to:

Instructions to applicants:
Excellent benefits package and competitive salary offered. Interested and qualified applicants need to send a resume with a cover letter detailing available start date and salary history/requirements to Resumes must be received by Nov. 1, 2002.
Please mention clearly in your job application letter that you learned of this job opportunity through DEVJOBS, and mention the URL of its website - Thanks.

Fecha - 30-09-02
Nombre: Chris YH Kim
Comentarios: Looking for creative and talented managers and producers
who can work and earn on a part time basis

World Server Network TV (WSN TV) is a global education, entertainment and media organization. Our goals are to bring low-cost higher education and entertainment to the worldwide population, and to promote the spread of broadband internet access that will make it possible to achieve those goals.

Would you like to work in teams to develop online business, produce videos, television shows, and wide range of multimedia content on a part-time basis in an online environment? Are you interested in part-ownership of an innovative, forward-looking company?

Would you like to recruit and manage networks of thousands of talented, highly-motivated, creative individuals?

We are looking for creative, highly motivated an Executives, Managers, Exective Producers, and Members who either wish to design, develop and publish multimedia content in your areas of specialisation in the team of WSNTV100, or to teach in our newly opened WSN100 University at on a part-time basis from home and on a profit-sharing basis.

More information is available by clicking the links below:
Information for Prospective Members at
our Ph,D/MBA curriculum and reward at,
our co-ownership opportunities at and.
Evaluation Methodology at

Should you have specific questions about WSNTV or what your role with us could be, please do not hesitate to contact us at

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes

Chris YH Kim,, Chairman
WSNTV 100 Inc.

E-mail based commercial communication avoids unnecessary spending on catalogs and paper, and helps to preserve valuable natural resources such as forests and oil. We do not wish to share our valuable information about broadband business with those who are not interested; only those who want to participate in our projects. Should you not wish to receive information from us in the future, please click Remove.

Even though our database cleansing might be subject to delay or error, we will remove your e-mail address permanently from our database. However, please realise that removal from our database does not guarantee that your e-mail address will be deleted from the many other e-mail marketers who construct databases themselves by harvesting from web sites, or by buying any of the thousands of lists of e-mail addresses that are openly for sale on the internet.

Fecha - 28-09-02
Nombre: Laurie Hayley
Comentarios: Part-time Job Opportunity as VRC Researcher!

Part-time Job Opportunity at the PD Forum!

A part-time position is available at the Participatory Development (PD) Forum
to enhance its Virtual Resource Centre (VRC). This is an exciting
opportunity to take part in the development of a useful electronic resource,
help in the growth of a cutting edge NGO, and will provide you with the
opportunity to network with PD practitioners, academics and researchers.

What is the VRC?
The VRC is a user-friendly consolidated body of current resources to draw
upon in order to enhance people's understanding and practice of
participation. The VRC is a compilation of electronic postings authored by PD
colleagues all over the world.

Job Description:
- Research current activities related to PD on the Internet and upload
appropriate documentation to the VRC.
- Assist in the marketing, growth and development of the VRC. This will
-Communicating with organizations dedicated to participation.
-Meeting with the Project Manager, VRC Committee and web page technician
on potential ways to enhance the VRC.
- 10-15 hours per week @ $12/hour
- Flexible hours

Job Requirements:
- Interest and familiarity with participation and development.
- Basic HTML knowledge and comfort working with web sites.
- Internet research skills.
- Demonstrated ability to work independently.
- Flexibility and ability to work as part of a team.
- Language skills an asset.
- Some international experience an asset.
- Must be residing within the Ottawa-Gatineau area.

For more information, please visit our website at:; or E-mail Laurie Hayley at:

Resumes MUST be received by FRIDAY OCTOBER 4, 2002 at 4:30 pm.

Please send your resume attention to:

Laurie Hayley
Project Manager
Participatory Development Forum
1404 Scott Street
PO Box 3000, Station C
Ottawa, ON K1Y 4M8
Tel: (613) 792-1006
Fax: (613) 792-1206

Fecha - 24-09-02
Nombre: Nonprofit Library
Comentarios: Martes, Septiembre 24, 2002 7:42 pm
Asunto Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies - International Philanthropy Fellows Program
Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies
Center for Civil Society Studies
International Philanthropy Fellows Program
Call for Applications
Academic Year 2003-2004

The Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies, Center for Civil Society
Studies is pleased to announce a call for applications for the International
Fellows in Philanthropy Program for the 2003-2004 academic year. This
program based in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, affords an opportunity for
advanced study, research, and training for up to eight participants each
year who are involved in studying or managing private nonprofit, or
philanthropic organizations outside of the United States, or working as NGO
liaisons in the public or commercial sectors. Fellowships, which can be an
academic year or semester, are available at both the Junior and Senior
level. Special funding is available for Fellows from East Africa.


We are soliciting candidates who: 1) have demonstrated a high degree of
interest, experience, and professional competence in research, management,
or general leadership related to the voluntary, nongovernmental, nonprofit,
or philanthropic sector; or 2) nonprofit liaison officers established by
governments and multinational organizations who play a role in linking with
nonprofit organizations through project partnerships, legal reform
initiatives, and a variety of other activities.

Candidates are expected to have attained a university diploma equivalent to
the American Bachelors of Arts or Science degree and be capable of carrying
out independent research and inquiry. A high degree of English fluency is
required as demonstrated by a score of 600 or higher on the TOEFL exam.

There are no restrictions as to nationality (except that US citizens are
excluded from eligibility). Fellows are required to attend the annual
International Fellows in Philanthropy Conference prior to their fellowship
year and are strongly encouraged to participate in subsequent annual

For more information, or to download an application, visit: or contact Carol Wessner (

Fecha - 22-09-02
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: Mario, cuando empezaba a leer tu mensaje tenía la impresión que te estabas refiriémdome a Agora. Es caótica, imperfecta, modesta... Pero es una tenaz presencia, un aferramiento, simplemente porque no podemos parar el mundo, tenemos que viajar con él. Si tú estás aquí y yo estoy aquí, ¿por qué no ocupamos las energias que destinamos a la autoflagelación. Te aseguro que lo estaba haciendo cuando he recibido tu mail y nos dedicamos a descubrir cómo unimos mejor nuestros esfuerzos
Fecha - 22-09-02
Comentarios: Hace tiempo ya que disfruto con vuestro sitio.
Nuestro sitio representa un esfuerzo fallido "a priori" de "iluminación en un universo caótico".
Un país de habla hispana en proceso de involución comparativa a nivel universal.

Estamos incluyendo vuestro sitio entre nuestros Vínculos
Les felicito y les envío un cordial saludo
Fecha - 21-09-02
Nombre: Luis Miguel Arias
Comentarios: Estamos en la universidad entrando en conversaciones para plantear la
digitalizacion de un conjunto de cursos que se brindan a la comunidad
y que son muy bien recibidos desde cursos especificamente
administrativos a otros que abordan temas de produccion y crianza de
animales. La intencion es ofrecer estos cursos de formacion en
formato digital

espero que la cosa vaya avanzando y les informare con detalle

Luis Miguel Arias
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina

Fecha - 20-09-02
Nombre: Alec Gershberg
Comentarios: job opening for assistant professor of quantitative methods

Assistant Professor/Quantitative Methods and Applied Statistics

The Robert J. Milano Graduate School of Management and Urban Policy, a division of New School University, seeks to hire an Assistant Professor effective Fall 2003. Scholars from any field or discipline are welcome. The successful candidate will fit well in at least one of the Milano School's six programs and be able to teach introductory and advanced quantitative and research methods to students in all programs: Urban Policy Analysis and Management; Nonprofit Management; Health Services Management and Policy; Human Resources Management; Organizational Change Management; and Public and Urban Policy (Ph.D.). The successful candidate will show promise as an excellent teacher, dedicated student mentor, and a scholar with a strong commitment to research using statistical and quantitative methods and their application to substantive management and/or policy issues. Expertise in other research methods (e.g., survey design, non-parametric statistics, interviewing skills) is desirable but not required.

New School University, located in Greenwich Village in New York City, is an innovative educational institution founded in 1910 as a haven for intellectual freedom. Education and research at New School University are guided by the linkage between theory and practice, and members of the University community are committed to working toward creating a more equitable world.

Some teaching experience is preferred, and normally the Ph.D. should be in hand by the date of appointment. Applicants should submit a signed letter of application; curriculum vita; evidence of teaching performance (if available); representative published research, working papers, or a dissertation chapter; a statement of research interests; and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses of at least three references. Applicants should also arrange for letters of support to be sent directly by the references. Consideration of applications is on-going and will continue until the position is filled. Priority will be given to applications received by December 3, 2002. Preliminary interviews will be held at the APPAM meetings in Dallas; the ACSP meetings in Baltimore, and the ASSA/AEA meetings in Washington, DC.

Send materials to Alec I. Gershberg, Methods Search Committee Chair, Milano Graduate School, New School University, 72 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011 or via email to Stefanie Fail, Assistant to the Associate Dean, at

New School University, as well as its individual academic divisions, is committed to a policy of equal opportunity in all its activities and programs, including employment and promotion. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, physical disabilities, veteran or marital status.

Alec Ian Gershberg
Associate Professor
Robert J. Milano Graduate School
of Management & Urban Policy
New School University
72 Fifth Avenue, 5th floor
New York, NY 10011

Ph: (212) 229.5311 x 1412
Fax: (212) 229.5404

Fecha - 15-09-02
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: Queridos colisteros; cuatro noticias interesantes: 1) nos hemos integrado al proyecto: SKILL SHORTAGE e.learning @LIS CALL 2002, 2) Realizaremos un happening ciudadano en Sinaloa, México, en la primera quincena de noviembre, 3) estamos negociando un acuerdo entre las Universidades de Las Palmas, Lleida, País Vasco, Autónoma de Sinaloa y dos universidades más latinoamericanas, una, supongo que Matanzas y la otra, no lo sé aún, para, crear una red temática sobre gobernanza local en Europa, África y Latinoamérica, en el marco de Intercampus, 4) en los próximos días, tendremos una reunión, en París, con las viejas “glorias” del Grupo de Estudios Comparados, para: perfilar nuestra edición: Interculturalidad/Identidad y nuestro proyecto de crear un marco virtual de biblioteca, investigación, debate y docencia de un diploma común de postgrado.

Parece que, de pronto, hubieran sonado campanadas de convergencias, La Universidad de Florencia y el gobierno Autónomo de Toscana, que son los autores del proyecto mencionado en (1), nos han invitado para participar en la creación, junto a un nutrido grupo de universidades, organizaciones con fines no lucrativo, empresas medianas y pequeñas y otros actores de América Latina y de Europa, que se propone crear r un marco virtual, apoyado en algunas acciones presenciales, para un planteamiento intercultural, interdisciplinario y pragmático de las demandas de la cotidianidad, que, abra nuevas perspectivas profesionales, nuevas utilizaciones de recursos, nuevas formas de organización, nuevos recursos y nuevos objetivos de un proyecto de desarrollo ciudadano. Nuestra candidatura como socios ha sido ya aceptada por el consorcio, como puede verse en: Ahora tenemos que participar, lo más activamente posible, en el avance en la búsqueda de estrategias para lograr un funcionamiento pragmático del consorcio, así como en el cumplimiento de nuestros objetivos: creación de una biblioteca virtual, que ayude a preparar perfiles de actores y de especialistas – incluido un postgrado-, en gobernanza local basada en una reestructuración de la sociedad civil, en África, Europa y Latinoamérica y que ofrezca, asimismo, un marco de información y de debate; de libre acceso.

Ahora entramos en un proceso que implica la elaboración del proyecto, que será presentado próximamente, a la convocatoria pertinente y que podría obtener, tiene, como indicaba anteriormente, un preinforme favorable una subvención aproximada a millón y medio de euros. La cantidad que podría correspondernos, visto el número de socios, sería modesta, Sin embargo, hay dos aspectos que me parecen más importantes: el reconocimiento y el pertenecimiento a un grupo con el que compartimos objetivos y en el que podemos mejorar sensiblemente las perspectivas tanto de producción como de estrategias.

El happening de Sinaloa adquiere un relieve especial. Queremos que sea una revitalización de nuestro debate virtual sobre participación ciudadano, reforzado por una serie de actividades presenciales, cuya agenda os será enviada pronto. Quisiéramos que, sobre todo los colegas mexicanos y todos los que pudieran, adhirieran al happening y (o) al debate virtual. Por el momento, como sabéis, carecemos de financiación. Sin embargo, tenemos las condiciones para realizar un e-debate, cuyos límites solamente pondremos nosotros mismos.

El acuerdo de constitución de red Intercampus de universidades está en un buen momento. En este mes tenemos que presentar un proyecto para constituir una red, entre las universidades indicadas, que se proponga el objetivo ya indicado en el consorcio previamente mencionado. Si fuera aceptada nuestra solicitud podríamos obtener unos 10.000 euros.

Finalmente, en la reunión de París, extenderemos el planteamiento anterior a otras universidades europeas, de donde provienen miembros de nuestro grupo que han mostrado interés en participar en el proyecto y que de hecho, lo han hecho, en el programa presencial de doctorado que ofrecimos en 1999-2001 y buscaremos alternativas de financiación en la Unión Europea (ALFA) y otros.

Creo que son muy buenas perspectivas; me gustaría que éstas detonaron una emergencia de autoestima al grupo y a todos nos que nos lean en esta página. Quiero terminar, aunque esté mal que yo lo mencione con la cita de la traducción del primer párrafo del artículo: “La musique dans les îles fortunés” que firmó Béatrice Didier, en el número de octubre de 1996 de la revista Europe:

La actividad cultural y artística de Las Palmas podría sorprender a quienes imaginan que Canarias no es sino un lugar que ofrece playas a los turistas. Este archipiélago que sirvió de plataforma a las expediciones de Cristóbal Colón, contempla, con razón, la posibilidad de jugar un papel activo en las relaciones internacionales. Carlos Ortiz de Zárate, profesor de la Universidad de Las Palmas, se propone hacer de su universidad, un punto de encuentro entre Europa, África y Latinoamérica y para alcanzar ese objetivo, ha organizado un coloquio y un seminario, en los que ha invitado a participar a universitarios de tres continentes, convocados para constituir el ambicioso proyecto del “Grupo de Estudios Comparados Euroafricanos y Euro latinoamericanos”. Ampliamente interdisciplinario, este seminario, que se ha celebrado durante varios meses, ha dado pruebas de éste enorme proyecto no era una quimera

Os recuerdo a quienes lo habeís solicitado, el link de nuestra lista en Red Iris, donde teneis las indicaciones para inscribiros. Os recuerdo que en nuestra página: hay una buena cantidad de debates abiertos, de informaciones sobre la actualidad ciudadana, de demandas de colaboración, de preguntas, de ofertas de trabajo para el perfil que constituye nuestro objeto. Tampoco olvidéis que estáis a tiempo de proponer artículos para el primer número de nuestra revista, para el primer volumen de nuestra editorial virtual: Interculturalidad/Identidad para... todos nuestros proyectos....

Un abrazo Carlos

Fecha - 10-09-02
Comentarios: Job Announcement: Rural Finance Consultant
ACDI/VOCA, a US-based international development organization delivering technical assistance to businesses and
institutions, is recruiting for a micro-enterprise development specialist to be based in a rural area in East Africa.
The program will focus on partnering with local institutions to develop financial services and on- and off-farm small
business opportunities. The successful candidate will have a minimum of 5 years' experience in rural/micro-finance,
micro-enterprise development and USAID project management within Africa. Please forward electronic résumé/cover letter
and salary requirements to No phone calls please. Only finalists will be contacted.

Fecha - 06-09-02
Nombre: Tim Hayes
Comentarios: VCDLF seeks Director of Operations to assist with Fiscal Management, Financial and Programmatic reporting, Technology management and management support to Director. Candidate must have a demonstrated knowledge of finance and lending institution's organizational issues. Candidate must possess ability to multi task while maintaining attention to details. Proficiency in various accounting and Microsoft Office Products required. Excellent writing and communication skills required. CPA or MBA preferred with a minimum of 5 years of related work experience.

Detail Description:

Fiscal Management: Implement all the methodologies required to manage the increased volume of cash that flows in and out of the organization, under varying terms and conditions. This includes:

* Policies and Procedures: Develop, maintain and refine written policies, staff and board procedures and internal systems that effectively ensure fiscal controls, track cash flow, income and expenses, assets and liabilities, and key performance ratios as the VCDLF grows.

* Systems: Develop and manage effective systems that ensure accurate tracking and reporting, as expected under GAAP and required by the VCDLF Board of Directors.

* Fiscal / Budget Management: Prepare, propose and manage VCDLF's annual operating budget in collaboration with the ED and Treasurer; manage cash, liquidity, investment and loan portfolios, and operating accounts; supervise compliance with travel and other expense guidelines

* Audit: Manage information required for the annual independent audit and serve as liaison with auditor.

Financial and Program Reporting: Supervise all of the internal and external reporting of financial transactions and status, including to those institutions that provide funding and capital support to VCDLF. This includes:

* Internal Reports: monthly internal financial statements, budget to actual, cash flow forecasts, financial and portfolio projections, , interest earnings, tracking key ratios, trends and other performance monitoring, and interpreting the annual audit results to senior management and the Board of Directors

* Analysis and Performance: Meet financial objectives by maintaining financial controls and analyzing financial results while ensuring that all funds are appropriately safeguarded and administered; help evaluate new program and product ideas for financial results recommends financial and recommend strategies to improve overall financial performance.

* Systems: Develop and refine information systems, including loan servicing systems, loan portfolio information, capital tracking, and overall database systems.

* External Reporting and Relationships: Dealing with staff, board members, investors, auditors, funders, investors, outside public accounting, legal, bank and other professionals.

* Funder Reporting: Ensure compliance with various funder reporting requirements - including foundation, corporate and government grants, and bank investments; manage contract-billing process with governmental organizations or other partners; and maintain database of funders, including scheduled interest and principal payments.

Management Support to ED: Provide support in the Executive Director's myriad of other administrative duties. This includes:

* Organizational Management: Assist with supervision of administrative personnel, both within the office and under professional services contracts; supervise bids and contracts with consultants; manage space, facilities, vendors, equipment, technology, and furnishings; administers and monitors insurance coverage; assist with strategic and business planning.

* Fundraising and Resource Development: Help develop proposals for funding, including operations, equity capital and debt capital; support contact with prospective and current funders (meetings, phone calls, reports); advise the ED in the development, evaluation and negotiation of new investment and debt agreements.

Board and Committee support: Helping the Executive Director support the work of the board by preparing and circulating agendas, compiling minutes, developing and circulating reports and other handout materials, carrying out follow-up activity after board meetings, and providing direct committee support to the Personnel, Finance, Audit and Governance committees.

Required or Desired Skills:

* Demonstrated knowledge of finance and organizational issues of nonprofit organizations
* Excellent organizational capacity, multi-tasking skills and attention to detail
* Excellent writing
* Computer proficiency, particularly in accounting and databases
* Creativity and responsiveness in communication and reporting

Timothy S. Hayes
Virginia Community Development Loan Fund
1624 Hull Street
Richmond, Virginia 23224
Phone 804-233-2014
Fax 804-233-2158
web page:

Fecha - 20-08-02
Comentarios: More International Development Jobs
Dear Colleagues,

For those among you looking for jobs opportunities in the International
Environment and Development sector will find the website run by a group of development professionals to be of
great help.

The website provides free access to scores of new job vacancies in the
Environment and International Development sector for all levels of
professionals. At the moment, there are 80 or so valid jobs still posted on the
website of

It runs a free weekly mailing list of over 18500 members to provide latest job
updates through email. The list could be subscribed by sending a blank email to or writing to

Hope this informtion is helpful.

Jessica Matthews

Fecha - 09-08-02
Nombre: Susannah Pinckney
Comentarios: Devfinance: Recruitment Consultants for Microfinance in Nigeria
Weidemann Associates, Inc., an international development consulting firm
based in Arlington, VA (website: is recruiting
financial specialists for long-term and short-term assignments related to an
upcoming USAID-funded microfinance capacity-building project in Nigeria.

The positions require an MBA or similar degree, and 5 to 10 years experience
in one or more of the following areas:
· microfinance and/or banking;
· micro, small and/or medium enterprise development;
· financial sector policy development.

In addition, strong candidates will have:
· Lived in Nigeria or similar countries;
· Achieved results under challenging conditions;
· Worked with USAID and/or other donors

If you meet these qualifications and are interested in being proposed for a
consultancy, please send your resume to: and
in the subject line please note: Nigeria Microfinance. Or you may fax your
resume to: Recruitment-Nigeria, 703-525-6169. Closing Date: August 15, 2002.
No phone calls, please.

Fecha - 09-08-02
Nombre: Faruq Faisel
Comentarios: Job Opening: Fundraising Coordinator

Position Open - South Asia Partnership Canada

Fundraising Coordinator
(Ref. FC)

Position Type: 7 Month Contract - Full time, September 2002 to March 2003
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Application Deadline: August 7, 2002
South Asia Partnership Canada is looking for a Fundraising Coordinator to
lead the implementation of its strategy to attract funds from non-government
sources in support of its program of public engagement in Canada and
strengthening its development partners overseas.

SAP Canada is a forum in Canada on South Asian human development issues,
with a membership of other NGOs and a broad constituency of civil society
organizations in Canada. It is a member of SAP International, which serves
a network of SAP organizations in five countries of South Asia.

South Asia Partnership Canada is undertaking a fundraising strategy for the
first time in its nearly 20-year history. As a membership organization,
composed of non-profit, charitable agencies, SAP Canada intends to be
selective in its fundraising initiatives. It will build on its current body
of programming in Canada and with partners in South Asia and gradually
extend its reach of programs and resources to pursue new ideas. Most of SAP
Canada's support to date has come generously from the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA), and SAP Canada has determined that this support
needs to be balanced from other sources. SAP Canada plans to examine other
organizations, foundations, and elements of the public for new support and
programming relationships.

This new position will be initially for a seven-month plus period, to be
extended according to the circumstances at the time. The Fundraising
Coordinator will report to the Executive Director and work with other
program and financial staff to pursue approaches in various sectors.

The Fundraising Coordinator will:
§ Research and develop funding approaches to foundations, corporations, and
selected elements of the public; guide and lead SAP Canada in these
§ Develop Proposals: Work with other staff and partners to develop funding
proposals; advise on content and approach; write and edit
§ Develop basic and specialized materials to present SAP Canada and its
programming to other organizations, institutions and the pubic
§ Advise and assist on other fundraising initiatives, such as event
organization, building an endowment through major gift program.

§ Experience in fundraising activities for the non-profit sector,
particularly for international development and public engagement activities
§ Demonstrated ability in developing and writing proposals for
non-governmental institutions and foundations
§ Knowledge of the foundation and corporate-giving sectors in Canada;
ability to research sources and develop working relationships with other
organizations and institutions
§ Writing and communication skills for work in this arena
§ Experience to advise on, and to participate in the development of, basic
and specialized communication materials for the organization
§ Ability to pursue initiatives on own and to work in a team environment on
specific actions
§ Willingness to work to targets and deliverables
§ Experience working with various suppliers
§ Experience working with the media considered an asset
§ Strong interpersonal & organizational skills

Candidates must be Canadian citizens or be permanent residents (eligible to
work in Canada).

Candidates: Please identify clearly the specific job title and reference
when submitting your application, which will consist of your resume with a
covering letter of interest and experience/skills relevance and three
references. Please send them by August 7, 2002 to:

Selection Committee (Ref: FC)
SAP Canada
1 Nicholas Street, Suite 200
Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7
FAX: (613) 241-1129


Fecha - 09-08-02
Nombre: Vanessa Dover
Comentarios: Seeking coordinator to manage financial education program
Catholic Charities of San Jose is looking for a project coordinator to run its sucessfull Investing for All program. This new program teaches young adults about the stock market, mutual funds and retirement savings products.

We are looking for someone who is enthusiastic about working with low-income individuals to build economic self-sufficiency. Ideally we are looking for candidates with experience in one ro more of the following areas :
- in financial products, economics or business
- developing and delivering training materials
- project management

The job description is attached. It is a full time non-exempt position. If you or someone you know is interested in the position please ask them to send a resume with a cover letter to me by August 12.

I would be happy to answer any questions before then by email or telephone.



Position: Project Coordinator
Division: Economic Development Division FTE: 1.0
Program/Dept. Financial Education - 549 Merrill Lynch Location: Zanker
Supervisor: Director of Employment & Financial Education

To develop, maintain & operate all aspects of the Investing for All program in accordance with funding specifications.
1. Prepare course content and instructional materials
2. Order and purchase all program materials
3. Conduct professional outreach to Merrill Lynch and other financials institutions to recruit a pool of volunteer instructors, speakers & presenters to teach monthly investment seminars and to provide advice on program planning and development.
4. Conduct volunteer recruitment, orientation and recognition in coordination with the agency's volunteer program
5. Publish informational article in agency's " Voices of Hope' newsletter and other appropriate publications on Investing for All.
6. Provide program liaison with and regular reporting to Merrill Lynch representatives at both national and local levels; attend meetings as necessary.
7. Perform regular client testing and assessment activities
8. Conduct graduation ceremonies for successful investors.
9. Publicize the Investing for all program to all eligible IDA participants; enroll, case manage and maintain cases for clients
10. Prepare and conduct informational workshops about the Investing for All program at local and national conferences
11. Distribute the Investing for All curriculum to all interested IDA practitioners.
12. Seek additional funding and volunteer support for financial education programs.
1. Actively participate in events in the Economic Development Division
2. Attend agency-wide meetings as required
3. Perform other responsibilities as assigned to support specific division needs.
(Equivalent education and experience that demonstrates the ability to perform the job may be considered.)

BA in Economics, Business administration, Finance or other related field (s)

1. 3 years' experience in finance or teaching/training of economic or finance related subjects
2. 2 years' experience of project management
3. 1 year's experience working cross culturally with very low-income persons

Required knowledge, skills & abilities:
· Strong project planning, facilitation and interpersonal skills
· Excellent cross cultural and personal skills
· Thorough knowledge of investment resources/services and financial options for low-income persons in Santa Clara County
· Ability to develop, implement and monitor program budgets
· Proficient in word processing and spreadsheets
· Clear concise written skills and proven writing abilities
· Clear, concise verbal/presentation skills; familiarity with public speaking and other outreach practices
· Self-starter, high energy. Desire to succeed in chosen career path and demonstrated ambition to develop career
· Demonstrated ability to work effectively with senior management, peers and volunteers.

Physical Requirements:
Extensive use of computers and telephone
Sitting at desk for extended periods of time
Working Conditions:

Hours and other conditions:
40 hours per week, non-exempt, some evenings and weekend work required.

This position description intends to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by people assigned to this job. It is not intended to include all duties and responsibilities. The order in which duties and responsibilities are listed is not significant. Because of a need to remain responsive to the needs of our clients and our Agency's operations, responsibilities may be modified at any time.

Vanessa Dover
Director of Financial Education Services

Catholic Charities
2625 Zanker Road, Suite 201
San Jose, CA 95134-2107

Phone: 408-325-5223
Fax: 408-944-0347

Fecha - 30-07-02
Nombre: William Myers
Comentarios: Job Announcement: Chicago South Side CDCU
Credit Union Manager/CEO

Full-time, paid manager/CEO sought for start-up, low-income
designated community development credit union on Chicago's south
side. Salary is 50k+, depending on experience, plus benefits. As a result
of successful fund-raising, CEO's salary and benefits are guaranteed for
three years. The South Side CDCU is in the final stages of formation.
Opening is expected between October, 2002 and January, 2003.

We seek an experienced person with excellent backroom processing
skills and the ability to implement and manage a range of services and
products in the first year. Our 500-page business plan calls for an
immediate and viable alternative to check-cashers, predatory lenders and
the inaccessibility of banks for low-income people. Our 11-member
proposed Board is both highly qualified and fully representative of the
neighborhoods to be served. Our effort is supported by over 30
community organizations, 8 elected officials, over 1,000 pledgees and
members of the local media. Plentiful commitments for multi-year grants,
secondary capital and non-member deposits ensure a strong start.

Forward resume w/references ASAP to

Al Hofeld,
Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago
111 W. Jackson, #300, Chicago, IL,
60604, 312-341-1041

or Terrance Miller,
Woodlawn Development Associates
1312 E. 62nd Street, Chicago, IL 60637

inquiries welcome

Fecha - 23-07-02
Nombre: Patty Grossman
Comentarios: Portland position

Hi Bill;

Could we post this on the comm dev banking listserv?

Executive Director sought for Northwest Housing Alternatives, Inc.
a 20-year-old, 1,200 unit CDC in the Portland metro area with housing units
throughout Oregon.

The position will oversee asset and property management of units at 76
sites, a shelter for homeless families, and a land trust. The Director is
also responsible for developing new affordable and special needs housing,
and participating in state and local government advocacy.

NHA seeks an innovative, diplomatic person w/ strong oral and written
communications skills and proven leadership ability. Director will be
responsible for a staff of 20. The job requires developing good community
relations. Nonprofit or community development and fund raising experience
preferred. Excellent salary and benefits.

We are looking for a long term commitment to lead NHA.

Submit a detailed cover letter, resume and three references by Aug 9th to:
NHA Executive Search Committee
c/o TACS
1903 SE Ankeny
Portland, OR 97214
No phone calls please

Patty Grossman
Patty Grossman Consulting, Inc.
6527 49th Ave NE
Seattle WA 98115-7732
Voice: 206-527-8668
Fax: 206-527-4544

Fecha - 19-07-02
Nombre: Faruq Faisel
Comentarios: Communication Officer Position Open at SAP Canada

Position Open - South Asia Partnership Canada

Communications Officer
(Ref. CO)

Position Type: 7+ Months Contract - Full time, August 2002 to March 2003
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Application Deadline: August 2, 2002

South Asia Partnership Canada is looking for a Communications Officer to
manage and grow its information activities on an initial term employment

SAP Canada is a forum in Canada on South Asian human development issues. It
has a membership of other NGOs and a broad constituency of civil society
organizations in Canada and is a member of SAP International, which serves a
network of SAP organizations in five countries of South Asia. Part of its
mandate is to provide substantive issue information and analysis, in various
forms, to its constituency in Canada. The Communications Officer will work
under the general supervision of the Executive Director and in cooperation
with the Program Managers, in particular the Canadian Program Manager, to
provide this information in timely and effective ways.

The Communications Officer will:
· Manage a growing SAP Canada website, building its content and making it a
useful and relevant source and reference for users in Canada and abroad
· Coordinate the production of regular on-line and hardcopy information from
SAP Canada's program centres to the different elements of its membership and
· Advise on the design, and participate in the maintenance, of an expanding
contacts data base for SAP Canada's outreach activities
· Assist, advise and, where assigned, coordinate the development and
production of reports of SAP Canada events and activities, including writing
and/or editing
· Amass and organize for easy reference electronic and paper documentation
and publications on South Asian development issues, relevant events and
organizations in SAP Canada's range of interests, in an in-house resource
· Provide communication and media assistance in organizing and hosting SAP
Canada events and activities

· Relevant post-secondary education and training
· At least five years experience in communications (media and public
relations, civil society outreach)
· Experience in website and database management and electronic
· High quality writing and editing skills, particularly in English, French
· Ability to research information and analysis on development issues
· Demonstrated experience maintaining well-organized documentation and
· Experience in media, public communications and relations
· Good grasp of international development, civil society and South Asian
· Ability to work efficiently under pressure, in a team setting and on own,
to complete assignments on time

Candidates must be Canadian citizens or be permanent residents (eligible to
work in Canada).

Candidates: Please identify clearly the specific job title and reference
when submitting your application, which will consist of your resume with a
covering letter of interest and experience/skill relevance and three
references. Please send them by August 2, 2002 to:

Selection Committee (Ref: CO)
SAP Canada
I Nicholas Street, Suite 200
Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7
FAX: (613) 241-1129


Fecha - 18-07-02
Nombre: Byrd, Susannah M
Comentarios: ." <>
Fecha Jueves, Julio 18, 2002 4:21 pm
El Paso job opening
El Paso Housing Finance Corporation
Job Description

The El Paso Housing Finance Corporation is a non-profit corporation
dedicated to providing affordable housing to low- and moderate-income home
buyers in the City of El Paso. The mission of the HFC is to assist families
in acquiring and owning safe, sanitary, and affordable housing and to
preserve and increase the ad valorem tax bases of local governments. Toward
that end, it has issued tax exempt and taxable bonds for single-family
mortgages and mortgages on multifamily dwellings. By the end of 2002, the
El Paso HFC will have issued or re-issued $156 million in single family
mortgage revenue bonds since 1995, representing approximately 2,400


The Executive Director is responsible for the day-to-day management of the
Corporation, under the supervision and direction of the Board. The
management includes strategic planning for the organization, providing
recommendations to the Board, and oversight of housing programs. The
Executive Director will also serve as the liaison between public and private
stakeholders in affordable housing and make policy recommendations to
sponsoring entity.


* Develop long-range plans, recommendations, annual work plans and
budgets in accordance with direction established by Board.
* Liaison with City of El Paso, Mayor, Council, City staff and
Community Development and Economic Development departments with respect to
housing related activities.
* Oversee financial analysis and deal structuring for housing related
projects in conjunction with Financial Advisor and Bond Counsel and day to
day operation of Corporation.
* Create single family and multifamily programs (as needed) that
increase the supply of affordable housing in El Paso.
* Develop contracts, resolutions, briefings, and RFPs as needed.
* Review and underwrite proposals submitted for investment and other
financial information related to housing programs.
* Preparation of board meetings, retreats, and training opportunities,
including business plans, projections, and alternatives.
* Supervision of staff, including hiring, training, oversight, and
evaluation (if applicable).
* Secure funding from local, state and federal funding sources as
needed and approved by Board.
* Maintenance of relations with nonprofit and for profit developers,
builders and local real estate industry.
* Maintenance of relations with General Counsel, bond counsel,
financial advisors, underwriters, mortgage lenders and other contractual
partners under Mortgage Revenue Bond Programs.
* Creation of public relations initiatives, with oversight of
marketing, solicitation and outreach plans. Leadership position in trade
associations related to the development of public policy on affordable
* Attend annual conferences of TALHFA and NALHFA. Seek out leadership
positions in trade associations.
Recommended Qualifications:

* Bachelor's degree (Master's preferred) in Business, Urban Planning,
Finance or other related field.
* Minimum of 5 years (10 or more preferred) in real estate, housing,
mortgage lending, banking or other related field with exposure to nonprofit
and for-profit housing providers, and local, state and federal funding
* Experience in the structuring of tax-exempt and taxable single and
multifamily mortgage revenue bond programs.
* Understanding of market niches in the field, which would lead to the
creation of innovative products.
* Knowledge and experience in structuring complex, multi-layered real
estate transactions.
* Experience supervising, particularly heading a division or
department of a large organization.
* Excellent communication, negotiation, and presentations skills.
* Experience interacting with the public sector, including municipal,
state and federal governments.
* Prior experience working with boards of directors and/or loan
Salary Range
$65,000 - $80,000 plus Medical Benefits

Send resumes and references (3 business, 3 personal) to:
Housing Finance Corp.
ATTN: Robert Ash, Hiring Committee
c/o Diamond Rash Gordon & Jackson, P.C.
300 E. Main, Suite 725
El Paso, Texas 79901

The deadline for receipt of all correspondence is August 30, 2002.

Susannah Byrd
Executive Assistant to the Mayor
City of El Paso

Fecha - 17-07-02
Nombre: Faruq Faisel
Comentarios: Two Job Openings at SAP Canada

Position Open - South Asia Partnership Canada

1. Forum Coordinator
2. Pakistan Program Manager

Please see the details below:

1. Pakistan Program Manager
(Ref: PMPK)

Position Type: 6 Months Contract - Full time (Maternity Leave Replacement)
Time Frame: Late August 2002 - Early March 2003
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Application Deadline: July 29, 2002

South Asia Partnership Canada is looking for an interim Program Manager for
its Pakistan Program.

SAP Canada is a forum in Canada on South Asian human development issues. It
has a membership of other NGOs and a broad constituency of civil society
organizations in Canada and is a member of SAP International, which serves a
network of SAP organizations in five countries of South Asia.

Reporting to the Executive Director, the Pakistan Program Manager
coordinates the ongoing project management activities of the Pakistan NGO
Support Program and anchors all SAP Canada activities pertaining to

Position Summary
The Pakistan Program Manager has primary responsibility for managing
CIDA-funded Pakistan NGO Support Program implemented by SAP Pakistan.
Working in close liaison with SAP Pakistan, this position entails managing
the reporting and administrative requirements for the Program's prime
contract with CIDA, providing technical assistance to SAP Pakistan,
organizing Canadian support for and participation in activities in Pakistan,
and organizing activities in Canada,

Core Responsibilities
Within the Pakistan Program, the Program Manager will:
· Prepare reports regularly for CIDA, the SAP Canada Board and the Program
Advisory Committee on activities
· Maintain appropriate financial, administrative and information systems for
the effective operation of the Program, in cooperation with other SAP Canada
· Supervise, in collaboration with the SAP Canada Financial Manager, the
budget and cash management of the Program
· Contribute, with SAP Pakistan, to the maintenance of a results based
management and monitoring system
· Coordinate, facilitate and participate in the Program Advisory Committee
· Manage the Canadian-based Partnership Development Program
· Foster relationships with Canadian organizations, including those in the
Pakistani-Canadian community
· Provide technical assistance on Pakistan-based programs when needed
· Develop and implement linkage and partnership programs
· Facilitate and/or organize public awareness initiatives, including
workshops, consultations and exchanges as reflected in the annual workplan
or as opportunities arise
· Facilitate and monitor Canadian support for Pakistan-based programs
· Produce occasional papers/newsletters in Canada on issues and lessons from
SAP-PK program
· Identify information items on Pakistan development issues for SAP Canada's
communication activities
· Maintain a close liaison and communication with the SAP-PK Secretariat
· Act as the lead resource person within the SAP Canada Secretariat on one
or more themes, related to the Pakistan Program, for the SAP Canada program;
examples of possible themes include NGO capacity building, gender, human
rights, governance, and peace.

· The ideal candidate will have a post-secondary degree in a related
discipline and 4-5 years related experience in program/project management,
including international work OR equivalent level of related work experience
in lieu of post-secondary education;
· Demonstrated familiarity with CIDA regulations and bilateral project
· Demonstrated experience in program development
· Familiarity with results based monitoring and evaluation
· Proven experience in program, administrative and financial management
· Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of international development
· Demonstrated writing skills
· Computing skills including word processing, spreadsheet and databases
· Fluency in English, preferably bilingual (English/French)
· Able to travel internationally

· Familiarity Pakistan and South Asia
· Understanding of gender, human rights, peace building, governance and
capacity building issues and analysis
· Experience working with the Canadian NGO community
· Solid interpersonal and cross-cultural skills

Candidates must be Canadian citizens or be permanent residents (eligible to
work in Canada).

Candidates: Please identify clearly the specific job title and reference
when submitting your application, which will consist of your resume with a
covering letter of interest and experience/skill relevance and three
references. Please send them by July 29, 2002 to:

Selection Committee (Ref: PMPK)
SAP Canada
I Nicholas Street, Suite 200
Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7
FAX: (613) 241-1129


2. Forum Coordinator
(Ref. FC)

Position Type: 7-8 Months Contract - Full time, August 2002 to March 2003
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Application Deadline: July 30, 2002

SAP Canada is looking for an well-organized, hard working Forum Coordinator
to organize two major events and one or two minor ones between now and end
of March 2003. One event is the SAP Canada Annual Forum scheduled for
November; the second is a conference scheduled for February 2003. In this
period there will be a small number of other workshops of less than one day.

The Annual Forum is a cornerstone of SAP Canada's program in Canada. It
brings together Canadians from different sectors, internationally and
domestically focused, with South Asians to explore and learn about a key
issue of human development work. The theme of the 2002 Forum is "Women and
Leadership: Voices for Security and Development". The Forum will be held in
Ottawa, with possible allied events in other centres, in November 2002.

The February conference is on social communications and development and will
be organized in cooperation with other institutions.

SAP Canada is a forum in Canada on South Asian human development issues. It
has a membership of other NGOs and a broad constituency of civil society
organizations in Canada and is a member of SAP International, which serves a
network of SAP organizations in five countries of South Asia. The Forum
Coordinator will report to the Executive Director and work in cooperation
with other SAP Canada staff.

The Forum Coordinator is responsible for the overall coordination and
implementation of the SAP Annual Forum and the social communications
conference. Working closely with the rest of the staff team, the Coordinator
will carry out the following duties:
· Develop a detailed workplan for all activities leading up to the Forum and
the Conference, identifying responsibilities for others (staff, members,
partners), and ensure implementation through action lists;
· Building on the concept paper, develop proposals for potential partners
and donors, and pursue and assist SAP staff with fundraising activities as
· Lead the day-to-day activities for the organization of both events
· Work closely with the SAP's Partners for the events; clarify their roles
and functions and ensure implementation;
· Develop and implement a strategy (with materials) to promote the events
and attract participants and media interest;
· Set up a registration process for participation, before and during events;
· Assist in the identification, confirmation and contracting of Asian and
Canadian resource people;

· Assist to develop a detailed program for both events, including issues,
themes, panels, processes and resource people.
· Coordinate, in cooperation with "site partners" the logistics and
arrangements for the events, including travel and itineraries, accommodation
and transport in Canada, venues, materials and equipment, and catering
· Produce a kit of issue-based materials, including possible case studies
from South Asia;
· Assist to develop budgets; manage the approved budgets and maintain
financial records;
· Produce a management report, immediately after the events on the
experience of planning and implementation each one;
· Provide ideas and plans for the writing and design of the substantive
· Perform other tasks, consistent with this assignment, as may be mutually

· Post-secondary degree
· Experience in administration and event management; possessing computing
skills including word processing, spreadsheet and databases.
· Able to function competently in English (written and spoken). French and
major South Asian languages would be assets.
· Understanding of international development issues
· Knowledge of the South Asia region
· Able to stay focused while managing detailed tasks simultaneously
· Maintain good organization in a busy schedule with many tasks
· Clear writing skills for letters, reports, and proposals
· Good understanding of communication processes

Relationship Skills:
· Personable: Able to work equally with all levels in the organizations, and
with partners and donors
· Team-oriented: Able to work in a collaborative manner and carry out
directions in a professional manner
· Confident: Mature disposition, at ease with stress, comfortable in groups
and on own.

Candidates must be Canadian citizens or be permanent residents (eligible to
work in Canada).

Candidates: Please identify clearly the specific job title and reference
when submitting your application, which will consist of your resume with a
covering letter of interest and experience/skill relevance and three
references. Please send them by July 29, 2002 to:

Selection Committee (Ref. FC)
SAP Canada
I Nicholas Street, Suite 200
Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7
FAX: (613) 241-1129


Fecha - 17-07-02
Nombre: Faruq Faisel
Comentarios: Two Job Openings at SAP Canada

Position Open - South Asia Partnership Canada

1. Forum Coordinator
2. Pakistan Program Manager

Please see the details below:

1. Pakistan Program Manager
(Ref: PMPK)

Position Type: 6 Months Contract - Full time (Maternity Leave Replacement)
Time Frame: Late August 2002 - Early March 2003
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Application Deadline: July 29, 2002

South Asia Partnership Canada is looking for an interim Program Manager for
its Pakistan Program.

SAP Canada is a forum in Canada on South Asian human development issues. It
has a membership of other NGOs and a broad constituency of civil society
organizations in Canada and is a member of SAP International, which serves a
network of SAP organizations in five countries of South Asia.

Reporting to the Executive Director, the Pakistan Program Manager
coordinates the ongoing project management activities of the Pakistan NGO
Support Program and anchors all SAP Canada activities pertaining to

Position Summary
The Pakistan Program Manager has primary responsibility for managing
CIDA-funded Pakistan NGO Support Program implemented by SAP Pakistan.
Working in close liaison with SAP Pakistan, this position entails managing
the reporting and administrative requirements for the Program's prime
contract with CIDA, providing technical assistance to SAP Pakistan,
organizing Canadian support for and participation in activities in Pakistan,
and organizing activities in Canada,

Core Responsibilities
Within the Pakistan Program, the Program Manager will:
· Prepare reports regularly for CIDA, the SAP Canada Board and the Program
Advisory Committee on activities
· Maintain appropriate financial, administrative and information systems for
the effective operation of the Program, in cooperation with other SAP Canada
· Supervise, in collaboration with the SAP Canada Financial Manager, the
budget and cash management of the Program
· Contribute, with SAP Pakistan, to the maintenance of a results based
management and monitoring system
· Coordinate, facilitate and participate in the Program Advisory Committee
· Manage the Canadian-based Partnership Development Program
· Foster relationships with Canadian organizations, including those in the
Pakistani-Canadian community
· Provide technical assistance on Pakistan-based programs when needed
· Develop and implement linkage and partnership programs
· Facilitate and/or organize public awareness initiatives, including
workshops, consultations and exchanges as reflected in the annual workplan
or as opportunities arise
· Facilitate and monitor Canadian support for Pakistan-based programs
· Produce occasional papers/newsletters in Canada on issues and lessons from
SAP-PK program
· Identify information items on Pakistan development issues for SAP Canada's
communication activities
· Maintain a close liaison and communication with the SAP-PK Secretariat
· Act as the lead resource person within the SAP Canada Secretariat on one
or more themes, related to the Pakistan Program, for the SAP Canada program;
examples of possible themes include NGO capacity building, gender, human
rights, governance, and peace.

· The ideal candidate will have a post-secondary degree in a related
discipline and 4-5 years related experience in program/project management,
including international work OR equivalent level of related work experience
in lieu of post-secondary education;
· Demonstrated familiarity with CIDA regulations and bilateral project
· Demonstrated experience in program development
· Familiarity with results based monitoring and evaluation
· Proven experience in program, administrative and financial management
· Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of international development
· Demonstrated writing skills
· Computing skills including word processing, spreadsheet and databases
· Fluency in English, preferably bilingual (English/French)
· Able to travel internationally

· Familiarity Pakistan and South Asia
· Understanding of gender, human rights, peace building, governance and
capacity building issues and analysis
· Experience working with the Canadian NGO community
· Solid interpersonal and cross-cultural skills

Candidates must be Canadian citizens or be permanent residents (eligible to
work in Canada).

Candidates: Please identify clearly the specific job title and reference
when submitting your application, which will consist of your resume with a
covering letter of interest and experience/skill relevance and three
references. Please send them by July 29, 2002 to:

Selection Committee (Ref: PMPK)
SAP Canada
I Nicholas Street, Suite 200
Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7
FAX: (613) 241-1129


2. Forum Coordinator
(Ref. FC)

Position Type: 7-8 Months Contract - Full time, August 2002 to March 2003
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Application Deadline: July 30, 2002

SAP Canada is looking for an well-organized, hard working Forum Coordinator
to organize two major events and one or two minor ones between now and end
of March 2003. One event is the SAP Canada Annual Forum scheduled for
November; the second is a conference scheduled for February 2003. In this
period there will be a small number of other workshops of less than one day.

The Annual Forum is a cornerstone of SAP Canada's program in Canada. It
brings together Canadians from different sectors, internationally and
domestically focused, with South Asians to explore and learn about a key
issue of human development work. The theme of the 2002 Forum is "Women and
Leadership: Voices for Security and Development". The Forum will be held in
Ottawa, with possible allied events in other centres, in November 2002.

The February conference is on social communications and development and will
be organized in cooperation with other institutions.

SAP Canada is a forum in Canada on South Asian human development issues. It
has a membership of other NGOs and a broad constituency of civil society
organizations in Canada and is a member of SAP International, which serves a
network of SAP organizations in five countries of South Asia. The Forum
Coordinator will report to the Executive Director and work in cooperation
with other SAP Canada staff.

The Forum Coordinator is responsible for the overall coordination and
implementation of the SAP Annual Forum and the social communications
conference. Working closely with the rest of the staff team, the Coordinator
will carry out the following duties:
· Develop a detailed workplan for all activities leading up to the Forum and
the Conference, identifying responsibilities for others (staff, members,
partners), and ensure implementation through action lists;
· Building on the concept paper, develop proposals for potential partners
and donors, and pursue and assist SAP staff with fundraising activities as
· Lead the day-to-day activities for the organization of both events
· Work closely with the SAP's Partners for the events; clarify their roles
and functions and ensure implementation;
· Develop and implement a strategy (with materials) to promote the events
and attract participants and media interest;
· Set up a registration process for participation, before and during events;
· Assist in the identification, confirmation and contracting of Asian and
Canadian resource people;

· Assist to develop a detailed program for both events, including issues,
themes, panels, processes and resource people.
· Coordinate, in cooperation with "site partners" the logistics and
arrangements for the events, including travel and itineraries, accommodation
and transport in Canada, venues, materials and equipment, and catering
· Produce a kit of issue-based materials, including possible case studies
from South Asia;
· Assist to develop budgets; manage the approved budgets and maintain
financial records;
· Produce a management report, immediately after the events on the
experience of planning and implementation each one;
· Provide ideas and plans for the writing and design of the substantive
· Perform other tasks, consistent with this assignment, as may be mutually

· Post-secondary degree
· Experience in administration and event management; possessing computing
skills including word processing, spreadsheet and databases.
· Able to function competently in English (written and spoken). French and
major South Asian languages would be assets.
· Understanding of international development issues
· Knowledge of the South Asia region
· Able to stay focused while managing detailed tasks simultaneously
· Maintain good organization in a busy schedule with many tasks
· Clear writing skills for letters, reports, and proposals
· Good understanding of communication processes

Relationship Skills:
· Personable: Able to work equally with all levels in the organizations, and
with partners and donors
· Team-oriented: Able to work in a collaborative manner and carry out
directions in a professional manner
· Confident: Mature disposition, at ease with stress, comfortable in groups
and on own.

Candidates must be Canadian citizens or be permanent residents (eligible to
work in Canada).

Candidates: Please identify clearly the specific job title and reference
when submitting your application, which will consist of your resume with a
covering letter of interest and experience/skill relevance and three
references. Please send them by July 29, 2002 to:

Selection Committee (Ref. FC)
SAP Canada
I Nicholas Street, Suite 200
Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7
FAX: (613) 241-1129


Fecha - 12-07-02
Nombre: Sybille Manneschmidt
Comentarios: job in canada's nwt

apologies for cross-posting

Deline Uranium Team
The Deline Uranium Team is seeking an individual to assist in the
implementation of our three year Action Plan. We are a multi-disciplinary
team, conducting research and activities under the direction of the Deline
Dene Band to address community concerns about the potential social and
environmental impacts of the Port Radium uranium mine. This is a
participatory program, involving capacity building with community members.
The position is located in Deline, Northwest Territories, on Great Bear
Lake in Canada.

* Coordinate the work of the DUT, including project implementation and
writing of regular activity reports
* Analyze results of data collection projects
* Work with Communications Officer to update Band Council on project
activities and results
* Facilitate community participation in projects and activities
* Assist in training/capacity building with Deline team members
* Coordinate production of Action Plan reports

* Experience in project administration
* Experience in coordinating the activities of a multi-disciplinary
* Graduate degree with background in both qualitative and quantitative
* Track record in plain language report writing
* Experience in management of research projects
* Experience in working with aboriginal communities
* Experience in teaching/training
* Experience in proposal writing
* Facilitation skills an asset

Depends on qualifications and experience.

Closing Date: August 2, 2002

Submit application to:
Deline Uranium Team
PO Box 173
Deline, NT X0E 0G0
Phone 867-589-3618
Fax 867-589-3826

Fecha - 12-07-02
Comentarios: Job Announcement: Rural Finance Consultant, Ethiopia

ACDI/VOCA seeks a Rural Finance Consultant for a four-month project (September-December
2002) in Ethiopia. The position will be based out of Addis Ababa with over 75% of the
consultant's time spent in rural areas of Ethiopia's four largest regional states.

The ideal candidate will be a dynamic, flexible and highly energetic individual. Being
that the project is a rural cooperative finance project by definition, it does not
conform to the more common model of micro finance. While experience in micro finance is
not a hindrance, broader knowledge of and experience with rural banking, credit unions
and/or cooperatives will be indispensable. Further key qualifications include the

§ Appropriate educational background in finance and economics
§ Strong background in implementing rural finance programs, preferably in Africa
§ Practical and profound knowledge of cooperative management systems
§ Ability to rapidly assimilate and continue the implementation of a unique
financial intermediation model
§ Strong written and verbal communication skills
§ Willingness and ability to travel to remote rural areas
§ Highly developed financial analysis skills
§ Ability to work effectively with Microsoft Excel

Please send your CV and cover letter to: Only finalists will be
contacted. ACDI/VOCA is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Fecha - 12-07-02
Nombre: William Myers
Comentarios: Job Announcement: Loan Officer Greater New Haven Community Loan Fu
Loan Officer

ORGANIZATION BACKGROUND: The Greater New Haven Community Loan Fund (GNHCLF)
is a private, nonprofit organization that makes loans to community-based
agencies and nonprofit developers for the creation of affordable housing
and other community development projects in the Greater New Haven
region. The Fund is a certified Community Development Financial
Institution (CDFI).

POSITION SUMMARY: The GNHCLF is seeking a Loan Officer to underwrite loan
applications, screen requests, present proposals for review to the loan
committee, close loans, maintain data and files relating to loan
applications, and monitor and service the GNHCLF loan
portfolio. Applicants should have experience in real estate lending and/or
housing development, with a demonstrated commitment to community
development. The position requires excellent analytical, writing, and
communication skills, high levels of initiative and creativity, and the
ability to manage multiple projects and to work on a team. Minimum three
years experience and knowledge of market preferred. Job is available now
and will be filled as soon as possible. The GNHCLF recognizes the value of
diversity and is an EOE Employer.

TO APPLY: Please send a resume, cover letter, and whatever other
materials you feel necessary to let us know why your skills, experience and
interests make you a good fit for the job. You may apply via mail, fax or
email to:

Carla Weil
Executive Director
Greater New Haven Community Loan Fund
171 Orange Street
New Haven, CT 06510
(203) 789-8690
(203) 865-6475 - FAX (If faxing information please call to follow-up)

Fecha - 11-07-02
Nombre: Jack Richard
Comentarios: Job Opening: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Community Affairs Specialist
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Community Affairs Unit
San Francisco, CA

Responsible for encouraging banking organizations to meet the financial
needs of low- and moderate-income communities and individuals. Activities
include providing technical assistance to bankers and community-based
representatives, preparing and delivering presentations on the Community
Reinvestment Act, uncovering and researching emerging community
development-related issue areas, and facilitating the development and
promotion of successful community reinvestment projects and programs.

Familiarity and/or experience working with the Community Reinvestment Act,
either in a regulatory, financial institution, or community-based
environment. Experience planning, coordinating, marketing, and facilitating
meetings, conferences or seminars.
Experience preparing and delivering speeches to a variety of audiences.
Demonstrated business communication skills including experience writing
articles, reports, letters, and memos.
Ability to perform research, identify opportunities, and develop programs.

Background in regulatory, bank or community work.
Bachelor's degree from college or university; advanced degree preferred
Proficiency with MS Word, Access, Excel.

For more information or to apply, please go to the following link
(keywords: Community Affairs)

Fecha - 11-07-02
Nombre: William Myers
Comentarios: Job Announcement President/CEO SCCCU

President/CEO Job Announcement

The Santa Cruz Community Credit Union is seeking a President/CEO to guide
the institution and be a leading advocate for its mission. The
President/CEO will be primarily responsible for planning, achieving
strategic and operational objectives, providing management and oversight of
daily operations, identifying and initiating community development
projects, providing exemplary service to members, and ensuring
organizational and financial stability.

The SCCCU is a savings and lending cooperative dedicated to providing
loans to low and moderate income people and to locally owned businesses and
non-profits, and to providing financial services to all members of the
community. The field of membership includes people who live or work in
Santa Cruz County and a small area in adjacent Monterey County. In
mid-2002, the Credit Union has approximately 8,000 members and $48 million
in assets. It has branches in Santa Cruz and Watsonville. It has an
affiliated non-profit corporation, Community Ventures Inc (CVI), which
raises funds and engages in community development activities.

The SCCCU is a Community Development Credit Union. It lends funds to
members for their personal and business needs. Particular emphasis is
placed on "community development lending," which includes such areas as
small businesses, cooperatives, low-income housing and child care and other
service providers. Community Ventures Inc expands the ability of the Credit
Union to engage in community development activities, by undertaking
projects that fall outside the limitations of a credit union. CVI
administers our Individual Development Account program and our Child Care
Center programs, and has received substantial foundation funding support.

The SCCCU is a socially active institution. It won the 2001 Louise Herring
Award for "philosophy in action" from the Credit Union National Association.

Applicants should possess a Bachelor's degree or equivalent related
experience in accounting, finance or other relevant area, and a minimum of
3-5 years of mid to senior level management experience in a financial
institution or community development organization. Residency within the
area of the field of membership is preferred.

The institution offers the support of an experienced management team, a
competitive base salary and a generous benefits package including medical,
dental, AD&D and life insurance, as well as a deferred compensation profit
sharing plan, 401(K) plan, bonus program and liberal paid time off program.

If you are interested in applying for this position, please contact:

Human Resources
Santa Cruz Community Credit Union
P.O. Box 1877
Santa Cruz CA 95061
(831) 425-7708 x214
(831) 425-4824 (FAX) (email)

Applications should include a letter of interest and a resume, as well as
names of references. The closing date for applications is August 14, 2002.
To learn more about our organization, please visit our website at

Fecha - 11-07-02
Nombre: William Myers
Comentarios: Job Announcement: Senior Loan Officer Boston Community Loan Fund
Boston Community Loan Fund
Senior Loan Officer

About Boston Community Capital

Boston Community Capital (BCC) is a nationally recognized community
development financial intermediary (CDFI) whose mission is to create and
preserve healthy communities where low-income people live and work. BCC
currently manages over $65 million, primarily operating through two
affiliates: Boston Community Loan Fund and Boston Community Venture
Fund. Since it was founded in 1985, Boston Community Capital has lent $75
million to low-income communities and committed over $10 million in equity
investments in businesses that serve low-income people. BCC raises
investments from individuals, religious organizations, banks, foundations
and corporations. Investors include Fleet Bank, Harvard University, Calvert
Social Investment Fund, Brown Brothers Harriman, Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company, Fidelity Management Trust Company and Mellon Bank. BCC
is a member of the National Community Capital Association and an active
participant in national CDFI industry initiatives.
About Boston Community Loan Fund
Boston Community Loan Fund (BCLF) provides a wide range of loans to
non-profits, community organizations and, in selected cases, inner city
private developers for projects that provide housing, community facilities,
and social services for low-income people and neighborhoods. BCLF lends
throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island and expects to originate $40
million in loans during 2002. Over the past 17 years, BCLF's loans have
financed more than 3800 units of affordable housing, strengthen more than
200 community organizations, supported day care and schools for 1100
students, and created more than 400,000 square feet of renovated inner city
commercial space. BCLF's loan losses have been less than one third of one
percent of its total lending. BCLF also manages over $20 million loan
participation/secondary market programs for third party lenders and

About the Position
Boston Community Loan Fund presently has an open position for a Senior Loan
Officer. The Senior Loan Officer's responsibilities will include business
development as well as managing an existing portfolio of loans. BCLF's
extensive referral network and broad relationships in the community
development field support lenders in their marketing efforts.

Primary responsibilities include:
" Identifying potential new customers, and originating loans to those
prospective borrowers
" Underwriting of loan transactions
" Preparing approval memoranda and other information for the BCLF Loan
" Overseeing loan closings, including reviewing loan documents and
negotiating with other lenders and public agencies
" Providing technical assistance to borrowers
" Relationship and portfolio management for an active portfolio of
predevelopment, acquisition, construction, bridge, and permanent mortgage loans
" Public representation of Boston Community Capital to external stakeholders

In addition to the above, the Senior Loan Officer occasionally will be
involved in new product development, investor development and fundraising,
organizational policy and planning, and national CDFI activities and
trainings. Depending on circumstances and experience, the Senior Loan
Officer may have additional program and staff management responsibilities

Candidates should possess, at minimum, an undergraduate college
degree. The successful candidate will have 5 or more years of experience
in community development finance including most or all of the following:
(1) lending experience, preferably in the field of development finance; (2)
work experience or familiarity with community development or affordable
housing; and (3) strong communication, writing and computer
skills. Program management and supervisory experience would be valuable.

Candidates are also encouraged to (1) demonstrate their commitment to the
mission and social goals of Boston Community Capital through their
professional or voluntary activities, and (2) demonstrate their interest in
working with a team of dedicated community development professionals.

Compensation and Benefits
BCC offers competitive salaries based on experience and skills, as well as
an attractive benefits package including family health and dental coverage,
flexible spending accounts, long term disability insurance, life insurance
and a 401(k) retirement plan with employer match.

Position Availability and Application Process
This position is currently open, and will be filled as soon as possible.
Candidates should respond in writing to:

DeWitt Jones
Boston Community Loan Fund
56 Warren Street
Boston, MA 02119
Phone: (617) 427-8600, ext 209
Fax: (617) 427-9300

Fecha - 10-07-02
Nombre: Jethro Pettit
Email: J.Pettit@IDS.AC.UK
Comentarios: Position Announcement
Apologies for cross-posting. Application deadline extended to 18 July. Do not reply to this email. Please send all inquires to

Eldis Information Officer
(for Citizenship, Participation and Governance)
1 year fixed term contract - 35 hours per week

As Eldis Information Officer you will develop and manage e-communication strategies, including online resource guides and collaborative research pages in the subject areas of Citizenship, Participation and Governance. This new position forms part of a collaborative initiative between Eldis and three related research and communication programmes coordinated by the Participation Team at IDS.
You will be an experienced information manager, capable of developing and facilitating the e-communication strategies, online resources and collaborative research and information needs.
You will have practical skills and experience in the field of information, communication or knowledge management, preferably in relation to citizenship and participation issues in developing countries. Experience in web development, strategy and management; email discussion lists and online newsletters; online resources and database management preferred. Background and interest in issues of citizen participation and governance, and skills in bibliographic research, abstracting, writing and editing in English strongly desired. Competencies in other languages are desirable.

Salary: GBP £17,626 to £19,681.
Closing date: 18 July.
Interview date: 29 July.

Application forms are available from the Personnel Office, Room 203, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9RE. Confidential fax and answerphone: +44 (0) 1273 674553. Email:
Some further particulars are also available on the IDS website We strongly encourage applications from all sections of the community regardless of race, sex, disability, HIV/AIDS, sexuality and age.

Jethro Pettit
Institute of Development Studies
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9RE
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 1273 606261 Ext 2873
Direct: +44 (0) 1273 872873
Fax: +44 (0) 1273 621202 or 691647
Participation group website:

Fecha - 06-07-02
Nombre: Danielle Hartmann
Comentarios: Devfinance: BASIS CRSP announces RFP
The BASIS Collaborative Research Support Program has recently issued a Request for Proposals that may be of interest to you. We are inviting researchers to submit proposals for three-year collaborative research projects focusing on rural financial markets (or non-market mechanisms for accessing credit, insurance or other financial services) and, or their linkage with land, water, labor or other factor markets. Projects should focus on either Latin America or Asia. Proposals may request up to $200,000 per year (for a three-year project total of $600,000). Smaller proposals with annual budgets of $100,000 are also encouraged. One or two projects will be funded. Proposals must be submitted by 15 September 2002 and a final selection will be made by 1 October 2002. Project implementation may begin immediately at that time.

Please visit the BASIS CRSP web site at to download the complete RFP and feel free to contact me with questions.
Danielle Hartmann

Danielle Hartmann
BASIS CRSP Assistant Director
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Taylor Hall, 427 Lorch Street
Madison, WI 53706

Phone: 608-262-5538
Fax: 608-262-4376

Fecha - 04-07-02
Nombre: William Myers
Comentarios: Job Opportunity: BCC Senior Loan Officer
Boston Community Loan Fund Senior Loan Officer

Boston Community Capital (BCC), a nationally recognized community development financial institution, seeks a Senior Loan Officer for its Boston Community Loan Fund affiliate. Responsibilities include originating and servicing loans to non-profit and community organizations, managing relationships with financing partners and overseeing loan programs. Five years successful lending experience and excellent writing, presentation and communication skills required. Managerial experience and familiarity with community development and affordable housing finance a plus.

Boston Community Capital's mission is to create healthy communities where low-income people live and work and is a performance-based institution that combines social and economic justice with rigorous business practices. BCC has lent over $75 million since 1985 for affordable housing, business district revitalization and community services with losses of less than one quarter of one percent.

BCC offers competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits. BCC is an equal opportunity employer.

Please send resume to:
DeWitt Jones,
BCC, 56 Warren Street, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02119
fax to 617-427-9300
or email to

Fecha - 29-06-02
Nombre: Paz Ahora
Se puede descargar en la web de Paz Ahora (está en formato *.PDF. Tarda un poco en bajar, pero da calidad suficiente para imprimir, ampliar , hacer fotocopias, etc).

Jueves 4 de Julio , 19' 30 horas. Embajada del Estado de IsraeL en Madridl. Calle Velázquez nº 150.


Informa :
Paz Ahora/Pau ara/Mir Sada/Paqe Tani/Peace Now/
Pace Ora/Paz Agora/Pax Nunc/Paix Maintenant
Madrid: C/ Embajadores nº 24. Piso 1º Exterior Izquierda.
28013 Madrid.
Tlf ++ 34-915279651
fax ++34-915279652
Tlf móvil 629053731
Catalunya: Passatge del Credit, 7 pral.
08002 Barcelona

Fecha - 28-06-02
Nombre: Janet Falk
The California Housing Partnership Corporation is a nonprofit technical assistance and housing consulting organization created by the California Legislature. CHPC has become one of the nation¹s leading organizations in the field of preserving the affordability of federally subsidized multi-family developments, as well as expert consultants in the use of tax credits and tax-exempt bond financing.

CHPC has a main office in San Francisco and field offices in Los Angeles and San Diego, with an eight person staff. Services include training and technical assistance in all aspects of affordable housing finance, asset management training, financial consulting on tax credits, tax-exempt bonds, CHFA, HUD and other financing programs and extensive work with the expiring use housing stock. Clients include nonprofits, resident groups, local and state government agencies. The Executive Director will be expected to be responsible for all of the day-to-day coordination of these efforts, strategic planning for the organization, as well as providing direct consulting services. The Executive Director also is expected to play a key role in policy issues regarding preservation at both the state and national levels. The Board of Directors of CHPC is appointed by the Governor and the Legislature.


Candidates must share a commitment to preserve and expand the low- and very low-income housing supply. Specific qualifications should include:

o Expertise in consulting or provision of technical assistance to nonprofit, local government and/or resident groups.
o Experience in the provision of at least two of the following:
- tax credits and tax-exempt bond financing
- project development and management
- structuring affordable rental housing financing
- acquisition and rehabilitation of existing affordable housing
- preservation of at-risk housing
- asset management
- affordable housing lending
- training
o Experience in grant writing and organizational management.
o Interest in, and experience with, the development of public policy.

It is expected that the applicants will have educational experience as necessary to fulfill the job, and demonstrated written and verbal abilities. Energy and vision are essential to this position.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Executive Director is responsible for:

o The direct provision of technical assistance and financial consulting to clients.
o Providing training on affordable housing development topics.
o Representation of the corporation in all matters relating to policy development and legislative development.
o Providing policy leadership on preservation of affordable housing.
o The maintenance of fiscal controls consistent with standard accounting practices and relevant laws, including assuring an annual budget.
o The implementation of Board policy and direction of all aspects of the corporation.
o Management of corporate personnel, including hiring, evaluation, training of all staff and consultants in accordance with Board policies and corporate budget.
o Contract management, fundraising and other administrative oversight of the organization.


Salary will be negotiated based upon experience. Other benefits include three weeks paid vacation, holidays, sick leave, medical and dental benefits and a retirement program. The Executive Director is an at will employee.

The California Housing Partnership Corporation is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. The Board of Directors reserves the right to interview the most qualified candidates. Applications are due by July 8, 2002. Applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled.

Please submit your resume by email to If you have questions about the position, you may contact Janet Falk by email at or by phone at 415-433-6804.

Fecha - 28-06-02
Nombre: Karen Kelley
Comentarios: Colleagues,

The Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation (CEDAC),
located in Boston, MA, is seeking an Affordable Housing Program
A full job description for the position is shown below. We would would
it if you would pass it along to anyone who might be a good fit for the
position. Thank you!

Affordable Housing Program

The Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation
(CEDAC) is a quasi-public state corporation which provides technical
assistance and loans to community-based non-profit development
organizations in the areas of housing, economic development, and child

The Program Manager for Affordable Housing is a senior position
at CEDAC, responsible for overseeing affordable housing technical
assistance and lending. The Program Manager is responsible for managing
CEDAC's relationships with public agencies and lenders who fund the
program area; supervising the work of project staff in providing
technical assistance and underwriting pre-development and site
acquisition loans; directly managing a portfolio of pre-development and
site acquisition loans personally; and bringing major policy or project
issues to the Executive Director for consultation and direction as

CEDAC operates collegially, in a supportive workplace
atmosphere. The ideal candidate must be able to take initiative and
operate independently, without substantial oversight. The Program
Manager reports to the Executive Director.


1. Manage the affordable housing work of the agency. The
Program Manager serves as the principal liaison to the program's funding
sources; oversees project selection, and assignment of specific projects
to project managers; ensures consistency of underwriting and technical
assistance to projects within the program area; identifies policy or
major program issues which require action by the Executive Director; and
takes responsibility for program development opportunities within his or
her assigned program area;

2. Supervise project staff in their provision of (a)
project-specific technical assistance to non-profit developers; (b)
pre-development and site acquisition loans to non-profit developers; and
(c) loan underwriting services for public agencies for whom CEDAC
provides those services;

3. Manage a portfolio of more complex projects personally,
evaluating loan requests from borrowers, providing technical assistance,
and preparing analysis and recommendations for board review and action.

4. With the Director of Finance and Operations, review the
proposed terms and conditions of contracts and funding agreements which
support the program, to ensure that CEDAC can meet all contractual
obligations to its funding sources, and that the terms and conditions of
such contracts are consistent with CEDAC's overall fiscal and
administrative policies. With the Director of Finance and Operations,
the Program Manager shall review the periodic financial and contract
performance and make recommendations to the Executive Director for
revisions to the terms and conditions of the contract as required.

5. Remain current about changes in the housing and community
development industries, related to law, policy, regulations, and
financing, with respect to affordable and supported housing in the
non-profit environment.


Minimum bachelor's degree and ten years related experience,
including progressively responsible experience in real estate finance
and development. Relevant master's degree may be substituted for two
year's experience. Previous senior management experience in
community-based development organization or in public development
finance agency required. Demonstrated leadership in developing,
implementing, and managing current housing and community development
policies and financing programs.

Excellent written and verbal communications skills required.
Strong computer skills, including spreadsheets and word-processing
required. Ability to work as a member of a highly motivated management
team is very important, as is a commitment to non-profit development.


Salary commensurate with skills and experience. CEDAC provides
an excellent fringe benefit package, including health, dental, life, and
disability insurance; Section 125 medical and dependent care plan;
deferred compensation plan; and three weeks vacation to start.


CEDAC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
People from diverse personal, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds are
encouraged to apply.


Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation
18 Tremont Street, Suite 1020
Boston, MA 02108
ATTN: Affordable Housing Program Manager Search

Karen E. Kelley
Director of Finance and Operations
18 Tremont St, Suite 1020
Boston, MA 02108
ph: 617-727-5944
fax: 617-727-5990

Fecha - 27-06-02
Nombre: Dominique Bard
Comentarios: Devfinance: job opportunity in Yemen
A 2 months assignment is proposed to a qualified consultant in the field of financial support to Micro and Small Enterprises (rural and urban areas).

Location: Sana'a (Yemen) + visits of projects in some Governorates of the country
Start date: 15 August 2002 at the latest

Main task:

The selected candidate should review and assess activities conducted by the national Institution in charge of supporting Partners Organisations (NGOs, cooperatives,etc) that offer their services to SMEs.

The candidate should have previous solid experience working in MicroFinance projects dedicated to Micro and Small Entrepreneurs preferably in Midle East countries where islamic banking principles should be taken into consideration.

Interested applicants will receive more details of the TORs as well as remueration conditions for this mission sending their application and CV by e-mail to Mr. Denis Carra at Company BCEOM - Montpellier (France)
Tel: +33 4 67 99 23 74/23 60
Fax: +33 4 67 65 66 38

Fecha - 20-06-02
Nombre: Betty
Comentarios: puedo trabajar como voluntario en verano.

Fecha - 08-06-02
Nombre: pdforum
Comentarios: : Youth Internship Opportunity

Internship with Participatory Development Forum, Ottawa and the Institute for
Participatory Interaction in Development (IPID), Sri Lanka
July 1, 2002 – -March 31, 2003

The Participatory Development Forum is presently accepting applications for
the 2002-03 CIDA sponsored Youth Internship Program. This will be a unique
opportunity for a young Canadian to develop a deeper understanding of, and
practical experience in, the participatory approaches to development. The
intern will benefit from a mentoring relationship with an experienced and
established development practitioner, hands-on training in participatory
tools and methodologies, attendance to an international development
conference featuring pre-conference workshops and open-space technology, and
a six month overseas assignment with an innovative organization in Colombo,
Sri Lanka. The intern will benefit from the experiences of working in Ottawa
with a committed group of participatory development practitioners in a
leading-edge, non-traditional, non-governmental organization. The intern must
be available to attend PRA/PLA workshop training from July 15-20 and to
attend the PD Forum Conference: Participation for Global Action and Change,
in Guelph Ontario from July 29 to August 2.

Job description with the Participatory Development Forum, Ottawa (July and
August 2002, March 2003)
Resource Coordinator

-Liase and develop linkages with other Participatory Learning and Action
Resource Networks;
-Research best practices and lessons learned in participatory development;
-Compile these resources for the PD Forum’s Virtual Resource Centre on Best
Practices and Lessons Learned;
-Prepare annotated bibliographies and compendia of best practices and lessons
learned for use by IPID, PD Forum members, and other networks and
organizations upon request;
-Document best practices and lessons learned in PD from internship experience
to be circulated via e-views (the PD Forum’s virtual publication on
participatory events and experiences) and posted in the virtual resource

Job description with IPID, Colombo, Sri Lanka (September 2002 - February 2003)
Documentation and Information Officer

The intern will work with the Insititute’s Resource Centre for Participation
Learning and Action. This resource centre provides services to
practitioners, students, national and international clients in governmental,
non-governmental and international agencies. IPID is currently working to
establish its Resource Centre as a repository of printed and electronic
material on subjects such as participatory development methodologies in
theory, experience and practices, issues related to gender equality,
sustainable development and civil society governance. The internship will
strengthen IPID’s ability to play a more active role in the International
Network of Resource Centre in Participatory Learning and Action and build
links with other organizations and contribute to the global movement for

-Develop a documentation and cataloguing system for Participatory Learning
and Action resources;
-Organise the existing documents in printed and electronic form around
relevant themes;
-Coordinate and strengthen networking linkages with other relevant PD network;
-Supervise and train an IPID trainee in Resource Centre management;
-Assist with the production of training manuals for resource centre
-Devise promotion strategies to raise awareness of the Resource Centre.

The ideal candidate will have most of the following capabilities:

-A university degree (graduate preferred) in international development,
social sciences or a related field;
-Competence in librarianship and/or have a demonstrated competence in
information management and superior organisational abilities;
-Excellent knowledge of the use of computers;
-Be familiar with participatory development; experience and/or training
-Have good interpersonal skills;
-Be able to take initiative and work with little supervision;
-Have a demonstrated appreciation of other cultures.

The intern must be:
-A Canadian citizen or permanent resident eligible to work in Canada;
-Between the ages of 19 and 30;
-Unemployed or underemployed;
-Out of school.

The intern is expected to reside in Ottawa for the PD Forum-based component
of the internship. S/he will receive a monthly stipend of $614/month for
each of the nine months of the internship. An additional amount will be
added for the Sri-Lanka based portions of the internship to cover
accommodation and domestic travel. International airfare, visa, and health
insurance costs are covered under the internship.

Please send your CV and a cover letter detailing your interest in this
internship by June 14 to:
Attn: Tanya Stergiou
Participatory Development Forum
1404 Scott Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1Y 4M8
Or by e-mail to (preferred) or fax (613) 792-1006

Selected candidates will be notified of an interview by June 20. Interviews
will take place by phone for non-Ottawa candidates.

Fecha - 05-06-02
Nombre: William Myers
Comentarios: Job Opening: Program Officer for Lending
Please respond to: Angie McCarrel, Senior Program Officer-Lending
phone: 206.587.3200 ext. 106
fax: 206.587.3230

Impact Capital
401 Second Avenue South, Suite 301
Seattle, Wa 98104

Programs Provided in Conjunction with LISC

Impact Capital, formerly known as the Washington Community Development Loan
Fund, seeks qualified applicants for the position of Program Officer for
Lending. Impact Capital manages a statewide community development loan
fund, based in Seattle, Washington. We also have a satellite office in
Spokane. Impact Capital has offered pre-development financing and
capacity-building programs to assist nonprofit organization engaged in
affordable housing and community and economic development since
1994. Impact Capital delivers its programs in conjunction with the Local
Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), a national intermediary that has
served Washington State since 1988.

In June 2000, Impact Capital established a new $20 million loan fund. The
new loan fund, capitalized with private and public grants and investments,
offers a series of specialized short-term mortgage financing products. The
loan products are available to community development corporations,
nonprofit organizations, housing authorities or tribes undertaking
affordable housing, community or economic development projects. Section 8
preservation projects developed by for-profit developers will also be
eligible for certain loan products.

Impact Capital is a nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution
(CDFI) which is governed by a statewide Board of Directors representing
private corporations and philanthropy, government, consumers and other
individuals active in affordable housing, community and economic development.

Job Duties

The Program Officer will work directly with organizations seeking Impact
Capital funding, public financing agencies and private banks. The primary
job responsibilities include:

Ø Analyze and underwrite housing and real estate based economic
development projects serving low-income populations throughout Washington
Ø Prepare detailed written underwriting assessment of loan requests
and present recommendations to the Board of Directors or Regional Credit
Ø Close loans, approve loan disbursements, and manage loan portfolio;
Ø Provide technical assistance to organizations requesting Impact
Capital loan funds;
Ø Evaluate organizational capacity and make recommendations for
capacity grants or training programs; and
Ø Provide general staffing to the Regional Credit Committees.

The Program Officer will work in an energetic and enjoyable team
environment of fourteen total staff. This includes three other Program
Officers devoted primarily to lending.

Impact Capital contracts for staff payroll and benefits with the
LISC. Therefore, the Program Officer will be employed by LISC but will
perform duties on behalf of Impact Capital and LISC.

Required Qualifications
1. At least five years experience in lending or development of housing
or commercial projects;
2. Experience in closing real estate transactions either as lender or
3. Experience and/or good familiarity with the operations of
non-profit organizations;
4. Excellent written and oral communication skills;
5. Strong computer skills in word processing and spread sheets,
preferably experience with Windows, Word, and Excel;
6. Demonstrated ability to work successfully with diverse constituencies;
7. Ability to work independently; and
8. BA or BS degree in relevant field.

Preferred Qualifications
1. Familiarity with affordable housing, community, and economic
development issues and financing sources;
2. Experience in loan portfolio management;
3. Experience with development issues in a variety of settings
including urban, suburban, small town, and rural areas;
4. Experience working as a lender, developer, funder, or technical
assistance provider to community-based organizations;
5. Graduate degree in related field (e.g. real estate finance,
business, nonprofit management, public policy, or planning).

LISC serves as Impact Capital's contractual employer. Impact Capital, via
LISC, offers a competitive salary and generous benefit package. Qualified
applicants should submit a resume and brief cover letter by close of
business Thursday, June 13, 2002 to:

Impact Capital
Attn: Angie McCarrel, Senior Program Officer
401 Second Avenue South, Suite 301
Seattle, WA 98104

Resumes may also be submitted at your own risk via email: or fax: (206) 587-3230. For additional information
please refer to the Impact Capital website: or call
(206) 587-3200.


Fecha - 04-06-02
Nombre: job opening
Comentarios: Referrals of qualified minority candidates are appreciated.


Alternatives Federal Credit Union is seeking a Marketing Director. She or he will be responsible for the development, implementation, and maintenance of the Credit Union’s marketing and public relations plan. Strong written and oral communication skills are a must. A degree or prior experience in marketing or related field is desired. The successful candidate will have a commitment to social and economic justice, energy and enthusiasm. This is an exempt position.

About Alternatives Federal Credit Union

Alternatives Credit Union is a non-profit, cooperative, community development credit union, serving those least served by other financial institutions: low income, non-profits, small business and the self employed. Money invested with Alternatives Credit Union is re-invested in our community through innovative programs: free checking, loans for minority and women owned business, affordable housing; a charitable donation program linking members and non-profits; a youth credit union. Well respected locally, Alternatives is also known nationally in the credit union, community development financial institution, and socially responsible investing movements.

Competitive Wage. Generous benefits.

For more information about the Credit Union, please see HTTP://

For application, send letter of introduction, resume and salary history/requirements to:
Sharon Kinnan, Human Resource Manager
Alternatives Federal Credit Union, 301 W. State St. Ithaca, NY 14850.
E-mail:, FAX (607) 277-6391

Alternatives is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Sharon Kinnan, Human Resource Manager
Alternatives Federal Credit Union
301 West State Street, Ithaca, NY 14850-5431
(607) 273-3582 ext 821 fax (607) 277-6391

Fecha - 03-06-02
Nombre: Deidre Swesnik
Comentarios: Development Director, RCAP Inc. "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

RCAP Inc., a national non-profit organization serving small rural
communities, is seeking an experienced development director. The
successful candidate will have demonstrated the ability to seek out and
research funding sources, prepare fundable grant proposals and maintain
relationships with funders. Strong written/oral communication and
computer skills are required. Some knowledge of rural community
infrastructure and environmental issues is highly desirable and an
understanding of rural program development in loan funds, housing or
telecommunications would be a plus. Salary range $55-$65,000.
Excellent benefits. Send resume with salary history to RCAP, Inc., 1522
K St., Suite 400, Washington, DC 20005. Email to

Fecha - 02-06-02
Nombre: Devjovs
Comentarios: Table of Contents

There are 3 messages in this issue:

Message 1 - Field-based Microfinance Technical Advisors for Save the
Children +b
Message 2 - PFPS-JOBS Digest for Thursday, May 30, 2002
Message 3 - ReliefWeb Vacancies Update


Message 1

Field-based Microfinance Technical Advisors for Save the Children +b

Posted by: Liz McGuinness

Save the Children Federation, a major international relief and development
organization, seeks:
Field-based Microfinance Technical Advisors to provide technical assistance
to local, women-focused microfinance institutions in one or more countries
in Asia, Central Asia, the NIS and Africa. In some cases, these positions
will include program management responsibilities.

REQUIRES: Masters or equivalent Degree in international development,
business management or economics; five year's experience working with
microfinance institutions that serve at least 5,000 clients and/or
experience in a banking environment; and program management experience.
Extensive skills in institutional development, business planning, financial
management and new product development for local microfinance institutions.
Appropriate language ability (Central Asia - Farsi; NIS - Russian;
Africa-French) desirable.

Deadline: Open

Please send resume to: Sita Conklin, fax 202-293-4167 or 202-637-9362 or
email to

Liz McGuinness
Economic Opportunities Specialist
Save the Children
2000 M Street, NW
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 530-4394

Please mention clearly in your job application letter that you learned of
this job opportunity through DEVJOBS, and mention the URL of its website - Thanks.


Message 2

PFPS-JOBS Digest for Thursday, May 30, 2002

Posted by: Kristine Marigomen

PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health)
Human Resources/Professional Recruitment
1455 NW Leary Way
Seattle, WA 98107
CLOSING DATE: Monday, June 3, 2002

Title: Strategic Program Leader, Maternal/Child Health and Nutrition
Location: Seattle, Washington or Washington, D.C.
Starting Salary Range: $92,200 - $130,000 DOE
Duties and Responsibilities:
Strategic Direction:
* Provide strategic leadership in designing PATH's maternal, child health
and nutrition strategic program; recommend program direction based on
consideration of a broad range of internal and external factors, and an
understanding of how existing program areas can contribute to the MCHN
strategic program.
* In collaboration with existing PATH teams and staff worldwide, build a
strategic and cohesive MCHN program for PATH.
* Provide general project oversight on MCHN projects, including project
design, implementation, and evaluation.
* Work with team leaders on personnel issues - recruiting, hiring,
retention, and conflict resolution.
* With project administrators, work to ensure
management/administrative/financial consistency among teams.
* Develop and exploit functional links with complementary activities in
PATH's various strategic and country programs.
* Conduct regular, formal program updates on MCHN activities for PATH
senior management;
* Advise senior management on MCHN issues.
* Take the lead in identifying and pursuing MCHN funding opportunities.
* Coordinate MCHN team fundraising activities within MCHN and across PATH.
* Ensure that teams maintain an ongoing focus on overall project impact;
provide guidance to teams when necessary.
* Ensure that each MCHN project has an appropriate monitoring and
* evaluation plan in place.
* Ensure that expected results of MCHN activities are clear, measurable and
consistent with PATH policies and mission.
External Collaboration:
* Support MCHN team efforts to forge effective collaborations/partnerships
with other international health NGOs/agencies.
* Identify and cultivate relationships with key stakeholders representing a
broad range of functions and levels; build strong external networks with
people in the industry or profession.

* Advanced Degree in public health or related field.
* Thorough knowledge of international guidelines for Maternal Child Health
issued by international organizations such as UNICEF, FAO, and WHO.
* Ten plus years experience managing a large primary health care project in
the field, or working with public health systems in developing countries.
* Demonstrated leadership, personnel management and coaching/mentoring
* Five plus years experience building a comprehensive MCHN program in the
* Five plus years experience in designing and evaluating information
* systems for monitoring health indicators in developing countries.
* Experience with MCHN product or service introduction in developing
* countries a plus.
* Experience working with Ministries of Health and high level officials in
developing countries.
* Minimum of five years experience fundraising for international health
* programs - familiarity with public and private donors.
* Experience working in more than one geographic region a plus.

To be considered for this position, email cover letter and resume to citing job #1168' position closes June 3, 2002.
*Include your resume in the body of an email message or attached as a
Microsoft Word 97 (or earlier) file.
*In the Subject field of your message, please provide your last name,
position number, and position title. You will receive an acknowledgment
upon receipt of your resume. Unfortunately, we are only able to respond
further to candidates chosen for interviews or additional follow-up.
*For additional information, contact Dorothy Culjat, Human
Resources/Professional Recruitment, dculjat@path.orge All posted positions
are full time unless otherwise noted. PATH is dedicated to diversity in
staff and is an equal opportunity employer.

Please mention clearly in your job application letter that you learned of
this job opportunity through DEVJOBS, and mention the URL of its website - Thanks.


Message 3

ReliefWeb Vacancies Update

Please find below a list of new vacancy postings from the Relief Web Site.
If you do not have Web access and wish to receive a vacancy via Email,
simply copy the reference to a desired vacancy, reply to this message and
paste the reference into the body of the new Email. Please limit each
request to a single vacancy.

Applications for positions should be sent directly to the organisation in
question. For details, see :

Job Title : Chief of Mission (reconstruction)
Job Location : Angola (Província de Benguela e de Bié)
Organisation : CESVI - Cooperazione e Sviluppo
URL Address :

Job Title: Sectoral Experts (4 )
Job Location: Angola (Província de Benguela e de Bié)
Organisation : CESVI - Cooperazione e Sviluppo
URL Address :

Job Title : Road Rehabilitation Manager
Job Location : Mozambique (Quelimane)
Organisation : World Vision International
URL Address :

Job Title : Assessment Medical Coordinator
Job Location : Angola
Organisation : Merlin (Medical Emergency Relief International)
URL Address :

Job Title : Assessment Project Coordinator
Job Location : Angola
Organisation : Merlin (Medical Emergency Relief International)
URL Address :

Job Title : Area Coordinator, P-4
Job Location : Afghanistan
Organisation : UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs/ UN
Assistance Mission to Afghanistan (UNAMA)
URL Address :

Job Title : Humanitarian Affairs Officer / Protection, P-4
Job Location : Afghanistan
Organisation : UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs/ UN
Assistance Mission to Afghanistan (UNAMA)
URL Address :

Job Title : Programme Officer, P-4
Job Location : Afghanistan
Organisation : UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs/
UN Assistance Mission to Afghanistan (UNAMA)
URL Address :

Job Title : Report Officer, P-2
Job Location : Afghanistan
Organisation : UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs/UN
Assistance Mission to Afghanistan (UNAMA)
URL Address :

Job Title : Technical Advisor, Psychosocial Programs
Job Location : West Bank & Gaza Strip
Organisation : Save the Children US
URL Address :

Job Title : Trainer/Expert in the Psychological Consequences of War /
Expert in Civil Society / Professional Assistant to the Head of Mission
Job Location : Croatia (Vukovar)
Organisation : Coalition for Work With Psychotrauma and Peace
URL Address :

Job Title : Manager Railway Sector-Kosovo Trust Agency
Job Location : Kosovo (Pristina)
Organisation : European Union Pillar of UNMIK (UN Mission in Kosovo)
URL Address :

Job Title : Internal Auditor of the Kosovo Trust Agency
Job Location : Kosovo (Pristina)
Organisation : European Union Pillar of UNMIK (UN Mission in Kosovo)
URL Address :

Job Title : Manager Airport Sector, Kosovo Trust Agency
Job Location : Kosovo (Pristina)
Organisation : European Union Pillar of UNMIK (UN Mission in Kosovo)
URL Address :

Job Title : Division Manager Post & Telecommunications, Kosovo Trust Agency
Job Location : Kosovo (Pristina)
Organisation : European Union Pillar of UNMIK (UN Mission in Kosovo)
URL Address :

Job Title : Advisor, Road & Transport Services and Policy, MTC
Job Location : Kosovo (Pristina)
Organisation : European Union Pillar of UNMIK (UN Mission in Kosovo)
URL Address :

Job Title : Senior Advisor, Telecommunications, MTC
Job Location : Kosovo (Pristina)
Organisation : European Union Pillar of UNMIK (UN Mission in Kosovo)
URL Address :

Job Title : Advisor, Road Infrastructure & Transport Policy, MTC
Job Location : Kosovo (Pristina)
Organisation : European Union Pillar of UNMIK (UN Mission in Kosovo)
URL Address :

Job Title : Advisor Freight Transport, MTC
Job Location : Kosovo (Pristina)
Organisation : European Union Pillar of UNMIK (UN Mission in Kosovo)
URL Address :

Job Title : Principal International Officer to the Minister of
Transportation & Telecommunications
Job Location : Kosovo (Pristina)
Organisation : European Union Pillar of UNMIK (UN Mission in Kosovo)
URL Address :

Job Title : Chef de Mission
Job Location : Burundi
Organisation : Avocats Sans Frontières - Belgique
URL Address :

Job Title : Assistant Technique Juriste
Job Location : Burundi
Organisation : Avocats Sans Frontières - Belgique
URL Address :

Job Title : Programme Advisor, Conflict
Job Location : United Kingdom (Oxford)
Organisation : Oxfam GB
URL Address :

Job Title : Experts (2) in evaluation of Humanitarian Aid, respectively in
Nutrition & Logistics (Evaluation of ECHO)
Job Location : Afghanistan, Ethiopia & Kenya and the Central American
group of Honduras, Nicaragua & Guatemala
Organisation : Transtec
URL Address :

Job Title : Chief, Donor Relations & Information Unit, P-5
Job Location : Afghanistan
Organisation : UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs/ UN
Assistance Mission to Afghanistan (UNAMA)
URL Address :

Job Title : Experts (2) in evaluation of Humanitarian Aid, respectively in
Nutrition & Logistics (Evaluation of WFP)
Job Location : Afghanistan, Eritrea, U. Rep. of Tanzania, Serbia
Organisation : Transtec
URL Address :

Job Title : Head of Mission in Kosovo
Job Location : Kosovo
Organisation : Fondation Terre des Hommes
URL Address :

Job Title : Delegate in Afghanistan
Job Location : Afghanistan
Organisation : Fondation Terre des hommes
URL Address :

Job Title : Financial controller
Job Location : United Kingdom (London)
Organisation : Penal Reform International
URL Address :

Job Title : Emergency Support Advisor
Job Location : United Kingdom (London)
Organisation : CARE International UK
URL Address :

Job Title : Intern/volunteer for EFTA Campaign & Advocacy Office
Job Location : Belgium (Brussels)
Organisation : EFTA - European Fair Trade Association
URL Address :

Job Title : Director of Programs
Job Location : USA (Arlington, Virginia)
Organisation : International Relief and Development, Inc.
URL Address :

Job Title : Staff Accountant
Job Location : USA (Arlington, Virginia)
Organisation : International Relief and Development, Inc.
URL Address :

Job Title : Country Director
Job Location : Indonesia (Jakarta)
Organisation : International Relief and Development, Inc.
URL Address :

Job Title : Grant Management Consultant
Job Location : Serbia (Western)
Organisation : United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
URL Address :

Job Title : Program Manager
Job Location : Serbia
Organisation : United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
URL Address :

Job Title : Program Manager, Cross Boundary Minority Returns Program
Job Location : Kosovo
Organisation : United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
URL Address :

Job Title : Nutrition Trainer
Job Location : Malawi
Organisation : Action Against Hunger
URL Address :

Job Title : Director, Programme, Planning and Assessment Section, D-2
Job Location : Afghanistan
Organisation : UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs/ UN
Assistance Mission to Afghanistan (UNAMA)
URL Address :

Job Title : Programme Co-ordinator
Job Location : India (Visakhapatnam)
Organisation : Architecture & Développement
URL Address :

Job Title : Monitoring & Evaluation Officer
Job Location : South Sudan
Organisation : Save the Children UK
URL Address :

Job Title : Project Manager Child Protection
Job Location : South Sudan
Organisation : Save the Children UK
URL Address :

Job Title : Project Manager Education
Job Location : South Sudan
Organisation : Save the Children UK
URL Address :

Job Title : Program Manager
Job Location : Kosovo, Eastern (Gjilan)
Organisation : United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
URL Address :

Job Title : Humanitarian Project Manager
Job Location : Nicaragua (Managua & Departments)
Organisation : OXFAM GB
URL Address :

Job Title : Associate Legal Officer, P-2
Job Location : Tanzania, United Rep. of (Arusha)
Organisation : International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)
URL Address :

Job Title : Associate Legal Officer, P-2
Job Location : Netherlands (The Hague)
Organisation : International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
URL Address :

Job Title : Programme Director
Job Location : Afghanistan
Organisation : Handicap International France
URL Address :

Job Title : Education Manager
Job Location : Afganistan
Organisation : International Rescue Committee
URL Address :

Job Title : Repatriation & Integration Coordinator
Job Location : Afganistan & Pakistan
Organisation : International Rescue Committee
URL Address :

Job Title : International Expert
Job Location : Serbia
Organisation : CARE Austria / CARE International Yugoslavia
URL Address :

Job Title : Field Coordinator
Job Location : Indonesia
Organisation : International Rescue Committee
URL Address :

Job Title : Program Manager
Job Location : Indonesia
Organisation : International Rescue Committee
URL Address :

Job Title : Environmental Health Manager
Job Location : East Timor
Organisation : International Rescue Committee
URL Address :

Job Title : Chief of Party
Job Location : East Timor (Dili)
Organisation : CARE
URL Address :

Job Title : Finance Director
Job Location : Azerbaijan
Organisation : Cooperative Housing Foundation (CHF) International
URL Address :

Job Title : Head of Mission
Job Location : Afghanistan (Kabul)
Organisation : Pharmaciens Sans Frontières Comité International
URL Address :

Job Title : Finance Manager
Job Location : Mozambique
Organisation : Air Serv International
URL Address :

Please mention clearly in your job application letter that you learned of
this job opportunity through DEVJOBS, and mention the URL of its website - Thanks.

Fecha - 31-05-02
Nombre: Alan Branson"
Email: ABranson@ECD.Org
Comentarios: Position Announcement

Business Development Officer

The Enterprise Corporation of the Delta (ECD) is seeking outstanding individuals for the position of Business Development Officer. Positions are available in Pine Bluff, AR.

ECD is a private business development organization serving the Delta regions of Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Its mission is to improve the lives of residents through the creation and expansion of high-quality jobs and increased opportunities for business ownership. ECD provides financial, management and marketing assistance to Delta firms and entrepreneurs both directly and through strategic partnerships with the private, public and non-profit sectors. Based in Jackson, Mississippi, ECD has offices in Pine Bluff, Forrest City and Jonesboro in Arkansas; Monroe, Louisiana; and Clarksdale, Southaven and Vicksburg, Mississippi.

Position Summary
The Business Development Officer is responsible for developing and managing a commercial loan portfolio. This position reports directly to the Director of Business Development. Primary responsibilities include:

· Develop active referral network for identifying potential customers and co-lending partners.

· Work with prospects and internal staff to adequately assess risk of credit requests (range from $10,000 to $2,000,000), present recommendations and facilitate loan closings.

· Ongoing management of customer relationship including facilitating required outside assistance (e.g., accounting, management, marketing, engineering), compliance with loan covenants, payment performance, and on-site inspections.

Background Required
· Bachelor’s degree in relevant field. Graduate degree or professional certification preferred.

· Four years experience in lending, banking, finance or related area. Preference for experience in business lending, development finance or asset-based lending.

· Demonstrated strength in credit analysis, financial analysis, and communication skills (written and verbal).

· Strong computer skills, especially with financial spreadsheets and word processing.

Please send resumes to:

Vice President - Programs

Enterprise Corporation of the Delta

308 East Pearl Street, 4th Floor

Jackson, MS 39201


Fecha - 19-05-02
Nombre: Sarah Clarke
Comentarios: The GDN Bridging Research and Policy Project is now firmly underway.
A project steering committee has been appointed and has had its first
(virtual) meeting, the RAPNet web site has been established, and
surveys of researchers and policy-makers are underway. You can find
out more about the project at, or catch
up with recent news at

The project is now recruiting a full time project coordinator - see, and
has put out a call for preliminary case studies - see

We will shortly be establishing an e-mail group, and e-discussion
of the preliminary case studies as they come in. You will soon
be able to register for these on-line, but in the meantime, if you
would like join these groups, please reply to this message with the
word 'subscribe' in the subject box.

Best wishes

Sarah Clarke
Specialist, International Economics and Development
The Global Development Network
Suite 1112, 2600 Virginia Avenue
Washington, DC 20037
Tel: (202) 338-6350/338-6351 (general line)
Tel: (202) 338-6821 (personal)
Fax: (202) 338-6826/(202) 338-6831
email: /

Fecha - 18-05-02
Comentarios: Please reply to:

Executive Director
Rainier Valley Community Development Fund
Seattle, Washington
May 2002

The Rainier Valley Community Development Fund (“CDF”) is a soon-to-be
incorporated $50-million community-controlled loan fund being established
to address the temporary impact of light rail construction in Seattle’s
Rainier Valley neighborhood and to serve as a long-term asset to support
ongoing community development activity. The CDF, which is currently
governed by a seven-member founding board of directors, will be capitalized
over the next seven years with $50 million from the City of Seattle and
King County. The CDF Board seeks a highly experienced community
development finance professional to help set up the CDF and manage all
aspects of its day-to-day operations.

The Rainier Valley is located in Southeast Seattle. It is the most
culturally and economically diverse neighborhood in Seattle, home to Viet
Namese, Filipino, Somali, Eritrean, Japanese American, Chinese American,
African American, and Caucasian people. The Rainier Valley also supports
the largest number of public housing units in the city and is experiencing
gentrification pressures, which are both feared and welcomed.

The CDF’s five-year operating plan, which describes the CDF’s history,
products, governance, management, operations, and financial forecast, is
available for review.

JOB TITLE: Executive Director of the Rainier Valley Community Development Fund

The Executive Director is the chief staff member, provides leadership and
is the organization's liaison to the Rainier Valley community, all
community organizations, public and private funding sources, financial
institutions, and the media.

The Executive Director is responsible for promoting and adhering to the use
of the CDF’s tools in support of the organization’s mission. The mission of
the CDF is:

The Rainier Valley Community Development Fund is a self-sustaining,
community-controlled entity that preserves and strengthens cultural
diversity, long-term livability, and economic opportunity for Rainier
Valley residents, businesses, and institutions.

The initial focus of the CDF is on providing financial and technical
support to business and property owners impacted by the construction of
light rail in the Rainier Valley. Over time, the CDF will expand into
funding community and transit-oriented development projects including
commercial real estate, affordable housing, community facilities, and
pre-apprenticeship training.

Financial products offered by the CDF are diverse and range from business
loans and grants, commercial mortgages, affordable housing mortgages,
facilities loans, to pre-apprenticeship training grants.

The CDF Executive Director will oversee all management and program
operations, and hire and supervise staff, interns, volunteers and
consultants who assist staff.

The Executive Director reports to the Board of Directors and is responsible
· Negotiating and managing terms and conditions of contracts with
all public funders
· Managing a diverse product set, including finalizing the
underwriting details for supplemental mitigation products;
· Directing all programs, including business technical assistance,
lending programs, ongoing management assistance, business and personal
support services, pre-apprenticeship training grants; and all aspects of
residential and commercial real estate lending;
· Raising additional funds at a future date, developing a diverse
resource base, and planning the budget;
· Recruiting, hiring, supervising, motivating staff, and promoting
development of their skills and leadership abilities;
· Selecting and overseeing the implementation of all management
information systems, including financial and program information, to
facilitate planning, provide evaluative data for monitoring the CDF’s
performance, and support resource development efforts;
· Promoting economic development (business lending and real estate
development lending) with funding sources and others, to ensure that
clients have access to other community resources and financing;
· Developing and maintaining external relationships with community
organizations and groups, business assistance organizations, financing
institutions and public agencies; and
· Developing collaborative relationships and partnerships that
enhance the organization and its ability to meet the needs of its diverse


The Executive Director should be a mature professional and have a minimum
of 5-8 years of relevant work experience, with background in nonprofit
community development financial institution manage­ment, and preferably in
both housing and/or facilities development and business lending. The
candidate’s experience should include strategic planning, board and
community relations, personnel supervision, and financial management. S/he
must also have experience working with lower income people, diverse
communities; and be a capable, compassionate, energetic and positive leader
– able to motivate and work with a wide variety of professionals and

The Executive Director must:
· Be passionate about the CDF’s mission and eager to represent the
organization to a diverse group of external audiences;
· Be an effective advocate for lower income and minority business
owners and individuals; and
· Write well and have excellent verbal communication skills.

The Executive Director must possess a high level of commitment to meet the
economic needs of a racially and culturally diverse community, have a
reputation for high ethical and moral standards, have an inclusive
non-hierarchical management style, and be enthusiastic about working with a
diverse staff and strong Board of Directors. Proficiency in another
language would be a plus.

In addition, because the CDF is a start-up institution, candidates should
be willing to operate within ambiguity at times; must be flexible; and
capable of identifying operating gaps and quickly determining how to fill

· College degree in any applicable field or equivalent experience
in relevant areas. MBA and/or CPA are plusses.
· Real estate development and/or commercial lending experience
· Solid financial accounting, statement preparation and analytical
· Proven cash management skills, i.e. control, forecasting and
· Proven human resource management skills and experience.
· Interpersonal skills must include a demonstrated ability to deal
effectively with diverse constituents, internal staff, board members,
investors, outside public accounting, legal, bank and other professionals.
· Computer literate, with strong working knowledge of accounting
software and spreadsheet applications.
· MIS management experience is a plus.
· Financial services experience (i.e., lending, funding and
portfolio risk analysis) is a plus.
· Nonprofit work experience is a plus.
· Experience managing start-ups successfully a plus.


Salary commensurate with experience. Benefits are budgeted at 35% of
salary. Position is full-time.


The CDF is an equal opportunity employer: people of color, women, and
disabled persons are encouraged to apply.

Send cover letter with resume to:
Paige Chapel
Consultant to the CDF Board
520-17th Avenue East
Seattle, WA 98112
Deadline for responses: 5 p.m. (PDT) on Monday, June 10, 2002

Patty Grossman
Patty Grossman Consulting, Inc.
6527 - 48th Ave NE
Seattle WA 98115-7732
Voice: 206.527.8668
Fax: 206.527.4544

Fecha - 16-05-02
Nombre: Pierre Bernier
Comentarios: The Canadian International Development Agency CIDA ( Africa and Middle East
>Branch) is trying to identifies potential condidates (consultant) to
>conduct a mid-term evaluation of a training Program in Social Work. We are
>looking for candidates with : I) a strong expertise in Social Work per se;
>ii) experience in projetc or programm evaluation; iii) experience in
>International Delopment, particularly in the Arab World.
>If you have any suggestion, please contact me
>Pierre Bernier
>Anthropologue / Anthropologist
>Spécialiste en dimensions sociales / Social Dimensions Specialist
>Direction générale de l'Afrique et Moyen-Orient / Africa and Middle East
>Tel : (819) 997-0469 Facsimile / Fax: (819) 953-5834

Fecha - 16-05-02
Nombre: "Brian Singer"

CAMBA, a non-profit community based organization located in the Flatbush
Section of Brooklyn, is seeking a Childcare Business Counselor. CAMBA is a
rapidly growing, continually evolving organization that encourages staff
development and is dedicated to promoting from within. We are hierarchical
but not bureaucratic, large in size but grass roots in philosophy. CAMBA
offers a creative work environment that fosters freedom of expression and
encourages staff to independently resolve problems that impede clients’
progress in achieving their goals as a way of measuring our own success and
accountability. This position requires an individual that is dedicated,
client focused, culturally competent and ready to meet the challenges of
service delivery in Brooklyn. CAMBA requires that all its employees be high
energy, empathetic, flexible, willing and hard-working team players.

CAMBA’s Small Business Services Program operates a Family Day Care Network
that assists individuals who are interested in operating or expanding home
day care businesses. We seek an applicant with strong communication,
organizational and business skills to join CAMBA as our Childcare Business
Counselor. The counselor’s primary responsibility will be to coordinate the
daily operations of the Family Day Care program. Four times a year, we offer
a three-week seminar that covers topics related to opening a family day care
including government regulations, child development, activity planning,
marketing, bookkeeping, provider-parent contracts and taxes. The counselor
will also be responsible for ordering, distributing and monitoring inventory
of day care supplies that are provided to eligible program participants. The
counselor will also assist with reviewing and packaging microloan
applications. In addition, the counselor will be responsible for a small
computer skills program. Duties include recruiting students, scheduling
sessions and monitoring payments.

Responsibilities include:
Coordination of the daily operation of the FDC program;
Organizing, scheduling and instructing the quarterly family day care
seminars-each including approximately 20 participants;
Recruitment and screening of program participants;
Provision of one on one technical assistance to existing as well as
potential day care providers;
Maintenance of client data-with approximately 500 providers & potential
providers in database;
Conducting monthly Business Network meetings with FDC program participants;
Ordering, distributing and monitoring day care supply inventory;
Writing quarterly reports to funders and weekly reports to supervisors;
Conducting at least 2 site visits of businesses per month;
Coordinating the computer skills program;
Assist with reviewing and packaging microloan applications;
Partnering with other family day care networks and small business
development agencies

Master’s degree in relevant field or Bachelor’s degree in relevant field
with three to five years of related experience. Applicants with no Bachelor’
s degree will be considered if they have particularly relevant experience;
Strong managerial, organizational and communication skills;
Acute analytical skills, especially as related to small businesses;
Ability to work closely with low-income individuals;
Strong initiative and creative ability to expand program goals;
Word Processing and Spreadsheets skills necessary. Database skills
Interested persons should email, fax or send a resume and cover letter with
salary history to:
884 Flatbush Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Ph. (718) 282-2500
Fax #: (718) 282-8329

Home Daycare Business Intern
CAMBA, a non-profit community based organization located in the Flatbush
Section of Brooklyn, is seeking a Home Daycare Business Intern. CAMBA is a
rapidly growing, continually evolving organization that encourages staff
development and is dedicated to promoting from within.
CAMBA’s Small Business Services Program operates a Family Day Care Network
that assists individuals who are interested in operating or expanding home
day care businesses. CAMBA seeks to hire an intern who will design and set
up a new loan product that will allow existing day care providers to
purchase a computer by taking out a business loan from CAMBA. The loan
package would include the computer, computer training, business software,
and educational software. We will offer these services to day care providers
in groups of about five so that we can purchase computers, software and
training in bulk, thereby reducing the cost. The intern’s responsibilities
would consist of working with the Small Business Services Supervisor to:
· Help the Small Business Services supervisor formulate the program’s
lending criteria;
· Modify the Small Business Services current loan application to create a
separate application for this new loan product;
· Interview potential loan recipients about their business needs and explain
the benefits of using a computer in their businesses;
· Seek out and establish a relationship with a vendor or vendors from whom
we could purchase these computers;
· Write a marketing plan for the new loan product.
· Research and select appropriate computer software (client management,
accounting, and early childhood education software programs) for the loan
recipients to use in managing their businesses;
The intern should be a graduate or undergraduate student in business,
finance, urban studies, non-profit management or other relevant field. He or
she should understand how small businesses, financing and/or loan programs
work; have basic computer skills and enough knowledge from a business
standpoint to evaluate business management and accounting computer programs,
and know the basics of creating a marketing plan. The internship is paid and
will last for the duration of the summer.
Interested persons should email, fax or send a resume and cover letter to:
884 Flatbush Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Ph. (718) 282-2500
Fax #: (718) 282-8329

Fecha - 15-05-02
Nombre: Keith Ferrell
Comentarios: TECHNICAL ASSISTANTS is currently contracted with the Philadelphia
Empowerment Zone to provide entrepreneurship training classes to existing
and prospective business owners in the North Central Philadelphia
Empowerment Zone. Classes are held for three eight-week sessions in the
evenings (two nights per week) and one five-week, Saturday-only session.

A position for a trainer with marketing proficiency has opened, and we
would like to hear from all interested parties with the following

Three to five years of experience in economic development;
One to three years of teaching, training, or regular presentation
One or more years of business plan writing experience.

B.A. or B.S. from an accredited college or university (Marketing,
Journalism, or Public Relations preferred).

Preference is given to individuals who have been self-employed. Ability
to write effective advertising copy, basic computer skills, and
sensitivity to the African-American community are required.

Please send your resume (by e-mail as RTF, by fax, or by snail mail) to:

Keith Ferrell
Technical Assistants
1500 Market Street, 12th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102
(215) 546-4530
(215) 546-4538 fax

Fecha - 13-05-02
Nombre: David R. Wohl
Comentarios: Sabino Community Development Resources, a consulting firm based in Tucson, AZ but working nationally, has an opening for a Real Estate Analyst. The Analyst will evaluate potential Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Investments for a large client of SCDR. The position involves extensive travel and requires the ability to work independently. The Analyst does not need to be based in Tucson. Training will be provided, but experience in the financial analysis of multifamily housing, basic familiarity with the LIHTC program, and understanding of apartment markets are essential. Good written and oral communication skills are essential.

A job description is posted on the Enterprise Foundation Job Board:

You can also email me to request a copy of the job description and more information on the company.

NO CALLS, PLEASE. Send resume, writing sample, and salary expectations to:

David R. Wohl
Sabino Community Development Resources
4505 N. Quartz Hill Drive
Tucson, AZ 85750

Fecha - 12-05-02
Nombre: Anthony Scoggins
Comentarios: The Canadian Co-operative Association is the national association of
>co-operatives and credit unions in English-speaking Canada. CCA supports
>capacity-building of co-operatives internationally with the generous
>assistance of its member organizations and the Canadian International
>Development Agency.
>CCA is currently seeking two experts in the management of co-operative
>financial institutions for an upcoming, short-term assignment in India.
>The purpose of the assignment is to develop both a business plan and
>capacity-building plan for a well established and progressive urban
>co-operative bank. The client institution is a large and profitable
>multi-branch financial co-operative with 18,000 member-shareholders, 150
>employees, and total assets over $50 million. The Bank offers a range of
>financial products and services to the public (including micro-finance)
>but senior management recognizes the need for the Co-operative to
>re-engineer its operations in order to respond effectively to a changing
>regulatory environment and liberalizing financial market.
> The assignment will be for a term of approximately 30 days and comprise
> three main tasks:
> * Conducting a preliminary operational and institutional assessment of
> the Co-operative Bank;
> * Informed by that assessment, facilitating and guiding a
> participatory planning process by which the Bank's Board of Directors and
> senior management team elaborate a 3-5 year business plan; and
> * Based upon the outcome of that process, elaborating a
> capacity-building plan that will enable the Bank to achieve its business
> and social goals.
>The two successful candidates shall have complimentary skills and
>expertise in co-operative governance, banking operations and strategic
>management of financial institutions. Priority areas of concern
>identified in the pre-consultation process included Inspection and
>Control; Budgeting & Planning; MIS; and Human Resource Management.
> It is envisaged that one team member shall be drawn from CCA's network
> of co-operatives and credit unions, while one shall be an external expert
> with experience in co-operative banking in developing countries.
> The two consultants shall work as a team. Both team members will have
> excellent communication and facilitation skills with experience in
> working in complex organizations and cross-cultural situations. A
> July/August timeline is set for this assignment.
> Qualified and interested individuals are invited to send their C.V.s to
> CCA, c/o Ms. Laurie Tennian
> <> by May 24th,
> 2002. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Fecha - 09-05-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: Investors’ Circle is seeking a dynamic individual to serve as Office Manager/Events Planner. The Office Manager/Events Planner handles day-to-day operational aspects of this 4-person nonprofit organization and reports to the CEO.

Investors’ Circle is a nonprofit, membership-based, national network of investors who believe that business must lead the transition to a sustainable economy. IC members seek to balance environmental, social, and financial returns on their investments and since 1992 have invested over $80 million in 120 socially responsible private companies and small venture funds. Companies supported by our members range from alternative power technology to organic foods to socially responsible dot-coms.

The Office Manager/Events Planner’s responsibilities include:

o Planning and executing all the logistics of at least four major events per year, including two venture fairs, a 150-person national conference, and a retreat. Logistics includes contract negotiations, timeline management, catering, invitations, room set-up, A/V, supervision of site staff, etc.

o Bookkeeping and financial reporting, including accounts payable and receivable, cash management, payroll, monthly income and cash flow statements, and financial reports for the Board of Directors.

o General administrative support, including phones, supplies, and mail service.

o Database management and upkeep.

o Coordination with outside vendors, including printers, designers, computer consultants, and HR/benefits outsourcing provider.

o Other project-based work as needed.

Desired qualifications for the position include:

o Undergraduate degree.

o Previous work experience, preferably in a small business and/or nonprofit.

o Events planning experience. Proven ability to manage the many details and logistics of sophisticated events with a high level of personalized service.

o Outstanding written and verbal communication and marketing skills. A professional phone manner is critical.

o Bookkeeping experience. Familiarity with QuickBooks and FileMaker.

o The capacity to work and thrive in a fast-paced, entrepreneurial organization with a collaborative environment.

Salary is commensurate with experience and benefits are excellent. Investors’ Circle is committed to a diverse workforce. We value and actively seek to recruit people with diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. Please send a fax or mail a hard copy of your resume to (no phone inquiries, please): Associate Director, Investors’ Circle, 320 Washington Street, Brookline MA 02445. Fax: 617-739-3550

Fecha - 08-05-02
Nombre: Yoe, Liz
Comentarios: Position Announcement: PROGRAM ASSISTANT

The Nonprofit Facilities Fund (NFF) is seeking a Program Assistant to support the Director of the NFF/LISC Community Facilities Fund in Washington, DC. NFF and the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) formed the partnership in 2001. NFF is a national community development financial institution with more than 20 years of experience serving the nonprofit sector with financial and advisory services that address the financial, management and facility challenges that come with growth. NFF operates six offices around the country. Founded in 1980, LISC operates 40 sites around the country including Washington, DC since 1982. LISC provides loans, grants and technical assistance to organizations that develop and maintain affordable housing, commercial & retail projects in low-income neighborhoods. Nationally, NFF and LISC have invested more than $4 billion to rebuild communities, improve lives and strengthen the nonprofit sector's infrastructure, while serving some 10,000 organizations.

Communication: Serve as initial point-of-contact for general information calls; provide follow-up materials and referrals as appropriate; create and maintain systems for efficient information flow and program operations.

Workshops and Seminars: Provide support in the promotion, preparation and set-up of workshops and seminars, including publicity, site arrangements, and workshop materials.

Correspondence: Prepare basic correspondence, including the drafting of letters. Assemble and send information packets to interested parties.

Database: Maintain a database of funders, clients and contacts. Input data, generate reports, and administer mailings.

Publications: Provide support in the creation and distribution of program documents, marketing and promotional materials, reports and workshop manuals.

Filing: Create, organize, and maintain a central, user-friendly, and reliable filing system.

General Support: Provide general administrative support, including copying, word processing, faxing, telephone, and expense reports. Greet visitors in the office, maintain adequate supplies.

Excellent interpersonal, communications and computer skills; ability to work independently and be self-motivated; capacity to manage time and priorities; strong writing, organizational and administrative skills; detail-oriented, flexible and a good sense of humor. Proficiency with Microsoft Word and Excel. College degree and three years work experience required; familiarity with nonprofits and/or community development preferred. Salary commensurate with experience. NFF offers a generous benefit package that includes health and dental insurance, disability insurance and a 403(b) retirement plan.

Interested candidates should send (mail, fax or e-mail) a cover letter, resume with references and salary history to Liz Nicholson Yoe, Director, NFF/LISC Community Facilities Fund, 1825 K Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20006-1202, (202) 785-4331 (fax), (email). NFF is an equal opportunity employer. Persons of color and diverse ethnicities are encouraged to apply.

Liz Nicholson Yoe, Director
NFF/LISC Community Facilities Fund
A Joint Program
1825 K Street, NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20006-1202
phone (202) 785-3985
fax (202) 785-4331

Fecha - 03-05-02
Nombre: Sharon Kinnan
Comentarios: Community Enterprise Opportunities Technical Assistance Specialist

Alternatives Credit Union is seeking a highly motivated individual with 1-3 years of experience in one or more of the following; microenterprise training, business management, business plan development and /or community financing. This is a grant funded position, requiring flexible hours, some travel, maturity, reliability, ability to work well with others from diverse backgrounds, ability to think outside the box. This individual will provide small group and one-to-one assistance to persons seeking microenterprise assistance as part of the Community Enterprise Opportunities program at Alternatives.

While working at Alternatives Credit Union is at times demanding and fast paced, it is an exciting and rewarding place to work. Alternatives is a socially responsible community organization trying through its programs and policies to have a positive impact on the local community. Many services are devised especially for low income members and small businesses. Relations with members proceed on a personal and very friendly manner. The staff participates in decision making and planning policy. Alternatives Credit Union has an excellent record of promoting from within.

Hiring range $22,000 to $27,000

Generous Benefits

Please send your resume and a letter of interest. An application will be sent to you. We will contact you if we need more information, would like to set up an interview, or to inform you that the position has been filled.mail to:

Sharon Kinnan, Human Resource Manager
Alternatives Federal Credit Union
301 West State Street, Ithaca, NY 14850-5431
(607) 273-3582 ext 821 fax (607) 277-6391

Fecha - 02-05-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: Job Announcement: Senior Research and Policy Staff Position

The Woodstock Institute is seeking a senior research and policy analyst. The Institute is a small nonprofit founded in 1973 which works to promote financial investment and economic development for lower-income and minority communities and individuals. The Institute works locally, nationally and internationally. Its tools include applied research, policy development, coalition-building and program development. The Institute’s specific fields of expertise include banking and community development finance, community economic development, financial and consumer regulation, housing and small business development, and asset development for lower-income households.

Responsibilities include:

Formulating, conducting and supervising applied research that strategically advances the Woodstock agenda
Formulating and advocating for improved local and national reinvestment and economic development policies and products
Representing Woodstock in a variety of forums from neighborhood organizations to national coalitions and policy and research groups as well as the press
Providing technical assistance to a variety of organizations
Assisting in the direction and management of the Institute as a member of the senior staff
Participating in fundraising and grant writing proposals
Some travel
Requirements: the ideal candidate will have many of the following skills and qualifications:

At least a master’s degree in a relevant social science with preference for a doctorate
Strong quantitative and qualitative research skills with some training in economics and/or statistics
Facility at writing for and communicating with a variety of audiences
Ability to work cooperatively in local and national coalitions
A self-starter with an ability to develop projects and complete them on time
Grant writing experience
Demonstrable experience and interest in reinvestment and financial services, community economic development and public policy
Familiarity with relevant national and state legislation and regulation
Salary: Commensurate with skills and experience. Excellent benefits including health and dental insurance, paid vacations and holidays and defined contribution retirement scheme.
To apply:

Send resume, writing samples, list of references, and salary history to Patricia Woods-Hessing, Woodstock Institute, 407 S. Dearborn Street, Suite 550, Chicago, IL 60605 or to No telephone inquires please.

Woodstock Institute is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minority candidates are especially encouraged to apply.

For more information, visit Woodstock Institute’s website:

May, 2002

Fecha - 02-05-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: Position Announcement Position Announcement

Position: Program Coordinator for the Pacific West Regional Forestry Center

Location: Taylorsville, California (the rural northern Sierra Nevada Mountains)

Closing Date for applications: May 23, 2002 (no fax or digital applications will be accepted)

Forest Community Research seeks a program coordinator for the Pacific West Community Forestry Center. The Pacific West Community Forestry Center (Center) is one of four regional centers that are part of the National Community Forestry Center, a project of the National Network of Forest Practitioners. The Center integrates research and rural people's knowledge into activities that improve community well-being, and build the research capacity of rural communities.

The Pacific West Community Forestry Center works to increase the capacity of communities to participate more effectively in natural resource decision-making; facilitates intra- and inter-group collaboration; and helps make local knowledge more available to scientists and policymakers and research more available to rural people. The Center facilitates collaboration between researchers and rural communities, and works to more effectively link practitioners in forest communities throughout the rural forested regions of California, western Oregon, and western Washington.

The program coordinator will work closely with a citizens advisory council to foster new relationships between practitioners, communities, and researchers with a focus on underserved communities in the Pacific West.

As identified by the advisory council, the Pacific West Community Forestry Center work centers on four thematic areas:

ÿ The current and mobile ecosystem workforce
ÿ Traditional Environmental Knowledge
ÿ Environmental Justice with an emphasis on networking upstream and downstream resource management groups and rural and urban residents
ÿ Socioeconomic monitoring and assessment

In addition to working with the advisory council, the coordinator works closely with the National Center Director, the Director of Forest Community Research, and with a professional research and education team at Forest Community Research. The Center Coordinator will be involved in diverse community-based forestry research, and will work with a wide variety of community-based groups in the thematic areas identified above.

The successful applicant is comfortable and effective working with and facilitating groups, will hold of a minimum of a masters degree in a relevant field or have equivalent experience, is knowledgeable of and has experience in natural resources and the social sciences, has experience with and a passion for participatory research, and has excellent writing and organizational skills. The successful applicant will be available to start no later than August of 2002 (sooner is welcomed), have several years of experience with project management, and demonstrated excellent project management and administrative skills. The applicant is creative and willing to assist project partners in diverse ways to advance learning and ensure success. Knowledge of Spanish a plus. Travel throughout the Pacific West is required, along with occasional trips beyond the Pacific West Region. This position is based at Forest Community Research's main office in Taylorsville, California, in the Northern Sierra Nevada Mountains. The area is a lightly populated, natural resource dependent area, with good schools and outstanding outdoor recreation opportunities. A competitive salary is offered.

Send cover letter, résumé or vita, names and phone numbers of four people willing to serve as references, and one writing sample to: Pacific West Community Forestry Center, Forest Community Research, Attention: L. Hanson, P.O. Box 11 (4438 Main Street), Taylorsville, California 95983. No faxed or digital applications please. Deadline for applications is May 22, 2002. For more information, see our website at and Women and people of color are encouraged to apply.

What Is The National Community Forestry Center?

The National Network of Forest Practitioners (NNFP) received a grant from the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture to develop the National Community Forestry Center (NCFC). The NCFC, established in June 2000, is a network of a national center and four regional centers in Appalachia, the Southwest, the Pacific West, and the Northeast. Advisory councils representing diverse citizen interests provide guidance for each regional center. Working with these citizen councils, the NCFC aims to integrate research and rural people's knowledge into activities that contribute to community well being, as well as build the research capacity of rural, forest-based communities. The NCFC is a collaborative effort led by the NNFP in conjunction with each of the following regional centers:

Northern Forest Center, Yellow Wood Associates, St. Albans, VT
Pacific West Forest Center, Forest Community Research, Taylorsville, CA
Southwest Forest Center, Forest Trust, Santa Fe, NM
Appalachian Forest Center, a new host will be chosen by February 2002

The primary activities of the National Community Forestry Center are:

… Promote learning and action through participatory research.
… Provide better information sources, exchange, and dissemination on natural resource issues.
… Increase networking and capacity-building opportunities among forest practitioners, rural communities, researchers, and policy-makers.
… Develop adult education, training, and technical assistance programs related to issues and opportunities defined by rural communities.
… Participate in natural resource policy discussions and decisions at local, state, and federal levels.
… Link forest communities within and across bioregions to conserve natural resources and enhance social and economic opportunity.
… Facilitate collaboration between researchers and rural communities.
… Build rural community-capacity for self-determination.

Who is Forest Community Research?

Forest Community Research is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing community well-being and community-based approaches to resource stewardship through, research, education, and practice. The organization's work emphasizes the interconnections between community well-being, participatory community development, and healthy, sustainable ecosystems. Since 1993, we have worked toward bridging the thinking between people and groups with different-and at times competing-ideas about social and natural resources. The organization pursues this mission by:
… identifying, developing, and improving indicators to measure and assess community well-being and its intersection with natural resource use;
… conducting primary and applied research on community health and development;
… developing programs, networks, and institutions to build community capacity;
… advancing the concept and the work of reinvesting in communities and the environment;
… building the capacity of groups and institutions to practice civic science;
… providing education and training on the use of participatory research, evaluation, and monitoring;
… designing and facilitating new approaches to public involvement in natural resource management;
… conducting analyses that inform resource policy and legislation; and
… supporting and working with partners in the practice of integrating sustainable resource management with environmental justice and equity concerns.


Forest Community Research
4438 Main Street
P.O. Box 11
Taylorsville, CA 95983

telephone: 530-284-1022
telefax: 530-284-1023
Fecha - 30-04-02
Nombre: Job



The Chicago Community Loan Fund (CCLF) is a dynamic, not-for-profit social
investment intermediary providing a bridge between socially concerned
investors and community development projects in low- and moderate-income
neighborhoods of metropolitan Chicago. Through the provision of credit and
technical assistance, CCLF works closely with community development
corporations and other community-based organizations on housing and economic
development projects conceived to improve the quality of life in
disadvantaged neighborhoods.

CCLF seeks a full-time Portfolio Associate to oversee loan monitoring,
servicing, and reporting. Specifically, CCLF seeks a candidate who would:

Monitor CCLF's loan portfolio, including maintenance of credit files;
Collect and analyze compliance materials, including financial statements,
from borrowers;
Conduct site inspections;
Coordinate technical assistance to non-compliant and at-risk accounts;
Work with loan officers, borrowers and attorneys to complete loan closings;
Work with senior staff in negotiating loan modifications, workouts and
Assist in the processing and monitoring of disbursements and draw requests;
Maintain various loan portfolio databases to ensure data integrity;
Assist in the preparation of accurate and timely portfolio reports for
management, board and institutional investors;
Assist various staff with technical assistance to applicants and other
non-borrower clients; and
Complete other assignments as required.

Nature & Scope of Working Relationships

The Portfolio Associate is primarily responsible for loan monitoring,
servicing and reporting. The position requires maintenance of working
relationships with borrower organizations; investors; local, state and
federal agencies; legal and fiscal advisors; the Board of Directors and its
committees; Executive Director; and other public/private sector institutions
and peers in the field of community development. The Portfolio Associate
reports to the Portfolio Manager.

Major Challenges/Performance Measures

The major challenges of this position are to ensure the: timely collection
of borrower payments; ongoing monitoring of borrower conditions and
compliance; provision of high quality and appropriate technical assistance
to non-compliant and at risk accounts; expedient closing of loans; and
production of accurate and timely portfolio reports. Performance measures
include: achievement of annual closing goal; outstanding customer service to
borrowers; a high level of loan payments and solid reporting on health of
borrowers; and assistance to non-compliant accounts to ensure success of
borrower projects.

The successful candidate will possess the following: a demonstrated
commitment to neighborhood redevelopment and/or poverty alleviation/social
justice; ability to perform financial and program analysis; the ability to
work successfully with a diverse range of community-based groups; strong
oral and written communication skills; an attention to details; a
proficiency with Microsoft Access database software; the ability to organize
and handle multiple priorities simultaneously; demonstrated project
management and problem-solving abilities; and an ability to work effectively
in a team work environment.

Minimum educational requirement: Bachelors degree in business management,
business administration, economics, urban planning or a related field.
Bilingual skills (English/Spanish) are preferred but not required.


Salary is commensurate with experience.
Benefits: 3 weeks vacation; medical and dental insurance; and retirement

Application Procedure:


Debra J. Houghtaling, Portfolio Manager
Chicago Community Loan Fund
29 East Madison Street, Suite 1700
Chicago, Illinois 60602
(No Calls Please)
DEADLINE: Wednesday, May 22, 2002

The Chicago Community Loan Fund is an equal opportunity employer.

Fecha - 29-04-02
Nombre: Carlota Franco
Comentarios: Apreciado Carlos:

Tenemos el placer de informarte que hay material de

Ágora destacado en la sección de Noticias

de OneWorld Spain.

Si quieres comprobar el enlace

lo encontrarás en:

Si en vuestra web tenéis o incorporáis otras informaciones

que consideréis relevantes para esta sección, vuestras

sugerencias serán bienvenidas.


Carlota Franco

PS: Este mensaje es automático, pero no dudéis en responderlo

si tenéis sugerencias o comentarios. Gracias

Fecha - 25-04-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: Program Manager (Program Development), Sri Lanka Canada Development Fund

Application Deadline: Friday April 26, 2002

South Asia Partnership (SAP) Canada is looking for a Program Manager for its Sri Lanka Canada Development Fund Program.

SAP Canada is a forum in Canada on South Asian human development issues. It has a membership of other NGOs and a broad constituency of civil society organizations in Canada and is a member of SAP International, which serves a network of SAP organizations in five countries of South Asia.

Position Summary
The Sri Lanka Canada Development Fund (SLCDF) program with a 15-year track record is establishing itself as an autonomous local NGO, based in Sri Lanka. SAP Canada is seeking a person who will assist with this transition, from Ottawa. The Program Manager will be primarily responsible for program development, fundraising and providing support for the transition. The major part of the position for the next year is to develop projects in Sri Lanka with existing SLCDF partners, and to create partnerships and approach donors to seek support for new projects. The Program Manager will provide SLCDF with technical assistance on institutional development and programming as needed. The position involves liaison and reporting with CIDA, Canadian and Sri Lankan Boards and Secretariats. The position includes a component of public education in Canada and working with SAP members and partners.

· Research new donor sources and develop proposals for international donors and Sri Lanka-based donors
· Foster new relationships, linkages with Canadian organizations, and funding organizations
· Develop project proposals for support by Canadian NGOs
· Advise on organizational development
· Maintain a results-based management and monitoring system
· Maintain liaison with, and ensure adequate reporting to CIDA
· Coordinate and implement program consultations for Canadian organizations interested in Sri Lanka.
· Document and disseminate in Canada lessons learned from the SLCDF program.
· Communicate regularly to SAP Canada constituency on SLCDF activities.
· Work with other staff to develop and maintain appropriate financial, administrative and information systems for the effective operation of the program.

· Demonstrated experience in program development
· Knowledge and understanding of fundraising in the non-profit sector
· Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of international development
· Demonstrated writing skills
· Computer literacy (Windows, MS Word 6.0)
· Fluency in English, preferably bilingual (English/French)
· Proven experience in program, administrative and financial management
· Familiarity with CIDA regulations and bilateral project management
· Familiarity with results based monitoring and evaluation
· University degree

· Understanding of gender, human rights, and peace building issues and analysis
· Experience working with the Canadian NGO community
· Familiarity with South Asia, preferably Sri Lanka
· Solid interpersonal skills
· Knowledge of Sinhala and/or Tamil

Starting Time
SAP Canada aims to fill the position by May 13, 2002, or as early as possible.

Contract Basis
All positions in SAP Canada are provided on a time-specific contract basis, with a full compensation package comparable to many Canadian NGOs.


SAP Canada strongly prefers receiving hard copy applications.

Applicants should submit a personal résumé and a statement of interest indicating experience and abilities relevant to the features of the position to:

SAP Canada
1 Nicholas Street, Suite 200, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7B7
Fax : (613) 241-1129

Due to time constraints, SAP staff will be able to acknowledge only those applications being considered for interviews and will not be able to discuss the position by telephone.

For further information on SAP Canada, please visit:

Fecha - 25-04-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: Fiscal manager needed for West Company, a non-profit microenterprise
development agency to handle A/P, P/R, cash flow projections, monthly
financial statements, annual budget, employee benefit programs, periodic
grant reports, allocations across programs and funding sources and
accounting for independent loan fund. APplicant must be self motivated,
self directed, capable of multi-tasking, and possess a
professional-level knowledge of GAAP. BA degree in accounting or
equivalent work experience required. Nonprofit experience preferred.
See the West Company web site for a full job description at
Send cover letter, salary requirement and resume to Price Waterman, 516
South State Street, Ukiah, CA. 95482 or e-mail

Fecha - 23-04-02
Nombre: Job microfinances
Comentarios: Microfinance Specialist, Central Asia

ACDI/VOCA is seeking a Microfinance Specialist for a potential 2-year position on a large-scale USAID funded project in
the Ferghana Valley in Central Asia. To be considered, candidates must have direct and extensive experience in
microlending, at least 5 years of international experience, preferably in Central Asia, and Russian or Central Asian
language skills. Please send CV and salary history to No phone calls please; only finalists will
be contacted. Women and minorities encouraged to apply. EOE.

Credit Information Expert

ACDI/VOCA seeks a long-term credit information specialist for an ADB-funded project designed to facilitate the delivery
of business development services to SMEs in Indonesia. Requirements and preferences include one or more of the

? Extensive international experience in credit information reporting systems;
? ADB experience;
? Ability to design a blueprint for a credit information bureau;
? Extensive experience in Indonesia and/or the region

Respond with resume, cover letter, and salary history to with Credit Information Expert in the
Subject Line. No phone calls please. Only finalists will be contacted. EOE.

Fecha - 23-04-02
Nombre: CHP International, Inc.

CHP International wants to bid on an RFP issued by the Department of Labor's
Employment and Training Administration. We must first determine whether we
can identify a qualified Project Director to propose. Below you will find
(1)a summary of the statement of work, and (2) The required qualifications
of the Project Director. If you are interested and meet the requirments,
please submit your resume ASAP to Closing
date is April 29. The complete RFP No. DCS-02-25 can be downloaded from:

The Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (DOL/ETA),
is soliciting proposals to select a contractor to aggressively market
self-employment assistance as an effective workforce development strategy
and to test the effectiveness of providing micro loans and entrepreneurial
training services to workers through one-stop centers in urban and rural
areas. The objectives of the project: (1) To test the viability of
micro-enterprise initiatives in urban and rural one-stop environments;(2) To
explore the effectiveness of an interagency model that melds complimentary
micro-enterprise programs without duplication;(3) To help the economics of
the selected urban and rural areas by helping to generate new small
businesses and aiding the development of existing small businesses;(4) To
identify and help alleviate barriers which exist to starting a
micro-enterprise;(5) To understand the benefits and costs of integrating
workforce and economic development;(6) To analyze the impact of small
business formation and small business development on local urban and rural
economies; and (7) To add to the growing body of knowledge concerning small
business development and micro-enterprise in both urban and rural
environments. The period of performance for the prospective award will be 48
months from the date of contract execution


The project director shall have:

*a minimum of ten years' experience in performing social science research
focusing on microenterprise programs

*a minimum of five years of experience in designing and coordinating
large-scale research projects

*a minimum of five years' experience serving as a project director or in an
equivalent position in project management.

*a PhD in economics, political science, public administration, or

James B. Kelly, Associate Director
CHP International, Inc.
1040 North Blvd., Suite 220
Oak Park, IL 60301
708/848-9650 or 800/449-2614 [domestic only]
Fax: 708/848-3191;

Fecha - 20-04-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: ACDI/VOCA seeks banking and finance professionals to serve in various roles on a World Bank funded project to establish
and develop a credit cooperative system throughout rural Tajikistan. Requirements and preferences for all positions

* Minimum 10 - 15 years' experience designing, implementing, and managing financial service institutions with emphasis
on rural and agricultural, banking and/or credit cooperatives
* Familiarity with industry 'best practices' in microfinance and small enterprise (SE) financial service delivery
* US and overseas rural and commercial lending experience
* Training experience in credit appraisal methods, risk evaluation and techniques for financing private farmers
* Working language proficiency in Tajik and/or Russian.
* Fluent English
* Ability and willingness to work/live in rural areas of Tajikistan

Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Respond with resume, cover letter, and salary history to: with Banking & Finance, Tajikistan in the Subject Line. No phone calls please.

Fecha - 20-04-02
Nombre: Job
Community Tax Coalition Manager
Center for Law & Human Services

The Center for Law & Human Services, a Chicago-based statewide non-profit
organization, has an immediate opening for a staff person to guide its work
leading a national coalition of community-based tax organizations. The
Center is committed to expanding resources and building assets for the
working poor through community programming, outreach, training, public
education, research, policy and advocacy. The Center's work builds on its
volunteer-driven Tax Counseling Project, a national leader in providing free
income tax preparation and tax planning at 25 sites throughout Illinois.

The Community Tax Coalition was founded in 2001 to facilitate the sharing of
best practices among its members and to develop joint strategies in the
areas of program planning, marketing and outreach and advocacy. The
Coalition will be convening its first ever national conference in Chicago on
June 20, 2002. The Community Tax Coalition Manager is responsible for a
wide range of activities, including


* support work by the coalition and its network of member
organizations, organizing working groups to address issues of shared concern

* Facilitate ongoing communication among coalition partners and other
interested organizations through conference calls, maintaining a listserv
and other vehicles
* Monitor and analyze tax policy and tax service developments at the
national level and serve as a liaison with the IRS, Treasury and tax writing
committees of Congress
* Convene conferences and meetings of the coalition and its partners
* Coordinate development of publications and materials that highlight
"best practices" in the field of community tax preparation and outreach and
facilitate their dissemination


* Working knowledge of tax service and tax policy issues.
* Familiarity with advocacy and social service organizations and/or
coalition-building in a community setting.
* Strong interpersonal skills with an ability to cultivate and sustain
relationships with diverse individuals and organizations.
* Strong communication skills, including a demonstrated ability to
speak and write clearly and persuasively, and to articulate both an
organizational and personal vision.
* Ability to work independently and assume a leadership role in a
fast-paced organization.
* Bachelor's Degree required.
* Working knowledge of Spanish or another language a plus.

This full-time position is exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
The salary is competitive with benefits. The Center for Law & Human
Services is an Equal Opportunity Employer which values a culturally diverse
workplace and welcomes persons with disabilities.

To apply, send a cover letter and resume by May 15, 2002 to: National Tax
Coalition Manager Search, Center for Law & Human Services, 29 E. Madison
Street, Suite 910, Chicago, IL, 60602.
For more information, see

Jennifer Tescher
7054 S. Jeffery Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60649

Fecha - 19-04-02
Nombre: José Luis Pizarro T.
Comentarios: We are launching a new on-line technical assistance service addressed mainly
to non governmental organizations (NGOs), micro-finance institutions (MFIs),
grassroots level organizations, and development institutions in general, to
assist them in solving their problems using the resources and potentialities
offered by Internet.
You can obtain more information about our services visiting our web page at
In case of doubt, do not hesitate to ask more information to

José Luis Pizarro T.
Vía Vito Bering 16/2 - 00154 Roma (Italia)
Telef. + 39 0657300930 - Fax +39 0657300930
Fecha - 16-04-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: Senior Development Finance Specialist, USAID Bolivia Rural Financial
Services Project

Project Description
DAI is seeking candidates for the long term position of Senior Development
Finance Specialist on the USAID-funded Bolivia Rural Financial Services
project. DAI has been implementing the Rural Financial Services project in
Bolivia since March, 2001. The project aims to expand the provision of
sustainable financial services from formal institutions to more people in
rural areas. In addition, underserved and urban populations are targeted
for access to noncredit services, especially deposit services. DAI provides
technical assistance and training for financial institutions, oversees
research on innovation and new product development, and manages a rural
investment fund.

Position Description
This is a long-term position based in Bolivia. In close coordination with
the Chief of Party and the Development Finance Specialist, the Senior
Development Finance Specialist will provide technical oversight of the
project as well as hands-on technical assistance to the microfinance
institutions and other beneficiaries of the SEFIR project. The technical
assistance and oversight will include, but not be limited to, the
following: new product and service development; enhanced information
technology for MFIs; reengineering and organizational development of MFIs;
industry development; and the development of a credit bureau.

In conjunction with the SEFIR team and the subcontractors, he/she will
assess the overall financial market in general and will evaluate particular
financial institutions to determine their potential role in the Rural
Financial Services (RFS) Project. He/She will work closely with financial
institution staff in determining strategies to introduce new processes and
products/services as well as in penetrating further into rural and
under-served markets. The Senior DFS will also participate in studies to
assess the feasibility of opening new branches in under-served areas in
order to advise institutions on strategic service point placement in rural
and under-served markets. He/She will also provide and/or manage technical
assistance to participating institutions in new product development and
roll-out of new products (promotion, implementation and maintenance of new
product lines). He/She will serve as a member of the committee for the
Market Development Fund (FDM).

He/She will coordinate with USAID/Bolivia, microfinance institutions,
support agencies, other donors, and relevant government agencies to
facilitate the objectives of the project. In addition, he/she will be
primarily responsible for managing the work of short-term technical
assistance and subcontractors.

He/She will draw on his/her knowledge of the Bolivian Microfinance Sector,
as well as from his/her broad international experience and contacts, to
serve as the key advisor to the financial institutions.

Primary Responsibilities

* Assess the needs of the microfinance institutions
* Work closely with financial institution staff to introduce new processes
and products/services and to penetrate into rural and under-served markets;
* Provide and/or manage technical assistance to financial institutions
staff in new product/process development and implementation;
* Participate in studies to assess the feasibility of opening new financial
institution branches in underserved areas;
* Coordinate closely with the Chief of Party and the Development Finance
Specialist; and
* Facilitate communication between SEFIR and all stakeholders, including
MFIs, DAI home office, and USAID/Bolivia.

Skills Required

* Minimum of a Master's degree in finance, economics, or a related field
* 10-15 years microfinance experience in microfinance
* Experience in the Bolivian microfinance market
* USAID project management experience
* Fluent Spanish speaker

Level of responsibility and salary commensurate with background and
experience. Interested candidates should send a resume and cover letter to:

Development Alternatives, Inc.
7250 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 200
Bethesda, MD 20814
Attn.: Ms. Tamara Stanton


fax the information: (301) 718-7968
or e-mail:

No phone inquiries accepted.

Marla B. Pettinato
Finance, Banking, & Enterprise Group
Development Alternatives, Incorporated
7250 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 200
Tel. 301-718-8699
Fax 301-718-7968

Fecha - 16-04-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: Canadian Council on Social Development
309 Cooper Street
5th/e Floor/Étage
Ottawa, ON K2P 0G5 Conseil canadien de développement social
Tel: (613) 236-8977 Fax: (613) 236-2750

The Canadian Council on Social Development, a national, non-profit organization based in Ottawa, is one of Canada’s most authoritative voices on social policy issues. Guided by the principles of social justice and equality, the Council develops and promotes progressive social policies and programs through research, consultation, public education and advocacy. The Council is currently seeking a

As Director of Research, your task will be to ensure the effective management and coordination of a highly skilled and committed team conducting significant research that is of interest to the social policy community, to social agencies, governments, and academics, as well as to labour and business groups. In addition, you will be responsible for developing partnerships and securing research funding from a variety of sources.

As an effective and enthusiastic manager, you have demonstrated leadership and strong project management experience in a research environment in which teamwork and mentoring are fostered. You are an accomplished and recognized researcher committed to the area of social policy with a Ph.D (or equivalent) in a relevant field, as well as expertise in both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. You also have experience with and an appreciation for collaborative and interdisciplinary research. You have superior interpersonal and project management skills, a strong capacity to liaise and network, and good knowledge of research funding opportunities and sources. Bilingualism is a strong asset. Salary will be commensurate with experience. The Council offers a competitive benefits package and is committed to employment equity.

If you are interested in this challenging position, please reply no later than April 30, 2002 to :

Canadian Council on Social Development
Attention: Penelope Feather
309 Cooper Street, 5th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0G5
Tel : (613) 236-8977 Fax : (613) 236-2750
Email :
Website :

[Home Page ] [E-mail ] [Page d'accueil ]

Fecha - 16-04-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: INTERIGHTS
The International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights

12 April, 2002

Recruitment for two posts at INTERIGHTS

Dear friend,

1. Recruitment of Executive Director

You may recall that we recently advertised for a replacement for Emma Playfair who is leaving to take up an appointment with the Ford Foundation in Cairo.

Our initial round of advertising resulted in rather fewer applications than we had expected and, after some deliberation, our Board has decided to re-advertise the position on a higher salary than the one in the original advertisement in order to widen the field of applicants.

We would again ask for your assistance in identifying outstanding candidates. As Emma said in her original letter to you, the post of Interights’ Executive Director is an absorbing and exciting position, leading a well-established international human rights organisation with a unique role in promoting the protection of human rights through law worldwide.

This position is being advertised internationally and we welcome applications from any part of the world.

2. Recruitment of Legal Officer, Equality Programme

We are also now recruiting to replace Mariann Meier-Wang who will be returning to New York and therefore leaving Interights in June. Your assistance in finding suitable candidates to be appointed as Legal Officer for our Equality Programme would therefore also be welcomed.

The person appointed will develop and implement our strategic litigation programme on equality and anti-discrimination. At present a major focus of this new programme is a European project on race discrimination, but the Legal Officer will also be expected over the next two years to develop a programme which addresses other forms of discrimination and issues of equality around the world.

* * *
I enclose notices advertising the two positions and would be very grateful for any help you can give us in identifying appropriate candidates for the positions. In particular, I would ask you to display the notices wherever appropriate and to bring them to the personal attention of potential candidates. I would also particularly value any suggestions you may have for strong candidates for the posts.

With many thanks for your continuing assistance.

Yours sincerely

Jeremy McBride
Vice-Chair and Acting Director

Fecha - 16-04-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: INTERIGHTS
The International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights
is seeking a

£24,000 - £30,500

INTERIGHTS, the International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights, was founded in 1982 to promote the legal protection of human rights and freedoms through the effective use of international and comparative human rights law.

THE LEGAL OFFICER FOR THE EQUALITY PROGRAMME will be responsible for developing and implementing Interights’ programme on equality and anti-discrimination, working with lawyers, judges, human rights organizations and other relevant institutions to strengthen the legal protection of the right to equality and non-discrimination worldwide. As such, the Legal Officer will be responsible for identifying areas of the law in which strategic litigation and other means of intervention will advance legal standards in this field. In addition, the Legal Officer will provide advice and resources to Interights' other regional and thematic programmes on the issues of equality and anti-discrimination as they arise. The work will include:
§ taking the lead role in defining and developing the overall focus of Interights' work in this field
§ providing legal advice and assistance relating to equality/anti-discrimination to lawyers, NGOs and others worldwide
§ developing strategic litigation and submitting amicus curiae briefs to international and regional courts and tribunals
§ organizing training and promotional projects in litigating equality and anti-discrimination issues
§ disseminating legal information on these issues through publications, the worldwide web and other means
§ supporting Interights' other regional and thematic programmes in those programmes' equality/anti-discrimination work
§ coordinating the programme’s Advisory Committee and
§ supervising interns and volunteers.

A major element of the programme in the first two years will be to implement an ongoing European project with two partner organisations on strengthening race discrimination initiatives designed to build on new landmark anti-racism legislation in Europe. The Legal Officer will be expected to develop a strategic programme which combines this initiative with others to address other forms of discrimination and issues of equality around the world.

The successful candidate will have a sound knowledge of international human rights law relating to equal treatment without discrimination, relevant professional experience, and the ability to litigate cases on discrimination and related issues. Fluency in English is essential and other languages an advantage.

The Legal Officer will join a staff of sixteen, including eight lawyers. S/he will be based in London, but will be required to travel from time to time. Salary from £24,000 to £30,500 according to skills and experience.

For further information and an application form, contact Cathal Sheerin, INTERIGHTS, 33 Islington High Street, London N1 9LH. Fax. 44-(0)207-278-4334. E-mail:

Closing date: 15 May 2002 Interviews: mid-June 2002

Committed to equal opportunities

Fecha - 16-04-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: INTERIGHTS
The International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights


£50,000 - £55,000

INTERIGHTS is an international human rights organisation, based in London, established to promote the effective use of law to protect rights worldwide. With regional programmes in Africa, Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, South Asia and the Caribbean, INTERIGHTS offers advice, technical expertise, training and support to lawyers, judges and human rights advocates in the use of international and comparative human rights law and national and international courts and tribunals.
The Executive Director will provide strategic direction and professional leadership, sustaining and building on INTERIGHTS’ reputation and unique contribution to the human rights movement, and developing a strong team of professional and motivated staff. The current Director is leaving to take up a new position after leading INTERIGHTS for nine years through a period of great change and development.
The key responsibilities of the Executive Director are as follows:
(i) Professional leadership Providing leadership in setting the strategic direction of INTERIGHTS, ensuring clarity as to the organisation’s mandate and mission.
(ii) Strategic planning Developing a clear sense of strategy, objectives and organisational goals;
(iii) Organisational and staff management Developing policies and procedures for the smooth management of the organisation; inspiring and guiding the work of the legal and administrative teams.
(iv) Board and Advisory Council Ensuring that the Board and Advisory Council are informed of, and where appropriate advise on, the nature, direction and impact of INTERIGHTS’ work.
(v) Fiscal responsibility With the Board and Finance and Administration Director, developing and implementing financial policies and procedures; formulating an annual budget within a three year planning process.
(vi) Fundraising Overall responsibility for efficient fundraising: ensuring proposal and reports are submitted on a timely basis; maintaining effective relations with donors.
(vii) Publications Overseeing the production and ensuring the quality of publications.
The successful candidate will have familiarity with the international human rights movement and with human rights law, proven management skills, at least 6 years relevant experience, preferably including experience in the non-profit sector, and excellent writing, editing and speaking skills in English.
Interights is governed by a 15-member Board and guided by a distinguished International Advisory Council. The Executive Director will lead an organisation of 17 staff, including 7 lawyers, with the support of a Finance and Administration Director and a Legal Director. S/he will be based in London, but with frequent travel.
Further information from Cathal Sheerin, INTERIGHTS, 33 Islington High Street, London N1 9LH, UK. Fax. +44(0)20 7278-4334. E-mail:
Closing date: 8 May 2002. Interviews provisionally scheduled for 31 May and 1 June 2002
Committed to equal opportunities

Fecha - 09-04-02
Nombre: Jennifer Hayes
Comentarios: The Rainier Valley Community Development Fund (CDF) and the City of Seattle's Office of Economic Development are recruiting for a Community Business Assistance Specialist to work with businesses that will be impacted by light rail construction in the Rainier Valley, in Seattle, Washington. At-grade light rail construction in the Rainier Valley (Southeast Seattle) will impact the diverse business and residential community.

This person will be responsible to work with businesses one-on-one to prepare them to access the resources available to them, especially the Community Development Fund mitigation products. A detailed job description as well as a brochure are attached. Application deadline is April 19, 2002.

For more information about the CDF, please see For more information about the City's Office of Economic Development, please see

I would greatly appreciate if you could share this announcement with anyone that you feel would be interested in this exciting opportunity.

Thank you-

Jennifer Davis Hayes
City of Seattle's Office of Economic Development
700 - 5th Avenue, Suite 1730
Seattle, WA 98104-5072

Salary: Starts at $23.60/hour ($49,088 annually)
Application Deadline: April 19, 2002

Community Business Assistance Specialist: Serve as staff member of City's Office of Economic Development's community development team working with the Rainier Valley Community Development Fund (CDF) helping to implement the City's Sound Transit business retention program.

Primary Responsibilities:
· Provide financial technical and resource assistance to businesses in the Rainier Valley that are being displaced or indirectly impacted by construction of Sound Transit's Link light rail system. Help potential borrowers successfully qualify for financing.

· Conduct individual needs assessments of the impacted businesses for technical and resource assistance and make recommendations.

· Coordinate technical and resource assistance with staff from Sound Transit, other City departments, community lending organizations, business district support organizations, and small business advisory groups.

· Provide commercial finance and underwriting, financial and credit analysis, and economic and community development analysis and assistance.

· Work closely with diverse business owners including immigrants, refugees and communities of color.

· Facilitate interaction between Sound Transit, CDF, City of Seattle and other business assistance programs to resolve complex financial loan issues.

· Identify gaps in existing resources and assist in the development of new tools and resources.

· Analyze and interpret policies and procedures from relevant sources including Sound Transit, Small Business Administration, government and private financing sources, land use codes, and other government policies and procedures.

· Plan and deliver informational presentations for impacted businesses on how to access available technical assistance.

· Prepare and deliver presentations to City staff, Rainier Valley Community Development Fund, Sound Transit staff, business and community groups, property owners, the Mayor, City Council and others.

Required Qualifications:
· The equivalent of two years of experience in economic development, community development, commercial finance, commercial underwriting and a baccalaureate degree in business administration, economics, finance, public administration, urban planning, or a related field.

· Or, a combination of education and/or training, and/or experience which provides an equivalent background required to perform this work.

· Ability to work effectively with community-based organizations, business owners and individuals from a variety of economic and cultural circumstances.

· Effective oral and written communication, negotiation and monitoring skills.

Desired Qualifications:
· An entrepreneurial spirit with the ability to work successfully in a collaborative manner with a minimum of hands-on supervision.

· Language fluency in Vietnamese or other languages.
How to Apply: Please mail your resume and a cover letter specifically addressing how your qualifications relate to the position job duties and qualifications. On an additional page, please describe an example of how you have assisted a business that was facing a problem or opportunity to develop a plan of action. Mail to: Diane Hadi/Christina Reed, Office of Economic Development, 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1730 Seattle, WA 98104

Note: This position is authorized as a City position through December 2002, after which the City intends to transition the work to an independent legal entity which will continue to perform the same functions.

Fecha - 08-04-02
Nombre: VINCENT O' Donnell
Comentarios: The following position is currently posted at Local Initiatives Support Corporation. We are seeking an experienced person to join our program for preservavtion of existing federally assisted multifamily housing.

Senior Program Officer For Preservation
Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) is seeking a Senior Program Officer for its national affordable housing preservation program to provide project-specific technical assistance; underwrite loan proposals; assist with program and product development; undertake research projects; and establish and maintain program databases. This position will be based in LISC's Boston office, although LISC will consider candidates who need to be located in New York City or Washington, DC.

The Organization
Local Initiatives Support Corporation is America's largest private, non-profit community development intermediary, dedicated to helping Community Development Corporations (CDCs) transform distressed neighborhoods into healthy communities. Since its formation 20 years ago, LISC and its affiliates have provided more than $3 billion in financing for over 93,000 housing units and 11.2 million square feet of commercial, industrial, retail and community facility space, leveraging more than $4.6 billion of public and private funds.

LISC works at the grass roots level through four regional hub offices in New York City, Washington, DC, Los Angeles and Chicago, and through a national network of 38 local field offices. The headquarter office is located in New York City. LISC also operates a national rural program that is based in Washington, DC, and several other national initiatives that are based in New York City and Boston.

LISC obtains financing for its programs and operations through a combination of sources. These include grants from corporations, foundations, and in some cases individuals, and below market loans from banks, foundations, and insurance companies. LISC also receives a percentage of its revenue from public sources, nearly all of which are passed through LISC to CDCs.

LISC's national preservation initiative addresses the issue of expiring rent and mortgage subsidies in the nation's stock of over 1.8 million assisted multifamily housing units. The program expands LISC's preservation activities by: providing technical support to LISC's field offices and local CDCs; developing new financial products to support preservation activities; supporting LISC's policy office on legislative and regulatory issues; developing and maintaining new partnerships with other nonprofit stakeholders, and raising awareness about the preservation issue.

The Position
This new position will establish an increased capacity within LISC to support the mission of preserving at-risk affordable multifamily housing. Working under the supervision of, and reporting to, the Vice President for Preservation, the Senior Program Officer for Preservation will be responsible for a variety of technical and communications activities that will expand the scope of existing activities. Principal areas of responsibility will include some or all of the following, depending on the specific experience of the successful candidate :

· Project-specific technical assistance to LISC program offices and to nonprofit development organizations regarding preservation opportunities, current regulatory and financing issues and state of the art solutions;

· Organization and analysis of data regarding inventory of at-risk multifamily housing in selected LISC program areas to support development of local preservation strategies;

· Support activities for an active internal practitioner's network for disseminating effective preservation strategies and program information;

· Tracking information on LISC's preservation activities and preparation of external reports;

· Research and analytic support on key preservation questions, techniques and issues facing LISC and the nonprofit community;

· Assistance with program and new product development, including gap financing solutions and new sources of public and private capital; and

· Underwriting of loan proposals and preparation of loan recommendations for internal approval.

-Qualifications and Experience
· Bachelor's degree in real estate finance, economics, business, accounting or related field, or equivalent experience. Must have a minimum 5 years experience in real estate development, finance, publicly assisted multifamily asset or property management or community development. Master's degree preferred.

· Strong preference will be given to candidates with some experience in, and technical knowledge of, current preservation-related practice & issues, including HUD multifamily rental and mortgage assistance programs, Section 8 Mark to Market and Mark Up to Budget and IRS Section 42 and real estate syndication. Candidates without such experience should demonstrate ability to work creatively within a regulation-driven environment.

· Experience with nonprofit housing and community development is preferred, including ability to analyze nonprofit corporate financial information and business plans.

· General familiarity with multifamily real estate development including market analysis; deal structuring; basics of construction and rehabilitation; asset and property management; and financial analysis is required.

· Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a team, to thrive on diversity and to produce high quality results on time and within budget is required.

· Strong analytical and financial skills and attention to detail are essential. Must have proficient computer skills in word-processing, spreadsheet, database and presentation software, as well as strong written and oral skills. Must be a person who takes initiative and can work independently.

LISC offers a competitive salary and excellent benefits. Submit resume and cover letter with salary requirements by fax (617-338-5175), by email or by mail to the LISC Preservation Program, 95 Berkeley Street, Suite 412, Boston MA 02116.


Fecha - 08-04-02
Nombre: ICS Unido
Newsletter - No 10 - Special Edition - 08 April 2002
Dear Readers,

The following news is currently published on the Latin America
and Caribbean Technology Foresight web site.

Call for proposals
Call for proposals: Organization of Regional Technological Platforms (RTPs)
Deadline for the presentation of proposals: 30th April, 2002.
The Cooperative Program for Technological Development in Agrifood and
Agroindustry in the Southern Cone - PROCISUR (Programa Cooperativo
para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial del Cono Sur),
established in 1980, is a joint effort of the National Agricultural Research
Institutes (NARIs) from Argentine, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay,
and the Inter American Institute for Agricultural Cooperation - IICA.
Details can be found on PROCISUR web page at:

Please submit information about meetings and conferences for possible inclusion
in this list to

For further information, please visit our website at:

To unsubscribe, go to and select
the 'unsubscribe' option.

Newsletter - No 10 - Special Edition - 08 April 2002
Dear Readers,

The following news is currently published on the Latin America
and Caribbean Technology Foresight web site.

Call for proposals
Call for proposals: Organization of Regional Technological Platforms (RTPs)
Deadline for the presentation of proposals: 30th April, 2002.
The Cooperative Program for Technological Development in Agrifood and
Agroindustry in the Southern Cone - PROCISUR (Programa Cooperativo
para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial del Cono Sur),
established in 1980, is a joint effort of the National Agricultural Research
Institutes (NARIs) from Argentine, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay,
and the Inter American Institute for Agricultural Cooperation - IICA.
Details can be found on PROCISUR web page at:

Please submit information about meetings and conferences for possible inclusion
in this list to

For further information, please visit our website at:

To unsubscribe, go to and select
the 'unsubscribe' option.

Newsletter - No 10 - Special Edition - 08 April 2002
Dear Readers,

The following news is currently published on the Latin America
and Caribbean Technology Foresight web site.

Call for proposals
Call for proposals: Organization of Regional Technological Platforms (RTPs)
Deadline for the presentation of proposals: 30th April, 2002.
The Cooperative Program for Technological Development in Agrifood and
Agroindustry in the Southern Cone - PROCISUR (Programa Cooperativo
para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial del Cono Sur),
established in 1980, is a joint effort of the National Agricultural Research
Institutes (NARIs) from Argentine, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay,
and the Inter American Institute for Agricultural Cooperation - IICA.
Details can be found on PROCISUR web page at:

Please submit information about meetings and conferences for possible inclusion
in this list to

For further information, please visit our website at:

To unsubscribe, go to and select
the 'unsubscribe' option.

Newsletter - No 10 - Special Edition - 08 April 2002
Dear Readers,

The following news is currently published on the Latin America
and Caribbean Technology Foresight web site.

Call for proposals
Call for proposals: Organization of Regional Technological Platforms (RTPs)
Deadline for the presentation of proposals: 30th April, 2002.
The Cooperative Program for Technological Development in Agrifood and
Agroindustry in the Southern Cone - PROCISUR (Programa Cooperativo
para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial del Cono Sur),
established in 1980, is a joint effort of the National Agricultural Research
Institutes (NARIs) from Argentine, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay,
and the Inter American Institute for Agricultural Cooperation - IICA.
Details can be found on PROCISUR web page at:

Please submit information about meetings and conferences for possible inclusion
in this list to

For further information, please visit our website at:

To unsubscribe, go to and select
the 'unsubscribe' option.

Fecha - 08-04-02
Nombre: NCR

Research Analyst

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) is expanding and we have an immediate job opening for a research analyst!

NCRC, the nation¹s CRA trade association based in Washington, D.C, has over 700 community organization members dedicated to increasing access to lending opportunities in minority and low- and moderate-income communities. NCRC seeks to strengthen the nation¹s fair lending laws and the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), federal legislation requiring banks to meet the credit needs of low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. NCRC also seeks to create partnerships among neighborhood non-profit organizations and lending institutions that develop affordable loan products for underserved communities.

The Research Analyst must be committed to issues of economic justice, be skilled in data analysis, and possess good writing skills.

Job Requirements

… Analyzing data on home and small business lending. The analyst must have the skills to use data analysis software and to develop and manage datasets and spreadsheets. Generic skill in using database programs is more important than specific knowledge of HMDA and CRA data on home and small business data.

… Contributing to newsletters, policy papers. The analyst will also be asked to write newsletter articles and to contribute to policy papers. Solid writing skills necessary. Other duties as assigned including working on proposals for funding and working on tasks related to NCRC¹s annual conference.


… Computer skills. Solid background in quantitative analysis and the capacity to use computer databases. Proficiency with Excel. Familiarity with other databases such as Access a plus.

… Academic background in one or more of the following areas: economics, statistics, urban planning.

… Ability to work and interact with diverse organizations and individuals.


Salary ­Depends on experience. A bachelor¹s degree is required.

Applications (cover letter, resume and a short writing sample) are now being accepted. We are an equal opportunity employer. To apply, please send materials to Joshua Silver, Vice President of Research & Policy, NCRC, 733 15th St. NW, Suite 540, Washington DC 20005. Fax (202) 628-9800, Thank you.

Fecha - 08-04-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: Opportunity International UK, whose mission is to combat poverty by providing small loans to poor micro entrepreneurs in 24 countries in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America, currently has a vacancy for an intern in their Oxford office in the UK.

We are looking for a recent graduate who has good written and spoken Spanish to work with the Programme Team particularly on programmes in Latin America. The internship would last for 6 months starting mid-June 2002. More details are given below.

I am writing to ask if you would be so kind as to distribute the advertisement below to those who would be interested in the post.

If you have any comments or questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you very much in advance for your kind assistance.
Lucy Howe López
Programme Manager-Latin America
Opportunity International UK
Tel : 0044 (0)1865 725304
Fax: 0044 (0)1865 295161

Opportunity International United Kingdom

Six month Internship

Programmes in Latin America

based in Oxford

OPPORTUNITY INTERNATIONAL UK is a member of a global network of Christian microfinance institutions that fights poverty by giving micro entrepreneurs small loans to invest in their businesses.

Opportunity International UK is looking for an intern to work in the Programme Department in their Oxford office with special responsibility for programmes in Latin America for a period of 6 months. The post will provide a good basis for post graduates who wish to pursue a career in international development.

The intern, under the supervision of other members of the team in the Programme Department, will assist with the preparation of proposals and reports, general administration and assistance with publicty and fundraising for the programmes in Latin America.

The intern should have:

a) a good level of written and spoken Spanish; b) interest in international development and; c) the capacity to prepare proposals.

The salary is £12,000 pa.

Only successful candidates will be contacted.

Fecha - 08-04-02
Nombre: E Civicus
Comentarios: Welcome to Edition 156 of e-Civicus - Connecting civil society

The weekly newsletter is now being produced in Johannesburg,
South Africa. A PDF version of e-Civicus is available on our
website at

To access this newsletter in PDF format you need Adobe Acrobat
Reader installed on your PC or MAC. Acrobat Reader can be
easily and quickly downloaded from
Keep Acrobat Reader on your hardrive and read E-civicus in its
vibrant new format every week.

If you do not have access to the Internet, please write to and a email message will be sent to you with
the PDF version as an attachment. In the subject line add: PDF e-

The editors value your comments, suggestions and feedback
on the content and new format of E-civicus. We are also
launching a new section called Voices of Civil Society. This
section will give members an opportunity to have their
voices heard. We will accept your letters, poems, brief
articles, overviews and opinion pieces. Please note that the
editors reserve the right to edit for length.
Send your material directly to for the
attention of the editors.


Violence Limits Space for Civil Society Organisations

Africa: Moves toward peace in Angola; Continued fighting in
Latin America: news from Guatemala, Mexico and Nicaragua
Asia: From public health to prisoners of conscience - Thailand,
Afghanistan and Tibet
Europe: Hunger strikes in Turkey; Republican boycott in Ireland
Middle East: Emergency Aid in Iran

United States plans extended intervention in Columbia

Journalists in the firing line - Palestine and Zimbabwe

Publications of interest
Call for papers
New and interesting websites

Jobs and volunteer opportunities
Scholarships, fellowships and awards
Training courses and projects
Conferences and workshops

Violence Limits Space for Civil Society Organisations

Around the world over the past several weeks, civil society activists
and all those concerned with peace and human rights have been
appalled by the escalating and devastating violence in the Middle
In the occupied territories Israeli military activity has reached
unprecedented levels, and suicide bomb attacks have claimed
dozens of lives in the past week. Prime Minister Sharon has
publicly committed his government to "isolate the enemy Arafat"
and dismantle his "coalition of terror". President Arafat, presently
under siege in his Ramallah headquarters has also fired salvos in
Sharon's direction, referring to the military hardliner as a "madman"
and a "monster". Both leaders appear locked in a battle of wills
unable to reach a workable solution to end the cycle of violence.

Calls for the immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops from the
occupied territories and the cessation of all acts of violence,
intimidation, terror and destruction by forces on both sides of the
conflict seem to have fallen on deaf ears. An emergency resolution
passed on Good Friday by the UN Security Council, in which even
the United States voted in favour of Israeli withdrawal from
Ramallah and other Palestinian cities, has been effectively ignored.
Neither did offers of settlement from the Arab Summit in Beirut
raise any significant hope of an end to the conflict. Meanwhile the
carnage continues and the effects on civil society are devastating.

In the past week scores of innocent civilians on both sides of the
conflict have been killed and many hundreds more injured and/or
permanently disabled. In the occupied territories survival is a daily
struggle for the majority of Palestinians, effectively held hostage by
the closure policies and increasingly brutal military attacks by the
Israeli government.

For Israeli citizens the destruction is also palpable. Suicide bomb
attacks over the Passover period killed dozens of innocent people
and injured hundreds more. Many Israelis live in fear of the next
attack. The present escalation of violence threatens to polarise
Israeli society further, with the right wing demanding unprecedented
military bombardment of Palestine and progressive voices calling
for withdrawal from the occupied territories and a meaningful
ceasefire by all belligerents.

The seemingly endless rounds of diplomatic interventions, peace
initiatives, calls for negotiated settlements, have failed thus far to
bring even a remote sense of peace and stability to the citizens of
the region. Millions of dollars have been spent to bring political
leadership together in albeit laudable attempts to forge a lasting
peace. Threats and counter-threats fly between leaders and their
representatives while citizens on the ground continue to suffer the
effects of all out war with no end in sight.

Further south on the African continent, a similar war of political
wills is in progress over the future of the Democratic Republic of
Congo. At the Sun City resort in northwest South Africa, a 45-day
Inter-Congolese dialogue is in progress to hammer out the
framework for a new dispensation for the war-ravaged country.
Infighting and dramatic walkouts have marred the talks, but the
various factions, along with the present government of DRC
continue to pledge their commitment to the process.

On the ground in the DRC the path to peace is considerably less
comfortable. In recent months thousands of civilians have died and
tens of thousands more have been displaced in the hotly disputed
(and resource rich) northeastern DRC. Heavy fighting - in
contravention of the Lusaka Ceasefire Agreement - between various
militia forces, including those supported by neighbouring Uganda
and Rwanda, has been reported on a regular basis.

Reports of human rights abuses by armed militia are also alarming.
Rape and forced confinement is a common occurrence, particularly
for displaced women. Malnutrition, cholera and malaria affect tens
of thousands of children on a daily basis due to the disruption of
health services and displacement of communities. Reprisal and
indiscriminate attacks on civilians by forces loyal to warring
factions are the norm rather than the exception.

While DRC dialogue continues in hotel rooms in South Africa and
heated exchanges fuel tensions in the Middle East, attacks on civil
society actors in both regions are regularly reported. Detention,
torture and harassment continue to be meted out, even to those
who work for peace and justice in their communities.

Last month an activist working for a human rights NGO in Goma
was detained and severely beaten by security officials loyal to the
Congolese Rally for Democracy (RDC). At the time of his arrest
Muhindo Bayunda was protesting the arrest and illegal detention of
a radio journalist and an NGO worker in Goma.

In Israel, 53 reserve officers and soldiers who are refusing to serve
in the occupied territories have met the wrath of the Israeli military,
being isolated, demoted, stripped of command posts and accused
of "being a front for a political party".

Silencing the voices of civil society is never in the interests of long-
term peace and stability. More now than ever before, in the Middle
East and in the DRC, strong political leadership and committed
partnerships between all civil society role players and stakeholders
is desperately needed. Actions for peace must speak louder than
words of war to halt the devastation and suffering of innocent
The Civicus family must continue to support and uphold the rights
of civil society actors in both regions in their struggle for peace and

Warm regards,

Kumi Naidoo

See also:


The Israeli army has now completely invaded Ramallah including
the headquarters of the Palestinian Authority, with more than 150
tanks and military armaments. The Israeli government has
announced that it intends to occupy areas of the West Bank that
are under the Palestinian Authority, reconstituting a complete
military occupation and has made a declaration of war on the

The Israeli army is occupying civilian homes in Ramallah and
conducting house to house searches. A major threat to the
population at this stage is the lack of access to health services. Up
till this time four Palestinians have been killed and there are reports
of at least ten - probably more- injured by Israeli gunfire who are
being left untreated as tanks are blocking access of ambulances
and medical personnel to the wounded.

The Israeli government's declaration of war on the Palestinians and
the complete Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian territories
will only aggravate this crisis, the root cause of which is the
longest military occupation in modern history. We urgently call
upon the international community to intervene to stop the atrocious
actions of the Israeli military and to place the utmost pressure on
the Israeli government to allow free movement of medical personnel
and ambulances.

Issued by the Palestine Monitor
TEL: +972-52-396196



Angola's parliament approved an amnesty offer to Unita rebels last
week. The Angolan government presented the amnesty bill to
parliament after officers of the Angolan Armed Forces and Unita
signed a preliminary ceasefire accord in the provincial capital of
Luena. The amnesty bill was part of a government peace proposal
to Unita last month, after the group's founder-leader Jonas Savimbi
was killed in a clash with government troops. About one million
people have died in the 27-year-long civil war, while millions more
have been internally displaced or driven into exile.

According to UN sources, fighting between army and rebel forces
belonging to the Forces Nationale de Liberation (FNL) is ongoing
near Nyambuye, an area within the Bujumbura-Rural area. Some
10 000 people have been displaced since fighting began on March
11 this year.


The death toll in a longstanding hunger strike by prisoners
protesting against controversial jail reforms in Turkey reached 50
when a woman detainee died in hospital this week. Meryem Altun
(26) had been fasting for 301 days when she died, according to
spokesperson for the Turkish Human Rights Association.

The Irish Republican Army's political wing, Sinn Fein, will not
attend a special session of the Northern Ireland assembly to pay
tribute to Britain's Queen Mother. Sinn Fein, which wants to end
British rule in the province said, "We understand grief, but we are
Irish republicans, we are not going to be hypocritical".


HIV-Band, a Thai pop band made up of people with AIDS (PWAs),
which performed for eight years by replacing deceased members
with other people living with the disease, has disbanded after most
of its latest members died. HIV-Band was set up in 1994, in a
Buddist Temple in Lopburi province by seven PWAs who wrote pop-
style songs about living with the disease and urging sufferers not to
give up. Four band members died recently, and current band leader
Sawong Wanchem, said no PWAs with musical talents had come
forward. More than one million people in Thailand have been
infected with HIV since 1984.

Afghan Public health officials released the first comprehensive one-
year health plan for the country, with a total of $130 million slated
to cover disease, maternity and nutrition issues. The program is
supported by UN and international donors.

Amnesty International last week welcomed the recent release of
Jigme Sangpo, Tibet's longest serving prisoner of conscience.
Jigme Sangpo had spent most of the past 40 years behind bars for
his pro-independence activities. His latest period of detention, in
the notorious Drapchi Prison, began in 1983 when he was given a
15-year sentence for "spreading counter-revolutionary propaganda"
after he put up a wall-poster calling for Tibetan independence. The
sentence was extended by five years in 1988 after he shouted
"reactionary slogans", and a further eight years in 1991 after he
shouted "Free Tibet" during a visit to the prison by the Swiss
ambassador to China.


The Guatemalan government announced that with support from the
UN an emergency food operation would be initiated to help feed
155 000 needy children. The move follows a UN finding that some 6
000 Guatemalan children are starving because of drought
conditions and poor harvests in select rural areas.

President Vicente Fox and US President George W. Bush were
expected to discuss a number of immigration and border concerns
in bilateral talks this Friday. The discussions were preceded by
President Bush's announcement that he would direct $30 million in
aid to poor areas of Mexico to discourage illegal immigration.

In a development that may spur further defections from its support
base, the Sandinista National Liberation Front opposition party re-
elected former rebel leader Daniel Ortega as its Secretary General
for a four-year term.


Anticipating a large influx of refugees in the event of a US attack on
Iraq, the UNHCR is reported to be moving large amounts of
emergency supplies into Western Iran to help prepare for a regional

this weeks briefs sourced from the following:



US plans extended intervention in Columbia

For years, the ghosts of Vietnam and El Salvador have kept
Washington from joining the fight against Marxist rebels in

Now President George W. Bush wants to change tack. With
Colombia descending into worsening violence, Bush is seeking
Congressional authority to use US aid to help Bogota fight rebel
insurgents, as well the drug trade that has fuelled four decades of
violence in Columbia and supplies much of the cocaine in the US.

Congressional sources said the US plan will include additional
measures to help Colombia's police stem frequent kidnappings and
to establish a police presence in rural areas where violence is most

Overall, the White House is asking for $658-million in new aid for
Colombia. The plan includes $98 million to protect an oil pipeline
near Colombia's northern border that was closed most of last year
due to persistent guerrilla attacks.

The State Department has designated the two main rebel groups in
Colombia, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
and the National Liberation Army (ELN) as terrorist organisations.
However, a recent report to the United Nations Human Rights
Commission, by UN human rights chief Mary Robinson puts most
of the blame for the violence at the feet of right wing paramilitary
groups, long considered to have government links.

While the report accuses leftist guerrillas of turning kidnapping into
a business, and maintains that the leftists are implicated in mass
killings and forcing people to abandon their homes and migrate
within the country, the report firmly stated that, "the activities of
paramilitary groups constituted the main cause of these violations
and the state cannot ignore its responsibilities".

The report says that the Colombian government has pledged to
combat the militias, but its efforts have proved "weak and
inconsistent." The war is now 38-years old and claims some 3 500
lives a year. Colombian President Andres Pastrana broke off three-
year-old peace talks with the largest rebel group last month and
reclaimed territory he had ceded to them after guerillas kidnapped
a Senator.

With the collapse of the peace talks, and the pending Colombian
presidential elections in May 2002, Bush appears to want to shore
up Pastrana's government. The country's constitution bars
Pastrana from seeking another term.

Many regard US interventions as a wasted effort unless Colombia
puts more of its own money and human resources into fighting the
war. Analysts warn that Bush's plan may face a rough ride in
Congress because the US has committed nearly $2 billion to
Colombia over the last two years while Bogota has been criticised
for under-funding its military and for draft laws that keep wealthier,
more educated men out of the army.

Some Democrats claim the aid package known as 'Plan Colombia'
should focus more on economic development as a way to help
stabilise the crumbling society. However, the Bush administration
seems intent on broadening the scope of the plan to include
support for efforts to crush what it considers to be terrorist forces
active within Columbia.

The US increased its counter-narcotics assistance to Colombia in
2000, approving the delivery of helicopters and other equipment and
the training of anti-narcotics brigades. The original 'Plan Colombia'
stipulates that equipment and intelligence are to be used to fight
narcotics production and not rebel forces. However, in practice this
restriction has often been flouted.

Meanwhile contradictory statements by representatives of both
Colombian and U.S. administrations on the actual production of
coca that fuels the drug trade confuse the issue further. Justice
Minister Romulo Gonzalez of Colombia stated last month that coca
production had dropped significantly, from 392 000 acres under
cultivation 16 months ago, to 336 000 in December. However, the
Bush administration claims that coca production increased by
about 25 percent last year despite eradication efforts.

Colombian President Andres Pastrana expressed appreciation for
the US Plan, saying his country has become "the theatre of
operations in which the US-led global campaign against terrorism
is being waged".

The links between drugs and terrorism, claim the U.S.
administration, justify relaxing restrictions on the aid package so
that resources can also be openly be used against the FARC and
other armed groups.
Adam Isacson, a Colombia expert at the U.S.-based Centre for
International Policy, which opposes expanded U.S. military aid to
Colombia, said the terrorist argument is finding favour in

"They're going to call this counterterrorism," Isacson said. "You're
never going to hear counterinsurgency".

Adapted from articles on:
The report of the UNHCHR Office in Colombia to the United Nations
Human Rights Commission is available in Spanish in PDF format


Journalists in the Firing Line

Journalists have increasingly come under pressure as the Israeli
army masses greater numbers of troops and artillery across the
West Bank.

Members of the press are often accused of being pro-Palestinian,
and are officially banned from entire cities, arrested, threatened at
gunpoint and assaulted by soldiers.

Israel revoked the press credentials of two Abu Dhabi television
journalists recently saying they were involved in 'crude anti-Israeli
propaganda". Its press office also complained to CNN and NBC
television, accusing their correspondents of 'grossly violating' an
army order by broadcasting from within a closed military zone.

Last week, two AFP journalists and a Palestinian photographer
were detained by the Israeli army in the besieged town of
Ramallah, declared a closed military zone by the army. While the
AFP journalists, both foreigners, were not arrested, the
photographer Ata Oweissat was handcuffed and held at an Israeli
military base for several hours.

"I was doing my job when a soldier pointed his gun at me,' said
Oweissat, still shaken by his six-hour detention. "They made me
lift my shirt to make sure I hadn't strapped myself with explosives
and ordered me to walk in the middle of the street towards a tank.

"They said I was walking weirdly and that they would shoot me. I
swore that I was not carrying weapons and offered to strip my

After kneeling handcuffed for more than an hour on the pavement in
the rain, Oweissat said he was taken to the base outside
Ramallah, with a dozen employees of the Red Crescent Society.

"I insisted I was a journalist but a soldier put his foot on my head
and said, 'You must understand that we are in a war situation'".
Oweissat was eventually released six hours later with 10 other
prisoners with no explanation for his arrest.

A Turkish journalist who spent four days stranded in Ramallah said
last week that Israeli forces were exposing journalists to danger by
doing nothing to help them leave the town, despite ordering them
out. She was evacuated with the help of the Red Cross and the
Palestinian Red Crescent.

During the past week, Israeli forces also fired on a crowd of foreign
activists, accused by the army of 'provoking' their troops. Seven
demonstrators and a Palestinian cameraman working for
Associated Press Television were injured.

An Israeli army spokesperson said that they were investigating the
incident. That same day, Israeli fire hit a car full of western
journalists in Ramallah, causing no casualties.

In the same week, journalist Anthony Shadid, working for the
Boston Globe, was shot and wounded in the shoulder. Although it
was not immediately clear who fired the bullet that struck Shadid,
witnesses said there was no major fighting in the area at the time.

Zimbabwean correspondent for the London Daily Telegraph, Peta
Thornycroft was recently arrested and detained for 5 days by the
Zimbabwe Central Intelligence Agency, allegedly for working as a
journalist without accreditation.

Prior to recent presidential elections, the Zimbabwe government
hastily drafted and pushed through parliament new media
legislation effectively barring both foreign and local journalists
unsympathetic to government policy or action from reporting in

Thronycroft, a Zimbabwean citizen was on her way to interview
members of the oppostion Movement for Democratic Change
(MDC) in eastern Zimbabwe when she was arrested.

Thornycroft is not the first journalist to run foul of the authorities in
Zimbabwe. Over the past year numerous reporters, editors and
photojournalists working for Zimbabwe's independent media, as
well as foreign correspondents for large South African and
European media houses have been harrassed, detained and
assaulted by security police or expelled from the country.
Independent media houses in Zimbabwe have been closed down or
had their premises destroyed or damaged by bomb attacks

Thornycroft believes her race and class contributed both to her
arrest and to the type of treatment she received at the hands of the

"I really don't believe I was arrested because I am a journalist; I
was arrested because I was a white woman driving a car with
South African number plates, who was seen talking to the
opposition." she said.

Commenting on her treatment during detention, Thornycroft said, "if
I had been a black woman without contacts I would have just
disappeared, been beaten to death somewhere - that's how bad
things have got here."

articles adapted from : SAPA/AFP and Reuters




CrisisWeb: Latest Publications
The International Crisis Group (ICG) is a private, multinational
organisation "committed to strengthening the capacity of the
international community to anticipate, understand and act to
prevent and contain conflict." For those users interested in
exploring publications on issues related to conflict prevention and
management, this is definitely a place to start.

Global Competitiveness Report 2001-2002
Executive Summary at:
Published by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in collaboration
with the Center for International Development (CID) at Harvard
University and the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness,
Harvard Business School.

Women's Words Unveiled - Publication on workshop series on
women and censorship in India

Are women censored in specifically gendered ways? Do family
and community influence their choice of language, style, subject
and do they face problems in getting published and receiving
critical literary attention? A hundred women writers in 6 languages
at 6 workshops, organised by Asmita and Women's World in India,
explored the answers.

Targeting Men for Change - Publication on the Women's
Mediawatch project in Jamaica
"The shift in focus from 'women' to 'gender' over the last decade has
for Women's Media Watch (WMW) in Jamaica meant a change in
their activities to include men as well as women as part of a
process which seeks to change the social relations of gender.
'Youth, Gender-Based Violence and Communication', a WMW
project included a series of workshops and seminars with male

Socio-economic health inequalities in Brazil: gender and age
M.Dolores Montoya Diaz
Department of Economics.
Economics, Management and Accounting Faculty
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Journalists Against Corruption or PFC (Spanish initials) (English) (Spanish)
PFC promotes democratisation efforts in Latin America through
supporting investigative journalists and media that report on
corruption and anti-corruption initiatives. Since PFC is a Spanish
language project, this new report serves to update interested
English language speakers about PFC activities and services since
September 1, 2001.

International Engergy Agency - Energy and Poverty
The International Energy Agency will present a stand-alone
document on the issue of energy and poverty in August at the
WSSD. The document will also appear in the 2002 edition of the
World Energy Outlook, a flagship publication of the IEA. The IEA
study will provide an analysis of the current rate of electrification in
developing countries on a country-by-country basis. Preliminary
projections indicate that, in the absence of vigorous new policies,
in thirty years time a vast number of people will still lack access to
electricity and will still be consuming traditional energy sources in
an inefficient way. For more information:
email :



Women and the Law Society (Australia) - Call for
contributions to annual journal - Pandoras Box
The Women and the Law Society (WATL) was formed to address
gender issues within the Beirne School of Law (University of
Queensland), legal profession and the wider community, and to link
law students with established networks for female legal
professionals. Pandora's Box is WATL's most prestigious
publication.and is retained in university libraries throughout
Australia and overseas.

The editors are currently seeking submissions for Pandora's Box
2002. Articles investigating emerging norms of human rights law
including global social justice issues, and environment and
development rights under the impact of globalisation are welcome.
Submissions probing the future women and the law in the context
of human reproductive technology, biotechnology, and bioethics, as
well as articles expressing an understanding of cultural relativism
are welcomed. Analytical articles should possess a word count
between 1000 and 4000 words. WATL encourages other forms of
expression including poetry, reviews, personal experiences,
observations, and social comment.

If you intend to contribute to this year's Pandora's Box, please
confirm with the editors by Friday 31 May. Manuscripts must be
received by Monday 1 July, in hard copy and disk form. For more
please contact:

Pandoras Box
C/- TC Beirne School of Law,
University of Queensland, St Lucia 4072
Phone (07) 3365 7997 Fax 3365 1454

Survey on NGO Participation in Global Fund
Representatives of NGOs and faith-based organizations are invited
to participate in a survey concerning the extent and nature of their
involvement in the recently established Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
Tuberculosis, and Malaria.

Christian Connections for International Health and the Ecumenical
Pharmaceutical Network have launched a project to monitor how
the Fund, both at the global level and at the country level, relates to
and supports activities of Christian and other faith-based groups.

They need information from the country level about whether
Coordinated Country Mechanisms or other groups preparing
proposals for the Global Fund include faith-based organizations in
their planning and their proposals.

Please complete the simple questionnaire at:
or request a copy via email:

Findings will be shared with all respondents, as well as with Fund
officials and governments supporting the Fund. The initial report will
be given at an April 19th seminar in Washington.



HURPEC (Human Rights and Peace Campaign)
With the purpose of running human rights movement through
internet and building international network, HURPEC has launched
an interactive Human Rights Server.

The server contains many features like countrywide news,
information and HR reports all around the world including HURPEC
Online Forum, Online Petitions, Action Center, HR Internet
Directory, Global Human Rights Events, Human Rights Treaties
and Documents, Online library and training, Special Features (War
against Terrorism) and more.

All human rights and social NGOs/INGOs, activists, journalists,
lawyers, and politicians around the world are requested to visit the
site and participate in online discussion forum, post petitions and
action alerts. HURPEC also requests information about any kind of
human rights violations.

Africa Pulse - Civil Society News & Information Portal
A news and information portal for the civil society sector in the
Southern African Development Community (SADC). The portal is
hosted by SANGONeT but incorporates the visions and needs of
regional organisations. Africa Pulse relies on a 'bottom-up'
publishing structure, with organisations publishing directly to the

The Online Gateway to Global Aid - Relief Guide
Serves as an independent online exchange bringing demand and
supply in the aid sector together by means of a one-stop Internet
platform. The aim is to make aid supply-chains and operations
more effective. ReliefGuide is on one hand focused on the aid
community and on the other hand the private sector. The main goal
is to assist NGOs with FREE Tender and Quotation Services and
to offer up-to-date information about worldwide relief suppliers
through a Supplier Guide

Balancing Act News Update http://www.balancingact-
A free weekly e-letter that covers African internet and new media
content and infrastructure developments for the whole of the
continent. It includes the regulation and improvement of the
telecommunications infrastructure and the financing and investment
in the sector. Subscribe simply by sending a message saying I
want to subscribe to:




Assistant Project Director
The Center for Civil Society Studies
Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies

The Center for Civil Society Studies seeks an experienced senior
researcher knowledgeable about the nonprofit sector and civil
society internationally to assist in managing the Johns Hopkins
Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project, an effort to assemble,
analyze, and disseminate basic empirical data on the size, scope,
financing, and role of nonprofit organizations throughout the world.

The successful applicant will have the following qualifications:
Ph.D. in sociology, economics, political science, or related field, or
M.A. in one of these fields plus significant data and project
management experience; minimum of five years of research
experience; record of high-quality analytical writing; ability to work
with macro-level data and knowledge of economic data systems,
e.g. employment statistics, economic censuses; excellent
interpersonal and oral/written communication skills; experience in
fundraising and managing multi-site projects; ability to
balancemultiple priorities and to lead a team of colleagues; ability
to travel internationally.

More information regarding specific responsibilities can be found at:
Please send letter detailing qualifications and CV to the attention of

CNP Assistant Director at:
fax: 410-516-7818



Postdoctoral and Ph.D. Fellowship Programme
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/United Nations
University (UNU), Postdoctoral and Ph.D. Fellowship Programme
Organization: United Nations University/Institute of Advanced
Studies (UNU/IAS)
Tokyo, Japan
October 2002
Award: ¥ 280,000/month (Postdoctoral); ¥ 250,000/month (Ph.D.)
Deadline: May 15, 2002

For more information contact:
or write to:
Postdoctoral and Ph.D. Fellowship Programme
United Nations University/Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU/IAS)
5-53-67 Jingumae
Tokyo 150-8304
Phone: +81-3-5467-2323; Fax: +81-3-5467-2324


Project for the Integral Reconstitution of the Wixarika
Territory and Habitat - Mexico
This project aims to protect indigenous culture and biodiversity.
The project is managed by the traditional Huichol decision-making
process of consensus within the 50,000-member population.
Workshops strive to, among other things, train indigenous people
in environmental management skills, encourage Huichol
participation in the national and global indigenous rights movement,
and establish a formal education regime that responds to
indigenous needs, such as the need for computer skills essential
to the creation of a data bank for land-use planning.
Email: contact Carlos Chávez:

Presse Jeune - Cameroon
A network of youth organisations bringing together youths from
primary and secondary schools, universities, and professional
media. Presse Jeune publications include a magazine that
encourages youth participation in human development, a journal for
children 7-13 years old, another for students at secondary schools
and colleges, and a magazine that focuses on health. The initiative
also provides a computer and language training centre, an
information and documentation centre, an internet center, a
multimedia information centre on HIV/AIDS for young journalists, a
programme for primary and secondary press animators.

Training Programme on Food and Nutrition Security
September 16-29, 2002

Fee: EUR 4500
Location: Wageningen, The Netherlands
Marianne Van Dorp
Programme Co-ordinator
International Agricultural Centre
P.O. Box 88
6700 Ab Wageningen
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 317 495 495; Fax: +31 317 495 395

Overseas Development Group - Short Courses

Disasters and Development: Hazard, Risk, and Vulnerability
Location: Norwich, United Kingdom
Date: July 8-26, 2002
Fee: £ 2,900

Monitoring and Evaluating for Development Activities
Location: Norwich, United Kingdom
Date: August 5-30, 2002
Fee: £ 4,200

Social Analysis for Natural Resource Research, Extension, and
Development Workers
Location: Norwich, United Kingdom
Date: August 5-30, 2002
Fee: £ 3,500

Management Information Systems (MIS) for Monitoring and
Location: Norwich, United Kingdom
Date: September 2-13, 2002
Fee: £ 2,500

For more information contact:
Professor Frank Ellis: Chief Executive or
Paul Burgon: Project Development Manager
Overseas Development Group
University of East Anglia
Norwich NR4 7TJ
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 1603 456410; Fax +44 (0) 1603 505262


Africa in an Age of Globalization
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City
April 12, 2002
For more information: Email:

Food and Nutrition Security- Programmes Addressing Acute and
Chronic Malnutrition
Feldafing, Federal Republic of Germany
April 15-26, 2002
Fee: EUR 2000
For more information:

International Association for National Youth Service (IANYS)
6th Global Conference
1-4 September 2002, Buenos Aires, Argentina

IANYS Global Conferences offer a unique opportunity to meet with
colleagues; acquire the most up-to-date information on national
youth service around the world; share good practice; build
networks; and focus on the new challenges for national youth
service in the 21st Century.

To participate contact:
Prof. Maria Nieves Tapia, Director
Programa Nacional Escuela y Communidad
Ministerio de Educación
Pizzurno 935-Of. 403
C1020ACA Buenos Aires
Tel: 54 11 4129 1521/22 Fax: 54 11 4129 1523
Email: Web:

Achieving Food Security Through Community-based Food
Salzburg Seminar
Salzburg, Austria
May 1-8, 2002
For more information:

Tenth Annual Short Course in Global Trade Analysis
Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP)
Sheffield, United kingdom
May 4-10, 2002; July 4-10, 2002; August 4 - 10, 2002
Fee: US $3,295
Judy Conner
Global Trade Analysis Project
University of Sheffield
United kingdom
Phone: +1 765 494-4267; Fax: +1 765 496-1221

E-civicus mailing list
Fecha - 08-04-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: Position Vacant: Co-ordinator - Handicraft Program

Name of the Organization: Youth For Unity And Voluntary Action (YUVA)

Profile of the Organization: Youth for Unity & Voluntary Action (YUVA) is
a voluntary development organization whose origin in 1984 was driven by
the anticipation of a just social order - distinguished by fundamental
social political, structural and economic equity.

Job Description: The candidate is expected to develop the handicraft
program within YUVA, which seeks to provide livelihood opportunities for
girls and women of the communities that it works with. It involves
identifying potential handicraft areas, undertaking training and capacity
building of girls/women, product development and marketing.

Candidate Profile: Candidate should hold a postgraduate degree/diploma in
management, with a background in social marketing/marketing/ public
relations/ external communication. The candidates with exposure either in
social sector or fine arts will have an added advantage. He/She should
have passion to work at the grassroot level of the society. Knowledge of
Marathi/Hindi is essential.

Minimum Experience: 2 - 3 years experience in the social
marketing/marketing/public relation/external communication division of a
bank, company, public relations agency.

Compensation: Negotiable

Location: Mumbai,India

Youth For Unity and Voluntary Action
52/53, NarePark Municipal School
Opp. Nare Park Ground
Ph# 91-22-414-3498/415-5250
Fax# 91-22-413-5314
Visit us at

Fecha - 07-04-02
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: III aniversario de Agora

Con ocasión del próximo -29 de abril 2001- III aniversario de
Agora: foro municipal del Grupo de
Estudios Comparados Euroafricanos y Euro latinoamericanos, quiero ofrecer
una evaluación del estado del grupo y de las perspectivas del mismo.

El Grupo de Estudios Comparados Euroafricanos y Euro
latinoamericanos surge en 1995, con el I Seminario: "El discurso del poder
en Europa, África y Latinoamérica". Como indica nuestra compañera de grupo
Béatrice Didié en la revista francesa Europe - "La Musique dans les îles
fortunées", octubre 1996, pp.221-223-, nos planteábamos crear un lugar de
encuentro entre Europa, África y Latinoamérica, en un espacio que se adentra
en los tres territorios. Este espacio, en sus orígenes, era ínter
universitario, aunque contaba, asimismo, con una participación artística, un
buen ejemplo de esta época es Mundos Ibéricos / mundos Francófonos, nuestra
primera publicación - Carlos Ortiz de Zárate (dir.), Servicio de
Publicaciones de la Universidad de Las Palmas (1995). Entre 1995 y 1999,
mantuvimos tres seminarios (Las Palmas, Los Jameos del Agua y Molino de la
Antigua y La Habana y Matanzas y dos publicaciones, la ya citada y
Descolonización, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Matanzas. El
objeto del grupo era crear grupos interdisciplinarios de investigación y una
titulación ínter universitaria de postgrado; la última fue creada en el
curso interuniversitario de doctorado: "La ciudad Actual en Europa, Africa y
Latinoamérica", que ha sido realizado y dirigido por miembros del grupo, en
las Universidades de Las Palmas y de París XII (1999-2001), con colaboración
de otros miembros de la Universidad de París IV. Tres doctorandos de este
curso, también miembros del grupo, preparan sus tesis sobre temas que nos
implican: Gala Mohamed (Sahara) trabaja sobre el potencial de la mujer en el
desarrollo ciudadano local de su territorio; Salvador del Olmo y Jerónimo
trabajan respectivamente sobre el funcionamiento de proyecto Delanöe (París)
y sobre el del delegado en los municipios de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos
de México. Estamos, finalmente, creando las bases para un proyecto más
ambicioso de investigación y de postgrado virtual ínter universitario entre
miembros del grupo que pertenecen a las Universidades Autónoma de Sinaloa
(José Luis Béraud), Barcelona (Francisco Lafarga, Joaquín Novella), École
Normale Supérieure ( Béatrice Didier), Guadalajara - México- (M. Sangil), La
Laguna (Carmen Wheb), Las Palmas (Alberto Bachiller, Luis Gutiérrez, Carlos
Ortiz de Zárate, Osvaldo Rodríguez), Lleida (Montserrat Parra, Albert
Gallinsoga), París III- Sorbona Nueva- (Daniel Pageaux), París IV-Sorbona
(Lucien Belly, Pierre Brunel, Jacques Chévrier), París X -Nanterre (Claude
de Gréve) y París XII (Albert Broder, Béatrice Touchelay). Están estudiando
su incorporación al proyecto investigador y docente, la Universidad Anáhuac
del Sur (México DF) y la coordinación municipal de Derechos Humanos de

Este proyecto comenzará a realizarse con nuestra editorial
virtual, que se propone crear el material didáctico e investigador
suficiente para crear un marco de formación de especialistas de desarrollo
local ciudadano en Europa, África y Latinoamérica. Tenemos en nuestros
objetivos inmediatos, la publicación del primer número de nuestra revista:
"Un modelo de programa municipal ciudadano", para el que algunos de los
miembros de nuestro grupo estamos preparando artículos, que recuerdo,
debemos enviar antes del 29 de abril 2001 a - una
extensión inferior a 20 folios, notas a pie de página, en Word - y en las
mismas condiciones, la publicación homenaje a Marcel de Gréve
Interculturalidad/Identidad, que ya cuenta, como es natural, con la
participación de los miembros nucleares del grupo y para la que se pueden
someter artículos hasta principios de diciembre de 2002. En ambos casos, la
decisión de publicación será tomada por el comité científico.

El web y los grupos de debate han resultado satisfactorios. El
primero alcanza una media de 1200 visitas mensuales y lo que es aún más
interesante, recibe, aproximadamente, 5 comentarios diarios, que nos permite
mantener un buen nivel de actualización, debate y respuesta. Asimismo,
mantenemos abiertos todos los foros contenidos en la página, que abarcan
problemáticas y prácticas fundamentales para nuestro objeto. Las listas de
debate se mantienen en una audiencia importante, la de Red Iris, en torno a
100, la de ULPGC con un número mucho mayor de miembros, ambas con un índice
muy mejorable de participación, pero con una continuidad en el acercamiento
a los objetivos del grupo.

Creo que estamos en condiciones de proceder a la remodelación
que tantas veces he anunciado: necesitamos comités, grupos de investigación
y de observación, equipos, en una palabra, una logística adecuada a nuestro
objeto y a la utilización de esta herramienta informática que nos permite la
interdisciplinaridad y avanzar hacia la pragmática que nos ofrecen los
municipalistas ciudadanos que no son universitarios.

De hecho, el matrimonio Béraud (Igor), ingenieros informáticos,
ha aceptado ocuparse de este dominio, tan importante para optimizar nuestra
página, publicaciones etc.

Me gustaría que este mensaje abriera la conmemoración de nuestro
III aniversario, con avances serios hacia nuestros objetivos. Os recuerdo a
los de la lista de la ULPGC que para enviar mensajes a la misma, debéis
hacerlo a través de mi mail . Finalmente, os recuerdo
a todos que en Agora continúan abiertos los foros y que el adecuado para el
debate sobre el número 1 de la revista es "Hacia un modelo municipal.

Fecha - 06-04-02
Nombre: Job

Illinois Program

The Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) is seeking a Program Officer. Established in 1991, CSH is the only national intermediary with the mission of promoting the expansion of permanent housing linked to services for persons with chronic medical, mental health, and other disabilities, who are either homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. To advance its mission, CSH provides predevelopment funding and strategic and implementation consultation. It also plays a key policy role, partnering with public officials to seek changes in laws, policies, and programs related to supportive housing. CSH is currently expanding its role as the major repository and distributor of information on supportive housing. Currently, the organization has offices in New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and California.

CSH's strategy is to bring its programs and presence to scale while reshaping America's patchwork response to homelessness into a lasting system consisting of effective policy, sufficient funding, and significantly more supportive housing units. In quantitative terms, the organization's goal is to improve the health, stability, and quality of life for 150,000 additional households in the coming decade. To meet this mandate, CSH has undertaken the following activities:

· Developing a wider variety of supportive housing models for serving many more people,
· Undertaking a more aggressive strategic campaign to improve public policy at every level of government,
· Further documenting and disseminating information on the effectiveness of supportive housing,
· Building capacity among nonprofit providers and government agencies, and
· Enhancing CSH's own capacity to sustain and manage its growth

CSH's Illinois office was opened in 1992. Since its inception, it has achieved substantial geographic and programmatic growth. The CSH Illinois Program has committed over $10 million in grants and loans to facilitate the development of over 2,000 units of supportive housing in 26 projects. Program activities now include statewide legislative advocacy and public policy reform, in addition to its traditional industry-building, lending, and technical assistance activities. CSH Illinois has achieved a reputation for excellence and is widely recognized as a sector leader and as an innovator in the areas of design, dissemination, development and expansion of the concept of supportive housing.

1 N. LaSalle Street 12th Floor
Chicago, IL 60602


Position Description
Program Officer

Position Scope:
Responsible for independently implementing program activities and projects as determined by the Associate Director, including preparation and monitoring of funding actions, delivery of technical assistance, contributing to research, program development, fundraising, and external communications activities as necessary.

Typical Responsibilities:
1. Program Development
· Develop and maintain effective partnerships with counterparts in a wide range of public and private agencies in planning, design and implementation of program strategies. This includes federal, state and local government; housing, service and property management providers; coalitions and advocacy groups; consumers groups and consultants.
· Participate in the design of new program initiatives, public policy reforms and supportive housing financing models with program staff.
· Design new financing models in partnership with public and private agencies.
· Assist with developing and implementing fundraising strategies for new initiatives.
· Help to develop, as well as participate in, CSH project evaluation efforts; assist with researching policy questions and writing background materials for briefings, position papers and policy recommendations.

2. Program Implementation
· Assist non-profit housing and service sponsors in developing supportive housing: areas of assistance include conceptualizing projects; creating a development team; locating and evaluating sites; assembling financing; overseeing design and construction; gaining community support; and planning for operations.
· Review project feasibility, sponsor capacities and financing in partnership with public and private agencies.
· Facilitate creation of the effective partnerships needed to develop and operate supportive housing.
· Evaluate requests for CSH predevelopment loans and capacity-building grants related to housing development and management, monitor CSH funding actions and consultant contracts.
· Analyze financing packages and prepare investment proposals for low income housing tax credit syndication.
· Organize and facilitate meetings among and between diverse people and organizations and provide support to regional and statewide advisory committees and working groups by serving as a resource, advisor, facilitator and coordinator.
· Assemble, research, digest and present data on regional and statewide needs and resources.
· Prepare programmatic and financial reports to funders. Track and manage program budget and expenditures. Assist in development of proposals for new and continued funding.
· Design and deliver workshops and training on a range of issues related to supportive housing development.
· Identify best practices and innovative approaches to supportive housing and disseminate that information to project sponsors, funders, government and other partners.
· Develop tools for facilitating communication between nonprofit providers engaged in the creation and management of supportive housing to enhance the transfer of skills, best practices, innovations and mutual support.

3. Program Support and Administration
· Organize special events, tours, presentations etc. aimed at increasing the visibility of the supportive housing industry and increasing the constituency for supportive housing.
· Monitor and administer CSH funding actions and consultant contracts.
· Along with all staff, work to assure compliance with internal reporting and planning procedures, as well as funder requirements.
· Work cooperatively and collegially with local and national staff.

Minimum Qualifications Required:

Education: Bachelor's Degree (or evidence of experience that could substitute); advanced degree in related field preferred.

Experience: At least five years progressively responsible experience in affordable or supportive housing development, management or finance, or related area.
Additional experience may substitute for some education.

Related Skills:
· Excellent verbal and written communications skills.
· Excellent organizational and analytical abilities.
· Good computer skills (i.e. MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.).
· Strong interpersonal skills demonstrated by an ability to cultivate and sustain relationships across sectors and areas of expertise. Ability to work effectively with wide variety of people and organizations.
· Demonstrated project management and problem-solving abilities. Skilled in prioritizing and organizing tasks, planning ahead, meeting deadlines, managing multiple projects and priorities, and exercising considerable initiative.
· Proven ability to work collaboratively with professional staff, government agencies and community-based non-profit organizations. Skilled in facilitation, teambuilding and forging collaboratives.
· Ability to perform financial and program analysis and due diligence on supportive housing development projects.
· Ability to articulate and attend to "big picture" issues, while handling detailed, day-to-day concerns.
· High level of professionalism and ability to represent CSH in public forums.
· Experience with training and technical assistance.
· Entrepreneurial spirit and outcome orientation.
· A good sense of humor, patience and flexibility.

Competitive salary with excellent benefits

The Corporation for Supportive Housing is committed to a policy of equal treatment and opportunity in every aspect of its relations with staff members and prospective employees and will not discriminate against applicants for employment because of race, creed, color, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sex or sexual orientation. CSH is also committed to a policy of affirmative action in the hiring of staff and encourages applicants representative of the culturally and ethnically diverse communities CSH serves.

Submit resume with cover letter summarizing your interest, skills and salary requirements by April 30 to:
Katrina Van Valkenburgh
Corporation for Supportive Housing
1 North LaSalle, 12th Floor
Chicago, IL 60602

Fecha - 04-04-02
Nombre: Job opening-Accion New York
Comentarios: ACCION New York is seeking applicants for the SENIOR LOAN UNDERWRITER position, a key functional area within the organization.
ACCION New York is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to providing loans to low income, self-employed individuals who have limited or no access to traditional business credit. ACCION New York has provided nearly 3000 micro loans throughout the five boroughs of New York City since its inception in 1991. Through our lending and other services, we help micro entrepreneurs strengthen their businesses, stabilize their incomes, create additional employment and contribute to the economic revitalization of their communities. The Senior Underwriter will be responsible for performing and supervising the credit underwriting process.

o Review credit application and supporting documents, make reference calls and make recommendations on approval. Position will have credit authority.
o Interface with service area as needed to ensure that pre- and post closing requirements are clearly described in terms and conditions.
· Supervise/review work of junior underwriter(s)
· Participate in reviewing underwriting process and take a leadership role in implementing changes.
· Provide on-going training for staff.
· Prepare monthly portfolio reports or other requests for information for the Board of Directors as may be needed.
· Chair Delinquency Committee. Prepare agenda and make recommendations consistent with staffing, internal policies and evolving issues.
· Take leadership role in special projects, specifically credit scoring.

· Three to five years work experience in the areas of finance, underwriting, or banking is required. Candidate must have desire to work with micro businesses/entrepreneurs.
· Motivated manager with ability to work independently.
· Strong organizational skills; attention to detail and deadlines.
· Working knowledge of Spanish is required.
· Strong verbal and written skills. Knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access.

Salary & Benefits:
Salary is commensurate with experience plus incentive program. ACCION offers an excellent benefits package.

Please Send Or Fax Cover Letter, Resume and Salary History To:
235 Havemeyer Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211
Attn: Director of Lending Operations
Fax: (718) 387-9686
E-mail :

Fecha - 04-04-02
Nombre: Job annoumcement

Lenders for Community Development (LCD) is a nonprofit community development financial institution in San Jose, California which pools funds from 22 member banks, along with philanthropic investors, to provide loans to developers of affordable housing and community facilities, micro-loans and technical assistance to small businesses, and individual development accounts (IDAs). Since launching its lending programs in early 1995, LCD has provided over $2.7 million in financing to 110 micro-businesses, and has originated affordable housing/community facilities loans totaling over $18 million. LCD’s IDA program, launched in September 1999, is already one of the largest in the country, and will serve over 1,000 families over the next three years. LCD was awarded $2.2 million in funding from the U.S. Treasury Department’s CDFI Fund in the 1999 and 2000 rounds. Currently, LCD’s has a full-time staff of 14 and an annual operating budget of $1.5 million.

Position Summary: The Development and Communications Officer is a full-time management position reporting to the Executive Director. Applicants proposing part-time employment will also be considered. The Development and Communications Officer will work closely with the Executive Director, the Chief Financial Officer and the Board to set fundraising goals and objectives, develop new sources of funding, handle grant writing and reporting, and elevate LCD’s presence in the community through the facilitation of communications documents and publicity, and through the planning and coordination of events for investors and other stakeholders. The Development and Communications Officer oversees corporate solicitations, foundation and government grants, and individual giving.

Key Responsibilities:

· Develop and implement a fundraising plan for the organization;
· Research, cultivate, and solicit corporate, foundation, government and individual funding sources;
· Package LCD programs, write proposals, coordinate follow-up and prepare reports for all public and private donors;
· Prepare and maintain key public relations and communications documents, including annual reports, press releases, newsletters, and brochures;
· Plan and coordinate investor and partnership events;
· Develop and implement system to track and report on social impact of LCD programs;
· Participate in other fund raising and public affairs events as needed in coordination with the Executive Director.
· Assist Executive Director in insuring that staff maintains a sense of mission and corporate identity across programs.

Qualifications: The ideal candidate possesses the following qualities:

· Three to five years of relevant experience.
· S/he will be able to work independently, take full responsibility for developing fundraising proposals and be able to work under pressure to meet short deadlines.
· Superior communication and writing skills, excellent interpersonal skills, strong organizational skills, and a commitment to community-based economic development, affordable housing, and wealth creation for low income persons.
· Prior nonprofit development experience strongly preferred.
· Knowledge of community development and financial institutions is a plus.

This is a new position in an established organization with a strong participative culture.

Resume and cover letter stating interest and qualifications should be sent to:

Compensation: Very competitive--commensurate with qualifications and experience. Benefits include health insurance, dental plan, 403B retirement plan (no employer contribution) and three weeks vacation.

Other: There is an informal staff carpool from San Francisco. Occasional telecommuting is allowed.

Interested candidates should submit a resume and cover letter, by April 30th, 2002, to:
LCD Development and Communications Officer Search
111 W. St. John St., Ste. 710
San Jose, CA 95113

If you are interested in receiving additional written information about LCD, please send e-mail to, or a fax to Eric Weaver at 408-297-4599 with your request. No phone calls, please.

LCD is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Fecha - 04-04-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: CheckSpring Community Corporation seeks experienced officers to guide a
sustainable community development bank with a socially responsible mission.
Individuals interested in serving as senior level Financial or Operations
Officers should apply.

CheckSpring's mission is to deliver needed services to underserved
communities and provide economic growth opportunities for customers,
employees, and investors. CheckSpring will deliver convenient financial
services and products tailored to the needs of underserved communities.
CheckSpring's market driven delivery strategy will fill a much neglected and
viable niche beginning in the New York metropolitan area. These positions
will reward veteran officers interested in:
* Working with dedicated professionals in an entrepreneurial atmosphere;
* Delivering sustainable profits within the context of a socially
responsible mission; and
* Building an equity stake in an evolutionary banking enterprise.

The ideal candidates should have:
* 10+ years of experience
* A solid background in community banking
* A history of work with underserved communities
* Expertise in consumer and small business lending
* Risk assessment and liquidity management experience
* Outstanding presentation and interpersonal skills

If you are interested, please send a cover letter and resume to

Fecha - 02-04-02
Nombre: Position offered
Comentarios: Part-Time Loan Program Manager

Organizational Overview
Oakland Business Development Corporation (OBDC) is a nonprofit organization that provides loans, business assistance, and referrals to small businesses in Oakland and the greater East Bay. We are a small, friendly, professional organization located a block away from 19th Street Bart and very close to Oakland's City Center. For more information, please visit our website at

Position Overview
The Program Manager markets, packages, and services loans for several of OBDC's loan programs.

· Markets organization's loan programs including:
­ Presents to community groups, banks, loan committees, and other individuals and groups to promote loan programs
­ Develops relationships with traditional bank lenders and financial institutions
­ Analyzes potential loan markets to develop prospects for loans

· Analyzes, packages and administers loans under current program guidelines including:
­ Interviews applicants and requests specified information for loan applications
­ Provides management and technical assistance to loan applicants
­ Screens loan proposals
­ Performs feasibility and credit analysis
­ Performs cash flow analysis and projections
­ Interprets financial statements and industry trends
­ Analyzes applicants' financial status, credit histories, and collateral to determine loan feasibility
­ Corresponds with or interviews applicants or creditors to resolve questions regarding application information.
­ Approves loans within specified limits or refers loans to loan committee for approval
­ Packages loan applications and works with banks to fund loans
­ Ensures loan agreements are complete and accurate according to policy

· Collaborates with team members to ensure effective program delivery

Bachelor’s Degree from accredited college or university with concentration in Business Administration, Accounting/Finance or Public Administration or equivalent work experience
Practical experience in reviewing, structuring, recommending and approving business loans, and knowledge of proper loan documentation
Minimum of two years experience as a commercial loan officer or comparable position with a private financial institution or economic/business development organization
Knowledge of private and public financing mechanism, including SBA and HUD Programs
Experience understanding and interpreting business operations, management capabilities and practices as they relate to business financial requirements
Ability to work in a small group environment

$25,000 - $30,000 (part-time)

Submit Cover Letter and Resume to:

1st choice: or fax to: (510) 763-1273

2nd choice:
Oakland Business Development Corporation
519 17th Street, Suite 100
Oakland, CA 94612
Attn: Nicole Levine

Fecha - 02-04-02
Nombre: position
Comentarios: Crystal Clear Software Ltd., producers of Loan Performer, microfinance
software, has a vacancy for


with the following qualifications:

- ability to translate from English into Spanish and/or French
- experience in micro-finance
- experience as a trainer
- computer literate to a high degree

- assistance with the translation of our software into Spanish and French
- conduct training in Spanish or French for our users
- assist with database conversions

Must be willing to travel a lot.

Hans Verkoijen
Crystal Clear Software Ltd.
PO Box 7463 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: 256-41-231739 Fax 256-41-233644
Email: or (24 hour support)

Fecha - 18-03-02
Comentarios: ACDI/VOCA, a Washington, DC-based implementer of international development
>projects, seeks consultants with experience in the design and
>implementation of Asian Development Bank projects in the areas of rural
>finance and microenterprise development. Significant experience with
>microfinance institutions in Asia is necessary. Experience in the
>Philippines is a plus.
>We are currently recruiting long- and short-term consultants with the
>following skills and experience:
>¾ Rural and microfinance ? supply and demand analysis of financial
>services; institutional assessments of MFIs and agencies which on-lend to
>MFIs; and the design of ADB or World Bank projects that strengthen and
>expand rural/microfinance services, as well as the institutions that
>deliver them.
>¾ ADB Project design?including Financial and Economic Analysis,
>Poverty and Social Analysis, participatory appraisals, project Financing
>Plans, and experience with COSTAB Software.
>Qualified candidates, please respond with electronic CVs, cover letter,
>and salary history to referencing ?ADB MF/DevFin? in
>the subject line. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. No phone
>calls please. Only finalists will be contacted.

Fecha - 17-03-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: From:
>ACDI/VOCA, a Washington, DC-based implementer of international development
>projects, seeks consultants with experience in the design and
>implementation of Asian Development Bank projects in the areas of rural
>finance and microenterprise development. Significant experience with
>microfinance institutions in Asia is necessary. Experience in the
>Philippines is a plus.
>We are currently recruiting long- and short-term consultants with the
>following skills and experience:
>¾ Rural and microfinance ? supply and demand analysis of financial
>services; institutional assessments of MFIs and agencies which on-lend to
>MFIs; and the design of ADB or World Bank projects that strengthen and
>expand rural/microfinance services, as well as the institutions that
>deliver them.
>¾ ADB Project design?including Financial and Economic Analysis,
>Poverty and Social Analysis, participatory appraisals, project Financing
>Plans, and experience with COSTAB Software.
>Qualified candidates, please respond with electronic CVs, cover letter,
>and salary history to referencing ?ADB MF/DevFin? in
>the subject line. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. No phone
>calls please. Only finalists will be contacted.

Fecha - 15-03-02
Nombre: ofertas de trabajo

El Gobierno de Angola a través de su Ministerio do Planeamento convoca un concurso restringido para la elaboración de un Plan de Desarrollo para el país.

ALTAIR ASESORES como líder de un consorcio internacional de empresas de consultoría especializadas en la asistencia técnica a países en vías de desarrollo y en transición, presenta una oferta técnica.

Se trata de un proyecto a realizar en 3 fases a lo largo de 18 meses, comenzando previsiblemente en mayo de 2002. Se buscan expertos en muy diversos campos con 12 AÑOS DE EXPERIENCIA profesional preferentemente especializados en países en desarrollo de África, América Latina y Asia. Se requieren URGENTEMENTE personas con capacidad de análisis de la situación en el área de su conocimiento que sugieran posibilidades de futuro que hagan posible el desarrollo político y económico de Angola.

En concreto, buscamos los siguientes especialistas en:

Macroeconomía. Especializado en Economía del Desarrollo. Asumiría también la labor de Director del Proyecto. Por tanto, es imprescindible dominar la lengua portuguesa.. Se requiere capacidad para la coordinación del resto del equipo de especialistas sectoriales. Deberá permanecer en Angola 16 de los 18 meses de duración del proyecto.

Educación/Políticas de Educación en países en vías de desarrollo. Tiempo de trabajo 4 meses (a lo largo de los 18).

Políticas de Salud para países en vías de desarrollo. 4 meses de trabajo.

Desarrollo del Tejido Empresarial (Desarrollo del Sector Privado). Aproximadamente 12 meses de trabajo.

Análisis de Infraestructuras.

Sociología, Antropología, Política con conocimientos de la región dell África Subsahariana (especialmente Angola). 42 días de trabajo.

Descentralización y Gobierno Local. Con IMPRESCINDIBLE experiencia en África en relaciones entre Gobierno y Comunidades Tradicionales. 3 meses de trabajo.

Política de Lucha contra la Pobreza. 2 meses de trabajo.

Sector Financiero, que determine las carencias del sector en Angola. 3 meses de trabajo.

PRECISAMOS CONTESTACIÓN LO ANTES POSIBLE. La Oferta Técnica debe estar terminada el próximo Viernes 22 de marzo.

En cuanto sea posible se cargará el fichero conteniendo los Términos de Referencia publicados por el Gobierno de Angola en el servidor. Mientras tanto, los interesados pueden solicitarlos en la dirección No duden en ponerse en contacto con nosotros para cualquier duda o comentario.


Muchas gracias.

Fecha - 14-03-02
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: Estamos, por el contrario, muy interesados en el tema de vuestras ediciones. Por otra parte, nos hemos constituido en editorial virtual. Nuestro objetivo no es lucrativo; nos planteamos una distribución gratuita; por tanto, tendremos que buscar fuentes de financiación que cubran nuestros reducidos gastos, pero gastos, pese a todo, si se aspira a una calidad y a una difusión. Publicaciones como la vuestra, como te he indicado, gozan de nuestra simpatía y de nuestro apoyo. Podríamos plantear varias propuestas para que llegaramos a un acuerdo de colaboración. Por ejemplo, un acuerdo de ayuda mútua en la difusión sería ya un gran paso. Nosotros ya lo hemos dado... Podemos estudiar muchas otras formas.
Fecha - 14-03-02
Nombre: Teresa Gianella-Estrms
Nota: No puedo incluir los documentos adjuntos. Los interesados pueden solicitarlos a la dirección arriba indicada.

Estimado Carlos Ortiz de Zárate,

Día a día seguimos los interesantes debates de AGORA. No hemos envíado comentarios porque nuestra temática está más vinculada al área rural y a la agricultura sostenible en el Sur.

En esta oportunidad quisieramos informar a través de AGORA, a todos los interesados en el desarrollo sostenible con equidad, con énfasis en la agricutura aostenible de bajos insumos externos o agroecología, que nuestra publicación (4 veces por año): LEISA Revista de Agroecología se distribuye libre de costo para los lectores de América Latina y otros países del Sur. Para mayor información, adjuntamos un folleto informativo sobre LEISA y la nota de suscriptores, para los interesados en recibir la revista.

Agradecemos desde ya la difusión que Ud. pudiera hacer a LEISA y si es de su interés, nos envía sus datos y dirección postal para considerarlos en nuestra base de suscriptores, a cargo de Cecilia Jurado.

Saludos cordiales,
Teresa Gianella-Estrems
Editora LEISA-AL

Fecha - 14-03-02
Nombre: Carlota Franco
Comentarios: Apreciado/a Carlos:

Tenemos el placer de informarte que hay material de

Grupo de Estudios Comparados Euroafricanos y Eurolatinoamericanos destacado en la portada de OneWorld Spain.

Si quieres comprobar el enlace

lo encontrarás en:

Si en vuestra web tenéis o incorporáis otras informaciones

que consideréis relevantes para esta sección, vuestras

sugerencias serán bienvenidas.


Carlota Franco

PS: Este mensaje es automático, pero no dudéis en responderlo

si tenéis sugerencias o comentarios. Gracias

Fecha - 14-03-02
Nombre: Carlota Franco
Fecha - 14-03-02
Nombre: Job announcement
Comentarios: Association for Enterprise Opportunity

Position: VISTA Program Coordinator

Location: AEO national office in Arlington, Virginia

Organization Background: AEO is the national association of organizations committed to microenterprise development. We provide our members with a forum, information and a voice to promote enterprise opportunity for people and communities with limited access to economic resources. AEO represents the United States microenterprise agenda in both national and international communities. AEO members include a broad range of microenterprise development programs as well as many other organizations that support AEO’s mission, such as financial institutions, community economic development organizations and community-based organizations serving low-income communities across the nation.

AEO’s mission is support the development of strong and effective U.S. microenterprise programs to assist underserved entrepreneurs in starting, stabilizing, and expanding businesses.

Job Description: AEO is seeking a creative, energetic and highly motivated individual to coordinate its national Volunteers In Service To America (VISTA) project. The Coordinator will work under the supervision of the Senior Program Manager and will handle all logistical and program details in the recruitment, placement, supervision and administration of 50 Americorps*VISTA volunteers. The VISTA Program Coordinator will also be responsible for coordination with the VISTA offices at the state level and in Washington, DC.

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
· Coordinating a national VISTA recruitment campaign for AEO with the goal of recruiting VISTA Volunteers who will choose microenterprise development as a means of national service to the United States
· Actively assisting AEO VISTA sites with their recruitment efforts
· Supporting and assisting with all training activities for VISTAs
· Developing and maintaining effective communications with the AEO VISTA sites
· Overseeing supervisory staff of local sites to ensure effective and timely execution of local workplans
· Tracking activity of local sites
· Collecting and capturing best practices and disseminating such among the sites
· Working closely with state VISTA offices and with VISTA’s national office
· Coordinating all documentation between the local AEO sites, AEO and the Corporation for National Service (e.g. new applications, reports, etc.)
· Generating regular reports for the Corporation for National Service
· Assisting in fundraising activities for AEO in support of the VISTA initiative

Note that this is a new staff position for AEO and will involve working in a collegial manner with the other AEO staff.

Qualifications: At least one year as a VISTA Leader, Peace Corps Volunteer or similar experience is preferred. Candidate must be experienced in managing and recruiting volunteers, have strong project management experience, and possess excellent oral and written communication skills. Candidate must be a self-starter who can work with minimum supervision and manage multiple tasks well. Candidate should be a team player, able to work towards consensus-based decisions, and must possess excellent interpersonal and organizational skills. Candidate must also be computer proficient. Experience in using electronic communications, such as Internet, email, listservs, etc. required; proficiency in Excel, Microsoft Word, and Access 2000 a plus. Candidate must be a college graduate. Experience in microenterprise development or community economic development a plus. Dedication to improving the lives of low and moderate-income entrepreneurs is a must.

Benefits: AEO offers a competitive fringe benefit package including full-paid health insurance, employer paid matching retirement (403b), and a competitive package of annual/personal/ sick/holiday leave. The AEO office is located in the Rosslyn community of Northern Arlington, Virginia within short walking distance of the Washington, DC metro (subway) system. The AEO office emphasizes a relaxed and productive working environment.

Supervision: This position will report to the Senior Program Manager.

Salary Range: Low to mid $30s based on experience.

Position Available: This position is open effective March 6, 2002 and will remain open until a qualified individual is hired.

To Apply: For consideration, please send your resume with a detailed letter of interest. Emailed information is preferred. Send to Ms. Zulma Mustafa, Senior Program Manager, AEO, 1601 N. Kent Street, Suite 1101, Arlington, Virginia 22209, Fax: 703-841-7748, Email:

AEO is an equal opportunity employer.

Fecha - 11-03-02
Nombre: Job opening
Comentarios: JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: Senior Program Manager
Position Location: AEO national office in Arlington, Virginia*.

Organization Description: AEO is the national association of organizations committed to microenterprise development. We provide our members with a forum, information and a voice to promote enterprise opportunity for people and communities with limited access to economic resources. AEO represents the United States microenterprise agenda in both national and international communities. AEO members represent a broad range of microenterprise development programs as well as many other organizations that support AEO’s mission, such as financial institutions, community economic development organizations and community-based organizations serving low-income communities across the nation. For additional information, please visit our website at

Position Description: AEO is seeking a highly motivated individual to serve as a Senior Program Manager to assist in the project management and development of “Standards and Accreditation (S&A)” for the microenterprise industry as well as other AEO initiatives. This position will be supervised by the AEO Executive Director. Responsibilities for this position will include:
· Developing and managing a rigorous process for creating a set of standards for the microenterprise field in the US. This process should include a study of related accreditation organizations.
· Developing materials and manuals for use in the microenterprise accreditation process, including standards;
· Developing a process leading to a system of accreditation of microenterprise programs in the US;
· Convening regular meetings of the national “S&A” committee and sub-committees;
· Assisting in fund-raising for the project;
· Writing of critical documents describing the project for the industry;
· Presenting workshops and leading discussions on the S&A topic at microenterprise conferences, meetings, etc.
· Other senior staff duties as determined by the AEO Executive Director. (Note: the nature of these duties will be determined by both the needs of AEO as well as the skills and abilities of the individual hired for this position).
· The Senior Program Manager will also support AEO committees and conferences as a member of the AEO staff team.

Project Oversight: AEO is initiating a long-term process leading to the development of national “Standards” for the US microenterprise industry. These Standards will be followed by the development of a national “Accreditation” process for organizations in the US microenterprise industry. The development of this project is under the oversight of the Executive Director of AEO and a national “Standards and Accreditation” committee.

Qualifications: A minimum of three or more years of direct U.S. microenterprise practitioner experience is required; additional domestic experience is preferred. Experience in both rural and urban, training, and lending programs is preferred. Proven ability to raise funds is highly desired. Computer proficiency in Excel, Microsoft Word, and Access 2000 is a plus. Bachelors Degree required, Masters a plus. Candidate must possess excellent written and oral presentation skills. Candidate must have strong project management experience including: ability to conceptualize and manage new programs; ability to develop RFPs and project reports; ability to supervise external partners and consultants; ability to manage communications among external partners; and the ability to develop timelines and work plans to meet project benchmarks.

The successful candidate should be a team player who can work towards consensus-based decisions on tough issues, and should also be a self-starter and quick learner.

Salary: The salary is commensurate with experience.

Time frame: This position is open effective March 5, 2002 and will remain open until filled.

To apply: For consideration, please send your resume with a detailed letter of interest. Emailed information is preferred. Send to: Bill Edwards, Executive Director, AEO, 1601 N. Kent Street, Suite 1101, Arlington, Virginia 22209. Telephone: 703-841-7760. Fax: 703-841-7748. E-mail:

*AEO will consider hiring someone for this position based at a “remote” location from the Arlington, VA office however our preference is to locate this individual in our national office.

AEO is an equal opportunity employer.

Fecha - 11-03-02
Nombre: Job openings
Comentarios: Job Openings - The MicroFinance Foundation


The MicroFinance Foundation, a new Foundation whose objective is to improve
transparency in the microfinance industry, is currently being created to
house the Virtual Microfinance Market (VMM), a comprehensive web based
service to link investors, donors and MicroFinance Institutions (MFIs), and
the MicroBanking Standards Project, home of the MicroBanking Bulletin (MBB).

We are currently looking for qualified entrepreneurial people to work on
this exciting project and see it through its first growth phase. We are
looking to fill the positions of Junior Analyst and Senior Analyst at the

Junior Analyst

The Junior Analyst shall conduct the following tasks:

1. Act as a contact point for MFIs in a sub-region to collect, validate, and
update MFI, investor and macroeconomic data on an on-going basis (contact
management with MFIs, rating agencies, donors and researchers)
2. Conduct financial analysis and provide feedback to selected MFIs on their
financial performance
3. Represent the Foundation at conferences
4. Carry out field assessment of selected MFIs, with the guidance of a
Senior Analyst and write related reports
5. Work on one or more of the following tasks: update of the Foundation web
site and other marketing materials, publication of the MicroBanking
Bulletin, support to regional networks/ Apex in performance monitoring
6. Work on other tasks related to the Foundation as it grows

The Junior Analyst will be coached by a Senior Analyst, but should be able
to work independently.

Job Requirements
§ BA minimum in economics, finance, accounting/auditing, or relevant field
§ Experience in financial analysis
§ Fluency in written and spoken English is essential; fluency in written and
spoken Spanish and/or French is essential; other languages a plus
§ Excellent attention to detail and organizational skills
§ Excellent computer skills (spread sheets, databases, word processing,
web-page management)
§ Excellent communication skills (verbal and written)
§ International experience preferred
§ Medium-term commitment to the project (3-5 years), and ability to work in
a team

Other Information
Travel time: about 20%.
Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Benefits included.

Senior Analyst


The Senior Analyst shall conduct the following tasks:
1. Act as a contact point for MFIs in a sub-region to collect, validate, and
update MFI, investor and macroeconomic data on an on-going basis (contact
management with MFIs, rating agencies, donors and researchers)
2. Conduct financial analysis and provide feedback to selected MFIs on their
financial performance; act as a coach for the Junior Analyst when necessary;
Contribute to internal guidelines and procedures
3. Represent the Foundation at conferences or through the publication of
4. Carry out field assessment of selected MFIs and write related reports
5. Function as associate editor of the semi-annual publication "The
MicroBanking Bulletin"
6. Provide technical assistance to microfinance networks to build their
capacity in benchmarking, and in improving standardization and transparency
7. Work on one or more of the following tasks: update of the Foundation web
site and other marketing materials, publication of the MicroBanking
Bulletin, support to regional networks/ Apex in performance monitoring
8. Actively participate in industry-wide efforts to improve transparency
9. Work on other tasks related to the Foundation as it grows

The Senior Analyst will be expected to provide guidance to the Junior
Analyst when needed.

Job Requirements
§ Masters in economics, finance, accounting/auditing, or relevant field or
§ 3+ years experience in financial analysis
§ Experience in Microfinance
§ Fluency in written and spoken English is essential; fluency in written and
spoken Spanish and/or French is essential; other languages a plus
§ Excellent attention to detail and organizational skills
§ Excellent computer skills (spread sheets, databases, word processing,
web-page management, statistical software)
§ Excellent communication skills (verbal and written)
§ Training experience preferred
§ Medium-term commitment to the project (3-5 years), and ability to work in
a team

Other Information
Travel time: about 30%.
Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Benefits included.

Interested candidates may send their resume and their best writing sample by
e-mail only to:

Isabelle Barrès
The Microbanking Bulletin

Candidates will need to provide evidence that they are permitted to work in
the United States. We are an equal opportunity employer. Only short-listed
candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Closing date for applications: March 15, 2002
Start date: April 1, 2002
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Fecha - 28-02-02
Nombre: Women in development
Comentarios: Weidemann Associates, Inc., headquartered in Metropolitan Washington, DC, is
seeking resumes from qualified consultants with expertise in gender issues
to participate in its response to a solicitation from USAID's Office of
Women in Development. Weidemann Associates specializes in providing cutting
edge research, design and implementation of economic empowerment programs,
with an emphasis on empowering women through microenterprise and

We are accepting resumes from candidates at all experience levels in
following technical areas:

· Enhancing the economic status of women; microenterprise development
· Expanding educational opportunities for girls and women;
· Improving women's legal rights and increasing participation in civil
· Developing strategies that reduce trafficking and domestic violence;
· Performing economic and social science analysis of gender programs;
· Integrating gender considerations into natural resource management and
· Improving women's access to population, health, and nutrition programs;
· Researching, monitoring and evaluating the impact of WID donor programs;
· Project management, communications and training.

Qualified consultants will have a minimum of:

· 2 years' experience in the one or more of the technical areas;
· An advanced degree in a related field;
· 1 year of overseas work experience;
· Excellent communication skills;
· Proven ability to work individually or on a team;
· Proven ability to meet deadlines and produce high-quality deliverables;
· Proficiency in one or more foreign languages, preferably Spanish or

If interested, please send a detailed resume that includes a summary
paragraph highlighting experience in the above-listed areas. Also, please
complete a USAID Employee Biographical Data Sheet (available for downloading
at Finally,
we ask that you submit a brief, signed letter of commitment stating your
interest in working on future task orders under this contract and, if
possible, your exclusive relationship with Weidemann. Documents should be
sent by email to and by fax to (703) 525-6169.

Closing Date: March 15th.

For more information, please contact:
Ms. Susannah Pinckney
Proposal Coordinator
Weidemann Associates, Inc.
933 N. Kenmore Street, Suite 405/Arlington, VA 22201
Fax (703) 525-6169

Fecha - 26-02-02
Nombre: Job in India
Comentarios: Praxis recruitment: for March 2002

Praxis is looking for Programme Officers to reinforce its core team of
Development Professionals for its Delhi office.
Educational Qualifications: Post Graduate/PG Diploma in Social Sciences from
institutes of repute.
Experience: 2 to 5 years of development experience especially field based.
Job Profile: Participatory Research, Trainings, Networking and Information
Prior experience in using participatory methodologies will be an added
advantage. The job involves travelling to some of the remotest parts of the
country. Praxis is an equal opportunity employer. Women candidates are
encouraged to apply. Those working in the similar organizations are
encouraged to look at secondment/deputation possibilities. Interested
applicants may send their applications to the Administrative Assistant,
Praxis (S-385, Greater Kailash-II, New Delhi 110 048).
Contact: by email:
Fecha - 25-02-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: ACDI/VOCA is seeking a Business Association/Policy Advocacy Specialist for a potential 2 ½ to 3 year position on a
large-scale project in Macedonia. This USAID- funded project will build the competitiveness of Macedonian enterprises in
domestic, regional and global markets. To be considered, candidates must have extensive experience in business
association development.

The ideal candidate will possess:

· 10+ years experience in identifying and developing business associations as well as advocating business issues in
the private and/or public sector setting;
· Extensive experience in competitiveness policy formulation and/or advocacy;
· Experience with applicable international agreements and treaties related to competitiveness;
· Advanced degree in Business Administration, General Management and/or International Business;
· Broad spectrum of knowledge in association building and business development;
· Substantial familiarity with legal and regulatory advancements in the area of competitiveness in the Eastern
Europe/Balkan region;
· International consulting experience, Eastern Europe/Balkan region preferred;
· Macedonian / Albanian language competency preferred.

Please send CV and salary history to No phone calls please; only finalists will be contacted. Women
and minorities encouraged to apply. EOE.

Fecha - 22-02-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: Forest & Environment Sector Adviser
£34,300 - £48,300 (UK taxable) European Commission, Yaounde, Cameroon

At DFID, our central focus is on an international commitment to halving the number of people in extreme poverty by 2015 - through sustainable development, education, and better management of natural and physical environments. So we’re looking for individuals who can bring skills, understanding and patience to even the most complex development activities.

The European Commission funds a growing number of environment and forestry projects in Cameroon and the Central African region - working with government and civil society to promote the sustainable management of forest resources, biodiversity, conservation and poverty alleviation in the forest zone. In implementing and monitoring programmes, the Cameroon Government is supported by an Environment and Forestry Unit, funded by the European Development Fund.

On secondment to the European Commission, you’ll help improve the monitoring of sectoral policy and community support - dealing autonomously with environment and forestry policy, and representing the delegation at technical and co-ordination meetings. It’s also about adding value to the Cameroon-European Union Commission Co-operation programme - and you’ll achieve this by supporting its co-ordination and ensuring environmental aspects are taken into account. You’ll also do some project work monitoring, evaluating requests for funding, and providing administrative and financial supervision.

Degree educated in socio-economics or public management - you’ll already have experience of policymaking including the forest sector. It’s also likely you will have an understanding of humid forest ecosystems, the conservation of biodiversity and community forestry. Around eight years professional experience is required - with at least three spent in developing countries, preferably in Central Africa. You may also have knowledge of the workings of the EDF.

Personally, you’ll need a record of contributing positively to rural poverty reduction and natural resources management - and you’ll have well-developed skills in communicating, financial management, working with a team, and leading people. Political awareness, flexibility and managing change are all also key criteria. Finally, the main working language is French, and a command of English is essential.

This is a three year post - and we offer a package of overseas allowances and an entitlement to fare-paid leave passages.

DFID is an equal opportunities employer. Applications are welcomed from all parts of the community. Selection is on merit. To work for us, you must be a national of a member state of the European Economic Area, a citizen of the British commonwealth with the established right to live and work in the UK, or have been granted refugee status by the UK authorities (as defined by the 1951 UN Convention on Refugees).

For more information on this vacancy, DFID in general, call 01355 843243 or e-mail to request an application pack - quoting Ref. AH375/4C/NC.

Closing date - 13 March 2002.

Fecha - 22-02-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: WORLD COUNCIL OF CREDIT UNIONS, INC. - (International trade association)
Public Relations Representative - Provide public relations for
international credit union movements. Develop national and international
public relations plans, programs and contacts. Responsible for
communications/media outreach support and planning, assist with strategic
communications planning, trace new developments at national/regional member
organizations, assist with researching, writing and editing board chairman
communications; liaison between Congressional press contact. Publication,
layout, formatting and video production experience preferred. B.S. degree
in Communications or Marketing/Public-Media Relations; hands on media
experience required, a minimum of three years national/international PR and
3 years of journalism. Prefer knowledge or experience in Finance,
Development or Micro Finance; work in developed and developing countries;
credit union movement and/or trade association experience; fluency in
Spanish or French. Send resume to WOCCU, Attn: HR, P. O. Box 2982, Madison,
WI 53701-2982, email:

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Fecha - 22-02-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: Program Director
Use your skills to make a difference in Appalachia.

Appalachian Center for Economic Networks (ACEnet) is seeking a seasoned,
innovative, results-oriented economic development professional to lead its
Food Ventures Program. Food Ventures is building a vibrant
food-processing sector in Appalachian Ohio.

The Food Ventures Director must have: at least five years experience
managing people and programs, developing strategies, and setting
priorities in a fast-paced environment; experience identifying and
generating support from federal and state agencies; and, the financial and
business background to manage Food Ventures' businesses activities, which
include a food processing incubator and two retail stores. Must have
excellent communication abilities (writing, speaking, and public
relations) and facility with computer software and communications.

Preference will be given to candidates who have skills in:
· Managing in a team environment
· Exceeding customer expectations
· Starting a successful business
· Enterprise facilitation
· Network building

This is a senior position with excellent benefits, flex time and salary
from $45,000-$60,000 in a dynamic, nationally acclaimed regional economic
development organization. Send resume and three references by March 15 to
the attention of Renee Lawlis-Martin, ACEnet, 94 Columbus Road, Athens, OH
45701. No phone calls please.

ACEnet is an Equal Opportunity Employer
committed to quality job creation in the region.

Renee Lawlis-Martin
94 Columbus Road
Athens, Ohio
Phone: 740.592.3854
Fax: 740.593.5451

Fecha - 16-02-02
Nombre: Dany Vilaró ONEWORLD
Email: Teléfono: 93 484 81 11
Comentarios: Desde OneWorld Spain les remitimos información sobre unos talleres de sensibilización y promoción de la
Cultura de la Paz con sus comunidades municipales de influencia en Colombia, organizados por Corporación Escuela de Formación Ciudadanos Siglo XXI. Este grupo
está interesado en establecer vinculos con organizaciones colombianas e internacionales que acompañen estos
procesos municipales vinculados al voluntariado por la paz.

Talleres de Formación en Cultura de Paz en el departamento de Boyacá, Colombia.

La Corporación Escuela de Formación Ciudadanos Siglo XXI, acaba de realizar 16 talleres de formación básica en Cultura de Paz y Prevención de la Violencia, en los cuales participaron durante dos días 415 personas de cerce de 90 municipios del departamento de Boyacá; este ejercicio pedagógico se realizó en desarrollo de
un convenio con el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) y el Ministerio del Interior de la República de Colombia/Dirección general para la Reinserción.

Para adelantar este ejercicio de formación se editaron 500 juegos de meteriales de apoyo educativo en los siguientes temas:
1) Tipología de la Violencia
2)Conviviencia Social y solución Pácifica de Conflictos, 3) Prevención de la Violencia en la Familia
4) Participación Ciudadana y comunitaria a nivel
5) Conflicto Armado Interno y Solución Política
Negociada. Además de un manual de Metodológias para que estas personas capacitadas en los Talleres realicen actividades de sensibilización en sus respectivos municipios.
Como resultado del proceso se logró vincular a 415 personas como integrantes activos del 'Voluntariado por la Paz' que impulsa la entidad, y se les otorgará una beca para el 'Diplomado en Cultura de paz y Prevención de la Violencia' una vez realicen por lo menos 415 talleres de sensibilización y promoción de la Cultura de la Paz con sus comunidades municipales de influencia.
La corporación está interesada en establecer vinculos con
organizaciones nacionales e internacionales que acompañen estos procesos municipales vinculados al voluntariado por la paz.


Miguel Antonio Galvis
Corporación Escuela de Formación Ciudadanos Siglo / email:

Fecha - 10-02-02
Nombre: Puesto
Comentarios: Unidad Regional de Asistencia Técnica – RUTA
Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola – FIDA


invita a participar en el concurso para ocupar el puesto de:


SERFIRURAL es un programa de asistencia técnica del Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA) para apoyar los proyectos del FIDA en la región centroamericana que trabajan en las finanzas rurales y microfinanzas.


1. Licenciado en economía, administración de empresa, ingeniería industrial o ingeniería agrícola con experiencia en servicios financieros, de preferencia con estudios de post-grado en finanzas rurales o microfinanzas
2. Experiencia mínima de 10 años en actividades directivas, ejecutivas y de seguimiento de programas de microfinanzas o de componentes de servicios financieros de proyectos de desarrollo rural
3. Experiencia de trabajo de algunos años con Organismos Donantes Bilaterales y Multilaterales
4. Conocimiento y relaciones consolidadas con organizaciones intermediarias financieras regionales y nacionales
5. Facilidad para interrelacionarse con otros, capacidad de liderazgo y de trabajo en equipo
6. Acostumbrado a trabajo bajo presión
7. Familiarizado con redacción de informes gerenciales
8. Disponibilidad para viajar frecuentemente dentro de la región centroamericana

Sede de trabajo: el país de residencia actual.

Nivel de remuneración: alrededor de USD 5 000/mes.

Duración de programa: 3 anos.

Enviar curriculum vitae incluyendo referencias al siguiente correo electrónico:

Fecha - 09-02-02
Nombre: Job oportunity
Comentarios: Job Opportunity PPFC (Ottawa)


Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada - Ottawa

The Director of International Programs is responsible to oversee all
aspects of the development, management, monitoring and evaluation of
international sexual and reproductive health programs and partnerships
for Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada (PPFC). As a member of the
Senior Management team, the Director will provide leadership and
strategic direction to PPFC's international programs, to address the
core mission of PPFC.

The ideal candidate will possess a minimum of 5 years experience in
sexual and reproductive health programs; a minimum of 3 years experience
in international development, including experience working in developing
countries; management experience in the NGO (non-governmental) sector;
demonstrated experience in project development and program management;
excellent conceptual, strategic planning, negotiation, communications
and writing skills; extensive experience in human resources and
financial management; demonstrated ability to work in diverse cultures
and demonstrated commitment to the principles and values espoused by

Ability to work in English is essential. Ability to work in French is
desirable. Ability to speak other languages will be an additional asset.

Candidates must be a Canadian citizen or be a permanent resident
(eligible to work in Canada). Please indicate this clearly on your

Salary range CDN $61,538 - $70,769 with a competitive benefits package.

Applications must be received by February 18, 2002 and may be mailed,
faxed or email. We thank all applicants but only those selected for an
interview will be contacted.

Executive Director, Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada, 430 - 1
Nicholas Street,
Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7 Canada. Fax: (613) 241-7550 Email:

WOMEN-HEALTH is an electronic mailing list for activists, researchers, and
policy makers, both nationally and internationally, who are working to
improve women's health. The list was created and is managed by the BC Centre
of Excellence for Women's Health.

To post to women-health send mail to:
To unsubscribe from women-health send mail to with
the message: unsubscribe women-health . For further
help or information, contact the listserve manager:

Fecha - 27-01-02
Nombre: Microfinance positions
Comentarios: Dear Friends,
Please be informed that Oikocredit (based in the Netherlands) has three vacancies: one for deputy general manager, a micro finance specialist and a credit analyst.
We invite you to look at the advertisments at our website:

Fecha - 24-01-02
Nombre: position
> > 320 East 43rd Street, Box 281-O
> > New York, NY 10017
> >
> > Program Officer: Development Finance and Economic Security, Andean Region
> > and Southern Cone (based in Santiago, Chile)
> >
> > Working with the Foundation's Representative for the Andean Region and
> > Southern Cone and a team of professionals based in Santiago, and in
> > coordination with a worldwide staff, the Program Officer will develop and
> > manage program activities in the field of development finance and economic
> > security. He/she will continue and expand support for locally based
> > development finance initiatives to improve access to financial services
> > for low-income and disadvantaged populations, including rural and
> > indigenous groups, poor communities, and micro and small-scale
> > enterprises. The goal of this work is to build financial assets and
> > improve the economic security and livelihoods of these populations.
> >
> > The Foundation's work in the Andean Region and Southern Cone (Argentina,
> > Chile, Colombia and Peru) emphasizes: expansion of development finance
> > networks and institutions to improve access of women, low-income and
> > disadvantaged people, microentrepreneurs and owners of small scale
> > enterprises to financial asset-building strategies, including savings
> > programs and credit and other financial services for microenterprise
> > development, home improvement, small business development, small-scale
> > agricultural production and rural enterprise development; building
> > capacity among research and academic groups to incorporate into their work
> > themes related to development finance, poverty alleviation and financial
> > asset building for the poor; and development and analysis of policy
> > initiatives to help create a supportive policy environment for micro- and
> > small enterprise development. Specifically, the Program Officer will
> > solicit, review and respond to grant proposals; prepare recommendations
> > for Foundation funding; work with the Representative and other Foundation
> > staff in New York on issues related to recoverable grants and Foundation
> > investments in the development finance sector in the Andean Region and
> > Southern Cone; and work with other Foundation staff worldwide in the field
> > of development finance and economic security on issues related to micro-
> > and small enterprise development and asset building.
> >
> > Qualifications: Significant experience with, or knowledge of, development
> > trends in the formal and informal sectors, development finance strategies
> > and institutional models that provide financial services including savings
> > programs for low-income populations, and credit for micro and small-scale
> > enterprise development, informal sector employment and rural enterprise
> > development. Ability to analyze development finance policies and promote
> > the formulation of applied research that can advance the field; capacity
> > to interpret institutional dynamics in the Andean Region and Southern Cone
> > contexts; a teamwork orientation and ability to interact effectively with
> > colleagues from diverse disciplines and perspectives; strong conceptual,
> > organizational, financial analysis, and oral and written communication
> > skills in Spanish and English. Also desirable: Experience in development
> > finance in the Andean Region and Southern Cone; prior experience in
> > program development or project management; and familiarity with civil
> > society development efforts in this region. A graduate degree in a
> > related field is strongly preferred. Previous grantmaking and/or program
> > development experience also is desirable.
> >
> > To apply for employment, please send (in English) resume, cover letter,
> > and brief writing sample (5-20 pages of original work to Ms. M. Baldwin
> > preferably e-mail to or to the above address by
> > February 28, 2002. All applications must be in English.
> >
> > Equal employment opportunity and having a diverse staff are fundamental
> > principles at The Ford Foundation.
> >

Fecha - 23-01-02
Nombre: Job
Comentarios: The Ford Foundation
Program Officer: Development Finance and Economic Development Andean Region
and Southern Cone (based in Santiago, Chile)
The Program Officer will develop and manage program activities in
development finance and economic security. S/he will expand support for
locally based development finance initiatives to improve access to financial
services for low-income and disadvantaged populations emphasizing: expansion
of development finance networks and institutions to improve access to
financial asset-building strategies; building capacity among research and
academic groups; and development and analysis of policy initiatives to help
create a supportive policy environment for micro- and small enterprise

Qualifications: Significant experience with/knowledge of, development trends
in the formal and informal sectors, development finance strategies and
institutional models that provide financial services including savings
programs for low-income populations and credit for micro- and small-scale
enterprise development, informal sector employment and rural enterprise
development. Ability to analyze development finance policies and promote the
formulation of applied research; capacity to interpret institutional
dynamics in the region; and oral and written communication skills in Spanish
and English. Also desirable: experience in development finance in the
region; prior experience in program development or project management; and
familiarity with civil society development efforts. A graduate degree in a
related field strongly preferred; and previous grantmaking and/or program
development experience is desirable.

To apply, please send (in English) resume, cover letter, and brief writing
sample (5-20 pages of original work) to Ms M. Baldwin preferably by email
( or to 320 East 43rd Street, New York, NY 10017,
USA, by 28 February 2002.

Equal employment opportunity and having a diverse staff are fundamental
principles at The Ford Foundation

Fecha - 23-01-02
Nombre: Habitat
Comentarios: Novedades en:

* 5 de febrer de 2002. Palma, España. Primera jornada del Fòrum per
a la Sostenibilitat de les Illes Balears": Sostenibilitat: què és
I com la mesuram?, que organitza la Conselleria de Medi Ambient.
Más información:

* 3 de abril de 2002. Camagüey, Cuba. Fecha tope para la entrega de
resúmenes para la participación en el Tercer taller internacional
sobre vivienda popular y de interés social "ViPo'2002" que se
celebrará el 19 al 21 de junio del 2002. Más información.

* 7 al 13 de julio de 2002. Bribsbone, Australia. XV Congreso
mundial de Sociologia: El mundo social en el siglo xxi: legados
ambivalentes y desafios emergentes. Organizado por International
Sociological Association (ISA). Más información


Mariano Vázquez Espí

Si desea incluir una convocatoria en enviela
a en texto plano o wp5.1. Es imprescindible
consignar fecha, lugar y forma de contactar con la organización.

Fecha - 22-01-02
Nombre: Job announcement

Chicago, IL - The start-up South Side Community Development Credit Union is currently seeking applications for full-time Manager and Assistant Manager positions. Applicants for both positions will have expertise in community development and community banking/credit unions and a genuine commitment to economic empowerment of low- and moderate-income people.

Manager should have extensive experience with provision of an array of financial services and loan products, experience at growing a customer/membership base; knowledge of NCUA rules and regulations, human resources and appropriate computer systems; should be extroverted, comfortable with an ombudsperson role and skilled at managing all day-to-day operations.

Assistant Manager should have experience with teller functions, loan processing and collection, computers, marketing, day-to-day operations and be customer/member-friendly.

Salaries determined by qualifications, experience and present salary. Mail, e-mail or fax resume with references and salary information by February 15, 2002 to: Al Hofeld, Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago, 111 West Jackson, Suite 300, Chicago, IL, 60604; 312-341-1041 (fax); { GOTOBUTTON BM_1_} E-mail inquiries only, please.

Fecha - 15-01-02
Nombre: Position Announcement
Comentarios: Position Announcement

Position: Program Coordinator for the Pacific West Regional Forestry Center

Location: Taylorsville, California (the rural northern Sierra Nevada Mountains)

Closing Date for applications: January 31, 2002 (no fax or digital applications will be accepted)

Forest Community Research seeks a program coordinator for the Pacific West Community Forestry Center. The Pacific West Community Forestry Center (Center) is one of four regional centers that are part of the National Community Forestry Center, a project of the National Network of Forest Practitioners. The Center integrates research and rural people's knowledge into activities that improve community well-being, and build the research capacity of rural communities.

The Pacific West Community Forestry Center works to increase the capacity of communities to participate more effectively in natural resource decision-making; facilitates intra- and inter-group collaboration; and helps make local knowledge more available to scientists and policymakers and research more available to rural people. The Center facilitates collaboration between researchers and rural communities, and works to more effectively link practitioners in forest communities throughout the rural forested regions of California, western Oregon, and western Washington.

The program coordinator will work closely with a citizens advisory council to foster new relationships between practitioners, communities, and researchers with a focus on underserved communities in the Pacific West.

As identified by the advisory council, the Pacific West Community Forestry Center work centers on five thematic areas:

ÿ The current and mobile ecosystem workforce
ÿ Traditional Environmental Knowledge
ÿ Environmental Justice with an emphasis on networking upstream and downstream resource management groups and rural and urban residents
ÿ Socioeconomic monitoring and assessment
ÿ Adaptive Management

In addition to working with the advisory council, the coordinator works closely with the National Center Director, the Director of Forest Community Research, and with a professional research and education team at Forest Community Research. The Center Coordinator will be involved in diverse community-based forestry research, and will work with a wide variety of community-based groups in the five thematic areas identified above.

The successful applicant is comfortable and effective working with and facilitating groups, will hold of a minimum of a masters degree in a relevant field or have equivalent experience, is knowledgeable of and has experience in natural resources and the social sciences, has experience with and a passion for participatory research, and has excellent writing and organizational skills. The successful applicant will have several years of experience with project management and demonstrated excellent project management and administrative skills. The applicant is creative and willing to assist project partners in diverse ways to advance learning and ensure success. Knowledge of Spanish a plus. Travel throughout the Pacific West is required, along with occasional trips beyond the Pacific West Region. This position is based at Forest Community Research's main office in Taylorsville, California, in the Northern Sierra Nevada Mountains. The area is a lightly populated, natural resource dependent area, with good schools and outstanding outdoor recreation opportunities. A competitive salary is offered.

Send cover letter, résumé or vita, names and phone numbers of four people willing to serve as references, and one writing sample to: Pacific West Community Forestry Center, Forest Community Research, Attention: L. Hanson, P.O. Box 11 (4438 Main Street), Taylorsville, California 95983. No faxed or digital applications please. Deadline for applications is January 31, 2002. For more information, see our website at and Women and people of color are encouraged to apply.

What Is The National Community Forestry Center?

The National Network of Forest Practitioners (NNFP) received a grant from the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture to develop the National Community Forestry Center (NCFC). The NCFC, established in June 2000, is a network of a national center and four regional centers in Appalachia, the Southwest, the Pacific West, and the Northeast. Advisory councils representing diverse citizen interests provide guidance for each regional center. Working with these citizen councils, the NCFC aims to integrate research and rural people's knowledge into activities that contribute to community well being, as well as build the research capacity of rural, forest-based communities. The NCFC is a collaborative effort led by the NNFP in conjunction with each of the following regional centers:

Northern Forest Center, Yellow Wood Associates, St. Albans, VT
Pacific West Forest Center, Forest Community Research, Taylorsville, CA
Southwest Forest Center, Forest Trust, Santa Fe, NM
Appalachian Forest Center, a new host will be chosen by February 2002

The primary activities of the National Community Forestry Center are:

… Promote learning and action through participatory research.
… Provide better information sources, exchange, and dissemination on natural resource issues.
… Increase networking and capacity-building opportunities among forest practitioners, rural communities, researchers, and policy-makers.
… Develop adult education, training, and technical assistance programs related to issues and opportunities defined by rural communities.
… Participate in natural resource policy discussions and decisions at local, state, and federal levels.
… Link forest communities within and across bioregions to conserve natural resources and enhance social and economic opportunity.
… Facilitate collaboration between researchers and rural communities.
… Build rural community-capacity for self-determination.

Who is Forest Community Research?

Forest Community Research is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing community well-being and community-based approaches to ecosystem management through, research, education, dialogue, and community capacity building. Since 1993, we have worked toward bridging the thinking between people and groups with different-and at times competing-ideas about social and natural resources. The focus of our work is on the intersection of Communities and
… Land and Water Management;
… Resource Policy and Legislation;
… The Practice of Scientific Research; and
… Networks and Institutions that Catalyze Local Capacity Building.

The organization pursues its mission by:
… Identifying and developing indicators to measure, monitor and assess community well-being and ecosystem health;
… Planning and implementing applied research related to community development (e.g., poverty, worker displacement, community capacity).
… Facilitating education and dialogue to support and encourage community-based approaches to sustainable social, economic and ecological development.
… Designing and facilitating public involvement activities.
… Providing education and training about the use of participatory research, evaluation, and monitoring.
… Developing programs, networks, and institutions to build local capacity.
… Producing and participating in analyses that affect resource policy decisions and legislation.
… Coordinating efforts among community groups locally and across regions and states to improve our understanding of the interconnection between community well-being, sustainable resource management, and the equitable distribution of benefits.


Forest Community Research
4438 Main Street
P.O. Box 11
Taylorsville, CA 95983

telephone: 530-284-1022
telefax: 530-284-1023
Fecha - 10-01-02
Nombre: Job posting
Comentarios: Program Director
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Battle Creek, Michigan

Greater Battle Creek Programming

Company Information: The W.K. Kellogg Foundation is a nonprofit organization, based in Battle Creek, whose mission is to help people help themselves through the practical application of knowledge and resources to improve their quality of life and that of future generations. We are currently seeking a highly effective, experienced professional to join our team and to help further the mission of the Foundation by contributing their knowledge and expertise.

Responsibilities: The Program Director is responsible for leadership and vision in program conceptualization, design, planning, management, coordination, communication, evaluation, and learning from programming efforts (specific program initiatives and general purpose grantmaking), largely working in teams or in partnership with others.

Requirements: The professional we seek must possess a minimum of:

Master's degree in field relevant to assigned area
Significant work experience (10+ years) in neighborhood-based comprehensive community initiatives and/or community development
Broad, generalist background with deep and comprehensive understanding of program design, evaluation, networking and systems change
Evidence of effective work and expertise in the area of economic asset creation (i.e., IDA's, Community Development Credit Unions) and community development
Experience in youth and education programming and non-profit organizational management
The ability to use interpersonal and political skills in cooperative, collaborative, and diplomatic ways
A global thinker with demonstrated ability to develop and implement programs that have impact
This position requires the incumbent to reside in the city of Battle Creek. Significant amount of community engagement during business and non-business hours are required.


To Apply: We offer an excellent total compensation/rewards package that includes competitive pay and a comprehensive benefits program. For immediate and confidential consideration, please forward your resume/vitae and letter of application to:

W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Human Resources Department, Re: BC Search Committee
One Michigan Avenue East
Battle Creek, MI 49017-4058
Fax: (616) 969-2189

Job Type: Program
Organization Type: Foundations

Fecha - 22-12-01
Nombre: Jobannouncement

Professional Opportunity with the Wisconsin Coordinating Council on
Nicaragua (WCCN)

WCCN seeks a person committed to economic and social justice to fill the
following full-time staff position at its office in Madison, Wisconsin.

The Nicaraguan Credit Alternatives Fund (NICA Fund)

The Nicaraguan Credit Alternatives Fund (NICA Fund) is an alternative
credit program of WCCN which connects socially responsible investors in
the US with economic sectors in Nicaragua with little access to other
sources of credit. The NICA Fund has over $4 million of invested funds
from over 300 socially responsible investors. This money is being lent
to more than 6,000 disadvantaged Nicaraguans.
WCCN is seeking a new Loan Fund Manager (LFM) to administer the NICA
Fund. The LFM's primary responsibilities include:

Financial Management
Investor Relations
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
Legal Matters

The LFM must:

Produce various monthly and quarterly financial reports;

Monitor WCCN¹s commercial bank accounts ­ both in the US and in Nicaragua
- and help to authorize transactions between these banks; and

Ensure that the NICA Fund remains solvent and financially sound.

The LFM must:

Maintain a database and files on the investors;

Produce and distribute the necessary legal documents (ie, loan agreements
and promissory notes) to investors;

Ensure that the NICA Fund's investors are paid on time; and

Handle all correspondence with investors. (This includes answering
questions and keeping investors well informed about the status of their
loans and the NICA Fund¹s work in general.)

More generally, the LFM should solicit new investors and help to
disseminate information about the NICA Fund through various activities,
such as public speaking, developing promotional materials, and
contributing articles to WCCN¹s newsletter.

The LFM must guide WCCN's Board of Directors and the NICA Fund's
Oversight Committee in their duties related to planning, monitoring and
evaluation. This includes:

Presenting new loan proposals to the Committee and Board for their

Providing various financial statements to the Committee and Board so they
can monitor the performance and financial status of the NICA Fund and its
partner agencies;

Propose appropriate policy changes and long-term goals to the Committee
and Board for their approval.

The LFM must become registered as an "agent of issuer", which entails
passing the Uniform Securities Agent State Law Exam (series 63).

The LFM must have:

Ability to produce and analyze standard financial reports;

Understanding of microlending and other alternative credit methodologies,
such as cooperatives;

Knowledge of and experience with grassroots economic development,
especially in Latin America;

Knowledge and experience in non-profit organizations, including work with

Ability to use FilemakerPro, Excel and Word programs; and

Ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing, in English
and in Spanish.

A familiarity with Nicaraguan culture, history and politics also is
helpful but not essential. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the
LFM should be committed to social justice and economic empowerment.

Salary at low-to-middle thirty-thousand range (depending on experience)
with health insurance, retirement plan, 2 weeks paid vacation plus eight

January 22, 2002. Position to start March 1, 2002.

Mail resume and cover letter to:

WCCN, P.O. Box 1534, Madison, WI 53701.

Or send by e-mail to:

WCCN encourages women and minorities to apply. Please note that the LFM
should be willing and able to travel to Nicaragua at least once per year.
Also, the LFM should be willing and able to engage in light clerical
duties as is necessary. For more information about WCCN and the NICA
Fund, visit our website at

Fecha - 21-12-01
Nombre: microfinance job
Comentarios: Association for Enterprise Opportunity (AEO)


Position Location: AEO national office in Arlington, Virginia.

Organization Description: AEO is the national association of organizations committed to microenterprise development. We provide our members with a forum, information and a voice to promote enterprise opportunity for people and communities with limited access to economic resources. AEO represents the United States microenterprise agenda in both national and international communities. AEO members represent a broad range of microenterprise development programs as well as many other organizations that support AEO’s mission, such as financial institutions, community economic development organizations and community-based organizations serving low-income communities across the nation. For additional information, please visit our website at

Position Description: AEO is seeking a highly motivated individual to serve as a Program Manager to assist in the daily project management of several AEO initiatives. This position will be supervised by the Senior Program Manager for Special Initiatives.

Project Oversight: Over the past 3 years, AEO has increased capacity within the organization to design and manage projects in partnership with the private sector and foundations. These projects bring additional program development opportunities to the microenterprise field and are called “Special Initiatives.” These include the following:

The Prudential Young Entrepreneur Program (PYEP) – This is a training and lending pilot program currently based in Newark, NJ and Philadelphia, PA.
The Rural Microenterprise Best Practices Project – This is a two year initiative that convenes Learning Clusters to identify innovative rural “Best Practices.”
The Appalachian Region Microenterprise Initiative – This project will develop state microenterprise associations and build the capacity for microenterprise development in very low-income areas of the Appalachian region.
The American Express Community Business Card project – This is a new small business services credit card from American Express that “gives back” 1% of purchases to microenterprise programs.
The Microenterprise/TANF Initiative – This project assists target states to impact state policy related to the use of “welfare” funds for microenterprise development.
The Standards and Accreditation Project – This project is developing a set of standards for the microenterprise field and a system to certify that microenterprise programs in the United States meet those standards.
The Program Manager will assist in daily management of the projects, facilitate communication among project partners and the AEO network, manage project budgets, identify project “best practices” and any needed project improvements, and develop project reports. The Program Manager will assist in exploring and developing other potential special initiatives. The Program Manager will also support AEO committees and conferences as a member of the AEO staff team.

Qualifications: A minimum of two years of direct microenterprise practitioner experience is desired. Experience in both rural and urban programs is preferred. Computer proficiency in Excel, Microsoft Word, and Access 2000 is a plus. Bachelors Degree required, Masters a plus. Candidate must possess excellent written and oral presentation skills. Candidate must have strong project management experience including: ability to conceptualize and manage new programs; ability to develop RFPs and project reports; ability to supervise external partners and consultants; ability to manage communications among external partners; an understanding of program evaluation; ability to develop and carefully track budgets; and the ability to develop timelines and work plans to meet project benchmarks.

The successful candidate should be a team player who can work towards consensus-based decisions on tough issues, and should also be a self-starter and quick learner.

Salary: The salary is commensurate with experience, in a range of $30,000 through $44,000.

Time frame: This position is open effective December 20, 2001 and will remain open until filled.

To apply: For consideration, please send your resume with a detailed letter of interest. Emailed information is preferred. Send to both: Bill Edwards, Executive Director, AEO, 1601 N. Kent Street, Suite 1101, Arlington, Virginia 22209. Telephone: 703-841-7760. Fax: 703-841-7748. E-mail:; and also Natallie Keiser, Senior Program Manager, AEO, 1076 Manigault Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30316. Telephone: 404-581-1727. Fax: 404-581-1727. Email:

AEO is an equal opportunity employer.

Apologies for unintentional multiple posting.

Alan Tin
AEO Conference Coordinator
T: 808.732.2294
F: 808.732.2794

Fecha - 20-12-01
Nombre: Banco Ibereroamericano de desarrollo
Comentarios: BID/FOMIN - La Iniciativa de Innovación:
Extensión al plazo de entrega de perfiles - 4 de enero del 2002

El Programa "La Iniciativa de Innovación", auspiciado por el Banco
Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y el Fondo Multilateral de Inversiones
(FOMIN), se complacen en anunciar que el plazo para entregar perfiles a ser
considerados en la segunda convocatoria a concurso ha sido extendido del 20
de diciembre del 2001 hasta el 4 de enero del 2002. Esta extensión dará a
las instituciones interesadas dos semanas adicionales para preparar y
presentar sus perfiles, los que deberán ser enviados a la siguiente
dirección electrónica:
La información y los formularios requeridos para presentar perfiles al
concurso se encuentran en la siguiente página web:

Fecha - 17-12-01
Nombre: E-civicus
Comentarios: e-CIVICUS - Connecting civil society worldwide - Number 145
13 December, 2001


A. From the desk of the CIVICUS Secretary-General
B. Relevant position listings
C. General news about civil society and citizen action
D. International conferences/workshops/meetings/fairs and exhibitions
E. Training courses
F. New publications
G. Internet news and websites
H. Scholarly support and awards
I. From the reader
J. Funders and donors profile



"From this vision of the role of the United Nations in the next century
flow three key priorities for the future: eradicating poverty, preventing
conflict, and promoting democracy. Only in a world rid of poverty can all
men and women make the most of their abilities. Only where individual
rights are respected can individual differences be channeled politically
and resolved peacefully. Only in a democratic environment, based on respect
for diversity and dialogue, can individual self-expression and
self-government be secured, and freedom of association be upheld." - United
Nations (UN) Secretary-General Kofi Annan, while accepting the 2001 Nobel
Peace Prize

On 10 December, the UN and its Secretary-General Kofi Annan received a
well-deserved tribute for their service to the international community, in
the form of the 100th Nobel Peace Prize. The UN's three key priorities for
the future as outlined by the Secretary-General, reflect as well the vision
for the future shared by civil society activists around the world. Although
Secretary-General Kofi Annan, unfortunately, did not directly refer to the
contribution of civil society over the past century in building a more free
and just world, his speech reaffirmed the common values which are at the
core of the UN charter, national constitutions and charters of civil
society organisations everywhere. The Secretary-General made an impassioned
plea for a 'people-centered' approach to issues of security and development
and respect for human rights of all individuals. By beginning his address
with a reference to the probable plight of a girl born in Afghanistan
today, he also drew attention to the rights of the girl child.

Secretary-General Kofi Annan pointed out that all over the world, there are
more memorials for war than there are for peace, a fact which renders the
Nobel Peace Prize truly significant. Over the years, this prize has been
awarded to peace activists, political and religious leaders, as well as
civil society organisations (CSOs) working for peace, often at grave
personal risk. By virtue of their moral authority in the international
arena, several of these Nobel Peace Prize laureates came together on
December 10th to release a joint statement, with the hope and message that
"peace and justice will reach the hearts and minds of those in and out of
government who have the power to make a better world". The statement was
signed by CSOs such as the International Peace Bureau, Amnesty
International, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War,
International Campaign to Ban Landmines, as well as political and
non-political leaders including Bishop Desmond Tutu, Rigoberta Menchu Tum,
Lech Walesa and Oscar Arias.

Coincidentally, two important international events scheduled for this week
pick up the themes of respect for international law and human rights,
emphasized by the Nobel Laureates. December 10th was observed as World
Human Rights day in several countries, with celebrations being led by CSOs
as well as the UN Commission for Human Rights. On the 12th and 13th of
December, Global Consultations called by the UN High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR) to mark the 50th anniversary of the Convention of Refugees
will take place in Geneva. It has been called "the most important global
meeting on refugees" since the 1951 Geneva Convention was adopted. The NGO
convention, attended by over 50 organisations working for refugee and
immigrant rights, is already underway. The Refugee convention has certain
inviolable principles, which have frequently been ignored in the "national
interest" of countries over the past five decades. The NGO, Human Rights
Watch, has warned that world nations have consistently violated certain
established norms of refugee protection. An example of this is the
principle of "non-refoulement", which mandates that states may not return a
refugee, in any manner whatsoever, to a country where his or her life or
freedom would be threatened. Yet, states continue to turn back refugees at
their borders and even in mid-sea. At this time of heightened security
alert in every country, we must be equally vigilant that our civil
liberties and rights are not set back by real or perceived threats. Unless
we respect international agreements in a time of crisis, we will undo every
progress we have made over the past five decades. Thus, while the Global
Consultation is a good step, CSOs warn that unless a firm commitment is in
place, the Refugee Convention will become a mere political instrument.

Civil Society Practitioners around the world have a special obligation to
inform and educate themselves regarding these international agreements, and
to encourage dialogue on their continued relevance and effective
implementation. It is also worthwhile to pause in celebration of those
moments when these cherished values are publicly acknowledged.

Warm regards, Kumi Naidoo

For further information please visit,, website of human rights watch, website of amnesty international, website of the UN High commissioner for Refugees, website of the UN Commission on Human Rights, official website of the Nobel Foundation



CIVICUS is an international civil society movement with members in over one
hundred countries. CIVICUS works with its members, and a rapidly growing
network of partners at national and global levels, to ensure that civil
society organisations enjoy the rights to organise, speak freely and to
promote the common good. CIVICUS facilitates activities to nurture the
founding, growth, protection and resourcing of citizen action worldwide and
especially where participatory democracy, freedom of association and
expression, and other enabling conditions for civil society are threatened.
Recent global events have reinforced our commitment to these values.

CIVICUS is entering a dynamic phase of expansion, with offices in
Washington, DC, London and Johannesburg. Several new positions have now
become available in our Johannesburg office, among them:

- Chief Operating Officer
- Director of Programmes
- Director of Communications
- Manager for Finance and Administration
- Human Resources and Logistics Manager

In our Washington office, we currently have an opening for: Assistant
Director, Development & Public Affairs.

CIVICUS is committed to developing an internationally diverse staff. The
official working language is English, but preference will be given to
candidates who are also fluent in major international languages as well as
those with relevant experience at the national and international levels.
For full position descriptions please visit

Interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume detailing
relevant experience, qualifications, current salary, three letters of
reference, and salary expectations to:
CIVICUS, Personnel Department
ADDRESS: 919 18th Street, NW, Third Floor, Washington, DC 20006, USA
FAX: (1-202) 331-8774
E-MAIL: (preferred).

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Closing date for applications for the Assistant Director, Development &
Public Affairs, Washington, DC and for the Human Resources and Logistics
Manager, Johannesburg, South Africa is 8 January, 2002. For all other
positions in Johannesburg, South Africa the closing date is 15 January, 2002.

(Temporary Contract)

CIVICUS is an international civil society movement with members in over
hundred countries. CIVICUS works with its members and a rapidly growing
network of partners at the national and global levels to ensure that civil
society organizations enjoy the rights to organize, speak freely and to
promote the common good at all levels. CIVICUS facilitates activities to
nurture the development, growth, protection and resourcing of citizen
action worldwide, especially where participatory democracy, freedom of
association and expression, and other enabling conditions for civil society
are threatened.

CIVICUS is seeking a senior researcher to work on further development of
the CIVICUS Index on Civil Society project, which aims to assess the state
of civil society on a country-by-country basis and to provide civil society
stakeholders with a tool for reflection, dialogue and agenda-setting.

In 2000/01, the Civil Society Index project has been implemented in its
pilot phase in thirteen countries. Over the last months, an external
evaluation study has been carried out to provide CIVICUS with a thorough
assessment of the pilot implementation of the Index, in order for CIVICUS
to revise the approach and methodology and to develop a more effective
strategy of implementing the project in 2002/2003. For more details on the
project, please visit our website at

To complement the team working on the re-design of the project, CIVICUS is
seeking a researcher with the following qualifications:

- At least an M.A. degree in the social sciences (political
science/sociology/social psychology)
- Fluency in English
- Minimum five years experience in planning, developing and conducting
social science research projects, preferably on civil society/voluntary
organizations/social capital
- Experience in the management of research projects
- Wide practical experience in and theoretical knowledge of various social
research methods (especially expert rating methods, survey research,
group-dynamic processes and other qualitative research methods)
- Readiness to creatively search for viable solutions to complex research
- Ability to adapt to the specific circumstances of an international and
complex research project already under way
- Familiarity with, and commitment to, the cause of civil society and
citizen participation

- First-rate interpersonal and teamwork skills
- Work exposure in different cultural settings
- Excellent oral and written communications skills
- Good computer skills
- Experience with international organizations
- Abilities in Spanish, French, Russian or Arabic

The researcher will be contracted on either a full-time basis over three
months or a part-time basis over six months (work schedule negotiable).
S/he will work closely with the CIVICUS Index on Civil Society project manager.

If you would like to apply for this contract position, please submit an
electronic copy of your resume and cover letter to by
January 9, 2002. If you have any questions regarding the contract position,
please contact project manager Finn Heinrich at


[IYV Press]

5 December, 2001

The International Year of Volunteers - which has now come to a close - gave
us all a timely opportunity to look closely at the entire phenomenon of
volunteering, and to raise awareness of the vital contributions that
volunteers make to building strong and healthy societies around the world.

Without the help of 10 million volunteers, UNICEF and its partners would
not have been able to immunize 550 million children against polio. As of
2001, the value of that support was an estimated USD 10 billion - well
beyond the reach of what the United Nations or its partner organizations
could have handled on their own.

And without the help of millions of farmers, fishermen, pilots and sea
captains, the World Meteorological Organization would not be able to
collect vital data on weather conditions around the world. Two years ago,
one such volunteer, at the age of 93, was honoured by weather-watchers for
having read, every day for 56 years, hydrological meters.

Such dedication comes in many forms. And contrary to what many people say,
volunteering does not occur only among the better-off members of society.
Of the 4,500 United Nations Volunteers serving around the world every year,
more than two-thirds are from developing countries. Indeed, people from all
walks of life and strata of society, and from all cultures and religions,
give time to help their fellow men and women.

We must do all we can to support this invaluable work. The Year is over,
but the engagement of volunteers has become no less important. We need
their commitment more than ever to help reach our goal of a better and
safer world for all. On International Volunteer Day, let us hope that many
more people will be inspired to roll up their sleeves and join the
worldwide movement of volunteers. Each and every one of us, wherever we
live or work, has something to share.

For more information please visit:


"The strengthening of the bridge between power and society" was the main
topic of the Civil Forum held in Moscow, Russia on 21-22 November, 2001
which hopes to bring a new dimension to civil society issues in Russia. At
the event over 5000 participants took part in about 70 "round tables", 21
discussions on specific themes.

The Union of Charitable Organizations of Russia initiated and organized the
round table" on "Russian charity: technology and ways of development" in
the meeting hall of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. The
representatives of the State, NGOs and Business participated. Caryn Wilde,
consultant of USAID, also expressed her opinion on the problems under

The following questions were discussed:
- Conception of the development of charity in Russia and the necessity of
creation of National Program on its base;
- expansion of state support to charity and the creation of a united system
of charitable activity in Russia;
- the condition of legislation and the necessity to reform the legal base
of charity;
- transformation of charitable activity into social policy of the State;
- tax privileges in building up cooperation of socially oriented business
and NGOs.

Participants agreed to create the Intersectoral Commission, which will
include representatives of federal state bodies, NGOs, socially oriented
businesses and experts. The body will serve as a mechanism of the
realization of the decisions adopted at the "round table". The Protocol,
signed by A. Ossadtchikh, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy, and
P. Ishenko, President of the Union of Charitable Organizations of Russia,
has become a formal result of the "round table".

There is a hope, that the Civil Forum will give a real impulse for the
development of the institutions of civil society, and the discussion of the
problems of charity during the Forum will be taken forward.

For more information please contact:

[The Newswire]

The Youth Development and Outreach Program of the Inter-American
Development Bank, IDB YOUTH, with the collaboration of the Bank's
Information Technology for Development Unit are pleased to invite you to
participate in an Electronic Consultation on "Youth Leadership in the XXI

The consultation's purpose is to highlight the active role that young
people play in the development process of their countries in the following
three areas: Entrepreneurship, Learning and Volunteerism.

We are asking youth and youth organizations to submit their projects in
execution that have been developed and managed by young people in their
communities or countries in one of the three areas of the consultation.

The electronic consultation will take place from 17 December, 2001 to 18
January, 2002.

This electronic consultation is the first event in a series of youth
activities that will culminate at the Annual Meeting of the Board of
Governors of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Inter-American
Investment Corporation (IIC) in March 2002 in Fortaleza, Brazil.

The consultation provides a space to show country leaders and people
working on development issues, the crucial role that young people are
playing in the socioeconomic development process of their countries.

Of all the projects submitted in the consultation, twelve from Latin
America and the Caribbean will be chosen to illustrate best practices, in
each of the three topics. Additional projects will be chosen from Asian
countries. A representative from each chosen project will participate in
the program of youth activities in Fortaleza, Brazil and will have the
opportunity to showcase their project. The organizers will pay
transportation and lodging.

At the conclusion of the electronic consultation, a CD-ROM will be made to
store all the projects submitted as a learning tool for future reference by
other young people in the region. The projects will also be published in
the IDB Youth Website.

We hope you will be encouraged to share your experiences and knowledge by
submitting a project in this electronic consultation. Please visit

For more information please visit:

(Conferences marked with an asterisk (*) are appearing in this newsletter
for the first time)


The main aim of this seminar is to evaluate the experiences on Long Term
Volunteering in Central and Eastern Europe gained by Service Civil
International (SCI) and its partners over last years. We would like to
discuss also the possibilities for further development, including use of
EVS programmes.

Participants expected who:
- have experiences in the field of M/LTVing in CEE;
- are responsible for this in their organisations;
- have been LTVs themselves
- plan to start such activities in their organisations / countries
- have other relevant knowledge and experience

Organisers provide the following financial conditions:
- costs of programme, materials, board and lodging is fully covered;
- contribution to travel costs 75% (not more than 250 Euro);
- participation fee for SCI East-West WG members - 30 Euro;
- participation fee SCI East-West WG non-members 45 Euro;
- representatives of non-eligible countries (here: organisations, who knew
about project from our announcements, but did not send us their support
letter) will donate extra 20 Euro;
- additionally there will be a Travel Fund created to support higher travel
costs of the organisations in difficult financial conditions. This can
happen only on the basis of prior written request and depending on the
project's budget.

For more information and application form please contact SIC.
Application deadline: 20 December, 2001

DATE: 22-28 January, 2002
VENUE: St. Petersburg, RUSSIA
ORGANISER: Service Civil International
CONTACT: Service Civil International, East-West Working Group Secretariat
Sekretariat d/s Wspolpracy Wschod-Zachod
ADDRESS: ul. Krasinskiego 3 A/1, 60-830 Poznan, POLAND
TEL.: (48-61) 848-4336
FAX: (48-61) 848-4337




DATE: 18-22 February, 2002

A current concern and priority for managers and senior practitioners in the
NGO sector is how to build the capacity of their organisations and that of
their partner organisations. Southern and Eastern NGOs, other civil society
groups and Northern NGOs and official agencies seek to develop and
implement strategies that focus not only on programme performance but also
on strengthening organisations.

This course takes an Organisational Development Approach to Capacity
Building, focusing on the strengthening of the organisation as its central
theme. In particular, the importance of understanding organisations and the
process of change and development within them will be addressed:
- Understanding organisations; how they work, develop and adapt in a
rapidly changing environment
- Relating understanding of organisations to the way you work, both
internally and with partner organisations
- Unpacking `capacity-building' - what is good practice?
- Examining the roles of Northern NGOs/ donors in capacity-building
- Exploring new forms of partnership

Cost: GBP 785.00 (Price includes course fees, accommodation and meals).
Deadline of applications: 18 January, 2002


DATE: 18-22 March, 2002

Donors' demands for greater accountability, together with our own need to
learn from & build on our own experiences have led to rapid developments
within the field of Monitoring and Evaluation. Participatory methods have
grown in importance as the development community recognises the necessity
for involving all stakeholders in the process of development, in order that
learning should take place which can contribute to sustainable development
processes. At the same time, there has been the realisation that the more
traditional monitoring & evaluation methods, based on linear, cause effect
interpretations of social development, are limited and need to be enriched
by contributions of other perceptions and realities.
This course will examine:
- The purposes of monitoring & evaluation
- Stakeholder perspectives and an overview of participatory methods
- Monitoring & evaluation of outcomes & impact at project, programme and
organisational level
- Managing the process
- Ensuring institutional learning

Cost: £785.00 (Price includes course fees, accommodation and meals).
Expressions of interest by 18 January, 2002.

For further information and application forms please contact:
Rebecca Blackshaw, INTRAC


DATE: 18-22 February, 2002
VENUE: United Nations, New York, USA

Graduate Credit or Audit dedicated to the International Decade on
Nonviolence for the World's
Children (2001-2010)

Professor: Virginia Swain, Director, Institute for Global Leadership and
Adjunct Faculty, Salve Regina University.

Key Presenter: Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury, Former Permanent
Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations

Participants will learn an intervention process for a civil society
response to complement and strengthen the United Nations world security
system for global challenges. Emphasis is on the development of human
rights, global ethics, values, and systems that will secure greater
ecological integrity, peace, economic and social well-being. Perspectives
on addressing terrorism will be given from a coexistence and reconciliation
perspective. This course is dedicated to the International Decade of
Nonviolence for the Children of the World (2001-2010).

This course draws on the following research and presentations of Ms. Swain:

At the Conference organized by The Hague Appeal for Peace at the Hague:
Establishing Professional for Mediation and Reconciliation at the United
Nations and A Proposal for a Global Mediation and Reconciliation Service
for the International Community: in the Transforming Violent Conflict
Strand of the conference.
The presentation was made on the panel Building an Effective World Security
System: Enhancing the Capacity of the United Nations to Prevent and Resolve
Armed Conflict, 9 May, 1999.

Presentation at We the Peoples Millennium Forum, calling for a Mediation
and Conciliation service for the General Assembly and the Security Council
referring to the Special Committee of the General Assembly on the Charter
and Strengthening the Work of the Organization, Chapter 6, the articles
dealing with peaceful settlement of disputes, 22 May, 2000.

Engendering a Dialogue between the United Nations and International Business
Presentation to Ms. Rosario Green, Special Advisor to U.N.
Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, 14 February, 1996.

Celebration of the Children of the World, United Nations, New York,
(Masters Thesis, Lesley University, 1993). A Peacebuilding Process of
Reconciliation was introduced, developed in local and international
settings for 9 years, 9 December, 1992.

Sponsor: This course is sponsored by the Salve Regina University Masters
Program in Holistic Counseling and Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury, Former
Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations. Ambassador Chowdhury is
a past President of the Security Council and the initiator of the Culture
of Peace Programme and the International Year (2000) and the Decade of a
Culture of Peace the the United Nations General Assembly. The former
Ambassador to the United Nations is a past president of the Security
Council and the initiator of the International Decade on Nonviolence for
the Children of the World (2001-2010).

Cost: USD 900 for 3 graduate credits; USD 250.00 for auditing.

To register please contact:
Salve Regina University, Newport, RI
Tel.: (1-401) 847-6650 x 2943, register for course HLC 560

Room and board the responsibility of participants. Meals will be available
in the United Nations Cafeteria. Students make their own overnight

For More Information please contact:
TEL.: (1-508) 753-4172, (1-212) 947-7111 Ext. 171
FAX: (1-508) 753-7683


Llamas Weavings and Organic Chocolate: Multicultural Grassroots Development
in the Andes and Amazon of Bolivia
by Kevin Healy

published by the University of Notre Dame Press

This new book offers a rendition of the contributions of civil society to
grassroots development in Bolivia over the past thirty years. After
providing a critique of the Western-centric modernization paradigm for
development, the author demonstrates through the stories of 9 grassroots
projects the social processes managed by NGO's and grassroots federations
that revitalized the nation's indigenous cultural heritage for grassroots
development .

The stories feature weaving revivals, public education reforms from the
bottom-up, consciousness-raising education among indigenous women,
grassroots campaigns gaining new recognition for llama meat, native potato
bio-diversity and collective land rights and the successful marketing of
quinoa(the nutritious Andean "supergrain") and organic chocolate(from cocoa
beans) to high-paying Western health food stores within a context of

To order please visit: University of Notre Dame Press


A newly published CD-Rom "Youth Actions for Sustainable Local Development
in Senegal: From Global to Local Agendas" is the result of a research
initiative undertaken within the framework of the International Year of
Volunteers 2001 and aiming to garther information on all aspects related to
youth volunteering and participation in Senegal.

"Capitalizing 10 years in volunteering actions, I wish to share with all of
you this important tool for research, training, learning experiences
conducted abroad, advocacy and lobbying." - Ibrahima Kane, Founder and
President of the Senegalese Youth and Human Settlements Development
Network, Senegal

Due to the lack of sponsorship for publication an amount of USD 34 is
requested for the CD-Rom (covering the technical and postage).

To order please contact:

Concepts and Tools for Decision-Makers in Developing and Transitioning

by Derick W. Brinkerhoff, Abt Associates, Benjamin L. Crosby, Management
Systems International

272 pp
Official publication date January, 2002
ISBN 1-56549-142-4 US$ 25.95 paper

Managing Policy Reform offers concepts and tools to navigate the 'how' of
policy change, in order to enhance democratic governance.

The authors base their book on experience in more than 40 countries, from
regional to national and local levels, with government officials, private
sector entrepreneurs, and civil society groups, as part of USAID's
"Implementing Policy Change" project.

They provide lessons for decision-makers on improving the effectiveness of
policy implementation, strategies to increase the implementation
feasibility of reform, and to foster stronger links between democratic
governance and policy management; and tools for designing, managing, and
influencing policy reforms that can be used by reformers in government,
donor agencies, NGOs, civil society groups and the private sector.


Derick W. Brinkerhoff is Principal Social Scientist at Abt Associates,
Inc., Bethesda, Maryland. He was the research director for the IPC Project,
and was previously associate director for research at the University of
Maryland's International Development Management Center.

Benjamin L. Crosby is a Director of Management Systems International and
was technical assistance director for the IPC Project. He has over 30 years
experience with public, private sector and NGO management problems in over
thirty countries. He spent fifteen years on the faculty of the Central
American Institute of Management (INCAE) in Nicaragua and Ecuador.

To order this book please visit the Kumarian website at or
send an e-mail to



Governance resources available now online, which feed into the Montreal
International Governance Meeting. Available at:



The Charity Know How (CKH) Grants Programme - now run by Allavida - is
being re-launched for 2002. The CKH programme provides small grants (up to
£15,000) for cross-border skill-sharing partnerships between
Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) based in Central and Eastern Europe
and the Newly Independent States. Projects should contain a significant
element of transfer of know-how, and can include training programmes for
NGO staff and volunteers, professional advice and study visits. In addition
to the General Programme, there are two new schemes: Global Grants which
encourages links between organisations in this region and Asia, Africa or
Latin America, and Partnership Development Grants which aims to develop
longer-term sustainable NGO partnerships

The CKH programme cannot fund applications from individuals, the teaching
of English as a foreign language or other student programmes, any building
or capital costs, the costs of transporting humanitarian aid or medical
equipment, core costs such as office rent or equipment, and artistic or
cultural exchanges.

There will be just two grants rounds in 2002, with deadlines of 26 February
and 27 August.

Certain priorities have been identified, including:

- Cross-border partnerships within the following sub-regions (Balkans and
Carpathians; Caucasus; Central Asia; Western CIS).
- Partnerships where skills and 'know-how' are transferred from larger,
more experienced NGOs to smaller, grass-roots, community-based
organisations, which would otherwise have limited access to funding.
- Partnerships under the 'Global Grants Programme' involving organisations
from two or more of the regions identified (CEE/FSU; Africa; Asia; Latin
America). Beneficiary NGOs should look in particular for partners who can
offer tools, techniques and methodologies which would be difficult to find
within the beneficiaries' own broad region, or who can offer a different
focus or approach to problems.
- Sustainable partnerships, which involve a longer-term engagement between
the organisations, rather than a short-term partnership which exists for
the terms of the project only.

Further information, copies of the application form and guidelines are all
available on the Internet: or by email from


Buenos Aires, Argentina - Women's Voices - a video initiative to give poor
women a voice In public policy making in Nairobi, Kenya - won the 2001 APC
Betinho Communications Prize.
Redeemed Village and Mathare 3B are two huge slums surrounding Nairobi.
Poorly constructed mud, carton and rusting iron sheet shelters crowd
together along twisted narrow lanes, which serve as open drains. Water and
electricity are scarce. Residents are seriously affected by violent crime,
illegal drugs and alcohol, HIV/AIDS and unemployment.

"Women's Voices", a project of the Intermediate Technology Development
Group (ITDG), set out to talk to the women living in these neighbourhoods
to ask them how they felt they could most effectively get involved in the
public policy debate on poverty; an area where women's voices were seldom
heard. They came up with an unexpected use of technology. Raising funds to
purchase their own digital video equipment, including old and borrowed
Betamax cameras, the women learnt scripting, shooting and editing and how
to present their communities by showing rough-cuts and recording opinions
and asking for contributions to the story and the narratives.

Read more:

The prize winner has also been covered by BBC Online. See:
and webcast at:



Congratulations for having your strategic plan endorsed by the Board. I
hope it has some direction to address the gender disparities we face in
many different form, economic, social and political. My organization (tgnp: can be very resourceful in ensuring that the gender
dynamics specifically in Africa are not left out as they play a great role
in sustaining the existing undemocratic leadership.

Best regards,

Aggripina Mosha


CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation is an international
alliance dedicated to strengthening citizen action and civil society
throughout the world.

e-CIVICUS is produced weekly, and distributed to thousands of subscribers
worldwide. If you would like to comment on a past issue of e-CIVICUS or
request that appropriate information about your organisation be included in
a future issue of e-CIVICUS, please contact the CIVICUS Newsletter Office
at the following e-mail address:
Due to space restrictions, we may not be able to include all submissions.

To subscribe: send a blank e-mail with 'subscribe' in the subject line to
To unsubscribe: send a blank e-mail with 'unsubscribe' in the subject line

Co-ordinator of e-CIVICUS:
Miklos Barabas, Programme and Communications Director
TEL.: (36-1) 356-8440 FAX: (36-1) 356-8499

Fecha - 13-12-01
Nombre: Habitat
Comentarios: Novedades en:

* 17 and 18 December of 2001. Brussels, Belgium."Science, Society
and the Citizen", conference of "Public Awareness of Science and
Technology in Europe and its Regions, Building Bridges with
Society. Best Practices, Benchmarking and Regional Diversity".
More informtion .

* 18, 19 and 20 December of 2001. Naples,Italy.International
meeting: urban safety and sustainable development. Achieving a
decentralised co-operation framework in the Mediterranean. Event
design, co-ordination and management: Medsafe Network Secretariat
International Institute Stop Disasters. More information

* 14 de enero de 2002. Salamanca, España. Fin del plazo de
presentación de comunicaciones y solicitud de becas para el VII
Congreso Internacional y Castellano-leonés de Antropología
Iberoamericana: Emigración e integración cultural, que se celbrará
del 25 al 28 de febrero de 2002. Organiza: Universidad de
Salamanca. Programa provisional: Cultura y derechos del emigrante.
México y la Emigración. España y la Emigración. Emigración e
Integración. Emigración entre España y América. LaIntegración
cultural en Brasil. Más información: o en

* 21 al 25 de enero del 2002. La Habana, Cuba. Uso del Project 2000.
La dirección integrada de proyectos (Project. Management) haciendo
uso de la Nuevas Tecnologías de la Informática y las
Comunicaciones en el marco del Perfeccionamiento Empresarial. Más

* 13 y el 15 de febrero de 2002. Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela. I
encuentro cultural de las américas: la gestion del patrimonio
cultural de los centros historicos y su importancia social,
politica y economica. Enfocado a temas concernientes a la
importancia social, política y económica de los centros históricos
y a su gestión como expresiones del patrimonio cultural de los
pueblos americanos. Más información:

* 3 al 7 de junio de 2002. Matanzas, Cuba. V Taller Internacional
Ecología y Desarrollo. Más información:
Centro de Estudios de Medio Ambiente de Matanzas y la Universidad
de Matanzas
E-mail: / / /

* 17, 18 y 19 de junio de 2002. Tenerife, España. Conservación y
restauración de la arquitectura de tierra. Organizado por el
Centro Internacional de Conservación del Patrimonio (CICOP). Más

* 16 al 20 de septiembre de 2002. Alclá de Henares, Madrid, España.
I Congreso Iberoamericano de Etica y Filosofia Politica. Tendrá
una seccion dedicada a la Etica y Politica del Medio Ambiente. Los
coordinadores de esta seccion del evento estan llamando a los
interesados en enviar ponencias, asi como propuestas para mesas
colectivas y simposios. Más información:
o en etica

Mariano Vázquez Espí

Si desea incluir una convocatoria en enviela
a en texto plano o wp5.1. Es imprescindible
consignar fecha, lugar y forma de contactar con la organización.

Fecha - 13-12-01
Nombre: Civicus
Comentarios: -CIVICUS - Connecting civil society worldwide - Number 144
12 December, 2001

Special edition

10 December, 2001

Dear CIVICUS Members and Partners,

It is hard to believe that it has been about three months since the CIVICUS
World Assembly in Vancouver. We continue to receive positive feedback from
those who were able to attend the assembly. To those of you who were unable
to attend, we will be circulating a full report early in the New Year.

I am writing today to advise you of some recent decisions taken by the
Board of Directors. We believe these decisions will enhance the ability of
CIVICUS to strengthen citizen action and civil society throughout the world.

First of all, the board endorsed the Strategic Plan inherited from the last
Board and are working with the secretariat to make more clear the strategic
direction implied in the plan and also the linkages between strategic
direction and programmatic activities.

Second, the Board made some key decisions about the location of CIVICUS'
operations. The location issue was a key element of the strategic plan.

We will maintain a strong presence in the United States by undertaking our
advocacy and donor liaison activities out of our Washington office.

We will also solidify our presence in Europe through an office in London
where we will centralize our fundraising activities.

Finally, we will consolidate all other CIVICUS operations and programme
activities in a new office we will establish in Johannesburg, South Africa.
We believe that by centralizing most of our operations in Johannesburg, we
can best meet the needs of civil society worldwide.

Kumi Naidoo, our Secretary General will spread his time between these three
offices to ensure maximum coordination of our fundraising (London),
programming (Johannesburg) and advocacy (Washington, DC) efforts. During
2002, he will use Washington, DC as his primary base overseeing
transitional arrangements occasioned by the expansion in 2002 and leading
our advocacy efforts. This will be reviewed at the end of 2002.

The third major decision the board took had to do with staffing. The board
agreed that the growing demands on CIVICUS and the expansion of its
programme of activities warrants a scaling up of staff and that a major
expansion of staff will take place in 2002.

I want to take advantage of this opportunity to ask for your assistance
with the staff recruitment efforts that will begin shortly. The Secretary
General will make one of his key priorities in 2002 the recruitment,
induction and orientation of staff. Kumi and the board are very keen that
we make every possible effort to ensure that the CIVICUS staff reflects
global diversity. I encourage you to publicise the various new positions
that are now listed on our website and encourage people who you think might
be suitable to apply for these positions.

These decisions were taken with the enthusiastic and full support of the
board. We are fully aware that they will have a profound effect on the
future of CIVICUS and believe that they will better enable CIVICUS to reach
its full potential.

On behalf of the CIVICUS board, the Secretary General and all the staff at
the secretariat, I wish you and your family a peaceful and prosperous New
Year. We look forward to working with you in 2002 to ensure civil society
and citizen participation is strengthened around the world.

Best Wishes,

Patrick Johnston,
CIVICUS Board of Directors


CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation is an international
alliance dedicated to strengthening citizen action and civil society
throughout the world.

e-CIVICUS is produced weekly, and distributed to thousands of subscribers
worldwide. If you would like to comment on a past issue of e-CIVICUS or
request that appropriate information about your organisation be included in
a future issue of e-CIVICUS, please contact the CIVICUS Newsletter Office
at the following e-mail address:
Due to space restrictions, we may not be able to include all submissions.

To subscribe: send a blank e-mail with 'subscribe' in the subject line to
To unsubscribe: send a blank e-mail with 'unsubscribe' in the subject line

Co-ordinator of e-CIVICUS:
Miklos Barabas, Programme and Communications Director
TEL.: (36-1) 356-8440 FAX: (36-1) 356-8499

Fecha - 05-12-01
Nombre: Habitat
Comentarios: Novedades en:

* 10 al 13 de diciembre de 2001. Amurrio, Vizcaya, España. II
Jornadas técnicas medioambientales: urbanismo en Amurrio: buscando
el modelo de municipio sostenible. Más información

* 13 de Diciembre de 2001. Getafe, Madrid, España. Jornada sobre
consumo urbano de agua y desarrollo sostenible. Organiza:
Ayuntamiento de Getafe y Fundación Canal de Isabel II. Lugar: Sala
de Conferencias del Centro de Arte "Ciudad Getafe" C/ Ramón y
Cajal, 22 (Junto Estación Centro de Cercanías). Información:
Ayuntamiento de Getafe.
Departamento de Medio Ambiente
Tel: 0034 91 649 91 29
Fax: 0034 91 649 91 76

* 15 de diciembre de 2001. Fin del plazo de presentación de
artículos en la revista Virajes del Departamento de Antropología y
Sociología de la Universidad de Caldas, sobre el tema: La Ciudad:
Perspectivas antropológicas, históricas y sociológicas. Más

* 14 de enero de 2002. Salamanca, España. Fin del plazo de
presentación de comunicaciones y solicitud de becas para el VII
Congreso Internacional y Castellano-leonés de Antropología
Iberoamericana: Emigración e integración cultural, que se celbrará
del 25 al 28 de febrero de 2002. Organiza: Universidad de
Salamanca. Programa provisional: Cultura y derechos del
emigrante. México y la Emigración. España y la Emigración.
Emigración e Integración. Emigración entre España y América.
LaIntegración cultural en Brasil. Más información:
o en

* 21 al 25 de enero del 2002. La Habana, Cuba. Uso del Project 2000.
La dirección integrada de proyectos (Project. Management) haciendo
uso de la Nuevas Tecnologías de la Informática y las
Comunicaciones en el marco del Perfeccionamiento Empresarial. Más

* 12 al 15 de febrero de 2002. Cienfuegos, Cuba. AGRONAT'2002.
Organiza: Universidad de Cienfuegos. Temática: Ciencias Agrarias.
Más información: o en

* 25 al 28 de febrero de 2002. Salamanca, España. VII Congreso
Internacional y Castellano-leonés de Antropología Iberoamericana:
Emigración e integración cultural. Organiza: Universidad de
Salamanca. Programa provisional: Cultura y derechos del emigrante.
México y la Emigración. España y la Emigración. Emigración e
Integración. Emigración entre España y América. La Integración
cultural en Brasil. Más información: o en

* 1 de abril a 12 de junio de 2002. Baeza, Jaén, España. VI Maestría
en Agroecología y Desarrollo Rural Sostenible en América Latina y
España. Organiza: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía. Sede
Antonio Machado en Baeza. Más información

Mariano Vázquez Espí

Si desea incluir una convocatoria en enviela
a en texto plano o wp5.1. Es imprescindible
consignar fecha, lugar y forma de contactar con la organización.

Fecha - 05-12-01
Nombre: Posicion Announcement
Comentarios: Position Announcement - Accounting Manager, Ocala (FL) Housing Authority


Are you looking for an exciting career change and the opportunity to grow? Then, become an integral team member of a premier housing agency that is aggressively promoting affordable housing in Marion County, Florida. The Ocala Housing Authority (OHA) is seeking an experienced professional with proven GAAP accounting, supervisory, grant administration, management information system and communication skills. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the performance of administrative and supervisory tasks involving the oversight of the finance, accounting and Management Information System operations of the housing authority. This position will supervise two accounting clerks. OHA operates a $7 million budget; and has 185 public housing units, 1,100 Sec 8 vouchers and 55 Moderate Rehab units. We are currently building 65 new single-family homes, and are the co-developer of several low-income housing tax credit projects. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: B.S. degree in accounting, finance, business administration, or a related field of study; at least 5 years of progressively responsible supervisory experience in GAAP, government or nonprofit accounting; grants administration; and Management Information Systems. Attainment of a Masters degree in an appropriate field of study may be substituted for 2 years of work experience. Candidates must possess, or within one year of hiring, obtain a Certified Financial Manager designation, or its equivalent. All candidates should have a thorough knowledge of HUD rules, regulations and guidelines; possess good interpersonal skills; and should be dependable, computer literate and a fast learner. HIGHLY DESIRED: CPA designation and experience working in subsidized housing and/or community dev. agency. Salary is negotiable based on experience and qualifications. The OHA offers excellent benefits. Interested applicants must submit a letter of interest, Resume, salary requirements and 3-year salary history, to: Ocala Housing Authority, Human Resources Dept., 233 SW 3rd St., Ocala, FL 34474. Position is opened until filled. The OHA is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Drug Free Work Place (352) 369-2636.

Fecha - 16-11-01
Nombre: Position annoucement
Comentarios: Position Announcement
University Of New Mexico, School Of Architecture And Planning

Assistant/Associate Professor of Planning. Seeking a tenure track faculty member with expertise in applied physical planning and design at the site, subdivision, community and regional scale. Research and teaching undergraduate and graduate seminars and planning studios, advise master’s students, engage in community service and sponsored research, and assume regular faculty responsibilities. Salary commensurate with qualifications.

Minimum Qualifications
Candidates must have a Masters or Ph D degree in Community and Regional Planning, Urban Studies and Planning, or a terminal professional degree in a related field. Show a record of professional experience, academic publications and experience in teaching studio and seminar courses in physical planning. Have a well-defined research and community-based practice agenda and show promise for distinguished scholarship and professional accomplishment.

Preferred Qualifications
Exhibit demonstrated expertise in community-based design and development, and ecological planning and infrastructure design. Have skill in applied physical planning and design at the site, subdivision, district, community and regional scale Knowledgeable about the preparation, administration and review of physical plans and design proposals with experience in assessing the impact and planning solutions affecting the natural and built environment. Demonstrate the ability to work in interdisciplinary settings and familiarity with use of GIS technology.

Critical Dates
Application Deadline: February 15, 2002
Beginning Date: August 1, 2002

Signed letter of intent, curriculum vitae, and names of four academic references (with addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail). Short- listed candidates will be asked to submit copies of selected work.

Send To
Professor Ric Richardson, Search Chair
Community and Regional Program
School of Architecture and Planning
University of New Mexico
2414 Central Avenue SE
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1226.

The University of New Mexico is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator.

Fecha - 12-11-01
Nombre: Devfinances
Comentarios: Vietnamese Rural Business Support Project
Asian Development Bank

ACDI/VOCA is looking for qualified candidates to fill 3 SHORT-TERM positions for a project to provide sustainable
business support services to viable micro-, small- and medium-scale enterprise as well as to microfinance institutions
in Vietnamese rural areas. Positions and level of effort are listed below. All candidates must have at least 10 years'
experience and be nationals of an AsDB member country, regional and AsDB experience is a plus. Team leader must possess
both AsDB and relevant regional experience.

a. MSE Business Support Service Specialist/Team Leader (6 months)
b. Small Business Training Specialist (3 months).
c. MSE Credit Specialist (3 months)

Please submit resume and cover letter to Barbara Breckenridge at Please include "VRBS" in the
subject line.

Fecha - 09-11-01
Nombre: Devfinance
Comentarios: ACDI/VOCA is recruiting a Chief of Party to lead a 3-year community development program in Central Asia funded by USAID.
The successful candidate will work in collaboration with host government, public, private and NGO organizations, USAID
and other international donors to enhance client/stakeholder partnerships for sustainable results.

The successful candidate will possess:
Knowledge of USAID;
Prior COP experience preferred;
Masters/Ph.D. in business, economics, or social sciences;
Business or financial background;
Experience in FSU countries. Regional experience preferred;
Knowledge of area language preferred;
A minimum of 10 years experience in community/social infrastructure, microcredit/micro loan, grants management, SME
development, job training and creation, economic development, housing or conflict resolution.

Highly desirable skills include: community organizing and planning, grants management, economic development, gender
programs, micro-loan and small business development services, industry association development, water/irrigation
infrastructure development.

Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Respond with resume, cover letter, and salary history to Attn:
Bbreckenridge-FIN-CAR or fax to (202) 626-8726. No phone calls please.

Fecha - 07-11-01
Nombre: Oferta de puesto
Comentarios: JOB TITLE

Renaissance Economic Development Corporation is a nonprofit organization
that provides affordable credit and technical assistance to immigrant-
, minority-and women-owned small businesses and entrepreneurial ventures
in targeted neighborhoods in New York City. Renaissance offers loans
of up to $50,000 and significant technical and training support through
formal classroom seminars, workshops and individualized counseling.

For the position of Business Support Assistant, Renaissance seeks
an individual with experience in the area of technical assistance
provision and training for small business owners and micro-entrepreneurs.
Responsibilities include assisting with all Renaissance technical
assistance and training activities, including:

·Provide individualized business development counseling to disadvantaged

·Conduct outreach and marketing efforts to promote Renaissance training
and technical assistance events.

·Assist with coordination of workshops, training, seminars, and special

·Assist with the Legal Service Program.

·Assist with development of curriculum for business training classes
and workshops.

·Prepare business plans and follow-up reports.

·Generate client tracking reports and databases.

·Develop and maintain partnerships with collaborators.

·Attend community development related meetings, conferences, and
special events.

Candidates for the Business Support Assistant will have a minimum
of 2 years experience in the provision of technical assistance to
small business owners and entrepreneurs. Other requirements include:
familiarity working in low-income, immigrant communities; experience
with all aspects of business start-up and operation; interpersonal
skills, strong writing skills, and proficiency with Microsoft Office
Suite (Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint).

Please feel free to contact Cathy C. Smith, Program Manager at 212-
964-6022 ext. 218.

Fecha - 31-10-01
Nombre: Habitat
Comentarios: Novedades en:

* 6 de noviembre de 2001. Madrid, España. Programa de actividades,
presentación de Buenas Prácticas. 19:00 h. Organización:
Fundación COAM y Ministerio de Fomento
Salón de Actos de la Fundación Cultural COAM
c/ Piamonte 23. 28004 Madrid
Fax: 34 91 319 88 90

* 14-16 novembre 2001. Can Tapera (Palma), España. III Jornades del
Medi Ambient de les Illes Balears. Més informació.
Secretaria de les jornades
Societat d'Història Natural de les Balears. Estudi General Lulúlià
c/ Sant Roc n.4. 07001 Palma
Tel: 34 971 719667
Fax: 34 971 719667

* 15 de noviembre de 2001. Bilbao, España. Plazo de inscripción al
Congreso La bicicleta en la ciudad. Nuevos modos de movilidad en
el s XXI (22-23 noviembre 2001). Más información.
Secretaría del congreso:
Iniciativas ambientales
Juan de Urbieta, 6-13. D-I. 48015 Bilbo
Tel: 34 94 447 92 06
Fax: 34 94 447 88 41

* 28 November 2001. Copenhagen, Denmark. Environmental Justice and
Global Citizenship (14 to 16 February 2002). Further information:
Dr Rob Fisher

* 30 de marzo de 2002. València, España. Fin de plazo de admisión al
Programa de Doctorado "Urbanismo, Territorio y Sostenibilidad".
Más información:
Departamento de Urbanismo
ETSAV, Camí de Vera, 13
Universidad Politécnica de València
46022, València
Coordinador del Programa: Fernando Gaja i Díaz
Tel: 34 96 387 72 85
Fax: 34 96 387 72 89

* 3 al 7 de junio de 2002. Matanzas, Cuba. V Taller Internacional
Ecología y Desarrollo. Mayor información:
Centro de Estudios de Medio Ambiente de Matanzas y la Universidad
de Matanzas
E-mail: / / /

Mariano Vázquez Espí

Si desea incluir una convocatoria en enviela
a en texto plano o wp5.1. Es imprescindible
consignar fecha, lugar y forma de contactar con la organización
Fecha - 28-10-01
Nombre: Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea Microfinance and Employment Project
Asian Development Bank

Weidemann Associates, Inc., selected by the Asian Development Bank to submit a proposal for Microfinance Development, is looking for qualified candidates to fill key positions. This project will contribute to economic growth in Papua New Guinea through private sector development, employment creation, and development of the financial system by providing sustainable microfinance services to viable formal and informal enterprises, and savings services to the population at large. The project will build the institutional capacity of MFIs, so that the MFIs can offer sustainable services to micro and small enterprises, particularly in rural areas.

There are three components of this project:
a. Microfinance Competence Center: Assist the Government in establishing a microfinance competence center (MCC) to promote capacity building of MFIs. The MCC, among other activities, will set up a network of existing microfinance service providers to create a forum for policy implementation.
b. New Savings and Loan Products: Develop and test new savings and loan products and delivery methods for financial services, and will support MFIs in implementation. This component will focus on linking community savings groups with financial institutions. Overall, the project will provide international expertise, equipment, and training to develop, test, and implement new savings and loan products, and equity for the pilot microbanking scheme.
c. Revolving Finance Facility: Establish the RFF, which will provide the necessary funding for MFIs to achieve sustainability and expand their loan portfolios.

Weidemann Associates, Inc. needs 5 long-term Team Members:
a. Microbanking Adviser/Team Leader: Assist the project manager, the Institute of Banking and Business Management (IBBM), and the Bank of Papua New Guinea (BPNG) in planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating project activities.
b. Curriculum Devt & Training Specialist: Assigned to the MCC to work under the guidance of the microbanking adviser. (S)he will also design a training curriculum.
c. Microfinance Product Devt Specialist: Work under the guidance of the microbanking adviser and in close collaboration with the institutional development specialist. Work with development, testing, and implementation of new loan products.
d. Microfinance Institutional Devt Specialist: Establish, operate, and document the pilot microbanking in Wau.
e. Finance Facility Specialist: Assist BPNG in designing and establishing the revolving finance facility. Finalize the design of financial instruments of the revolving finance facility.

Please pass this notice on to friends and colleagues!

For more information regarding this project, please contact Jenny Oman from Weidemann Associates, Inc. at
Fecha - 27-10-01
Nombre: Wweidemann
Comentarios: Papua New GuineaMicrofinance and Employment ProjectAsianDevelopment Bank
WeidemannAssociates, Inc., selected by the Asian Development Bank to submit a proposalfor Microfinance Development, is looking for qualified candidates to fill keypositions. This project will contributeto economic growth in Papua New Guinea through private sector development,employment creation, and development of the financial system by providingsustainable microfinance services to viable formal and informal enterprises,and savings services to the population at large. The project will build the institutional capacity of MFIs, sothat the MFIs can offer sustainable services to micro and small enterprises,particularly in rural areas. There are three components of this project:
Microfinance Competence Center: Assist the Government in establishing a microfinance competencecenter (MCC) to promote capacity building of MFIs. The MCC, among other activities, willset up a network of existing microfinance service providers to create aforum for policy implementation.
New Savings and Loan Products: Develop and test new savings and loan products and delivery methodsfor financial services, and will support MFIs in implementation. This component will focus on linking communitysavings groups with financial institutions. Overall, the project will provide international expertise,equipment, and training to develop, test, and implement new savings andloan products, and equity for the pilot microbanking scheme.
Revolving Finance Facility: Establishthe RFF, which will provide the necessary funding for MFIs to achievesustainability and expand their loan portfolios. Weidemann Associates, Inc. needs 5 long term TeamMembers:
Microbanking Adviser/Team Leader: Assist the project manager, the Institute of Banking and BusinessManagement (IBBM), and the Bank of Papua New Guinea (BPNG) in planning,implementing, monitoring, and evaluating project activities.
Curriculum Devt & Training Specialist: Assigned to the MCC to work under theguidance of the microbanking adviser. (S)he will also design a training curriculum.
Microfinance Product Devt Specialist: Work under the guidance of the microbanking adviser and in closecollaboration with the institutional development specialist. Work with development, testing, andimplementation of new loan products.
Microfinance Institutional Devt Specialist: Establish, operate, and document thepilot microbanking in Wau.
Finance Facility Specialist: AssistBPNG in designing and establishing the revolving finance facility. Finalize the design of financialinstruments of the revolving finance facility. Please pass this notice onto friends and colleagues! For more information regarding this project,please contact Jenny Oman from Weidemann Associates, Inc. at or by phoneat (703) 522-3075 ext 21.

Fecha - 27-10-01
Nombre: Roberto Simeon
Comentarios: Nombre: Roberto Simeon
Los social revolucionarios cubanos comprometidos historicamente con la autonomia municipal aspecto fundamental de nuestro programa, y por ese objetivo varias generaciones de revolucionarios cubanos han realizado accion politica y educacion popular.
Nosotros estamos muy interesados en vuestros trabajos y nos solidarizamos con el mismo.
Agradeceriamos nos enviaran algunos trabajos sobre el "desarrollo municipal alternativo" que es tema que Uds. han desarrollado responsablemente.
Rogamos ademas informacion sobre el 5 congreso con el tema "Ciudad y desarrollo urbano" y el preprograma elaborado.
Roberto Simeon
Secretario del PSRDC

Fecha - 25-10-01
Nombre: gustavo arencibia
Comentarios: Quiero recibir el boletin en mi email

Fecha - 25-10-01
Nombre: Africap
Comentarios: AFRICAP Microfinance Fund Recruitment
October 23, 2001

AFRICAP is a $15 million 10 year venture capital fund that will invest in leading commercial microfinance institutions across Africa. The fund manager, AFRICAP MicroVentures, will manage a for-profit investment facility and a parallel grant-funded Technical Services Facility. The investment objective is to build successful MFIs and generate a profit and valuable development outcomes; the strategy is to focus on the emerging microfinance sector with flexible instruments and rigorous commercial criteria; and a key operating principle will be to co-invest wherever possible and strengthen linkages to local capital markets.
We are currently seeking two experienced and energetic individuals to join the fund management team in Dakar, Senegal:

1) TSF Manager
The Technical Services Facility Manager will work as part of a small team of investment professionals to develop an integrated package of support (capital+governance+institutional development) to a small number of investee institutions. The challenge will be to work closely with the senior management of investees to jointly assess, prioritize and then design and subcontract an appropriate package of focused institutional development activities, to be funded with grants from the TSF.
In addition, the second category of TSF expenditures will be targeted towards the development of a commercial microfinance industry in Africa, and will include a comprehensive communications strategy, organization of regular meetings of AFRICAP investees or other conferences, and contracting for research into best practices in the field, for the benefit of investees.
¨ refine the TSF policies and operating guidelines, and communicate same
¨ conduct institutional evaluation of potential AFRICAP investees, often in conjunction with investment appraisal developed by Investment Officer and Manager
¨ develop appropriate technical assistance (TA) program jointly with investee, on basis of evaluation
¨ cultivate linkages with qualified TA providers, and negotiate and monitor subcontracts with same, giving preference to African capacity development
¨ promote industry development through communications strategy, conference organization, selected support to key regulatory authorities, and specification and subcontracting of research assignments into, and dissemination of, best practices including new technologies of relevance to investees
¨ report regularly to Investment Committee on progress of TA programs and TSF activities

¨ analytical ability to assess institutional strengths and weaknesses, from a financial as well as institutional point of view
¨ solid understanding of microfinance industry and African business environment
¨ written and verbal communications skills, working knowledge of English and French required
¨ willingness to travel regularly throughout Africa to visit investees
¨ sensitivity to specific cultural and institutional conditions at each investee which will require combination of tact and resolve to maximize effective impact
¨ knowledge of procedures and policies of development aid agencies an asset
¨ independent initiative to explore and evaluate best and new practices, emerging technologies and other aspects of competitive advantage in the developing financial services business

¨ submit application and CV by November 9 to AFRICAP Investment Manager – email: []
¨ start date – January 2002
¨ contract position for at least two years, possibly longer

2) Investment Officer
The Investment Officer will work closely with the Investment Manager to develop investment opportunities among the emerging field of microfinance institutions in Africa and focus on a select few for a long-term relationship. Such investees will be given appropriate support over a five to eight year period to ensure their development into successful models of commercial microfinance, thus requiring a mixture of financial, strategic and personal skills to build the relationship, grow the company, and realize a profit upon divestment.

(the Investment Officer will work with the Inv. Manager on all these tasks, and assume increasing responsibility)

¨ conduct investment appraisals, including on-site visits, management interviews and due diligence
¨ prepare investment proposals for consideration by Investment Committee
¨ coordinate review of potential investees with other members of MicroVentures staff as well as other AFRICAP shareholder representatives
¨ identify and evaluate new investment opportunities through personal and institutional contacts
¨ assist with negotiation of potential investments and execution of approved investments
¨ prepare quarterly reports on investee portfolio, including financial and qualitative information
¨ assist with regular monitoring of investees, including regular meetings with senior management and possible participation at Board meetings

¨ MBA or other business/commercial education or professional accreditation
¨ experience working in financial institutions, investment banks or related field
¨ bilingual (French and English)
¨ solid understanding of legal, regulatory and business environment in Africa
¨ willingness to travel regularly throughout Africa
¨ ability to work independently and take initiative, as well as collaborate with other member of MicroVentures team and the AFRICAP network
¨ strong inter-personal skills, able to build relationships at senior level with AFRICAP investees and to represent AFRICAP in marketplace
¨ mixture of hard-nosed business attitude and skills and passion for development

¨ submit application and CV by November 9 to AFRICAP Investment Manager – email: []
¨ start date – January, 2002
¨ salary commensurate with experience
¨ performance incentive linked to Fund profit

Fecha - 25-10-01
Nombre: AEO
Comentarios: Association for Enterprise Opportunity (AEO)

PROGRAM ASSOCIATE: Training and Membership

Position Location: AEO national office in Arlington, Virginia.

Organization Description: AEO is the national association of organizations committed to microenterprise development. We provide our members with a forum, information and a voice to promote enterprise opportunity for people and communities with limited access to economic resources. AEO represents the United States microenterprise agenda in both national and international communities. AEO members include a broad range of microenterprise development programs as well as many other organizations that support AEO’s mission, such as financial institutions, community economic development organizations and community-based organizations serving low-income communities across the nation.

Position Description: This position requires a creative, energetic and highly motivated individual to advance AEO’s work in providing membership development and training and technical assistance to our members and other interested organizations and individuals. This work will involve the following activities:

· Assisting in planning and coordinating regional and national training events for AEO.

· Assisting AEO staff in the planning and implementation of the Annual AEO conference (May of every year).

· Interacting with a variety of groups, including AEO staff and Board, AEO members, the AEO Training and Technical Assistance Committee, AEO’s Membership and Communications Committee, state and federal government staffs, and national and community-based partner organizations to enhance Membership and Training and Technical Assistance initiatives.

· Managing the membership database, including data entry, report generating, etc.

· Developing, testing and executing new membership recruitment campaigns and strategies.

· Developing, testing and executing new membership retention/renewal strategies and improving the renewal process.

· Fielding questions and requests from member organizations and providing links to resources.

· Providing general administrative support as needed.

· Carrying out other responsibilities as assigned both verbally and/or in writing.

Qualifications: The ideal candidate will have experience in the domestic microenterprise field. Experience in training and membership development is also desired for this position.

The successful candidate will be skilled in consensus-based decision-making, will possess excellent oral and written communication skills, and will be a self-starter who can work with minimum supervision. Candidate should be computer proficient, particularly in word and data processing. The individual should have a Bachelor’s degree.

Supervision: The Program Associate for Training and Membership will be co-supervised by, and report to, the Senior Program Manager and the Program Manager for Training and Technical Assistance.

Salary: The salary is commensurate with experience.

Time frame: This position is open in late October 2001 and will remain open until a qualified individual is hired.

To apply: For consideration, please send your resume with a detailed letter of interest to: Bill Edwards, Executive Director, AEO, 1601 N. Kent Street, Suite 1101, Arlington, Virginia 22209. Telephone: 703-841-7760; fax 703-841-7748; e-mail:

AEO is an equal opportunity employer. Minorities are strongly encouraged to apply

Fecha - 24-10-01
Nombre: Habitat
Comentarios: * 25 de octubre de 2001. Madrid, España. Charla-debate con el Frente
Social y Político de Colombia. 19:30 h. Convoca: Colectivo de
Refugiados Colombianos y Derechos para Tod@s. Más información:
Ecologistas en Acción
C/ Marqués de Leganés 12 - 28004 Madrid
Tel: 34 91 531 27 39
Fax: 34 91 531 26 11

* 30 de octubre de 2001. Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Fin de plazo de
presentación de ponencias al 4o Simposio Brasilero de Etnobiología
y Etnoecología (a celebrarse de 25 de febrero a 1 de marzo de
2002). Más información:

* 15 de diciembre de 2001. Madrid, España. Fin de plazo de admisión
al Curso de Cooperación para el Desarrollo de Asentamientos
Humanos en el Tercer Mundo. Más información:
Instituto Juan de Herrera
ETSAM, Avda Juan de Herrera, n. 4
28040, Madrid
Directores del curso: Julián Salas y Felipe Colavidas
Tel: 34 91 336 65 39
Fax: 34 91 336 65 93

Mariano Vázquez Espí

Si desea incluir una convocatoria en enviela
a en texto plano o wp5.1. Es imprescindible
consignar fecha, lugar y forma de contactar con la organización.

Archivos de HABITAT:

Fecha - 21-10-01
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: Castellano, English, français

Querida Ángela: no puedo enviarte las conclusiones que solicitas, pero puedo utilizar tu demanda para repetir el mensaje que tanto he repetido, en el texto siguiente:

Los economistas consideran la recesión económica como un proceso de ajuste entre el Mercado y (o) la producción o el sistema financiero. Las causas pueden provenir de la ocurrencia de hechos inesperados de naturaleza política y (o) social, financiera, natural y sicológica.

Todo esto es lo suficientemente complejo como para comprender la presencia de lagunas económicas en los discursos de los políticos. Hace unos días, el gobierno francés presentó el proyecto de su Nuevo presupuesto con una estimación de un crecimiento de 2,5%. La oposición juzgó esta estimación carente de todo principio de realidad. El ministerio de Hacienda respondió que habían ponderado sus cifras ante la expectativa de la aceleración generada por las medidas que tomaría el Banco Central Europeo de inmediato.

Sin embargo sentimos el significado de la recesión en nuestra vida cotidiana. No ocurre así cuando se trata de los periodos de alto crecimiento económico: los funcionarios españoles, por ejemplo, durante la bonanza, solamente hemos obtenido aumentos saláriales inferiores a la tasa de inflación, cuando no se nos ha impuesto la congelación de sueldos.

No es mi intención entrar en este debate, solamente trato de aclarar que la expansión económica solamente es resentida por nosotros, por la disminución de la tasa de paro, aunque se pueda constatar un aumento del sueldo medio; que es simplemente efecto de un gran aumento que se produce en ciertos altos sueldos.
Me propongo indicar que nuestro sistema económico no está basado en los ciudadanos – incluso cuando estos son potenciales consumidores-, sino en la finanza y en la cantidad de producción. Todos sabemos que el 11 de septiembre ha producido beneficios financieros y que estos están asimismo, presentes en la “Libertad duradera”. No es una novedad que la guerra de Luis XIV contra Holanda estaba subvencionada por capital proveniente de Ámsterdam, como tampoco lo es el hecho que los banqueros judíos Fugger prestaran un capital importante a los reyes Católicos de España cuando estos perseguían, expulsaban y expropiaban a los judíos de sus reinos
Si realmente queremos un crecimiento ciudadano, evidentemente, no podemos esperar modelos hechos, o creación de los mismos en el marco expuesto. Hay una cultura alternativa para un desarrollo alternativo; podemos hacerlo y hacerlo es más urgente que nunca, puesto que los nubarrones negros que se sitúan sobre nosotros están comenzando a formarse y porque ya había síntomas de recesión antes del once de septiembre.

Dear Angela: I can not send this conclusions to you, but I am using your demand to insist in my obstinate message in the following discourse:

Economists regard recession as an adjustment processes within market and (or) production and (or) financial. Besides this could be political, social, financial, natural or psychological unexpected facts.

All of this is complex enough to justify the lack of precisions in the economic discourses of politicians. Some days ago the French government presented their next budget with a grow prevision of 2,5%. Opposition judge it “ non realistic”, government answered they were counting on the effects of the European Central Banks next decisions

We know, although, the meaning of recession in our every day life. It is not so in the periods of high economic grow: for Spanish civil servants, for example, our salaries, have being increased during our big economic expansion, below inflation rate, when they have not being frozen.

I do not mean coming into this discussion, I just want to point that economic expansion only means for citizens, it is less unemployment, even if the average wages rate has risen. The latest is truth only because certain high salaries have largely grown.

The point I want to come is that, our economic system is not regulated on citizen – nor even on consumers – but in finance and production. We all now they have being financial benefits around September 11th attack and they still are financial benefits in the riposte. It is not new, the Holland war of French king Louis XIV, was paid with capital coming from Amsterdam; and when the Spanish Catholic kings where persecuting Jews within their kingdom, they were lending capital from the Jew banker Fugger.

If we really want a citizen economic grow, obviously we do not ought to wait for a model already done, we should not expect, either to find one within a framework created by the facts I pointed. There is an alternative culture for an alternative development. There is a chance to make it. This is now more urgent than ever, as we feel darkness in front of us is only a beginning and that, symptoms of recession where there before September 11th.


Chère Angéla: je ne peux pas t’envoyer les conclusions objet de ta demande, parce que celles-ci ne me sont pas parvenues, bien que je ne cesse d’insister sur le fait qui suit :

Les économistes considèrent la récession comme un processus d’ajustement entre le marché et (ou), la production et (ou) le système financier. En dessous il pourrait avoir des faits inespérés de nature politique, sociale, météorologique psychologique..
La complexité de ceci explique les lacunes dans les précisions des discours économiques des politiciens. Il y a quelques jours, à la présentation du nouveau budget par le gouvernement français, celui-ci prévoyait une croissance de 2,5%. L’opposion jugea celle ci « irréelle”. Bercy répondit qu’ils comptaient avec l’accélération qui produiraient les proches mesures décidées para la Banque Centrale Européenne.

Nous connaissons, néanmoins, la signification de la récession dans notre vie quotidienne. Ce n’est pas de même lors des périodes de haute croissance économique : les fonctionnaires espagnols, par exemple, avons eu durant notre expansion économique, une hausse salariale inférieure au taux d’inflation, lorsqu’on ne nous a imposé une congélation.

Je n’ai pas l’intention d’entrer dans ce débat, je veux seulement signaler que l’expansion économique n’a qu’un effet sur les citoyens, celui d’abaisser le taux de chômage, même si la moyenne salariale affiche, aussi, une hausse. Car ce dernier fait est surtout vrai par la grosse augmentation pratiquée à certains hauts salaires..

Je me propose de poser ceci: notre système économique n’est pas conçu pour les citoyens, alors qu’ils sont des consommateurs, mais il est fait pour la finance et pour la production. Nous avons tous appris que le onze septembre a généré des importants bénéfices financiers et que “La Justice durable” en crée aussi. Il est aussi connu que le financement de la guerre de Louis XIV contre les Pays Bas provenait de Amsterdam et que les banquiers juifs Fugger accordaient des gros emprunts aux rois catholiques d’Espagne alors que ceux-ci expulsaient et expropriaient les juifs de leur royaume.

Si nous voulons, réellement, un développement économique citoyen, nous n’avons pas à espérer en trouver un déjà fait où à travers le cadre qui nous offrent les faits signalés. Il y a une culture alternative pour un développement alternatif. Nous pouvons le faire et ceci est plus urgent que jamais, puisque les nuages noirs qui menacent la tempête n’ont fait que commencer à poser leurs positions au-dessus de nous et aussi, parce que les symptômes de récession étaient là avant le onze septembre.

Fecha - 21-10-01
Nombre: angela cima
Comentarios: Comentarios: me gustaria acceder a las conclusiones llegadas sobre los temas expuestos,gracias.

Fecha - 19-10-01
Nombre: Jobs at Syracusa CD credit Union
Comentarios: A Career in Community Empowerment
Syracuse Cooperative Federal Credit Union has openings for the right people. Engage in a daring struggle against the forces of neglect in a rustbelt city. Learn community development finance working in the most funky, diverse, and vibrant neighborhoods in Syracuse. Join a dedicated team of community activists posing as bankers. Together we will assist members with low levels of economic resources to build financial strength. The positions available are:
Administrative Staff. Coordinate our small, busy office. Handle scheduling, supplies, maintenance, benefit programs, training, plus some member service. The right person will be organized, detail-oriented, flexible regarding tasks, able to handle money & use a computer. Will train in specifics. Good communication and people skills. Competitive pay & benefits. Pay & responsibilities depend on experience. Full-time or part-time at 20 to 40 hours. Bilingual preferred (English-Spanish).
Teller Plus. A multifaceted position includes member service and growth into other responsibilities. The right person will be organized and detail-oriented, with good communication and people skills, able to handle money, and have basic math and computer competence. We will train in specifics. Competitive pay & benefits. Pay & responsibilities depend on experience. Full-time or part-time at 20 to 40 hours. Bilingual preferred (English-Spanish).
Community involvement, related experience or education are a plus. EOE. For information call Ron Ehrenreich at (315)476-5290 between 2:00 & 4:00 p.m. weekdays.
Syracuse Cooperative FCU (SCFCU) is a community development credit union founded in 1982, with assets of $7 million. SCFCU is owned by its members and operated for mutual benefit and community service. SCFCU provides a broad range of financial services in its Eastside office and plans to open an office in the Southwest neighborhood of Syracuse in 2002.
SCFCU takes members along the path from personal crisis management to household budgeting to asset building and home ownership. We help members develop skills and plans to overcome hardship by combining the tools of finance with financial literacy education, individual counseling, coaching and remediation. Most of our resources are focused on overcoming barriers to home ownership. We combine credit counseling & repair with education, advice, individual support & other resources.
SCFCU is part of the struggle against injustice, disempowerment, discrimination, corporate irresponsibility and environmental degradation. Our goals are to serve those unserved or underserved by for-profit financial institutions, to build an economy in opposition to the structures of injustice, and to manage the aggregated wealth of members in responsible ways.
Send letter of application or resume ASAP to:
Syracuse Cooperative Federal Credit Union
Staff Search, 723 Westcott Street, Syracuse, NY 13210
or fax to (315) 476-0567
Fecha - 19-10-01
Nombre: devfinance
Comentarios: Senior Knowledge Management Advisor
Office of Microenterprise Development
US Agency for International Development

USAID’s Office of Microenterprise Development is seeking the services of a Senior Knowledge Management Advisor to lead the Office’s research and knowledge dissemination programs. The Office guides the Agency’s Microenterprise Initiative, with annual obligations of $150 million aimed at improving the performance of microenterprises owned and operated by poor people in developing and transition countries. The Office provides field support, invests in R&D activities, and extends technical leadership to advance microenterprise development (MED) services, institutions, and policies worldwide.

The advisor serves as leader of the newly formed Clients and Markets team. In this position, the Advisor designs and directs activities to improve understanding of the characteristics of microentrepreneurs, the impacts of MED services, and the nature of the markets in which MED service providers operate. As the Knowledge Management Advisor, the Advisor assists other MD teams to design and implement research, training, field support, monitoring/evaluation, and communications activities that will maximize knowledge generation and dissemination from all MD activities.

Applicants should possess a graduate degree in economics, sociology, business administration, or other related field with a minimum of seven years of experience in the design, implementation, monitoring, and/or evaluation of microenterprise development research and/or services. Experience should demonstrate familiarity with foreign assistance programs in developing or transition economies and the ability to conduct high-level advisory work in this technical area. Prior experience in Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and/or Asia and the ability to work professionally in one or more foreign languages, particularly French and/or Russian, is desirable. Proven knowledge management skills, especially in the area of website management is also desirable.

Applicants should have extensive knowledge of the microenterprise sector, as well as familiarity with the recent literature on the informal sector and approaches to microenterprise development including microfinance, business development services, and policy measures that improve opportunities for microentrepreneurs. This would include in-depth knowledge or MED experience in more than one developing and transition country. Knowledge and experience with a wide variety of social science research techniques relevant to understanding MED clients and a proven ability to direct research, evaluation, and knowledge management efforts is essential. The Advisor must be able to affect Agency adoption of best practices in client-focused microenterprise development and relate these best practices to the overall development of economic growth, private and financial sector development, and business development strategies.

Applicants interested in applying for this position should provide their CV via e-mail to Mr. Richard Buhl at

Fecha - 10-10-01
Nombre: Edge Finance
Comentarios: Subject: Job Announcement, Edge Finance Posting
Date: Oct 8 , 2001
MicroBanking & Microfinance International Consultants

Edge Finance, an international microfinance consulting firm, is broadening its involvement in Small Business Banks and Microfinance Commercialization for its Latin American Operations and seeks experienced professionals for immediate short- and medium-term assignments for MFI mergers and reengineering in several south american countries. The ideal candidates will be highly qualified banking sector professionals with an additional significant international experience in the field of small business banks and microfinance, in particular: medium/long-term debt instruments; institutional development and strategic planning exercises; HHRR management; credit risk management; microfinance porfolio classification; MIS and reporting systems; innovative financial/microfinancial products design and processes; organizational arquitecture and operational decentralization; audit and control; ALM. Experience in financial institutions mergers an important asset.
MBA/advanced degree in Finance, Business, Economics or related field preferred; at least eight years of experience in banking and/or formal microfinance operations consulting; at least four years experience of day-to-day management in formal banking/microbanking institutions; proven capacity as trainers; excellent oral and written communication skills; strong computer knowledge and skills; fluency in Spanish; highly valued ability to work in team under pressure and meet deadlines. Only strongest candidates will be contacted. E-mail cover letter and resume to:
Juan Vega
VP, Operations
Edge Finance S.A.
Small Business Banks & Microfinance Commercialization

Fecha - 10-10-01
Nombre: Habitat
Comentarios: Novedades en:

* 25 a 27 de octubre de 2001. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Primer
Congreso Latinoamericano Interdisciplinario de Salud y Medio
Ambiente. Mayor informacion:
Sociedad Argentina de Medicina Ambiental

* 30 de octubre de 2001. Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Fin de plazo de
presentación de ponencias al 4o Simposio Brasilero de Etnobiología
y Etnoecología (a celebrarse de 25 de febrero a 1 de marzo de
2002). Más información:

* 8 y 9 de noviembre de 2001. Valladolid, España. I Congreso de
Educación para el Desarrollo en la Universidad "Hacer de la
Universidad un instrumento de educación para el desarrollo".
Organización y más información:
Ingeniería Sin Fronteras
Tel: 34 983 423 000 Ext.5004
Fax: 34 983 423 310

* 9-10 November 2001. London, United Kingdom. Transcultural
architecture in Latin America Conference. Further information:
Felipe Hernández (, Architect
Institute of Architecture,
University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham NG7
2RD United Kingdom
Tel: 0115 951 3133
Fax: 0115 951 3159

* 19 de noviembre a 7 de diciembre de 2001. Santiago de Chile,
Chile. Economía y política de gestión del agua en el regadío.
Mayor información:
Proyecto FODEPAL
Tel: 056 2 337 2158

* 20 al 23 de noviembre de 2001. Santa Clara, Cuba. Conferencia
Científica Internacional Medio Ambiente Siglo XXI. Más
Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas (Cuba)
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (España)
Dr. Cándido Quintana

* 26 de noviembre a 1 de diciembre de 2001. Barcelona, España.
Curso: Diseñar y construir edificios sostenibles. Más información:
Tel: 34 93 240 23 73
Fax: 34 93 240 23 59

* 12-14 December 2001. Cortina DÁmpezzo, Belluno, Italy. Conference:
30 years of urban data management: looking back, looking forward.
Further information:

* 2-7 de junio 2002. Dubrovnik, Croacia. Congreso sobre desarrollo
sostenible de los sistemas energéticos, hídricos y ambientales.
Más información:

* 3 a 5 de julio de 2002. Segovia, España. Segunda conferencia
internacional sobre Regeneracion Urbana y Sustentabilidad. Más

Mariano Vázquez Espí

Fecha - 09-10-01
Nombre: Noetzel
Comentarios: Dear Colleague:

The Illinois Facilities Fund (IFF) is currently seeking qualified candidates
to fill a position as Loan Officer. The Loan Officer will be part of the
IFF lending team responsible for analyzing loan applications, providing
training to nonprofit borrowers on project feasibility and financial
analysis, and marketing IFF loan programs. The enclosed job description
includes details regarding the position requirements and responsibilities.

The IFF is a nonprofit organization committed to a leadership role
serving the real estate and financing needs of the nonprofit organizations.
Our mission is carried out through a wide range of programming, that brings
business expertise to the nonprofit sector in Illinois. The IFF is an equal
opportunity employer.

I encourage you to share this job description with your colleagues
and individuals meeting the position qualifications. Cover letters and
resumes should be sent to:

Jane Bilger, Director of Finance and Lending
Illinois Facilities Fund
300 W. Adams St., Suite 431
Chicago, IL 60606

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

Jane R. Bilger
Director of Finance
and Lending
September 2001
Position Specification for
Loan Officer

Organization Background

The Illinois Facilities Fund (IFF) is a nonprofit organization committed to
a leadership role serving the real estate and financing needs of the
nonprofit organizations. Our mission is carried out through a wide range of
programming, that brings business expertise to the nonprofit sector in
* Lending to nonprofit human service organizations statewide for the
purpose of buying, renovating, or expanding facilities,
* Developing and managing human service facilities,
* Providing consulting services and technical assistance to a wide
variety of nonprofit and governmental entities statewide,
* Advocacy and public policy research on behalf of the nonprofit
* The IFF has a loan portfolio in excess of $25.0 million, owns seven
childcare centers in Illinois, has offices in Chicago and Springfield, IL,
and employs a staff of 30.
* Background and Position Summary
* The IFF is seeking a qualified candidate to fill a Loan Officer
position. The Loan Officer is part of the IFF lending team responsible for
analyzing loan applications, tracking and reporting on loan portfolio
activity, and assisting potential borrowers to address financial stability
within their organization. The successful candidate will have work
experience in the area of real estate, lending, and financial analysis, and
will have the ability to successfully interact and communicate with the
public. The ideal candidate will have a degree in Business, Finance or
related area of study.
* Primary Responsibilities
* Loan Underwriting and Approvals
* Complete financial and site analysis on loan applications.
* Present loan recommendations to the Loan Committee for approval,
including summarizing key application information and concisely addressing
important issues.
* Coordinate loan closing activity with IFF attorney, including review
of loan documentation and fund disbursement for construction.

Financial Analysis
* Conduct financial feasibility analysis of agencies' financial
condition and growth plans
* Prepare analyses and reports on the loan portfolio performance for
* Portfolio Analysis and Monitoring
* Oversee monitoring of approved loans through the construction or
renovation process, and throughout loan term.
* Conduct annual site visits throughout Chicago and Illinois to assess
borrower's program and financial condition.
* Maintain the Loan Program Database to ensure that accurate and
comprehensive information on all aspects of the Loan Program is current and
readily available.
* Outreach and Marketing
* Develop professional relationships with current and potential
borrowers to ensure a clear understanding of the role, resources, and
requirements of the IFF.
* Participate in marketing of the Loan Program in targeted communities
through material development, presentations, phone inquiries, one-on-one
meetings, and general distribution of information.
* Remain knowledgeable about the communities served by the IFF, and
about governmental funding trends and requirements.
* Special Projects
* Contribute to the development of loan policies and procedures.
* Contribute quantitative and written materials for fundraising
applications, presentations, and borrower seminars.
* Coordinate activities with all IFF real estate programs.
* Other duties as assigned.
* Preferred Credentials
* Four years work experience in a relevant field. A Bachelors
Degree in Business, Finance or related area of study is required.
* Background, Skills, and Abilities
* Understanding of loan underwriting.
* Ability to complete financial analysis, including analysis of
financial statements and basic accounting.
* Strong computer skills, including experience with word processing,
spreadsheets, and database programs, (Microsoft Office software: Word,
Excel, Access)
* Good interpersonal and communication skills, including written and
verbal, to market IFF programs, provide technical assistance to borrowers,
and prepare reports on IFF activities.
* Ability to work with a variety of people and organizations.
* Good time management skills to complete simultaneous projects.

Please submit resume and cover letter to:

Jane Bilger, Director of Finance and Lending
Illinois Facilities Fund
300 West Adams Street, Suite 431
Chicago, Illinois 60606

Fecha - 08-10-01
Nombre: Marjorie Polycarpe
Comentarios: Greetings everyone,

As many of you know, Brody · Weiser · Burns (BWB) has been contracted by The Ford Foundation to conduct research on the CDFI field. This study represents a two-year effort on the part of the Foundation to explore ways in which funders around the country can help CDFIs to double or triple their lending and investing activities over the next five years. One key component of the study is to identify human resource issues that must be addressed in order for CDFIs to support this increase in activity.

In order to assess the current human resource needs of CDFIs, we are collecting data from CDFIs throughout the country through surveys, interviews and focus groups. We have posted a survey on to be completed by CDFIs. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey regarding your organization's current and future human resources needs.

Your insights are very much appreciated. In fact, you will receive a FREE gift for submitting your completed survey by October 18,2001!!

Please send all inquiries directly to:

Thank you in advance for your assistance. Your input will ensure that the final recommendations from this research reflects the needs of the field.

Best regards,

Marjorie Polycarpe

Marjorie Polycarpe
Brody Weiser Burns
250 W. Main Street
Branford, CT 06405

Fecha - 04-07-01
Nombre: Patrick G. Goy
Comentarios: Employment Opportunity

National Coordinator, Fellowship of Reconciliation

The National Coordinator is responsible for
facilitating and overseeing the overall operations of
the faith-based Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR),
which seeks to replace violence, war, racism, and
economic injustice with nonviolence, peace, and
justice. FOR is an interfaith organization committed
to active nonviolence as a transforming way of life
and as a means of change. It educates, trains, builds
coalitions, and engages in nonviolent and
compassionate actions locally, nationally, and
globally. The National Coordinator's leadership and
supervisory styles must reflect and further these
activities and goals.

The National Coordinator is accountable to the FOR's
National Council for general direction, management,
and policy of the organization, and for implementing
the priorities and policies set by the National
Council. S/he is accountable to the FOR staff for the
support of program work and a healthy work
environment, and to the overall membership for
faithfulness to FOR's mission.

The National Coordinator is also ultimately
responsible for staff hiring, supervision, broad
organizational coordination, and the support of
organization fundraising and membership outreach.

Key Qualifications: Must be or become a member of the
Fellowship of Reconciliation. Strong demonstrated
commitments to justice, active nonviolence, faith,
service, and diversity. Knowledge of peace,
disarmament, and social justice issues and their
interconnections. Previous successful supervisory
experience. Humility, flexibility, emotional
sturdiness, sense of humor.

Application procedure: To obtain an application packet
and full job description, contact Yvonne Royster,
Fellowship of Reconciliation, Box 271, Nyack, NY
10960. Phone: (845) 358-4601. Fax: (845) 358-4924. To
request an application by e-mail, send your surface
mail address to with the subject line,
National Coordinator Application Request. The FOR
welcomes applications from individuals and also from
teams, i.e., two people who would be interested in
sharing the position as Co-Coordinators. Deadline for
completed applications: Friday, August 31, 2001.

Affirmative Action: Qualified applicants of any
gender, sexual orientation, and ethnic, racial, or
religious background are encouraged to apply.

Patrick G. Coy, Ph.D.
Center for Applied Conflict Management (CACM)
Kent State University
Box 5190
Kent, OH 44242

CACM web site:

Phone: (330) 672-2875

"Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change" (RSMCC)
A research annual published by Elsevier/JAI Press
RSMCC web site:

Fecha - 30-06-01
Nombre: Reforme
Al 29 de junio de 2001

Este espacio esta dedicado a promocionar las diversas ofertas de
empleo recibidas a traves de la Lista Reforme del CLAD. Para
cualquier informacion adicional, favor dirigirse al contacto
resen'ado en este mensaje.

Advisor for the Women, Health and Development Program
-Direccion: 525 Twenty-Third Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037
Telf: (1-202) 974.33.96, Fax:(1-202) 974.33.79

I Main Duties: Under the general supervisor of the Division
Director, the direct supervisor of the Program Coordinator in
HDP/HDW, the incumbent is responsible for the following assigned
duties: -Set up and maintain the regional database on gender and
health data; -Collaborate in producing information, conduct
analysis and provide training in health analysis with a gender
perspective: * Carry out regular analysis of health data for HDW
and other PAHO publications. * Provide technical collaboration
in analysis and training on gender and health analysis to HQ and
country based PAHO staff and counterparts. * With other UN
agencies, organize and implement interagency training workshops
on the collection, processing, presentation, and use of gender
and health statistics for national information producers. * With
other PAHO Programs develop and publish policy papers on gender
and health. * With other PAHO Programs develop and publish
biannual gender and health statistical brochure and produce inputs
for PAHO's publication, Health Situation in the Americas. *
Support the development of regional and national gender and
health profiles and dissemination of results; -Collaborate in
developing and field-testing indicators and tools for monitoring
health policies: * With other PAHO Programs identify and
construct key indicators to be included in PAHO/WHO and other
relevant databases. * Assist in implementing and monitoring HDW
projects, this includes adaptation of instruments, working with
project coordinators and national counterparts in strengthening
national capacities to analyze health data from a gender
perspective and developing strategies for information
dissemination, advocacy and social participation; -Assist HDW's
fund raising efforts; -Assist and collaborate in the preparation
of PTS, BPB, PPES and other PAHO reports; -Perform other duties
as assigned.

II Requirements: Bachelor's degree in epidemiology, statistics,
demography, economics or related social sciences; training or
education in gender and statistical analysis. Master's degree an
asset. Five years of combined national and international
experience working with gender and reproductive health policy
issues. Very good knowledge of English and Spanish and working
knowledge of Portuguese would be an asset.

III Conditions: A written test and/or interview may be held for
this post. Applications from female candidates are encouraged.
External applicants will be contacted only if they are under
serious consideration. PAHO/WHO's working environment is
smoke-free. Applicants are encouraged to fill out an on-line
personal history form at internet.

IV Terms of appointment:
Deadline for applications: 18 july 2001
Duty Station: Washington, D.C., USA
Duration: Two years, first year probationary
Division/Program/Office: Division of Health and Human Development
(HDP). Women, Health and Development Program (HDP/HDW).
* Para hacer contribuciones a REFORME escriba a:
* Si desea retirarse escriba un mensaje a "" con el
subject en blanco y que diga en la primera linea:
unsubscribe reforme "su direccion electronica"
* For contributions to REFORME send a message to:
* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
unsubscribe reforme "your mail address"

Fecha - 26-06-01
Nombre: Reforme
Al 25 de junio de 2001


Para conocer mayores detalles acerca de la informacion resen'ada,
debe dirigirse directamente a las personas y/o direcciones
indicadas en cada caso.

Instituto de Estudios Autonomicos; Direccion General de
Relaciones Exteriores de la Generalitat de Catalun'a; Centro de
Estudios y Temas Contemporaneos, Espan'a
4-5 de julio de 2001, Barcelona, Espan'a
-Descripcion: Estas jornadas pretenden fomentar la reflexion en
torno al papel que deben ejercer las entidades subestatales y muy
particularmente aquellas con una cultura y unos rasgos
distintivos, en la escena internacional en unos momentos en que
imperan retos tan importantes como son la globalizacion, la
integracion y la ampliacion europea, los cambios demograficos y
el incremento de los flujos migratorios. Esta jornada esta
abierta a cualquiera que este interesado en el tema.
-Contacto: Sra. Angels Ruiz. Telf: (34-3) 342.98.00.

Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD), General Secretariat
of the Organization of American States (OAS); Inter-American
Foundation (IAF)
16 de julio de 2001, Washington DC, Estados Unidos
-Descripcion: The forum will bring together top policy-makers
from central and local government, civil society and academia
throughout the Hemisphere, as well as representatives of
international agencies and other development practitioners, for
an in-depth analysis of the critical role of decentralization
policies which facilitate local governance, and the essential
role of local governments and other local actors in promoting
development and consolidating democracy from the most basic
-Contacto: Heidi Smith de la OEA
Emilia Rodriguez-Stein de IAF

Asociacion Argentina de Carreteras; Consejo Vial Federal;
Direccion Nacional de Viabilidad
1-5 de octubre de 2001, Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Descripcion: El Congreso constituye uno de los foros mas
importantes sobre diversos temas relacionados al sector vial que
se realiza en Argentina.
-Contacto: Asociacion Argentina de Carreteras, Av. Paseo Colon
823 7° piso (1063), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Telefax: (54-11)

Alianza Cooperativa Internacional, Oficina Regional para las
28-30 de noviembre de 2001, Cartagena, Colombia
-Contacto: ACI-Americas. Telf: (506) 296.09.81 / Fax: (506)
231.58.42, Apdo postal: 8-6310-1000, San Jose, Costa Rica

Instituto de Desarrollo Regional, Argentina
-Descripcion: El contenido de esta jornada contempla los
siguientes temas: Conflicto; Posicionamiento ante los conflictos;
Comunicacion; Estrategia de resolucion de conflictos; Elementos
y tecnicas de negociacion; Rol play y ejercicios.
-Fecha: 26-28 de junio de 2001
-Lugar: Rosario, Argentina
-Contacto: Instituto de Desarrollo Regional

Centro de Extension, Desarrollo Ejecutivo y Consultoria
Organizacional (CENDECO) de la Universidad Metropolitana,
-Descripcion: El programa esta dirigido a profesionales, tecnicos
superiores, consultores y funcionarios de carrera o ejecutivos
de la Administracion Publica Municipal que deseen adquirir,
ampliar o perfeccionar sus conocimientos y habilidades en gestion
y administracion publica local.
-Fecha de inicio: 13 de julio de 2001
-Duracion: 204 horas academicas
-Contacto: CENDECO: Universidad Metropolitana, P.B., Edificio de
Postgrado, Zona Rental, Distribuidor Universidad, Terrazas del
Avila, Apartado 76819, Caracas, 1070-A. Telf: (58-212) 242.14.73
/ 242.77.16, Fax: (58-212) 242.77.16

Facultad de Ciencias Economicas de la Universidad de Buenos
Aires, Argentina
-Descripcion: El proposito es proveer de un espacio en el cual
compartir experiencias comparativas sobre la implementacion de
programas de politicas municipales, pretendiendo ser un aporte
a la mejora de los medios y capacidades del sector publico
-Fecha de inicio: 14 de julio de 2001
-Contacto: Secretaria de Relaciones Institucionales y
Profesionales, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas, (U.B.A), Av.
Cordoba 2122 1º Piso, Sector Junin y Viamonte, Buenos Aires,
Argentina. Tel/fax: (54-11)

Escuela de Gobierno y Administracion de El,
-Duracion: 20 de agosto - 15 de noviembre de 2001
-Contacto: El Telf: (54-11) / 0203

Secretaria General de la Organizacion de los Estados Americanos
(OEA), Unidad para la Promocion de la Democracia (UPD); Congreso
de la Republica de Ecuador; Universidad Tecnica Particular de
Loja (UTPL), Ecuador
-Descripcion: Dirigido a los jovenes lideres de la Region Andina;
Instituciones academicas, principalmente facultades de ciencias
politicas, ciencias sociales y ciencias de la comunicacion; ONG's
de mayor impacto, especialmente relacionadas con el
fortalecimiento de la democracia; Asociaciones de prensa,
periodicos o revistas politicas de cobertura nacional; Partidos
-Duracion: 9- 20 de septiembre de 2001
-Lugar: Quito, Ecuador
-Contactos: Natalia Armijos, Coordinadora, Universidad Tecnica
Particular de Loja, Centro Regional Quito, Av. 6 de Diciembre
31-47 y Alpallana, Quito, Ecuador. Telf: (593-7) 58.59.76 /
57.02.75 ext. 707, Fax: (593-7) 58.59.76 / 58.48.93
Marcelo Alvarez, Coordinador por la OEA

-Contacto: Willebaldo Alatriste Candiani (


-Descripcion: The Developmental Policy Studies Consortium has
been working with people from China on developing a book entitled
"Win-Win Policy for China". The same framework could be applied
to books on win-win policy for any country or region. Likewise,
it has been working with people from many countries in developing
a book entitled "Win-Win Policy for Environmental Protection".
The same framework could be applied to any policy field. "Win-Win
Policy" in this context refers to public policy that can enable
conservatives, liberals, and other major viewpoints to all come
out ahead of their best initial expectations simultaneously. The
tentative table of contents or general framework for the country
books involves thinking in terms of six policy fields including:
1. Economic policy for prosperity; 2. Technology policy for
innovation; 3. Social policy for equal opportunity; 4.
Political and administrative policy for democracy; 5.
International policy for peace; 6. Legal policy for rights and
obligations. The tentative table of contents or general framework
for the policy-fields books involves thinking in terms of six
regions, including (1) Africa, (2) Asia, (3) East Europe, (4)
Latin America, (5) North America, and (6) West Europe. The
Consortium can supply to collaborators the following: 1. A
guarantee that the book will be published by Nova Science, Marcel
Dekker, Quorum, Ashgate, or one of the other PSO publishers; 2.
Templates for creating win-win tables; 3. Editorial assistance;
4. The experiences of other collaborators; 5. Participation in
relevant panels, workshops, and seminars; 6. Whatever it takes
to get a set of books covering a variety of places, especially
all developing regions. Write to Stu Nagel if you are interested
in any of the following activities: 1. Being the editor or
author of a book on win-win policy for a specific place or policy
field; 2. Being the author of a chapter on a place or field for
such a book; 3. Being the author of an article on a place or
field for a relevant journal; 4. Being the presenter of a paper
on a place or field for a relevant convention or conference.
-Contacto: Stu Nagel, Developmental Policy Studies Consortium,
PSO, 711 Ashton Lane South, Champaign, IL 61820, USA.

Fundacion CENATTEV (Centro Argentino de Transferencia de
Tecnologia Vial)
-Descripcion: Se tratara de reunir en un Foro Panamericano las
experiencias, problemas, propuestas y soluciones, que han sido
encaradas en el Continente y recibir el aporte de los
especialistas en el tema del resto del mundo. Se realizaran
talleres participativos con un amplio temario a debatir, con el
objeto de lograr un documento final que condense, en una serie
de recomendaciones, las acciones a desarrollar para reducir las
victimas y alcanzar niveles optimos de seguridad vial. Se convoca
a la participacion de quienes estan involucrados en el tema, para
enviar los trabajos que permitan conocer la realidad en los
paises respectivos. Estos trabajos seran editados en un CD, para
que cada asistente al Seminario conozca la realidad de la
seguridad vial en el Continente.
-Fecha limite para entregar el resumen: 1ro. de abril de 2002
-Fecha limite para entregar la ponencia: 28 de junio de 2002
-Fecha del evento: 30 de septiembre - 4 de octubre de 2002
-Lugar: Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Contacto: Fundacion CENATTEV. Telf: (54-11) /

-Entidad: The Woodrow Wilson International Center
-Numero de becas: 20 - 25
-Fecha para la recepcion de solicitudes: 1ro. de octubre de 2001
-Objetivos: Successful fellowship applicants submit outstanding
proposals in a broad range of the social sciences and humanities
on national and/or international issues - topics that intersect
with questions of public policy or provide the historical
framework to illumine policy issues of contemporary importance.
-Temas: The Woodrow Wilson Center devotes significant attention
to the exploration of broad thematic areas. Primary themes are:
1. governance, including such issues as the key features of the
development of democratic institutions, democratic society, civil
society, and citizen participation. 2. the U.S. role in the world
and issues of partnership and leadership. 3. key long-term future
challenges confronting the United States and the world. Priority
will be given to proposals related to these themes. Within this
framework, the Center also supports projects that provide the
historical context for some of today's key public policy debates.
-A quien va dirigido: Fellows in residence will be affiliated
with one of the Center's regional programs, which include the
United States Studies Division and programs on Africa, Asia,
Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, Russia and the
former Soviet Union, and Western Europe, or with one of the
Center's programs grouped in the International Studies Division,
such as the Cold War History Project, the Environmental Change
and Security Project, the Conflict Prevention Project, the
Non-Proliferation Forum, and the Future Issues Initiative.
Applications from any country are welcome. Men and women with
outstanding capabilities and experience from a wide variety of
backgrounds (including government, the corporate world, and the
professions, as well as academia) are eligible for appointment.
-Requisitos: For academic participants, eligibility is limited
to the postdoctoral level. Normally it is expected that academic
candidates will have demonstrated their scholarly development by
publications beyond the Ph.D. dissertation. For other applicants,
an equivalent level of professional achievement is expected.
Applicants should have a very good command of spoken English,
since the Center is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas
among its Fellows. Fellows should be prepared to interact with
policymakers in Washington and with Wilson Center staff who are
working on similar topics.
-Beneficios: In order to foster a true community of scholars, the
Woodrow Wilson Center expects its Fellows to be in residence for
the entire U.S. academic year (September through May, i.e. 9
months), although a few fellowships are occasionally awarded for
shorter periods, with a minimum of four months. In general, the
Center tries to ensure that the stipend provided under the
fellowship, together with the Fellow's other sources of funding
(e.g., grants secured by the applicant and sabbatical
allowances), approximate a Fellow's regular salary. Stipends
provided in 2000 ranged from $20,000 to $60,000. In 2001-2002,
the Center expects to be able to award a few fellowships at a
higher stipend level, up to a maximum of $85,000.
-Contacto: Scholar Selection and Services Office, Woodrow Wilson
International Center for Scholars, One Woodrow Wilson Plaza,1300
Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C., 20004-3027, USA
Telf: (1-202) 691.41.70, Fax: (1-202) 691.40.01


Universidad del Zulia (LUZ), Venezuela
-Contacto: Haydee Ochoa Henriquez, Directora de la RVG

NOTICIAS DE FUNPADEM, Gacetilla No. 35 (Junio 2001)
-Contacto: Djenane Villanueva, Unidad de Relaciones Externas de
FUNPADEM, Apartado postal: 12835-1000 San Jose, Costa Rica. Telf:
(506) 283.94.35/ Fax: (506) 283.94.78

POLITIRED, No. 15 (Mayo-Junio 2001)
DataStrategia, Venezuela

VISION 2010, An'o 3, No. 17 (Junio 2001)
Asociacion Plan Estrategico Caracas Metropolitana, Venezuela
-Contacto y suscripcion: Arq. Aurora Zapata Oviedo, Presidenta.
Telf: (58-212) 266.67.14 / 263.97.02. (

Diana Acosta
Administradora de la Lista Reforme
* Para hacer contribuciones a REFORME escriba a:
* Si desea retirarse escriba un mensaje a "" con el
subject en blanco y que diga en la primera linea:
unsubscribe reforme "su direccion electronica"
* For contributions to REFORME send a message to:
* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
unsubscribe reforme "your mail address"

Fecha - 25-06-01
Nombre: Dialogue Local
Comentarios: Bonjour,

Je vous invite à participer à mon nouveau forum

Il se veut un lieu de rencontre pour toutes les personnes intéressées à
oeuvrer pour la démocratie. Le produit final sera réussi si personne ne peut
en prendre le contrôle, ni moi, ni un autre. Le produit final pourrait
ressembler à un site Internet où chacun pourrait apporter des propositions
et voter sur celles le concernant. D'autres options pourraient être valables
pour les personnes désirant demeurer en dehors d'Internet. Rien n'est décidé

Venez en grand nombre ou déléguez au moins un représentant de votre

André Huot

*Merci de co-développer ces dialogues locaux
**Pour s'abonner
***Pour se désabonner
****Vous avez une page web? Il est facile d'annoncer dialogue-local!

Fecha - 14-06-01
Nombre: Riadel
Comentarios: Boletin RIADEL
Año 4, II Epoca, Boletin 1 (IIE-1)
12 de junio de 2001

Si desea ver la version completa del Boletin con links directos puede
dirigirse a


-- IV Encuentro de Postgrados sobre desarrollo y politicas territoriales de
los paises del Cono Sur
-- Seminario internacional: Jovenes, desempleo y desarrollo local
-- IV Seminario latinoamericano de universidades y desarrollo regional
-- Curso: Planificacion estrategica en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
-- Premio de investigacion juridica y gestion de los gobiernos locales
-- Nuevo orden mundial: Soberanias nacionales y amazonia
UIM, Desarrollo local, y CLAD


A partir del presente numero RIADEL les informara sobre las actividades que
desarrolla a nivel iberoamericano la Red de Iberoamericana de Investigadores
sobre Globalizacion y Territorio (RII).

30 y 31 de mayo de 200, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil)

Simultaneamente al IV Encuentro se realizo el IX Encuentro Nacional de la
Asociacion Nacional de Postrgraduacion en Planeamiento Urbano y Regional
(ANPUR). Como antecedentes, hubo un primer encuentro logrado en el
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, en 1996, un segundo promovido por
Universidad Catolica y para Universidad de la Republica del Uruguay, en
Montevideo y un tercero organizado por Universidad Nacional del Sur, en
Bahia Blanca, Argentina, en abril de 2000.

PROXIMA REUNION: Septiembre de 2002 en Osorno, Chile.


Seminario internacional
Modelos e ideas para la capacitacion y el empleo
3 - 5 de Octubre del 2001, Sala de Conferencias de la Intendencia Municipal
de Montevideo (Uruguay)

Participantes: Responsables de politicas de Empleo y de Juventud de
municipios de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay, Mexico y Uruguay.
Invitados: Expertos de instituciones, ONGs, asociaciones empresariales,
centrales de trabajadores, representantes y autoridades nacionales.
Organiza: Comision de Juventud de la Intendencia Municipal de Montevideo
Convoca: Red de Organizamos Municipales de Juventud, Red de Mercociudades


5-7 de noviembre de 2001, Universidad La Serena, Chile

Los objetivos del VI Seminario son analizar la situacion de las
universidades regionales latinoamericanas en el contexto de las economias de
mercado, del desarrollo regional y de los procesos de reforma educativa y
promover estrategias de integracion entre ellas y los distintos actores que
intervienen en los procesos de desarrollo local y regional.



Tema 2001 de la Universidad de Verano sobre la Sociedad del Conocimiento
9-13 de julio de 2001, Viladecans, Baix Llobregat (España)

En la nueva sociedad del conocimiento, donde el poder de la informacion
juega un papel esencial, las nuevas tecnologias de la informacion son una
herramienta primordial e imprescindible para el desarrollo personal, social
y profesional. Un estudio reciente realizado por la Fundacio Ciutat de
Viladecans, arroja preocupantes resultados respecto a la competitividad
futura de las empresas del delta sur del baix llobregat debido a su
considerable retraso en la implantacion de las nuevas tecnologias de la
informacion y de las comunicaciones...




El Consejo de Patronato del Centro de Estudios Municipales y de Cooperacion
Internacional (CEMCI) , en sesion celebrada el dia 10 de noviembre del año
2000, acordo crear el Premio Angel Ballesteros de Investigacion Juridica y
Gestion de los Gobiernos Locales, en reconocimiento y homenaje a la
trayectoria profesional, calidad humana y alto nivel cientifico de las
actividades docentes y publicaciones del Profesor Angel Ballesteros

Bases de la convocatoria en

Soberanias Nacionales y Amazonia

Es el tema del "Premio Senador Milton Campos - 2001", creado hace cuatro
años por el Consejo de Rectores de las Universidades Brasileñas (CRUB) e la
Fundacion Milton Campos, con el objetivo de estimular la participacion de
los estudiantes universitarios en los debates sobre las grandes cuestiones



-- Anales del V Congreso Iberoamericano de Municipalistas (3er. Tomo:
Conferencias Plenarias
-- Aproximaciones al enigma: ¿Que quiere decir desarrollo local? (Por
Francisco de Oliveira)
--Ultimas publicaciones del CLAD:
-- Memorias del V Congreso Internacional del CLAD. - Caracas: CLAD,
2001.- 172p.
-- La responsabilizacion en la nueva gestion publica latinoamericana /
Consejo Cientifico del CLAD, coord. - Buenos Aires: CLAD; BID; EUDEBA,
2000. - 346 p.



Agradecemos a ustedes la difusion que puedan hacer sobre la existencia de
RIADEL, la promocion de sus actividades y el envio de direcciones de
interesados adicionales en participar en esta red. Reiteramos la invitacion
de enviar sus mensajes para el proximo boletin, puede escribir a Gabriela
Ugarte , responsable de edicion. A esta misma dirección
pueden enviar sus críticas, comentarios y aportes.

Envie un mensaje a la direccion: manifestando su intencion
de incluirse o retirarse.
Para incluirse o retirarse en la LISTA RIADEL ingresar a presionar el link SUSCRIBASE

Jose Blanes, Director CEBEM (Bolivia)
Alfredo Rodriguez, Director SUR Profesionales (Chile)
Fernando Carrion, Director FLACSO Ecuador (Ecuador)

Este Boletin se realiza con el esfuerzo de CEBEM
Lista de Correo Riadel-bol
Fecha - 12-06-01
Nombre: Reforme
Al 11 de junio de 2001


Para conocer mayores detalles acerca de la informacion resen'ada,
debe dirigirse directamente a las personas y/o direcciones
indicadas en cada caso.

Instituto de Estudios Autonomicos; Gabinete Juridico de la
Feneralitat de Catalun'a, Espan'a
21 de junio de 2001, Barcelona, Espan'a
-Descripcion: El seminario pretende hacer un balance de las
experiencias obtenidas hasta la actualidad y comprobar, a la luz
de la doctrina expresada por el Tribunal Constitucional, cuales
son los limites del marco constitucional en el que se pueden
ejercer las competencias autonomicas para crear tributos propios,
para establecer recargos sobre tributos estatales, para regular
elementos de los tributos estatales cedidos y para intervenir en
la configuracion del sistema tributario de los entes locales.
Esta jornada esta abierta a cualquiera que este interesado en el
-Contacto: Sra. Angels Ruiz. Telf: (343) 342.98.00.

Centro para la Participacion Ciudadana Flor de Maig; Diputacion
de Barcelona, Espan'a
21-23 de junio de 2001, Barcelona, Espan'a
-Descripcion: El Forum Europa pretende ser el espacio de
encuentro de quienes trabajan en la construccion europea desde
la sociedad activa. Entre otros, los temas a debatir seran:
cooperacion y solidaridad, economia social, Estado de bienestar,
interculturalidad e inmigracion, nueva ciudadania, nueva
economia, participacion local y sostenibilidad.
-Contactos: Secretaria Tecnica Forum Europa - Barcelona 2001:
Interes General, Avda. Roma 101, 5º 4ª, Esc. Izda.
08029-Barcelona, Espan'a. Telf: (343) 444.10.03 - Fax: (343)
Centre per a la Participacio Ciutadana, Avda. Flor de Maig s/n
08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Apartat de correus 145,
Espan'a. Telf: (343) 402.07.04, Fax: (343) 402.07.05

Instituto Internacional de Gobernabilidad (IIG); Union
Iberoamericana de Municipalistas (UIM); Universitat Oberta de
Catalunya (UOC); Escuela Virtual de Gobernabilidad (EVG), Espan'a
-Descripcion: El objetivo principal del programa es producir y
gestionar servicios y actividades para el aprendizaje, que
ayuden a mejorar las cualidades y capacidades de los responsables
del gobierno y de la gestion local, para que puedan promover con
mayor eficacia el desarrollo de las respectivas colectividades
en un entorno de globalizacion y de sociedad de la informacion.
El PGDL se basa en una metodologia virtual de la EVG. El programa
contempla los siguientes cursos: Master en Gobierno y Desarrollo
Local, Diploma de Experto en Gobierno y Desarrollo Local, Cursos
de Especializacion y Cursos Tematicos.
-Fecha limite para realizar la inscripcion: 30 de julio de 2001
-Contacto: Escuela Virtual de Gobernabilidad

Escuela de Gobierno y Administracion de El,
-Descripcion: Destinado a funcionarios de distintos ambitos de
los Poderes Ejecutivo, Legislativo y Judicial, de los niveles
Nacionales y Provinciales, asi como de Municipios y Comunas de
Argentina, y a los interesados que necesitan interactuar con el
sector publico en los diversos temas.
-Contacto: El Telf: (54 11) / 0203

Escuela de Gobierno y Administracion de El,
-Descripcion: Introduccion historica sobre la administracion
financiera del Sector Publico en la Argentina; Alcances y
contenidos de la reforma en la Administracion Financiera del
Sector Publico Nacional; Aspectos generales de la ley Nº 24.156;
Ley Nº 24.156 de Administracion Financiera y de los Sistemas de
Control del Sector Publico Nacional; Sistemas que lo integran:
(Contabilidad, presupuesto, credito publico, tesoreria, gestion
de cobranzas, sistema de contrataciones, sistema de control
interno, sistema de control externo, mecanismos de integracion;
Implementacion del sistema en las Jurisdicciones Provinciales y
-Fecha de inicio: 17 de agosto de 2001
-Contacto: El Telf: (54 11) / 0203

Universidad de Zaragoza, Espan'a
-Descripcion: La Especializacion contempla como objetivo la
formacion de profesionales en contabilidad y auditoria del sector
publico. Dicha especializacion se orienta a completar la
formacion de los funcionarios de las administraciones
territoriales en los contenidos de las disposiciones legales que
regulan la contabilidad publica y auditoria de estas entidades,
asi como a dotarles de una vision global de su gestion economica
y financiera. Este curso tambien va dirigido a todos aquellos
profesionales y universitarios interesados en formarse como
tecnicos expertos en contabilidad y auditoria de las
administraciones publicas, tanto para ejercer una funcion
contable o de gestion en el seno de las mismas, como para
desarrollar funciones de auditoria en organismos publicos o
firmas privadas.
-Duracion: Noviembre 2001 - Junio 2002
-Contactos: Dra. Lourdes Torres y Dr. Vicente Pina, Dpto de
Contabilidad y Finanzas, Facultad de CC.EE. y Empresariales,
Universidad de Zaragoza, Gran Via 2 50005 Zaragoza, Espan'a.
Telf: (3476) 76.18.01 / 76.17.98, Fax: (3476) 76.17.69

pelo Programa Gestao Publica e Cidadania/Polis/BID, Brasil. Os
livros, em formato PDF, disponiveis e sao de acesso livre e
-Contacto: Carminha Meirelles (


Ricardo Viera.- Caracas: FASES/UCV, 2000
-Descripcion: El libro es un compendio de experiencias tanto en
el ambito publico como privado para medir por resultados las
diferencias del Sub Sistemas del Area Funcional de Recursos
Humanos y/o Personal. El proposito de esta publicacion es proveer
informacion y conocimiento experto a profesionales del ambito de
los Recursos Humanos para el disen'o de planes operativos con un
enfoque de resultados por encima de lo que ha sido tradicional
con el enfoque de procesos.
-Contacto: Ricardo Viera, Coordinador del Programa de Desarrollo
Ejecutivo FACES/UCV

(Mayo 2001)
International Development Research Centre (CIID/IDRC), Regional
Office for Latin America
and the Caribbean, Montevideo, Uruguay
-Contacto y suscripciones: Lacro (

NOVEDADES, An'o III, No. 27 (Mayo 2001)
Instituto Provincial de Administracion Publica (IPAP), Argentina
-Suscripcion: Enviar un mensaje a: (
y en el subject (asunto) colocar: suscribe Novedades "su
direccion electronica".
-Contacto: Informat (

VISION 2010, An'o 3, No. 16 (Abril - Mayo 2001)
Asociacion Plan Estrategico Caracas Metropolitana, Venezuela
-Contacto y suscripcion: Arq. Aurora Zapata Oviedo, Presidenta
y Econ. Carlos Torrealba Rangel, Secretario Ejecutivo. Telefonos:
(58212) 266.67.14 / 263.97.02

Diana Acosta
Administradora de la Lista Reforme
* Para hacer contribuciones a REFORME escriba a:
* Si desea retirarse escriba un mensaje a "" con el
subject en blanco y que diga en la primera linea:
unsubscribe reforme "su direccion electronica"
* For contributions to REFORME send a message to:
* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
unsubscribe reforme "your mail address"

Fecha - 09-06-01
Nombre: Reforme
Al 08 de junio de 2001.

Este espacio semanal esta dedicado a la difusion de ofertas de
servicios de asesoria y consultoria, provenientes de
instituciones y suscriptores, relacionadas con las areas de
interes de la lista. Para participar en esta seccion, dirija un
mensaje a , remitiendo un texto no mayor de
una pagina, sin attachment, ni imagenes, ni columnas, donde se
especifique lo siguiente:
*Para ofertas institucionales de servicio: Nombre de la
organizacion; Antecedentes; Ubicacion geografica; Mision;
Servicios que ofrece; Informacion adicional; Datos de contacto.
*Para ofertas personales de servicio: Nombre completo;
Nacionalidad; Resumen curricular (en 3ra. persona); Servicios que
ofrece; Datos de contacto.
1) Localizacion
Buenos Aires, Argentina
2) Antecedentes
TOP es una Asociacion Civil sin Fines de Lucro creada en
Argentina en 1986. Reune a un conjunto de destacados
investigadores y especialistas que comparten una comun
preocupacion por el diagnostico, fortalecimiento y reforma de las
organizaciones estatales en sus diferentes niveles, asi como de
instituciones sociales. El Centro mantiene acuerdos estrategicos
con importantes firmas consultoras y centros de investigacion de
America Latina y ha desarrollado numerosos proyectos en la
region, asi como en paises de Africa y Asia.
3) Mision
Brindar servicios de asistencia tecnica, investigacion y
capacitacion orientados a mejorar la organizacion y
funcionamiento del sector publico, estatal y no estatal, bajo los
principios de corresponsabilidad de los usuarios, participacion
y efectiva transferencia de resultados y tecnologias.
4) Servicios que ofrece
El Centro desarrolla y aplica tecnologias avanzadas en materia
de organizacion y gestion institucional, colaborando en la
solucion de problemas de planificacion, organizacion,
administracion de recursos, ejecucion de proyectos, evaluacion
y control de la gestion, mediante servicios de consultoria
especializada, investigacion, capacitacion y transferencia. En
sus proyectos aplica usualmente un enfoque integral, que articula
los aspectos conceptuales, juridicos, metodologicos, informaticos
e institucionales que requiere habitualmente la efectiva
resolucion de los problemas de organizacion y gestion. Entre sus
principales lineas de trabajo se incluyen las siguientes:
* Formulacion de programas de modernizacion del Estado ("libros
* Evaluacion de proyectos de desarrollo
* Analisis y elaboracion de normas
* Formulacion, seguimiento y control de politicas y proyectos
* Asistencia en procesos de reorganizacion institucional
(incluyendo formulacion de proyectos de asistencia tecnica)
* Evaluacion de deficit de capacidad institucional (sistema
* Implantacion de tecnologias informaticas de apoyo a la gestion
(en particular, sistemas integrales de recursos humanos
-incluyendo liquidacion de haberes-, seguimiento de expedientes,
evaluacion y control de gestion)
* Programas de desarrollo de recursos humanos
* Dictado de cursos, seminarios y talleres en la especialidad
5) Informacion adicional
Entre los clientes y usuarios de TOP se cuentan Instituciones
Internacionales (v.g. BID, BIRF, CLAD, FAO, IDRC, IICA, OEA, OPS,
PNUD) y Organismos Publicos de numerosos paises, Bancos
Oficiales, Empresas Publicas, Ministerios, Organismos
Descentralizados, Institutos, Universidades, Municipios.
6) Contactos:
Dr. Oscar Oszlak, Director Academico
Lic. Jorge Hintze, Director de Asistencia Tecnica
Av. Pueyrredon 605, 3 piso, 1032 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Telefax (5411) /
++++++++++++++++JAVIER ESPEJO RAMOS+++++++++++++++++++++++++
Javier Espejo Ramos es licenciado en Educacion y Ciencias
Humanas, con estudios superiores de Maestria en Administracion
de la Educacion y Postgrado en Economia y Gestion de la
Educacion. Actualmente brinda labores profesionales como docente
universitario en la Universidad Publica de Lima, Peru y en la
plana directiva de un colegio publico. Ofrece servicios
particulares de consultoria y asesoria de tesis de pregrado y
postgrado, proyectos e investigaciones en el campo educativo a
nivel internacional a traves de internet.

Apellidos y Nombres: Espejo Ramos, Javier
Nacionalidad: Peruana
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Fecha - 08-06-01
Nombre: Habitat
Comentarios: Novedades en:

* 3 a 17 de juliol de 2001. Barcelona, Espanya. Camp de treball:
Punta de la Móra, Tamarit, rui Gaià. Més informació:
Fundació Josep Carol d' Escoltes Catalans, DEPANA, "La Sínia" i
Oficina d' Escoltes Catalans a Barcelona
Tel: 34 93 268 91 14

* 18 a 20 de julio de 2001. Mérida, Venezuela. Reunión de la Red de
información forestal para América Latina y Caribe (RIFALC -
IUFRO). Más información:
Dr. Osvaldo Encinas, Presidente del Comité Organizador IFLA
Apartado Postal 36 Mérida 5101-A, Venezuela
Tel/fax: 58 74 448906

* 3 a 8 de septiembre de 2001. Artosilla (Sabiñánigo, Huesca),
España. Curso de Diseño de Comunidades y Pueblos Sostenibles.
Responsables: José Luis Escorihuela "Ulysses" y José Antonio
López. Más información:
La Carrucha Cultural (Asociación para el desarrollo de formas de
vida sostenible en el mundo rural)
Artosilla, 22600 Sabiñánigo, Huesca

* 7 de enero de 2002. La Serena, Chile. Programa de doctorado sobre:
«Desarrollo urbano sustentable» (2. edición). Director: Agustín
Hernández Aja. Universidad de la Serena (Chile) y Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid (España). Más información

Mariano Vázquez Espí

Fecha - 08-06-01
Nombre: Reforme
Al 07 de junio de 2001.

Espacio dedicado a la difusion de ensayos y opiniones de interes,
relativos a la tematica de la reforma del Estado, modernizacion
de la administracion publica, gestion y politicas publicas en
general. A traves de esta iniciativa se pretenden crear mayores
oportunidades para la discusion y critica constructiva de ensayos
y opiniones suministrados por miembros de la Lista Reforme.

Este espacio esta destinado unicamente para los miembros de
Reforme. En tal sentido, si alguien esta interesado en remitir
algun ensayo u opinion sobre un tema en particular, debe dirigir
su mensaje a, incluyendo su nombre completo,
direccion electronica y pais de origen. Los textos remitidos no
deben contener ningun attachment, columnas, notas a pie de
pagina, ni imagenes y preferiblemente deben tener una extension
maxima de 450 palabras (1 1/2 pagina). Los comentarios deben
dirigirse directamente al autor del ensayo u opinion.

Autor: Ester Ines Scheffer
Pais: Brasil

1) A Missao do Estado
Quanto mais o Estado tenta substituir o homem na
responsabilidade de atender a satisfacao de suas necessidades,
mais o homem se torna incapaz de faze-lo per si.
Exemplos disso sao os resultados das ideologias socialistas
e comunistas, que deixaram como saldo sociedades incapazes de
promover acoes empreendedores, dificuldades essas em diferentes
graus de intensidade, mas sempre proporcionais ao grau de
interferencia realizada por tais governos. Nao se discute, aqui,
as boas intencoes dessas ideologias, mas sim, a adequacao dos
metodos frente a natureza humana. E e em respeito a essa natureza
que se propoe que o Estado atue somente onde ha um desequilibrio
de forcas, encerrando a atuacao no momento em que o cidadao ja
possa se auto-determinar. Paradoxalmente, na medida em que o
Estado se propoe a ser tutor do cidadao, atendendo todas as suas
necessidades, torna-se cada vez mais um agente de desequilibrio
e opressao ao homem, aumentando aquela dificuldade original. Por
isso, a discussao sobre qual e o Estado que a sociedade moderna
necessita, nao passa pela definicao a priori e tao-somente, do
seu tamanho, como tem sido, e sim, pela definicao de seu papel.
Tal equivoco tem gerado perda de foco e de tempo nas discussoes,
afinal, um Estado mal definido, mas com uma mini-estrutura e tao
ruim quanto um Estado mal definido e com uma super-estrutura.
E por fim, faz-se a seguinte interrogacao: porque e mesmo
que o Estado foi criado? Essa abordagem leva a consulta de fatos
passados, onde se constata que a grande ameaca a sobrevivencia
humana sempre foi e continua sendo a tirania exercida pelos mais
fortes, contra os mais fracos. Essa tirania representava,
inicialmente, o ataque fisico direto, causando privacao da vida,
da liberdade ou da propriedade dos bens produzidos pelo homem,
cuja motivacao era a propria busca do atendimento as necessidades
do opressor, as custas do oprimido, atraves da conquista de suas
terras (era agricola), sua forca de trabalho, seus bens. Essa e,
portanto, a causa da criacao da entidade Estado, representando
a protecao da vida, da liberdade e da propriedade legitimamente
Assim como a escrita separa a historia da pre-historia, o
surgimento da entidade Estado separa a barbarie da civilizacao,
e onde ele nao consegue cumprir este papel, o convivio humano
pode retornar aos padroes anteriores, como acontece hoje em
muitas cidades brasileiras - chacinas, esquadroes da morte,
assaltos e outros crimes sem controle, com o cidadao desprotegido
perante tais comportamentos.
Alem disso, atraves dos tempos a forma de atuacao do homem
foi se modificando, refinando e sofisticando, mas o risco a
sobrevivencia humana continua sendo fortemente vinculada as suas
proprias acoes. E, se nos primordios, o homem atacava fisicamente
o outro homem, matando-o, escravizando-o ou tirando-lhe os bens,
hoje tem-se outras formas de subjugacao. A economica e um
exemplo, cujos efeitos sao praticamente os mesmos, podendo
inviabilizar a manutencao da vida, da liberdade e da propriedade
legitimamente adquirida.

1.1) Servicos Indivisiveis
A partir daquela necessidade original, entendeu-se, no
decorrer da historia, que existem alguns servicos de que o homem
necessita e que, mesmo que possua todos os recursos, e
impossivel a sua realizacao de forma isolada, gerando o conceito
de servicos indivisiveis, area onde a atuacao do Estado se faz
necessaria e insubstituivel.
Alem da seguranca, necessidade originaria da criacao do
Estado, constituem alguns exemplos de servicos indivisiveis:
a) Atuacao em doencas epidemicas ou endemicas
A ocorrencia de graves doencas nos niveis citados, coloca em
risco a vida do ser humano, e nao podem ser resolvidos de forma
individual, por isso, a atuacao do Estado se faz imprescindivel.
As acoes podem ser na linha da prevencao, atraves de campanhas
de vacinacao em massa ou de pesquisas para o desenvolvimento de
tratamentos, preventivos ou curativos. Podem ser, ainda, na linha
do saneamento basico, afinal, essa foi a grande solucao
encontrada na Europa para conter o avanco das epidemias de colera
e de outras graves doencas, que representaram serios riscos a
vida, na epoca. Um exemplo atual de risco a saude coletiva, sao
as consequencias do consumo de produtos industrializados, cuja
composicao pode ser nociva ao consumo ou contato humano, ou os
modificados geneticamente, os quais nao possuem, ate esse
momento, pesquisas que permitam concluir, de forma cabal, se
produzem ou nao, efeitos no ser humano, e quais. Sobre esse
assunto, cabe refletir sobre a citacao feita pelo jornal frances
Terre Citoyenne:
"Alimentos transgenicos criam organismos desconhecidos da
natureza, sem passado evolutivo, sem predador natural, de
comportamento imprevisivel. Sao o inverso da evolucao".
Que ao homem seja, ao menos, garantido o direito de decidir se
quer ou nao correr esse risco, se quer ou nao consumir tais
produtos, atraves do conhecimento inequivoco da presenca desses
componentes, a serem obrigatoriamente informados nas respectivas
embalagens, cabendo ao Estado tal garantia, enquanto se considera
a falta de elementos mais cientificos que justifiquem a sua
nao-fabricacao. Vale ressaltar, ainda, que as principais
enfermidades que acometem o homem atual provem, ou de sua
alimentacao, ou do uso de outros produtos industrializados, ou
seja, produzidos pelo proprio homem. Agrotoxicos, conservantes,
realcadores de cor, de aroma e de sabor, enfim, uma parafernalia
de componentes quimicos, cuja relacao, em muitos casos, ja esta
diretamente identificada com disturbios na saude humana, e mesmo
assim, continuam freqüentando livre e inadvertidamente nossas
b) Preservacao do meio-ambiente
Outra tarefa impossivel de ser realizada de forma individual,
cabendo assim ao Estado e/ou a varios Estados conjuntamente, em
caso de desastres ecologicos onde os efeitos nao fiquem
restritos a uma area politico-geografica, situacao em que a
atuacao de varias nacoes se torna imperiosa, como por exemplo,
incendios incontrolaveis em grandes florestas, vazamentos de oleo
em aguas fluviais fronteiricas, contaminacao quimica e/ou
radioativa do ar, terra ou agua, de forma a afetar nao so as
pessoas do local restrito, mas a respectiva producao, que
eventualmente abastece mercados internacionais, etc. Ressalte-se
que, em termos de sobrevivencia da especie humana, o
meio-ambiente representa hoje o grande risco as geracoes futuras,
sendo, portanto, atividade totalmente inerente a uma entidade que
foi criada para garantir a vida do homem. O servico de coleta
de lixo, prestado pela administracao publica ha muito tempo, e
um precursor desse conceito.
c) Seguranca
A funcao seguranca, seja contra ameacas decorrentes da
convivencia entre os homens em um mesmo territorio (homem-homem),
seja contra ameacas externas ao territorio, (nacao-nacao), so
pode ser cumprida pela instituicao Estado, caracterizando-se como
a propria origem da sua criacao, bem como, do conceito de
servicos indivisiveis.
Maksoud (1984, p. 45):
"... os governos passaram a dedicar quase todo seu esforco a
intervencao em praticamente todos os setores da vida economica,
desprezando o antigo conceito de que o governo numa sociedade
livre tem como objetivo primordial a salvaguarda da vida, da
liberdade e da propriedade legitimamente adquirida dos
Entretanto, ao assistirmos as discussoes sobre prioridades do
Estado, ve-se a confusao que ha entre aquelas e as necessidades
do homem, gerando a seguinte distorcao: o Estado passa a
dedicar-se cada vez mais as atividades economicas, na intencao
de satisfazer as necessidades do homem, e dedica cada vez menos
atencao ao fator seguranca, gerando um ambiente propicio a ameaca
constante a vida, a liberdade e a propriedade legitimamente
adquirida - o produto dessa vida e dessa liberdade. Em
conseqüencia, o cidadao tenta se proteger de varias formas - se
armando e procurando dominar o uso de armas, de tecnicas de
defesa pessoal, contratando segurancas particulares, investindo
em estruturas fisicas que impedem o acesso de pessoas em seu
territorio (condominios cada vez mais fechados, sistemas de
circuitos, carros blindados!, etc.). Um verdadeiro aparato de
guerra, que nao resolve o problema como um todo e aumenta a
violencia, atraves do clima de desconfianca e de reacoes
impensadas. No clima do salve-se-quem-puder, grupos de
exterminio, justica pelas proprias maos e pena de morte serao
algumas das medidas consideradas validas, necessarias, ou ate,
d) Justica
Servico prestado tradicionalmente pelo Estado, que alem de
complementar ao da seguranca, busca justamente estabelecer o
equilibrio entre as forcas que atuam na sociedade, evitando ou
corrigindo situacoes de abuso e opressao.

1.2) Redistribuicao de Renda
Se o Estado foi criado para dar salvaguarda a vida, a
liberdade e a propriedade legitimamente adquirida, caracterizados
especialmente pelos servicos de seguranca, tanto de natureza
interna quanto externa, o atual estagio de desenvolvimento do
homem, conforme ja descrito, trouxe uma nova realidade - os
efeitos da globalizacao, que sao apresentados como o grande
desafio mundial na transicao para o seculo XXI: desemprego
estrutural;dualidade social;degradacao e poluicao do
meio-ambiente;paradoxo entre a corrida tecnologica e o
crescimento da pobreza;concentracao da riqueza mundial.
Assim, uma nova grande linha de atuacao do Estado, frente
ao cidadao, que se encontra impotente diante de um
desenvolvimento que ele nao conseguiu acompanhar, e por isso,
esta com a sua sobrevivencia ameacada, e atraves de uma politica
de redistribuicao de renda. Essa politica tem a mesma
caracteristica de indivisibilidade dos demais servicos
anteriormente descritos, corroborando a adequacao como atividade
inerente ao Estado, e tem como premissa, mais uma vez, a
salvaguarda da vida. Algumas acoes ja executadas no Brasil estao
dentro desse enfoque, como por exemplo, o pagamento de
aposentadoria a um trabalhador (mao-de-obra) que nunca contribuiu
para o sistema previdenciario, mas atingiu idade avancada e nao
possui mais a forca necessaria para produzir e ganhar o proprio
sustento. Da mesma forma, quando o Estado presta um servico que
atende a uma necessidade do cidadao, ao qual, por sua pouca
condicao economica, esta impossibilitado de faze-lo naquele
momento. Exemplo: educacao formal basica ou profissionalizante,
saude pessoal, estrutura para a pratica de atividades esportivas
ou sociais, e ate mesmo alimentacao, nos casos mais extremos,
entre outros.
Essa atuacao em casos especificos, nao pode ser confundida
com a obrigacao do Estado em atender todas ou parte das
necessidades do homem, que tenham a caracteristica de
indivisiveis. Tal pratica corresponde a uma politica de
redistribuicao de renda, que deve ser acionada sempre que, e
estritamente quando, necessaria. Atualmente essa atuacao nao e
desenvolvida com uma base conceitual clara, confundindo-se com
ideologias socialistas, que pregam o bem-estar do homem como
responsabilidade quase exclusiva do Estado.

1.3) Politica de Desenvolvimento
Se a atuacao do Estado em relacao ao atendimento as
necessidades do cidadao impedido de faze-lo, no que tange aos
servicos sem a caracteristica de indivisibilidade, deve ser de
forma restrita no tempo e no espaco, a aquisicao ou recuperacao,
pelo homem, dessa capacidade, pode, e deve ser facilitada pelo
Essa forma de promover o desenvolvimento de uma nacao,
corresponde a um planejamento estrategico que contempla toda a
sociedade, e nao apenas a administracao publica em si, ou cada
empresa em separado, como e de praxe. Somente a entidade Estado
seria capaz de promover um planejamento em tal amplitude, o que
nao significa, por outro lado, que compete exclusivamente a ele,
tal decisao.
Da mesma forma, o Estado tem, e deve ter cada vez mais,
atuacao direta na infra-estrutura de apoio ao desenvolvimento
economico. Meios de escoamento de producao (esse conceito vai
muito alem de construcao de estradas), de armazenamento, de
politicas de qualificacao dos trabalhadores, de procura de
mercados para os produtos ou de identificacao de produtos em
falta no mercado, visando o incentivo a essa producao, sao apenas
alguns exemplos de como se daria essa atuacao.
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Fecha - 08-06-01
Nombre: urbared
Comentarios: Estimad@s amig@s:

Mi nombre es Gonzalo Vázquez y soy administrador de urbared
( ), cuyo objetivo es ser un sitio de
encuentro para debatir, aprender y construir colectivamente otra
política social para América Latina.

En la sección Recursos de urbared tenemos una selección de
vínculos con otras páginas web que puedan ser de interés para
nuestros visitantes. En esa selección de vínculos hemos incluido a
vuestro sitio.

Los invitamos a conocer nuestra página, visitarla, hacernos sus
comentarios y participar. Y agradeceríamos mucho que consideren
incluir a urbared entre los vínculos que ofrecen en su sitio.

Reciban nuestro saludo cordial,

Gonzalo Vázquez
Administrador de urbared

Fecha - 08-06-01
Nombre: Peter Ferguson
No 14, June 2001

Here is our selection of the latest services and documents added to ELDIS,
the gateway
to information on development. All documents are available free
on the Internet (or you can try our email-only option).

New resources supported by the ELDIS team

* Microfinance Audit Information Centre, CGAP
Advice and discussion on how to contract, conduct and use MFI audits

* World Bank/IMF ELDIS resource centre
News and research on these institutions

* GDNet Regional Window for Africa
Latest research and news on Africa

* Internet for development RDN Virtual Training Suite
New online research tutorial, created for the Resource Discovery Network

Full Internet access details below. Each item includes links to
further Internet materials on the same subject.

1. Aid dependence and governance
2. The impact of HIV/AIDS on food security
3. Ecoagriculture: Common ground, common future
4. Intellectual property rights in the global economy
5. More equitable pricing for essential drugs
6. Replacement migration: is it a solution to declining and ageing
7. Potential uses of food aid to support HIV/AIDS mitigation activities in
Sub-Saharan Africa
8. Pro-Poor Tourism strategies
9. Market access for developing countries' exports
10. Internet for development RDN Virtual Training Suite

The links below lead onto the documents. You can also receive
these documents by email: see the end of this message for full
instructions on how to use this.

1. Aid dependence and governance
Bräutigam, D.
Expert Group on Development Issues (EGDI), Department for
International Development Cooperation. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden,

What happens when institutions are too weak to handle large
amounts of aid?

2. The impact of HIV/AIDS on food security
FAO Committee on World Food Security, 2001

Measures to address the potential effects of a reduced labour force on the
agricultural sector

3. Common ground, common future
McNeely, J. A.; Scherr, S. J.
IUCN; Future Harvest, 2001

Can ecoagriculture help feed the world and save wild biodiversity?

4. Intellectual property rights in the global economy
Maskus, K.
Institute for International Economics (IIE), USA, 2001

IPRs venture front stage in the global economy: balancing
benefits to producers and consumers

5. More equitable pricing for essential drugs: what do
we mean and what are the issues?
World Health Organization (WHO), 2001

The prices of essential drugs should reflect countries' ability to pay

6. Replacement migration: is it a solution to declining and ageing
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division

Migration and its benefits to the potential support ratio

7. Potential uses of food aid to support HIV/AIDS mitigation activities in
Sub-Saharan Africa
Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project (FANTA), USAID, 2000

Reasons and criteria for intervention

8. Pro-Poor Tourism strategies: making tourism work for the poor: a review
of experience
Roe, D.; Ashley, C.; Goodwin, H.
Pro-Poor Tourism Programme, ODI, 2001

How to ensure that tourism growth can contribute to poverty reduction

9. Market access for developing countries' exports
IMF / World Bank, 2001

Economic liberalisation and integration has a positive effect on
economic growth and poverty reduction


See the complete list of new additions on our "What's new" page

Don't forget to look at our Notepad service, containing items of
news, job adverts, conference details, etc.


To help those of you with limited or no access to the Internet, we
are testing an automated service to deliver documents by email via
a web-to-email service. You can request a web document and it
will be sent to you as an email message.

For full instructions, send an email to:

You do not need anything in the subject field and the only text of
your message should be:


ELDIS currently includes descriptions and links to over 3500
organisations and over 6000 full-text online documents covering
development and environmental issues. It can be searched or
browsed free over the Internet.

If you would like to publicise ELDIS within your organisation, we
have printed leaflets available and an A2-size colour poster.
Contact us if you would like copies of these, or any other
information about ELDIS.

ELDIS is funded by Danida and Sida, and hosted by the Institute of
Development Studies, Sussex, UK

If you would like to receive this bulletin (or one of our 21 subject
focused bulletins) regularly (for free), you can register from our
home page, or just email to the address below.

Contact details:

Tracy Zussman-Kay
ELDIS Programme
at the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex
Brighton BN1 9RE, UK


Tel: +44 1273 877330
Fax: +44 1273 621202

Fecha - 06-06-01
Nombre: La Bolsa o la vida
Comentarios: envia La Bolsa o la Vida

LA BORSA O LA VIDA, presenta....


Hola a todos y todas, como sabréis el lunes 25 de Junio iremos a la Bolsa de Barcelona, una institución mediante la que, grandes empresas transnacionales consiguen beneficios por encima del 20 o 30% a costa de la precarización de los trabajadores y trabajadoras, o de despidos según los casos.

Hay que preparar la “visita guiada” y desde el grupo de trabajo “La borsa o la vida” hemos pensado que de esta visita la ciudadanía de Barcelona debería salir ganando. Por eso hemos pensado que una vez en la bolsa aprovechásemos para convertir este espacio, rancio y alejado de la gente, en algo acogedor y de utilidad; en un “espacio para las personas”

Publicad vuestras propuestas directamente y de forma instantanea en la web; desde el apartado de la web, accederéis al espacio que ha habilitado Indymedia Barcelona para el concurso de ideas aprovechando su tecnología. Poned en el título de la propuesta CONCURSBORSA (todo junto) y así podremos agrupar todas las ideas fácilmente.

Nosotros/as ya hemos tenido esta idea (anexo 1) y esperamos que salgan más, puesto que sabemos que en Barcelona hay muchas necesidades...

Durante la semana del 18 al 22, en una de las asambleas previas a la acción ya decidiríamos en que transformamos finalmente la bolsa a partir de las propuestas que se hayan dado y a través del consenso, hasta entonces recojeremos todo tipo de ideas!


Grupo 'La Bolsa o la Vida'

Anexo 1:

1ª propuesta:

Convirtamos la Bolsa en un comedor popular gratuíto:
Sí la Bolsa es la sede de lo irreal, de lo virtual, de lo efímero, y sobretodo de la muerte.
Si los mercados financieros son la niña de los ojos del capitalismo depredador...

Qué mejor que convertir este espacio, hasta ahora tétrico, en un comedor popular gratuíto y lleno de vitalidad para contraponer la vida a la bolsa.

Como sabéis cada vez son más las personas que no tienen nada para comer; muchas de ellas malviven por los alrededores de Pça Catalunya y Passeig de Gràcia. Però en esta zona tan tomada por las empresas transnacionales, no hay comida que esté al alcance de las personas necesitadas. Creemos que un comedor gratuíto hace falta y que el antiguo espacio de la bolsa puede ser inmejorable para cumplir esta función.

El presupuesto para el comedor gratuíto, tendría que salir de la abolición de la economía especulativa que queremos conseguir en Barcelona con el cierre de la bolsa y que al mismo tiempo podría servir para dotar de más recursos muchos otros aspectos de la vida real.

A nivel de reconversión de los espacios, ya entrando un poco en detalle. Creemos que:
· Las cocimas de dinero gratis se pueden reconvertir en cocinas de comida gratis.
· Los plafones del mercado de valores del día, pueden pasar a exponer el menú del día.
· Los brockers y otros trabajadores y trabajadoras de la bolsa, serán recontratados para cocinar y servir la comida, si demuestran que saben hacer tantos juegos de manos con la comida como han demostrado con el dinero. Nosotros no dejamom a nadie en la calle!
· Las salas de compra y venta de acciones, pueden ser a partir de ahora el comedor.
· Los seguratas, vigilantes, secretas y sus instrumentos, pueden servir para vigilar que la comida esté en buen estado.
· Los ordenadores que sobraran, simplemente los podemos repartir entre los barrios, para hacer las nuevas tecnologías más accesibles a los ciudadanos y ciudadanas.


Y las paredes las pintaríamos de rosa, con toda clase de dibujos que representen la vida...

Fecha - 05-06-01
Nombre: Zahara Hassan
Comentarios: Below please find UNCHS (Habitat)'s Press Release No. CHS/13/01:



NEW YORK, 4 JUNE 2001-- The central challenge of the 21st century will be
how to make both globalization and urbanization work for all the world's
people, instead of benefiting only a few. The United Nations Centre for
Human Settlements (Habitat) has now released a report that describes the
impact of globalization on cities and what can be done to ensure that the
fruits of globalization are shared more equally.

Cities in a Globalizing World: Global Report on Human Settlements 2001
argues that technology-driven options for growth and development - which
spur globalization -have led to divided cities where the lines of
stratification between people, places and groups are becoming more
magnified. The costs and benefits of globalization are unevenly distributed
both within and between cities. "Homeless people are living in cardboard
boxes on sidewalks of gleaming corporate skyscrapers, whose budgets exceed
those of many countries," says the Report, which was launched today in New

Studies presented in the Report indicate that while some population groups
have improved their housing conditions, a disproportionate share of the
world's population has seen its housing situation deteriorate further. In
many countries, real incomes have fallen, the costs of living have gone up
and the number of poor households has grown, particularly in urban areas.
Sixty countries have become steadily poorer since 1980.

Cities, home to one half of the world's population, are bearing the brunt
of declining living standards. The Report notes that one billion urban
inhabitants live in inadequate housing, mostly in the slums and squatter
settlements in developing countries. In Africa, only one-third of all urban
households are connected to potable water. In Asia and the Pacific, a mere
38 per cent of urban households are connected to a sewerage system. In
Europe, the processes of social exclusion marginalize many low-income and
minority households, while urban crime and the decline of peripheral
housing estates undermine the social cohesion of many communities. In North
America, problems of residential segregation, discrimination in housing
markets and affordability persist, particularly in larger cities, despite
recent economic growth.

A consistent theme throughout the Report is how to overcome the limits of
market mechanisms that have characterized globalization processes, which
are dominated by transnational corporations seeking to maximize profit. It
emphasizes the importance of "globalization-from-below" with goals of
social justice and environmental sustainability. Access to goods and
services required for meeting daily needs, the Report argues, should be
less dependent on people's ability to pay and based more on basic human
rights recognized in international agreements.

Relying on some 80 background papers prepared by urban experts worldwide
and extensive statistical information, the Report analyzes the effects of
growing poverty and deepening inequality on access to housing, safe water,
adequate sanitation, transportation and other basic services.

The Report argues that traditional goals of urban planning and development,
aimed at supporting cities as engines of economic growth, are too narrow.
"In the face of rising poverty and inequality, governments require a new
vision and new approaches to more adequately support the role of cities as
agents of social change," says Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka, the Executive
Director of UNCHS (Habitat), the UN agency that produced the Report.
"Policies must focus on capacity building, especially at the local level
and in civil society, and fostering good governance."

As the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan points out in his foreword, "The
central challenge of the international community is clear: to make both
globalization and urbanization work for all people, instead of leaving
millions behind." Cities in a Globalizing World shows the way forward.

Cities in a Globalizing World: Global Report on Human Settlements 2001
Published for the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) by
Earthscan Publications Ltd., London, 2001.
ISBN 1-85383-806-3 June 2001 (Paperback)
ISBN 1-85383-805-5 (Hardback)

To order, write to:
Earthscan Publications Ltd.
120 Pentonville Road
London N1 9JN
United Kingdom

For further information, please contact:
Mr. Sharad Shankardass, Spokesperson or Zahra A. Hassan, Media & Press
Relations Unit, UNCHS (Habitat), tel: (254 2) 623153, Fax: (254 2) 624060,
E-mal:, Website:
Ms. Rasna Warah, Information Officer, Urban Secretariat, Tel: (254 2)
623988, Fax: (254 2) 623080 , E-mail:

Zahra A. Hassan
Media Liaison
Media & Press Relations Unit
Office of the Executive Director
UNCHS (Habitat)
P.O. Box 30030
Tel: ( 254 2) 623151; Fax: 624060

***This message was generated through the UNCHS (Habitat) mailing
***Please send any queries on this list to

Fecha - 05-06-01
Nombre: Zahra Hassan
Comentarios: Below please find UNCHS (Habitat)'s Press Release No. CHS/14/01:



NEW YORK, 4 JUNE 2001 -- Most United Nations reports focus on country-level
analyses of human development. Now, for the first time, the United Nations
Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) has released a report focusing
exclusively on city-level analyses of a wide range of urban issues. The
State of the World's Cities Report 2001 is a first in-depth attempt to
monitor, analyze and report on the realities faced by urban populations
around the world. The report was produced by UNCHS (Habitat) to coincide
with the Istanbul + 5 Special Session of the UN General Assembly, which
takes place in New York this week.

In his foreword, UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, refers to the State of
the World's Cities Report as, "a milestone in the efforts of the United
Nations to build and disseminate knowledge for policy-makers and the
general public," adding that the Report is a valuable contribution to
collective efforts to implement the Habitat Agenda - the global plan of
action adopted in Istanbul five years ago.

At the launching, Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka, the Executive Director of UNCHS
(Habitat), stated that the report presented the UN with an additional tool
to monitor urban conditions and trends. "In the Report, we have tried to
differentiate between national development and urban development, which
helps us make policy recommendations based on city data. This is a
significant step forward in the UN's efforts to provide up-to-date
information on the state of the world and how well or how badly it is
performing in various areas of development, " she said.

The State of the World's Cities Report explores a range of urban issues and
policy responses in five major areas: shelter, society, environment,
economy and governance. It then takes a look, region by region, at
urbanization trends and issues. Some interesting facts have emerged:

· In 2020, Asia and the Pacific region will host the largest number of
urban dwellers in the world -- 1.97 billion people, or 46 per cent of the
region's projected total population of 4.298 billion.
· Only a quarter of Europe's urban population lives in cities with more
than 250,000 people; half the urban population lives in small towns of
10-50,000 people, while a quarter lives in medium-sized towns of 50-250,000
· Latin America and the Caribbean is the most urbanized region in the
developing world, with 75 per cent of its population living in cities.
· Lagos will be the third largest city in the world in 2010, after Tokyo
and Mumbai.
· One billion people live in inadequate housing, mostly in slums and
squatter settlements in developing countries.
· The right to adequate housing is recognized by 70 per cent of the world's
· The Arab States region provides the greatest protection against forced
· Informal sector employment makes up 37 per cent of the total employment
in developing countries as a whole and is as high as 45 per cent in Africa.
· Municipalities in highly industrialized countries obtain an average of US
$ 2906 per capita in revenue per year. This figure is almost 200 times the
average revenue obtained by African municipalities, which is approximately
US$ 14 per capita per year.

The State of the World's Cities Report notes that cities are the main
players in the global economy, yet manage to capture only a small
percentage of national revenue per year. This, suggests the Report, has
significant ramifications for urban development. The Report touches on
urban poverty and how liberalized trade and finance, without proper
safeguards, make urban populations everywhere more vulnerable to external

Employing, among other resources, UNCHS (Habitat)'s Urban Indicators and
Best Practices databases, the Report makes regional comparisons of
city-level analyses and data, and introduces, for the first time, the City
Development Index, a tool developed by UNCHS (Habitat) to track regional,
national and city level progress.

The central message of the State of the World's Cities Report is that
people's processes and initiatives and enabling governing structures must
unite to form broad-based partnerships that will promote justice, equity
and sustainability in cities. The Report concludes that a country's global
success rests on local shoulders: for the good of all citizens, city and
state must become political partners rather than competitors. Most
importantly, if accommodation requires new political arrangements,
institutional structures or constitutional amendments, it is never too late
-- or too early -- to begin making changes.

Easy to read and beautifully illustrated with photos, graphs and tables,
the State of the World's Cities Report 2001 will make a valuable addition
to any reference library and will appeal to all those interested in making
our cities work. It is undoubtedly one of the most significant publications
to come out of the UN in recent years.

State of the World's Cities Report 2001
Published by the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat),
Nairobi, 2001
ISBN 92-1-131476-3
To order State of the World's Cities Report 2001, contact UNCHS regional or
information/liaison offices, or write directly to:
UNCHS (Habitat)
Publications Unit
P.O. Box 30030
Nairobi, Kenya
Web site:
For further information, please contact:
Mr. Sharad Shankardass, Spokesperson or Ms. Zahra A. Hassan, Media & Press
Relations Unit, UNCHS (Habitat), Tel: (254 2) 623153, Fax: (254 2) 624060,
E-mail:, Website:
Ms. Rasna Warah, Information Officer, Urban Secretariat, Tel: (254 2)
623988, Fax: (254 2) 623080, E-

Zahra A. Hassan
Media Liaison
Media & Press Relations Unit
Office of the Executive Director
UNCHS (Habitat)
P.O. Box 30030
Tel: ( 254 2) 623151; Fax: 624060

***This message was generated through the UNCHS (Habitat) mailing
***Please send any queries on this list to

Fecha - 05-06-01
Nombre: Reforme
Al 04 de junio de 2001


Para conocer mayores detalles acerca de la informacion resen'ada,
debe dirigirse directamente a las personas y/o direcciones
indicadas en cada caso.

Programa de Capacitacion para Funcionarios Municipales de la
Subsecretaria de Asuntos Municipales del Ministerio del Interior;
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional del
Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Descripcion: El objetivo de esta actividad es poner a
disposicion de las autoridades electas, funcionarios politicos
y de carrera, con responsabilidad de conduccion, las herramientas
que contribuyan a fortalecer su capacidad de analisis y toma de
decisiones para abordar y resolver en forma mas rapida y eficaz,
la promocion y gestion del buen gobierno local, desde una
perspectiva integral, equitativa e innovadora. El curso aborda
la problematica del Manejo del Cambio en el Municipio.
-Fecha: 7-9 de junio de 2001
-Lugar: Olavarria, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Contactos: Dr. Pablo Pintos, Director Nacional de Asuntos
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de Olavarria

Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administracion (IESA),
-Descripcion: El programa combina el enfasis en destrezas
analiticas de alto nivel en economia, finanzas, estadisticas y
demas ciencias sociales con un fuerte reconocimiento de la
necesidad de desarrollar capacidades personales para asegurar la
eficacia y la etica en la implementacion en el mundo real. Hay
opciones en Gerencia Publica y Economia Aplicada. Abierto a
profesionales de cualquier disciplina, el programa forma
funcionarios para el sector publico asi como analistas de alta
demanda en organizaciones del sector privado, como consultoras,
unidades empresariales de analisis de entorno, instituciones sin
fines de lucro, entre otros.
-Fecha limite del proceso de seleccion: 15 de junio de 2001
-Fecha de inicio: septiembre y enero
-Contacto: Janet Kelly, Coordinadora, Centro de Politicas
Publicas, IESA. Telf: (58212) 555.42.14


Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos (IIDH)
-Descripcion: El curso es un espacio interdisciplinario de
caracter academico que permite el encuentro de los mas diversos
sectores, incluso antagonicos, para la discusion academica basada
en los principios de tolerancia, la no discriminacion y la
libertad de expresion en un ambiente democratico. El IIDH
reconoce la interdependencia entre derechos humanos y democracia,
y sostiene que la Participacion Politica como derecho efectivo
solo es posible en un sistema democratico representativo,
participativo e inclusivo.
-Fecha: 18-29 de junio de 2001
-Lugar: San Jose, Costa Rica
-Contacto: Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos (IIDH),
Apartado 10.081-1000, San Jose, Costa Rica, Telf: (506) 234.04.04
/ 234.04.05 Fax: (506) 234.09.55

Fundacion Nexos Municipales, Colombia
-Descripcion: Este Seminario esta dirigido a funcionarios de
gobiernos locales, organizaciones sociales, estudiantes,
investigadores y en general a todo el publico interesado en el
desarrollo y la autonomia local. En su contenido combina las
ponencias conceptuales, la presentacion de casos y experiencias
exitosas de desarrollo local colombiano y la elaboracion de un
-Fecha: 26-27 de julio de 2001
-Lugar: Bogota, Colombia
-Contacto: Fundacion Nexos Municipales. Telf: (571) 283.02.21 /
283.15.81 / 281.33.73, Fax: (571) 283.76.23

Escuela de Postgrado de la Universidad Nacional de General San
Martin, Argentina; UNESCO
-Descripcion: El objetivo esencial de la Carrera es apoyar el
desarrollo academico de numerosos profesionales que actuan o
desean actuar en gestion ambiental, brindandoles una formacion
universitaria especifica con una clara orientacion
interdisciplinaria. El perfil del egresado es el siguiente:
Solida formacion teorica y metodologica para la gestion
ambiental; Dominio de las principales tecnologias de gestion
ambiental; Capacidad de formular, instrumentar y evaluar
politicas ambientales; Capacidad para el analisis, diagnostico
y resolucion de conflictos ambientales; Capacidades y actitudes
que estimulen la etica, los valores y la actitud de servicio a
la sociedad, la flexibilidad y la iniciativa necesarios para el
desempen'o en la gestion ambiental.
-Duracion: 3 cuatritrimestres
-Fecha de inicio: agosto de 2001
-Lugar: Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Contacto: Lic. Alberto E. Moran

Centro Superior de Estudios de Gestion, Analisis y Evaluacion de
la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Espan'a
-Descripcion: El objetivo principal del curso es formar
profesionalmente a personas orientadas a desarrollar su carrera
en las administraciones publicas de todos los niveles de
gobierno, empresas publicas y organismos no gubernamentales.
-Duracion: 22 de noviembre de 2001- 31 de octubre del 2002
-Contacto: Centro Superior de Estudios de Gestion, Analisis y
Evaluacion, Magister en Gestion Publica, Edificio -B-, Mas Ferre
Campus de Somosaguas -28223, Madrid, Espan'a. Telf: (341)
394.25.54 / 394.29.57 / 394.29.58, Fax: (341) 394.29.56

Markez Treinamentos, Brasil
-Descripcion: Objetivos gerais: Compreender as principais
variaveis que interferem no atendimento para a qualidade, sabendo
inclusive conceitua-las; Estar conscientes da importancia da
melhoria do atendimento para a qualidade, objetivando o
fortalecimento da imagem da organizacao; Visualizar no
atendimento para a qualidade um importante diferencial. Publico
alvo: Pessoas atendentes do publico externo e interno que
trabalhem em orgaos e empresas publicas.
-Duracion: 20 horas/aula
-Lugar: Curitiba, Parana, Brasil
-Contacto: Markez Treinamentos, Rua Joaquim Amaral,
426-81.530-430, Jardim da Americas, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil.
Tel/fax: (5541) 366.27.69 / 366.99.71 / 366.00.18

UNCHS (Habitat) LAUNCHES SEARCHABLE WEB SITE: The United Nations Centre for Human
Settlements (Habitat) has re-designed its web site, which now has
a new look and feel, is interactive, fully database driven and
searchable by text and keywords. The re-designed site, includes
a publications and video catalogue, feedback forms, a discussion
forum and automatic subscriptions to mailing lists.

Responsable, Plural y Solidario y la Fundacion Charles-Leopold
Mayer de Francia, invitan a participar en el foro electronico
traducido en frances y en ingles sobre el tema Estado y
Desarrollo. La meta principal es cruzar las barreras culturales
y disciplinarias. Se aspira que el foro permita establecer un
conjunto de proposiciones concretas que seran expuestas durante
la Asamblea Mundial que se reunira en diciembre de 2.001. En el
foro se discutiran temas como: ¿Cual es el papel del Estado en
el desarrollo?, ¿cual es el lugar del Estado en las estrategias
de desarrollo tomando en cuenta el contexto de la globalizacion?,
¿como pueden los aparatos estatales apoyar las dinamicas locales
del desarrollo?, ¿que interacciones positivas pueden relacionar
al Estado con la sociedad civil?, ¿como puede el Estado jugar un
papel activo en el desarrollo social?
-Contacto: Monzon Traore, c/o Delphine Astier, 5 rue Boisset,
38000 Grenoble, Francia.
Telf : (336)
( (en frances) (en ingles)

Congreso Global 2001
-Descripcion: Se invita a los miembros de asociaciones, grupos
de ciudadanos, investigadores, funcionarios del gobierno, lideres
sindicales y sociales, maestros y profesores, autoridades
escolares, miembros de las cooperadoras escolares a presentar
resumenes de documentos, videos y otros formatos de presentacion
incluidos en el Taller. Entre los principales temas de este
taller estan: ¿Cual es la infraestructura necesaria para
informatizar las escuelas y que opciones tienen las comunidades
en los paises en desarrollo?; ¿cuales son los metodos
experimentados y probados para entrenar a los maestros y producir
contenidos educativos elaborados por las propias escuelas?, ¿que
investigacion se realiza para evaluar la incidencia del uso de
las nuevas tecnologias en la practica de los docentes?, ¿como
transformar los centros educativos en puntos de encuentro de la
comunidad para informarse, mejorar su calidad de vida mediante
el acceso a oportunidades de trabajo y estudio, asi como de
participacion en otras decisiones que les permitan convertirse
en actores activos de los procesos sociales e integrarse a la
Sociedad de la Informacion? entre otros.
-Fecha limite para la recepcion de resumenes: antes del 30 de
junio de 2001
-Fecha del evento: 5-7 de diciembre de 2001
-Lugar: Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Contactos: Silvia Senen Gonzalez y Claudia Gomez Costa

Asociacion Argentina de Estudios de Administracion Publica;
Asociacion de Administradores Gubernamentales; Facultad de
Ciencias Politicas y Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad
Nacional de Rosario; Municipalidad de Rosario, Argentina
-Descripcion: El Congreso tiene como principal objetivo
contribuir con la actualizacion del pensamiento, analisis y
presentacion de experiencias relacionadas con la mejora de la
administracion publica en los tres niveles de Gobierno. En
especial, se espera centrar la atencion sobre la imbricacion y
derivaciones que tienen para la gobernabilidad general del pais,
las relaciones de las administraciones publicas con el
desenvolvimiento de la sociedad civil y el ejercicio del poder
politico. Con esa orientacion se ha propuesto como tematica
general del Congreso abordar las relaciones entre Sociedad,
Gobierno y Administracion Publica, para una mejor gobernabilidad
de la Argentina del primer decenio del siglo XXI, como encuadre
global para encarar un amplio debate acerca de las debidas
relaciones entre ciudadania, administradores publicos y
representantes electos.
-Fecha limite para la presentacion de ponencias: 6 de agosto de
-Fecha del evento: 30 de agosto - 1ro. de septiembre de 2001
-Lugar: Rosario, Argentina
-Contactos: Asociacion Argentina de Estudios de Administracion
Asociacion de Administradores Gubernamentales
Facultad de Ciencia Politica y Relaciones Internacionales de la
Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Dr. Raymond Saner and Dr. Isaac Maidana (edt).- La Paz, 2001
-Descripcion: This book is the culmination of a bilateral
cooperation project jointly undertaken by Bolivia and Switzerland
in 2000 on "Strengthening Bolivia's capacity in the field of
trade negotiations". The purpose of this publication is to
provide professional information and expert knowledge on trade
negotiations for Bolivian policy makers, government officials,
entrepreneurs, academics and the public at large in order to. The
goal of the editors is to enlarge the reader's knowledge base on
trade matters, to help him deepen his understanding of the
complex interdependencies of universal, regional and bilateral
trade negotiation and to explain how these trade agreements might
support or hinder national economic development.
-Contacto: Dr. Raymond Saner, Director, Centre for
Socio-Eco-Nomic Development (CSEND), P.O. Box 1498, Mont Blanc,
CH-1211, Geneva 1, Switzerland. Telf: (4122) 906.17.20, Fax:
(4422) 738.17.37


El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo presento en una sesion en
su sede en Washington D.C. cuatro programas ganadores del Premio
del Instituto Interamericano para el Desarrollo Social (INDES)
en la Republica Dominicana, que reconoce la innovacion y la
calidad en gerencia social en proyectos de ese pais. El objetivo
del premio, otorgado por primera vez, es ofrecer un
reconocimiento especial y mayor visibilidad a ejemplos de
gerencia de calidad e innovacion en programas sociales, para que
sirvan como modelo de referencia, fortaleciendo una cultura de
buena gerencia que impulse las reformas sociales en el pais. Para
mayor informacion sobre el Instituto Interamericano para el
Desarrollo Social (INDES) y el Programa de Capacitacion en
Disen'o y Gestion de Politicas, Programas y Proyectos Sociales
puede consultar la pagina web: Para
consultas sobre el Programa INDES/BID-INTEC en Republica
Dominicana dirigirse a su directora Elssy Bonilla C.
-Contacto: Alejandro Medina Giopp, Coordinador Tecnico del Premio

Diana Acosta
Administradora de la Lista Reforme
* Para hacer contribuciones a REFORME escriba a:
* Si desea retirarse escriba un mensaje a "" con el
subject en blanco y que diga en la primera linea:
unsubscribe reforme "su direccion electronica"
* For contributions to REFORME send a message to:
* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
unsubscribe reforme "your mail address"

Fecha - 30-05-01
Nombre: André Torre
Comentarios: IIIèmes Journées de la Proximité

« Nouvelles Croissances et Territoires »
Carré des Sciences, Rue Descartes
13 et 14 Décembre 2001

Appel à communications :

Organisées par l'Université de Paris XI (ADIS), l'INRA (SAD) et le groupe
de recherche "Dynamiques de proximité", les IIIèmes Journées de la Proximité
auront lieu à Paris, les 13 et 14 Décembre 2001 sur le thème "Nouvelles
Croissances et Territoires". Elles ont pour objectif de présenter les
travaux des chercheurs français et étrangers sur le rôle de la proximité
géographique versus celui d'autres formes de proximité dans la coordination
des agents économiques et l'organisation spatiale des activités.
La géographie économique est caractérisée par l'élargissement considérable
de l'horizon spatial des individus et des organisations et, simultanément,
par l'importance croissante des processus d'agglomération. L'organisation
spatiale des activités repose dès lors sur une combinaison de relations
locales, territorialisées et de relations non locales, déterritorialisées.
La notion de proximité, par sa polysémie, est à l'articulation de ces deux
types de relations. Elle est ainsi un mode d'investigation des nouvelles
tendances d'organisation de l'espace.
Le colloque sera plus particulièrement centré sur les transformations
territoriales associées à la nouvelle croissance et à ses formes diverses.
Il doit permettre d'identifier de nouvelles tendances, de nouveaux processus
en soulignant les défis posés aux politiques publiques.
Il s'adresse aux économistes mais aussi aux géographes, aux sociologues,
aux spécialistes de l'aménagement du territoire, et plus généralement aux
spécialistes des sciences sociales liant leur propre champ à celui de

Thèmes (non exhaustifs) :
1- Innovation et espace
2- Dynamique spatiale de l'apprentissage
3- Relations entre firmes et territoires
4- Transformation des modèles productifs et évolution des schémas de
5- Nouvelle économie et localisation des activités
6- Infrastructures de transport et de communication : distances et
7- Transformations de l'organisation urbaine
8- Métropolisation et polarisation
9- Nouvelles formes de mobilité intra-urbaine, ville/campagne et
10- Temps de travail et organisation de l'espace
11- Marchés locaux du travail
12- Modélisation des interactions spatiales
13- Services de proximité et téléservices
14- E-commerce, logistique et localisation des activités commerciales
15- Encastrement et désencastrement social des relations économiques
16- Sociabilité et proximité
17- Régulation et gouvernance locale : la territorialisation par les
18- Régulation, secteurs et territoires
19- Les effets frontière
20- Territoire et Origine
21- Proximité et dimensions environnementales

Langues : français, anglais

Date de remise des propositions (700 mots environ) : 20 juin 2001
Décision du comité scientifique : 7 juillet 2001
Remise des papiers : 1er novembre 2001

Comité d'organisation :
Alain Rallet
André Torre
Bertrand Bellon
Thierry Dardart
Delphine Gallaud

Conférences invitées :
Anthony J. Venables (London School of Economics)
Giacomo Beccatini (University of Firenze)
AnnaLee Saxenian (University of California, Berkeley)
Jean-Benoît Zimmermann (GREQAM, Marseille)

Envoyez votre proposition à :
Florence Chrétien
Faculté Jean Monnet
54 Boulevard Desgranges
F-92331 Sceaux Cedex
Tél : 33 1 40 91 17 96 / Fax : 33 1 40 91 18 56

Site Web du colloque :

Fecha - 29-05-01
Nombre: José Miguel Ospino Alvarado
Comentarios: Interesantisimo este articulo, me fue de gran ayuda.

Fecha - 29-05-01
Nombre: Reforme
Al 28 de mayo de 2001


Para conocer mayores detalles acerca de la informacion resen'ada,
debe dirigirse directamente a las personas y/o direcciones
indicadas en cada caso.

Servicios Administrativos Gerenciales e Integrales (SAGI),
2 de junio de 2001, Caracas, Venezuela
-Descripcion: ¿Puede el sector publico desarrollar un estilo
gerencial, eficiente, eficaz y transparente?, ¿se ha cerrado en
los ultimos an'os la brecha entre la gestion publica y privada?,
¿que significa en Venezuela ser un lider?, ¿se puede ser un lider
diciendo la verdad?. La conferencia se propone reflexionar sobre
la situacion que acontece en Venezuela y el papel que corresponde
asumir en la construccion del futuro.
-Contactos: Zoraida Pacheco, SAGI. Telf: (58212) 762.67.36

Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad del Salvador;
Fundacion Novum Millenium
6 de junio de 2001, Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Descripcion: Se pretende generar un espacio de debate y analisis
entre politicos y academicos de la ciencia politica. El objetivo
final es analizar la distancia que existe entre la teoria
politica y su practica ejecutiva, en funcion de proponer
soluciones que tengan en cuenta los problemas y desafios a los
que hoy se debe hacer frente desde la gestion publica.
-Contacto: Lic. Constanza Mazzina, Fundacion Novum Millenium.
Telf: (5411) int. 115

Instituto de Economia de Barcelona; Instituto de Estudios
Autonomicos; Division II de Ciencias Juridicas, Economicas y
Sociales de la Universidad de Barcelona
14 de junio de 2001, Barcelona, Espan'a
-Descripcion: El principal objetivo de esta jornada es recoger
y discutir las diversas propuestas que han ido surgiendo o que
todavia puedan surgir en el ambito universitario. Asimismo, se
pretende dar a concocer las principales cuestiones que afectan
la financiacion de las Comunidades Autonomas a traves de personas
vinculadas en el mundo academico, todas ellas de reconocido
prestigio en el campo de la financiacion autonomica.
-Contacto: Instituto de Economia de Barcelona. Telf: (343)
403.46.46, Fax: (343) 402.18.13

Public Futures; HM Treasury; National Audit Office; Cabinet
Office, England
27-28 de septiembre de 2001, Londres, Inglaterra
-Descripcion: 27 September - Performance in Government - Policy
and Practice Conference: This will focus on key policy
developments and practical issues being raised in implementing
new performance systems. It expects leading practitioners and
policy makers to be present as both speakers and participants,
both from the UK and internationally. 28 September - Performance
Measurement, Management and Reporting in Government: Research
Day: This will be an opportunity to bring together researchers
in the field to present papers and discuss both the substantive
and methodological issues involved. Selected papers from the day
will be published in the Journal Public Performance & Management
Review (Sage) which will be published in early 2002, edited
jointly by Prof. Marc Holzer (Rutgers Univeristy, USA) and Prof.
Colin Talbot (University of Glamorgan).
-Contacto: Alison Essery, Public FUTURES, The Old Garage,
Llantilio Crossenny, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 8SU UK.

Instituto Nacional del Agua (INA); Centro de Economia,
Legislacion y Administracion del Agua (CELA), Argentina
-Descripcion: Destinado a profesionales, tecnicos, docentes,
empresarios, funcionarios e interesados en la problematica de los
recursos hidricos. Resulta de utilidad para aquellos que se
desenvuelven en el sector publico como en el privado, ya que esta
orientado a la toma de decisiones relativas a la asignacion,
conservacion y manejo integral del agua. El objetivo es presentar
a los participantes criterios y metodos economicos que sean
simples, operativos y funcionales para el manejo eficiente y
sustentable de los recursos hidricos.
-Fecha: 2-6 de julio de 2001
-Lugar: Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Contacto: Dr. Armando Llop, Director del CELA

Centro Extremen'o de Cooperacion Internacional (CEXECI), España;
Centro para la Participacion y el Desarrollo Humano Sostenible
(CEPAD), Bolivia
-Descripcion: A pesar de que Bolivia es uno de los paises del
continente con serios problemas para lograr crecimiento
economico, lo que repercute en las condiciones de vida de la
poblacion y la situacion de extrema pobreza en la que se
encuentra, con las reformas ejecutadas se han sentado las bases
para modificar la relacion entre el Estado y la sociedad
priorizando la democracia y la gobernabilidad. El curso es el
escenario adecuado para mostrar que la Bolivia del pasado milenio
no solo convivia con problemas (dictaduras militares, deuda
externa e indices de pobreza), sino que se empezo a gestar un
cambio de actitud, y que, ante la adversidad de los rigidos
sistemas economicos imperante y politicas sociales mal
ejecutadas, entre otros, ha propuesto reformas que estan
cambiando las condiciones para alcanzar desarrollo. Nota: A las
solicitudes realizadas directamente al CEXECI, favor realizarlas
con copia al correo electronico del CEPAD.
-Fecha: 2-6 de julio de 2001
-Lugar: Badajoz, Extremadura, Espan'a
-Contactos: Centro Extremen'o de Estudios y Cooperacion con
Iberoamerica (CEXECI), Avda. de Huelva, 2 - 06005 Badajoz,
Centro para la Participacion y el Desarrollo Humano Sostenible
(CEPAD), Calle Cobija # 548 - Casilla 2641, Santa Cruz de la
Sierra, Bolivia

Instituto de Integracion Latinoamericana de la Universidad
Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
-Descripcion: El objetivo de los postgrados es formar graduados
con una vision cientifica y amplia de la integracion,
proporcionando herramientas teoricas y metodologicas basicas que
permitan profundizar el conocimiento de las tematicas mas
relevantes sobre la base de la diversidad de enfoques existentes,
desarrollando una capacidad de reflexion critica en el estudio
de los problemas de integracion.
-Fecha limite para inscripciones: 3 de agosto de 2001
-Lugar: La Plata, Argentina
-Contacto: Instituto de Integracion

Maestrias para el Desarrollo (MpD) de la Universidad Catolica
Boliviana; Instituto del Banco Mundial (WBI); Servicio Nacional
para la Administracion de Personal (SNAP), Bolivia
-Descripcion: El proposito principal de este curso es explicar
como el sistema fiscal puede ser disen'ado y ejecutado para poder
generar ganancias eficientes y justas, asi como mejorar la
distribucion de recursos, en cohesion con otras politicas que
contribuyen a reducir la pobreza. El curso esta disen'ado para
profesionales involucrados en las estrategias de reduccion de la
pobreza, tanto en agencias gubernamentales como en la sociedad
civil, academicos y cientistas sociales, funcionarios de
organismos internacionales y agencias donantes. Conocimientos
basicos de economia publica son esenciales para un buen
seguimiento del programa. Bolivia junto a Guatemala , Honduras
y Nicaragua han sido los paises elegidos para participar en este
curso y presentar casos de estudio. Los participantes recibiran
un diploma otorgado por el World Bank Institute
-Duracion: 10 modulos semanales.
-Contacto: Veronica Querejazu, Maestrias para el Desarrollo, Av.
14 de Septiembre No. 4807, Bloque #8220, D#8221, Obrajes, La Paz,
Bolivia. Telf: (5912) 78.67.19 / 78.67.29 / 78.29.65 / 78.29.67

Red Inter-Americana de Educacion en Administracion Publica
(INPAE); Asociacion Nacional de Escuelas de Asuntos Publicos y
Administracion (NASPAA)
-Descripcion: Se invita a los institutos de educacion superior
de America Latina y el Caribe a preparar propuestas para
solicitar Asistencia Tecnica (AT) en el area de Politica y
Administracion Publica. El objetivo fundamental de este programa
es promover una mayor vinculacion y colaboracion entre
instituciones de educacion superior en administracion y politicas
publicas y agencias de gobierno, tanto nacionales como
subnacionales. El programa esta dirigido a propiciar que las
mencionadas instituciones de Educacion Superior se asocien con
agencias gubernamentales en torno a un asunto de importancia en
el area de politicas o gerencia publica definido conjuntamente,
con objeto de estudiar alternativas y proponer soluciones. Son
elegibles los estudios que refieran a aspectos especificos de
politicas y gerencia publica y demostrar que sus resultados o
conclusiones responderan a la necesidad detectada y podran ser
exitosamente aplicados. Actualmente, se solicitan propuestas de
cuatro paginas (tres paginas describiendo la actividad de AT y
una pagina con los detalles del presupuesto). Las propuestas
deberan especificar las actividades de AT y establecer el
proposito y los objetivos de las actividades especificas para la
Asistencia Tecnica (AT); una declaracion de como la actividad
propuesta contribuye al objetivo de INPAE de fortalecer la
educacion en gestion publica en LA y el Caribe; un cronograma
detallado; los potenciales beneficiarios de la actividad de AT;
y los individuos (profesores, investigadores, estudiantes y
personal administrativo) involucrado en el proyecto. Las
propuestas pueden ser presentadas en espan'ol e ingles.
-Fecha limite para la presentacion de propuestas: 15 de julio de
-Fecha limite para la aprobacion de proyectos financiados: 15 de
agosto de 2001
-Contactos: Michael Brintnall, Director Ejecutivo o Paulina Soto,
National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and
Administration (NASPAA), 1120 G Street, NW, Suite 730, Washington
DC 20005. Telf. (1202) 628.89.65, Fax. (1202) 626.49.78

Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR); World
Health Organization; Global Forum for Health Research
-Fecha limite para la recepcion de propuestas: 29 de junio de
-Descripcion: The Alliance calls for its second round of letters
of intent for small grants aimed to support capacity development,
good quality research and its impact on policy. Grants will aim
to contribute to improved health by encouraging relevant, valid,
and sustainable research and its application to the health policy
and management process.
-Tipologia: Two types of grants will be awarded: * Young
Researcher Grants: These grants aim to support the growth and
potential of HPSR in the medium term by funding projects of young
researchers working as part of a research team, or the projects
of students who are doing Masters or Doctoral level dissertations
in a relevant subject. Close co-ordination will be sought between
the academic and methodological support provided by the host
academic programme or senior researchers and Alliance training
and grant requirements. * Research to Evidence Grants: These
grants aim to strengthen capacity for the application of HPSR to
the policy process. Financial support will be provided to teams
of experienced researchers and policy/decision-makers to
undertake short research projects involving empirical study or
analysis of existing data. Projects should take the form of an
interaction between researchers and policy/decision-makers which
fosters the production of evidence for the policy process.
-Topicos: * Impact of social policies against poverty and
exclusion, and consequences of globalisation. * Innovative
approaches to health financing for the poor. * National health
accounts (NHA): country methodological developments. * Research
on human resource development. * Scaling up malaria control and
prevention: challenges for financing and health system
strengthening. * Research on road traffic injuries: policy
development and implementation
-A quien va dirigido: * Young Researcher Grants: Applicants must
be enrolled in a Masters or Doctorate programme and the proposed
research project should be an integral part of the requirements
for graduation. The letter of intent can be submitted by an
academic supervisor or by the junior researcher, in which case
the supervisor should endorse the proposal. Only developing
country nationals normally residing in a developing country are
eligible, although they may be enrolled in an academic programme
abroad. * Research to Evidence Grants: The individual applicant
should have or be able to establish collaboration with another
institution or internal unit leading to the formation of a team
with at least one researcher and one policy/decision-maker. The
supporting member(s) of the team should endorse the letter of
intent. Applications will be accepted only from institutions in
developing countries, but teams including developed country
institutions are eligible. Current Alliance grantees are not
eligible to apply as principal investigators.
-Duracion: Grants will be awarded for up to one year with a
modest budget to support field work and office support.
-Criterios de seleccion: Letters of intent will be selected by
the Alliance on a competitive basis. In the first phase, up to
30 letters of intent are expected to be selected on the basis of
relevance and technical merit. Applicants will then be invited
to develop a preliminary proposal and present it at one of two
protocol development workshops to be held in the week of
September 17 and October 1st 2001. Participants will submit final
proposals in English for the award phase within two weeks of the
assigned workshop. In this phase, approximately 25 proposals will
be selected for funding on the basis of their technical merit.
After the preliminary research report is submitted, the principal
investigator will be invited to a second training and development
workshop to support write-up and the design of dissemination and
application strategies. Projects will be offered technical
support during execution as required.
-Requisitos: Letters are preferred in English, but Spanish or
French can also be used. Only electronic submissions will be
accepted. Submission through the Alliance Web site is preferred,
but letters are also accepted by E-mail. Use only one medium for
submission. The Alliance will confirm reception of letters as
they are received.
-Beneficios: Besides financial support for research, the Alliance
will organise training and development workshops for proposal
development and writing up and communication of research results
to influence the policy process.
-Contacto: Miguel A. Gonzalez-Block, Manager, Alliance for Health
Policy and Systems Research, Office No. 3148, World Health
Organization, CH 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland. Tel: (4122)
791.28.90/ 791.28.40, Fax: (4122) 791.43.28


Instituto Zuliano de Estudios Politicos, Economicos y Sociales
(IZEPES), Escuela de Gobierno, Av. 18 entre Calles 77 y 78, Edif.
Lieja, 1er. piso, Maracaibo, Edo. Zulia, Venezuela
-Contacto: Lic. Maria Teresa Rincon, Directora de la revista

Diana Acosta
Administradora de la Lista Reforme
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* Si desea retirarse escriba un mensaje a "" con el
subject en blanco y que diga en la primera linea:
unsubscribe reforme "su direccion electronica"
* For contributions to REFORME send a message to:
* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
unsubscribe reforme "your mail address"

Fecha - 29-05-01
Nombre: Place Publique
Le site des initiatives citoyennes


A Mains d’œuvres (Saint Ouen)
Le vendredi 22 juin 2001 à partir de 15h.

>>> L’anniversaire

Le 22 juin prochain, le site de Place Publique soufflera ses cinq bougies à Mains d’œuvres, lieu artistique et associatif situé à Saint-Ouen.
Ce cinquième anniversaire sera l’occasion de dresser un bilan de notre action et de présenter les perspectives de développement du site Internet et de l’association.
L’objectif de cette journée est de réunir responsables associatifs, journalistes, militants, habitants, utilisateurs et partenaires de Place Publique, etc., afin de débattre ensemble des médias citoyens et de participer à une expérience de coproduction de l’information… Venez nombreux!

Au programme :

· 15h00 : Accueil

· 15h30 : Conférence de presse sur le bilan de l’action de Place publique 5 ans après sa création.
Suivie d’une rencontre/débat avec toute l’équipe de Place Publique autour de la notion de média citoyens :
- Quelle est la place des média citoyens dans la société?
- Comment impliquer davantage les lecteurs et acteurs sociaux dans la coproduction de l’information citoyenne?
- Comment concilier journalisme et engagement?
· 17h30 : Conférence de rédaction ouverte à tous en vue de la réalisation du magazine de l’été de Place Publique (mise en ligne au début du mois de juillet).
Vous êtes invités à collaborer à l’élaboration de son sommaire et/ou à sa rédaction :
- en apportant vos textes (billets d’humeur, articles, poésies…) ou en les envoyant à,
- en nous suggérant les thèmes que vous souhaitez voir aborder,
- en participant à la réflexion sur le sommaire du magazine.
· Et pendant toute la durée de la rencontre, un “espace découverte”:
- Démonstrations du site Place Publique,
- Présentation des travaux de notre agence d’informations citoyenne…
· 19h00 : Visite guidée de Mains d’œuvres suivie d’un cocktail oriental et du gâteau d’anniversaire.

Adresse de Mains d’œuvres
1, rue Charles Garnier - 93400 St Ouen
Métro Garibaldi ou Porte de Clignancourt
Bus 85: arrêt Paul Bert
Tel: 01 40 11 25 25
Plan d’accès :

>>> Les nouveautés du site

# L’équipe
Qui sommes-nous? Pourquoi nous sommes nous engagés dans Place Publique? Vous saurez tout sur les journalistes de Place Publique en consultant leur mini-CV en ligne.

# Les trajets
Le plan du site a été mis à jour. Nous y avons intégré des trajetstype pour mieux naviguer selon vos différents profils ( Première visite, responsable associatif…)

# Les espaces thématiques
- L’espace consacré aux initiatives en faveur de l’emploi, réalisé en partenariat avec le Cime, a fait peau neuve. Découvrez les six premiers portraits de porteurs de projet…
- Mise à jour de l’espace thématique consacré à l’économie sociale et solidaire réalisé en partenariat avec le Cidem.

# Citations
Notre sélection de citations du moment est consacrée à la “Politesse”.

# Centenaire de la loi 1901
La sélection de sites spécial loi 1901 est en ligne.

Fecha - 26-05-01
Nombre: Reforme
Al 25 de mayo de 2001

Este espacio esta dedicado a promocionar las diversas ofertas de
empleo recibidas a traves de la Lista Reforme del CLAD. Para
cualquier informacion adicional, favor dirigirse al contacto
resen'ado en este mensaje.

Specialist for the thematic cluster "Governance"
-Contacto: William Adrianasolo, Team Leader Research &
Development, UNV

The United Nations Volunteers, as the UN organization that
supports sustainable human development globally through the
promotion of volunteerism and the mobilization of volunteers,
wants to develop its capacity for proactive programming in a
number of selected areas considered particularly promising for
volunteer contributions. For that purpose, a "Research &
Development" team, composed of a few specialists, is set up to
spearhead UNV's efforts. In that context and under the overall
guidance of the R&D Unit Chief, the R&D Specialist for Governance
will provide advice and support to UNV's related initiatives with
a view to gradually developing in-house capability for proactive
programming in this field of work. The thematic cluster on
"Governance" will give particular attention to decentralization
and human rights.
I. Main Tasks: -Networking / Partnership Building: Identify
and connect with specialist institutions and individuals of
importance to UNV activities; Participate in meetings /
conferences / workshops of importance to UNV activities;
Represent and advocate for UNV's interests in fora and/or
vis-à-vis potential partners. -Programme Development: Explore
opportunities for expansion of ongoing operations / partnerships,
and/or for experimentation of new volunteer roles / contributions
with new partners; Negotiate project ideas with partners and help
to develop them into specific proposals; Assist in processing
project proposals for appraisal and approval by the instances
concerned. -Programme Implementation Support: Assist in profile
definition, sourcing and selection of volunteer candidates for
pilot projects; Help organize the briefing of new project
personnel, as well as the planning / launching of new project
activities; Assist in monitoring and substantive backstopping of
project implementation through e.g. field visits, participation
in project reviews/evaluation, commenting on substantive reports
from projects/personnel, providing guidance accordingly; etc.
-Documentation / Analysis: Take stock of UNV's experiences in
this field of work for learning purposes and for clear
articulation of UNV's capacity; Draft relevant highlights of
UNV's activities for promotional purposes (e.g. resource
mobilisation; partnership building); Assist UNV Management in
addressing issues of importance related to this field of work.
-Undertake, in the overall context of this thematic cluster,
other assignments as required by UNV Management.
II. Requirements: -At least a Master degree in
development-related studies e.g. law, public administration,
sociology, anthropology, international development cooperation,
etc. -Professional experience of at least eight years in the
field of governance; Proven capacity for analytical work and
programme development; Ability for networking and partnership
building; Very good interpersonal skills; Ability for team work;
Fluent in English (spoken and written) and good working knowledge
of French and/or Spanish.
III. Conditions: -Duty station: Bonn, Germany. -Duration:
one year (renewable)
* Para hacer contribuciones a REFORME escriba a:
* Si desea retirarse escriba un mensaje a "" con el
subject en blanco y que diga en la primera linea:
unsubscribe reforme "su direccion electronica"
* For contributions to REFORME send a message to:
* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
unsubscribe reforme "your mail address"

Fecha - 22-05-01
Nombre: Reforme
Al 21 de mayo de 2001


Para conocer mayores detalles acerca de la informacion resen'ada,
debe dirigirse directamente a las personas y/o direcciones
indicadas en cada caso.

Comision de Juventud de la Intendencia Municipal de Montevideo
8-10 de octubre de 2001, Montevideo, Uruguay
-Contacto: Comision de Juventud de la Intendencia Municipal de
Montevideo, Soriano 1401, Montevideo, Uruguay. TelFax: (5982)
901.36.94 / 903.04.42 / 903.19.80

Fundacion Novum Millenium; Scientia
-Descripcion: El curso tiene como principales objetivos los
siguientes: Vincular autoestima y calidad de gestion, a nivel
personal e institucional; Analizar informacion sobre el poder de
la autoestima; Valorar el cuidado de la persona y la cultura del
otro como base del proyecto; Reflexionar sobre los valores que
constituyen la trama de la gestion inteligente; Producir un grupo
de instrumentos de calificacion.
Fecha: 13, 20 y 27 de junio de 2001
-Lugar: Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Contacto: Lic. Constanza Mazzina, Fundacion Novum Millenium,
Junin 234, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Telf: (5411) int. 115

Progesti@, Promocion y Gestion Educativa y Social; Sociedad
Cooperativa de Iniciativa Social
-Descripcion: El Curso pretende por una parte responder a las
necesidades de informacion, estableciendo las estrategias y
habilidades metodologicas tendentes a la obtencion de informacion
especifica. En igual medida se trata de conocer las estructuras
de organizacion existentes en la Union Europea y en Espan'a,
tanto a nivel central como de Comunidades Autonomas, con el fin
de establecer modos de acceder a las diversas convocatorias que
se formulan cada an'o. Se tratara de establecer las condiciones
de Elaboracion, Planificacion y Gestion de Proyectos de
Intervencion Social y/o Educativa con el fin de responder a las
exigencias, cada vez mas estrictas de justificacion tanto a nivel
de resultados, como de gestion economica. Finalmente, se ofrecera
la posibilidad de establecer convenios de colaboracion orientados
a la gestion en Europa de la presentacion de Proyectos de
Desarrollo de caracter local.
-Fecha de inicio: 18 de junio de 2001
-Duracion: 120 horas
-Contacto: Javier Reyes Tapia, Progesti@, Promocion y Gestion
Educativo Social, Pza Libertad 5, 2º 47002 Valladolid, Espan'a
Telf: (3483) 20.80.30, Fax: (3483) 20.82.77


Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos (IIDH)
-Descripcion: El curso es un espacio interdisciplinario de
caracter academico que permite el encuentro de los mas diversos
sectores, incluso antagonicos, para la discusion academica basada
en los principios de tolerancia, la no discriminacion y la
libertad de expresion en un ambiente democratico. El IIDH
reconoce la independencia entre derechos humanos y democracia,
y sostiene que la Participacion Politica como derecho efectivo
solo es posible en un sistema democratico representativo,
participativo e inclusivo.
-Fecha: 18-29 de junio de 2001
-Lugar: San Jose, Costa Rica
-Contacto: Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos (IIDH),
Apartado 10.081-1000, San Jose, Costa Rica, Telf: (506) 234.04.04
/ 234.04.05 Fax: (506) 234.09.55

Centro Di Ricerca e Formazione sul Diritto Constituzionale
Comparato, Universita' di Siena
-Descripcion: Il Corso di formazione superiore è rivolto a
giovani studiosi e ricercatori, italiani e stranieri, che sono
interessati a migliorare il metodo giuridico proprio del diritto
pubblico e ad approfondire i fondamentali istituti della scienza
giuridica, grazie all'apporto di alcuni dei piu autorevoli
studiosi della disciplina. Le diverse tematiche che saranno
approfondite in occasione di questo Corso superiore sono: *
l'interpretazione giuridica; * il sistema costituzionale delle
fonti; * il metodo della comparazione; * i modelli teorici e le
specificità dei singoli ordinamenti. I diversi temi di
approfondimento avranno, comunque, un unico filo conduttore
tematico rappresentato da: La legge costituzionale di riforma
dell'articolazione territoriale della Repubblica italiana.
-Fecha:11-14 de septiembre de 2001
-Lugar:Siena, Italia
-Contacto: Centro di Ricerca e Formazione sul Diritto
Costituzionale Comparato, Universita di Siena Piazza S.
Francesco, 7 53100 Siena, Italia. Telf: (39577) 23.26.78, Fax:
(39577) 23.26.75

Instituto Nacional de Administracion Publica (INAP), Alcala de
Henares, Espan'a
-Descripcion: El curso tiene como objetivo proporcionar los
conocimientos generales sobre posibilidades tecnologicas
disponibles tanto en hardware como software, asi como aquellos
especificos acerca de las soluciones presentes en el mercado para
aplicar a los problemas concretos de la Administracion Publica.
El curso se dirige a: funcionarios y personal relacionado con las
Administraciones Publicas, que precisen el conocimiento de esta
materia para la consecucion de sus objetivos. Es necesario un
conocimiento previo de nivel medio sobre Informatica aplicada.
-Duracion: febrero a mayo de 2002
-Contacto: Fernando Ceron, INAP, Espan'a

Instituto Nacional de Administracion Publica (INAP), Alcala de
Henares, Espan'a
-Descripcion: El curso pone a la disposicion de los participantes
el conocimiento de tecnicas y herramientas basicas para articular
un marco institucional que permita a las administraciones
publicas cumplir sus objetivos, con especial referencia a los
procesos de profesionalizacion de funcion publica. Este curso
esta dirigido a: funcionarios superiores y gerentes que
desarrollan su actividad o esten interesados en este campo de la
actividad administrativa.
-Duracion: febrero a mayo de 2002
-Contacto: Fernando Ceron, INAP, Espan'a

Instituto Nacional de Administracion Publica (INAP), Madrid,
-Descripcion: El curso tiene por objetivo dar a conocer el marco
juridico y la experiencia de la Administracion Publica Espan'ola
en su contexto de descentralizacion politica.
-Duracion: febrero a abril de 2002
-Contacto: Fernando Ceron, INAP, Espan'a

for public administration which is the only one such network in
the world today. While its immediate objective is to establish
an electronic platform linking related regional and national
institutions online for information exchange, experience sharing
and on-the-job training in the area of public sector policy and
management, its long-term objective is to build capacity, bridge
the digital divide between the rich and the poor, and promote
South-South cooperation of these regional and national
institutions to access, process and disseminate relevant
information via up-to-date ICTs for the promotion of better
public administration. UNPAN provides five major services, which
include information, training, technical advice, conferences and
worldwide directories, focusing on public economic policy,
governance and institutional building, civil service and public
sector reform, management innovation and development and public
-Contacto: Ms. Haiyan Qian, Chief Information and Networking Unit
and UNPAN Manager (

Internet -based platform for discussion and debate and exchange
of experiences between various stakeholders on urban governance
and other urban issues. It is an online resource facility that
offers online resource, discussion room, online expertise on
various urban issues and a networking room. It allows you to
express your views and ideas at the same time broaden your
perspective by being part of a global community working on urban
governance and other urban issues.

Comite Regional Latinoamericano; Alianza Cooperativa
Internacional (ACI)
-Descripcion: El encuentro debera estimular la reflexion de los
investigadores en torno a ejes tematicos que contemplen las
particularidades del cooperativismo en la region a fin de generar
un debate critico. Los ejes tematicos propuestos son:
Cooperativas y desarrollo local; Comportamiento organizacional
de las cooperativas; Perfiles del cooperativismo en America
Latina; Legislacion, jurisprudencia y aspectos contables.
-Fecha limite para la recepcion de abstracts: 31 de mayo de 2001
-Fecha limite para la recepcion de ponencias aprobadas: 31 de
julio de 2001
-Fecha del evento: 10-11 de septiembre de 2001
-Lugar: Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Contacto: Mirta Vuotto, Coordinadora Regional, Secretaria de la
Coordinacion del Comite Regional, Facultad de Ciencias
Economicas, Centro de Estudios de Sociologia del Trabajo,
Universidad de Buenos Aires. Av. Cordoba 2120 (1120), Ciudad de
Buenos Aires, Argentina. TelFax: (5411)

University of Edinburgh
-Descripcion: Paper submissions on all aspects of public
management and social/public policy are invited. Paper proposals
are invited which address a key theme in the theory or practice
of public management. They are particularly encouraged in the
following areas: * Public management and governance; *
Government, business and the non-profit sector in partnership;
* Regionalisation and subsidiarity; * Public management social
inclusion and the social economy; * Development and critique of
the 'new public management' paradigm; * Performance management;
* Democratic control and accountability; * Policy formulation and
implementation; * The non-profit sector and public services; *
Markets, competition and the management of plural public
services, and public services management in practice - skills and
-Fecha limite para la recepcion de abstracts: 9 de julio de 2001
-Fecha del evento: 8-10 de abril de 2002
-Lugar: Escocia, Reino Unido
-Contacto: Stephen P. Osborne, Professor of Public Management,
Director of the Research Degrees Programme, Aston Business
School, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK. Telf: (44121)
359.30.11 ext. 4599, Fax: (44121) 333.56.20

NOTICIAS DE FUNPADEM, Gacetilla No. 34 (Mayo 2001)
Fundacion del Servicio Exterior para la Paz y la Democracia,
Costa Rica
-Contacto: Djenane Villanueva, Unidad de Relaciones Externas de
FUNPADEM, Apartado Postal 12835 - 1000 San Jose, Costa Rica.
Telf: (506) 283.94.35, Fax: (506) 283.94.78

Autogestion Vecinal, Uruguay
-Suscripcion: (
-Contacto: Guillermo Font (

Diana Acosta
Administradora de la Lista Reforme
* Para hacer contribuciones a REFORME escriba a:
* Si desea retirarse escriba un mensaje a "" con el
subject en blanco y que diga en la primera linea:
unsubscribe reforme "su direccion electronica"
* For contributions to REFORME send a message to:
* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
unsubscribe reforme "your mail address"

Fecha - 19-05-01
Nombre: Axel Dorsht
Comentarios: Please feel free to share the information with interested parties,
colleagues, friends.


IHCMD Online Program

Sustaining Human Existence in Changing Conditions,
Human Mental Existence and
Human Conceptual and Mental Development

Setting the Conceptual and Mental Conditions beyond
Religion, Philosophy and Science

Starting June 1, 2001

The Institute for Human Conceptual and Mental Development (IHCMD) is
presenting a free Online Program on Sustaining Human Existence, Changing
Conditions, Human Mental Existence and Human Conceptual and Mental
Development: Setting the Conceptual and Mental Conditions beyond Religion,
Philosophy and Science. The focus of the Program are human existence and
human development, persisting and growing human, social and environmental
problems and difficulties we face today globally, individually, as
societies and as a species, their nature and causes, answers and solutions.

The Program presents an alternative path of human development, an
alternative to continuing on the path of material-scientific-technological
development or returning to earlier theist-religious beliefs, values,
traditions and practices. Human existence and human development, problems
and difficulties are considered at a more fundamental level, in more
detailed, in-depth, differentiated and related ways. They are considered at
the level of human mental existence and human conceptual and mental
development. Problems and difficulties are considered, in the first
instance, in terms of demands and challenges of human mental existence and
limits and shortcomings in human conceptual and mental development. Answers
and solutions are considered in terms of the direction that we need to take
in human conceptual and mental development, the understanding, mental
skills and practices we must develop.

The Program will consider the fundamental nature and conditions, demands
and challenges of human mental existence and human conceptual and mental
development. It considers the historical path and direction of human
conceptual and mental self-development through the ages that has taken the
human species to where we find ourselves today. How today we understand and
manage human existence and human development, the understanding and the
mental skills and practices we develop and on which we rely, their limits,
shortcomings and problematic human, social and ecological results and
consequences. The Program, moreover, considers the direction in human
conceptual and mental development we need to take, individually and as a
species, to address to problems, difficulties and challenges we face;
understand and manage human existence and development in changing
conditions; sustain an expanding global human population in equitable ways
in narrowing natural parameters on the finite and limited natural material
resources base of the Earth within the boundaries and limits set by nature;
and not contribute further to the premature demise in the long term of the
human species at its own hands.

The Program consists of the presentation, consideration and discussion of a
series of discussion papers on two separate mailing lists. List 1 will be
for posting Program papers and raising questions of clarification with the
Program host about the issues raised and view presented in the Program
papers. List 2 will be for discussion of the issues with other participants.

The IHCMD Online Program is free of charge and there are no prerequisites
to participate. Participating requires nothing more than an open mind and
to subscribe to the appropriate Program List. For details and subscription
information, please go to the IHCMD web page at, Online
Program 2001. For assistance or questions you may have about the Program,
please contact the Program host, Dr. Axel Dorscht, at .

Axel Dorscht
Program Host


Dr. Axel Dorscht, Head | Institute for Human Conceptual
Tel: (613) 233-8354 | and Mental Development (IHCMD)
E-mail: | 9 Second Avenue, Suite 2
Website: | Ottawa, ON K1S 2H2 Canada

Fecha - 04-05-01
Nombre: Mercedes Mezzanotte
Comentarios: Comentarios: Desearia poder recibir informacion acerca de trabajos sobre Redes Sociales o ciudadanas sustentadas a traves de tecnologias en informacion y comunicacion.TIC.
Desde ya muchas gracias y espero una pronta respuesta
Fecha - 04-05-01
Nombre: Redmuni
Comentarios: Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset
Fundación Universidad Carlos III







El presente curso de verano tiene por objeto dar una visión, amplia y multidisciplinar, de la importancia que para un Estado de Derecho tiene la sumisión de la actividad pública a los requisitos del Ordenamiento Jurídico.


El presente curso estará dirigido por el Dr. Tomás de la Quadra Salcedo Fernández del Castillo, Catedrático del Departamento de Derecho Público del Estado de la Universidad Carlos III; Profesor del Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset; Ex-Ministro de España, y miembro del Consejo de Estado.


Exponer cuáles son los mecanismos de control que permiten garantizar que los Poderes Públicos actúan dentro de los márgenes autorizados por la Ley.

Trabajar sobre los procedimientos correctores de las posibles actividades que se desarrollen de forma no ajustada a Derecho.


El carácter multidisciplinar de este curso se verá reflejado también en la riqueza de la variedad de sus posibles participantes

Profesores, investigadores y estudiantes de doctorado
Funcionarios públicos y profesionales que prestan sus servicios en los tres niveles de gobierno del Sector Público
Profesionales que prestan sus servicios en el Sector Privado, pero que desarrollan actividades relacionadas con las administraciones públicas, con la Administración de Justicia o con las Cámaras parlamentarias.
Personas que han acabado sus estudios universitarios y quieren enriquecer su curriculum y especializarse en estas materias.
Alumnos de último año de licenciatura que quieren orientar su futuro profesional en ámbitos relacionados con estas materias.



Lo político tiende a ser parte involucrada como actor y también como sujeto paciente.

El sistema parlamentario y su capacidad como instrumento regulador.
Los problemas de corrupción: pautas para una auténtica promoción de la ética pública.

Se estudiarán los aspectos prácticos referidos a:

Los órdenes jurisdiccionales y su función.
El derecho constitucional de los ciudadanos a la tutela judicial efectiva frente a los Poderes Públicos.


Conocer la importancia de los mecanismos de control del gasto público:

El Control interno y externo de la actividad económico-financiera del Sector Público: órganos, objetivos y procedimientos.
El papel de las auditorías públicas y privadas


La influencia de la llamada Opinión pública como representación de la voz de la ciudadanía

El Cuarto Poder: la prensa y su papel como creador de opinión y de presión.
Los mecanismos de participación de la sociedad civil en el Estado democrático.
Los cauces de la cooperación; ONGes y el impulso del ciudadano como individuo.


Aparte de los debates diarios sobre las cuestiones tratadas en cada tema concreto, habrá un día especial con una mesa redonda donde intervendrán profesionales de reconocido prestigio en los diferentes órganos o instituciones tratados.

Dicha mesa redonda será de carácter transversal, de manera que puedan participar de forma abierta tanto los ponentes, como los participantes


Del 16 de julio al 20 de julio inclusive, de 2001.


El coste la matrícula, con alojamiento en la residencia "Antonio Machado" en el mismo Campus, será de 1.700 $

Dentro de la matrícula se incluye:

Material didáctico
Desplazamientos Aeropuerto – Campus – Aeropuerto

Hasta el 29 de junio de 2001. Las solicitudes de inscripción deberán acompañarse de un primer pago de matrícula del 50%, sirviendo este pago como reserva de plaza.

El monto total de la matrícula habrá de hacerse efectiva antes del inicio del curso.


El lunes, tras la inauguración e introducción del curso, se presentará a los docentes, y se entregará la documentación, acompañado todo ello de un vino español.

Los horarios del curso serán: las mañanas de 10 a 14 horas, con una pausa para el café. Por las tardes, de 16 a 18 horas.

El viernes, se clausurará el curso con la entrega de los diplomas de participación y asistencia, y un ágape informal de despedida.


Para mayor información, favor de dirigirse a las siguientes direcciones:


Departamento de Gestión y Comunicación

C/ Fortuny 53, 28010 Madrid

Tel: (+34) 91 700 41

Fax: (+34) 91 700 41 23


Servicio de Extensión Universitaria

Avda. de la Universidad, 30 28911 Leganés (Madrid)

Tel: (+34) 91 624 90 95

Fax: (+34) 91 624 91 47

Con la colaboración de la

Fundación Sabadell

Gestión y recaudación de ingresos municipales

Miguel Calabria
Departamento de Gestion y Comunicacion
Fundacion Jose Ortega y Gasset
Fortuny, 53
E-28010 Madrid
Tf.: 34 91 700 41 19
Fax: 34 91 700 41 23

Fecha - 04-05-01
Nombre: Antonio Arellano
Comentarios: Original Message -------- Asunto: ALAS XXIII, Innovacion tecnologica y sociedad
Fecha: Thu, 3 May 2001 16:02:21 -0300
De: "Ester Schiavo"
Responder a: "Ester Schiavo"
A: Red de Centros Académicos
Estimados colegas:Agradezco la difusion de la siguiente convocatoria.Cordialmente.Ester Schiavo

Comisión de Trabajo: Innovación tecnológica y sociedad
Antigua Guatemala, República de Guatemala
29 de octubre y el 2 de noviembre del 2001
En las últimas décadas, la innovación científica y tecnológica se ha acelerado y engendrado transformaciones significativas en las condiciones materiales de vida, en la reproducción social, en la percepción e intrumentalización de la naturaleza y, de manera especial, en la capacidad técnica que ubica al hombre en el umbral de su propia modificación genética.
Los estudios de la innovación aportan elementos para mejorar la comprehensión de las dimensiones social, material y simbólica en las que se despliega el fenómeno tecnocientífico. Se estudia cómo la innovación produce nuevos elementos teórico-metodológicos que permiten a los colectivos e individuos hablar intersubjetivamente del mundo. Cómo ella proporciona los artefactos para la reproducción material de la sociedad; y, finalmente, cómo recrea las relaciones entre los actores sociales e institucionales de la sociedad contemporánea y entre los actores y la naturaleza.
Algunas de las cuestiones que proponemos explorar en esta comisión de trabajo son las siguientes: ¿Cuáles son las nuevas formas de socialización en los espacios de relación facilitados por las nuevas tecnologías? ¿Qué nuevas fragmentaciones sociales se crean?¿Cómo narra la gente sus mundos tecnológicos (maquinas, cuerpos reinventados, naturalezas modificadas) y cómo las instituciones se reorganizan a partir de las nuevas tecnologías? ¿Cómo se organizan las comunidades de científicos e ingenieros para producir hechos científicos y tecnología? ¿Cómo se transfieren, adoptan y adaptan los resultados de la tecnociencia? ¿Cómo inciden en el desarrollo social en América Latina? Y finalmente, ¿Cómo se está estudiando, desde la sociología latinoamericana, la interfase entre innovación tecnológica y sociedad?
Estas cuestiones nos llevan a explorar fenómenos como Internet, las biotecnologías, el rol de las empresas de telecomunicaciones, las industrias de los nuevos materiales, la economía de la sociedad informacional, los cambios culturales, laborales y afectivos en Internet, los fenómenos de riesgo tecnológico, la democracia tecnocientífica, la globalización de los movimientos sociales facilitados por las tecnologías informacionales, las nuevas formas de educación, etc.
Ante la necesidad de comprender la sociedad de la información en la que vivimos actualmente, proponemos los siguientes ejes –no excluyentes- para la Comisión:

Informática, telecomunicaciones y sociedad. Innovaciones tecnológicas y nuevas formas de trabajo. Nuevas formas de fragmentación social. Problemas éticos. El rol de las empresas de telecomunicaciones. La economía de la sociedad informacional. Transformaciones espaciales ligadas a las innovaciones tecnológicas. Nuevos modos de vida. Tecnología y cambios culturales. Ciberespacio y sociedad: nuevas redes sociales. Los vínculos sociales, laborales y afectivos en Internet. Electrónica y control social. Democracia electrónica. Las innovaciones tecnológicas en América Latina: riesgos y oportunidades. El desarrollo y las innovaciones tecnológicas. Internet en los movimientos sociales globales. Redes electrónicas comunitarias. Las nuevas formas de educación.

Está abierto el periodo de preinscripciones de ponencias.
Las propuestas deben contener:
· Un resumen de no más de una página que contenga los objetivos, alcances y la metodología del trabajo que se propone. Se ruega usar fuente Arial 11, un espacio y medio, hoja A4.
· Un breve (no más de una página) resumen curricular que indique el grado académico, institución de adscripción y las tres últimas publicaciones.

Los Coordinadores de Comisión, previa evaluación, darán a conocer las propuestas aceptadas para la presentación en el Congreso, expidiendo una constancia a dichos postulantes. El envío oportuno de las propuestas facilitará el trabajo organizativo del evento y la realización de gestiones institucionales necesarias por parte de los participantes.

Agradecemos la divulgación de esta Convocatoria y la participación activa en el Congreso.

· Fecha límite para la presentación de abstracts: 1 de junio de 2001
· Selección y comunicación aceptación de abstracts: 1 de julio
· Fecha límite para la presentación de papers: 1 de setiembre de 2001

Conculte el sitio web para tener información sobre el resto de las comisiones de trabajo y sus respectivos coordinadores así como de la propuesta temática general del Congreso


- Susana Finquelievich, Instituto Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

- Silvia Lago Martínez, Instituto Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

- Ester Schiavo, Programa Prioritario de Investigación ALDEA XXI. Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina,

- Antonio Arellano, Centro de Estudios de la Universidad, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México,

Fecha - 03-05-01
Nombre: carlos A. Pérez
Comentarios: ONGs EN ACCIÖN
Abril 2.001 - Año 2 - Circular
Memo: 26 de octubre "Dia de la solidaridad"
Si desea dejar de recibir ONGs EN ACCION, envíe en ASUNTO: CANCELAR.
Si lo hemos incomodado por favor discúlpenos

Estimados señores:

La Oficina en Colombia del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para
los Derechos Humanos está buscando consultores internacionales para
desarrollar proyectos en la Defensoría del Pueblo y la Procuraduría
General de la Nación.

Mucho les agradecería se sirvan transmitir a través de su Red, los
términos de referencia que se adjunta.

Los interesados podrán enviar su hoja de vida al siguiente fax (571)
6292189 o al correo electronico con atención a Carmen
Rosa Villa, Oficial de Derechos Humanos. OACNUDH.

Muy agradecidos por su colaboración,

Carmen Rosa Villa

Oficial de Derechos Humanos

Calle 114 No. 9-01 Piso 1403 Torre "A"
Tel. (571) 6292189 Fax (571) 6292190
Difunde: CIVICO
Asunción - Paraguay - Sur América
Tel: 595.21.221252 - E-Mail:
Estimados Amigos

-Desde Costa Rica, Miriam Valverde de la Unidad Regional de
Asistencia Tecnica (RUTA) nos envia informacion sobre los
Terminos de Referencia Especialista en Pueblos Indigenas/
Desarrollo Rural/Manejo de Recursos Naturales
INFORMES: Miriam Valverde []

-Desde Ecuador, Paulina Romero de la Estacion Cientifica Charles
Darwin nos envia informacion sobre Oferta de Voluntariado para
Proyectos de la Estacion Cientifica Charles Darwin. Programa
de Monitoreo Pesquero Participativo
INFORMES: Paulina Romero []

Anexamos para su conocimiento la informacion recibida.

Esperamos que este mensaje sea de utilidad.

Cordial saludo,

Liliana Rojas A.
Red Ecorregional para America Latina Tropical
Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical. CIAT
A.A. 6713
Cali, Colombia
TE ++57 2 445 0000 Ext. 3137
Fax ++57 2 445 0073

Miriam Valverde []

Unidad Regional de Asistencia Tecnica (RUTA)
Direccion Sectorial de Desarrollo Ambiental y Social Sostenible
(Banco Mundial)
Terminos de Referencia
Especialista en Pueblos Indigenas/ Desarrollo Rural/Manejo de
Recursos Naturales

Objetivos de la Consultoria
Realizar trabajos y estudios innovadores en las areas de desarrollo
rural, manejo de recursos naturales y su vinculacion de estos con
los pueblos indigenas. De tal manera que a traves de la
sistematizacion de las lecciones aprendidas se puedan generar
instrumentos de aprendizaje en esta area para el disenio,
implementacion y monitoreo de proyectos del Banco Mundial y
otras agencias socias de RUTA

Ser un apoyo en el disenio y la creacion de mecanismos para
monitorear y evaluar los proyectos del Banco y otras agencia
socias de RUTA y su impacto en la comunidades indigenas.

Actividades del Consultor
Presentar un programa de trabajo que identifique las principales
actividades, fechas de cumplimiento, responsable y formas de
coordinacion con RUTA
Conducir y desarrollar estudios relevantes al tema.
Generar capacidad en el equipo de desarrollo social de la mision
residente en la cual trabaje para que este vincule los aspectos de
manejo de recursos naturales/desarrollo rural e indigenas en las
areas de trabajo estrategicas de la misma.
Participar y apoyar en el desarrollo de tallares de capacitacion
para personas interesadas en el tema dentro del Banco Mundial,
otras multilaterales, y/o organizaciones no-gubernamentales.
Realizar un diagnostico de necesidades de capacitacion en
manejo de recursos naturales/desarrollo rural, orientado hacia
la ensenianza y aprendizaje de hombres y mujeres indigenas
lideres de comunidades.
Elaborar y coordinar la ejecucion de un plan de capacitacion de
acuerdo al diagnostico realizado.
Poner en practica el sistema de monitoreo y evaluacion para
comunidades indigenas a realizarse.
Evaluar este sistema.
Involucrarse activamente en los proyectos que tengan que ver
con comunidades indigenas dentro de la mision residente y
evaluar su desempenio respecto a manejo de recursos
naturales/desarrollo rural.
Colaborar/realizar investigaciones de que se esta haciendo en
el pais con respecto al tema.
Productos Esperados: Los productos esperados estaran en funcion
del programa de trabajo y seran acordados con RUTA para su
Estudios innovadores en el area combinada de manejo de recursos
naturales/desarrollo rural y comunidades indigenas.
Informes y evaluaciones de las capacitaciones impartidas tanto a
funcionarios de distintas organizaciones como a lideres indigenas.
Diagnostico de necesidades de capacitacion en manejo de recursos
naturales/desarrollo rural para hombres y mujeres indigenas lideres
de comunidades.
Plan de capacitacion que responda a las necesidades identificadas
en el diagnostico.
Evaluacion del sistema de monitoreo y evaluacion para comunidades
Informes de misiones de identificacion, formulacion y evaluacion de
proyectos del Banco Mundial, con recomendaciones cualitativas y
cuantitativas, que permitan evaluar la posterior la incorporacion de
la dimension de manejo de recursos naturales/desarrollo rural y
etnias en las actividades de los mismos.
Estudio de distintas experiencias con manejo de recursos
naturales/desarrollo rural y pueblos indigenas que se esten dando
en el pais.
Requisitos del Consultor(a):
El consultor (a) tendrw las siguientes calificaciones:
Educacion en antropologia, sociologia, desarrollo rural y/o
biodiversidad, con un grado minimo de licenciatura.
Un minimo de cinco anios de experiencia demostrada de trabajos
con grupos indigenas y manejo de recursos naturales/desarrollo
Experiencia en disenio y ejecucion de programas y metodologias
de capacitacion, vinculadas con el tema de la consultoria.
Disenio de diagnosticos.
Disenio y ejecucion de mecanismos para monitoriar y evaluar
Preparacion de estudios y trabajos que involucren el tema indigena/
recursos naturales/ desarrollo rural.
Habilidades para capacitar.
Experiencia en genero.
Estar dispuesto a residir en Honduras y tener disponibilidad para
viajar por la region.
Hablar y escribir el espaniol con fluidez y al igual que una lengua
Indigena y capacidad para leer y escribir en ingles.
La supervision general estara a cargo del encargado del Proyecto,
Jorge Uquillas, y de la coordinadora del fideicomiso, Carla Avellan,
ambos en Washington, D.C.
El desarrollo de las actividades de campo y coordinacion estara
supervisado por el Proyecto RUTA bajo la responsabilidad del senior
Juan Martinez, especialista en asuntos sociales y pueblos indigenas.
Residencia del Consultor
Estara ubicado físicamente en la Mision Residente del Banco Mundial
de Honduras, pero tendra disponibilidad para viajar a diversos paises
de acuerdo a las necesidades del Proyecto.
Duracion de la Consultoria
Se contratara por 12 meses. El periodo de la contratacion podra
extenderse hasta 24 meses, dependiendo de su desempenio.
Envio de C.V.
Se recibiran curriculum hasta el 26 de abril del 2001, en la oficina
regional de RUTA, fax numero (506) 2226556 dirigida a Miriam
Valverde y al correo , con
Paulina Romero []
Oferta de Voluntariado para Proyectos de la
Estacion Cientifica Charles Darwin

Programa: Programa de Monitoreo Pesquero Participativo
Duracion: 1-2 meses
Desde: Mayo del 2001 (fecha por confirmar)
No. Estudiantes: 10

Estudiante de anios superiores o graduado en Tecnologia pesquera,
Biologia Marina, Acuicultura o carreras afines
Experiencia de trabajo a bordo de embarcaciones pesqueras, en
Programas de Observadores o Investigaciones Pesqueras.
Aptitudes para desarrollar actividades multidisciplinarias y en
Alto interes y dedicacion para la conservacion
Experiencia en trabajos con el sector pesquero
Facilidad para interpretar y difundir la informacion de manera
Conocimientos basico en Programas de computacion
(windows, access, word, excel, etc)

Haber trabajado en programas de investigación pesquera en
Experiencia en buceo autonomo SCUBA (con licencia )
Experiencia en trabajos que involucren investigacion
Principales responsabilidades:
Participar principalmente en la recoleccion de datos e informacion
de campo para el Programa de Monitoreo Pesquero (PMP).
Colaborar en los otros diferentes programas de Investigacion que
se desarrollan en el Area de Investigaciones Marinas, para los
cuales se requiera de su participacion
Elaboracion de un informe tecnico referente a su campo de trabajo
al final de su voluntariado.
Registro de parametros abioticos en su programa de desarrollo
Participar en la realizacion de cursos, seminarios, talleres y otras
actividades que tiendan a capacitar
Ayudar al buen funcionamiento del laboratorio marino y mantener
en buenas condiciones los materiales y equipos que esten a su

El Voluntario formara parte de la comunidad cientifica de la ECCD;
tendra acceso a la biblioteca, centro de computo, colecciones de
referencia, conferencias dictadas por cientificos visitantes,
contacto con personal cientifico nacional y extranjero, y
participacion en cursos y cursillos de capacitacion.

El Voluntariado tendra una duracion de 2-3 meses. Desde su inicio
recibira alimentacion, alojamiento, un seguro de accidentes
personales, un estipendio mensual para gastos personales y los
pasajes aereos al inicio y al termino de la investigacion Ademas
se le dotara del equipo de campo necesario para desarrollar sus
Una vez recibida su aplicacion la ECCD hara la evaluacion de las
solicitudes y notificara los resultados.

Nota: Las carpetas para estas aplicaciones se receptaran maximo
hasta el 30 de abril del 2001, Los postulantes pueden enviar sus
datos, via correo electronico a las siguientes direcciones: ,

Los interesados deben enviar una ficha de aplicacion
(y sus anexos) a la Estacion Cientifica Charles Darwin a Galapagos
directamente o: en Quito, a traves de la oficina de la Fundacion
BECARIOS ECCD, Av. 6 de Diciembre 4757 y Pasaje California,
Casilla 17-01-3891, Quito. En Guayaquil: a traves del Centro de
Informacion de la ECCD ubicado en la Universidad de Guayaquil
(las fichas de aplicacion estan disponibles en las oficinas de la
FCD o en el Centro de Informacion de la Universidad de Guayaquil

REDH (Red Solidaria por los Derechos Humanos)

Todo el material distribuido por REDH señala las fuentes de envío y autoría. REDH autoriza la redistribución de dicho material siempre que se respete y observe el mismo criterio.

-Para enviar material a la lista debe escribir a:
-Para desuscribirse a:
-Si ha recibido copia de este mensaje y desea suscribirse a la Red, envie un mensaje en blanco a:

Carlos D. PÉREZ

Fecha - 03-05-01
Nombre: Reforme
Al 02 de mayo de 2001


Para conocer mayores detalles acerca de la informacion resen'ada,
debe dirigirse directamente a las personas y/o direcciones
indicadas en cada caso.

Universidad Nacional de Cordoba
9-12 de mayo de 2001, Cordoba, Argentina
Secretaria de Extension, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Av.
Velez Sarsfield 1601, Pabellon Ingenieria,Ciudad Universitaria,
Cordoba, Argentina. Telf: (54 351) 433.44.13/38

Oficina Regional del Banco Mundial para America Latina y el
Caribe; Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas (CIDE) de
10-12 de mayo del 2001, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
-Descripcion: La Conferencia reunira a expertos regionales e
internacionales en temas de reforma judicial. Las presentaciones
de los expertos seran discutidas por representantes de los
Tribunales Supremos, Consejos de la Judicatura, ONG's e
Institutos de Investigacion de la region. Las exposiciones
versaran sobre la denominada "segunda generacion de reformas
judiciales", es decir, aquellas que dejan a un lado el tema de
la independencia judicial y centran su atencion en los retos del
disen'o de politicas para mejorar la distribucion y oferta de
servicios judiciales ante los problemas de limitaciones
presupuestarias y crecimiento acelerado de cargas de trabajo en
los tribunales. Asimismo, se discutiran las recientes tendencias
en Europa (entre ellas la reciente Reforma Woolf), en los Estados
Unidos y en otros paises del mundo industrializado. Esta
Conferencia sera un preludio para la Conferencia Global de
Reformas Legales y Judiciales del Banco Mundial a realizarse en
San Petersburgo, Rusia, en julio de 2001.
-Contactos: Linn Hammergren, World Bank
1818 H St N.W, Washington D.C 20433, USA. Telf: 202.473.2975,
Fax: 202.522.3133
Reyes Rodriguez, Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas
Carretera Mexico-Toluca Num. 3655, Lomas de Santa Fe, C. P.
01210, Mexico, D. F.
Telf: 727.98.25, 727.98.24, 727.98.23, 727.98.00, exts. 2229 y
Layda Negrete, Division de Administracion Publica, Centro de
Investigacion y Docencia Economicas (CIDE)
Telf: ext.2233

Secretaria Latinoamericana de la Vivienda Popular (SELVIP);
Federacion Uruguaya de Cooperativas de Vivienda por Ayuda Mutua
(FUCVAM); Coalision Internacional del Habitat (HIC)
1-5 de octubre de 2001, Montevidio, Uruguay
-Descripcion: El Seminario se propone examinar el estado de
situacion de las politicas de produccion social del habitat a la
luz de las luchas populares de resistencia a las medidas
neoliberales de exclusion y aumento de la pobreza desarrolladas
a lo largo de las ultimas decadas en el continente. Se pondra
especial enfasis en los procesos organizativos exitosos de los
habitantes y la conformacion de redes y alianzas en procura de
alternativas a la crisis, contruccion de ciudadania,
participacion del Estado, mecanismos como la ayuda mutua,
carteras de tierra, sistemas de tenencia, fondos de creditos y
subsidios seran considerados con especial interes.
-Contacto: Federacion Uruguaya de Cooperativas de Vivienda por
Ayuda Mutua (FUCVAM)

Institucion de Educacion Superior de Medellin, Colombia
-Descripcion: Este curso surge como una respuesta a la creciente
necesidad de formar docentes, maestros y educadores para asumir
los retos de los nuevos escenarios educativos en Iberoamerica.
-Fecha de inicio: 7 de mayo de 2001
-Contacto: Maestra Glenny Maria Gonzales, Coordinadora del
Telf: (574) 411.02.70, (574) 216.17.00, Fax: (574) 412.75.92

Instituto Nacional de Administracion Publica (INAP), Alcala de
Henares, Espan'a
-Descripcion: Este curso tiene como principal objetivo ofrecer
una vision amplia y pormenorizada de los conocimientos teoricos
y practicos relativos a la Administracion y a la Gerencia
Publica, dotando a los participantes de una alta capacidad de
analisis sobre los distintos aspectos de la gestion del Sector
Publico. El curso esta dirigido a personas que ocupan cargos de
responsabilidad en el sector publico con titulacion universitaria
superior. Se requiere un conocimiento previo de los fundamentos
teoricos sobre la Administracion Publica y el Derecho Publico.
-Duracion: octubre 2001 a julio 2003
-Contacto: Fernando Ceron, INAP, Espan'a

Instituto Nacional de Administracion Publica (INAP), Madrid,
-Descripcion: El objetivo de este curso es ofrecer un conjunto
de conocimientos teoricos y practicos relativos a la gestion
publica y la insercion en una nueva cultura administrativa.
Formar profesionales con capacidad de analisis sobre los
distintos aspectos de la gestion del Sector Publico. Si bien esta
dirigido a licenciados universitarios e ingenieros superiores
espan'oles con interes en especializarse dentro del ambito de la
gestion publica, se reserva un numero determinado de plazas para
alumnos extranjeros.
-Duracion: noviembre 2001 a julio de 2002
-Contacto: Fernando Ceron, INAP, Espan'a

Instituto Zuliano de Estudios Politicos, Economicos y Sociales
(IZEPES), Maracaibo, Edo. Zulia, Venezuela
-Descripcion: Tiene como principal objetivo contribuir a mejorar
las condiciones basicas de gestion, administracion,
institucionalizacion y participacion democratica en los
municipios de Iberoamerica, multiplicando para ello, los
intercambios de conocimientos, de experiencias y de tecnicas. Los
destinatarios de este programa son cargos electos, directivos y
funcionarios de alto nivel al servicio de las entidades locales
iberoamericanas e instituciones que reunan los requisitos de
titulacion establecidos o alternativamente, acrediten una
experiencia minima y una responsabilidad en la gestion de
gobiernos locales. Esta maestria cuenta con los auspicios de la
Union Iberoamericana de Municipalistas (UIM), Universidad Carlos
III de Madrid, Espan'a, Centro de Estudios Municipales y
Cooperacion Internacional (CEMCI).
-Fecha limite del proceso de seleccion: 15 de mayo de 2001
-Duracion: 500 horas academicas
-Contacto: Instituto Zuliano de Estudios Politicos, Economicos
y Sociales (IZEPES), Av. 18 entre Calles 77 y 78, Edif. Lieja,
1er. piso, Maracaibo, Edo. Zulia, Venezuela
Telf: (061)83.17.58/2031, Fax: (061)83.20.31

Instituto Zuliano de Estudios Politicos, Economicos y Sociales
(IZEPES), Maracaibo, Edo. Zulia, Venezuela
-Descripcion: Tiene por objetivo facilitar a los participantes
un conjunto de tecnicas, instrumentos, metodos y teoria en las
diversas areas de la administracion municipal, de forma tal que
coadyuven en la ejecucion de una gestion de gobierno mas
eficiente, efectiva y eficaz en beneficio de la comunidad. Este
programa esta dirigido a los Alcaldes, Directores Municipales,
Dirigentes Politicos, Asesores Municipales y Profesionales que
se desempen'en en la Administracion Publica Local. Este programa
cuenta con el auspicio de la Universidad del Zulia (LUZ).
-Fecha de inicio: 1ro. de junio de 2001
-Duracion: 204 horas academicas
-Contacto: Instituto Zuliano de Estudios Politicos, Economicos
y Sociales (IZEPES), Av. 18 entre Calles 77 y 78, Edif. Lieja,
1er. piso, Maracaibo, Edo. Zulia, Venezuela
Telf: (061)83.17.58/2031, Fax: (061)83.20.31

Universidad Austral de Chile
-Descripcion: Estas jornadas tienen como objetivos proporcionar
un espacio para la reflexion, discusion y analisis de informacion
disponible sobre avances en la incorporacion de la dimension de
genero en el ambito de las politicas publicas, investigacion y
formacion de recursos; plantear nuevos desafios y tareas
especificas para producir los cambios que permitan a la mujer,
desde los diferentes sectores, ejercer su accion politica y
social, como sujeto de derecho para construir relaciones de
genero con equidad, justicia, armonia e igualdad.
-Fecha de recepcion de resumenes: antes del 31 de julio de 2001
-Fecha del evento: 4-8 de diciembre de 2001
-Lugar: Valdivia, Chile
-Contacto: Comite II Jornadas Australes Interdisciplinarias Mujer
y Desarrollo, Instituto de Enfermeria Materna, Facultad de
Medicina, Universidad Austral de Chile, Casilla 567, Valdivia,


Michael Barzelay.- Berkeley: The University of California Press,
-Descripcion: How policymakers should guide, manage, and oversee
public bureaucracies is a question that lies at the heart of
contemporary debates about government and public administration.
In the search for better systems of public management, reformers
have looked in particular at the United Kingdom, Australia, and
New Zealand. These countries are exemplars of the New Public
Management, a term used to describe distinctive new themes,
styles, and patterns of public service management. Calling for
public management to become a vibrant field of public policy,
this valuable book consolidates recent work on the New Public
Management and provides a basis for improving research and policy
debate on managing public bureaucracies. A concluding chapter
from Michael Barzelay's new book is available in the site for
free downloading (
-Contacto: Laura Driussi, Digital Rights and Electronic Marketing
Manager, University of California Press, 2120 Berkeley Way,
Berkeley, CA 94720
Telf: 510.643.1036, Fax: 510.643.7127

BOLETIN PYMES CONECT@D@S, No. 8 (Abril 2001)
Sagi, Venezuela
-Contacto y suscripcion: Sagi, Telfax: (58212) 762.87.29,

NOTICIAS DE FUNDAPEM, Gacetilla No. 33 (Abril 2001)
Fundacion del Servicio Exterior para la Paz y la Democracia,
Costa Rica
-Contacto: Djenane Villanueva, Unidad de Relaciones Externas de

Diana Acosta
Administradora de la Lista Reforme
* Para hacer contribuciones a REFORME escriba a:
* Si desea retirarse escriba un mensaje a "" con el
subject en blanco y que diga en la primera linea:
unsubscribe reforme "su direccion electronica"
* For contributions to REFORME send a message to:
* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
unsubscribe reforme "your mail address"

Fecha - 26-04-01
Nombre: Ester Schiavo
Comentarios: Concurso Becario/a

Proyectos de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica, CONVOCATORIA PICT 98. Becas de posgrado (Maestría o Doctorado): Se otorgan a graduados universitarios de hasta 30 años de edad, que se incorporen al proyecto en el marco de un programa formal de posgrado acreditado con categoría A o B por el Ministerio de Cultura y Educación.

Formación: investigación en el proyecto Las redes ciudadanas sustentadas por TIC (tecnologías de información y comunicación). Estudio bibliográfico y documental. Trabajo de campo. Identificación, análisis y evaluación de casos.

Directora: Dra. Susana Finquelievich; Codirectora: Arq. Ester Schiavo

Duración: 12 meses. Renovable.

Perfil: Graduado en una carrera de Ciencias Sociales con posgrado en curso (acreditado con categoría A o B por el Ministerio de Cultura y Educación). Antecedentes de trabajo en el área temática TIC y sociedad. Experiencia en diseño y ejecución de encuestas electrónicas. Dominio del inglés. Hasta 30 años de edad. El trabajo es tanto presencial como por Internet. Requiere 35 horas semanales. Monto mensual: $720.

Iniciación del concurso: 01/05/2001
Cierre: 17 hrs. del 01/06/2001

Programa Prioritario de Investigación ALDEA XXI, Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Roque Saenz Peña 180, 1876 Bernal, Buenos Aires
Tel.: 4 365 7100 interno 104
Fax: 4 365 7182

La beca se desarrollará en Buenos Aires, en el Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, FSOC – UBA.


Fecha - 25-04-01
Nombre: Reforme
Al 23 de abril de 2001


Para conocer mayores detalles acerca de la informacion resen'ada,
debe dirigirse directamente a las personas y/o direcciones
indicadas en cada caso.

Asociacion Conciencia; Ministerio de Justicia de la Nacion;
Consejo de la Magistratura de la Nacion, Fundacion Libra;
ARGENJUS; Embajada de los Estados Unidos
26 de abril de 2001, Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Contacto: Asoc. Conciencia, Fax: 4322-3878,

Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer
Mid-Continent Region; Iberoamerican Science & Technology
Education Consortium; MAPA Incorporated, Estado de Nuevo Mexico;
Sandia National Laboratories
7-9 de mayo de 2001, Albuquerque, Estados Unidos
-Descripcion: La cumbre propone explorar asuntos y temas acerca
del ambito tecnologico en Iberoamerica concentrandose en la
creacion de asociaciones de la investigacion y desarrollo entre
organismos como empresas, laboratorios federales, centros de
excelencia iberoamericanas, universidades, gobiernos,
organizaciones internacionales, entre otros.
-Contacto: Leonel V. Chavez, International Trade Specialist, City
of Albuquerque, Office of Economic Development, Room 3047 - P.O.
Box 1293 Albuquerque, New Mexico USA 87103
Telf: (505) 768-3256, Fax: (505) 768-3280

Confederacion Latinoamericana de Cooperativas y Mutuales de
Trabajadores; Federacion de Mutuales Sindicales de la Republica
de Argentina; Asociacion Mutual del Magisterio de Santa Fe
10-11 de mayo de 2001, Santa Fe, Argentina
-Descripcion: El objetivo de este evento es analizar en
profundidad y formular propuestas desde el Sector de la Economia
Solidaria que en Argentina posee una extensa red de
organizaciones con variadas prestaciones que benefician a mas del
60% de la poblacion que se encuentran asociadas a alguna
cooperativa, mutual, obra social u asociacion solidaria. Ejes
tematicos: a) Financiamiento del Sector; b) Relaciones entre el
Estado y la Economia Solidaria; c) La Economia Solidaria como
fuente de trabajo y produccion.
-Contacto: Carlos Sanhueza, Fax: (0054261) 420.18.49
Ruben Acebal

Instituto Mexicano de la Administracion del Conocimiento A.C.;
Colegio de Mexico A.C., Mexico
-Descripcion: Este curso esta destinado a: Profesionales,
docentes e investigadores del area de la informacion y la
documentacion: bibliotecologos, documentalistas y archivologos;
Gerentes y directivos de empresas y funcionarios de la
administracion publica interesados en la Administracion del
-Duracion: 7-9 de mayo de 2001
-Contacto: Luis Alberto Dominguez, Telf:, Fax:
Micaela Chavez, Telf:, Fax:

Plan Estrategico Rosario, Argentina
-Descripcion: A lo largo de una semana de reflexion y analisis
sobre procesos de gestion local en marcha, se buscara promover
la reflexion critica, el intercambio de experiencias y la
produccion de ideas y debate sobre la gestion estrategica urbana.
-Duracion: 7-11 de mayo de 2001
-Contacto: Plan Estrategico Rosario, Salta 1161.2000 Rosario,
Argentina. Telfax: 0054 341/ 4257858 / 4802333

Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Uruguay
-Descripcion: Esta tercera edicion se orienta hacia tres enfasis
tematicos: *Integracion, Identidad, Frontera; *Sociedad rural,
Territorio, Desarrollo; *Estado , Sociedad Civil y Municipio. El
III Diploma de Postgrado en Gestion del Desarrollo Regional se
dirige principalmente a profesionales universitarios y egresados
de cursos de tercer nivel de un minimo de cuatro an'os de
extension, teniendose especialmente en cuenta el ejercicio
profesional en instituciones publicas o privadas vinculadas a las
diferentes areas del desarrollo regional y local. Se compone de
260 horas que se imparten quincenalmente en sesiones de viernes
y sabados.
-Fecha de inscripcion: Hasta el 10 de mayo de 2001
-Contactos: Susana Dominzain, Secretaria Ejecutiva
Coordinacion academica: Ma. Elena Laurnaga, Departamento de
Ciencia Politica.
Alberto Riella, Regional Norte, (
Enrique Mazzei, Departamento de Sociologia,

International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada/Uruguay
-Contacto: Lacroinf (

Centro de Estudios de Politicas Publicas, Argentina
-Suscripcion: (
-Contacto: Dra. Marta Gaba (

Autogestion Vecinal, Uruguay
-Suscripcion: (
-Contacto: Guillermo Font (

Diana Acosta
Administradora de la Lista Reforme
* Para hacer contribuciones a REFORME escriba a:
* Si desea retirarse escriba un mensaje a "" con el
subject en blanco y que diga en la primera linea:
unsubscribe reforme "su direccion electronica"
* For contributions to REFORME send a message to:
* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
unsubscribe reforme "your mail address"

Fecha - 18-04-01
Nombre: Habitat
Comentarios: Novedades en:

* 25 de abril de 2001. Madrid, España. 3er ciclo de conferencias
sobre espacios naturales protegidos. Parque natural de la sierra
de Cebollera (La Rioja). Más información:
Fundación para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Ambiental
C/ Sagasta, 13, 3. Planta
28004 Madrid
Tel: 34 91 593 41 62
Fax: 34 91 593 45 89

* 30 de abril de 2001. Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia. Concurso de
experiencias sobre construcción de ciudadanía, mejoramiento del
hábitat y promoción del desarrollo local de América Latina y el
Caribe. Más información

* 7 al 11 de mayo de 2001. Rosario, Argentina. Planificación y
gestión estratégica de ciudades. Más información

* 4 a 8 de junio de 2001. Cali, Colombia. Curso Internacional
Tratamiento aguas residuales. Sistemas Integrados Sostenibles para
el Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales. Mayor información:
Universidad del Valle (Ciudad Universitaria, Meléndez,
Diana Salas

* 7 a 9 de junio de 2001. Mérida, España. IV Congreso Ibérico de
Urbanismo. La intervención en los asentamientos humanos desde la
economía, la legislación y la ecología. Más información:

* 7 y 8 de junio de 2001. Santiago de Compostela, España. IV
Coloquio Hispano-Portugués de Estudios Rurales: La
multifuncionalidad de los Espacios Rurales de la Península
Ibérica. Más información:
Secretaría Científica: IDEGA
Universidade de Santiago
Avda. das Ciencias, s/n Campus Universitario Sur
15706 Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña, España
Tel: 34 981 580 025 Ext 14339
Fax: 34 981 599 935

* 19 a 21 de junio de 2001. Ya Rezekne, Letonia. Tercera Conferencia
Internacional en Medio Ambiente, Recursos y Tecnología. Más
Gotfrid Noviks

* 21, 22 y 23 de junio de 2001. Barcelona, España. Fórum Europa
2001. Más información:

* 18-21 July 2001. Hawaii, USA. 7th international conference on
Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management: An Urban Space
Odyssey. More information:
The Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of
Hawaii at Manoa

* 21 a 24 de agosto de 2001. Tegucigalpa, Honduras. XXII Congreso de
Centroamerica y Panama de Ingenieria Sanitaria y Ambiental. Más

* 4 de septiembre de 2001. Madrid, España. Taller debate sobre
consumo responsable: Comercio justo y economía solidaria. A las
19:30 h.
Subiendo al Sur
c/ Ponciano, 5
Madrid, España

* 9 al 13 de septiembre de 2001. Barcelona, España. Congreso
Internacional Renovación urbana y reciclaje versus consumo de
suelo. Más información:
IFHP, International Federation for Housing Planning y

* 28 a 29 de septiembre de 2001. Barcelona, España. Curso "Nous
horitzons de l'urbanisme: liberalització del sòl i desenvolupament
sostenible". Más información:
Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
Montalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona

* 9 de febrero de 2002. Presentación de artículos a la revista
Territorios. n. 9: Marginalidad y territorios. Más información

Mariano Vázquez Espí

Normas para el correcto uso del correo electrónico:

Fecha - 17-04-01
Nombre: Reforme
Al 16 de abril de 2001


Para conocer mayores detalles acerca de la informacion resen'ada,
debe dirigirse directamente a las personas y/o direcciones
indicadas en cada caso.

Escuela Universitaria "Jovellanos" de Gijon, Universidad de
Oviedo, Ayuntamiento de Gijon, Principado de Asturias, Asociacion
de Diplomados en Gestion y Administracion Publica (ADIGAP)
26-27 de abril de 2001, Espan'a
-Descripcion: Este seminario esta dirigido a todos los
interesados en la Gestion Publica Local, preferentemente alumnos
de la Escuela Universitaria "Jovellanos", personal de
ayuntamientos y otras administraciones publicas. Objetivo del
seminario: pretende contrastar y difundir conocimientos y
experiencias sobre gestion publica que puedan interesar tanto en
el ambito universitario como en las administraciones publicas,
y, en particular, en los ayuntamientos. ¿Es posible evaluar los
efectos de una determinada politica publica? ¿es posible medir
la eficiencia en la gestion de dicha politica? ¿es deseable?
Cuestiones como estas son las que pretende suscitar este septimo
encuentro de alumnos, profesores universitarios y empleados y
tecnicos de las administraciones publicas.
-Contacto: Escuela Universitaria "Jovellanos" de Gijon, Seminario
de Contabilidad (2.ª planta), C/ Francisco Tomas y Valiente,
133201 Gijon, Espan'a. Telf: 985.182.204/3

Parlamento Latinoamericano, Comision Permanente de Deuda Social,
Comision de Asuntos Economicos y Deuda Externa, Universidad
Latinoamericana y del Caribe (ULAC), Centro de Estudios
Latinoamericanos Romulo Gallegos (CELARG)
11-13 de julio de 2001, Venezuela
-Descripcion: La Primera Cumbre sobre la Deuda Social y la
Integracion Latinoamericana, permitira la comunicacion directa
de los entes multilaterales, gobiernos, especialistas,
intelectuales y organizaciones no gubernamentales, quienes, junto
a los representantes de los diversos Parlamentos de la region,
establezcan una evaluacion de los grandes acuerdos
internacionales. Objetivos generales: Evaluar el cumplimiento de
los acuerdos de las Cumbres y Reuniones Internacionales en
materia social de los ultimos 10 an'os; Establecer un mecanismo
institucional de seguimiento directo del cumplimiento de estos
acuerdos; Fijar estrategias comunes e intercambiar experiencias
para que estos acuerdos se conviertan en esquemas
constitucionales, instrumentos legislativos y politicas concretas
en el marco de la integracion latinoamericana.
-Contacto: Parlamento Latinoamericano, Grupo Parlamentario
Venezolano. Capitolio, Esquina de La Bolsa, Edificio La Perla,
Mezzanina, Caracas, Venezuela. Telf: (58212) 484.51.70,
482.99.23, 483.92.69, Fax: (58212) 481.04.44

SOCIOLOGIA 2001-2002
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Facultad
de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de San Juan,
-Fecha de inicio: mayo de 2001
-Contacto: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional
de San Juan, Ignacio de la Roza y Meglioli, Rivadavia, 5400, San
Juan, Argentina. Telf: (0264); Raul
Moreno, Coordinador Ejecutivo (

-Entidad: Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la Universidad
Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (IISUNAM)
-Descripcion: Se anuncia la primera edicion del Premio
Iberoamericano en Ciencias Sociales, que se otorgara cada dos
an'os. Se premiara un producto de investigacion que haga una
aportacion de calidad y envergadura a las ciencias sociales. Los
trabajos participantes deberan ser resultados de investigacion
originales e ineditos; podran ser libros o articulos de cualquier
extension. Se otorgara un premio de $ 100,000 pesos mexicanos o
su equivalente en dolares, y la publicacion del trabajo por el
Instituto. Podran participar los profesores(as) e
investigadores(as) que acrediten estar desempen'andose como
tales, por lo menos desde hace diez an'os, en instituciones de
educacion superior o investigacion en ciencias sociales de paises
de America Latina, Espan'a y Portugal. El jurado estara integrado
por siete reconocidos especialistas en ciencias sociales,
provenientes de prestigiadas instituciones. No podran participar
en este premio los miembros del personal academico del Instituto
-Fecha limite para la recepcion de trabajos: 12 de octubre de
-Contacto: Secretaria Academica del Instituto, Telf: (52-5)
665.40.68, 622.73.70


-Contacto: Polemica Digital (

¡BASTA YA! (Abril 2001)
Movimiento Continental contra la Corrupcion
-Contacto y suscripcion: (

Autogestion Vecinal, Uruguay
-Suscripcion: (
-Contacto: Guillermo Font (

Diana Acosta
Administradora de la Lista Reforme
* Para hacer contribuciones a REFORME escriba a:
* Si desea retirarse escriba un mensaje a "" con el
subject en blanco y que diga en la primera linea:
unsubscribe reforme "su direccion electronica"
* For contributions to REFORME send a message to:
* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
unsubscribe reforme "your mail address"

Fecha - 05-04-01
Nombre: ICLEI
Comentarios: Dear colleagues,

Please find our latest job offer EXPERT "URBAN
happy if you distributed and forwarded this information to whoever
may be interested in it. Please feel also free to feed it into mailing
lists and onto websites. I am looking forward to any feedback
regarding further distribution, and we are of course happy to post
your environment-related openings on the ICLEI website!

Thank you,

Sean Southey
ICLEI Secretary General


Sorry for cross-postings!

Job opening

The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
is planning to develop its engagements in China, particularly with
Chinese cities. Therefore we are seeking an expert with knowledge
of, and work experience in one of ICLEI's main programme areas
(sustainable development planning, Local Agenda 21, water and
waste water management, and other areas of environmental
management) and ideally sufficient work experience in China. For
the sake of specific experience transfer and donor relations,
European candidates are particularly invited. Readiness to work out
of an office in China is required (long-term contract envisaged).

The candidate should be fluent in English and ideally would be able
to communicate in Mandarin language. Further languages would be
an asset. Professional experience in the field of urban
environmental management, project management as well as
representation skills are required.

Short applications by e-mail or fax should contain a CV, an
explanation of the current occupation and of the interest to engage
with ICLEI in China. A first screening round of applications is
scheduled to take place soon, ad-hoc applications are welcome.

For submitting applications, please contact:


International Environmental Agency - Movement - Association

ICLEI's mission is to build and serve a world-wide movement of
local governments. This movement aims to achieve tangible
improvements in global environmental and sustainable development
conditions through cumulative local actions. 370 local authorities
and municipal associations have already joined ICLEI.
In Europe ICLEI works with more than 170 members from 28
ICLEI's European Secretariat and International Training Centre are
located in Freiburg, Germany.

1. The International Environmental Agency for Cities, Towns, and
Information Services. Members take advantage of newsletters,
guidebooks, research reports, best practice case studies, exchange-of-
experience and training opportunities, international conferences, and
information services on the World Wide Web.
Training and Conferencing. ICLEI's International Training Centre
organises the exchange of experience and helps build the know-how of
local government officials in their capacities as policymakers and
managers for environmental sustainability.
Consultancy. ICLEI experts provide strategic advice on the design of
sustainable development policies and technical support in the design of
environmental management instruments and the implementation of
programmes and projects.

2. The Association of Local Governments
Membership. In Europe, ICLEI has a growing membership of 170 local
authorities and municipal associations particularly dedicated to
sustainable development, as well as associate organisations.
Advocacy. ICLEI advocates for ICLEI members and campaign
participants before national and international governments, agencies,
and organisations in order to increase the understanding and support for
local environmental protection and sustainable development.
Alliances. ICLEI has established strategic alliances with other
international organisations, which concretely support the achievement of
the ICLEI mission.

3. The Movement for a Sustainable Future
Local Agenda 21 Campaign. In Europe, ICLEI co-founded and supports
the European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign. The European
Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide has been published in 18 languages.
The LA21 Guidance & Training Programme has offered participation to
dozens of local authorities. The European Local Agenda 21 Roundtable
convenes stakeholders in the LA21 process and national LA21
campaigns for strategic discussions.
Cities for Climate Protection Campaign. More than 100 European cities
form part of a world-wide movement of local governments that adopt
policies and implement measures to achieve measurable reductions in
local greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and enhance urban
liveability and sustainability.
Water Campaign. ICLEI has started a worldwide campaign of cities
committed to a sustainable use of freshwater resources by protecting
environmental flows of water, reducing water pollution, and improving
the availability and efficiency of water and sanitation services.
Eco-Procurement Programme. More and more procurement officers are
joining the Municipal Green Purchasers' Network to exchange
information and experiences. A series of EcoProcura® Congresses
combined with eco-product exhibitions offer opportunities for exchange
between product designers, producers, vendors and buyers.
Environmental Management Programme. ICLEI members are driving
innovation in the field of environmental management systems. They are
pioneering the development and application of new methods,
instruments and tools. The ecoBudget® model of environmental
budgeting is an outstanding example.

For more information: { HYPERLINK }

Fecha - 04-04-01
Nombre: Reforme
Al 3 de abril de 2001


Para conocer mayores detalles acerca de la informacion reseñada,
debe dirigirse directamente a las personas y/o direcciones
indicadas en cada caso.

CTA Instituto y Confederacion Latinoamericana de Trabajadores
Estatales (CLATE)
4-5 de abril de 2001, Argentina
-Contacto: CTA Instituto, Telf. 4308-5260; 4307-3829 int. 61

United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)
10 de abril de 2001, Africa
-Descripcion: The launch is expected to raise awareness on the
Campaign goals of decentralization, transparency and
accountability to build partnerships and secure commitments for
positive change. Issues of women in urban governance, poverty
reduction, urban safety and security will also be addressed.
Other Habitat supported programmes in Nigeria include the
Sustainable Cities Programme in Ibadan, Kano and Enugu, the
Cities Alliance Initiative in Karu, near the federal capital city
of Abuja, and the Safer Cities project which is being discussed
with officials of the Abuja Municipal Area Council. There is
also the Urban Management Programme in Ijebu-Ode, Somolu and
-Contacto: Zahra A. Hassan, Media & Press Relations Unit, United
Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), P.O.Box 30030,
Nairobi, Kenya, Africa. Telf: (254 2) 623153, 623151; Fax: (254
2) 624060

INPAE 2001 Workshop
Inter-American Network for Public Administration Education
(INPAE), National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and
Administration (NASPAA), Centro de Politicas Publicas del
Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administracion (IESA)
19-21 de abril de 2001, Venezuela
-Descripcion: This workshop is mainly for developing two INPAE
activities: Case Study Book (CSB) regarding Intergovernmental
Relations and Public Management in Latin American and Caribbean
countries, and Technical Assistance (TA) on Public Policy and
Administration for Latin American and Caribbean higher education
institutions. For this workshop it counts with the international
participation of CBS authors coming from different countries in
the region, United States and Latin American and Caribbean Public
Administration faculties, INPAE Steering Committee members and,
NASPAA and American of Society for Public Administration members.
-Contacto: Cesar Rodriguez, INPAE Assistant National Association
of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, Suite 730 - 1120
G St NW, Washington DC 20005, USA. Telf: 202.628.8965, Fax:

Late Registration (within 3 days before the event):
Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administracion, Centro de
Politicas Publicas (IESA), Edificio IESA, San Bernardino Caracas
1010, Venezuela. Telf: (58212)552.15.33, 552.16.60, Fax (58212)

The Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC)
6-9 de mayo de 2001, Canada
-Descripcion: At the dawn of the 21st century, the world economy
and societies are reshaping in as fundamental a manner as at any
time in human history. Governments face a challenge to nurture
and promote this shift and implement policies that will ensure
benefits are reaped fairly and in full. They need to embrace the
shift themselves and ensure that they promote knowledge
generation and diffusion within their organizations. The main
themes are: * What is the meaning of a knowledge society?; * The
'digital divide' and it consequences; * Policy issues; * Managing
public services in a knowledge society.
-Contacto: IPAC 2001, P.O.Box 46051, Petroleum Plaza RPO,
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2S3, Canada. Telf: (780) 422-0280, Fax
(780) 422-5136

The International Network for Urban Development (INTA), Regie
Autonome des transports (RATP)
13-16 de mayo de 2001, Francia
-Descripcion: Mobility and accessibility are increasingly under
threat in cities, due to traffic congestion, space constraints,
disintegrated planning, social dislocation, urban sprawl and
rapid growth. World cities are in need of better public transport
systems which offer incentives to minimise car use and
opportunities to combat pollution and traffic congestion.
Simultaneously, there is an urge for better urban growth
management which protects surrounding natural land from further
sprawl, makes use of derelict urban sites and creates more
socially and economically viable, compact neighbourhoods. The
connection between both general policies is now well
acknowledged. However, public transport systems require
substantial amounts of capital investment, which have
traditionally been met by national, state and local governments
and, to a small degree, by transit operators. As such, they have
to compete with other areas of government funding. The Paris
conference will look at this issue from a different angle and try
to seek solutions which go beyond the choice of mode of
transport, to reach the core questions of the type of mobility
people want, the institutional arrangements which support
mobility and urban transport, the relationship between the public
authorities and transit operators as well as between local
authorities and central government.
-Contacto: INTA - The International Network for Urban Development
, Nassau Dillenburgstraat 44 2596 AE The Hague, The Netherlands.
Telf: 31-70-324 4526, Fax: 31-70-328 0727

Centro para la Participacion Ciudadana "Flor de Maig" de la
Diputacion de Barcelona, España
21-23 de junio de 2001, España
-Descripcion: El objetivo de este Forum sera poner en comun las
experiencias de las principales asociaciones que trabajan en el
espacio publico; las que forman parte de lo que llamamos la
sociedad activa. El temario general tendra por referente "El
espacio publico intermedio en la Era de la Informacion" y
analizara desde esa perspectiva temas como el Estado de
bienestar; inmigracion e interculturalidad; sostenibilidad;
cooperacion; relacion de la sociedad activa con las instituciones
y viceversa; nueva economia y tercer sector, etc. Tres seran los
ambitos: uno general, donde ponentes de reconocido prestigio
daran a conocer sus reflexiones en directo y con posterior
debate; otro espacio donde los temas se abordarian sectorialmente
con la participacion de las entidades sectoriales; y un tercer
ambito de intercambio, donde libremente las asociaciones
establecerian relaciones reciprocas, de intercambio de
experiencias o de lo que consideren necesario.
-Contacto: Carme Padilla i Pineda, Centre per a la Participacio
Ciutadana "Flor de Maig", Diputacio de Barcelona. Telf: 934 020
714, Fax: 934 020 705

Fundacion Iberoamericana para la Gestion de la Calidad (FUNDIBEQ)
5-7 de julio de 2001, Brasil
-Descripcion: Esta Convencion ofrece la oportunidad de conocer
a tres organizaciones iberoamericanas paradigmaticas ganadoras
del Premio Iberoamericano de la Calidad 2000, entregado con
ocasion de la X Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jefes de Estado y de
Gobierno, celebrada en Panama, y conocer asimismo uno de los
principales programas de implantacion de Gestion de Calidad del
mundo: el Programa Gaucho de Calidad y Productividad RS,
considerado por la ASQC y la Asociacion Malcolm Baldrige como el
segundo movimiento mas importante de calidad, despues del de
Japon, por sus herramientas, amplitud y resultados ( 5.000
organizaciones asociadas, 10.000 evaluadores, 900.000 personas
involucradas, 200.000 personas con capacitacion basica concluida,
70 comites y comisiones, 120 organizaciones premiadas).
-Contacto: Fundacion Iberoamericana para la Gestion de la
Calidad, Paseo del Rey, 30 3ª Planta 28008 Madrid, España. Telf:
(34) 91-5403532, Fax: (34) 91-5403503

Ayuntamiento de Blanes, Diputacion de Girona, España
3-5 de octubre de 2001, España
-Descripcion: Es el punto de encuentro anual de politicos y
personal de organizacion e innovacion de las administraciones
locales españolas
-Contacto: Secretaria Cientifica de las Jornadas Onta-Local 2001,
Ayuntamiento de Blanes, Diputacion de Girona, España. Telf: 972
379346, 972 379368, Fax: 972 379310

Secretaria de Extension de la Facultad de Economia y
Administracion de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue
Abril-mayo 2001, Argentina
-Contacto: Facultad de Economia y Administracion - Secretaria de
Extension de 8 a 18, Buenos Aires 1400 - C.P. Nº 8300, Neuquen,
Argentina. Tel-Fax: 0299-4490316

Comision Internacional de Juristas, Facultad Latinoamericana de
Ciencias Sociales y Comision Andina de Juristas
2-6 de julio de 2001, Ecuador
-Descripcion: El XII Curso Internacional busca la participacion
de profesionales provenientes de instituciones de la region
andina, vinculados a la proteccion de los derechos humanos, la
promocion de la democracia y la transparencia en los asuntos
publicos, a la formacion de la opinion publica y en general al
proceso de toma de decisiones politicas en los paises de la
region. Esta dirigido principalmente a: Funcionarios de la
administracion publica, funcionarios de las defensorias del
pueblo, magistrados, academicos, analistas politicos,
periodistas, organizaciones de la sociedad civil Los interesados
deben enviar su curriculum vitae no documentado y solicitud de
postulacion (disponible en la pagina web) a la Comision Andina
de Juristas. Se reciben postulaciones hasta el 4 de mayo. Los
resultados seran dados a conocer a partir del 21 de mayo. La
Comision Andina de Juristas ha dispuesto un numero limitado de
becas integrales y parciales para las personas que no cuenten con
financiamiento institucional o no puedan cubrir sus gastos de
pasaje, estadia, alimentacion y materiales.
-Contacto: Comision Andina de Juristas, Los Sauces 285, Lima 27
Peru. Telf: (511) 421.25.44, 222.03.23, Fax: (511) 442.64.68

oficialmente, la comunidad politica argentina en
Internet. El portal, que fue desarrollado durante 10 meses,
nacio con la mision de brindar un entorno que propicie la
participacion y discusion politica en Argentina.
es una organizacion no partidaria que tiene como objetivo ser el
portal de la comunidad politica de la Argentina. Este sitio
albergara una comunidad virtual de la que podran participar todos
los actores de la vida politica del pais: los representantes
(politicos), los representados (ciudadanos) y los estudiantes y
analistas de la realidad social. El objetivo de
es acortar la brecha existente entre la clase politica y los
ciudadanos; es por ello que sus actividades estan destinadas a
generar participacion a traves de columnas de opinion, foros de
discusion y mensajes a los politicos que participan en el portal.
Tambien hay una seccion dedicada a la publicacion de trabajos de
investigacion, monografias, tesis, que posibilita que una persona
pueda difundir sus actividades. El portal ofrece distintos
servicios a politicos entre los que se destacan: Los politicos
en Aquienvotar, Servicio de Prensa, Resumen de Medios y Diseño
de Sitios Web. A partir de Julio esta previsto el lanzamiento del
novedoso sistema de Recoleccion de Fondos On line. comenzara en Abril a desarrollar actividades
virtuales, entre las que se destacan chats con politicos y
debates virtuales.
-Contacto: Lic. Pablo Copetti (

-Entidades: Public Futures and UK's HM Treasury and National
Audit Office, Gran Bretaña
-Descripcion: The 'Research Day' is the first day of a two-day
international conference for researchers, policy-makers and
practitioners on performance measurement, management and
reporting in public services. The second day will have a 'Policy
and Practice' focus. For the Research Day it invites papers on
any aspect of public sector organisations' performance
measurement, management or performance. Papers accepted for the
Conference can be submitted for a special edition of Public
Performance & Management Review (Sage) which will be published
in early 2002, edited jointly by Marc Holzer (National Center for
Public Productivity, Rutgers University, USA) and Colin Talbot
(Professor of Public Policy and Management, University of
Glamorgan, UK). Papers will be subjected to the usual reviews
process of PPMR. In the first instance please send an electronic
version of an outline paper/abstract of not more than two-sides
A4 to Prof. Colin Talbot. Decisions on inclusion in the
Conference will be sent out by the end of June 2001 and finished
papers will have to be submitted by 7th Sept 2001.
-Fecha del evento: 27-28 de septiembre de 2001
-Fecha para la recepcion de papers: Finales de mayo de 2001
-Lugar: Gran Bretaña
-Contacto para la recepcion de papers: Professor Colin Talbot,
University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, Wales, UK, CF37 1DL. Telf:
+44 1443 482310, Fax: +44 1443 482380
-Contacto para la informacion del evento: Alison Essery, Public


Rio de Janeiro: Pep/Uerj/Faperj, 2000
-Descripcion: El Programa de Estudios Politicos de la Universidad
del Estado de Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) ha publicado recientemente
el Anuario Politico de Brasil 1999 (APB 99), que es un registro
autorizado de los principales hechos politicos ocurridos en el
año 1999, presentados mes a mes. El APB 99 es organizado segun
siete temas: partidos politicos, elecciones, gobierno,
instituciones politicas, politica internacional, organizaciones
no-gubernamentales y politicas publicas. Al final del libro se
encuentran resumenes en español e ingles que permiten a los
interesados conocer en breve tiempo la politica brasileira. El
Anuario fue publicado gracias al apoyo de la Fundacion para la
Ciencia y la Tecnologia del Estado de Rio de Janeiro (Faperj).
Por los proximos treinta dias sera ofrecido al precio promocional
de US$ 24.00.
-Contactos: Sra. Carla Caballero, Fax: 55 21 587.71.38
Prof. Dr. Geraldo Tadeu Moreira Monteiro, Director del Programa
de Estudios Politicos, Universidad del Estado de Rio de Janeiro,
Rua Sao Francisco Xavier, 524/sala 2.110-F, Rio de Janeiro,
Brasil CEP: 20.550-110. Telf: 55 21 587.78.65 Ext: 216 y 217,
Fax: 55 21 587.71.38

Marco Aurelio Nogueira.- Sao Paulo: Editora SENAC, 2001
-Descripcion del autor: O desprezo pela politica tende a
generalizar-se no Brasil e no mundo. Ele vai se tornando uma
especie de grife, uma prova de atitude ''moderna'', avançada.
Afirma-se nao haver politico que preste e o simples fato de uma
pessoa envolver-se com politica ja aparece como indicio de sua
natureza interesseira. No entanto, como ficaria a sociedade no
dia em que nao houvessem mais politicos? Quem faria o que eles
fazem? O seu fim nao significaria o renascimento da autoridade
em estado bruto? Questoes como essas sao discutidas com admiravel
clareza neste sexto titulo da Serie Livre Pensar, que e uma
contribuiçao ao debate de grandes problemas do mundo
-Contacto: Marco Nogueira (

Universidad Simon Bolivar, Funindes-USB, Unidad de Politicas
Publicas, Venezuela
-Suscripcion: (
-Contacto: Prof. Marino Gonzalez (

INTERACTIVOS, No. 3 (Abril 2001)
Centro de Estudios de Politicas Publicas, Argentina
-Suscripcion: (
-Contacto: Dra. Marta Gaba (

NOTICIAS DE FUNPADEM, No. 31 (Marzo 2001)
Fundacion del Servicio Exterior para la Paz y la Democracia
(FUNPADEM), Costa Rica
-Contacto: Djenane Villanueva, Unidad de Relaciones Externas de

PYMES CONECT@D@S, No.7, (Marzo 2001)
-Suscripcion: Enviar un mensaje a ( e
indicar su nombre y direccion electronica

Diana Acosta
Administradora de la Lista Reforme
* Para hacer contribuciones a REFORME escriba a:
* Si desea retirarse escriba un mensaje a "" con el
subject en blanco y que diga en la primera linea:
unsubscribe reforme "su direccion electronica"
* For contributions to REFORME send a message to:
* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
unsubscribe reforme "your mail address"

Fecha - 04-04-01
Nombre: Instituto...
Comentarios: texto sin acentos)g2


3 de Abril de 2001
Si Usted desea ver la version completa del Boletin con links
directos a los articulos y demas servicios de la red, abra el
archivo HTML adjunto.
* Doctorado en Sociedad de la Informacion y del Conocimiento
* Diploma en Estudios Avanzados sobre Desarrollo Humano y

Inscripciones abiertas: 3 al 23 de abril de 2001

Este programa tiene como objetivo abrir y consolidar la
investigacion en el ambito de la Sociedad de la Informacion y
sus consecuencias para el Desarrollo Humano, pretende ser una
aproximacion sistematica tanto a los impactos de las TIC en los
diferentes ambitos sociales como a las transformaciones globales
que acompañan la actual emergencia de una sociedad de la
informacion y el conocimiento.

Sin embargo, el analisis de los cambios y fenomenos que
caracterizan la sociedad de la informacion requiere ir mas alla
de las barreras disciplinarias tradicionales, ya que uno de sus
rasgos fundamentales es la interconexion entre los diversos
sistemas sociales, economicos, politicos y culturales. El
programa se articula, en consecuencia, a partir de una
perspectiva claramente interdisciplinaria que integra diferentes
enfoques teoricos y herramientas metodologicas de caracter

Finalmente, ofrece la oportunidad de realizar dos programas

* Doctorado en Sociedad de la Informacion (UOC):Estructurado en
32 creditos durante dos años, mas la realizacion de una tesis
* Diploma en Estudios Avanzados sobre Desarrollo Humano y
Gobernabilidad (IIG): Tiene una duracion de 10 meses y esta
pensado como una especializacion en Desarrollo Humano del
Doctorado e incluye:


La Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) y el Instituto
Internacional de Gobernabilidad (IIG), a traves de la EVG, abren
la inscripcion del programa virtual conjunto (2001-03) a partir
de dos titulaciones propias.

* UOC: Doctorado sobre Sociedad de la Informacion y del
Conocimiento (32 creditos)
* EVG: Diploma en Estudios Avanzados sobre Desarrollo Humano y
Gobernabilidad (15 creditos)


Licenciados, magisters, profesionales y expertos, con un nivel
minimo de licenciatura, que reunan los estandares curriculares y
de capacidad investigadora que se establezcan, interesados en
comprender la nueva arquitectura institucional del desarrollo
que esta emergiendo en los paises en vias de desarrollo,
especialmente en America Latina, en el marco de la Sociedad de
la Informacion, y en la investigacion de su impacto sobre la
relacion estado-politica-economia-sociedad.

Para mas informacion acerca de los contenidos, metodologia,
profesorado, precios, forma de pago y otros, escribanos a o visite nuestra web:
Usted recibe este mensaje porque su direccion de correo
electronico esta incluida entre las mas de 35.000 que
forman "GOVERNANCE", una comunidad virtual donde se discuten
ideas, visiones, experiencias, practicas e informacion sobre
temas relacionados con la gobernabilidad, el Desarrollo Humano e
institucional, especialmente en America Latina, impulsada por el
Instituto Internacional de Gobernabilidad, el PNUD y la
Generalitat de Catalunya.

Si quiere tramitar un ALTA o BAJA, o remitir una direccion de
correo electronico a la lista, envie un mensaje a:

Vea nuestra pagina en:

Equipo IIG

Fecha - 03-04-01
Nombre: Habitat
Comentarios: Novedades en:

* 3 de abril de 2001. Madrid, España. Taller debate sobre consumo
responsable: Dinero y Ocio. A las 19:30 h.
Subiendo al Sur
c/ Ponciano, 5
Madrid, España

* 14-16 April 2001. Camberra, Australia. Global Greens Conference
2001. More information:

* 25 de abril de 2001. Madrid, España. 3er ciclo de conferencias
sobre espacios naturales protegidos. Parque natural de la sierra
de Cebollera (La Rioja). Más información:
Fundación para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Ambiental
C/ Sagasta, 13, 3. Planta
28004 Madrid
Tel: 34 91 593 41 62
Fax: 34 91 593 45 89

* 26 de abril de 2001. Madrid, España. Las centrales nucleares en el
mundo a los 15 años del accidente de Chernobyl. A las 20:00 h. Más
Ecologistas en Acción
Marqués de Leganés 12 - 28004 Madrid
Tel: 34 91 5312739
Fax: 34 91 5312611

* 2 y 3 de mayo de 2001. Barcelona, España. Conferencia Europea para
el Desarrollo Sostenible en el Medio Urbano. Más información:
Agència Local d'Ecologia Urbana de Barcelona
Comte d'Urgell, 187 1
08036 Barcelona
Tel: 34 93 402 06 27
Fax: 34 93 402 06 41

* 7 de mayo de 2001 a 30 de abril de 2003. Barcelona, España.
Programa virtual sobre gobernabilidad y desarrollo humano. Más
información .

* 23-26 May 2001. Leuven and Brussels, Belgium. ESF/N-AERUS
International Workshop. Coping with informality and illegality in
human settlements in developing cities. More information

* 5-7 Juin 2001. Saint Louis, Senegal. Deuxieme conference
internationale des transports et de la logistique. Translog II.
Transport et environnement. Information:

* 7-10 de junio de 2001. New York, Estados Unidos. 9 Congreso Anual
por el Nuevo Urbanismo CNU (New Urbanism). Más información:
"Congress for the New Urbanism"
CNU, 5 Third Street #725,
San Francisco, CA 94103, USA
Tel: 415 495 2255

* 1 - 5 July 2001. Venice, Italy. 30th International Making Cities
Livable Conference. More information:

* 3 a 6 de julio de 2001. Gijón, España. III Congreso Internacional
de Ordenación del Territorio. Más información:
Secretaria del 3. Congreso de Ordenación de Territorio (D. Antonio
Municipio de Corvera de Asturias
33416 Nubledo
Principado de Asturias
Tel: 34 985 50 57 68
Fax: 34 985 50 57 65
Asociación Interprofesional de Ordenación del Territorio,
General Arrando 38
28010 Madrid
Tel/fax: 34 91 308 50 29

* 12 a 14 de julio de 2001. Barcelona, España. Curso "Xarxes i
ciutats:el repte de l'alta velocitat en les telecomunicacions".
Más información:
Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
Montalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona

* 18-21 July 2001. Hawaii, USA. 7th international conference on
Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management: An Urban Space
Odyssey. More information:
The Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of
Hawaii at Manoa

* 27 a 31 de agosto de 2001. Puebla, México. V Encuentro de
investigadores de culturas y ciudades contemporaneas. Más
Centro de Estudios de la Ciudad
Ave. Palafox y Mendoza No. 227
Centro Historico, Puebla, México

* 4 de septiembre de 2001. Madrid, España. Taller debate sobre
consumo responsable: Comercio justo y economía solidaria. A las
19:30 h.
Subiendo al Sur
c/ Ponciano, 5
Madrid, España

* 9 al 13 de septiembre de 2001. Barcelona, España. Congreso
Internacional Renovación urbana y reciclaje versus consumo de
suelo. Más información:
IFHP, International Federation for Housing Planning y

* 17 a 21 de septiembre de 2001. Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland.
Velo-City, international cycle planning conference. More

* 28 a 29 de septiembre de 2001. Barcelona, España. Curso "Nous
horitzons de l'urbanisme: liberalització del sòl i desenvolupament
sostenible". Más información:
Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
Montalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona

* 19 de noviembre de 2001. Presentación de artículos a la revista
Territorios. n. 8: Gobierno local, nuevos actores, nuevos roles.
Más información

* 9 de febrero de 2002. Presentación de artículos a la revista
Territorios. n. 9: Marginalidad y territorios. Más información

Mariano Vázquez Espí

Fecha - 02-04-01
Nombre: Inforegio
Comentarios: Se abre el debate sobre el futuro de la cohesión

--- Tras la publicación del Segundo informe sobre la cohesión económica y
social (véase la nota informativa Inforegio nº 83), la Comisión organiza en
Bruselas los días 21 y 22 del próximo mes de mayo el segundo Foro de la
cohesión, al que serán invitados más de 1000 agentes políticos, económicos y
sociales. En él se debatirán los resultados de la política de cohesión
aplicada desde 1989 así como el futuro de ésta en el marco de una Unión
El debate queda abierto desde ahora en Internet gracias al lanzamiento de
una nueva plataforma para el intercambio de ideas y propuestas. ---

1- La Comisión desea que el Segundo informe sobre la cohesión se convierta
en la base de un diálogo lo más amplio posible con todos los agentes
interesados. Las respuestas que se den a las cuestiones planteadas en el
Informe tendrán dentro de algunos años un impacto concreto y directo en las
condiciones de vida de los ciudadanos.

2- El Foro de los de los días 21 y 22 de mayo incluirá dos mesas redondas.
La primera, titulada "Una política de cohesión a prueba de acontecimientos",
abordará las cuestiones siguientes: ¿Por qué se gestiona desde Bruselas una
política regional? ¿Qué resultados ha dado la política actual y cuál ha sido
su valor añadido? ¿De qué forma deben compartirse las responsabilidades
entre la Unión, los Estados miembros y las regiones? Por su parte, la
segunda, titulada "Una política de cohesión en la perspectiva de la
ampliación", permitirá inter-cambiar opiniones sobre la respuesta que deba
darse a preguntas tales como: ¿Qué esfuerzo de solidaridad debe hacerse ante
una necesidad más acuciante de cohesión económica, social y territorial?
¿Qué prioridad ha de concederse a los nuevos Estados miembros? ¿Cuáles serán
las consecuencias para las regiones y países actuales de la Unión?

3- El debate podrá desarrollarse también en Internet dado que acaba de
crearse en el sitio Inforegio ( una página
especial consagrada al futuro de la política de cohesión. Esta página reúne
toda la información de interés sobre el tema y presenta de forma
estructurada las respuestas del Comisario Michel Barnier a las preguntas
formuladas por los internautas en el debate en línea del día 26 de marzo. La
página permitirá también a quien que lo desee profundizar el análisis de
este tema y expresar su punto de vista sobre la política de cohesión,
símbolo de la solidaridad europea.

Inforegio Panorama

El segundo número de la revista trimestral Inforegio Panorama salió hace
algunas semanas. Este soporte de información consagrado a la política
regional pretende convertirse en un escaparate en el que los agentes que
actúan directamente sobre el terreno puedan, si lo desean, exponer sus
experiencias, opiniones, iniciativas e innovaciones. Además de un reportaje
sobre el patrimonio arqueológico de la región sueca de Västra Götaland, el
segundo número de la revista contiene entrevistas con el Presidente de la
Comisión de política regional, transportes y turismo del Parlamento Europeo,
Konstantinos Hatzidakis, con el Director General de Programación económica
del Ministerio español de Obras Públicas, Antonio López Corral, y con la
Directora General del Puerto autónomo de Lieja, Marie-Dominique Simonet.
Inforegio Panorama se halla disponible en las once lenguas oficiales de la
Comunidad en el sitio Inforegio
( y, además,
está impresa en cinco lenguas (FR, EN, DE, ES e IT).

Mejor control de los gastos estructurales

1- Tras consultar a los Estados miembros y a las Instituciones comunitarias
asociadas, la Comisión adoptó formalmente el pasado 2 de marzo dos nuevos
Reglamentos con los que se pretende garantizar una mejor gestión de los
Fondos Estructurales así como reforzar el control financiero y precisar las
correcciones financieras aplicables.

2- El primer Reglamento se centra en los sistemas de gestión y de control de
las ayudas concedidas por los Fondos Estructurales. Define las funciones de
las autoridades responsables en los Estados miembros y en las regiones en lo
que atañe, especialmente, a la contabilidad y verificación de los gastos, a
las demandas de reembolso a la Comisión y a los procedimientos de control de
las operaciones.

3- El segundo Reglamento, por su parte, precisa el método de aplicación de
las correcciones financieras en caso de mala gestión o de control deficiente
de los recursos atribuidos por los Fondos. Toda irregularidad relevante
puede determinar, en un principio, la suspensión de los pagos y, más
adelante, la recuperación de las sumas ya entregadas.

4- Los textos de ambos Reglamentos (CE n° 438/2001 y CE n° 448/2001) se
hallan disponibles en el sitio Inforegio y
pueden también ser solicitados por fax (nº: +32.2.296 60 03).

Lanzamiento de las Acciones innovadoras

--- El 31 de enero pasado, la Comisión adoptó formalmente las Orientaciones
del período 2000-2006 para las Acciones innovadoras del Fondo Europeo de
Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). Su contenido y sus pautas de aplicación fueron
explicadas a más de 500 representantes regionales en una jornada informativa
que se celebró en Bruselas el 19 de febrero. ---

1- El texto final de estas Orientaciones es el resultado del proceso de
consultas al que fue sometido el proyecto propuesto por la Comisión en julio
del 2000; esas consultas permitieron recabar la opinión de los Estados
miembros, el Parlamento Europeo y el Comité de las Regiones.

2- El documento propone tres sectores estratégicos para las regiones menos
desarrolladas y en reconversión:
. la economía regional basada en el conocimiento y en la innovación
. la sociedad de la información al servicio del desarrollo regional
. la identidad regional y el desarrollo sostenible.

3- El FEDER cofinanciará la realización de programas de desarrollo
regionales que se centren en uno o más de esos tres sectores, así como la
creación de redes internacionales de cooperación y de intercambio de

4- Las autoridades competentes de la regiones cubiertas total o parcialmente
por los Objetivos nº 1 y nº 2, así como de las que se benefician de una
ayuda transitoria en el marco de esos Objetivos, pueden presentar a la
Comisión su proyecto de programa regional de acciones innovadoras antes del
31 de mayo, aún este año, o bien dentro de los cuatro próximos años.

5- Los documentos relativos a las Acciones innovadoras pueden consultarse en
el sitio Inforegio ( o, también,
pedirse por fax (nº :+32.2.296 60 03).

Objetivo nº 2: Países Bajos y Reino Unido

--- La Comisión aprobó el pasado mes de febrero ocho programas de desarrollo
económico y social para las regiones en reconversión del Reino Unido, así
como un programa transversal para zonas urbanas en dificultad de los Países
Bajos. ---

< Países Bajos >
El programa aprobado por la Comisión abarca once distritos urbanos situados
en nueve ciudades (Amsterdam, Arnhem, La Haya, Eindhoven, Enschede,
Maastricht, Nijmegen, Rotterdam y Utrecht) y cubre una población de unos
658.000 habitantes. Las prioridades a las que presta su apoyo el Fondo
Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) son tres: el entorno económico
urbano, el impulso de la actividad económica y el aprovechamiento del
potencial socioeconómico. Próximamente se aprobarán otros tres programas
holandeses del Objetivo nº 2 para las regiones del Norte, el Sur y el Este
del país.

< Reino Unido >
Ocho regiones han visto plasmarse sus programas de desarrollo económico y
social: West Midlands, North West of England, North East of England,
Yorkshire and the Humber, Western Scotland, Londres, South West of England y
Thanet and Hastings (región de South East England). Los ámbitos cubiertos
por estos programas van desde la competitividad (en especial de las PYME)
hasta la capacidad de innovación, pasando por la lucha contra la exclusión
social, el desarrollo local o la protección del medio ambiente. Asimismo, se
prevén otras medidas en campos tan diversos como las infraestructuras, las
nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, la revitalización de
los sectores tradicionales, la defensa del patrimonio o la ordenación del

La adopción de estos ocho programas completa en el Reino Unido la
programación del nuevo Objetivo nº 2. De esta forma, entre los años 2000 y
2006, los Fondos Estructurales pondrán a disposición de las 14 regiones
subvencionables un importe aproximado de 4.700 millones de euros (precios de
1999) (véanse también las notas informativas Inforegio nº 81 y nº 83).

Para más información, puede consultarse el sitio Inforegio:

Programa Coste Contribución de los
total* Fondos Estructurales*

< Países Bajos >

Zonas urbanas 588,3 199,8

< Reino Unido >

West Midlands 324,8 854,2
North West of England 1 907,6 808,3
North East of England 1 893,1 717
Yorkshire and the Humber 1 411,6 517,8
Western Scotland 1 171 483,3
Londres 663,9 259,9
South West of England 445,3 189,7
Thanet and Hastings 100,5 35,7

* En millones de euros.

Para obtener más información sobre nuestras listas de difusión, le damos
cita en

Fecha - 02-04-01
Nombre: Magda Jové
Comentarios: Conferencia Europea para el Desarrollo Sostenible en el Medio Urbano

Nuevas oportunidades para las ciudades sostenibles

2 y 3 de Mayo de 2001 - Barcelona (España)

Distinguidos señores:

Nos complace informarles de la celebración de la Conferencia Europea para el
Desarrollo Sostenible en el Medio Urbano: Nuevas oportunidades para las
ciudades sostenibles, que tendrá lugar en Barcelona los días 2 y 3 de mayo
de 2001.
El objetivo de esta conferencia es la presentación de la base legal del
nuevo Marco Comunitario de Cooperación, para el desarrollo sostenible en el
medio urbano.
La conferencia está dirigida a ciudades, redes de ciudades y organizaciones
no gubernamentales, así como al sector social y privado, con el fin de crear
una plataforma de diálogo entre los interlocutores urbanos y la Comunidad
Se trata de una oportunidad única de encontrar posibles socios con los que
colaborar en nuevos proyectos y nuevas fórmulas de financiación, así como en
el desarrollo de redes urbanas con criterios de sostenibilidad.

Para más información consulte nuestra página web

Las sesiones plenarias serán traducidas simultáneamente al español/catalán,
al inglés y al francés.

Programa general

Miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2001

8:30h. Inscripción

9:30h. Presentación del "Marco Comunitario para la cooperación en el
desarrollo sostenible urbano".

Inauguración Oficial de la Conferencia.

Sr. Joan Clos
Alcalde de Barcelona.

Sr. Manuel Royes
Presidente de la Diputación de Barcelona.

Sra. Marie-Noelle Lienemann
Representante del Parlamento Europeo.

10:10h. Iniciativas de la Comisión Europea para el desarrollo de la
sostenibilidad urbana: presentación de la base legal del "Marco Comunitario
para la cooperación en el desarrollo sostenible urbano".

Sr. Prudencio Perera
Director de Calidad Ambiental y Recursos Naturales. Dirección General de
Medio Ambiente, Comisión Europea.

10:30h. El papel de las ciudades europeas en el desarrollo sostenible y el
valor de las redes desde una perspectiva urbana.

Sr. Herbert Schmalstieg
Alcalde de Hannover.

10:50h. La importancia del Marco Comunitario y las oportunidades que
proporciona para promover el desarrollo sostenible urbano.

Sr. Colin Fudge
Miembro del grupo de expertos para el medio urbano de la Comisión Europea y
Presidente del Comité de coordinación de la Campaña de las ciudades europeas

11:10h. Descanso.

11:40h. Las necesidades futuras de las ciudades en cuanto a la
sostenibilidad - la complementariedad de la Investigación en la U.E y el
nuevo Marco Comunitario.

Sr. David Miles
D.G. de Investigación de la Comisión Europea.

12:0h. Las redes españolas de ciudades y pueblos para la sostenibilidad.

Sr. Antoni P. Fogué
Presidente de la "Xarxa de Ciutats i Pobles cap a la Sostenibilitat",
Diputado -presidente del Área de Medio Ambiente de la Diputación de

12:20h Debate de las sesiones matinales e introducción a las siguientes
mesas redondas.

13:00h. Almuerzo.

15:00h. Mesas redondas: "Redes urbanas: instrumento de cooperación para las
ciudades sostenibles".
Las intervenciones preliminares en las mesas redondas y las posibles
cuestiones serán presentadas por redes y ciudades invitadas.

Mesa redonda A:

Presidente de la mesa:

Sr Claude Bochu
Comisión Europea. D. G. Medio Ambiente.

Mesa redonda B:

Presidente de la mesa:

Sr Anthony Van de Ven
Eurocities (Coordinador medioambiental).

18:00h. Fin del programa del día.

19:00h. Recepción en el "Saló de Cent" del Ayuntamiento de la ciudad de

Jueves, 3 de mayo 2001

19:00h. Sesión plenaria: Modelos urbanos e instrumentos para llegar a la
Sesión presidida por:

Sra. Imma Mayol
Teniente de Alcalde del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona.

9:10h. Modelos urbanos más sostenibles. Estrategias urbanas para competir.

Sr. Salvador Rueda
Agencia Local de Ecología Urbana de Barcelona.

9:30h. Gestión urbana eco-eficiente y nuevas formas de gobierno urbano para
la sostenibilidad.

Sr. Gino van Begin
Representante del Consejo Internacional de Iniciativas locales
medioambientales (ICLEI).

10:00h. Instrumentos de control: hacia un perfil de sostenibilidad local.

Sra. Susann Pauli
Comisión Europea, D.G. Medio Ambiente.

10:30h. Instrumentos financieros y económicos para la sostenibilidad urbana.

Sr. José Manuel Naredo
Escuela de Arquitectura Técnica de Madrid.11:00h. Descanso.

11:30h. Sesión plenaria: Mesa redonda y conclusiones.
Sesión presidida por:

Sr. José Ignacio Cuervo
Presidente de la Entidad Metropolitana de Servicios Hidráulicos y
Tratamiento de Residuos.

13:00h. Clausura: representantes de Malmö y Barcelona.

15:00h. Visitas

Itinerario1: La transformación urbana de Barcelona.

* La renovación de Ciutat Vella (centro histórico de Barcelona)
* Proyecto 22@BCN
* El Parque del río Besós

Itinerario 2: Proyectos medioambientales emblemáticos en la ciudad de

* Ecoparc (Programa metropolitano de gestión de residuos municipales)
* Placas solares del Ayuntamiento
* Centro de Recursos para la Sostenibilidad

18:00h. Fin del programa

Nos gustaría poder contar con su participación y su colaboración para dar la
máxima difusión a esta convocatoria.

Esperamos verles en Barcelona.

Para más información consulte nuestra página web

Fecha - 02-04-01
Nombre: Guillermo Font
Comentarios: vecinet-notici@s

De: Susana Finquelievich
Organization: CONICET - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad
de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires,

"Renovando comunidades en la era digital"

Primera invitación y llamado a participación (presentación de resúmenes de
ponencias y de actividades)


Redes comunitarias (en inglés: "Community Networks") es un término genérico
que sirve para definir diferentes tipos de usos de Internet y de las
tecnologías de información que transforman nuestra sociedad. El algunos
países reciben diferentes nombres, como freenets, telecentros, o ciudades
digitales. No obstante, en todos los casos las redes comunitarias reúnen a
personas que quieren utilizar las nuevas tecnologías para una renovación de
sus comunidades en la era digital. Son algo más que una simple web: son
nuevas formas asociativas. Podemos definir las redes ciudadanas como la
forma de utilizar las nuevas tecnologías por diferentes actores locales (una
asociación, una ciudad, un barrio, una comunidad indígena, una librería, un
club de jóvenes, o de mujeres...), así como actores nacionales y hasta
globales, con el propósito de producir una transformación social, sea en
forma de desarrollo económico, una mayor participación ciudadana, o una
menor exclusión social.
Los congresos Global CN son el encuentro anual de las redes comunitarias de
todo el mundo, así como de las personas de los diferentes ámbitos
interesadas en su promoción. Estas redes son nuevas formas de asociacionismo
ciudadano de la era digital. Tienen un importantísimo rol como
fortalecedoras del tejido de cohesión social, en la inclusión de la
población a los saberes y oficios de la Sociedad de la Información, en la
participación de los habitantes en las políticas locales, en la generación
de condiciones de empleabilidad y la creación de empresas con nuevos
perfiles productivos y de servicios.
Estos temas se profundizarán en el II Congreso Mundial de Redes Ciudadanas
(Global Citizens Networks 2001, o GCN2001) que se realizará en Buenos Aires,
Argentina, entre el 5 y el 7 de diciembre de 2001. El evento reúne al sector
asociativo, gubernamental, político, académico y empresarial promotor de
dichas redes ciudadanas, alrededor del eje de debates: "Renovando
comunidades en la Era Digital".
Global CN 2001 es una iniciativa desarrollada por el Global CN Partnership,
la alianza internacional de organizaciones de redes ciudadanas de Europa,
USA, Canadá, en colaboración con las redes comunitarias en los Estados
Unidos, Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Uruguay, Australia, México, Costa Rica,
República Dominicana, Nueva Zelanda, Japón, Rusia, India y África
El Global CN 2001 se orienta sobre todo a fomentar la construcción de
redes comunitarias en todo el mundo, sobre la base de alianzas estratégicas
con las diferentes organizaciones de la sociedad civil, el Estado, las
empresas y las universidades. Estas alianzas están dirigidas a la
construcción de las nuevas comunidades de la Sociedad de la Información.
Estas comunidades se construyen por medio de la articulación de las
iniciativas de los sectores involucrados, el intercambio de metodologías,
programas, procesos, y la elaboración de nuevos conocimientos.

Los objetivos de Global CN 2001 son:

· Difundir las actividades de las redes comunitarias en el mundo y agregar
la voz de estas redes al debate sobre la Sociedad Global de la Información
· Experimentar nuevas formas de sociedad posibilitadas por el uso de TIC
· Promover la inclusión social y el desarrollo sustentable a través del
intercambio de experiencias a nivel comunitario
· Alentar el uso de las nuevas tecnologias para sustentar las actividades
comunitarias y las alianzas en el ámbito local, nacional, regional y global
en el mundo.
· Promover el intercambio entre los distintos actores nacionales,
internacionales, y entre las diferentes asociaciones que se generen.
· Alentar el trabajo conjunto de organizaciones comunitarias e instituciones
académicas con el fin de avanzar en forma participativa en las
investigaciones y estudios sobre la comunidad de la Sociedad de la Información.
· Potenciar la creación de instituciones y centros que desarrollen
investigaciones sobre la Sociedad de la Información para formar decisores y
responder a los desafíos sociales y tecnológicos que se renuevan constantemente.
· Alentar a las empresas a que produzcan aplicaciones tecnológicas dirigidas
a la comunidad.
· Apoyar el desarrollo de la ciberdemocracia, en la cual los medios
electrónicos sirven para expresar permanentemente las opiniones y demandas
de los ciudadanos.
· Alentar la participación de las minorías de todo tipo en la sociedad civil
de la Sociedad de la Información y trabajar sobre el multiculturalismo.
· Promover la discusión sobre las tecnologías de información y comunicación
como herramientas posibilitadoras en los movimientos sociales locales y

El II Congreso en Buenos Aires

Este segundo congreso es el primero en América Latina, después del iniciado
en Europa en el 2000. Esperamos que marque un hito en la evolución de las
redes ciudadanas, no sólo por el nivel de los temas y participantes del
debate, sino porque es un emprendimiento conjunto de todos los sectores
sociales y políticos, sin los que no será posible el despegue de una
sociedad con acceso igualitario a la información. Este II Congreso Mundial
de Redes Ciudadanas del que Buenos Aires será sede, reúne por primera vez en
Argentina el esfuerzo de los principales referentes políticos y económicos
de las provincias - a través del CFI, Consejo Federal de Inversiones-, junto
con el ámbito académico y de investigación de los principales temas a
debatir nucleados por el Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani de la
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la UBA, y las principales empresas de
tecnologías de comunicación e información representadas por CICOMRA, la
Cámara de Informática y Comunicaciones de la República Argentina. Está
apoyado por un Comité Consultivo internacional y un Secretariado Ejecutivo
El II Congreso Mundial de Redes Ciudadanas es la continuidad del I Congreso
del mismo nombre, celebrado en Barcelona en noviembre del 2000. Las
tecnologías de la información y comunicación -que confluyen en Internet-,
están demostrando un gran potencial para el desarrollo económico y social de
las comunidades. Esto hace necesario el fortalecimiento de una sociedad de
la información para todos, que debe ser impulsada en forma conjunta por los
diferentes sectores sociales, políticos y empresarios.
En este marco Buenos Aires recibirá en el próximo mes de diciembre a
representantes de instituciones de todo el mundo. El GCN2001 comprenderá
conferencias con key speakers (oradores distinguidos) internacionales,
paneles, talleres, videos, una feria de organizaciones comunitarias y otras
actividades. En nuestras próximas comunicaciones les informaremos con más
detalle sobre la organización general, el programa, hoteles y otras
cuestiones de su interés.

Presentación de resúmenes de propuestas (ponencias y actividades)

Invitamos a miembros de organizaciones comunitarias, investigadores,
funcionarios gubernamentales, administradores de telecentros comunitarios,
educadores, políticos y empresarios, a presentar propuestas de participación
para los paneles y los talleres que se realizarán en este congreso. Estas
propuestas pueden tomar la forma de resúmenes de ponencias, videos, charlas,
o cualquier otra forma innovadora que pueda comunicar y difundir sus
actividades con claridad.
En todo caso, debe hacernos llegar antes del 15 de abril una propuesta de no
más de 400 palabras describiendo la ponencia o actividad que desea
presentar, y los requerimientos técnicos para presentarla.

La presentación de propuestas responderá a los siguientes ejes temáticos (no

1) Instrumentos tecnológicos para la comunicación comunitaria: Internet,
radios comunitarias, medios mixtos. Acceso comunitario al hardware y al
2) El derecho a la comunicación en la era digital. Comunicación y
ciudadanía. Ética en el ciberespacio. Políticas de regulación.
3) Investigaciones sobre redes electrónicas comunitarias realizadas
conjuntamente por académicos y miembros de dichas redes.
4) Las diferentes culturas y la identidad en el ciberespacio, grupos
indígenas, multiculturalismo, y el uso de las tecnologías de información y
5) Mujer, comunicación, ciencia y tecnología. Mujeres y redes comunitarias
en el mundo. La voz de las mujeres en Internet.
6) Telecentros comunitarios. Relación con las comunidades. Administración,
gestión, financiamiento, sustentabilidad.
7) Las TIC en los movimientos sociales locales y globales. Nuevos procesos
8) Telemedicina: uso de TIC en la salud de las comunidades. Prevención y
asistencia. Aporte de las TIC en los grupos de riesgo: niñez, adolescentes, etc.
9) Desafíos y ventajas de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en
los países en desarrollo.
10) Evolución de la economía digital. Contribución de las TIC a economías
solidarias. Microempresas comunitarias en la Web. Comercio electrónico para
el desarrollo local y la generación de empleo.
11) Gobiernos locales, regionales y nacionales, administración pública y
redes electrónicas comunitarias. E-government. Democracia electrónica.
12) Educación en la sociedad digital. Alfabetización tecnológica. Formación
continua en el uso de herramientas tecnológicas y en la producción de
contenidos para Internet. Experiencias internacionales.
13) Empresas y redes electrónicas comunitarias. Alianzas y diferencias.
Cooperativas locales.
14) Organismos internacionales y redes comunitarias. Alianzas y obstáculos.
Consecuencias de los financiamientos internacionales en las redes comunitarias.
15) Arte digital y redes comunitarias.
16) Empresas y redes comunitarias.

Resúmenes de propuestas:

· Los resúmenes no deberán exceder las 400 palabras (una carilla,
aproximadamente). Contendrán: el eje temático seleccionado, título, nombre
del autor (es), la institución de procedencia, dirección, teléfono, correo
electrónico y página web; la descripción de la actividad a realizar o el
resumen de la ponencia a exponer.
· Se usará letra Arial de 11 puntos a un espacio y medio, tamaño de hoja A4.
· Se enviará por correo electrónico a, indicando
en el título del mensaje el apellido del autor, hasta el 30 de abril de 2001

Las propuestas serán evaluadas por los Coordinadores de Comisión con la
participación de destacados investigadores y activistas de Redes Ciudadanas
en el mundo. Los principales criterios de evaluación serán: claridad de
exposición, información, innovación, interculturalismo (en su sentido más
amplio: capacidad para dialogar con los otros sectores de la sociedad),
valor social agregado, coherencia con los objetivos del GCN2001, aportes
para el desarrollo de las redes comunitarias.

La secretaría comunicará los resultados de la evaluación el 15 de junio.


· El documento (que se enviará una vez aprobado el resumen) debe ser
recibido por la comisión organizadora, antes del 1 de Octubre de 2001. El
documento que se envíe deberá ser la versión definitiva.
· Sólo se aceptarán documentos en Word. No se recibirán trabajos impresos
sin el correspondiente soporte magnético (por e-mail o diskette).
· La extensión del documento debe ser de un mínimo de siete y un máximo de
diez páginas, incluyendo referencias bibliográficas. Se usará letra Arial de
11 puntos a un espacio y medio, tamaño de hoja A4.
· Las referencias bibliográficas deberán ser colocadas al final del documento.

Los documentos que satisfagan estas condiciones y que sean aprobados por los
evaluadores, serán incluidos en el Libro de Ponencias del Global CN2001 que
se distribuirá a los asistentes durante el evento.


La presentación de los trabajos podrá ser en cualquiera de los idiomas
oficiales del congreso: español (castellano), inglés y francés. Como los
altos costos no permiten la traducción simultánea en todos los talleres, se
ruega a cada participante que haga los esfuerzos necesarios para entender y
hacerse entender (por ejemplo hablando un idoma y proyectando al mismo
tiempo su texto o un plan detallado en otro idioma). ¡Esta es una de las
exigencias de la diversidad y del pluralismo!


30 de abril: Límite de recepción de resúmenes de propuestas.
30 de junio: Comunicación a los autores sobre la aprobación de los resúmenes.
1 de octubre: Límite para la presentación de ponencias.

Información: Para información adicional, le solicitamos dirigirse a la
Secretaría Académica del II Congreso Mundial de Redes Ciudadanas
Sitio Web:
Grupo Organizativo en Buenos Aires:
Ing. Carlos González, Ing. Alfredo Ballarino
CICOMRA, Cámara de Informática y Comunicaciones de la República Argentina,
agrupa a las empresas industriales, comerciales y proveedoras de servicios
del sector informático y de las comunicaciones en Argentina. Este sector,
del cual CICOMRA es portavoz y referente, representa uno de los más activos
de la economía nacional.

Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales,
Universidad de Buenos Aires:

Dr. Federico Schuster, Dra. Susana Finquelievich
El Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani pertenece a la Facultad de
Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Integra profesores de
esta Facultad y a investigadores del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones
Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Cada investigador coordina equipos
interdisciplinarios, que trabajan en las diversas áreas del conocimiento social.

Consejo Federal de Inversiones

Ing. Marta Velázquez Cao, Ing. Alicia Rapaccini
El Consejo Federal de Inversiones es un organismo creado por las provincias
argentinas hace más de cuarenta años, con el objeto de promover el
desarrollo armónico e integral de las distintas regiones del país.
Desarrolla una tarea permanente de cooperación técnica, articulando,
coordinando y asistiendo a las provincias en las demandas de los sectores
público y privado.
· AUTOGESTION VECINAL: Primer medio uruguayo en Internet de difusión,
noticias, información y documentación de temas sociales, vecinales,
comunales, cooperativas, etc., de apoyo a las organizaciones y actores
sociales. Espacio abierto el 18 de mayo de 1996. Secciones: Vecinales y
Comunales; Vivienda Popular; Cooperativismo y Autogestión; Cultura e
Identidad - - Correo-E:

· vecinet-notici@s: Primera Agencia uruguaya en Internet de difusión,
noticias, información y documentación vecinal. Boletín Electrónico de
difusión gratuita por Correo-E, sobre temas sociales, vecinales, comunales,
cooperativas, etc., de apoyo a las organizaciones y actores sociales.
Secciones: Sociedad; Cultura; Comunales; Informes Especiales. Suscripción al
"Nada podemos esperar si no es de nosotros mismos" "La causa de los pueblos
no admite la menor demora" "Que los más infelices sean los más
privilegiados" (José Artigas)

Fecha - 30-03-01
Nombre: Dale Brayan
Comentarios: Apologies for cross-postings

Hello, all,

Last month I alerted you to our two internship institutes being offered
this summer (described below; no attachements, however), and asked for
your dissemination assistance. Now I am pleased to alert you to our
modest fund raising success, such that each internship now includes a
stipend of $2,250.

If you would again, please, forward this information to interested
others, it would be appreciated. To all of you that had already spread
the word, thanks very much!

For peace and justice,

Dale Bryan
Assistant Director Experiential Learning Coordinator
Peace and Justice Studies Center for Interdisciplinary Studies

109 Eaton Hall, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155
phone: 617-627-2261 fax: 617-627-3032

Hello, all,

On behalf of numerous community-based organizations, municpal offices
and state agencies with which I am collaborating, this serves to
announce two upcoming summer institutes to be held at Tufts
University. A flyer for each is attached (Peace Institute and River
Institute); brief information for each is included as text below.

We would appreciate your posting the flyer and/or forwarding this
message as appropriate. We are now accepting applications from upper
level undergrads and Masters candidates. Forms are available on the web
sites (one is under construction and should be completed very soon).

Institute in Social Movements and Strategic Nonviolence: An Experiential
Inquiry into Peace Action. This institute, a collaboration of PJS and
the New Century Peace Leadership Project, a coalition of local and
national peace organizations, including municipal agencies,
community-based non-profits, and research institutes, explores both the
limits and potential of strategic nonviolence in the peace movement, and
the prevailing social science theories about social movements,
generally. Twice a week, students attend a seminar to discuss the role
of nonviolence in social movements. Simultaneously, each student
completes an internship with a NCPLP member organization in the Boston
area. Internship placements provide students opportunities to observe
and participate in strategic decision-making and implementation of
nonviolent tactics. The institute is designed to facilitate systematic
analysis and testing of both
social movement and nonviolence theory and practice in concrete
settings. Financial stipends are provided to each intern; additional
financial support may become available. Enrollment is limited and
competitive. For an application contact Dale Bryan, Assistant Director,
PJS, 109 Eaton Hall, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155 or email, or see Applications due
April 15, 2001; send directly to PJS.

The New Century Environmental Leadership Institute: An Experiential
Inquiry into Watershed Restoration. This combined seminar/internship
project, which represents a project of the Mystic Watershed
Collaborative (MWC) will explore both the limits and the potential of
strategic action in the environmental movement, as well as the
prevailing social science theories about social movements more
generally. Twice a week, students attend a seminar to discuss the role
of strategy in social movements with particular attention to biophysical
watershed restoration strategies growing out of environmental
management. Simultaneously, each student completes an internship with a
MWC member organization in the Boston metropolitan area. Internship
placements provide students opportunities to observe and participate in
strategic decision-making and implementation of nonviolent tactics. The
institute is designed to facilitate systematic analysis and testing of
both social movement and nonviolence theory and practice in concrete
settings. Financial stipends are provided to each intern; additional
financial support may become available. Enrollment is limited and
competitive. For an application contact Dale Bryan, Experiential
Learning Coordinator, CIS, 109 Eaton Hall, Tufts University, Medford, MA
02155 or email, or see
Applications are due by April 15, 2001; send directly to CIS.

Fecha - 16-03-01
Nombre: Rodolfo Garay
Comentarios: Estimado Javier Trezza y demás Foristas:

Es un placer ver como los vericuetos de la red han hecho llegar a
este lugar a otro Argentino más. Es mayor aún el placer al saber que somos
de la misma y hermosa ciudad de las diagonales.

Respecto a tu actividad partidaria es muy interesante para este Foro
que se sume gente que aporte este tan "desprestigiado costado del desarrollo
local" ; tal cual comentas en el 2000 se perdió una oportunidad muy
importante de avanzar en estos temas. Debo contarte además que he tenido
algunas charlas vía correo con Ruben Rivelli a quien seguro conocerás.

Desgraciadamente como estamos viendo en estos días aquí en argentina
hay algunas situaciones de desenlace inminente que probablemente aún
posterguen mas estos temas. Veremos que pasa.

Respecto a la información que solicitas, en el tema en general
deberías recorrer las distintas mesas y archivos de Agora, allí encontraras
modelos, propuestas, debates etc., muy formativos para un tema del cual
todos hablamos, pero no se si todos conocemos. En mi caso todos los días
aprendo algo nuevo.

En lo particular te sugiero te pongas en contacto con Daniel
Fernández, de ciudadela, quien esta trabajando muy bien en un anteproyecto
de descentralización. Por lo que veo te llegará tambien un renvio de su

Saludos a todos los foristas,

Rodolfo Garay, BA,

Fecha - 10-03-01
Nombre: Alejandra Masolo
Comentarios: From: Marie-Christine LACOSTE


Territorios n° 8: Gobierno local, nuevos actores, nuevos roles
(recepcion de articulos: noviembre 19 de 2001).

Territorios n° 9: Marginalidad y territorios
(recepcion de articulos: febrero 9 de 2002).

Claudia Carreño, Coordinadora editorial del CIDER
Universidad de los Andes
Santa Fe de Bogotá D.C., Colombia


Convocatoria a Territorios n° 8
Gobierno local, nuevos actores, nuevos roles

Una de las transformaciones más importantes y probablemente más
profundas acaecidas en los niveles locales de Estado y gobierno es la
aparición de nuevos actores en la construcción de lo público. No
solamente los interlocutores gubernamentales nacionales y locales se han
transformado, sino también han aparecido con inusitada importancia
agentes de desarrollo con filiación directa en organizaciones sociales,
los gremios, los empresarios y las nuevas sociedades y fundaciones
filantrópicas. Al mismo compás de cambio, el rol de los gobiernos
locales se ha transformado, intentando responder creativamente a las
nuevas realidades.

En cuanto al papel de los nuevos actores interesa discutir muy
especialmente si los agentes externos contribuyen o no a construir
condiciones estables y durables de desarrollo local. Adicionalmente,
interesa conocer de qué forma y en qué medida las condiciones de
gobierno local están marcadas por la presencia de nuevos factores y
procesos como son la regulación económica y social (normas y códigos de
conducta), la regulación privada de los mercados (normas y estándares
tecnológicos y gerenciales), y la presencia de organizaciones sociales,
civiles y ONGs.

Este número de Territorios convoca todas aquellas reflexiones teóricas,
investigaciones y estudios de caso que pretendan contribuir a la
comprensión de estos procesos de cambio. Serán bienvenidos trabajos
ilustrativos de experiencias específicas en donde se contribuya a
dilucidar el tipo de actores nuevos, sus contribuciones particulares a
la construcción de lo público y los nuevos roles asumidos por los
actores más convencionales. Igualmente oportunas serán aquellas
reflexiones teóricas donde se intente esclarecer la nueva naturaleza de
lo público, especialmente en la esfera local y regional, sus dimensiones
peculiares, la variedad de situaciones y procesos, y las implicaciones
sobre los conceptos a emplear en el acercamiento a estas nuevas
realidades, lo mismo que sobre las formas de intervención.

Fecha límite de recepción de artículos: Noviembre 19 de 2001


Convocatoria a Territorios n° 9
Marginalidad y territorios

El concepto de marginalidad ha sido empleado de tiempo atrás con
diferentes acepciones e implicaciones. A pesar de su relativa
antigüedad, parece no haber perdido vigencia y resulta interesante
reflexionar acerca de su significado y de las implicaciones teóricas,
políticas y sociales de su empleo.

Diversas interrogaciones parecen oportunas: ¿Cuáles territorios son
llamados marginales y por qué?, ¿Hay una condición específica de
marginalidad territorial, o es ésta semejante a la marginalidad en lo
social o lo cultural?, ¿Los llamados territorios marginales generan
formas y expresiones de identidad diferentes a las de los demás?, ¿Sus
gentes tienen o no representaciones particulares de sí mismas y de sus
territorios?, ¿Qué alternativas políticas, sociales, culturales y
económicas aparecen en frente de los llamados territorios marginales?

Como es habitual para Territorios, es de interés para la revista recibir
contribuciones de diferente tipo y naturaleza. Así, serán bienvenidas
las reflexiones teóricas, los estudios de caso y las investigaciones
empíricas que aborden y esclarezcan alguna o algunas de las
interrogaciones previas.

Fecha límite de recepción de artículos: Febrero 9 de 2002

Fecha - 27-02-01
Nombre: rafael del carmen castro
Email: Teléfono: 0034 91 477 09 97
Comentarios: hola soy estudiante en madrid españa y estoy realizando un a tesis doctoral sobre el servicio civil de carrera en mexico y quisiera saber si ustedes me pudiesen dar algunas direcciones sobre paginas del tema respectivo, op si tienen alguna publicacion al respecto y si la venda y cuanto cuesta vale gracias

Fecha - 27-02-01
Nombre: Nabil Khodari
Comentarios: Dear All,

Apologies for any cross-postings. Please find below the current Newsletter of the Uganda Community Tourism Association, which I thought would be of interest to you. Although we are not a conservation organisation per se, conservation is one of our objectives.

Uganda Community Tourism Association
February 2001

Our Logo
UCOTA now has an official logo, made up of four independent symbols. These symbols depict the areas in which UCOTA members are active: Handicrafts; Ecotourism & Guiding; Accommodation & Hospitality; Culture, Dance & Drama. These symbols will be used on all future promotional materials and signs for member groups. They will be on each group's Membership Certificate presented, to those who have paid their fees, at the AGM annually. Each group will use the symbol(s) relevant to their site/services/products, to assist in marketing their groups and allow instant identification as UCOTA members.

UCOTA Handicrafts
The Christmas period saw a lot of handicraft sales at bazaars and in the UCOTA shop, with both tourists, Ugandans and foreign residents purchasing their Christmas gifts.
This meant a significant reduction in stock, making the end-of-year stock-take much easier. It also means that we are ready and waiting for new stock. A number of groups are attending a workshop at the beginning of February, so new stock will be available in the shop by mid-February.
As well as direct sales in Kampala, we have nine export orders pending, from the USA, the Netherlands, Sudan, Australia, Canada and the UK. Each of these orders require a large variety of baskets, from all areas of Uganda. We have been told by our export customers that lidded baskets sell particularly well overseas. Four of these orders are repeat buyers, which shows that the standard of our groups' crafts is being appreciated and acknowledged worldwide.
Keep up the great work everyone, and anyone who is interested in our handicrafts, please come in to visit us or e-mail We can respond with photographs of our groups' baskets and information on our other available handicrafts.

Wildlife Management in the New Millenium
Elissa Williams and Sauda Birungi of the Budongo Forest Project travelled to Moshi in Tanzania in mid December to attend the conference - Wildlife Management in the New Millennium. Elissa Williams presented a paper on UCOTA to demonstrate how community tourism can be used to assist in conservation. Jane Goodall presented a very emotional closing address that encouraged participants to recognize the links between the wildlife of this world and our own existence. After three days of interesting presentations and lots of discussion, Saudi and Elissa headed out to visit projects under the Tanzanian Cultural Tourism Programme. Although they couldn't find Kisangara, they eventually travelled up into the Pare Mountains and visited a group with a small guesthouse, magnificent views of Mount Kilimanjaro and local cultural walks. As travel to and from Tanzania was by road, Sauda and Elissa were able to enjoy the scenery along the way.

Cultural Tourism in Africa: strategies for the new millenium
Alison White attended this conference in Mombasa in December. The conference related directly to UCOTA's work, as well as to the Heritage Trails Project.
The key note presentations included:

The cultural landscape.
Community based tourism in the Northern Province, South Africa.
Cultural tourism: doing the right thing.
Some other interesting seminars were:
The Gambia: the problems and prospects of the indigenous craft industry; and
The 'culture' of the sustainable development of tourism.

UCOTA provided gifts for the keynote speakers and had an exhibition of crafts and information throughout the conference. Representatives from Kenya, the UK, the Netherlands, Eritrea, South Africa, Botswana, Tanzania and Canada received information about UCOTA and admired our members' handicrafts. Happily, Alison came home with few baskets remaining and an invitation for UCOTA to participate in a conference in South Africa in December. We are also, now, members of ATLAS Africa (The Association for Tourism and Leisure Education).

Vakantiebeurs & Dutch Students
UCOTA has participated, for the third time, as a member of the Ugandan Tourism team at Vakantiebeurs in Utrecht. In early January, Elissa Williams travelled to the Netherlands to join Ignatius Nakashero and Sylivia Kalemba of UTB, Pam Wright of Semliki Safaris, Ruth Cripps and Praveen Moman of Volcanoes and Bonifence Byamukama of Lake Kitandara Tours and Safaris, for the weeklong exhibition. UCOTA has already received inquiries from potential visitors met at the fair. UCOTA crafts were used to decorate the stand.

Additionally, some of you will remember the two Dutch students, Anna and Sanne, who came to undertake research for UCOTA last year. Two more students will be arriving in February, having met Elissa at Vakantiebeurs. They will undertake further research, building on the results presented in Anna and Sanne's report, looking at who visits community tourism sites, and what their needs and expectations are. The initial report will be presented at our AGM.
You will have the opportunity to greet Eva and Roz at our AGM.

Working with the Heritage Trails Project
The Heritage Trails Project and UCOTA are running a series of workshops over the next four months. The workshops will involve the six heritage sites to be launched in June, and various UCOTA groups. This will assist the heritage sites to gain greater insight into community tourism, by interacting with established groups, whilst enabling UCOTA members to benefit from further training, and to gain experience in sharing skills and experience with others.

The first workshop is a weeklong handicraft development workshop for baskets and mats, at the beginning of February. This is followed by:

? Site interpretation skills
? Business development
? Tour guiding
? Advanced papermaking
? Hospitality services I and II, and
? Cultural entertainment I and II.

This should be a very exciting and informative period for all groups involved. Each participant will be trained as a trainer, so that they can return to their groups and pass on the skills and knowledge they have acquired.

Spotlight on Elgon
The New Year got off to a good start for Cindy Bradley as she headed for the Eastern region to visit the members there. The road to Sipi proved to be a bit of an adventure, as it is undergoing a major widening and improvement programme, scheduled to be finished by the end of the year. The benefits of accessibility should soon become apparent to those involved in tourism.

The Mt Elgon trek usually takes 5 days and is an achievement for even the most seasoned walkers. The Porters and Guides are trained to ensure that everyone is catered for and taken care of. Further down the mountain there are varying grades of scenic trails and no shortage of good guides to make it an eye opening experience.

Back on the road through Budadiri and up into the mountain villages, the groups are busy practicing their dance and drama routines in readiness for both local and foreign audiences. On the mountain roads, it was fascinating to see the piles of drums distorted from the rigors of brewing the local molasses beer and to see the masses of coffee beans drying in the sun ready for selling. Six groups were visited on this field trip and Cindy appreciated the welcome and assistance provided by all.

Julia Lloyd, Elissa Williams and C.D. Langoya headed out in late November to start off the Chimpanzee Eco-tourism Evaluation. The Forestry Department, North Carolina Zoological Park and the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo are funding this project. The team started out in Kibale National Park and brainstormed the idea - What is a perfect Chimpanzee Eco-tourism Site? Walks in the forest and evaluation of the tourism site at Kanyanychu helped set a starting point. The team then continued to Budongo Forest to visit Busingiro Ecotourism Site and Kaniyo Pabidi Ecotourism Site. In early February Julia and Elissa continued to Semliki Game Reserve and Rabongo Forest and then revisited the sites in Budongo Forest. Each site is being evaluated from three points - the level of habituation shown by the chimpanzees, the quality of the site as a tourism attraction, including services available and the impact and effect on the communities.
Paul Mugisa has been off again to the MS Training Centre for Development Cooperation near Arusha, Tanzania. Paul is undertaking the Community Development Programme Officer's course. He has now finished Module 2 and will complete the programme in June 2001. Paul studied Financial Management, Participatory Rural Appraisal Methods; and Project Planning amongst other subjects. UCOTA received sponsorship for this part of the course from ACT (Action for Conservation through Tourism) and Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.

The second UCOTA AGM will take place from Wednesday, 14th March to Sunday, 18th March, 2001, at Lweza Training and Conference Centre. As was the case last year, there will be two days of workshops, followed by the actual AGM itself.

A very exciting initiative will be introduced at this time, with an introductory workshop in making handmade soap from natural ingredients. This will mean that both men and women who are unable to weave, carve or make pottery, will be able to get involved in handicraft production. Other workshops will include maximising your revenue potential; merchandising; the value of biodiversity and how you can help protect endangered species.

If you would like further information on UCOTA, our member groups, sites, handicrafts, . please feel free to contact us: P.O. Box 27159, Kampala, Uganda. Tel: +256 41 230805. E-mail:

Best regards,

Alison White
Technical Adviser

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

.Please feel free to send your input to:
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.This e-mail discussion list is managed by
Conserve Africa International (CAI):

Fecha - 21-02-01
Nombre: Conserve Afrique
Comentarios: HORIZON Internship Opportunity

HORIZON Communications ( is offering a number of
international research internships as part of its Associate Program,
to aid in the expansion of its Solutions Site (

Strong scientific background and an informed interest in one or more
of the following fields: environment, population, sustainable
development, public health, cultural anthropology, or human ecology.
Strong communication and research skills. Ability to work
collaboratively and independently. Ability to communicate by e-mail
and the Web.

The responsibilities are tailored to a persons particular talents and
might entail: synthesizing existing research, doing further research,
fact checking, abstracting, developing existing research into case
studies, helping others prepare case studies, disseminating
information about the Site and about particular solutions to meet
specific needs, and helping initiate projects based on solutions in
the Solutions Site. Interns based in international locations must have
language fluency and understanding of of the local culture.

Possible stipends for interns working in international locations.

Janine M. H. Selendy
Chairman and President
email (preferred mode of contact):
Jo Yellis, Executive Director
HORIZON Communications
Yale University Department of Biology
P. O. Box 208103, New Haven, CT 06520-8103
Tel: 203-432-6266
Fax: 203-432-6161

.Please feel free to send your input to:
.Please join by sending a blank e-mail to:
.To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
.This e-mail discussion list is managed by
Conserve Africa International (CAI):

Fecha - 17-02-01
Nombre: Reforme
Al 16 de febrero de 2001

Este espacio esta dedicado a promocionar las diversas ofertas de
empleo recibidas a traves de la Lista Reforme del CLAD. Para
cualquier informacion adicional, favor dirigirse al contacto
reseñado en este mensaje.

ICLEI EUROPEAN SECRETARIAT: Assistant Eco-Procurement Programme.
-Contacto: ICLEI European Secretariat
-Direccion: The International Council for Local Environmental
Initiatives (ICLEI), Eschholzstrasse 86, D-79115 Freiburg/
Germany, Fax: 0049-761/3689219

ICLEI's mission is to build and serve a world-wide movement
of local governments. This movement aims to achieve tangible
improvements in global environmental and sustainable development
conditions through cumulative local actions. 350 local
authorities and municipal associations have already joined ICLEI.
In Europe ICLEI works with more than 160 members from 28
countries. ICLEI's European Secretariat and International
Training Centre are located in Freiburg, Germany.
The European Secretariat of the International Council for
Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) intends to establish a
position in its Eco-Procurement and Eco-Efficient Economy
Programme (ICLEI EPP). ICLEI EPP develops international
initiatives for local level integration of environmental and
economic aspects with a special regard to greener public
purchasing. For further questions please feel free to contact the
Acting Director ICLEI EPP at
(no applications will be accepted at this address)
I. Task: - Maintaining and developing personal, political
and scientific contacts of the Director with project partners,
participants of the "Buy it green"-Network of municipal
purchasers (BIG-Net) and relevant national and international
institutions in written and oral manner. - Logistical duties,
such as database and archive management, event organisation,
calendar coordination, www maintenance and mailing list
administration. - Implementation of projects according to
personal and academic background, editing the EcoProcurar
Magazine and the website, presentation of ICLEI EPP to the
II. Qualifications required: - Knowledge of environmental
policy instruments and/or experience with public administration.
- Academic degree in a relevant subject, such as environmental
sciences, economics, legal sciences or administrative sciences
(obligatory for research assistant) or other appropriate
qualification. Lawyers with a procurement background are
especially encouraged to submit their application. - Practical
experience in political representation, journalism, moderation
and/or event organisation and an active, dynamic, and
entrepreneurial approach to work as well as social competencies
(team work ability, etc.) are favourable. - A very good command
of English as the working language within ICLEI as well as good
working knowledge of Spanish is necessary; additional European
languages are an asset. - Secure command of MS Office (Winword,
Excel, Powerpoint). Experience in electronic mailing list
management and Web-editing, as well as command of project
management software would be acknowledged.
III. Conditions, Framework: The position is to commence on
1 May 2001, based in Freiburg (Germany), and forms part of a
multidisciplinary team implementing a European project on the
environmental relief potentials of a green purchasing strategy.
The positions are subject to the final approval of project
funding and limited to a duration of 18 months. Extention depends
on acquisition of project funding. Part-time work as well as an
upgrade of the position according to the candidate's abilities
are possible. EU citizenship of equivalent right to access the
German labour market are required. Please submit your
application as soon as possible but no later than 15th March
2001, including CV and letter of motivation by e-mail.
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* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
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Fecha - 13-02-01
Nombre: Marie Chistine Lacoste
>>Conferencia Electrónica
>>5 al 23 de marzo 2001
>>Isabel Cruz Hernández
>>AMUCSS, México
>>Reynaldo Marconi
>>FINRURAL, Bolivia
>>Contexto de la problemática
>>Dos décadas de cambios profundos en los modelos de financiamiento rural
>>en el mundo, caracterizados por el abandono de los modelos estatistas de
>>intervención para promover soluciones basadas en formas y grados diversos
>>de mercado. Bajo los efectos del ajuste estructural y la reducción de
>>ingresos para los gobiernos, las bancas de desarrollo agrícolas
>>desaparecieron o fueron reducidas a su mínima expresión; con la
>>liberalización de los mercados financieros nuevas formulas de
>>intervención privada, comercial, semipública o de mercado emergieron.
>>En el fondo de estos cambios esta el reconocimiento al fracaso de los
>>modelos tradicionales de crédito agrícola basado en el subsidio a tasas y
>>énfasis en el crédito y no en el ahorro, por su alto costo para los
>>países y sobre todo por su incapacidad de llegar a los pobres rurales.
>>Las nuevas experiencias de financiamiento rural se orientan a enfatizar
>>el desarrollo de la intermediación financiera y el desarrollo de mercados
>>financieros rurales, pero sobre todo es importante señalar su adaptación
>>a las caracterísiticas únicas de la sociedad.
>>Es decir no existen modelos replicables, como soluciones mágicas, existen
>>prácticas, formas de operar y principios de éxito, sólo eso, ahora
>>podemos ver lo que ha tenido éxito en otros países e intentar construir
>>soluciones propias. El camino y las soluciones de cada país dependen del
>>contexto, de su sociedad, de su economía, de su cultura.
>>El financiamiento rural dejo así de ser enfocado como sinónimo de crédito
>>agrícola para ampliar la visión al concepto de servicios financieros
>>rurales (ahorro, crédito, seguros, medios de pago). Un nuevo rol del
>>Estado en el desarrollo de mercados financieros rurales se ha hecho
>>presente en los debates internacionales de la materia. Dos décadas de
>>intensa búsqueda de soluciones, durante la cuales han emergido
>>experiencias diversas en el mundo que muestran la diversidad de
>>condiciones y por tanto de fórmulas encontradas. En esta línea se
>>inscribe la emergencia del BRI en Indonesia, un banco gubernamental con
>>orientación comercial, el BAAC de Thailandia una reorientación de la
>>banca agrícola tradicional de fomento, el Banco Grameen de Bangladesh,
>>los sistemas mutualistas de Africa como la red FECECAM en Benin, Kaffo
>>Jijineu en Mali, así como una gran diversidad de ONG's financieras y no
>>financieras en todo el mundo, promoviendo iniciativas experimentales en
>>la prestación de servicios financieros dirigidos a la población rural pobre.
>>Microcrédito y microfinanzas
>>Múltiples iniciativas emergieron en este período, entre ellas el
>>Microcrédito que enfatiza el acceso de pequeños créditos vinculados al
>>autoempleo para los estratos más desfavorecidos de la población. Existen
>>más de 10,000 iniciativas en el mundo enfocadas a acercar el crédito a
>>los pobres urbanos y rurales, la mayor parte de los avances en este campo
>>se sitúan en los medios urbanos y semiurbanos, el área rural aún es el
>>sector menos favorecido con las innovaciones y el sector donde se
>>concentran los mayores desafíos por abordar. El microcrédito es una
>>excelente alternativa en apoyo a la economía familiar, pero se trata de
>>una solución reducida de frente a la diversidad de necesidades
>>financieras de los pobres rurales. Para aumentar su eficacia, es
>>necesario insertarla en un enfoque institucional de mayor envergadura, no
>>limitarse a programas de microcrédito, sino a promover instituciones
>>financieras que puedan diversificar la oferta de servicios.
>>La agricultura, menos favorecida en los nuevos modelos
>>No obstante los avances en la liberalización financiera y en el
>>desarrollo de mercados financieros rurales, los resultados en los
>>diferentes países muestran aún un fuerte rezago en el encuentro de
>>soluciones. El problema siempre esta en los estratos más pobres del medio
>>rural y la dificultad de incidir con servicios financieros en el
>>desarrollo económico de familias, comunidades y microregiones con fuerte
>>dependencia de la agricultura..
>>Investigaciones recientes desarrolladas por la FAO/GTZ, han llamado la
>>atención acerca del efecto que ha tenido en la agricultura y en
>>particular entre los medianos y pequeños productores agrícolas el
>>abandono de los esquemas tradicionales de financiación a la agricultura,
>>aspecto en el cual las microfinanzas tienen limitaciones estructurales.
>>Re-pensar el financiamiento agrícola es el título de una interesante
>>reflexión de estos organismos en torno a este problema. Señalan en
>>particular la importancia de desarrollar nuevas formas de intervención en
>>el financiamiento a la agricultura y al sector económico rural, cuidando
>>no cometer los errores del pasado.
>>Para orientar una adecuada estrategia de financiamiento al servicio del
>>desarrollo rural, es necesario tener claro la naturaleza de lo rural, su
>>especificidad y porqué las soluciones financieras orientadas a este
>>sector deben ser específicas e integradas en una perspectiva de
>>desarrollo donde la viabilidad es el resultado de al menos tres procesos:
>>viabilidad financiera, viabilidad social y viabilidad económica.
>>1. Si usted recibió este mensaje a través de la lista
>>conferencia-chorlavi, quiere decir que ya está inscrito y no tiene que
>>hacer nada adicional para participar (si no quiere participar, lea más
>>abajo el procedimiento para sacar su dirección de la lista de participantes)
>>2. Si usted recibió este mensaje por otra vía, entonces para participar
>>en esta conferencia electrónica, usted deberá inscribir su dirección de
>>correo electrónico. Para ello, deberá enviar un mensaje a la siguiente
>>Este mensaje deberá decir UNICA Y EXCLUSIVAMENTE lo siguiente:
>>subscribe conferencia-chorlavi
>>(por favor, tome nota que la palabra suBscribe es en Inglés, con una
>>letra "b" intermedia)
>>Si usted ya está inscrito en la lista conferencia-chorlavi y NO desea
>>participar en esta conferencia, o si en cualquier momento en el futuro
>>desea usted retirarse de la conferencia, por favor envíe un mensaje a la
>>siguiente dirección:
>>Este mensaje deberá decir UNICA Y EXCLUSIVAMENTE lo siguiente:
>>unsubscribe conferencia-chorlavi
>>(por favor, tome nota que la palabra unsuBscribe es en Inglés, con una
>>letra "b" intermedia)
>>Si experimenta problemas técnicos (no puede recibir o enviar mensajes a
>>la lista, no logra inscribirse, etc.), por favor diríjase DIRECTAMENTE a:
>>Julio A. Berdegué
>>RIMISP / Casilla 228 - Correo 22 / Santiago, Chile
>>Tel +(56-2) 236 45 57 / Fax +(56-2) 236 45 58


Marie-Christine LACOSTE, Coordinadora de "RUMBOS",
Observatorio Cientifico y Red de Investigadores
en Ciencias Humanas y Sociales sobre y de America Latina
Lenguas : Espanol, Frances, Ingles, Portugues
e.mail :

CNRS/GRAL (Groupe de Recherche sur l'Amérique Latine)
Maison de la Recherche, Université de Toulouse-le-Mirail
5, Allées Antonio Machado - 31058 Toulouse Cedex (France)
Tel. : 33 (0)5 61 50 43 08 (Répondeur) Fax : 33 (0)5 61 50 49 25

.Please feel free to send your input to:>
.Please join by sending a blank e-mail to:
.To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
.Primary language used: English, Français and Español
.This e-mail discussion list is managed by
Solidarity for Africa International (SAI):

Fecha - 11-02-01
Nombre: Derek Sweetman
Comentarios: OJPCR: The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution is looking
for individuals to serve on its editorial board. OJPCR has been
publishing valuable articles and media reviews in the fields of peace
studies and conflict resolution free-of-charge on the Internet since
1998. Editorial board members participate in our review process.

If you are interested, please contact me at

If you haven't seen the Fall issue of OJPCR (3.3), it is available at .

Derek Sweetman
OJPCR: The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution

Fecha - 31-01-01
Nombre: Rodolgo Garay
Comentarios: Estimados amigos del Foro:
Poniendome al dia de las distintas aportaciones efectuadas en el último mes (en el cual no he participado activamente, lo declaro a todas luces) veo un comentario de sumo interés efectuado por Carlos.

En un punto el dice:
"Las relaciones intermunicipales consisten precisamente en aplicar la globalización ciudana".

Y hace una excelente oposicion de conceptos entre como se mundializó la economia y como quedo relegada la mundialización del individuo.
Creo que aqui puedo explicar porque al momento de proponer comisiones, para ésta que nos reúne, opté por Relaciones Municipales, dividiendo temas de actualidad intermunicipal y otros de actualidad intramunicipal.
Esto no es una división politica, ni de funciones de los actores locales, simplemente es extractada de la realidad: el vecino en general queda circunscripto a la actividad dentro de su propio entorno; por el contrario las autoidades, en general coincidiendo con la franja de mayor poder economico local, son los que acceden a lo que Carlos define como globalizacion ciudadana.
Este punto no es tan evidente para los que vivimos en grandes centros urbanos hasta que con nuestro "saber Global" llegamos a trabajar o visitar los lugares mas desfavorecidos geopoliticamente donde lo que uno entiende es el "saber local".

Para los que sostenemos que discutir ahora si la globalizacion fue buena o mala no tiene sentido, y sí lo tiene trabajar de lleno para rectificar sus defectos, queda claro que uno de los caminos para la mundialización ciudadana es sinónimo de acceso a información.
El tendido de Puentes Digitales (llamese llevar la red a donde se quiera achicar la brecha); este es un tema que se esta desarrolando ya de distintas maneras en muchos paises. Queda claro que donde no hay para comer, menos habra para acceder a inet, por eso es menester de los gobiernos y sus agencias relacionadas dar el primer paso; la experiencia indica que luego el sector privado, por acto reflejo colabora en la iniciativa.
A los que quieran algun documento mas completo y claro respecto al tema Puentes Digitales, pueden solicitarmelo por e-mail a cualquiera de las dos direcciones.

Rodolfo Garay, BA, Argentina

Fecha - 30-01-01
Nombre: Reforme
Al 29 de enero de 2001

Estimados amigos de la Lista Reforme:

Este servicio del CLAD tiene por finalidad poner a su disposicion
informacion actualizada sobre los eventos de proxima realizacion,
publicaciones recientes, convocatorias de interes, entre otras
informaciones remitidas tanto a la Lista como fuera de ella. Le
recordamos que, para conocer mayores detalles acerca de la
informacion reseñada, debe dirigirse directamente a las personas
y/o direcciones indicadas en cada caso.

El contenido de este mensaje esta organizado de acuerdo a las
siguientes categorias:


-Entidad: Red EUCEN (European Universities Continuing Education
Network) y el Instituto de Educacion Continua de la Universidad
Pompeu Fabra
-Descripcion: La Conferencia se estructura en torno a cinco
sesiones plenarias centradas en los nuevos retos del trabajo en
red (¿networking?) y a once talleres que presentan experiencias
innovadoras en el ambito de la cooperacion entre instituciones,
empresas o redes de dimension internacional.
-Fecha: 16-19 de mayo de 2001
-Lugar: España
-Contacto: Maria Plans, Telf: 93 5421895 / fax: 93 5421808

-Entidades: Escola de Saúde Pública do Ceará, Escola de Formaçao
de Governantes, Associaçao dos Prefeitos do Estado do Ceará,
W.K.Kellogg Foundation
-Fecha: 01-02 de febrero de 2001
-Lugar: Brasil
-Contacto: Telf. 4339200, 4339230, 4339219

-Organizador: Foro Latinoamericano de Ciencias Ambientales,
Catedra Unesco para el Desarrollo Sustentable, Universidad
Nacional de Lanus
-Fecha: 15 de febrero de 2001 (cierre de inscripciones)
-Lugar: Argentina
-Contacto: Centro de Estudios y Proyeccion del Ambiente, Foro
Latinoamericano de Ciencias Ambientales, Catedra UNESCO para el
Desarrollo Sustentable. Calle 57, No. 393 (1900) La Plata,
Argentina. Tel: +542214256556/4257482, Fax: +542214226800

Congreso de la Republica ha reorganizado su web-site en Internet
a fin de hacer mas facil su consulta. Con esta nueva version,
todos sus servicios son mostrados y se encuentran disponibles
desde la primera pagina. Esto permitira facilitar el acceso de
los usuarios a las paginas de su preferencia. Entre los servicios
mas importantes se encuentran los siguientes: Actas y agendas /
Labor legislativa / Servicios de Informacion / Servicios de
Prensa / Participacion Ciudadana / Conozca el Parlamento / Labor
Educativa y Cultural / Foros Parlamentarios / Peru / Enlaces de

(REDEL) Sitio auspiciado por el Programa de
Desarrollo Economico y Social de la Fundacion Friedrich Ebert en
Chile, como contribucion al debate teorico e intercambio de
experiencias en el Desarrollo y la Gestion Local en los

-Entidad: DelNet Programa del Centro Internacional de Formacion
de la OIT
-Periodo: Marzo 2001- Marzo 2002
-Contacto: Programa DelNet, Centro Internacional de Formacion de
la OIT, V.Maestri del Lavoro, 10 10127 - Torino, Italia. Telf:
+390116936765 Fax: +390116936350 (


Fernando Gimenez
-Descripcion realizada por el autor: Neste livro procuro
sintetizar os resultados de esforços de pesquisa realizados ao
longo de uma década. A gênese desses estudos, talvez, pode ser
localizada no meu primeiro estudo sistemático sobre o
comportamento estratégico de dirigentes de pequenas empresas que
desenvolvi quando estava fazendo meu mestrado junto à Faculdade
de Economia e Administraçao da Universidade de Sao Paulo
(Gimenez, 1989). Desde entao, minha atençao de pesquisador tem
se voltado para o entendimento deste fenômeno complexo que é a
formaçao de estratégias na pequena empresa. Neste livro nao
pretendo dar orientaçoes prescritivas sobre a formaçao de
estratégias em pequenas empresas. A idéia do mesmo é trazer para
a academia brasileira uma discussao que pode contribuir para o
desenvolvimento de explicaçoes mais abrangentes sobre as
possíveis influências de características de dirigentes de
pequenas empresas sobre suas escolhas estratégicas, que, a meu
ver, sao condicionadas por esquemas interpretativos de condiçoes
ambientais de competiçao. Desta forma, o livro é dirigido
principalmente para os programas de pós-graduaçao em
Administraçao e áreas afins do Brasil. A administraçao
estratégica, enquanto área de conhecimento, vem mostrando uma
desenvolvimento quantitativo e qualitativo peceptível nos anais
dos encontros anuais da ANPAD. Todavia, as preocupaçoes dos
pesquisadores que têm seus trabalhos publicados refletem uma
ênfase em estudos de grandes empresas. As pequenas empresas sao
um campo fértil de estudo que nao tem recebido a merecida atençao
da academia. No entanto, este contexto, em minha opiniao, é o
ideal para buscar explicaçoes sobre o processo de formaçao de
estratégia que considerem questoes associadas a características
dos dirigentes.
-Contacto: Fernando A. P. Gimenez (


Estados Unidos
-Disponible en:
-Contacto: Proyecto Respondabilidad/Anticorrupcion en las
Americas, Casals & Associates, Inc. 1199 North Fairfax St. 3rd.
Floor, Alexandria, VA 22314, Estados Unidos.

United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UNCHS), Best
Practices and Local Leadership Programme, Habitat, Africa
-Contacto: Guenther Gross, Administrador de la lista Habitat,

Diana Acosta
Administradora de la Lista Reforme
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* Si desea retirarse escriba un mensaje a "" con el
subject en blanco y que diga en la primera linea:
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* For contributions to REFORME send a message to:
* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
unsubscribe reforme "your mail address"
Fecha - 30-01-01
Nombre: Ernest Rukangira
Comentarios: Fellowship Announcement - Ford Foundation
International Graduate Fellowships
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 02:03:33 +0000
From: d241

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

Announcement for Ford Foundation International Graduate Fellowships

The CGIAR Gender and Diversity Program is assisting the Ford Foundation
mobilize applications from women scientists and professionals. We would
greatly appreciate your assistance in bringing this announcement (see
attachment below) to the attention of qualified candidates. If you or
candidate would like more information about these fellowships or the
Foundation, please visit their website on: .


About the CGIAR

The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research is an
association of fifty-two public and private sector members, from the
and North, whose mission is to contribute through research to
agriculture for food security in developing countries. FAO, UNDP, UNEP
the World Bank are the CGIAR's four co-sponsors.

Established in 1971, the CGIAR fulfills its mission through the
and implementation of a research agenda, carried out by a network of
international agricultural research centers, whose work it supports.
productivity and natural resources management are the twin pillars of
research on food crops, forestry, livestock, irrigation management,
resources and policy issues, and in its services to national
research systems.

For more information about the CGIAR, see:

The CGIAR Gender and Diversity Program

In 1991, the CGIAR launched a program on gender staffing aimed at
the CGIAR-supported international agricultural research centers in their
efforts to promote the recruitment, productivity, advancement and
of women scientists and professionals within their organizations. In
1999, this program expanded to include a wide range of diversity issues.
Although the pool of women working in fields central to the mandates of
centers has increased dramatically in the past two decades, the
participation of these women in the centers remains limited. Gender and
diversity staffing concerns inevitably involve such issues as
for spousal employment and adjustments to the workplace culture, but,
importantly, they mean that the centers must cast their recruitment nets
more widely if they are to exploit effectively this expanding pool. To
end, we seek your assistance.
The CGIAR Gender & Diversity Program is hosted at ICRAF (Nairobi,

Thank you.

Vicki Wilde
Program Leader
CGIAR Gender and Diversity Program
c/o ICRAF, United Nations Avenue
P.O Box 30677 Nairobi
TEL: 254 2 524000 or 524240(Drt)
FAX: 254 2 524001
Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (IFP)

New York, N.Y., Nov. 29, 2000- The Ford Foundation today announced a
major international graduate fellowships program and a complementary
undergraduate initiative to help prepare a new generation of future
leaders for the challenges of the 21st century.

The $330 million commitment features a new Ford Foundation International
Fellowships Program (IFP) that will provide $280 million over the next
10 years to support post-baccalaureate study for Fellows from Africa,
the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and Russia. The IFP, which will
award 350 new graduate fellowships annually, assisting a total of 3,500
Fellows over the next decade, represents the largest single grant in the
Foundation's history. An additional $50 million will support programs
that seek to broaden opportunities for undergraduate education in these
regions. "Societies around the world face the challenges of
globalization, advancing technology, peace and security, and the
widening gap between rich and poor," said Susan V. Berresford, president
of the Ford Foundation. "To tackle these challenges successfully we need
people from all sectors of society who can bring fresh vision, expert
knowledge and strong leadership skills. In many countries, however, the
rapidly increasing need for advanced education far exceeds available
resources, which is why we feel this is the right moment to commit to a
large-scale fellowships program."

The graduate fellowships will support up to three years of master's or
doctoral study at universities anywhere in the world. Fellows will be
selected on the basis of their leadership potential, academic excellence
and commitment to community or national development. They may pursue
their studies in any fields that further the Ford Foundation's goals of
strengthening democratic values, reducing poverty and injustice,
promoting international cooperation and advancing human achievement.
"We have an extraordinary opportunity at this point in history to foster
freedom, democracy, human rights and overall better lives for millions
of people around the world. The Ford Foundation International
Fellowships Program will play a major role in training new leaders,"
said U.S. Senator Richard G. Lugar (R-IN), a senior member of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee and the author of a federal program to train
new Russian CPA's and MBA's at American universities.

The International Fellowships Program aims to broaden the talent pool of
future leaders by making a special effort to recruit exceptional
individuals who would otherwise lack opportunities for advanced study.
This will include women, people who belong to particular ethnic, racial
or religious groups, and those who live outside capital cities or in
countries in conflict or post-conflict situations. "The Second Summit of
the Americas, in 1998, recognized education as 'the determining factor
for the political, social, cultural, and economic development of our
peoples,'" said Francisco Rojas Aravena, director of the Latin American
Faculty of Social Sciences in Chile. "In Latin America, the Ford
Foundation's International Fellowships Program will make a decisive
contribution to achieving these goals and to the consolidation of
democracy." The program builds on the Ford Foundation's longtime
commitment to providing educational opportunities to talented people
around the world. Since the 1950s Ford has granted an estimated $365
million to enable some 30,000 individuals from more than 70 countries to
pursue graduate education. Over the years, Ford fellowship recipients
have helped advance knowledge in the social sciences, the humanities and
the arts. Many former Ford Fellows have become leaders in their
countries' governments and in major institutions around the world. The
new commitment of $330 million represents a special appropriation above
the Ford Foundation's annual level of grant making. Last year the
foundation made some 2,000 grants totaling close to $700 million. "In
making this commitment to international higher education, we can draw on
our 50 years of experience working overseas as well as the recent growth
of our assets resulting from the strong U.S economy," said Ms.
Berresford. "We thought it would be good to share our new wealth with
people in developing countries and particularly those from disadvantaged
The International Fellowships Program will begin in Vietnam, Nigeria,
Senegal, Ghana, Chile, Peru, and Russia. During 2001-2002 the program
will expand to other countries and regions, including South Africa,
Mozambique, Kenya, China, India, the Philippines, Indonesia, Mexico,
Brazil, North Africa, the Middle East and Central America. United States
citizens are not eligible, but Fellows may study at U.S. universities.
The program will be managed by national, regional and international
organizations working in close collaboration with a Secretariat based at
the Ford Foundation's headquarters in New York. These organizations will
convene panels of scholars, practitioners, and other experts to assess
applications and make the final selection. For the first phase of the
program, these "partner" organizations are: the Association of African
Universities (West Africa), the Center for Educational Exchange with
Vietnam/American Council of Learned Societies (Vietnam), the Latin
American Faculty of Social Sciences (Chile and Peru) and the Moscow
office of the Institute of International Education (Russia). The
Institute of International Education in New York will provide
centralized monitoring services for the program.

The Ford Foundation is an independent, nonprofit, nongovernmental grant
making organization. For more than a half century it has been a resource
for innovative people and institutions worldwide, guided by its goals to
strengthen democratic values, reduce poverty and injustice, promote
international cooperation, and advance human achievement. With
headquarters in New York, the foundation has offices in Africa, the
Middle East, Asia, Latin America, and Russia. Further information about
the foundation is available on its web site at

The GREAT Network

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

.Please feel free to send your input to:
.Please join by sending a blank e-mail to:
.To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
.This e-mail discussion list is managed by
Conserve Africa International (CAI):

Fecha - 26-01-01
Nombre: Chunta Aragonesista
Comentarios: INFORMACION CHA 26 DE ENERO DE 2001



El diputado Gonzalo González destaca los forrajes son considerados como el
cultivo más eficaz como sustituto de las harinas animales, ya que las
proteínas más puras son las que proceden de los forrajes

Aragón es el mayor productor de forrajes deshidratados del Estado, con unas
80.000 hectáreas de alfalfa, cuya producción va destinada mayoritariamente a
las 37 industrias deshidratadoras de la Comunidad Autónoma

El Grupo Parlamentario Chunta Aragonesista (CHA) ha presentado una
proposición no de ley en las Cortes de Aragón en la que propone al Gobierno
de Aragón que se negocie con la Unión Europea el incremento de las
cantidades máximas garantizadas de forraje.
Ante la necesidad de sustituir las harinas de procedencia animal en los
piensos para la alimentación del ganado por harinas de origen vegetal con la
aparición de la encefalopatía espongiforme bovina (EEB), CHA plantea esta
iniciativa para que el Gobierno de Aragón inste al Gobierno central a
negociar con la UE el incremento de las cantidades máximas garantizadas y
los cupos de producción de forraje deshidratado y de forraje secado al sol,
así como las correspondientes ayudas a la industrialización.
El diputado Gonzalo González, portavoz de CHA en la Comisión de Agricultura
de las Cortes de Aragón, ha destacado que "con la aparición de la
encefalopatía espongiforme bovina (EEB) se hace necesario sustituir las
harinas de procedencia animal, como fuente de proteína, por harinas de
origen vegetal en los piensos para la alimentación del ganado. Este cultivo
es considerado como el más eficaz para este fin, ya que las proteínas más
puras son las procedentes de los forrajes, capaces de producir hasta 2.500
kilogramos de proteína por hectárea de cultivo y año".
Aragón es el mayor productor de forrajes deshidratados del Estado, con unas
80.000 hectáreas de alfalfa, cuya producción va destinada mayoritariamente a
las 37 industrias deshidratadoras que se hallan establecidas en nuestra
Comunidad Autónoma (21 en la provincia de Zaragoza, 15 en la de Huesca y una
en Teruel).

El diputado de CHA ha señalado que "la alfalfa es un cultivo que está
perfectamente adaptado a los suelos del valle del Ebro, y en las condiciones
de cultivo de los regadíos de Aragón es capaz de producir más de 2.000
kilogramos de proteína por hectárea, pero al margen de sus notables
cualidades agronómicas, la alfalfa también tiene otras de carácter
medioambiental y paisajístico, como son su escasa necesidad de abonado
nitrogenado, dada su condición de leguminosas con fuerte implantación de
bacterias nitrificantes capaces de asimilar el nitrógeno atmosférico, la
poca exigencia de tratamientos fitosanitarios y de herbicidas, la
disminución de la erosión en los suelos en que se cultiva o al establecer
una agradable mancha verde sobre los áridos paisajes veraniegos del valle
del Ebro.
La producción de las industrias aragonesas en la campaña 1999-2000 ha sido
de 779.666 toneladas (428.238 en Zaragoza, 344.034 en Huesca y 7.432 en
Teruel). El producto actual que se obtiene del proceso de deshidratación, se
puede valorar en unos 11.000 millones de pesetas.
Estas industrias deshidratadoras en Aragón, proporcionan más de 400 puestos
de trabajo directos, a los que hay que añadir un buen número de indirectos
en transporte y mantenimiento principalmente; y sobre todo, absorben la
producción de alfalfa de unos 6.000 agricultores con los que se establecen

Zaragoza, 25 de enero de 2001


El representante de CHA en el Consejo del Agua de la cuenca del Ebro, Miguel
Solana, ha votado en blanco en la elección del representante de la cuenca, y
ha solicitado formalmente que las comarcas afectadas por las obras de
regulación tengan representación en dicho órgano

El Grupo Parlamentario Chunta Aragonesista (CHA) ha acusado al Partido
Popular de pretender aislar malintencionadamente a Aragón en el debate sobre
el Plan Hidrológico Nacional (PHN) y de aplicar una estrategia absolutamente
prepotente intentando provocar un enfrentamiento con el Gobierno de Aragón,
tras el nombramiento de José Urbieta, diputado del PP en Aragón, como
representante de las nueve Comunidades Autónomas de la cuenca del Ebro en el
Consejo del Agua del Ebro.
El representante de Chunta Aragonesista (CHA) en el citado Consejo del Agua
de la cuenca del Ebro, Miguel Solana, cuyo voto ha sido en blanco, ha
destacado que "la elección de un miembro del Partido Popular de Aragón como
representante único de todas las CCAA de la cuenca del Ebro es una decisión
absolutamente prepotente, cuando es precisamente esta cuenca el centro del
debate sobre el anteproyecto del Plan Hidrológico Nacional y donde reside el
conflicto principal al contemplarse el trasvase del Ebro como la pieza
fundamental de regulación hídrica":
"El PP - ha precisado Solana- está queriendo provocar, con este
nombramiento, un enfrentamiento directo con el Gobierno de Aragón y está
buscando claramente el aislamiento de Aragón, que de forma mayoritaria se
opone frontalmente al trasvase del Ebro que contempla el PHN". En este
sentido, el representante de CHA en el citado órgano de la cuenca del Ebro
ha añadido que "la reunión de esta mañana hay que enmarcarla dentro de la
estrategia del PP de combatir la oposición aragonesa al trasvase del Ebro,
eje de toda la planificación hidráulica".
El Consejo del Agua de la cuenca del Ebro se ha reunido esta mañana y, según
ha señalado el representante de CHA en dicho órgano, "es inaceptable que el
único contenido de la reunión

haya sido la elección del representante de las comunidades autónomas y que
el órgano de la cuenca del Ebro, sobre el que planea un importante trasvase,
no haya dedicado ni un segundo a debatir el anteproyecto del Plan
Hidrológico o a realizar un pronunciamiento al respecto".
Asimismo, Miguel Solana ha solicitado formalmente que el Consejo del Agua
ponga en marcha los mecanismos adecuados para que las comarcas afectadas por
las obras de regulación estén representadas en dicho órgano. En este
sentido, Solana ha puesto de manifiesto que "es una gran contradicción y una
gran injusticia que el Consejo del Agua de la cuenca del Ebro se garanticen
los caudales de las cuencas cedentes pero no que se quiera garantizar la
representación de los afectados por la construcción de obras de regulación".


El diputado Bizén Fuster destaca que el dictamen del CNA ha sido una
auténtica pantomima, cuyas reuniones sólo han servido para aprobar
unilateralmente el trasvase del Ebro y el PHN sin ningún tipo de debate
El Grupo Parlamentario Chunta Aragonesista (CHA) ha calificado de "mero
espectáculo" y "auténtica pantomima" la aprobación del dictamen del Plan
Hidrológico Nacional por parte del Consejo Nacional del Agua, en el que se
incluye el trasvase del Ebro, al tiempo que ha reclamado al Gobierno de
Aragón que mantenga la tensión y no baje el pulso político y social en
contra del trasvase del Ebro.
Bizén Fuster, presidente de CHA y diputado en las Cortes de Aragón, ha
destacado que "el resultado del dictamen estaba escrito desde el principio",
al tiempo que ha apuntado que "las reuniones de este foro, meramente
consultivo y sin ser representativo al faltar distintas sensibilidades, ha
sido un mero espectáculo y una auténtica pantomima". Fuster ha señalado que
"teníamos la absoluta seguridad de que el dictamen del Consejo Nacional del
Agua sería favorable al trasvase del Ebro", al tiempo que ha recordado que
"hemos denunciado en muchas ocasiones que el Consejo no es representativo ni
social ni políticamente, donde la voz de los afectados es inexistente y que
se amolda a los intereses del Gobierno central, sin producirse en su seno
ningún debate real". En este sentido, el presidente y diputado de CHA ha
precisado que las reuniones del Consejo Nacional del Agua han sido una "mera
escenificación virtual -la mayoría han sido para ir eliminando las miles de
alegaciones presentadas- así como una verdadera pantomima; ya que el debate
ha sido inexistente, y no cabía esperar otra cosa dada su composición".
Para Fuster, con la aprobación de este dictamen se demuestra que van a ser
más necesarias que nunca las próximas manifestaciones convocadas contra el
trasvase, a las que "sorprendentemente todavía no se ha sumado públicamente
el Gobierno de Aragón".
El presidente y diputado de CHA ha realizado un nuevo llamamiento a la
sociedad aragonesa y al Gobierno de Aragón para que secunde las
manifestaciones contra el trasvase del Ebro y el Plan Hidrológico Nacional
(PHN) convocadas para el próximo 25 de febrero en Barcelona y para el 11 de
marzo en Madrid.

Zaragoza, 25 de enero de 2001


La diputada Yolanda Echeverría plantea la necesidad de que los padres con
neonatos prematuros puedan elegir el periodo de permiso laboral, ya que
cuando concluye el tratamiento hospitalario de estos bebés los padres suelen
haber agotado ya el permiso de maternidad o paternidad

El Grupo Parlamentario Chunta Aragonesista (CHA) ha presentado una
proposición no de ley en las Cortes de Aragón sobre la regulación de
permisos de maternidad o paternidad en casos de nacimientos prematuros.
A través de esta iniciativa, la diputada Yolanda Echeverría, portavoz de CHA
en la Comisión de Sanidad y Bienestar Social de las Cortes de Aragón,
plantea la necesidad de que los padres puedan elegir la fecha del permiso de
maternidad o paternidad, ya que mientras el bebe prematuro está
hospitalizado la parte fundamental del cuidado recae en la institución
sanitaria mientras que cuando es dado de alta el cuidado recae en los
padres, que suelen haber agotado ya el permiso laboral.
La proposición no de ley presentada por CHA plantea la necesidad de que se
modifique la normativa que regula los permisos de maternidad o paternidad en
casos de niños/as prematuros/as; en concreto, a la modificación de los
artículos 37 y 48 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores y del artículo 30 de la
Ley 30/1984 de 2 de agosto, de Medidas de Reforma para la Función Pública,
con objetivo contribuir a resolver las situaciones específicas con las que
se encuentran los padres y madres de niños nacidos prematuramente.
Echeverría ha destacado que "los bebés prematuros requieren, durante sus
primeros meses de vida, una atención y cuidado especiales por parte de los
padres, que se manifiesta principalmente cuando el bebé es trasladado al
domicilio familiar, momento en el que podría haberse consumido, parcial o
totalmente, el periodo de suspensión o permiso laboral por paternidad o
Cada año nacen en España alrededor de 30.000 niños prematuros con menos de
37 semanas de gestación, aproximadamente el 8% del total de nacimientos, que
en 1999 se situaron en 370.148.

La Asociación de Padres de Niños Prematuros ha puesto de manifiesto los
problemas con los que se encuentran estas familias y ha pedido que se tomen
las medidas adecuadas para solventarlos, ya que el cuando el neonato tiene
cuidados médicos los padres disfrutan del permiso laboral y cuando es dado
de alta los padres han agotado ya su periodo de maternidad o paternidad.
Asimismo, la diputada de CHA ha destacado que "en esas primeras semanas, que
son claves para la vida del neonato prematuro, muchos padres no tienen otra
opción que abandonar sus ocupaciones laborales o incluso esta solución,
muchas veces, les es imposible. Por lo tanto, resulta lógico que en este
caso especial, los padres puedan elegir dicho periodo en el momento del alta
médica que es, normalmente, el momento en el que el niño hubiera nacido de
haberse desarrollado el embarazo como estaba previsto".



Intervención del diputado de Chunta Aragonesista en el Congreso, José
Antonio Labordeta, en la Diputación Permanente reclamando la comparecencia
del Ministro del Interior, para explicar la situación de los inmigrantes
tras la entrada en vigor de la Ley Extranjería.

"En el otro tema que nos ocupa y preocupa, y por eso queremos que comparezca
el Ministro del Interior, es la aplicación de la conocida como ley de
extranjería, tras su entrada en vigor ayer mismo. Ya advertimos, desde la
entrada en el parlamento, de esta contrareforma de lo que suponía: un
recorte a los derechos básicos y fundamentales de la persona, un ataque
frontal y directo a la dignidad humana. No quisieron rectificar y, lo que es
peor, hemos tenido que soportar, en estos últimos días, entre el estupor y
la indignación, las afirmaciones del responsable de inmigración sobre los
viajes de ida y vuelta, sus llamadas a los ayuntamientos para que no se
empadronen a los inmigrantes.Toda una sarta de aberraciones que muestran el
verdadero rostro de la derecha española, que ocultan bajo un maquillaje
publicitario muy efectista pero impotente ante tanta despropósito.

La respuesta se la están dando desde varios ayuntamientos, que y permítame
hablar otra vez de mi tierra, han creado una "Asociación de Municipios
contra la Despoblación", donde se han puesto de manifiesto la situación de
varios inmigrantes, perfectamente integrados en el pueblo, que ahora temen
por su nueva situación, alcaldes que hacen un llamamiento desesperado para
salir adelante, porque están pegados a la realidad, porque saben lo que está
ocurriendo, a diferencia de los que dictan, redactan y aprueban leyes desde
su despacho, tan ajenas a la realidad como abusivas para las mujeres y

Qué comparezca el Ministro de Interior y dé cuenta de sus proyectos,
criterios y soluciones para dar una respuesta adecuada a esta penosa
situación.¿ qué actuaciones piensan llevarse a cabo contra los 100.000
inmigrantes que, por culpa de su ley, han pasado a la clandestinidad?, ¿qué
criterios se van a seguir en el Reglamento de desarrollo de la Ley de
Extranjería? ¿piensa el Gobierno, ante la situación creada, conceder un
nuevo proceso de regularización que legalice a los sin papeles tal y como
pide masivamente sindicatos, ONGs, colectivos y partidos políticos? Y lo que
es más importante, hablemos del ser humano: ¿como piensa solucionar el
Gobierno "la Psicosis, deseperación y miedo", principales sensaciones que
según la Asociación de Trabajadores Inmigrantes Marroquíes en España, se ha
apoderado de los ahora ilegales ? Son algunos de los interrogantes de los
que debería dar cuenta ya el señor Mayor Oreja".

Chunta Aragonesista
C/ Conde de Aranda, 14-16. 50003 Zaragoza
Tel. 976 28 42 42
Fax 976 28 13 11

Fecha - 26-01-01
Nombre: Rodolfo Garay
Comentarios: Estimados amigos del Foro:
No los he abandonado, solo me tome unas buenas y merecidas vacaciones. Trate de mandar correo a carlos pero estos rebotaron.
La semana que viene estare nuevamente con uds.


Fecha - 24-01-01
Nombre: Inforegio
Comentarios: Prioridades de la Comisión para la Política Regional en 2001

La Dirección General de Política Regional publicó en diciembre de 2000 su
programa de trabajo del año 2001. En él se establecen siete prioridades.

-> 1. Consolidar la primera fase de la programación 2000-2006
Consiste en finalizar las negociaciones sobre los programas de los Fondos
Estructurales. Se presta una atención especial al Objetivo nº 2, las
iniciativas comunitarias (Interreg y Urban) y las acciones innovadoras. Se
iniciará una nueva serie de proyectos del Fondo de Cohesión.

-> 2. Preparar el futuro de la política regional en una Unión ampliada
Se adoptan dos enfoques: el primero, conceptual, incluye el seguimiento del
segundo Informe sobre la cohesión económica y social y los debates sobre el
futuro de la Política Regional. El segundo, más concreto, consiste sobre
todo en el lanzamiento de una segunda serie de proyectos ISPA.

-> 3. Finalizar los proyectos y programas anteriores al año 2000
Se establecerá un calendario preciso para finalizar los últimos programas
anteriores a 1994. En cuanto al período 1994-1999 se llevará a cabo trabajos
de preparación administrativa con el fin de agilizar la finalización de los
informes finales.

-> 4. Reforzar la gestión de los Fondos Estructurales
La Comisión aplicará la nueva reglamentación de la gestión de los Fondos
Estructurales, adoptada en 2000. Impone un mayor rigor en la gestión y el
seguimiento. Se dedicará un esfuerzo particular a sincronizar las normas
propias de cada uno de los Fondos Estructurales.

-> 5. Reforzar la estrategia de información y de comunicación
A partir de 2001 se apreciarán claramente los efectos de la acción de los
Fondos Estructurales sobre el terreno. Se incrementará su visibilidad
mediante una campaña de información a los ciudadanos.

-> 6. Evaluación
La evaluación abarcará tanto el valor añadido de las políticas estructurales
del período de programación 1994-1999 como el análisis de las negociaciones
del período actual. Se hará especial hincapié en la capacidad de evaluación
de los Estados miembros y de los candidatos.

-> 7. Aplicación de la reforma administrativa
La reforma administrativa afectará a las Direcciones Generales de la
Comisión. En la Dirección General de Política Regional se establecerá un
nuevo régimen de circuitos financieros, se integrará la función de control y
se establecerá una auditoría interna.

Para obtener el programa detallado, véase la página

Satisfacción por la acción de los Fondos Estructurales en 1999

En su "XI Informe anual sobre los Fondos Estructurales", la Comisión señala
que a finales de 1999 se había comprometido el 99% del total de las ayudas
de los Fondos Estructurales para el período 1994-1999 y se había pagado el
Asimismo, el Informe destaca los resultados alcanzados en dos ámbitos
prioritarios: la creación de empleo y la promoción de la igualdad de

El informe completo está disponible en la página web:

Marco Comunitario de Apoyo de Irlanda del Norte

El 18 de diciembre de 2000, la Comisión aprobó el Marco Comunitario de Apoyo
(MCA) de Irlanda del Norte. Esta estrategia de desarrollo para el período
2000-2006 está dotada de un presupuesto comunitario de 1 315 millones de
Hay que distinguir dos capítulos. El primero se refiere al programa de
"salida" del objetivo nº 1 y el segundo al programa de la Unión Europea para
la paz y la reconciliación (PEACE II). Se definieron cinco ejes prioritarios
de acción. Además de la paz y la reconciliación, el MCA quiere favorecer el
desarrollo y la renovación económica, el empleo, los recursos humanos y la
integración social, un desarrollo equilibrado entre zonas urbanas y rurales
y, por último, la cooperación entre el norte y el sur de la isla.

Para ampliar esta información, véase la página Novedades del sitio

Segundo Informe sobre la cohesión

La Comisión adoptará próximamente su segundo Informe sobre la cohesión en la
Unión en vísperas de las próximas adhesiones. En él se concede un lugar
destacado a las consecuencias previsibles de la ampliación sobre las
diferencias regionales de la Unión, con el fin de iniciar un gran debate
sobre el futuro de las intervenciones estructurales comunitarias.
El documento comprende cuatro partes:

. La primera parte analiza la evolución del proceso de cohesión y las
últimas tendencias;
. La segunda parte trata de la contribución de las políticas comunes (unión
económica y monetaria, mercado interior, competencia, agricultura, empleo,
medio ambiente, investigación y desarrollo, transporte, energía, empresas,
pesca) al objetivo de cohesión;
. La tercera parte trata de la función del presupuesto comunitario y la
repercusión de los Fondos Estructurales;
. La cuarta parte incluye los principales elementos de las tres primeras y
presenta algunas opciones para las futuras intervenciones comunitarias en
favor de la cohesión en una Unión ampliada.

El informe permitirá una mejor integración de la dimensión regional en el
proceso de ampliación y volver a situar la cohesión en el debate político.
Se concebirá como un Libro blanco con vistas al Foro sobre la cohesión que
la Comisión organizará en mayo próximo en estrecha colaboración con las
demás instituciones europeas. Se invitará a participar a los principales
interlocutores del desarrollo regional de los Estados miembros y los países
En un primer momento, el informe sólo estará disponible en el sitio Internet

Objetivo nº 1 para Alemania e Irlanda

La Comisión Europea aprobó en el mes de diciembre cuatro programas
operativos para los Estados federados alemanes de Sajonia, Turingia,
Brandeburgo y Berlín Oriental y tres programas transversales para Irlanda,
en el marco del Objetivo nº 1 (período 2000-2006).

El eje principal de la estrategia para Sajonia consiste en favorecer la
instalación de nuevas empresas y la introducción de tecnologías innovadoras.
Asimismo, se pretende crear o modernizar las infraestructuras con finalidad
económica y contribuir a la creación y a la restauración de un medio
ambiente de calidad.
El programa operativo de Turingia tiene por objetivo principal la adaptación
estructural de la economía regional y hacer más dinámico el mercado laboral.
Pone el acento en la utilización de tecnologías innovadoras.
En el caso de Brandeburgo, se hace un hincapié especial en la asistencia al
entorno productivo de las PYME, en especial en lo referente a las formas de
cooperación, el acceso a las fuentes de financiación, a la innovación, a las
nuevas tecnologías y a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación.
El programa de Berlín Oriental (ayuda transitoria) girará fundamentalmente
en torno al apoyo a la investigación y el desarrollo, ámbitos a los que se
dedicará aproximadamente el 30% de la financiación.
Estos cuatro programas prestan asimismo una atención particular a los temas
horizontales que son el desarrollo de la sociedad de la información, la
igualdad de oportunidades y la protección y la mejora del medio ambiente.

Los tres programas transversales de Irlanda se refieren al sector
productivo, las infraestructuras económicas y sociales y la asistencia
técnica. El programa operativo para el sector productivo pretende promover
la investigación, el desarrollo tecnológico y la innovación,
prioritariamente en las PYME. Por otra parte, establece medidas para
aumentar la competitividad y la seguridad de la flota de pesca. El programa
de infraestructuras económicas y sociales incluye medidas de mejora de la
red de carreteras, la movilidad en los grandes centros urbanos, el
abastecimiento de agua y las energías renovables.
Para más información, véase la página Novedades del sitio Inforegio:

Programa Coste total* Contribución de los Fondos Estructurales*

Sajonia 11 258 4 858
Turingia 10 020 2 880
Brandeburgo 6 730 3 090
Berlín-Oriental 2 120 688

Infraestructuras económicas
y sociales 1 479 854,8
Sector productivo 1 002 333,2
Asistencia técnica 9,8 4,9
* En millones de euros.

Fecha - 24-01-01
Nombre: Reforme
Comentarios: XV Concurso de Ensayos del CLAD

El CLAD se complace en anunciar la Convocatoria del XV Concurso
de Ensayos y Monografias sobre Reforma del Estado y Modernizacion
de la Administracion Publica. La informacion al respecto esta
disponible en la pagina

El tema seleccionado en esta ocasion es "Control y Evaluacion del
Desempen'o Gubernamental". Se aspira que los ensayos, desde una
perspectiva teorica y/o practica, se refieran a la implantacion
y funcionamiento de los sistemas de control y evaluacion de la
gestion publica, en tanto componente clave de los esfuerzos y
propuestas de reforma y modernizacion del sector publico, y en
particular, como expresion de los esfuerzos por promover una
cultura de innovacion gerencial en el aparato gubernamental que
permita satisfacer las crecientes exigencias de los ciudadanos

Ademas de los premios pecuniarios, los autores de los ensayos
ganadores recibiran un pasaje aereo en clase economica desde su
ciudad de origen a la ciudad de Buenos Aires y retorno, y los
gastos de estadia para asistir al VI Congreso Internacional del
CLAD sobre la Reforma del Estado y de la Administracion Publica
(, a realizarse en Buenos
Aires, Argentina, del 5 al 9 de noviembre de 2001, y ademas
constituiran un panel que sera presentado en el evento.

Para informacion adicional dirigirse al CLAD a la siguiente
Concurso de Ensayos CLAD
Calle Herrera Toro, Qta. CLAD, Sector Los Naranjos, Las Mercedes,
Caracas 1060
Apartado 4181, Caracas 1010-A, Venezuela
Telefonos: (582)9922395/3297/5953/4064/9937277
Fax: (582) 9918427
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Fecha - 22-01-01
Nombre: Habitat
Comentarios: From: Federica Pietracci
Organization: FfD Secretariat/DESA
By-way-of: Financing for Development Forum

** Please disseminate widely - with apologies for duplication **

Dear friends and colleagues,

Please find enclosed information on civil society participation
in the 2nd Substantive meeting of the PrepComm on Financing for
Development, taking place on 12-23 February in New York.

We look forward to our continued collaboration.

Yours sincerely,

Federica Pietracci
NGO Focal Point
FfD Secretariat/DESA


Who can attend the FfD PrepComm?

Civil Society organisations that are in consultative status with
the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) or
with the Financing for Development PrepComm, can send
representatives to the PrepComm meeting scheduled in New York on
12-23 February 2001.

ECOSOC or FfD accredited organisations planning to send
representatives should write, at least 1 week in advance of a
meeting, to the Financing for Development Co-ordinating
Secretariat (see below), Department of Economic and Social
Affairs. The letter, on your organisation's letterhead, will
include the list of names of the representatives attending the
PrepComm meeting.

ECOSOC rules do not permit participation of representatives from
organisations that are not in consultative status. If you are
unsure of your organisation's accreditation status, you can check
with the following sources:

* Check the accredited NGO list at
. If your organisation is
listed you are accredited.

* Contact the NGO Section (see below). The NGO Section maintains
up-to-date lists of accredited organisations including those that
have recently been granted consultative status but are not yet
included in the lists available on the Internet.

* Contact the NGO Focal Point at the FfD Secretariat (see below).

For future PrepComm meetings (30 April - 11 May 2001; 14 - 25
January 2002), NGOs that DO NOT have consultative status with the
UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) or the FfD process, are
welcome to apply for accreditation.

Applications for new accreditation should be submitted to the
Preparatory Committee through the FfD Coordinating Secretariat.
The application form is available on the Internet at:


Accredited NGOs without a valid UN ID pass will need to register
to access the UN building. Bring along a photo ID and copy of the
above mentioned letter. The registration will start on Monday 12
February. Additional information on the time and venue will be
provided in due time.

Organisation of side events

The FfD PrepComm sessions include side events scheduled (that is
between 1:15-2:45 pm and 6:15-8 pm) in UN meeting rooms outside
the regular meeting times, organised by civil society
organisations, governments or UN Agencies. They are a valuable
part of the FfD preparatory process as a way to generate informal
opportunities for exchange of information, experiences and views.

The following guidelines are applicable to all side event
organisers. Organisations wishing to organise side events during
the FfD PrepComm meetings are urged to read and follow these
guidelines closely.

1. Side events must be on topics directly related to the themes
of the FfD agenda.

2. Side events must be open to all participants of the FfD
PrepComm. Events that aim for an exclusive audience are not
permitted and organisers of such closed special events are
advised to seek alternative locations outside the main UN

3. Side event organisers that are non-governmental or
inter-governmental organisations must be accredited with the UN.
An exception is made for NGO caucuses, which are not accredited
on their own but involve multiple NGOs that are in consultative
status. When a caucus group is the side event organiser, one of
its member organisations must take the responsibility for the
costs related to the event (in case equipment or engineering
services are requested).

4. Side event slot requests must be made using the Side Events
Request Form (see Annex 1). This form allows the requestors to
indicate the title/description of their event, the preferred
dates and times, and the size of room and equipment they would
need for the event. The FfD Secretariat will make an effort to
place each event in the most preferred date and time although
given the number of events this is not always possible. In the
event that the preferred date/time is not possible, the FfD
Secretariat will consult with the organiser to identify a
suitable slot.

5. The side event requests must be submitted by no later than one
week before the start of the session. Requests received after
this deadline will not be considered. (Deadline for side event
requests at the 2nd FfD PrepComm meeting is 2nd February 2001).

6. The FfD Secretariat will make available the side event list
the week before the PrepComm.

7. Due to space and time limits, no more than two side events by
the same organisation or entity are permitted. This rule allows a
greater diversity of major groups and other actors to obtain time
and space to share their knowledge and views with other

8. The side event organisers must make grounds pass arrangements
for the individuals they invite as lecturers, presenters, or
speakers of the event. Last minute requests to the FfD
Secretariat for guest or visitor passes for invited speakers of a
side event are strongly discouraged.

9. Exact room allocations for side events are made when events
are confirmed in writing. All side events take place in UN
meeting rooms located in the First Basement of the main UN
Headquarters building. The FfD Secretariat reserves the right to
change the room allocation for an event even after confirmations
are sent. This change is sometimes necessary due to other
meetings that have priority over side events.

10. Inter-governmental meetings always have first priority over
side events and room needs of the Security Council have priority
over all other meetings. Side events may be cancelled at the last
minute if an inter-governmental meeting needs to use the room
where the side event was scheduled. In these cases, the FfD
Secretariat makes an attempt to reschedule the cancelled event in
another room or on another date so far as possible.

11. Side event organisers can request the following equipment and
services for their event: projectors (slide, video, overhead or
laptop-to-screen), microphones (standing mikes or use of the
sound system in the meeting rooms), projection screens, and sound
recording of the event (based on availability of a recording
station in the room). As most of these services and equipment
need to be set up or run by an engineer, their use implies costs
that the organisers must be prepared to cover. Equipment requests
can be made using the Side Events Request Form (see Annex 1) and
sent to the FfD Secretariat.

12. Organisers who wish to bring their own equipment (such as
laptops or laptop-to-screen projectors) need to notify the FfD
Secretariat at least one week before the start of the PrepComm
session so that the necessary arrangements can be made with UN
Security. Last minute requests for this type of arrangement are
highly discouraged.

13. Interpretation services are not available for side events.
Organisers should plan to hold their event in English.

14. Printed materials can be distributed during the side event
and during the FfD PrepComm meetings by using the tables placed
in the back of and just outside the meeting rooms. Since the
meeting rooms where side events take place are also where the
official FfD meetings are conducted, organisers are requested to
be responsible about material distribution and ensure that the
rooms are left free of clutter after their side event.

15. Distribution of printed materials that are not directly
related to the FfD agenda issues is not permitted during a side
event or at any other time at the FfD PrepComm meeting. The FfD
Secretariat will authorise removal of materials judged to be
inappropriate. Sale of printed materials or any other goods on UN
grounds during the side events or at any other time is strictly

16. Displays and exhibitions, unless organised through the proper
channels through the FfD Secretariat, are not allowed. Side event
organisers are advised not to set up displays or put up posters
on meeting room walls during a side event or at any other time
during the FfD PrepComm to avoid removal and loss of their

17. Food and drinks are strictly prohibited in the meeting rooms
of the UN. Activities that involve food or drinks, such as
receptions, are allowed only in the areas designated for this
purpose and must be arranged by contacting the UN Catering
Services (212-963-7098). The FfD Secretariat will not facilitate
these arrangements.

18. Publicising a side event is the responsibility of its
organisers. The FfD Secretariat will not produce fliers,
distribute notices, or run other publicity efforts for individual
side events. To inform participants about the FfD PrepComm
sessions and its events, the Secretariat distributes copies of
the full program on the first day of the meeting.

Organisation of Caucus meetings

Caucus meetings can be arranged on first come first served basis
by communicating the request to NGLS and/or the FfD Secretariat
(see above). The caucus meetings should last not more than one
hour to ensure that all requests are met.


Financing for Development Coordinating Secretariat
Two United Nations Plaza, DC2-2336, New York NY 10017, USA
Fax: (212) 963-0443, Tel: (212) 963-8497

Non-governmental Liaison Service (NGLS)
One United Nations Plaza, DC1-11th Floor, Room 1106
New York, NY, 10017, USA
Fax: 212-963-3125, Tel: 212-963-8712

NGO Section Division for ECOSOC Support and Coordination
One United Nations Plaza, DC1-14th Floor
New York, NY, 10017, USA
Fax: 212-963-3892, Tel: 212-963-8652


Side Event Request Form
(Annex 1)
Fax to 1-212-963-0443

Name of requesting Organisation:

Contact Person:





Title of the Event (Please attach a description.):

Preferred dates and times (Please indicate more than one option
to help with the scheduling process.):

| | | | |
| Priority | Date | Time Slot | Time Slot |
| | | 1:15 - 2:45 PM | 6:15 - 8:00 PM |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| First | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| Second | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| Third | | | |
| | | | |

Need a room that can accommodate a total of (please chose one):

[ ] 30-50 persons [ ] 50-100 persons [ ] 100-500 persons

Equipment and services requested:

[ ] Slide Projector [ ] Foldable Screen

[ ] Overhead Projector [ ] Laptop-to-Screen Projection Unit

[ ] Video Projector [ ] Sound (in room microphones)

[ ] VCR/with TV monitor [ ] Sound recording

Other (please explain):

The costs related to the use of the above equipment and services
will be overed by:

(Name of the Organisation)

Signed by:

(Please print name and title below signature line)

Fecha - 18-01-01
Nombre: Inforegio
Comentarios: Nuevos programas del Objetivo nº 1 para Irlanda y Alemania
La Comisión ha aprobado recientemente el programa del Estado
federado alemán de Sajonia-Anhalt, así como tres programas
irlandeses para la puesta en práctica de las estrategias de
desarrollo (Marcos comunitarios de apoyo) acordadas,
respectivamente, los pasados meses de junio y julio con las
autoridades de ambos países.

**Irlanda** --
La introducción de programas por regiones es una de las grandes
innovaciones de la intervención de los Fondos Estructurales en
Irlanda en el período comprendido entre 2000 y 2006. Con ese fin,
se han definido dos regiones: Border, Midland & Western, por
una parte, y Southern & Eastern, por otra. La primera de ambas
es plenamente subvencionable en virtud del Objetivo nº 1
mientras que la segunda es beneficiaria de la ayuda transitoria
prevista para las regiones cuyo PIB ha superado recientemente el
75% de la media comunitaria. Las acciones contempladas en estos
dos programas tienen por objeto la mejora de las
infraestructuras locales, el fomento de las empresas locales, la
agricultura y el desarrollo rural, y, por último, la integración
social y la ayuda a la infancia. El Comisario Michel Barnier
firmó estos dos programas el 27 de noviembre en Bruselas en
presencia de representantes de la administración de las dos

Ya en el mes de octubre se había aprobado un programa relativo
al empleo y los recursos humanos que reposa sobre los cuatro
pilares de la estrategia europea en favor del empleo:
posibilidades de empleo, espíritu empresarial, adaptabilidad e
igualdad de oportunidades.

Quedan por aprobar cuatro programas relativos a la consolidación
de la paz (PEACE II), las infraestructuras económicas y sociales,
el sector productivo y la asistencia técnica.

**Alemania** --
El programa del Estado federado de Sajonia-Anhalt es, después
del programa de Mecklemburgo-Pomerania Occidental, el segundo
programa alemán del Objetivo nº 1 en recibir la aprobación de la
Comisión. Centrado esencialmente en el empleo, prevé la creación
de 12.300 puestos de trabajo fijos y 45.000 temporales, el
mantenimiento de otros 24.700 puestos de trabajo y la
organización de actividades de formación para 140.000 personas
con el propósito evitar que éstas pierdan sus empleos. Además,
el Estado federado de Sajonia-Anhalt podrá acogerse a los tres
programas horizontales de infraestructuras de transporte,
recursos humanos y pesca destinados a todos los Estados
federados del Objetivo nº 1.

Para más información, puede consultarse la página de novedades
del sitio Inforegio:

Programa Coste Contribución de los
global* Fondos Estructurales*

Southern & Eastern 1 733 572
Border, Midland
& Western 1 080 400
Empleo y
recursos humanos 14 200 900

Sachsen-Anhalt 8 700 3 354

* En millones de euros.

Acuerdos definitivos sobre las estrategias de desarrollo del
Objetivo nº 1 en Grecia y España
El pasado 18 de octubre, el Comisario Michel Barnier firmó, en
presencia de Cristóbal Montoro, Ministro de Hacienda del
Gobierno español, la decisión definitiva por la que se aprueba
el Marco comunitario de apoyo para las doce regiones españolas
del Objetivo nº 1. Éstas recibirán, durante el período
comprendido entre 2000 y 2006, 41.269 millones de euros de los
Fondos Estructurales y 6.528 millones de euros del Fondo de

Asimismo, el Comisario Barnier firmó el Marco comunitario de
apoyo para Grecia el pasado 27 de noviembre en presencia de
Yannos Papantoniou, Ministro de Economía del Gobierno griego. El
país entero es beneficiario de la contribución comunitaria,
compuesta por 22.710 millones de euros procedentes de los Fondos
Estructurales y 3.300 millones de euros procedentes del Fondo de

Las propuestas de programas están siendo actualmente examinadas
por la Comisión, la cual debería proceder próximamente a su
aprobación, una vez concluidas las negociaciones oportunas con
las autoridades de ese país.

Nuevos programas del Objetivo nº 2
Durante el mes de noviembre, la Comisión Europea aprobó cinco
programas operativos correspondientes al Objetivo nº 2 y
destinados al este y el sur de Escocia, Gibraltar y las regiones
austríacas de Salzburgo y Vorarlberg.

El programa destinado al este de Escocia aportará esencialmente
su ayuda a las medidas de desarrollo de pequeñas y medianas
empresas innovadoras y competitivas, la ampliación de las zonas
y sectores estratégicos y el desarrollo económico local. En el
sur de Escocia, el programa prevé la aplicación de tres
prioridades estratégicas: el aumento de la competitividad de las
empresas, el desarrollo de núcleos competitivos y el crecimiento
económico local. En Gibraltar, el objetivo consiste, por una
parte, en fomentar la diversificación de la economía creando
nuevas PYME y ayudando a las existentes a desarrollar su
actividad comercial, y, por otra parte, en preservar el carácter
único de su medio ambiente y el patrimonio cultural de la

En Austria, el programa de Vorarlberg se concentra en el
refuerzo de las estructuras económicas regionales y el aumento
de la competitividad, con especial insistencia en las
condiciones de trabajo de las mujeres. Para la región de
Salzburgo, se han definido tres ejes prioritarios de acción:
infraestructuras, fomento de la innovación y la investigación en
el sector fabril y desarrollo sostenible, especialmente a través
de la implantación de energías renovables.

Para más información, sírvanse consultar la página de novedades
del sitio Inforegio:

Objetivo nº 2 Coste Contribución de los
global* Fondos Estructurales*

Reino Unido
Sur de Escocia 172,8 73,1
Este de Escocia 650,4 250,5
Gibraltar 19,5 8,4

Salzburgo 87,5 17,7
Voralberg 153,0 22,7

* En millones de euros

Nuevas medidas para las regiones ultraperiféricas
El pasado 29 de noviembre, la Comisión propuso un conjunto de
nuevas medidas destinadas a mejorar la ayuda de la Unión Europea
a las siete regiones ultraperiféricas de la Unión (los cuatro
departamentos franceses de ultramar, las islas Canarias, las
Azores y Madeira). Para reactivar la economía de esas regiones,
la Comisión propone tener más en cuenta sus desventajas
específicas en las normas por las que se rigen los Fondos

Se proponen diversas modificaciones de los textos que regulan la
política estructural*:

* aumento de la participación de los Fondos Estructurales en las
inversiones en pequeñas y medianas empresas, que pasa del 35% al
50% de los gastos totales subvencionables;

* alineación de los porcentajes de intervención de los Fondos
estructurales en un nivel máximo del 85% del coste total
subvencionable para todas las regiones ultraperiféricas, con
independencia de su pertenencia o no a Estados miembros del
Fondo de Cohesión;

* incremento del nivel máximo de ayuda pública previsto por el
Fondo Europeo de Orientación y de Garantía Agrícola para las
inversiones en explotaciones agrarias (del 50% al 75%), las
destinadas a la transformación y la comercialización de
productos agrícolas (del 50% al 65%) y la ampliación de la ayuda
financiera comunitaria a los bosques comunales de propiedad

* el aumento de algunos porcentajes de intervención del
Instrumento Financiero de Orientación de la Pesca (IFOP) para
las medidas estructurales en el sector de la pesca.

Además, la Comisión propone también mejorar la ayuda a las
producciones tradicionales (agrícolas), introduciendo diversas
modificaciones en los programas específicos para las zonas
aisladas e insulares.

Corresponde ahora al Consejo, al Parlamento Europeo, al Comité
de las Regiones y al Comité Económico y Social pronunciarse
sobre estas propuestas.

* COM (2000) 774.

Fecha - 16-01-01
Nombre: Reforme
Al 15 de enero de 2001

Estimados amigos de la Lista Reforme:

Este servicio del CLAD tiene por finalidad poner a su disposicion
informacion actualizada sobre los eventos de proxima realizacion,
publicaciones recientes, convocatorias de interes, entre otras
informaciones remitidas tanto a la Lista como fuera de ella. Le
recordamos que, para conocer mayores detalles acerca de la
informacion reseñada, debe dirigirse directamente a las personas
y/o direcciones indicadas en cada caso.

El contenido de este mensaje esta organizado de acuerdo a las
siguientes categorias:


-Entidad: European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)
-Descripcion: The colloquium aims to improve the understanding
of the Community framework of the recognition of diplomas and to
address the remaining problems by bringing together experts and
practitioners. The colloquium is therefore designed to address
the needs of a wide spectrum of officials, professionals and
other interested persons, although it is primarily aimed at
officials who are involved in the process of recognition of
foreign diplomas and qualifications. However, the colloquium will
also be useful to policy-makers and advisers on EU issues,
academics who teach EU law and policies and, of course, those
responsible for granting diplomas and developing the
corresponding curricula.
-Fecha: 5-7 de febrero de 2001
-Lugar: Holanda
-Contacto: Ms. Araceli Barragan, Programme Assistant
Telf: +31.43.3296325, Fax: +31.43.3296296

-Entidades: Instituto de Derecho Administrativo de Bahia, Centro
de Actualizacion Juridica
-Descripcion: En el Congreso, especialistas de varios estados de
la Federacion, reunidos entre los principales juristas del pais
en el area de derecho constitucional, administrativo y
tributario, debatiran cuestiones actuales y polemicas sobre los
limites y las formas de actuacion del Estado en la sociedad de
nuestros dias. El Congreso esta orientado hacia funcionarios de
la Administracion Publica, en condicion de dirigentes, asesores,
procuradores juridicos o defensores publicos y todos aquellos
relacionados con el area juridica, tales como: personas que esten
en el ejercicio del Poder Publico, abogados, miembros del
Ministerio Publico, jueces y auditores.
-Fecha: 25-27 de abril de 2001
-Lugar: Brasil
-Contacto: MDM Eventos e Turismo, Telf: (71) 346.10.11

-Entidad: Red Iberoamericana de Investigaciones sobre
Globalizacion y Territorio (RII)
-Fecha: 2-4 de mayo de 2001
-Lugar: Argentina
-Contacto: Sergio Gonzalez Lopez, Universidad Autonoma del Estado
de Mexico

-Entidades: Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona y University of
-Fecha: 7-9 de junio de 2001
-Lugar: España
-Contacto: Ismael Blanco, Equipo de Analisis Politico,
Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Comite Local Organizador

-Organizadores: Ministerio de Administraciones Publicas e
Instituto Nacional de Administracion Publica de España
-Descripcion: Este curso tiene como principal objetivo poner a
disposicion de los participantes el conocimiento de tecnicas y
herramientas basicas para articular un marco institucional que
permita a las administraciones publicas cumplir sus objetivos,
con especial referencia a los procesos de profesionalizacion de
la funcion publica. Este curso esta destinado para funcionarios
superiores y gerentes que desarrollan su actividad o esten
interesados en este campo de la actividad administrativa.
-Duracion: De mayo a julio de 2001 (250 horas lectivas)
-Lugar: España
-Contacto: Fernando Ceron Sanchez-Puelles, Director Academico

-Organizador: Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales
-Descripcion: El Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales
(CLACSO) es un organismo internacional no gubernamental y sin
fines de lucro, que agrupa a mas de cien centros de investigacion
y programas de posgrado en Ciencias Sociales de America Latina
y el Caribe. En la ultima decada, CLACSO ha realizado un
sostenido esfuerzo en el desarrollo de redes electronicas
academicas tendiente a democratizar el acceso a la produccion
cientifica en ciencias sociales. Dicha tarea, pionera en la
region, tiene tambien por objetivo la difusion y renovacion del
pensamiento social latinoamericano que constituye una de las
prioridades academicas de CLACSO. La creacion del Campus Virtual
de CLACSO como plataforma de comunicacion, informacion y difusion
de las actividades academicas regionales se inscribe dentro de
esta estrategia de promocion a las actividades de docencia, de
investigacion y de diseminacion de produccion cientifica del mas
alto nivel.
-Contacto: Gabriela Amenta, Asistente Especial del Secretario
Ejecutivo, Coordinadora del Campus Virtual, CLACSO, Argentina.

Mario Henrique Simonsen de la Fundacion Getulio Vargas de Rio de
Janeiro (Brasil), informa que se puede consultar su acervo en
internet, seleccionando "Acervo" y "Catalogo on-line".

LEGISLAÇAO: As informaçaoes sobre legislaçao na
area de Auditoria no Brasil podem ser encontradas no site da
propria Secretaria Federal de Controle Interno - SFC e tambem no
site da Presidência da Republica.

PAGINA URBARED: "Urbared" tiene
como objetivo abrir un espacio de intercambio de informacion y
conocimientos en materia de politicas sociales para las ciudades
de America Latina, propiciando un debate a fondo y un aprendizaje
colectivo del que participen los mas diversos actores de la
politica social. Se trata de un proyecto promovido por el
Instituto del Conurbano de la Universidad Nacional de General
Sarmiento de Argentina y el Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales
de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, cuyo principal
proposito es revisar criticamente las experiencias contemporaneas
y formular propuestas de politicas sociales alternativas que
permitan superar los elevados niveles de pobreza que se registran
en la region, asi como promover un desarrollo socioeconomico
integrador que garantice una mejor calidad de vida para el
conjunto de la ciudadania.

2000 EDITION OF THE BEST PRACTICES DATABASE: The 2000 edition of the Best
Practices is now on-line featuring a total of 1168 good and best
practices from 125 countries.

-Entidad: Centro de Investigaciones Postdoctorales, Facultad de
Ciencias Economicas y Sociales de la Universidad Central de
Venezuela y Fundacion Rockefeller
-Numero de becas: 4
-Fechas para la recepcion de solicitudes: **Para Becas de
sept-dic/01 y feb-abr/02: 01/abr/01 **Para Becas de sept-dic/02
y feb-abr/03: 01/abr/02 **Para Becas de sept-dic/03 y
feb-abr/04: 01/abr/03
-Objetivo: El Programa esta dedicado a estudiar como en los
presentes tiempos de globalizacion ciertas representaciones
sociales que juegan papeles relevantes en tanto articuladoras de
sentido de las practicas de organizaciones y movimientos sociales
son producidas en contextos de intensos intercambios entre
actores locales y globales.
-Temas: Cada uno de los tres años del Programa estara dedicado
a estudiar casos de produccion social de representaciones
articuladas en torno a un conjunto particular de ideas
sociopoliticas relevantes. Sep.2001-mayo 2002: representaciones
de identidades y diferencias culturales, etnicas y/o raciales.
Sep.2002-mayo 2003: representaciones de ideas de ciudadania,
sociedad civil y participacion social. Sep.2003-mayo 2004:
representaciones de ideas de medio ambiente, biodiversidad y
desarrollo sustentable.
-A quien va dirigido: Investigadores residentes
-Requisitos: Las Becas podran ser otorgadas a postulantes de
cualquier nacionalidad y pais de residencia, pero los idiomas de
trabajo del Programa seran el castellano y portugues. Las/os
postulantes deberan poseer experiencia de investigacion
demostrada mediante publicaciones y/o realizacion de tesis de
Maestria o preferentemente de Doctorado (no se aceptaran
solicitudes por fax, ni por correo electronico).
-Contacto: Dr. Daniel Mato, Coordinador del Programa
Globalizacion, Cultura y Transformaciones Sociales


-Disponible en: fttp://
-Contacto: Veronica Heler

-Contacto: Haydee Ochoa Henriquez, Directora

United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UNCHS), Best
Practices and Local Leadership Programme, Habitat, Africa
-Contacto: Guenther Gross, Administrador de la lista Habitat,

BOLETIN DE POLITICAS PUBLICAS, Año 1, No. 15 (Diciembre 2000)
Universidad Simon Bolivar, Funindes-USB, Unidad de Politicas
Publicas, Venezuela
-Suscripcion: (
-Contacto: Prof. Marino Gonzalez (

NOVEDADES, Año II, No.23 (Diciembre 2000)
Instituto Provincial de Administracion Publica (IPAP), Argentina
-Suscripcion: Enviar un mensaje a: (
con el subject en blanco que diga: suscribe Novedades "su
direccion electronica"
-Contacto: Informat (

Diana Acosta
Administradora de la Lista Reforme
* Para hacer contribuciones a REFORME escriba a:
* Si desea retirarse escriba un mensaje a "" con el
subject en blanco y que diga en la primera linea:
unsubscribe reforme "su direccion electronica"
* For contributions to REFORME send a message to:
* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
unsubscribe reforme "your mail address"
Fecha - 15-01-01
Nombre: ICLEI
Comentarios: Dear colleagues,

Please find our latest job offer "PROJECT OFFICER LOCAL
happy if you distributed and forwarded this information to whoever
may be interested in it. Please feel also free to feed it into mailing
lists and onto websites. I am looking forward to any feedback
regarding further distribution, and am happy to post your
environment-related openings on the ICLEI website!

Thank you,

Stefanie Lay Office Manager


Sorry for cross-postings!


The European Secretariat of the International Council for Local
Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), based in Freiburg, Germany,
offers a position:



The project "Local Agenda Network for Employment" is EC-funded
in the context of a broad initiative of the European Commission,
Directorate General Employment, towards local employment
strategies. ICLEI will set up a network of 6 European model cities
from Greece, Sweden, Germany, and Spain to test and implement
the Local Agenda 21 process method in the field of local
employment-creation strategies (Local Emplyoment Action Plans)


- Day-to-day project coordination, facilitation and support of the
experience exchange of the project cities (involving frequent travel)

- Provision of technical know-how,

- Development of the methods for and approaches to the project

- Contacts to 6 project cities, including several visits to these cities

- Contacts to European Commission,

- Management of the budget,


- Qualification and professional experience in at least 2 technical
areas out of: local employment strategies / LA 21 processes /
public administration

- Academic degree in a relevant subject, such as environmental
sciences, economics, legal sciences or administrative sciences or
other appropriate qualification.

- Practical experience in political representation, moderation and/or
seminar organisation.

- Ability to present ICLEI and the LA 21 approach, explain complex
issues to local officials in countries of different culture and mediate
between different interests and opinions in a mature and
appropriate manner.

- An active, dynamic, and entrepreneurial approach to work as well
as social competencies (team work ability, etc.) are requested.

- A very good command of English as working language within
ICLEI is necessary; additional European languages an asset
(German, Spanish, Greek, Swedish particularly welcome).

- Secure command of MS Office (Winword, Excel, Powerpoint).
Experience in electronic mailing list management and Web-editing,
as well as command of project management software would be


- European Union citizenship or permanent resident permit is

- Relocation to Freiburg, Germany

- Limited contract of 8 months maximum, start as soon as
possible, and no later than mid-February 2001. Capacity between
75-100 % (30-40 h/week). Final dates and capacity still subject to
negotiations with the funder and the successful applicant.

- ICLEI project officer wage bracket (2150 - 3050 Euro gross/month
for full-time)

- Please apply in writing as soon as possible, and including cover
letter, CV, and information on both possible interview and earliest
commencement date, to


International Environmental Agency - Movement -

ICLEI's mission is to build and serve a world-wide movement of
local governments. This movement aims to achieve tangible
improvements in global environmental and sustainable
development conditions through cumulative local actions. 350 local
authorities and municipal associations have already joined ICLEI.
In Europe ICLEI works with more than 160 members from 28

ICLEI's European Secretariat and International Training Centre are
located in Freiburg, Germany.

1. The International Environmental Agency for Cities, Towns, and

Information Services. Members take advantage of newsletters,
guidebooks, research reports, best practice case studies,
exchange-of- experience and training opportunities, international
conferences, and information services on the World Wide Web.
Training and Conferencing. ICLEI's International Training Centre
organises the exchange of experience and helps build the know-
how of local government officials in their capacities as
policymakers and managers for environmental sustainability.
Consultancy. ICLEI experts provide strategic advice on the design
of sustainable development policies and technical support in the
design of environmental management instruments and the
implementation of programmes and projects.

2. The Association of Local Governments

Membership. In Europe, ICLEI has a growing membership of 150
local authorities and municipal associations particularly dedicated
to sustainable development, as well as associate organisations.
Advocacy. ICLEI advocates for ICLEI members and campaign
participants before national and international governments,
agencies, and organisations in order to increase the understanding
and support for local environmental protection and sustainable
development. Alliances. ICLEI has established strategic alliances
with other international organisations, which concretely support the
achievement of the ICLEI mission.

3. The Movement for a Sustainable Future

Local Agenda 21 Campaign. In Europe, ICLEI co-founded and
supports the European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign. The
European Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide has been published in
18 languages. The LA21 Guidance & Training Programme has
offered participation to dozens of local authorities. The European
Local Agenda 21 Roundtable convenes stakeholders in the LA21
process and national LA21 campaigns for strategic discussions.
Cities for Climate Protection Campaign. More than 100 European
cities form part of a world-wide movement of local governments
that adopt policies and implement measures to achieve
measurable reductions in local greenhouse gas emissions,
improve air quality, and enhance urban liveability and
sustainability. Water Campaign. ICLEI has started a worldwide
campaign of cities committed to a sustainable use of freshwater
resources by protecting environmental flows of water, reducing
water pollution, and improving the availability and efficiency of water
and sanitation services.

Eco-Procurement Programme. More and more procurement
officers are joining the Municipal Green Purchasers' Network to
exchange information and experiences. A series of EcoProcura®
Congresses combined with eco-product exhibitions offer
opportunities for exchange between product designers, producers,
vendors and buyers.

Environmental Management Programme. ICLEI members are
driving innovation in the field of environmental management
systems. They are pioneering the development and application of
new methods, instruments and tools. The ecoBudget® model of
environmental budgeting is an outstanding example.

For more information:

Fecha - 27-12-00
Nombre: Luis Aznar Molina
Comentarios: Solicitamos apoyo para el diseño de politicas publicas para ONGS en mexico, el marco juridico y fiscal

Fecha - 26-12-00
Nombre: Infomat
Comentarios: NOVEDADES
Esta es una publicación mensual de la Dirección de Estudios e Investigaciones del IPAP

Agenda Institucional

Durante el mes de noviembre de 2000 el Instituto Provincial de la Administración
Pública (IPAP) participó en distintos eventos de singular importancia para la función

Firmas de Actas Acuerdo: Durante el mes de noviembre de 2000 fueron suscriptos
doce convenios de capacitación entre el IPAP y municipios de la Provincia.
Recordamos que de esta manera el IPAP intenta colaborar en el desarrollo de nuevas
competencias a través de las cuales el municipio pueda lograr sus objetivos
organizacionales. El abordaje de las crecientes demandas y los nuevos desafíos que
debe afrontar la gestión pública municipal requiere de la implementación de acciones de
capacitación para el personal de la administración municipal que les permita el
desarrollo de nuevas habilidades. Por eso es que la firma de estos convenios constituye
un avance de singular importancia para la concreción de esto objetivos.
La firma de actas-acuerdo se llevó a cabo en cada una de las sedes comunales, a las
cuales asistió el Dr. Juan Pablo Alvarez Echagüe, Secretario General Ejecutivo del
IPAP. Se firmaron convenios con los siguientes intendentes: Dr Ricardo Ivoskus de San
Martín y Don Jesús Cariglino de Malvinas Argentinas, Don Alejandro Granados de
Ezeiza, Don Luis Lovari de Dolores, Don Ezequiel Rizzi de Cañuelas y Dr Juan Erriest
de Lobos, Lic. Gustavo Picoy de Arrecifes y Don Ricardo Montesanti de Baradero, Don
Julio Zanatelli de Tandil y Dn. Ramón del Carmen Ortiz de Necochea, Dr Juan Carlos
Pellita de Lamadrid y Don Alberto Gutt de Adolfo Alsina.

Seminario: Dilemas de la Biblioteca Actual, organizado por la Dirección de
Documentación e Información de la Dirección Nacional de Estudios y Documentación
del Instituto Nacional de la Administración Pública (INAP). Varias personas del Centro
de Documentación del IPAP concurrieron a este Seminario, que tuvo lugar el 9 de
noviembre de 2000 y consistió en la exposición de tres profesionales de relevancia en el
quehacer bibliotecario argentino.

Primer Encuentro Red Nacional de Bibliotecas de Derecho y Ciencias Jurídicas. Se
firmó el acuerdo de adhesión mediante el cual el IPAP se compromete a trabajar
activamente en la conformación de esta incipiente Red. Representantes del Centro de
Documentación del IPAP asistieron a esta convocatoria.

Primera Reunión Nacional de Redes de Información, titulada Información o caos. La
reunión tuvo lugar el 1° de diciembre de 2000, de 9 a 18 hs., en la sede del Ministerio
de Educación de la Nación. El motivo de esta invitación fue la pertenencia del IPAP a la
Red de Información sobre Administración Pública (RENDIAP), una red coordinada por
el CLAD que abarca toda la información sobre administración pública en América

Jornada de Trabajo sobre Empresa Social como una Respuesta Regional a las
Necesidades de Inserción Laboral de los Jóvenes, organizada por la Subsecretaría de
Igualdad de Oportunidades de la Secretaría de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales y
Cooperación, el Programa Integrado de Cooperación Técnica de la República Italiana en
Argentina y el Consejo Provincial del Menor. En el encuentro se difundieron las
características de la empresa social en Italia y se generaron debates acerca de las formas
de aplicación a experiencias concretas de la realidad comunitaria de los municipios de la
provincia de Buenos Aires

Jornada: Encuentro Provincial. Intercambio de Experiencias para la Gestión
Integral del Habitat, realizada el 14 de noviembre de 2000. Esta jornada fue promovida
por el Consejo Provincial de la Familia y Desarrollo Humano, presidida por la Dra
María Isabel Zapatero de Ruckauf. En el programa de trabajo se expusieron los distintos
aspectos del planeamiento urbano, el desarrollo habitacional y su asistencia financiera,
tanto del ámbito provincial como municipal. Hubo, además, una demostración de
sistemas constructivos, modalidades de intervención, modos de gestión de distintas
experiencias de construcción y auto construcción, ya realizados y en proceso de

Con la presente edición del boletín Novedades 23, el Dr. Juan Pablo Alvarez Echagüe,
Secretario Ejecutivo del IPAP, funcionarios y personal del Instituto se despiden hasta el
año próximo deseando a todos nuestros lectores felices fiestas, y paz y prosperidad
para el nuevo año.
Es nuestro compromiso seguir trabajando con el entusiasmo de siempre y junto a
quienes forman parte de la administración pública, con el fin de adecuar su
funcionamiento a las nuevas exigencias políticas, económicas y tecnológicas. En este
marco, la capacitación del personal constituye una de las prioridades básicas y es por
ello que continuaremos afianzando nuestro proyecto: brindar al personal de la
administración pública central y municipal la posibilidad de un desarrollo cada vez más

Actividades del IPAP

A continuación se detallan las acciones de capacitación implementadas por el IPAP
durante los meses de noviembre y diciembre de 2000.


- Formulación y Evaluación de Proyectos: 2 de noviembre al 21 de diciembre de
2000. Sede: IPAP.
- Decreto- Ley 7647/70 (segunda edición): 3 de noviembre al 15 de diciembre de
2000. Sede: Economía.
- Gerenciamiento Efectivo: del 7 de noviembre al 12 de diciembre de 2000. Sede:
- Estrategias de Comunicación en las Organizaciones Públicas: (dos cursos) del 7
al 24 de noviembre y del 30 de noviembre al 14 de diciembre de 2000,
respectivamente. Sede: Casa de la Provincia.
- El Presupuesto como Herramienta en la Gestión Pública Provincial: del 8 de
noviembre al 6 de diciembre de 2000. Sede: IPAP
- Gestión Pública para Niveles Intermedios: del 11 de octubre al 6 de diciembre de
2000. Taller: el 20 de diciembre de 2000. Sede: IPAP.
- Prácticas Contables para la Gestión Pública: (dos cursos) del 9 de octubre al 27
de noviembre y del 26 de noviembre al 7 de diciembre de 2000. Sede: IPAP.
- Procedimiento Contable (2° edición): del 26 de noviembre al 7 de diciembre de
2000. Sede: IPAP.
- Cierre Año Académico (cuerpo docente): el día 1° de diciembre de 2000.
- Cierre Año Académico (referentes provinciales): el día 7 de diciembre de 2000.

Cursos de informática programados por el IPAP para diciembre de 2000.
Sede: 55 N° 734 e/ 9 y 10, La Plata.

- Entorno de Windows: del 29 de noviembre al 11 de diciembre de 2000. Dos
cursos: de 12.00 a 14.00 hs. y de 14.00 a 16.00 hs.
- Entorno de Windows: del 12 al 21 de diciembre de 2000. Dos cursos: de 12.00 a
14.00 hs. y de 14.00 a 16.00 hs.
- Internet: del 29 de noviembre al 6 de diciembre de 2000. Dos cursos: de 8.00 a
10.00 hs. y de 18.00 a 20.00 hs.
- Word Básico: del 29 de noviembre al 6 de diciembre de 2000.
- Excel Avanzado: del 29 de noviembre al 6 de diciembre de 2000.
- Word Avanzado: del 7 al 14 de diciembre de 2000.
- Word Básico: del 7 al 14 de diciembre de 2000.
- Access Avanzado: del 7 al 14 de diciembre de 2000.
- Internet: del 7 al 14 de diciembre de 2000.


- Procedimiento de Inspectoría Municipal: del 23 de noviembre al 1° de diciembre
de 2000. Sede: Balcarce.
- La Organización Municipal: del 17 al 24 de noviembre y 15 de diciembre de
2000. Sede: Tapalqué.
- Calidad Total Trabajo en Equipo: del 3 al 15 de diciembre de 2000. Sede:
- Atención al Público: del 28 de noviembre al 6 de diciembre de 2000. Sede: Morón.
- Máquinas Viales: los días 13, 14 y 15 de diciembre de 2000. Sede: Exaltación de la
- Laboratorio de Plan Estratégica: los días 11 y 12 de diciembre de 2000. Sede:
- Fortalecimiento del Rol de Conducción: del 6 de noviembre al 11 de diciembre de
2000. Sede: Moreno.



Organizado por: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Centro de Cooperación
Internacional MASHAV. Centro de Estudios Regionales Urbano-Rurales Rehovot.
Fecha de realización: del 22 de abril al 15 de junio de 2001.
Lugar de realización: sede del CERUR en Rehovot, Israel.
Objetivos: capacitar a los participantes en planificación de proyectos de desarrollo rural
y la utilización óptima de recursos humanos y naturales dentro del marco de políticas
nacionales y programas regionales; proporcionar métodos computarizados y técnicas
necesarias para la planificación, ejecución y evaluación de proyectos de desarrollo rural.
Becas: un número limitado de becas es otorgado por el Centro de Cooperación
Internacional del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Israel. Además, determinados
organismos, fondos y programas de asistencia técnica internacional suelen conceder
becas o apoyo financiero parcial para este tipo de capacitación sobre la base de
solicitudes oficiales de los propios países.
Informes e inscripción: los interesados en participar en el curso deben solicitar los
formularios correspondientes en la sede de la representación diplomática de Israel en su
país, donde deberán ser presentados hasta el 2 de marzo de 2001. Para obtener
información complementaria sugerimos escribir directamente a CERUR División de
Capacitación y Cooperación Internacional Herzel 244, P.O. Box 2355. Rehovot 76122
Israel. Teléfono 972-8-9474373. Fax 972-8-9475884.


Organizado por: Ministerio de Administraciones Públicas e Instituto Nacional de
Administración Pública (INAP), España.
Fecha de realización: febrero a mayo de 2001 (270 horas lectivas).
Lugar de realización: Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública, sede Alcalá de
Objetivos: especializar profesionalmente a los funcionarios públicos en las áreas
fundamentales de la economía internacional, con especial énfasis en los problemas
específicos que plantea la realidad latinoamericana.
Destinatarios: funcionarios públicos con una formación previa en economía que deseen
mejorar y actualizar sus conocimientos, tanto en los principios teóricos y el entramado
institucional que gobiernan el funcionamiento del entorno económico internacional
como sobre la dirección y gestión de los negocios internacionales.
Matrícula: 100.000 pta.
Informes e inscripción::


Organizado por: Ministerio de Administraciones Públicas e Instituto Nacional de
Administración Pública (INAP), España.
Fecha de realización: de mayo a julio de 2001 (250 horas lectivas).
Lugar de realización: Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública, sede Alcalá de
Objetivos: acercar a los participantes el conocimiento de técnicas y herramientas
básicas para articular un marco institucional que permita a las administraciones públicas
cumplir sus objetivos, con especial referencia a los procesos de profesionalización de
función pública.
Destinatarios: funcionarios superiores y gerentes que desarrollan su actividad o estén
interesados en este campo de la actividad administrativa.
Matrícula: 100.000 pta.
Informes e inscripción:


Organizado por: Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Centro de Cooperación
Internacional MASHAV; Weitz Center for Development Studies, Rehovot, D.S.C
Fecha de realización: del 4 de febrero al 30 de marzo de 2001.
Lugar de realización: Weitz Center for Development Studies, Rehovot, Israel.
Objetivos: destacar la posible contribución de las microempresas en las áreas rurales,
especialmente en los países en desarrollo y a la luz de las tendencias socioeconómicas
experimentadas; desarrollar la capacidad de los participantes para crear fuentes de
empleo e ingresos locales mediante la activación de microempresas; entrenar a los
participantes en la selección y planificación de herramientas de apoyo para el desarrollo
sostenido de las microempresas.
Temario: Introducción / La microempresa como herramienta para el desarrollo
económico local / Fomento del desarrollo económico local / Apreciación económica y
financiera de la viabilidad de proyectos / Sistemas de respaldo para la microempresa /
Estudio de casos y ejercicios prácticos / Visitas de estudio / Seminarios y paneles sobre
planes y proyectos económicos locales presentados por los participantes y basados en la
experiencia de sus propios países.
Becas: El Gobierno de Israel, a través del Centro de Cooperación Internacional
MASHAV del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, ofrece un número limitado de becas
totales o parciales a los participantes de países en desarrollo. Además, las becas pueden
solicitarse en organismos nacionales e internacionales.
Informes e inscripción: las solicitudes de inscripción deben presentarse ante el
representante diplomático israelí más cercano antes del 30 de noviembre de 2000. Para
obtener mayor información dirigirse a: Weitz Center for Development Studies The
Training Division P.O.P. 2355. Rehovot 76122, Israel. Tel: 972-8-9474373 / Fax: 972-



Organizado por: Instituto Internacional de Ciencias Administrativas (IIAS) e Instituto
Helénico de Ciencias Administrativas.
Fecha de realización: del 9 al 13 de julio de 2001.
Lugar de realización: Atenas, Grecia.
Temario: La conducción de la acción pública en el siglo XXI: nuevas lógicas y nuevas
tecnologías / La regla de derecho y la administración pública en un contexto mundial /
Las nuevas tecnologías de información y gestión para la administración pública en el
siglo XXI / La situación del funcionario (nuevos conceptos y nuevos desafíos) / La
sociedad civil y el Estado en la conducción de la acción pública.
Ponencias: los proyectos de ponencias sobre uno de los subtemas deben ser remitidos al
IIAS antes del 31 de diciembre de 2000. Las ponencias serán seleccionadas sobre la
base de los siguientes criterios: 1) contribución importante a los conocimientos y/o a la
práctica; 2) carácter innovador de la contribución; 3) enfoque comparativo; 4)
presentación de prácticas administrativas y concretas con un análisis de su éxito o su
fracaso; y 5) rigor en la metodología empleada.
Fechas límite: presentación de proyectos: 31 de diciembre de 2000; notificación de
autores: 15 de febrero de 2001; presentación de los textos definitivos: 31 de marzo de
Informes e inscripción: los boletines de inscripción deben ser enviados antes del 1° de
mayo de 2001 al IIAS al señor Giancarlo Vilella, Director General, calle Rue Defacqz,
1 Boite 11, B-1000 Bruselas, Bélgica. Tel: 32/2-536.08.80, Fax: 32/2-537.97.02.
E mail:
Pagina Web:
Los derechos de inscripción comprenden el acceso a todas las actividades científicas, a
la excursión del viernes 13 de julio, al programa social y a 10 ponencias, así como a las
actas del Congreso. Para mayor información comunicarse con el IPAP al Tel: 429-55-76
interno 5734.

Organizado por: Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Centro de Cooperación
Internacional MASHAV.
Fecha de realización: del 6 de febrero al 7 de marzo de 2001.
Lugar de realización: Aharon Ofri International Training Center, Hotel Ramat Rachel,
situado en el área suburbana de Jerusalén.
Objetivos: reconocer la tecnología potencial existente -tanto simple como compleja- y
lograr un mejor rendimiento educativo; analizar los problemas didácticos y psicológicos
que implica la penetración de la nueva tecnología educativa; familiarizarse con el uso de
la computadora en el sistema educativo; familiarizarse con los sistemas tecnológicos;
intercambiar conocimientos y experiencias y contemplar la posibilidad de una futura
cooperación entre los países participantes y el Estado de Israel.
Temario: Política del empleo de la tecnología educativa / Sistemas e instrumentos /
Materias seleccionadas.
Metodología: conferencias y debates de cargo de expertos en diversos campos; análisis
de planes con material escrito y visitas de estudio; encuentros con administradores de
instituciones y proyectos en instituciones nacionales y regionales; simulación, panel de
debate y trabajo grupal; elaboración de proyectos finales, en forma individual o grupal
según el interés profesional de cada participante y contemplando las necesidades
educativas de su país.
Dirigido a: educadores.
Requisitos: manejo del idioma inglés.
Informes e inscripción: la información sobre los aspectos financiero y administrativo y
los formularios de inscripción para este seminario pueden solicitarse al representante
diplomático o consular israelí más cercano. La solicitud de inscripción debe enviarse al
representante israelí o al Ofri International Training Center antes del 15 de diciembre de
2000. Para mayor información dirigirse a: Uzi Israelí- The Aharon Ofri International
Training Center- Ramat Rachel- D.N. Tsafon Yehuda 90900. Tel: 972 2
6702539/6702508. Fax: 972 2 6702538.
E mail:

Organizado por: Redmuni.
Fecha de realización: 1° semana de junio de 2001.
Lugar de realización: ciudad de Rosario, Argentina.
Objetivos: avanzar en un balance pluridisciplinario sobre la reforma del Estado y su
impacto en la instancia local, y evaluar los resultados de la aplicación de nuevas
tecnologías de gestión (programa de fortalecimiento, descentralización, planeamiento
estratégico, informatización, gestión de calidad, etc.) según tendencias y escenarios
Informes e inscripción: comunicarse a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico:


Fecha de realización: del 2 al 4 de mayo de 2001.
Lugar de realización: ciudad de Rosario, Argentina.
Temas y coordinadores: Globalización y expansión metropolitana: Carlos de Mattos
(Chile) / Reestructuración, crecimiento y localización: Jorge Lotero (Colombia) /
Estado, descentralización y gestión regional-local: José Blanes (Bolivia) / Sistemas
productivos locales: Inmaculada Caravaca (España) / Desigualdades, pobreza y
calidades de vida: Danilo Veiga (Uruguay).
Informes e inscripción: la coordinación general de la Red está a cargo de Sergio
González López, de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
Dirección de correo electrónico:

* NOTA ACLARATORIA: En caso de que algunas actividades difundidas llegaran
con fecha posterior a su realización, la publicación se efectúa con la finalidad de que
puedan solicitar el material (ponencias- conferencias) al comité organizador.


Continuando con la información sobre el Banco Mundial iniciada en el numero anterior
de Novedades, detallamos ahora su misión, principios y valores.

Misión del Banco Mundial:
- Combatir la pobreza con entusiasmo y profesionalismo para obtener resultados
- Ayudar a la gente a ayudarse a sí misma y al medio ambiente que la rodea
suministrando recursos, entregando conocimientos, creando capacidad y forjando
asociaciones en los sectores público y privado.
- Ser una institución excelente, capaz de atraer, entusiasmar y cultivar a un personal
dedicado, con aptitudes excepcionales, que sepa escuchar y aprender.
Principios del Banco Mundial:
- Ser una institución centrada en los clientes, que trabaja en asociación, responsable
de obtener resultados de calidad, dedicada a la integridad financiera y a la eficacia
en función de los costos, inspirada e innovadora.
Valores del Banco Mundial:
- Honestidad personal, integridad, consagración al trabajo en equipo con espíritu
abierto y confianza dar participación a otros y respetar las diferencias; fomento de la
asunción de riesgos y responsabilidad.
En una economía mundial cada vez más interconectada y en rápida evolución, el Banco
Mundial ofrece préstamos, asesoramiento a más de 100 países en desarrollo y países en
transición. El Banco Mundial utiliza sus fondos y su personal coordinando sus
actividades con otras organizaciones para guiar a cada país en desarrollo, en particular
hacia una vía de crecimiento estable, sostenible y equitativo. Su objetivo principal es
ayudar a la población más desfavorecida de los países más pobres, haciendo hincapié en
la necesidad de:
- Invertir en las personas, especialmente a través de servicios básicos de salud y
- Proteger el medio ambiente.
- Prestar apoyo al sector privado y alentar su desarrollo.
- Reforzar la capacidad de los gobiernos de suministrar servicios de buena calidad, en
forma eficiente y transparente.
- Promover reformas orientadas a la creación de un entorno macroeconómico estable,
favorable a las inversiones y la planificación a largo plazo.

(En nuestro próximo número continuaremos brindando información acerca del Banco

Esta publicación se distribuye en forma gratuita a:
- Funcionarios de los organismos nacionales, provinciales y municipales.
- Referentes y coordinadores de capacitación.
- Bibliotecas, universidades, fundaciones, centros de capacitación nacionales e internacionales.
- Medios de comunicación social.
- Suscriptores particulares.
Nuestro objetivo es establecer un canal de comunicación con todos aquellos que estén comprometidos
con la temática de la Administración Pública.
Quienes deseen compartir este espacio de reflexión y actualización pueden hacerlo suscribiéndose a
subject (asunto): suscribe Novedades "su dirección electrónica".
Si desea suscribirse escriba un mensaje a:
subject (asunto): unsuscribe Novedades "su dirección electrónica".

Fecha - 25-12-00
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: DOCE - C 25/12/2000 - 2000/C 369/10
Convocatoria de propuestas de la Comunidad Europea para el instrumento Tacis para pequeños proyectos en el ámbito de la cooperación transfronteriza

Fecha - 23-12-00
Nombre: Guillermo Font
Comentarios: Se constituyó el Comité Uruguay de apoyo a la realizacion del FORO SOCIAL
MUNDIAL (FSM), que entre el 25 y el 30 de enero congregará en Porto Alegre a
varios miles de representantes de centenares de organizaciones sociales de
todos los continentes para "promover un nuevo consenso ciudadano mundial".

Organizado por el Comité Brasileño de Organización del FSMl y el Comité
Internacional de Apoyo al FSM, y con el patrocinio de la Prefeitura de Porto
Alegre y del gobierno de Rio Grande do Sul, el evento contará con la
presencia de destacadas personalidades, entre ellas los escritores José
Saramago y Eduardo Galeano, el teólogo Leonardo Boff, el fraile y escritor
Frei Beto, el arquitecto Oscar Niemayer, el economista Samir Amin, los
dirigentes políticos Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva y Tabaré Vázquez, Danielle
Miterrand, los premios Nobel de la Paz Rigoberta Menchú y José Ramos Horta

El FSM convocará a una amplia gama de movimientos de todo el mundo bajo la
consigna "Un nuevo mundo es posible. Vamos a construirlo entre todos".

En la propuesta del Comité de Organización se señala que "El Foro Social
Mundial será un nuevo espacio internacional para la reflexión y la
organización de todos los que se oponen a las políticas neoliberales y están
construyendo alternativas para priorizar el desenvolvimiento humano".

El Foro Social Mundial "pretende ser una oportunidad para la formulación de
alternativas, el debate de grandes temas y el intercambio de experiencias, y
para la construcción de articulaciones orgánicas, tácticas y estratégicas
entre sindicatos y asociaciones, en cada país y a nivel continental y
mundial. Son esas organizaciones las que están enfrentando el desafío de
promover y financiar el Foro Social Mundial", señala la convocatoria.

En URUGUAY el Comité de Apoyo está constituido por el PIT-CNT (central
sindical de trabajadores) FUCVAM, FEUU (federacion de estudiantes
universitarios) ATTAC Uruguay, Union de Mujeres Uruguayas, Cotidiano Mujer,
Dodeca, varias ONGs asi como también destacadas personalidades y
Se prevé una asistencia de mas de 60 delegados uruguayos al FSM

FUCVAM organiza en el marco del FSM un taller denominado "Barrios bajo
control obrero: Autogestión y Propiedad Colectiva" promoviendo la difusión
de una experiencia uruguaya de 30 años,que ha resistido a la ofensiva del
modelo neoliberal con exito durante los ultimos tiempos.

En el sitio web del FSM se puede obtener información actualizada sobre el
evento y cómo participar en él:

FUCVAM - Uruguay

.Please feel free to send your input to:>
.Please join by sending a blank e-mail to:
.To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
.Primary language used: English, Français and Español

Fecha - 22-12-00
Nombre: Robert Laroche
Comentarios: Bonjour à toutes et tous

Le dernier numéro volume 1, numéro 6, 7 décembre 2000 de : Le Carrefour
(bulletin du Carrefour québécois de développement local) vient de sortir.

Au sommaire
Le développement local : propager le virus ... page 1
Publication à venir au Carrefour ... page 1
Le Réseau québécois des Villes et Villages en santé
... page 2
Quoi de neuf?
* La Cyber-rencontre des milieux ruraux.
* Des nouvelles de la Matawinie.
* Nouveautés
... page 3
En bref
* Le Forum québecéois : une réussite !!!
* Appel aux jeunes pour le Conseil permanent de la jeunesse

... page 4
Rédaction : France Tardif et Marie-Claude Ménard.

J'en profite pour vous souhaiter un Joyeux Noël et une Bonne et Heureuse
Année 2001, la santé, l'harmonie et la réalisation des ses voeux les
plus chèrs.

Vous pouvez aussi utiliser « Dialogue local » pour faire circuler vos
informations à propos du développement local.

Au plaisir de vous lire

Robert Laroche

"Co-créer un monde dans lequel les individus ont le goût de participer"
Robert Dilts
Synergie Humaine et Organisationnelle SHO Inc.
949 avenue Casot, Québec, Québec, Canada, G1S 2Y2
Téléphone et télécopieur : 418-688-0751
Courriel :

Fecha - 13-12-00
Nombre: Inforegio
Comentarios: Las nuevas acciones de cooperación interregional
La Comisión presentó el 6 de noviembre su proyecto de
Comunicación sobre las acciones de cooperación interregional
previstas en el capítulo C de la Iniciativa comunitaria Interreg
III. Dichas acciones tendrán desde ahora un papel más concreto
en el marco general de la política regional europea: mejorarán
el impacto de los programas regionales de gran envergadura
financiados por la Unión Europea.

Las experiencias piloto de cooperación interregional llevadas a
cabo estos últimos años han demostrado que a las autoridades
regionales y locales les conviene intercambiar su "savoir faire"
y sus prácticas correctas. En el período 2000-2006 Interreg III
C será un medio privilegiado para fomentar toda forma de
cooperación entre autoridades regionales y locales de la Unión.
A éstas últimas, o a los organismos equivalentes, se les propone
cuatro marcos de actuación:

* el desarrollo regional y la reconversión económica y social,
previstos dentro de los Objetivos n°1 y n°2;

* la cooperación transfronteriza y la cooperación transnacional,
previstas en Interreg III A y B;

* el desarrollo urbano;

* los temas de las nuevas acciones innovadoras (Cf. Inforegio
News n° 77).

Los ámbitos de cooperación serán aquéllos de los programas de
desarrollo regional, por ejemplo la investigación, el desarrollo
tecnológico y las PYME, la sociedad de la información, el
turismo, la cultura y el empleo, el espíritu de empresa y el
medio ambiente. Sin embargo, la Comisión propone que también se
tengan en cuenta las características específicas regionales para
así facilitar la cooperación entre zonas montañosas, costeras,
insulares, ultraperiféricas o poco pobladas.

Tres tipos de actuaciones están previstos en el marco de
Interreg IIIC:

* mini-programas de cooperación implicando la realización de
varios proyectos que incluyan como mínimo tres regiones;

* cooperaciones destinadas a la realización de un proyecto único
en un sector particular;

* redes de intercambio de experiencias y de transferencias de
conocimientos técnicos.

Interreg IIIC concierne a todas las regiones de la Unión.
También pueden participar las regiones de los terceros países y,
más concretamente, de los países candidatos. La cobertura
geográfica de los programas de cooperación interregional podría
calcarse, por ejemplo, de las zonas transnacionales del capítulo
B de Interreg III, pero pueden cooperar también otras
autoridades exteriores a dichas zonas.

El texto completo del proyecto de Comunicación puede consultarse
en el sitio de Internet Inforegio


También puede solicitarse por correo electrónico: o fax: +32. 22966003

**Inforegio-Panorama** --
El primer número de la nueva revista trimestral
Inforegio-Panorama acaba de salir. Este nuevo soporte de
información dedicado a la política regional "pretende ser un
escaparate puesto a la disposición de los agentes sobre el
terreno que desean compartir sus experiencias, sus puntos de
vista, su creatividad y sus innovaciones", escribe en su
editorial Guy Crauser, Director General responsable de la
política regional en la Comisión. En el índice de este primer
número figuran entrevistas con el Comisario Michel Barnier y con
el director de desarrollo regional del Ministerio del Interior
finlandés, Veijo Kavonius, el testimonio del director del
Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia, en España, o
incluso un retrato de Lisboa y el balance del programa Terra en
favor de la ordenación territorial.

Inforegio-Panorama aparece en las once lenguas oficiales en el
sitio de Internet Inforegio

y se publica impreso en cinco lenguas (FR, EN, DE, ES e IT).

Un nuevo impulso para el Objetivo nº 1 en Francia
A finales del mes de octubre, la Comisión Europea aprobó los
proyectos de los Documentos únicos de programación (DOCUP) para
el desarrollo de Guadalupe, Martinica, Guayana, Córcega y tres
distritos de la región Nord-Pas-de-Calais en el marco del
Objetivo nº 1.

Los cinco nuevos programas describen la estrategia y las medidas
de desarrollo económico y social que la Unión Europea
cofinanciará en cada una de estas regiones hasta 2006. Cabe
recordar que el Objetivo nº 1 afecta en primer grado a los
Departamentos franceses de Ultramar. Córcega y los tres
distritos incluidos en Nord-pas-de-Calais se benefician con
ayudas de este objetivo en calidad de "ayuda transitoria",
puesto que ya no responden a los criterios de retraso de
desarrollo a escala comunitaria (PIB regional inferior al 75% de
la media).

La Comisión adoptará las decisiones definitivas relativas a
dichos programas tras haber obtenido el dictamen de los Comités
consultivos compuestos de representantes de los quince Estados
miembros. El programa de la Isla de la Reunión, que completa la
programación del Objetivo nº 1 en Francia, fue adoptado
definitivamente el 30 de octubre.

Se puede obtener información más detallada en los comunicados de
prensa señalados en la sección "Novedades" del sitio Inforegio


Regiones del Presupuesto Contribución de los
Objetivo nº 1 global* Fondos Estructurales*

Guadalupe 2 000 808,5
Martinica 1 681 674
Guayana 725 370
Córcega (ayuda transitoria) 365,6 181
(ayuda transitoria) 1 200 389

* En millones de euros.

Nuevos programas del Objetivo nº 2
La Comisión aprobó durante el mes de octubre varios proyectos de
Documentos únicos de programación (DOCUP) relativos a las zonas
en reconversión en cuatro Estados federados austríacos, cuatro
regiones suecas y en las islas Åland finlandesas.

Austria. Los cuatro programas de Carintia, Alta Austria, Baja
Austria y Estiria se caracterizan por una importante
participación del sector privado, con un 73% de promedio.
Numerosas medidas se destinan a favorecer la conexión en red de
las empresas y de otros agentes locales, la innovación y la
sociedad de la información. Dada la importancia del sector
turístico en estas regiones, se prevén asimismo medidas para
mejorar la calidad de los servicios y desarrollar nuevas ideas.

Suecia. Aproximadamente 1,2 millones de personas, es decir, el
14% de la población sueca, van a beneficiarse directa o
indirectamente de las nuevas medidas previstas para el
desarrollo y la reconversión de las regiones suecas de Norra,
Västra, Södra y Öarna. Entre estas medidas, la utilización de
las tecnologías modernas, la promoción de la innovación y la
difusión de la sociedad de la información desempeñarán un papel
fundamental para estimular el empleo y el espíritu de empresa,
diversificar la economía, mejorar la competitividad y el nivel
de las cualificaciones.

Finlandia. El DOCUP de las islas Åland prevé numerosas medidas
en favor de la competitividad de las pequeñas empresas a fin de
diversificar la economía de las 6 500 islas e islotes del
archipiélago situado en el mar Báltico. Se trata del tercer y
último programa del Objetivo nº 2 en Finlandia (cf. Inforegio
News n° 77).

Cabe recordar que los programas nacionales financiados por la
Unión Europea en pro de los recursos humanos (Objetivo nº 3), de
la pesca y del desarrollo rural pueden intervenir también en las
zonas en reconversión del Objetivo nº 2.

Las informaciones sobre el conjunto de los programas adoptados
por la Comisión pueden consultarse en el sitio Inforegio


Objetivo nº 2 Presupuesto Contribución de los
global* Fondos Estructurales*

Carintia 457,258 85,252
Alta Austria 718,855 121,871
Baja Austria 875,777 177,167
Estiria 1 138,970 215,467

Norra 628,906 185,000
Västra 430,740 124,500
Södra 320,208 83,500
Öarna 101,100 30,000

Islas Åland 22,320 4,560

* En millones de euros.

Fecha - 09-12-00
Nombre: Reforme
Al 8 de diciembre de 2000

Este espacio esta dedicado a promocionar las diversas ofertas de
empleo recibidas a traves de la Lista Reforme del CLAD. Para
cualquier informacion adicional, favor dirigirse al contacto
reseñado en este mensaje.


Programme: Assistant to the Director, Research Assistant
-Contacto: ICLEI European Secretariat
-Direccion: The International Council for Local Environmental
Initiatives (ICLEI), Eschholzstrasse 86, D-79115 Freiburg/
Germany, Fax: 0049-761/3689219

ICLEI's mission is to build and serve a world-wide movement of
local governments. This movement aims to achieve tangible
improvements in global environmental and sustainable development
conditions through cumulative local actions. 350 local
authorities and municipal associations have already joined ICLEI.
In Europe ICLEI works with more than 160 members from 28
countries. ICLEI's European Secretariat and International
Training Centre are located in Freiburg, Germany.

The European Secretariat of the International Council for Local
Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) intends to establish two
positions in its Eco-Procurement and Eco-Efficient Economy
Programme (ICLEI EPP). ICLEI EPP develops international
initiatives for local level integration of environmental and
economic aspects with a special regard to greener public
purchasing. Both positions are to commence on 1 February or 1
March 2001, are based in Freiburg (Germany), and form part of
a multidisciplinary team implementing a European project on the
environmental relief potentials of a green purchasing strategy.

A.1.- Assistant to the Director Eco-Procurement Programme

I.I.- Responsabilities:
- Maintaining and developing personal, political and scientific
contacts of the Director with project partners, participants of
the European Municipal Green Purchasers Network and relevant
national and international institutions in written and oral
- Logistical duties, such as database and archive management,
event organisation, calendar coordination, www maintenance and
mailing list administration.

A.2.- Research Assistant Eco-Procurement Programme

- Implementation of projects according to personal and academic
background, editing the EcoProcurar Magazine and the website,
presentation of ICLEI EPP to the outside.
- Logistical duties, such as database and archive management,
event organisation, calendar coordination, www maintenance and
mailing list administration.

II.- Qualifications required:

- Knowledge of environmental policy instruments and/or experience
with public administration.
- Academic degree in a relevant subject, such as environmental
sciences, economics, legal sciences or administrative sciences
(obligatory for research assistant) or other appropriate
qualification. Lawyers with a procurement background are
especially encouraged to submit their application. - Practical
experience in political representation, journalism, moderation
and/or event organisation. An active, dynamic, and
entrepreneurial approach to work is requested as well as social
competencies (team work ability, etc.).
- A very good command of English as the working language within
ICLEI is necessary; good German, and/or good Spanish, and/or
additional European languages an asset.
- Secure command of MS Office (Winword, Excel, Powerpoint).
Experience in electronic mailing list management and Web-editing,
as well as command of project management software would be

III.- Frame, Procedure, Timetable:

The positions are subject to the final approval of project
funding and limited to a duration of 20 months. Extention depends
on acquisition of project funding. Part-time work as well as an
upgrade of the position according to the candidate's abilities
are possible.

Please submit your application no later than 8 January 2001,
including CV and letter of motivation
* Para hacer contribuciones a REFORME escriba a:
* Si desea retirarse escriba un mensaje a "" con el
subject en blanco y que diga en la primera linea:
unsubscribe reforme "su direccion electronica"
* For contributions to REFORME send a message to:
* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
unsubscribe reforme "your mail address"
Fecha - 07-12-00
Nombre: Robert Laroche
Comentarios: À toutes et tous

Voici ce qu'une connaissance m'a transmis.

Robert Laroche


A vous tous et toutes,
Salutations du coeur,
En cette journée du souvenir de la tuerie à Polytechnique (Montréal), je
vous invite à revoir votre désir de
non-violence dans votre vie et à signer le Manifeste 2000 que vous
trouverez au site de l'Unesco.
Transmets aussi ce site à tes ami(e)s qui comme toi veulent s'engager à
vivre la non-violence dans
leur quotidien. C'est une bonne préparation à Noël et il me semble que
notre monde a bien besoin de
personnes qui s'engagent pour la PAIX.

Voici le site de l'UNESCO :
clique sur manifeste
remplis le petit
clique "j'envoie ma
et tu auras ton engagement à
ton nom

Bonne préparation à Noël !

"Co-créer un monde dans lequel les individus ont le goût de participer"
Robert Dilts
Synergie Humaine et Organisationnelle SHO Inc.
949 avenue Casot, Québec, Québec, Canada, G1S 2Y2
Téléphone et télécopieur : 418-688-0751
Courriel :

*Merci de co-développer ces dialogues locaux
**Pour s'abonner
***Vous avez une page web? Il est facile d'annoncer dialogue-local!

Fecha - 06-12-00
Nombre: Marie-Chistine Lacoste
Comentarios: Inventariando La Red -

Inventariando La Red
Consulta Regional de América Latina y el Caribe sobre Financiamiento del

Recuerde que si desea dar seguimiento al proceso de transición que se
vive en México acuda a

Consulta Regional de América Latina y el Caribe sobre Financiamiento del
Desarrollo Bogotá, D.C. Colombia, 9-10 de noviembre, 2000

"Esta consulta responde a la resolución 54/196 de la Asamblea General de
las Naciones Unidas, mediante la cual se decidió convocar, para el año
2001, una reunión intergubernamental de alto nivel sobre financiamiento
del desarrollo.Esperamos que las conclusiones de esta consulta regional
puedan plasmarse en un documento que recoja la visión de América Latina y
el Caribe, y que sirva como uno de los insumos fundamentales de la reunión
mundial" Presentación del Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL, Dr. José
Antonio Ocampo, durante la ceremonia de inauguración de la Consulta
Regional de América Latina y el Caribe sobre Financiamiento del Desarrollo

Contribución de los países de América Latina y el Caribe a la Reunión
Internacional Intergubernamental de Alto Nivel sobre la Financiación del
"Los representantes de los países de América Latina y el Caribe, reunidos
en la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia, los días 9 y 10 de noviembre de 2000
para la Consulta Regional de América Latina y el Caribe sobre
Financiamiento del Desarrollo, hemos aprobado la siguiente contribución
para la Reunión internacional ntergubernamental de alto nivel sobre la
financiación del desarrollo así como para el proceso preparatorio
sustantivo, previstos en la resolución 54/196 de la Asamblea General, del
22 de diciembre de 1999"

Crecer con estabilidad. El financiamiento del desarrollo en el nuevo
contexto internacional Este documento fue coordinado por José Antonio
Ocampo, Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL, con la colaboración de
Reynaldo Bajraj, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la Comisión Económica
para América Latina y el Caribe, y Andras Uthoff, Coordinador de la Unidad
de Estudios Especiales. En la redacción de los capítulos participaron
Manuel Agosin, Ricardo Ffrench-Davis, Luis Felipe Jiménez, Manuel Marfán,
Barbara Stallings y Daniel Titelman.

"Con contadas excepciones, los países de América Latina no alcanzaron en
los años noventa niveles de ahorro e inversión que permitieran sostener
altos ritmos de crecimiento económico. Asimismo, el diseño de las
políticas macroeconómicas les ha impreso un carácter procíclico. Este
hecho, unido a la debilidad de los marcos de regulación y supervisión de
los sistemas financieros nacionales, se ha reflejado en la inusitada
frecuencia de crisis financieras nacionales. Elevar el ahorro nacional y
la inversión, y diseñar políticas macroeconómicas que respondan a
horizontes de mediano y largo plazo, conjuntamente con la consolidación de
sistemas financieros nacionales estables y profundos, continúan siendo los
desafíos fundamentales de una estrategia viable de financiamiento para el
desarrollo. Aunque las tasas de ahorro e inversión tienden a ser elevadas,
en el caso
de los países del Caribe, no se reflejan en altos ritmos de crecimiento
económico. La alta relación marginal capital-producto
puede deberse tanto a las deseconomías de escala en la inversión que
afectan a estos países como a posibles ineficiencias en la inversión". El
estudio incluye los siguientes capítulos:

Portada, índice y resumen


El financiamiento del desarrollo en los años noventa

Promoviendo la estabilidad de los flujos de capital para el financiamiento
del desarrollo

Inserción comercial y acceso al mercado internacional de capitales

Movilización de recursos nacionales para el financiamiento del desarrollo

Panel 1
Prevención y el manejo de crisis externas: aspectos sistémicos y políticas

Panel 2
El acceso a recursos externos para el desarrollo

Panel 3
No disponible

Panel 4
Problemas de Sobreendeudamiento en América Latina.

Panel 5
Aspectos nacionales del financiamiento del desarrollo

Consulta Regional de América Latina y el Caribe sobre Financiamiento del
Bogotá, D.C. Colombia, 9-10 de noviembre, 2000
Inventariando la Red

Walter Farah
Inventariando la Red


Marie-Christine LACOSTE, Coordinadora de "RUMBOS",
Red de Investigadores Latinoamericanistas
Ciencias Humanas y Sociales sobre y de America Latina
Lenguas : Espanol, Frances, Ingles, Portugues
e.mail :

CNRS/GRAL (Groupe de Recherche sur l'Amérique Latine)
Maison de la Recherche, Université de Toulouse-le-Mirail
5, Allées Antonio Machado - 31058 Toulouse Cedex (France)
Tel. : 33 (0)5 61 50 43 08 (Répondeur)
Fax : 33 (0)5 61 50 49 25

Fecha - 05-12-00
Nombre: ICLEI
Comentarios: Dear colleagues,

Please find our latest job offers below. We would be happy if you
distributed and forwarded this information to whoever may be
interested in it. Please feel also free to feed it into mailing lists and
onto websites. I am looking forward to any feedback regarding
further distribution, and am happy to post your environment-related
openings on the ICLEI website!

Thank you,

Stefanie Lay
Office Manager


Sorry for cross-postings!

Job opening


The European Secretariat of the International Council for Local
Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) intends to establish two positions
in its Eco-Procurement and Eco-Efficient Economy Programme
(ICLEI EPP). ICLEI EPP develops international initiatives for local
level integration of environmental and economic aspects with a
special regard to greener public purchasing. Information on ICLEI
are available at, more specific on ICLEI EPP
} For further questions please feel
free to contact the Acting Director ICLEI EPP at
christoph.erdmenger@iclei- (no applications will be
accepted at this address) Both positions are to commence on 1
February or 1 March 2001, are based in Freiburg (Germany), and
form part of a multidisciplinary team implementing a European
project on the environmental relief potentials of a green purchasing
strategy. They include the following tasks:


- Maintaining and developing personal, political and scientific
contacts of the Director with project partners, participants of the
European Municipal Green Purchasers Network and relevant
national and international institutions in written and oral manner.

- Logistical duties, such as database and archive management,
event organisation, calendar coordination, www maintenance and
mailing list administration.


- Implementation of projects according to personal and academic
background, editing the EcoProcura® Magazine and the website,
presentation of ICLEI EPP to the outside.

- Logistical duties, such as database and archive management,
event organisation, calendar coordination, www maintenance and
mailing list administration.


- Knowledge of environmental policy instruments and/or experience
with public administration.

- Academic degree in a relevant subject, such as environmental
sciences, economics, legal sciences or administrative sciences
(obligatory for research assistant) or other appropriate qualification.
Lawyers with a procurement background are especially encouraged
to submit their application. - Practical experience in political
representation, journalism, moderation and/or event organisation.
An active, dynamic, and entrepreneurial approach to work is
requested as well as social competencies (team work ability,

- A very good command of English as the working language within
ICLEI is necessary; good German, and/or good Spanish, and/or
additional European languages an asset.

- Secure command of MS Office (Winword, Excel, Powerpoint).
Experience in electronic mailing list management and Web-editing,
as well as command of project management software would be

The positions are subject to the final approval of project funding and
limited to a duration of 20 months. Extention depends on
acquisition of project funding. Part-time work as well as an
upgrade of the position according to the candidate's abilities are

Please submit your application no later than 8 January 2001,
including CV and letter of motivation to:


International Environmental Agency - Movement -

ICLEI's mission is to build and serve a world-wide movement of
local governments. This movement aims to achieve tangible
improvements in global environmental and sustainable
development conditions through cumulative local actions. 350 local
authorities and municipal associations have already joined ICLEI.
In Europe ICLEI works with more than 160 members from 28

ICLEI's European Secretariat and International Training Centre are
located in Freiburg, Germany.

1. The International Environmental Agency for Cities, Towns, and
Counties Information Services. Members take advantage of
newsletters, guidebooks, research reports, best practice case
studies, exchange-of- experience and training opportunities,
international conferences, and information services on the World
Wide Web. Training and Conferencing. ICLEI's International
Training Centre organises the exchange of experience and helps
build the know-how of local government officials in their capacities
as policymakers and managers for environmental sustainability.
Consultancy. ICLEI experts provide strategic advice on the design
of sustainable development policies and technical support in the
design of environmental management instruments and the
implementation of programmes and projects.

2. The Association of Local Governments Membership. In
Europe, ICLEI has a growing membership of 150 local authorities
and municipal associations particularly dedicated to sustainable
development, as well as associate organisations. Advocacy. ICLEI
advocates for ICLEI members and campaign participants before
national and international governments, agencies, and
organisations in order to increase the understanding and support
for local environmental protection and sustainable development.
Alliances. ICLEI has established strategic alliances with other
international organisations, which concretely support the
achievement of the ICLEI mission.

3. The Movement for a Sustainable Future Local Agenda 21
Campaign. In Europe, ICLEI co-founded and supports the
European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign. The European
Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide has been published in 18
languages. The LA21 Guidance & Training Programme has offered
participation to dozens of local authorities. The European Local
Agenda 21 Roundtable convenes stakeholders in the LA21
process and national LA21 campaigns for strategic discussions.
Cities for Climate Protection Campaign. More than 100 European
cities form part of a world-wide movement of local governments
that adopt policies and implement measures to achieve
measurable reductions in local greenhouse gas emissions,
improve air quality, and enhance urban liveability and
sustainability. Water Campaign. ICLEI has started a worldwide
campaign of cities committed to a sustainable use of freshwater
resources by protecting environmental flows of water, reducing
water pollution, and improving the availability and efficiency of water
and sanitation services. Eco-Procurement Programme. More and
more procurement officers are joining the Municipal Green
Purchasers' Network to exchange information and experiences. A
series of EcoProcura® Congresses combined with eco-product
exhibitions offer opportunities for exchange between product
designers, producers, vendors and buyers. Environmental
Management Programme. ICLEI members are driving innovation in
the field of environmental management systems. They are
pioneering the development and application of new methods,
instruments and tools. The ecoBudget® model of environmental
budgeting is an outstanding example.

For more information:


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Fecha - 05-12-00
Nombre: Reforme
Al 4 de diciembre de 2000

Estimados amigos de la Lista Reforme:

Este servicio del CLAD tiene por finalidad poner a su disposicion
informacion actualizada sobre los eventos de proxima realizacion,
publicaciones recientes, convocatorias de interes, entre otras
informaciones remitidas tanto a la Lista como fuera de ella. Le
recordamos que, para conocer mayores detalles acerca de la
informacion reseñada, debe dirigirse directamente a las personas
y/o direcciones indicadas en cada caso.

El contenido de este mensaje esta organizado de acuerdo a las
siguientes categorias:


-Entidad: International Network for Urban Development (INTA)
-Descripcion: In the general framework of tourism economy, urban
tourism is in full expansion. In Europe only , urban tourism
represents 30% of journeys and 20% overnight stays. It is the
second destination in terms of journeys and the third in terms
of overnights. A large number of European cities are potential
tourist destinations. New economic impetus is created by
investments in urban regeneration, heritage conservation and
improving the quality of urban life to adapt the city to the
needs of visitors in terms of facilities, transport, events,
capitalisation of historical sites, etc.; but these changes
create complex decision making problems for city officials,
planners and developers, economic leaders and urban professionals
in general. Issues to be discussed include: Tourism as a
structural component of urban (re)development; From spontaneous
to planned tourist growth; Urban Transformation and new
territories for urban tourism; New technologies : their impact
on urban tourism development; Local Tourism Management;
Developing an Hospitable City; Investing in the urban tourist
sector: Private Strategies; Investing in the urban tourist
sector: Public Strategies; Impacts of Big Sporting Events on
Urban Tourism Policy
-Fecha: 20-22 de febrero de 2001
-Lugar: Italia
-Contacto: Michel Sudarskis, Secretary General, INTA-The
International Network for Urban Development, Nassau
Dillenburgstraat 44, 2596 AE The Hague, The Netherlands. Telf:
+31-703244526 Fax: +31-703280727 (

-Entidades: Asamblea Provincial del Poder Popular de la Ciudad
de la Habana, Gobierno Municipal de la Ciudad de la Habana y
Fundacion Americana para el Desarrollo.
-Descripcion: Se discutiran los siguientes temas: El desarrollo
local, la educacion y la salud en Iberoamerica; La organizacion
local en nuestros tiempos; Experiencia de Cuba en la
participacion ciudadana; La educacion como factor de desarrollo;
El papel de los educadores y el Estado en la formacion de los
estudiantes; Como organizar la comunidad, la salud y el
mejoramiento del nivel de vida de los habitantes; La salud y la
educacion en los paises iberoamericanos; El rol de los municipios
con las organizaciones de salud y educacion.
-Fecha: 18-25 de marzo de 2001.
-Lugar: Cuba
-Contacto: Edith Amador, Costa Rica, Telfax: (506) 2574942 /
2576167 ( ; Ernesto Rey Pino, Cuba,
Telf: 552886 / 552887

-Entidad: Universidad Autonoma de Mexico
-Descripcion: El temario propuesto es el siguiente: Globalizacion
y expansion metropolitana: Carlos de Mattos (Chile);
Reestructuracion, crecimiento y localizacion: Jorge Lotero
(Colombia); Estado, descentralizacion y gestion regional-local:
Jose Blanes (Bolivia); Sistemas productivos locales: Inmaculada
Cravaca (España); Desigualdades, pobreza y calidades de vida:
Danilo Veiga (Uruguay).
-Fecha: 2-4 de mayo de 2001
-Lugar: Argentina
-Contacto: Sergio Gonzalez Lopez, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico


Universidad del Zulia. Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y
Sociales, Maracaibo.
-Contacto: Prof. Caterina Clemenza de Araujo (Editora en jefe),
Instituto de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias
Economicas y Sociales, Universidad del Zulia, Ciudad
Universitaria "Dr. Antonio Borjas Romero", Nucleo Humanistico.
Avenida Goajira, Sector Ziruma, Maracaibo, Estado Zulia,
Venezuela. Apartado Postal 526. Telf. (5861)596580 / (5861)
596931 (


Las investigaciones en las areas economicas y empresariales
desarrolladas por el Instituto de Estudios para la Excelencia
Competitiva (IEEC) de Argentina, pueden encontrarse en los
Documentos de Investigacion Econdata. Dichos documentos abarcan
los siguientes temas: Informe Fiscal de Provincias y Municipios
de la Argentina; Informe Economico-Social de Provincias y
Municipios en Argentina; Tiempo Economico; Mercosur Outlook;
Informes y documentos especiales por Provincia y por area de
investigacion aplicada. El IEEC se ha orientado desde un
principio a satisfacer las necesidades de conocimientos en las
areas de Management, Logistica y Operaciones y Supply Chain
Management a un nivel de caracteristicas internacionales.
-Disponible en:
-Contacto. Ing. Ignacio Sanchez Chiappe, Director del IEEC

BOLETIN DE POLITICAS PUBLICAS, Año 1, No. 14 (Noviembre 2000)
Universidad Simon Bolivar, Funindes-USB, Unidad de Politicas
Publicas, Venezuela.
-Suscripcion: (
-Contacto: Prof. Marino Gonzalez (

NOVEDADES, Año II, No. 22 (Noviembre 2000)
Instituto Provincial de Administracion Publica (IPAP), Argentina
-Suscripcion: Enviar un mensaje a: (
con el subject en blanco que diga: suscribe Novedades "su
direccion electronica"
-Contacto: Informat (


El pasado dia 17 de noviembre se celebro la ceremonia de entrega
de los 1os. Premios Iberoamericanos de la Calidad en el
transcurso de la Cena de Estado que la Presidenta de la Republica
de Panama, Excma. Sra. Mireya Moscoso, ofrecio a los Jefes de
Estado y de Gobierno participantes en la X Cumbre Iberoamericana.
A la cena de Estado fueron invitadas las 18 organizaciones
candidatas a los 1os. Premios Iberoamericanos de la Calidad, asi
como las Organizaciones Nacionales Asociadas a FUNDIBEQ presentes
en Panama: Argentina, Chile, Colombia y Mexico.
La Declaracion Final de esta X Cumbre recoge textualmente:
"Destacamos la entrega, en el marco de esta Cumbre, de los
Premios Iberoamericanos a la Calidad del Programa Iberoamericano
de Gestion de la Calidad (FUNDIBEQ), por medio de los cuales se
promueven las excelencias en la gestion de la calidad de las
empresas iberoamericanas"
S.M. el Rey de España. D. Juan Carlos I, hizo entrega del 1er.
Premio, en la categoria "Organizacion Publica Grande", al Excmo.
Sr. Alcalde del Ayuntamiento de Esplugues de Llobregat (España),
D. Lorenzo Palacin. Asimismo, el Excmo. Sr. Presidente de la
Republica de Mexico, D. Ernesto Zedillo, entrego el 1er. Premio,
en la categoria "Organizacion Privada Grande", al Director
General de Vitro Fibras S.A. (Mexico), Sr. Federico Sada. Por su
parte, el Excmo. Sr. Presidente de la Republica de Chile, D.
Ricardo Lagos, hizo entrega del 1er. Premio, en la categoria
"Organizacion Privada Mediana", al Gerente General de Ascensores
Schindler (Chile) S.A., Sr. Manuel Segura.
La Fundacion Iberoamericana para la Gestion de la Calidad
( es una institucion sin animo de lucro,
integrada por organizaciones de 21 paises iberoamericanos, que
viene desarrollando, desde su constitucion en 1998, un amplio
abanico de actividades para impulsar la implantacion de criterios
de mejora permanente y competitividad en las organizaciones
iberoamericanas. Su Patronato lo preside D. Miguel Corsini.
Queda convocada la segunda edicion del Premio Iberoamericano de
la Calidad 2001, segun las Bases aprobadas por el Patronato de
FUNDIBEQ, y cuyos premios se entregaran en el marco de la XI
Cumbre que se celebrara en Lima, Peru.
-Contacto: Juan de la Rubia (,


En la semana del 20 al 25 de noviembre se realizo en Cartagena,
Colombia, la Cumbre Andina sobre Anticorrupcion, organizada por
la Fundacion para las Americas. Los primeros dos dias
consistieron en ciclos de ponencias y durante el resto de la
semana, en multiples sesiones de capacitacion para los
periodistas. Periodistas Frente a la Corrupcion (PFC) tuvo una
mesa en frente del salon donde se realizaron las ponencias.
Alli, se atendieron a los periodistas y organizaciones
interesadas en la anticorrupcion, describiendo las actividades
y servicios de PFC y como pueden aprovecharse y contribuir a
Hubo muchas discusiones sobre la corrupcion, la resistencia
gubernamental a la transparencia, y la inconsistencia o
resistencia de los medios a dar cobertura a la corrupcion. En
las ponencias, talleres y conversaciones privadas, se abordaron
muchos de los problemas que enfrentan los periodistas que
investigan y hacen reportajes sobre la corrupcion.
Para obtener copias de las ponencias y otros materiales de la
Cumbre pueden ponerse en contacto con Mariela Vallejo de la
Fundacion para las Americas ( En la pagina
web de PFC se puede encontrar el programa del evento y existe una
seccion denominada "Iniciativas Locales" que contienen ejemplos
de proyectos que pueden elaborar. Una de ellas, la Red Local de
PFC, tiene un presupuesto de menos de $100/mensual. Pues, esta
al alcance de casi todas las organizaciones de la sociedad civil
un acercamiento con estos periodistas que responde a las
necesidades que han señalado.
-Contacto: Linda Hemby, Coordinadora Periodistas Frente a la
Corrupcion (PFC) y Co-editora Revista Probidad

Diana Acosta
Administradora de la Lista Reforme
* Para hacer contribuciones a REFORME escriba a:
* Si desea retirarse escriba un mensaje a "" con el
subject en blanco y que diga en la primera linea:
unsubscribe reforme "su direccion electronica"
* For contributions to REFORME send a message to:
* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
unsubscribe reforme "your mail address"
Fecha - 04-12-00
Nombre: Proyecto social


Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil:
Responsabilidad Social, Desafíos y

19 y 20 de Abril del 2001


La Universidad Católica de Córdoba y la
Fundación Juan Minetti en el marco del
Convenio de Cooperación
Interinstitucional para la realización
de acciones de docencia, asistencia
técnica e investigación orientadas al
desarrollo y consolidación de los
sistemas colectivos de reconocimiento
social y visualizando la importancia de
contribuir al proceso de fortalecimiento
del sector social organizado convocan a:

académicos, investigadores,
profesionales, técnicos, estudiantes de
carreras afines y actores involucrados
en la investigación y el desarrollo de
las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil
para presentar propuestas de trabajos
para el II Encuentro de Investigación y
Desarrollo del Sector Social a
realizarse los días Jueves y Viernes 19
y 20 de Abril del 2001 en la Ciudad de


Casi a finales del Siglo XX, la inmensa
mayoría de hombres y mujeres del mundo
trabajan por consolidar la participación
ciudadana democrática en cada uno de los
ámbitos de su vida cotidiana.
Al compás de una progresiva
transformación y complejización de la
sociedad han ido surgiendo nuevas formas
de solidaridad y acción colectiva
coherentes con las necesidades y
problemáticas que las costumbres y
tiempos sociales fueron imponiendo. Las
denominadas Organizaciones de la
Sociedad Civil, Tercer Sector o Sector
sin fines de lucro emergen en este
contexto como actor colectivo con grados
relativos de visibilidad interviniendo
en casi todas las áreas y portando un
nuevo código simbólico de lo que
significa "hacer sociedad".

Objetivos del Encuentro

Ø Fortalecer la red de académicos y
actores involucrados en el desarrollo
del Tercer Sector.

Ø Promover la reflexión académica del
trabajo teórico y práctico que realizan
los actores vinculados al Sector Social
en Argentina.

Ø Incentivar la generación de trabajos
de investigación y estudios de casos
sobre el sector.

Ejes temáticos

· Factores internos y externos que
inciden en el desarrollo y consolidación
del tercer sector.
· Nuevas estrategias de vinculación con
el sector público (políticas públicas y
tercer sector).
· Desarrollo tecnológico y tercer
· Universidad y tercer sector.
· Estrategias de sustentabilidad (casos
· Estrategias para desarrollo de fondos
(casos exitosos).

Presentación y Selección de Trabajos

La realización del Encuentro prevee la
exposición de ponencias basados en
trabajos de investigación y desarrollo
referentes a Organizaciones de la
Sociedad Civil Argentina. Las mismas
estarán organizadas en paneles temáticos
durante los días de extensión del
Encuentro estableciéndose una duración
de 15 minutos para cada exposición y 10
minutos para preguntas de los
asistentes. Podrán ser estudios de
casos, resultados de investigaciones
empíricas, estudios comparativos,
resultados de trabajos de campo y su
consiguiente reflexión teórica, siempre
y cuando se enmarquen dentro de los ejes

Los interesados podrán enviar el
abstract de su trabajo hasta el día 18
de Diciembre de 2000. Los mismas serán
evaluados por un equipo de académicos de
acuerdo a criterios prestablecidos.

Los abstracts deberán tener un máximo de
300 palabras y podrán ser enviadas por
correo, fax o e-mail a:

Encuentro de Investigación y Desarrollo
del Sector Social
Instituto de Ciencias de la
Universidad Católica de Córdoba
Obispo Trejo 323, 1° Piso.
C.P.: 5000 - Ciudad de Córdoba

Los autores de los trabajos
seleccionados serán comunicados a más
tardar el 10 de febrero del 2001.

Informes e inscripción:

Instituto de Ciencias de la
Administración - UCC
Obispo Trejo 323 - 1° Piso
Te/Fax: 0351 - 4213213 / 0351 - 4217800

Fecha - 02-12-00
Nombre: Sergio Llari
Comentarios: Por el presente invitamos a Ud al Encuentro para la Construccion de la Red
de Empresas Sociales Argentinas a realizarse el día 2 de Diciembre en la
Universidad Maimonides.
Las Empresas Sociales comparten :
§ Una concepcion basada en el compromiso social y voluntad de formar
espacios solidarios
§ Son organizaciones que producen bienes y/o servicios destinados al mercado
§ Reinvierten los beneficios en una finalidad social
§ Responden a un modelo de gestión democrática
§ Producen respetando el medio ambiente
§ Generan puestos de trabajo acorde a las potencialidades individuales
§ Mantienen un compromiso con la comunidad en la que se encuentran y/o
realiza sus actividades
Convocamos al Encuentro un conjunto de actores sociales pertenecientes a
organismos publicos y privados, interesados en que las llamadas Empresas
Sociales se consoliden, desarrollen y tengan un marco juridico adecuado.
Nos une la necesidad de participar en politicas activas para el desarrollo,
de crear espacios de cogestion: Estado + organizaciones del tercer sector +
empresas sociales.
Pretendemos fortalecer tejidos socioeconomicos autonomos y equitativos,
estructuras economicamente viables, ambientalmente sostenibles,
culturalmente respetuosas y socialmente justas, priorizando al ser humano y
al medio ambiente.

La convocatoria es de caracter abierto y participativo (por favor reenvie
esta informacion a otras instituciones que Uds conozcan), las direcciones
para la inscripción son:
Via internet:,

Vía fax: (011) 48130247 ó 4452-8646

Adjuntamos el Programa de Actividades

Sin mas y en espera de que algun miembro de vuestra organizacion nos
acompañe, saludo a Ud. muy atte.
Lic. Patricia E. Fernandez

Programa de Actividades

08:30 - 09:30 Inscripción
09:30 - 09:45 Presentación y encuadre
A cargo de Petro Pereira en representación de REDESA
09:45 -10:30 Experiencias Argentinas
* Analía Broide - Empresas Sociales y Salud Mental - Río Negro.
* Pablo Piñeiro - IMPA - Cooperativa de Trabajo Metalúrgica,
Plástica y Cultural
* Liliana Chamó - Asesora Unidad Financiamiento Internacional -
Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Medio Ambiente
10:30 - 10:45 Receso
10:45 - 12:00 Experiencias Europeas y Modalidades de Cooperación
Técnica sobre Empresa Social
*Roberto Bensi - Coordinador Programa PICT- Embajada de Italia
*Anna Daga - Coordinadora de COSPE - ONG Italiana de
Cooperación y Desarrollo Experiencias Argentinas
*Patricia Fernández - GESOL - Mutual para la Generación de
Empleo y la Gestión Solidaria.
*Alicia Arrastua - Consorcio Productivo Integración -Talleres
Protegidos de Producción
*Enrique Chapel - Cooperativa de Productores de Pieles de
Chinchilla de Pcia. de Bs.As. Ltda.
*Marta Frontini - Los Pibes de Mama -Cooperativa Panificadora
con chicos en situación de alto riesgo.
12:00 - 12:05 Encuadre
12:05 - 13:00 División en grupos por talleres
Encuadre y presentación de los participantes
13:00 - 14:00 Almuerzo en el lugar
14:00 - 16:00 Talleres
16:00 - 16:15 Receso
16:15 - 18:00 Fin de los talleres. Conclusiones y propuestas
18:00 - 18:10 Café al paso
18:10 - 19:00 Plenario de lectura de conclusiones y propuestas.
19:00 - 19:30 Redacción. Actividad grupal
19:30 - 20:00 Lectura final en asamblea
20:00 - 21:00 Fiesta

Fecha - 02-12-00
Nombre: Marie-Christine Lacoste
Comentarios: Conference 2001
Anthropological Perspectives on Rights, Claims and Entitlements
University of Sussex, March 30-April 2, 2001

Conference Organizers:
Richard Wilson, Jon Mitchell, University of Sussex

In the 1990s there was a dramatic expansion in the language of 'rights' or
entitlement in negotiations between individuals, social groups on the one
hand and national states or supra-national bodies on the other. Processes
of globalisation have led to rights discourses being widely adopted by
local social actors across the world, and rights talk transformed the
perameters of discourse in new domains of political struggle such as
children's rights, reproductive rights, animal rights, and ecological

The hegemonic status of the model of rights has had complex and
contradictory implications for groups who articulate their claims in its
terms. Notions of rights and entitlement have become a key site of
contestation and reinterpretation of meanings, and are not adopted or
resisted (or just ignored) in a uniform manner. How are
political claims transformed through their interaction with the
technocratic consciousness and legal rationalities of state or
international bureaucracies? Has the neo-liberal language of individual
and choice replaced more social science-informed notions of 'personhood'
and 'agency'? How do social movements seek to alter the direction of
social change through their rhetorical invocations of civil society,
citizenship, or human rights? What are the unintended consequences of
claims, which previously may have had a more politically ideological tone,
in the technical and legalist language of rights and entitlements? How are
more established political identities (such as social class) refashioned,
and by what processes have more recent identities-such as indigenous
peoples- emerged alongside reformulations of 'group rights' or 'minority

The ubiquity of rights discourses and practices, and their diverse
implications for the nature of political discourse make it more necessary
than ever to build upon existing anthropological work in this area, and to
contribute to wider interdisciplinary debates. This requires a theoretical
re-examination of normative liberal conceptions of human rights
and citizenship, in conjunction with empirical studies of political
processes connecting regions, nation-states and transnational
organisations. Claimants seeking to enjoy their rights to social goods are
increasingly involved in legal and political processes transcending
nation-state boundaries.
There has been much discussion in the political science and sociological
literature on globalisation and its implications for the ability of 'civil
society' organisations to pursue their claims, but few studies which
examine a range of connections within global networks. Thus there is a
challenge here for anthropologists to offer explanations of why the
language of rights and entitlement has become dominant, and what the
implications are for the wider problematic of power in the
relationships between diverse agents and institutions.

This conference will bring together international scholars engaged in
research that explores the anthropological and ethnographic implications of
rights, claims and entitlements. Panels and Participants include:

Keynote Speaker
Alain Touraine

Reproductive Rights
Jeanette Edwards

Human Rights
Richard Wilson

People and the State
Jon Mitchell

Poverty, Economic Rights and Social Justice
John Gledhill

Intellectual and Cultural Property Rights
Marilyn Strathern/Mike Rowlands

Indigenous Cultural Rights
Bob Layton

Multiculturalism & Transnationalism
Ralph Grillo/Thomas Eriksen

Fecha - 02-12-00
Nombre: Proyecto social
Comentarios: Objetivos del Encuentro

Ø Fortalecer la red de académicos y
actores involucrados en el desarrollo
del Tercer Sector.

Ø Promover la reflexión académica del
trabajo teórico y práctico que realizan
los actores vinculados al Sector Social
en Argentina.

Ø Incentivar la generación de trabajos
de investigación y estudios de casos
sobre el sector.

Ejes temáticos

· Factores internos y externos que
inciden en el desarrollo y consolidación
del tercer sector.
· Nuevas estrategias de vinculación con
el sector público (políticas públicas y
tercer sector).
· Desarrollo tecnológico y tercer
· Universidad y tercer sector.
· Estrategias de sustentabilidad (casos
· Estrategias para desarrollo de fondos
(casos exitosos).

Presentación y Selección de Trabajos

La realización del Encuentro prevee la
exposición de ponencias basados en
trabajos de investigación y desarrollo
referentes a Organizaciones de la
Sociedad Civil Argentina. Las mismas
estarán organizadas en paneles temáticos
durante los días de extensión del
Encuentro estableciéndose una duración
de 15 minutos para cada exposición y 10
minutos para preguntas de los
asistentes. Podrán ser estudios de
casos, resultados de investigaciones
empíricas, estudios comparativos,
resultados de trabajos de campo y su
consiguiente reflexión teórica, siempre
y cuando se enmarquen dentro de los ejes

Los interesados podrán enviar el
abstract de su trabajo hasta el día 18
de Diciembre de 2000. Los mismas serán
evaluados por un equipo de académicos de
acuerdo a criterios prestablecidos.

Los abstracts deberán tener un máximo de
300 palabras y podrán ser enviadas por
correo, fax o e-mail a:

Encuentro de Investigación y Desarrollo
del Sector Social
Instituto de Ciencias de la
Universidad Católica de Córdoba
Obispo Trejo 323, 1° Piso.
C.P.: 5000 - Ciudad de Córdoba

Los autores de los trabajos
seleccionados serán comunicados a más
tardar el 10 de febrero del 2001.

Informes e inscripción:

Instituto de Ciencias de la
Administración - UCC
Obispo Trejo 323 - 1° Piso
Te/Fax: 0351 - 4213213 / 0351 - 4217800

Fecha - 02-12-00
Nombre: Reforme
Al 01 de diciembre de 2000.

El CLAD tiene el agrado de anunciar la apertura del espacio
semanal dedicado a la difusion de propuestas de servicios de
asesoria y consultoria, provenientes de instituciones y
suscriptores, relacionadas con las areas de interes de la lista.
Para realizar contribuciones al respecto, dirija un mensaje a , remitiendonos un texto no mayor de dos
paginas, sin attachment, ni imagenes, ni columnas, donde se
especifique lo siguiente:
*Para ofertas institucionales de servicio: Nombre de la
organizacion; Antecedentes; Ubicacion geografica; Mision;
Servicios que ofrece; Informacion adicional; Datos de contacto.
*Para ofertas personales de servicio: Nombre completo;
Nacionalidad; Resumen curricular (en 3ra. persona); Servicios que
ofrece; Datos de contacto.

CENTRE (LGTC), Cameroon++++++++++++++++++++++++++

1) History
The Local Government Training Centre (LGTC) was set up in1969
with the support of the British Government and the structure and
training programs were modeled on Local Government Training
Institutions in Britain (at that time). LGTC was reorganized in
1977 by Decree No. 77-494 of 7 December 1977, and was made a
public establishment endowed with a legal status and financial
autonomy. It is placed under the supervisory authority of the
Ministry of Territorial Administration.
2) Location
LGTC is located in Buea, which is the administrative headquarters
of the South West Province of the Republic of Cameroon.
3) Mission
The mission of LGTC is to provide training, further training and
refresher courses for:
- the administrative and technical staffs of councils, council
unions and council establishments;
- the personnel with supervisory powers over councils;
- the personnel of the civil status registries.
The Centre also offers off-site training programs (seminars,
symposia, colloquia, conferences) and advisory/consultancy
services to 340 councils in Cameroon. The Centre works with local
and international partners interested in local capacity building
in Cameroon and the Central African Sub-region. LGTC is the only
institution in and one of the few in Africa, specialised in the
training of local government staffs.
4) Courses
Regular courses offered in LGTC are divided into 3
-Cycle I provides two-year specialized training courses for
senior staffs of councils (Municipal Finance, Municipal
Administration, Municipal Development);
-Cycle II provides two-year general training courses for junior
and intermediate staffs;
-Cycle III provides three-month refresher/further training
courses for all categories of council staffs
5) Teaching Approach
The training approach is based on adult teaching (andragogy)
involving lectures, syndicate work, peer discussions, exchange
of experiences and attachments to local governments.
6) Human Resources
The tutorial staff of LGTC comprises 16 permanent and 22
part-time lecturers.
7) Financial Resources
LGTC is funded by: Contributions from the Special Council Support
(FEICOM); Contributions from the trainees; Contributions from
Subsidies from the State; Gifts and donations.
8) Institutional Structures
The LGTC complex covers an area of 4 hectares and comprises:
Two administrative Blocks for offices; Three academic blocks for
classes; Two residential halls for students; One assembly hall
of about 150 seats; One sitting room; One kitchen and dinning
hall; One infirmary; Sports facilities; etc.,

+++++++++++ ELIAS NDIFOR AYANJI, Subdirector,
Local Government Training Centre+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Elias Ndifor Ayanji is a Trainer/Researcher at the Local
Government Training Centre, Buea, Cameroon. He holds a
Postgraduate Diploma (with recommendation) in Urban Management
and Human Resource Development from the Institute for Housing and
Urban Development Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He
also holds a Certificate (at excellent level) in Human Resource
Management and Development from the Pan-African Institute for
Development, West Africa, Buea, Cameroon. He has a ten-year work
experience. His areas of interest include: Good Governance in
Municipal Organizations (decentralization, municipal sector
reforms, capacity building, fight against municipal malfeasance,
human resource management, etc.); Resource Mobilization for Local
Government ; Organization and Monitoring of Municipal Elections;
Local Government Working in Partnership with Non Governmental
Organisations. He is also the editor of the Manual on Municipal
Management in Cameroon published by the Local Government Training

For more information, contact
Elias Ndifor Ayanji
Sub Director
Local Government Training Centre
PMB 08
Buea, S.W.P
Tel. 237 97 74 48 / 237 32 23 35 Fax 237 32 20 45
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Fecha - 01-12-00
Nombre: do not
Comentarios: Building Interactive Online Public Spaces in Local Communities
Tues, Dec. 5, 12:30 p.m. - Brown Bag Lunch @ Benton Foundation

Are you interested in creating online spaces for discussion of
local public issues in the cities and neighborhoods across
the Washington DC Metropolitan area? Do you want those
discussions to matter in real-world community affairs?

Join Steven Clift, Rick Birmingham and other E-Democracy volunteers
as they share the history and lessons from one of America's most
recognized political and community-oriented online volunteer
initiatives - Minnesota E-Democracy .
Help us plant the seeds of powerful and useful online citizen
participation in local communities across the United States.
Whether you are looking for tips to bring to your existing
community online project or want to start an e-mail discussion
list with your neighbors, this event is for you.

Below are some suggested articles that provide background on the
strategic e-mail approach. Come ready to share your stories and

Details - Time, Date, Place, RSVP

Tuesday, December 5, 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
** Brown Bag Lunch - Bring Your Lunch and Drink **
Benton Foundation - Conference Room
950 18th Street, N.W.
Washington DC 20006

** To RSVP, join our temporary e-mail announcement list by
sending an e-mail to:

We will do a round of short virtual introductions before the meeting.
Those who cannot make it in-person are encouraged to join. Depending upon
the interest, we will explore telephone participation options.

Special thanks to the Benton Foundation
for hosting this brown bag lunch event. Contact David Weiner
with questions about the venue and Steven Clift
if you have specific questions about the event.

Suggested Reading:

Start an Online Commons (Shortest)

E-Democracy Thrives in Winona Minnesota (Shorter)

A Wired Agora: Minneapolis, Citizen Participation, the Internet and
Squirrels (Less than Short, Or is that Shorter than Long?)

E-Democracy E-Book: 7 - Building Civic Life Online (Short Part of
Something Way Too Long)

^ ^ ^ ^
Steven L. Clift - W:
Minneapolis - - - E:
Minnesota - - - - - T: +1.612.822.8667
USA - - - - - - - ICQ: 13789183

Networking Neighborhoods Forum - Use of Internet in Local Areas

To Post a message, send it to:

To Unsubscribe, send a blank message to:

To Read archived messages and change viewing options (receive messages in email, digest forum, or web)

Please sign all posts with your real name, e-mail address, and city/state/country

Fecha - 30-11-00
Nombre: Enrique Bernardo
Comentarios: Mi querido/a amigo/a:

Como cada año, y tras 10 años de andadura de la Unión Iberoamericana de Municipalistas, me es muy grato presentarte el Plan de Cooperación Internacional de la UIM para el año 2001.

Desde nuestra organización pretendemos articular un conjunto de acciones que, huyendo de lo coyuntural y de lo ocasional, sean capaces de plasmar la filosofía de la Organización y coadyuvar al fortalecimiento del Gobierno local, que venimos reivindicando en el ámbito Iberoamericano como un medio para resolver los problemas de la acción pública a favor del ciudadano.

En dicho Plan de Cooperación podrás encontrar la información precisa sobre los Programas que la UIM tiene previstos para el próximo año:

Programas de Formación Superior.

Programas de Información y Documentación Municipal en Iberoamérica.

Programas de Asistencia Técnica.

Además, podrás encontrar la Convocatoria de Becas UIM, cuya fecha límite de presentación de instancias será el día 1 de marzo del 2001, así como el texto y otras informaciones de interés para nuestra organización, para lo que debes pinchar en la siguiente dirección electrónica:

Como siempre, para cualquier otro asunto puedes ponerte en contacto con nosotros en la siguiente dirección electrónica:

Actualmente dicho Plan se encuentra en imprenta para su edición y esperamos poder disponer del mismo en unos 15 o 20 días por lo que, si precisas del mismo, nos lo puedes solicitar para su envío a donde nos indiques.

En espera de que este Plan de Cooperación para el año 2001 sea de tu interés y agradeciéndote tu atención, recibe nuestro más cordial saludo.



Fecha - 30-11-00
Nombre: Ernest Rukangira
Comentarios: Africa Network launched on water and land policies
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 11:59:27 -0500
From: "Rosalie Gardiner"
Reply-To: "Rosalie Gardiner"
To: "Mountain Forum - Africa"

not an official document

Network launched to enhance coordination of water and land policies in Africa

Bonn, 28 November 2000 - Enhanced regional collaboration and the harmonization of policies for land and water management will be at the core of the launching meeting, tomorrow in Accra, Ghana, of the regional network for the "Integrated management of international river, lake and hydrogeological basins".

Few days before the fourth session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNCCD (Bonn, 11-22 December), the meeting takes place in the context of the Regional Action Programme (RAP) to combat desertification in Africa. It is organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology of Ghana, by the Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), in collaboration with the FAO Regional Office for Africa and with the financial support of Canada, Finland, Italy and Norway.

At the end of the Accra meeting, on Friday 1 December, representatives of specialized regional and sub-regional institutions of Africa, international organizations, non- governmental organizations and development cooperation partners are expected to adopt a common programme of work to address an issue of increasing concern for the region, as well as at the global level.

Although endowed with immense renewable natural resources, in particular water and land, African countries are faced today with worsening environmental problems with heavy economic, social and political consequences.

Africa accounts for 80 international rivers; 17 rivers with catchment areas greater than 100,000 kmq; more than ten basins each shared by over four countries; more than 160 lakes larger than 27 kmq; vast wetlands, and limited but widespread ground waters. Such resources are essential for agriculture development which accounts for 34% of the region's GDP, over 70% of its labor force and 40% of its exports.

However, the continent is faced today with problems such as water resource pollution and increasing scarcity; land degradation and desertification; recurring droughts; lack of agreements, or over regulations, on transboundary waters; and lack of cross sectoral and international coordination.

Watershed degradation caused by poor land use (uncontrolled woodfuel collection, land clearing, poor cultivation methods, and overgrazing) is altering hydrologic factors and increasing the vulnerability of important watersheds.

In this framework, specialized institutions and organizations will agree at the Accra meeting on the next course of action. In particular, they will define modalities to ensure coherence for more effective implementation of national and sub-regional action programmes and priority activities, facilitate the exchange of information and data, as well as technology transfer and adaptation through scientific and technical cooperation.

They will further address practical modalities for inter- institutional and inter-agency collaboration, the respective roles of each of the participants to the network, and propose means of financial and institutional support.

A total of six Thematic Programme Networks (TPNs) will be launched in the context of the Regional Action Programme for Africa, as identified and approved during the first Panafrican Conference on the implementation of the CCD (Burkina Faso 1997). These networks represent an operational tool to concretize regional cooperation on specific programme areas, bringing together institutions, organizations and other interested partners for more effective consultations, coordination and harmonization of policies and strategies.

Note to journalists: For more information, please contact
Rajeb Boulharouf, UNCCD spokesperson, at (49-228) 8152810,
email rboulharouf@, or Sonia Filippazzi, tel (39-
06) 57052899, fax (49-228) 8152899 email sfilippazzi@ Additional information is available at:

.Please feel free to send your input to:
.Please join by sending a blank e-mail to:
.To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
.Primary languages used: English, Français and Español

Fecha - 29-11-00
Nombre: Developmentdialogue
Comentarios: Greetings from the Coady Institute in Nova Scotia, Canada.

My name is Sue Adams, and I am fortunate to be the
Institute's librarian. Coady is celebrating its 40th year as
a centre for participatory approaches to community-based
development. Over the years nearly 4000 development workers
from 120 countries have participated in our training
programs in Community-Based Development, Microfinance,
Management of NGOs and the like.

This year we are initiating a new Certificate in Managing
NGO Resource Centres.

The Certificate program will provide participants with the
opportunity to gain or improve skills in managing
information, as well as to analyse the dynamics of
indigenous knowledge, appropriate media, information sharing
and networking. During the program participants will develop
an action plan for their resource centre's contribution to
the community-based development, information and education
strategies of their organization.

This unique three-week program is intended for those
actively working in, or planning to establish, a resource
centre. The workshop format will emphasize the active
exchange of ideas among participants within a collaborative
learning environment. Participants will also have access to
excellent information technology facilities. Registration
will be limited to 25 participants.

DATES: May 14 - June 8, 2001
VENUE: Antigonish, NS, CANADA
Tel: (+1) (902) 867-3953 Fax: (+1) (902) 867-3907

Perhaps you may know someone who would be interested in this
program. I would sincerely appreciate you passing this
message along as you see fit.

All best wishes,

Sue Adams

.Please feel free to send your input to:>
.Please join by sending a blank e-mail to:
.To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
.Primary language used: English, Français and Español

Fecha - 29-11-00
Nombre: Jevoen Van Alphen
Comentarios: "Tourism in the City: opportunity for regeneration and development"

INTA - the International Network for Urban Development, organises in Turin,
Italy from 20 to 22 February 2001 an international conference hosted by the
City of Turin with the support of The Piedmont Region, The Province and the
Chamber of Commerce. In Turin, INTA will pursue the debate opened in Madrid
in 1999 on the strategic conditions which can assist cities to revitalise
their territory and their economy, through a coherent tourism policy.

In the general framework of tourism economy, urban tourism is in full
expansion. In Europe only , urban tourism represents 30% of journeys and 20%
overnight stays. It is the second destination in terms of journeys and the
third in terms of overnights. A large number of European cities are
potential tourist destinations. New economic impetus is created by
investments in urban regeneration, heritage conservation and improving the
quality of urban life to adapt the city to the needs of visitors in terms of
facilities, transport, events, capitalisation of historical sites, etc.; but
these changes create complex decision making problems for city officials,
planners and developers, economic leaders and urban professionals in

Turin, a city born in the 16th century made its mark on the present century
as the industrial capital of Italy; a city that today, faces the crisis of
de-localisation of manufacturing industry; a city that is ready once again
to re-invent itself, discovering the pride of its past, maintaining its
technological vocation and strengthening the awareness of its European role
said Valentino Castellani, Mayor of Turin

Issues to be discussed include:
. Tourism as a structural component of urban (re)development
. From spontaneous to planned tourist growth
. Urban Transformation and new territories for urban tourism
. New technologies : their impact on urban tourism development
. Local Tourism Management
. Developing an Hospitable City
. Investing in the urban tourist sector: Private Strategies
. Investing in the urban tourist sector: Public Strategies
. Impacts of Big Sporting Events on Urban Tourism Policy

The conference takes place over 3 days with 5 plenaries, 4 parallel
workshops, debate sessions and technical visits with ample time devoted to
debate and exchange of experiences.

Speakers invited include:
Abel Enguita, CEIM, Madrid
Amedeo Ottaviani, President ENIT, Rome
Amina Ben Hadid, SCET, Tunis
Amos Ron, Chairman MetroNet, Tel Aviv
Anna Torraco, Secretary General, Donne del Mediterraneo, Genoa
Antonio Centi, ANCI, Rome
Claudine Barçon, French Tourist Engineering, Paris
Curt Cottle, Heritage Tourism, Columbia, SC
Director for Tourism, City of Krakow
Director for Tourism, City of The Hague
Domenico Carpanini, Deputy Mayor in charge of Tourism, Turin
Elizabeth Johnson, William Watson, Centre for Urban Environment, Trenton
Francesco Nachira, General Directorate for R&D, European Commission,
Gérard Brémond, President, Pierres et Vacances, Paris
Gerardo Diaz Ferrán, Vice President, CEIM, Madrid
Giovanni Zavagli, Director, Hotel Development Italy, Group Accor, Milano
Giuseppe Barolo, European Federation of Historical Shows
Hisashi B. Sugaya, ICOMOS Committee on Cultural Tourism, Paris
Ignazio de Delas, Tourism of Barcelona
Iosep Ejarque, Turismo Torino
Jeffrey Cutajar, Director, Malta Tourism Authority
José Manuel Galindo Cueva, Madrid Chamber of Commerce
Jean-Pierre Lozato-Giotart, Laboratoire d'analyse spatiale, Paris
Klaus Lindemann, Director, Stuttgart Marketing
Lis Phelan, Deputy Chief Executive, Marketing Manchester
Luís Paixao Martins, Board of Directors, Lisbon Tourist Promotion
Manuel Valenzuela, Professor, University of Madrid
Mara Manente, Director CISET, Venice
Martin Brackenbury, President, International Federation of Tours Operatorss
Maureen McAllister, Tourism Manager, Birmingham City Council
Michela Valentini, Cities of Art .
Mostafa Abbaszadegan, Professor, University of Tehran
Ole Warberg, Director for Tourism, City of Bergen
Pablo Otaola, Bilbao Ria 2000
Paolo Avarello, National Planning Institute, Rome
Paolo Corradini, Managing Director, Investments in Turin and Piedmont
Paolo Gentiloni, Deputy Mayor in charge of Tourism, Rome
Paolo Rota, Director Turin's Committee for the 2006 Winter Olympics.
Paul D'Arelli, Associate, Greenberg Traurig, Fort Lauderdale
Paul Jorgensen, Ellerbe-Beckett, Kansas City
Pierre-Yves Tesse, Chamber of Commerce Lyon
Richard Bifield, London, European Union of Tourist Officers
Stefano Landi, Department of Tourism, Ministry of Industry, Italy
Steve Inch, Director for Development and Regeneration, Glasgow
Valentino Castellani, Mayor of Turin
Waleed Al Hemaidi, Riyadh
Wolfgang Ebert, President, German Society of Industrial Archaeology,

For registration and further information call or contact INTA Secretariat

Michel Sudarskis
Secretary General
INTA - The International Network for Urban Development
Nassau Dillenburgstraat 44
2596 AE The Hague
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-70-3244526
Fax: +31-70-3280727

Fecha - 28-11-00
Nombre: Reforme
Al 27 de noviembre de 2000

Estimados amigos de la Lista Reforme:

Este servicio del CLAD tiene por finalidad poner a su disposicion
informacion actualizada sobre los eventos de proxima realizacion,
publicaciones recientes, convocatorias de interes, entre otras
informaciones remitidas tanto a la Lista como fuera de ella. Le
recordamos que, para conocer mayores detalles acerca de la
informacion reseñada, debe dirigirse directamente a las personas
y/o direcciones indicadas en cada caso.

El contenido de este mensaje esta organizado de acuerdo a las
siguientes categorias:


Instituto de Desarrollo Regional del Rosario, Argentina, que
contiene informacion detallada acerca de todas las actividades
desarrolladas por la Fundacion desde 1996 hasta hoy; varias
secciones ligadas a la realidad economica, politica y social del
Area Metropolitana de Rosario; informacion sobre las
oportunidades de negocios y una amplia base de datos de las
empresas regionales, ordenadas por rubros productivos.
Finalmente, la pagina contiene reportajes, notas de opinion,
analisis de coyuntura y diversos links con los mas importantes
sitios oficiales argentinos, de medios de comunicacion,
produccion y paginas educativas.

aprobo la urgencia de una consulta popular nacional a fin de que
democraticamente los ciudadanos se pronuncien y aprueben reformas
constitucionales que permitan la implementacion de un Nuevo
Modelo de Gestion Nacional. La Comision Nacional para la
Descentralizacion, las Autonomias y las Circunscripciones
Territoriales y el Consejo Nacional de Modernizacion del Estado
(CONAM) han diseñado un proyecto de Ley de Autonomias
Provinciales y el Nuevo Modelo de Gestion Nacional, disponible
en esta pagina.
-Contacto: Cornelio Delgado (

-Entidades: Social Science Research Council (SSRC), Fundacion
Ford y Fundacion Rockefeller
-Numero de becas: 12
-Fecha para la recepcion de solicitudes: 8 de enero de 2001 (No
se aceptaran solicitudes por fax ni correo electronico).
-A quien va dirigido: Investigadores jovenes provenientes de
Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru y Uruguay. El proyecto
busca avanzar en el conocimiento y el debate analitico sobre las
relaciones entre las transformaciones socio-politicas y los
sentidos de la memoria historica en la sociedad. Al proponer un
proyecto de trabajo interdisciplinario y multinacional, se espera
estimular el fortalecimiento de una nueva generacion de
investigadores en las regiones, que dominen las tecnicas mas
avanzadas para llevar a cabo investigaciones comparadas sobre
este tema, considerado de la mayor importancia para la
construccion de sociedades mas democraticas y equitativas. Se
busca apoyar a candidatos que, trabajando en universidades,
centros de investigacion, organismos no gubernamentales e
instituciones de planificacion social, puedan contribuir a
enriquecer el debate social sobre la memoria tras la
democratizacion de los regimenes politicos en el Cono Sur y tras
la apertura del debate sobre el tema, que se produce en el Peru
en la actual coyuntura politica.
-Requisitos: Tener antecedentes y experiencia de investigacion
con posterioridad a su graduacion universitaria, equivalentes a
un grado de master en una disciplina de las ciencias sociales o
humanidades (antropologia, historia, sociologia, ciencias
politicas, estudios culturales, sicologia, derecho, etc). Residir
en Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru o Uruguay. Dedicarse
a la docencia, la investigacion, la planificacion o la
formulacion de politicas publicas, o a otras formas de
intervencion y activismo que aseguren una incorporacion y
difusion amplia de los conocimientos adquiridos en el transcurso
de la beca. De estar afiliado a una institucion, dicha
institucion debera otorgar el permiso para ausentarse del trabajo
durante las dos reuniones del equipo y comprometerse
explicitamente a facilitar la realizacion de la investigacion
descrita anteriormente. Dicho apoyo consistira, como minimo, en
una reduccion de la carga de trabajo, que permita efectuar la
investigacion durante el periodo del programa (con el
financiamiento que la beca asegura). Dominar la lectura del
idioma ingles. Ambos talleres se llevaran a cabo en español y
portugues, pero varios de los textos que seran debatidos deberan
ser leidos en ingles.
-Beneficios: Todos los beneficiarios participaran en dos talleres
de formacion teorica y metodologica. El proyecto de investigacion
y los talleres seran coordinados por la Dra. Elizabeth Jelin y
el Ant. Carlos Ivan Degregori, acompañados por un conjunto
internacional de destacados cientificos sociales. Los becarios
podran disfrutar de un año de beca, otorgada por el SSRC. El
Consejo financiara tambien los gastos de participacion en las
reuniones y talleres del equipo (transporte, hospedaje,
alimentacion, etc).
-Contacto: Program on Latin America, Social Science Research
Council, 810 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10019 USA.
Telf: 212-377-2700, Fax: 212-3772727


Alfredo Acle Tomasini, Mexico D.F.: Editorial Oceano, 2000.
-Descripcion proporcionada por el autor: "Uno de los efectos mas
importantes que ha tenido el neoliberalismo en la administracion
publica, ha sido el desplazamiento de las funciones de planeacion
a un plano secundario, bajo la creencia de que el mercado
actuaria como el elemento que orientaria las decisiones
economicas hacia adonde mas se necesitaran. Para ello se planteo
la apertura comercial, la des- regulacion y el repliegue del
Estado, como elementos necesarios para que los movimientos de
oferta y demanda operaran con la mayor libertad posible. La
realidad ha demostrado que, por un lado, la globalizacion solo
integra elementos homogeneos, y por el otro, el mercado no
resuelve los problemas de quienes carecen de los medios para
participar en el. Los que en paises como Mexico, representan a
millones de personas viviendo en pobreza o pobreza extrema. Por
ello no extraña, que la distribucion del ingreso este empeorando
y que de manera paralela, se recrudezcan fenomenos como: el
ambulantaje, la prostitucion y el narcotrafico. Adicionalmente,
esa vision candida y academica del mercado, no se ha comprobado
en la practica. Los mercados no son tan libres como parecen, en
tanto que las estrategias comerciales de las grandes
corporaciones que se manifiestan en constantes fusiones y
adquisiciones, hacen indispensable un analisis menos ingenuo y
mas agudo de la realidad economica mundial y sus implicaciones
en cada pais. En este contexto en el libro" El porvenir comienza
hoy", se plantea una alternativa para renovar las tareas de
planeacion nacional considerando la realidad economica y social
del mundo contemporaneo y tomando en cuenta, aportaciones que en
este campo se han dado en el ambito de los negocios, como ocurre
con el llamado " Balance Scorecard" o tablero de mando o
-Contacto: Alfredo Acle Tomasini (


REVISTA POLIS, No. 35, 2000.
-Contacto: Ruth Simao Paulino, Coordenadora do Centro de
Documentaçao e Informaçao, Polis Instituto de Estudos, Formaçao
e Assessoria em Politicas Sociais, Rua Cônego Eugênio Leite, 433
- Pinheiros 05414-010 - Sao Paulo - SP, Brasil.
Tel. (0xx11) 3085-6877 Fax (0x11) 3063-1098

REVISTA PROBIDAD, No. 11 (Noviembre-Diciembre 2000)
El Salvador
-Disponible en:
-Contacto: Jaime Lopez, CoEditor, Revista Probidad, El Salvador


Desde hace diez años, CECODAP (Centro Comunitario de Aprendizaje)
de Venezuela, presenta a la opinion publica la situacion de los
derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescentes en el ultimo año.
El informe lleva por nombre "Somos Noticia" porque es la infancia
y la adolescencia el principal sujeto de informacion,
sensibilizacion y de llamado de atencion a las autoridades,
organizaciones gubernamentales y de la sociedad, a los medios de
comunicacion y familias para que reaccionen frente a las
flagrantes violaciones de las cuales han sido victimas los niños,
niñas y adolescentes.
-Contacto: Yolanda Otaiza, CECODAP, Qta. El Papagayo, Av.
Orinoco, Chacaito (Entre Av. Casanova y Autopista Francisco
Fajardo), Caracas, Venezuela.
Telf: (582)952.62.69 952.72.79 952.63.78 952.71.08

Fundacion Konrad Adenauer y Universidad Catolica de Cordoba,
Descripcion: Se presentan en este informe, a traves de una
prolija traduccion del aleman, dos trabajos del Dr. Guenter Dill,
realizados en el año 1997, que se refieren al proceso de reforma
de la administracion municipal en la Republica Federal de
Alemania y reseñan algunas experiencias registradas en otros
paises del mundo.
-Contacto: Dr. Guenter Dill, Fundacion Konrad Adenauer

REDMUNI: INFORED (Noviembre 2000)
Red Nacional de Centros Academicos dedicados al Estudio de la
Gestion en Gobiernos Locales (REDMUNI), Argentina.
-Suscripcion y Contacto: (


Dubai, 20 November 2000 -- Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum,
President of the Department of Civil Aviation and Chairman of
Emirates, presented the Dubai International Award for Best
Practices to Improve the Living Environment (DIABP) to 10
exemplary initiatives which brought about significant changes to
cities and communities in Angola, Brazil, Canada, China, Ecuador,
India, Nepal, Spain, Sudan and Turkey. Each winner received a
golden Barjeel (traditional Arabian wind tower) trophy, US$30,000
and a certificate.
This year's winners were selected by a five-member international
jury from 740 submissions received from more than 115 countries
in a three-phase process that included validations by the award's
25 worldwide partners. The winners were selected taking into
consideration the three basic criteria: impact, partnership and
sustainability. Sixteen best practices had bagged this award in
the previous two editions.
The award, sponsored by the Municipality of Dubai in
collaboration with the United Nations Centre for Human
Settlements (Habitat), is awarded every two years to projects
that have made a positive contribution to improving the quality
of life in cities and communities around the world.
The practices which received the award were:
* Sulabh International (India)
* Women's Empowerment Programme (Nepal)
* Shambob Brick Producers Co-operative Society (Sudan)
* Luanda Sul Self-Financed Urban Infrastructure Programme
* Programme in Public Security, Human Rights and Citizenship
* Sustainable Community Programme of Hamilton-Wentworth (Canada)
* Revitalization of Fu and Nan Rivers and Improvement of Urban
Environment in Chengdu (China)
* Democratization of Municipal Management for Equitable and
Sustainable Development (Ecuador)
* Greenways Programme (Spain)
* Tourism and Coastal Zone Management in Cirali (Turkey).
-Contacto: Mr. Nocholas You, Coordinator, Information & Best
Postal Address: BLP UNCHS (Habitat), P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi,
Tel: +254-2-623 029, Fax: +254-2-623 080


En el contexto del futuro "Libro Blanco sobre la gobernanza
europea - Profundizar en la democracia en la Union Europea" y
documentos afines (reforma institucional), el Servicio de
Traduccion de la Comision Europea ha decidido, despues de
estudiar la cuestion, que "governance" [EN] /"gouvernance" [FR],
se traducira al español por "gobernanza".
En reuniones preparatorias del Servicio de Traduccion con el
equipo responsable de la elaboracion del Libro Blanco, se ha
insistido en los siguientes puntos:
1) la necesidad de fijar la terminologia, ya que en varias
lenguas -tambien en español- las traducciones de "governance" son
multiples y a veces disparatadas;
2) el hecho de que "governance" es, en si mismo, en su acepcion
politica, un termino neutro; habria que evitar, por tanto,
calificaciones del tipo "buen gobierno", "buena administracion",
3) las traducciones "gobernabilidad" [ES], "governabilidade"
[PT]... son incorrectas.
En la siguiente direccion encontraran el articulo titulado «La
traduccion de "governance"», en el que se expone el problema de
traduccion y las razones que han llevado a optar por
La Secretaria General de la Comision Europea ha abierto una
pagina en Internet, en ingles y en frances, sobre la Gobernanza
en la Union Europea:
La Celula de Prospectiva de la Comision ha publicado en los
ultimos dos años, en frances y en ingles, varios documentos que
constituyen la base teorica de la reflexion sobre la reforma
institucional de la Union Europea y la cuestion de la gobernanza.
Direccion de los documentos en Internet:
Es probable que "governance"/"gouvernance" sea un termino
importante en la documentacion que emanara de las instituciones
de la Union Europea en los proximos años (reforma institucional).
Los organismos internacionales, los expertos y los medios de
comunicacion, tanto españoles como latinoamericanos (la confusion
"governaçao"/"governabilidade"/"governança" se da tambien en
portugues), podrian contribuir a resolver un problema
terminologico importante con el uso de una voz que tiene una
tradicion historica en la lengua castellana (y probablemente
tambien en la portuguesa), aunque, en un primer momento al menos,
tenga un cierto sabor arcaico, equivalente tal vez al de la voz
"gouvernance" en frances.
A la vista del embrollo terminologico y conceptual en muchos
textos españoles, originales y traducciones, es posible que los
expertos no hayan dedicado una atencion suficiente a la vertiente
lingüistica de la cuestion, quiza dando por sentado que los
lectores, muchos de ellos especialistas, sabran, por el contexto,
que "gobernabilidad", "buen gobierno", "gobernacion", "buena
gobernacion", "gobernamiento", etc. etc. etc. corresponden al
concepto que designa el termino ingles "governance". Pero en los
ultimos años hemos podido comprobar que en muchos casos no es
asi; la confusion, no solo terminologica sino tambien conceptual,
es mucho mayor de lo que cabe suponer en un primer momento.
-Contacto: Amadeu Solà (Coordinacion Lingüistica ES), Servicio
de Traduccion, Comision Europea, JMO B4/104
Tel. ++352-4301-33585 Fax ++352-4301-32053

La Oficina de Coordinacion de la Red No. 5 "Politicas Sociales
Urbanas", de la Intendencia Municipal de Montevideo, informa que,
de acuerdo con los plazos estipulados, fueron enviados a la
Comisión Europea 11 propuestas de proyectos comunes. La
coordinación de estas propuestas está a cargo de 7
municipalidades de Europa y 4 de América Latina.
Entre los proyectos referidos estan los siguientes:
1. Adultos Mayores. Programas sociales innovadores (Portugal)
2. ASOCIAR. Proyectos sociales articulados con organizaciones de
la sociedad civil (Argentina)
3. Identidad e integración social urbana (España)
4. El fenómeno de violencia intrafamiliar (España)
5. Foro interactivo de experiencias sobre modelos de
participación popular y construcción de ciudadanía hacia la
identidad de género (Chile)
6. Escuela virtual e interactiva para la gerencia del desarrollo
social (Colombia)
7. Acciones municipales en pos de la igualdad de ambos sexos y
la capacitacion de mujeres inmigrantes/ de la localidad
8. PYMES - Participación de gobiernos locales (Peru)
9. Intercambio de experiencias entre ciudades sobre políticas
sociales innovadoras -exitosas o no- priorizando infancia y
juventud en riesgo (España)
10. Flujos de migración América Latina y Europa (Italia)
11. La salud de todos: desde el proyecto a la acción (Francia)
-Contacto: Guillermo Font (

Diana Acosta
Administradora de la Lista Reforme
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* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
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Fecha - 17-11-00
Nombre: Claes
Comentarios: PANA, Tous droits reserves

Les gouvernements s'unissent pour sauver des vies de femmes

Tunis, Tunisie (PANA) -- Des responsables gouvernementaux de onze pays
d'Afrique et des representants des Nations Unies et des organisations non
gouvernementales ont entame lundi a Tunis une conference sur la lutte
contre la mortalite maternelle sur le theme "Sauver des vies: l'Assistance
qualifiee a l'accouchement".

L'objectif de la rencontre est de reduire le nombre de femmes qui meurent
pendant leur grossesse ou leur accouchement, en elaborant des strategies
simples et efficaces a partir des experiences des pays presents.

Le Premier ministre du Mozambique, M. Pascoal Mocumbi, et le ministre
tunisien de la Sante, M. Hedi M'henni, qui ont tous deux contribue a la
creation de l'Initiative internationale en faveur de la maternite sans
risques, a Nairobi, en 1987, ont participe a la ceremonie d'ouverture.

Le president de la conference, le ghaneen Fred Sai, a fait observer
qu'"aucun pays au monde n'accepte d'envoyer ses soldats en guerre, s'il
n'est sur de leur retour", pour ajouter aussitot que "c'est ce que font de
nombreux pays en ce qui concerne les femmes chargees de reproduire

Pour lui, "cela n'est plus acceptable (...) la sante de la mere et de
l'enfant est a la base du cercle vicieux de pauvrete qui empeche nos
communautes de realiser leurs potentiels".

"Nous ne devons jamais oublier que les femmes sont la charpente de nos
communautes et, nos enfants, notre avenir", a-t-il encore dit.

L'Initiative de Nairobi, consideree comme un reseau mondial, vise "a
encourager les gouvernements a s'engager resolument dans la lutte contre la
mortalite maternelle", a-t-il explique.

La rencontre de Nairobi a ete suivie de deux autres reunions, tenues au Sri
Lanka et a Geneve, qui ont eu a elaborer dix messages cles en direction des
gouvernements du monde entier.

Un de ces messages considere que la maternite sans risques est une question
qui releve des droits de l'Homme.

La Tunisie est un exemple dans son engagement politique dans la lutte
contre la mortalite maternelle pouvant servir de reference sur le continent

En 23 ans, elle a en effet reussi reduire son taux de mortalite de 80 pour

Le taux de mortalite est de 69 pour 100.000 naissances vivantes aujourd'hui
en Tunisie, soit le plus bas taux du Maghreb.

Elle se propose de porter ce taux a 50 pour 100.000 naissances avant la fin
de 2001.

Dans les pays sous developpes, 40 pour cent des femmes enceintes souffre de
complications soit avant, pendant ou pres l'accouchement. Seulement environ
50 pour cent des naissances est fait sous assistance medicale. Et dans
certains pays ce chiffre n'excede pas 20 pour cent.

, service d'information electronique anime par
Enda-synfev, Synergie Genre et Developpement, Environnement et
Developpement du Tiers Monde, diffuse en francais des nouvelles sur les femmes
africaines. Pour toute information, contactez :
La reproduction *uniquement a des fins non-commerciales* de tout ou partie des
informations presentees dans est autorisee. Les
exprimees dans les informations presentees sont celles de leurs auteurs et
n'engagent pas necessairement .
famafrique, le site web des femmes d'afrique francophone

Fecha - 17-11-00
Nombre: Reforme

Papers del V Congreso del CLAD

El CLAD ya ha colocado en la pagina web: 135 de los 325 papers
preparados para el V Congreso Internacional del CLAD sobre
Reforma del Estado y de la Administracion Publica, realizado en
Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana, del 24 al 27 de octubre de
2000, clasificados segun las areas tematicas especificadas en el
Programa del evento.

Les recordamos que el CLAD se reserva el derecho de publicacion
de los documentos en la Revista del CLAD Reforma y Democracia,
previa notificacion al autor dentro de los cuatro meses
siguientes al Congreso.

Revista del CLAD Reforma y Democracia No. 18, octubre 2000

En la pagina podra conseguir
los resumenes, tanto en ingles como en espan'ol, de los articulos
incluidos en la mas reciente edicion de la Revista del CLAD, a

Alain Touraine
El sistema y los actores

Carlos M. Vilas
¿Mas alla del "Consenso de Washington"? Un enfoque desde la
politica de algunas propuestas del Banco Mundial sobre reforma

Koldo Echebarria Ariznabarreta
Reivindicacion de la reforma administrativa: significado y
modelos conceptuales

Antonio Correia de Campos
Reformas de la seguridad social en Europa. La contribucion de las
experiencias de America Latina

Elvia M. Cavalcanti Fadul y Reynaldo Maia Muniz
Contradicciones en un proceso democratico: la practica del
presupuesto participativo en las ciudades brasilen'as

Jacint Jordana
Estrategias de promocion para la Sociedad de la Informacion:
hacia un marco analitico

Sergio Martinic V.
La construccion social de las reformas educativas y de salud en
America Latina

Richard L. Harris
La democratizacion del Estado y la gestion publica

Las condiciones para obtener la Revista estan especificadas en
la pagina

Declaracion de Panama

En la pagina podra conocer
la "Declaracion de Panama" adoptada por la III Conferencia
Iberoamericana de Ministros de Administracion Publica y Reforma
del Estado, realizada en Ciudad de Panama, los dias 26 y 27 de
junio del presente an'o. Este documento sera sometido a
consideracion de la X Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jefes de Estado
y de Gobierno, que tambien se celebrara en Panama del 16 al 18
de noviembre.

Las importantes conclusiones contenidas en el documento en
referencia confirman la relevancia de la institucionalizacion de
esta Conferencia, como medio idoneo para proveer a la cumbre de
mandatarios iberoamericanos de elementos de juicio sobre aspectos
fundamentales de la problematica contemporanea de nuestras
sociedades y gobiernos. Los temas principales son los siguientes:
- Estrategias de modernizacion institucional para una gestion
eficiente de promocion del bienestar de la nin'ez y la
- La innovacion tecnologica en la contratacion de compras
gubernamentales: un nuevo camino hacia la eficiencia y la
- Mesa redonda para discutir y acordar programas de cooperacion
tecnica horizontal en materia de transformacion del Estado,
reconstruccion institucional y modernizacion de la gestion

El Equipo del CLAD
* Para hacer contribuciones a REFORME escriba a:
* Si desea retirarse escriba un mensaje a "" con el
subject en blanco y que diga en la primera linea:
unsubscribe reforme "su direccion electronica"
* For contributions to REFORME send a message to:
* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
unsubscribe reforme "your mail address"

Fecha - 17-11-00
Nombre: Reforme
Al 16 de noviembre de 2000.

El CLAD tiene el agrado de anunciar la apertura de este nuevo
espacio semanal, dedicado a la difusion y discusion de proyectos
y otras iniciativas de acciones que abordan problemas enmarcados
en los ambitos tematicos de la Lista Reforme. Para obtener mayor
informacion o realizar algun tipo de comentario, es necesario
dirigirse directamente al contacto reseñado en este espacio. Cabe
destacar que se consignan los textos originales.


(El Salvador)

Contacto: Virginia Marta Allende

Nuestro Proyecto de Mejoramiento Barrial consiste en mejorar la
calidad de vida de las familias muy pobres que vivien en el
Barrio San Jorge promoviendo a las familias mas jovenes a
trasladarse al Barrio J. Hardoy, lindero al anterior,
entregandoles una Parcela de tierra en forma gratuita,(donada por
la Municipalidad a la Cooperativa Nuestra Tierra Ltda.) para la
construccion de las viviendas por el sistema de Autoconstruccion.
Nosotros conformamos una Mesa de Trabajo integrada por la
Cooperativa Nuestra Tierra Ltda de los Barrios San Jorge y J.
Hardoy dos Barrios de familias muy humildes del Distrito de San
Fernando (Buenos Aires) Argentina, una ONG asociada y un
funcionario de la Municiapalidad de San Fernando. Se trata del
Barrio San Jorge con 400 Familias ( 1600 personas) y el Barrio
J. Hardoy con 250 Familias ( 1000 personas), en total contamos
con 650 familias y aproximadamente 2600 personas integrantes del
Proyecto. En la actualidad ya hemos entregado 200 parcelas de
tierras a 200 familias que estan construyendo sus viviendas por

Pero este Proyecto de Mejoramiento Barrial necesita de obras de
infraestructura que no estamos capacitados para realizar por
falta de financiamiento. En principio necesitamos un subsidio de
aproximadamente 100.000.dolares para relizar obras de
infraestructura en los dos Barrios a saber:

1 - Barrio San Jorge: 400 Familias = 1.600 Personas.
11-Mensura del predio y confeccion del plano de desagues
1.2-Construccion de Infraestructura de Desagues pluviales.
1.3-Demarcacion de limites para apertura de calle
1.4-Apertura de Calles interiores.
1.5-Construccion de veredas y cordon cuneta.
1.6-Colocacion de alumbrado publico.
1.7-Construccion de Plaza con Juegos Infantiles.
1.8-Forestacion de Plazas y de Calles.
1.9-Colocacion de cestos de Residuos

2 - Barrio J. Hardoy: 250 Familias = 1000 Personas.
2.1-Mejoramiento de calles interiores.
2.2-Construccion de Veredas y cordon cuneta.
2.3-Colocacion de alumbrado publico.
2.4-Forestacion de espacios verdes.
2.5-Colocacion de Juegos Infantiles.
2.6-Colocacion de Cestos de Residuos.

Como Uds. podran observar necesitamos un Subsidio Importante
para construir Obras de Infraestructura del Proyecto de
Mejoramiento Barrial y construccion de Viviendas para 2600
personas de dos Barrios Muy pobres del Conurbano Bonaerense,
especificamente del Distrito de San Fernando, Bs.As. Argentrina.

La pregunta es la siguiente:
¿Podrian informarnos a que Entidad u Organismos debemos
dirigirnos para solicitar el Subsidio para Infraestructura de
100.000 Dolares que necesitamos ?
Agradeceriamos recibir esta Informacion a la brevedad, ya que
tenemos necesidad de realizar estas obras con caracter de

Estamos a su disposicion para enviarles toda la informacion que
fuera necesaria, a los Organismos interesados en ofrecernos el
Subsido que estamos solicitando, para darle continuidad a nuestro
Poryecto de Mejoramiento Barrial y de Viviendas de los Barrios
San Jorge y J. Hardoy de San Fernando.

Contactos: Jaime Lopez y Linda Hemby, Rev. Probidad

Por mas de 10 años, los bilaterales y multilaterales han empujado
reformas en el sector publico y otras tacticas para lograr mas
transparencia y menos corrupcion en America Latina. Como
resultado, en la region se han visto cantidades de reformas y
nuevas leyes anticorrupcion.

Sin embargo, estos y otros esfuerzos para frenar la corrupcion
no han logrado los resultados deseados por multiples razones,
entre ellas, la falta de voluntad politica de los funcionarios
publicos y la corrupcion sistematizada que no se puede combatir
con reformas y leyes que no son aplicadas rigurosamente ni con
otras medidas que no toman en cuentan las idiosincrasias
historicas, culturales y politicas de cada pais. Ademas de la
necesidad de identificar y adoptar estrategias que sean mas
creativas, mas indigenas, mas amplias e integradas, mas apegadas
y practicas con las realidades que enfrentamos, tenemos que
reconocer y responder al importantisimo papel de la denuncia.

Una manera para hacer esto es apoyar a los periodistas de
investigacion, especialmente a aquellos que se dedican a realizar
investigacion y reportajes sobre la corrupcion. Aunque en algunas
partes de nuestra region el periodismo esta asumiendo con mas
compromiso sus papeles de tribuna publica y de fiscalizador de
las instancias gubernamentales, todavia faltan mas y mejores
investigaciones sobre los casos de corrupcion y del tratamiento
que reciben de parte del gobierno.

Muchas veces los reportajes que abordan la corrupcion son
contaminados con interes ajenos al deber primario de informar al
publico, es decir, intereses ideologicos o politicos de los
editores, dueños y anunciantes u otros impuestos por los partidos
gobernantes. Por eso, en lugar de favorecer al combate y
reduccion de la corrupcion, estos reportajes tienden a contribuir
a una maliciosa fiscalizacion selectiva, a un espectaculo morboso
y en otras maneras, al encubrimiento, la impunidad y la
persistencia de la corrupcion.

Desde agosto/2000, la Revista Probidad ha estado administrando
un nuevo proyecto, Periodistas Frente a la Corrupcion. Se puede
leer un informe de actividades y logros en la seccion "¿Que es
PFC?" que se encuentra en la pagina web de PFC:

El proyecto promueve y facilita mas y mejores investigaciones y
reportajes de la corrupcion en America Latina a traves de
servicios virtuales, redes en America Latina y en Washington,
D.C., y recursos de investigacion y respaldo legal que
desarrollamos en los niveles regional y locales.

Por ejemplo, para su aplicacion local PFC ha elaborado un
prototipo de proyecto, en base de las necesidades señaladas en
un sondeo de mayo/2000 por los periodistas latinoamericanos que
dan cobertura a la corrupcion. Se llama: "Incidencia Ciudadana
en la Transparencia Nacional: Monitoreo y Sistema de Seguimiento
de Casos". Ocupando El Salvador como ejemplo, la propuesta
señala que la Corte de Cuentas (contraloria) y la Fiscalia
General no tienen un sistema interno para organizar informacion
sobre el manejo y el estado de los casos de corrupcion que estan
procesando, ni un mecanismo para proveer y difundir tal
informacion. En respuesta, la ONG anticorrupcion Probidad,
Periodistas Frente a la Corrupcion (PFC) y la ONG FESPAD,
especializada en asuntos juridicos, coordinaran esfuerzos para
monitorear, recopilar, generar, solicitar y difundir informacion
sobre el manejo de los casos de corrupcion por los entes
fiscalizadores. El proyecto consiste en la elaboracion de una
base de datos de casos de corrupcion para organizar, procesar y
analizar informacion; un sistema de monitoreo del seguimiento
dado a los casos de corrupcion por parte de los entes
fiscalizadores, asi como de las elecciones de funcionarios y del
comportamiento etico de los electos; y servicios legales de
investigacion, capacitacion, asesoria y respaldo. Los servicios
seran dirigidos a los beneficiarios de PFC, los periodistas que
investigan y hacen reportajes sobre la corrupcion. Tambien, las
bases de datos y toda la informacion procesada estaran a
disposicion del publico a traves de la biblioteca de FESPAD y la
pagina web de Probidad. Despues de refinar la propuesta, sera
publicada en el sitio web de PFC para su aplicacion en otros

Tambien PFC esta promoviendo una iniciativa local - Red Local de
PFC - que corresponde a los mandatos que las asociaciones y los
sindicatos de periodistas no logran cumplir. Esta consiste en
encuentros quincenales entre periodistas que dan cobertura a la
corrupcion y una red, ocupando correo electronico. Durante los
encuentros, los periodistas discutiran por una hora los casos
coyunturales de corrupcion, compartiendo informacion y tacticas,
y la ultima hora sera dedicada a un analisis de los reportajes
de corrupcion. El proposito de esta Red Local es ofrecer a estos
un espacio para intercambiar ideas, encontrar respaldo,
fortalecer la capacidad investigativa y mejorar la presentacion
de los reportajes. La Red tambien incorporara otras estrategias
para lograr la participacion de otros periodistas, de profesores
y estudiantes de periodismo, de ONGs interesadas en la
anticorrupcion, ademas de los empleados y ciudadanos que quieren
aportar informacion o hacer consultas sobre la corrupcion.

Recomendamos que otras ONGs latinoamericanas desarrollen
iniciativas para generar, alimentar y facilitar mas
investigaciones y reportajes sobre la corrupcion, como mecanismo
para hacer denuncias y exigir un manejo eficiente, transparente
y correcto de las mismas que resulten en la identificacion y
sanciones fuertes a los corruptos. Con tiempo esperamos contar
con recursos para asistir a las ONGs en el diseño, coordinacion
y gestion de financiamiento para tales esfuerzos. Mientras
tanto, son bienvenidos a visitar la pagina web de PFC
(, donde podran enterarse de estos y otros
servicios y recursos disponibles para los periodistas que
investigan la corrupcion y maneras en las que se puede colaborar
con ellos. Asimismo, estamos a las ordenes para ofrecerles
cualquier informacion adicional y recibir sus comentarios,
observaciones y sugerencias.


"Desarrollo Regional: el modelo de los Parques Tecnologicos, el
proyecto PASIP en el Departamento de San Martin, Mendoza,

El departamento de san martin, ubicado al este de la provincia
de mendoza, cuenta con una superficie de 1504 Km2 y una poblacion
estimada en 105.965 habitantes, segun datos provinciales de 1998.
A pesar de la escasa proporcion de tierra con disponibilidad de
agua, se destaca en la provincia por la cantidad de hectareas
cultivadas con vid. La poblacion urbana ocupa el 70,97 % con un
crecimiento vegetativo del 12,24%. Se observa la preeminencia de
viñedos, la superficie de los mismos en produccion es de
32.918,76 hectareas, esta cifra lo coloca en el primer lugar de
la provincia por cuanto posee el 22,6 % del total al respecto.
Dado el predominio del cultivo de la vid el numero de bodegas
es muy alto, ocupando el primer lugar en la provincia, por ende
la cantidad de vasijas (11292) y el volumen de elaboracion
(8394249 hectolitros ) son elevados, ocupando el segundo lugar
luego de Maipu. Los frutales ocupan el segundo lugar por la
superficie implantada.

El departamento posee una singularidad propia y es el nudo
ferroviario regional localizado en la ciudad de Palmira. Es
precisamente sobre este nudo que el gobierno municipal y un
importante emprendimiento privado se propone desarrollar e
implementar operaciones de paquetes tecnologicos de gestion,
procesos y productos vinculados a los requerimientos de los
mercados productor y consumidor, ajustando cantidades y
calidades a la demanda internacional y a los nuevos espacios y
formas de comercializacion regional.

El proyecto de ley de PASIP (Parque de Servicios e Industrias de
la Ciudad de Palmira de San Martin), fue aprobado por la
Legislatura Provincial el 6 de enero de 1999 e insumira una
inversion inicial de 24.000.000 millones de pesos. PASIP es un
complejo de servicios vinculados al transporte, al comercio
exterior y a la radicacion de industrias vinculadas, en la
certeza de la segura evolucion del area hacia un centro regional
de articulacion de medios y transferencias de cargas como parte
de un sistema regional y global de transporte multimodal.

Es un proyecto para proyectos, su base es una operacion
territorial y su organizacion empresaria de gestion y operacion
es una Empresa de Empresas. Es una iniciativa privada , en un
contexto de coordinacion de obras publicas previstas y consenso
para la planificacion fisica y tecnologica acorde a la estrategia
politica y de desarrollo territorial provincial. Responde a los
requerimientos de integracion horizontal y vertical, la
imprescindible incorporacion de tecnologias, el desarrollo
sustentable y la tendencia hacia los sistemas multimodales en el
transporte lo que implica sistematizaciones y transferencias en
consecuencia logisticas y servicios diversos.
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* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
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Fecha - 16-11-00
Nombre: Robert Laroche
Comentarios: Bonjour à toutes et tous

J'ai pensé que ces informations pouvaient intéresser quelques personnes.

Robert Laroche


Internet Actu 61, jeudi 16 novembre 2000
Journal édité par la société de presse indépendante FTPress


Les organisations non gouvernementales font un travail remarquable pour
le mieux-être de la planète. Veiller, informer et agir pourraient être
leur mot d'ordre commun. Mais n'est pas ONG qui veut. Les organisations
qui peuvent se prévaloir de ce titre doivent être bien structurées,
disposer de vrais militants, et surtout pouvoir travailler avec les
décideurs de la planète. Pour mieux accomplir leur sacerdoce, elles ont
compris ce qu'Internet pouvait leur apporter : une présence
internationale, des informations innombrables et de nouveaux militants.
Petit butinage non exhaustif, dédiés à tous ces anonymes qui oeuvrent
sans compter dans l'espoir d'un monde meilleur.

Les ONG et l'OMC

Depuis Seattle, l'Organisation mondiale du commerce cherche à nouer des
liens plus étroits avec les ONG, histoire d'éviter les débordements...
© Internet Actu 16/11/2000

Les ONG et l'Unesco

Sans les ONG, l'Unesco ne serait pas aussi efficace. C'est sans doute
pourquoi on trouve sur son site les liens vers toutes les ONG avec qui
elle travaille.
Celles qui ont un site Internet :
© Internet Actu 16/11/2000

Les ONG et l'Union européenne

L'UE a aussi sa propre politique en matière d'ONG. Au fil des années,
leurs relations se sont un peu compliquées. Ce site est le résultat de
leurs travaux pour "un renforcement de partenariat".
© Internet Actu 16/11/2000

Les ONG et la Santé

Pour beaucoup, ONG rime avec santé. Il est vrai que les "french doctors"

ont beaucoup fait parler d'eux depuis les opérations de sauvetage des
"boat-people" cambodgiens.
La diversification :
© Internet Actu 16/11/2000

Les ONG et les droits de l'Homme

Sur le terrain des droits de l'Homme, les ONG se font entendre depuis
longtemps. De la Fédération internationale des Droits de l'Homme, qui
aura bientôt 60 ans, à Reporter sans Frontières, qui fête ses 15 ans, on

ne peut éviter Amnesty International, qui défend les prisonniers du
monde entier depuis 40 ans.

Nicolas Leduc, webmestre du site de Reporters sans Frontière, et
Françoise Trubert, webmestre du site français d'Amnesty International,
sur Internet Actu TV :
Câble, ADSL :
Modem 56 K :
© Internet Actu 16/11/2000

Les ONG et l'environnement

Pour venir en aide à l'environnement, il faut à la fois la fougue et les

coups d'éclats de Greenpeace, dont le site est une mine d'informations,
mais également le travail de fond de professionnels tels ceux de
Vétérinaires sans Frontières.

Les ONG et le développement durable

Face aux dangers de la mondialisation, une théorie économique fait son
petit bonhomme de chemin, supporté par de nombreuses ONG et associations

: le développement durable.
© Internet Actu 16/11/2000

INTERNET ACTU est un hebdomadaire d'information Internet, qui compte
260.000 lecteurs dans 88 pays. Internet Actu est une publication de
FTPress, société de presse fondée en 1999 avec le concours de FIST S.A.,

filiale de valorisation du CNRS.
FTPress, société anonyme au capital de 815.000 euros, 14 rue Soleillet,
75971 Paris Cedex 20.
Directeur de la publication : François Vadrot (

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© FTPress 2000. Reproduction possible à des fins non commerciales, sous
réserve d'autorisation de notre part.

"Co-créer un monde dans lequel les individus ont le goût de participer"
Robert Dilts
Synergie Humaine et Organisationnelle SHO Inc.
949 avenue Casot, Québec, Québec, Canada, G1S 2Y2
Téléphone et télécopieur : 418-688-0751
Courriel :

*Merci de co-développer ces dialogues locaux
**Pour s'abonner
***Vous avez une page web? Il est facile d'annoncer dialogue-local!

Fecha - 16-11-00
Nombre: Reforme
Al 15 de noviembre de 2000.

Estimados suscriptores:

El CLAD tiene el agrado de informarles la apertura de su espacio
semanal dedicado a la difusion de ensayos y opiniones relativos
a la tematica de la reforma del Estado, modernizacion de la
administracion publica, gestion y politicas publicas en general.
A traves de esta iniciativa se pretenden crear mayores
oportunidades para la discusion y critica constructiva de ensayos
y opiniones suministrados por miembros de la Lista Reforme.

Este espacio esta destinado unicamente para los miembros de
Reforme. En tal sentido, si alguien esta interesado en remitir
algun ensayo u opinion sobre un tema en particular, debe dirigir
su mensaje a, incluyendo su nombre completo,
direccion electronica y pais de origen. Los textos no deben
contener attachment, columnas, notas de pie de pagina, ni
imagenes y preferiblemente deben tener una extension maxima de
450 palabras (1 ½ pagina). Los comentarios deben dirigirse
directamente al autor del ensayo u opinion.


Autor: Adriana Plasencia Diaz
Pais: Mexico

Las Administraciones Publicas en las Transiciones Politicas.
Mexico vive una etapa historica de gran relevancia para los
mexicanos pero probablemente, tambien de gran interes para el
resto del mundo.

Transitar de una epoca que enmarca 70 años de un solo partido en
el poder a una nueva circunstancia, en donde el Partido Accion
Nacional y su candidato ganan las elecciones de forma
contundente, es sin duda alguna un tema necesario de reflexionar
y analizar desde distintos puntos de vista.

Aunque la alternancia de partidos no necesariamente lleva la
democracia, segun Bovero; y la democracia no necesariamente
conlleva una alternancia; en el caso mexicano es necesario
establecer parametros minimos para no detener la operacion de una
administracion publica densa y compleja como la mexicana durante
una transicion que sin duda se puedecalificar de politica.

Por ello, exponemos aqui esas condiciones minimas que tanto el
nuevo gobierno electo como el saliente deberan considerar para
que la administracion publica no se colapse en un momento
fundamental para el pais.

La habilidad para manejar el poder de una administracion a la
siguiente es un importante examen de integridad, salud y fuerza
de las instituciones en un Estado democratico.

Objetivos de una transicion gubernamental exitosa: Una transicion
gubernamental constituye una poderosa vacuna durante la cual el
gobierno saliente no puede ejercer el total de sus funciones -
ya sea por que no las tiene o por que no desea, como parte de un
acuerdo de respeto, tomar decisiones que pudieran comprometer a
los sucesores - y por otro lado el gobierno entrante todavia no
esta en completa posesion de todos sus poderes.

Existen muchos escenarios posibles en cuanto al grupo de
funcionarios que integran la administracion publica y el
gobierno. Ratificar personal con nivel de decision con una
formacionpolitica similar al nuevo grupo gobernante puede ser una
posibilidad. Tambien puede coexistir personal de una formacion
politica diferente, o no definida, pero que por su experiencia
y conocimiento permanezca.

Asegurar una transicion "suave" es el primer objetivo que debe
visualizar el nuevo gobierno.- esto significa que la transicion
debe llevarse a cabo con un espiritu de cooperacion democratica
entre el gobierno saliente y el entrante. La confrontacion entre
una y otra fuerza solo provocaria que el gobierno saliente
impidiera que el nuevo gobierno empezara a ejercer el poder
rapidamente y no pudiera intervenir, aunque sea en calidad de
informacion, en las decisiones urgentes o asuntos pendientes de
la agenda gubernamental.

Una transicion gubernamental "suave" tambien contribuye a evitar
interrupciones en la administracion publica. En paises en los que
las administraciones publicas estan sustentadas en esquemas poco
claros y transparentes es preciso asegurar que un cambio
gubernamental no inmovilice la administracion publica, o bien,
que se acentuen practicas poco regulares . En este sentido es
importante no buscar la legitimacion ante el electorado tratando
de dividir, modificar o reestructurar la administracion publica
en cada cambio de gobierno.

La velocidad, segundo objetivo a alcanzar, es fundamental en la
transicion. Se trata pues de distinguir entre los asuntos
nacionales e internacionales que requieren una atencion urgente
y aquellos que pueden ser atendidos en el mediano y largo plazo
a traves del diseño de politicas publicas nacionales concensadas.
Por ello, se deben identificar aquellas acciones, programas,
proyectos o medidas que aseguren continuidad y que impidan la
ausencia de decisiones o actividades.

El tercer objetivo de una transicion exitosa es la eficiencia.
El nuevo gobierno debe iniciar la ejecucion de acciones
rapidamente. Se trata de evitar un vacio de poder y que la
ciudadania lo perciba asi. Por lo tanto, es necesario contar con
informacion y expedientes actualizados de las decisiones del
gobierno previo, asi como de los procedimientos para la toma de
decisiones o la elaboracion y modificacion de leyes
constitucionales. Tambien es preciso contar con una clasificacion
de los asuntos urgentes, las prioridades y los pendientes; asi
como del asesoramiento en cuestiones tanto politicas como

En Estados como el Mexicano, el gobierno federal tambien debe
tomar un papel determinado en la transicion gubernamental. En
este sentido, el gobierno federal asegura que los niveles
administrativos continuan funcionando y estan preparados para
trabajar con el nuevo gobierno. Ademas de que serviran de enlace
entre los niveles politicos y los administrativos.

Los llamados equipos de transicion cumplen con estas funciones.
Sin embargo, para el nuevo gobierno, la informacion puede ser tan
vasta y compleja que sera dificil de discernir. Por lo que es
preciso que los planteamientos del gobierno saliente deben ser
analizados con detenimiento en el seno del equipo de transicion
- en el que deberan participar miembros de ambos grupos - .

Los representantes del nuevo gobierno en el equipo de transicion
a partir de la segunda reunion tendran que establecer una agenda
de prioridades con la informacion recibida en la primera sesion
de trabajo para construir la propia agenda del nuevo gobierno.

Adicionalmente, es necesario que el nuevo gobierno solicite al
gobierno federal saliente, todos aquellos testimonios escritos
que hayan sido elaborados por por el propio gobierno federal, o
bien, por las entidades descentralizadas u organismos
desconcentrados que dependan directamente de las dependencias
federales. El proposito de estos documentos - que en algunos
casos pueden ser criticos - es contar con una breve mirada de
situaciones prioritarias preliminares, asi como preparar al nivel
administrativo para realizar las tareas definidas por el nuevo
gobierno. Se trata pues de una muy neutral descripcion de los
asuntos gubernamentales ( que se ha hecho, que fala por hacer por
parte del gobierno, los pasos a seguir, el calendario, etc.) .

Asi, el nuevo gobierno tendra la entera responsabilidad para
decidir sin ningun comentario u observacion especial que guie su
juicio . Estos documentos le informan pues, de las areas en las
que necesita actuar y de los varios niveles de urgencia que
requiere su intervencion.

Por ultimo, mucho se ha dicho sobre la discontinuidad y la
ausencia de decision que implica una transicion gubernamental,
pero valdria la pena analizar las enormes posibilidades de un
periodo de esta naturaleza en el sentido de que se convirtiera
en una oportunidad para evaluar el impacto de las politicas
publicas en el corto y largo plazo, los compromisos y la relativa
necesidad de la continuidad.
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Fecha - 13-11-00
Nombre: ICLEI
Comentarios: Dear colleagues,

Please find our latest job offer EXPERT "URBAN
happy if you distributed and forwarded this information to whoever
may be interested in it. Please feel also free to feed it into mailing
lists and onto websites. I am looking forward to any feedback
regarding further distribution, and am happy to post your
environment-related openings on the ICLEI website!

Thank you,

Stefanie Lay
Office Manager


Sorry for cross-postings!


The European Secretariat of the International Council for Local
Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) is seeking to secure an expert as
team leader/project co-director "Urban Environmental Management
for Chinese cities".
The expert, who will be located in Beijing, coordinates the activities
of a consortium of partners as teamleader within an ICLEI-led
Environmental Management Project for Chinese Local Authorities.


Financeand operations: Overall project coordination, planning and
reporting, monitoring and auditing of the whole project; preparation
of statements of account
Projectdevelopment and delivery: general strategies, procedures
and methodologies; conceiving and realising single programme
elements in cooperation with several ICLEI units and partners.
These elements will include workshops, seminars, exchange
programmes, guidelines, set-up of networks, information material
both printed and on the www etc.
Liasing,coordination, and communication with the funder, Chinese
municipal and national authorities, project partners and
participants, the consortium partners, and other cooperating
RepresentingICLEI on all occasions related to the project,
delivering presentations, public relations, representing ICLEI at
conferences and in committees
Developingfurther project concepts, fund-raising


1. At least 10 years of project management and leadership
experience, including familiarity with procedures of international
funding agencies, and the ability to organise and coordinate
complex international projects including budget and controlling
2. At least 3 years of professional experience in sustainable
development and/or environmental management for local
governments. Several of the following areas should have been
covered: Local Agenda 21, sustainable development planning,
urban & environmental management (water, air, waste, soil,
transport policy, energy), training and awareness-raising,
networking, media both printed and electronic
3. At least 3 years of professional experience in China/Asia,
ideally in the field of institution-building for, and with, local
authorities. Well-founded knowledge of local methods of
working, and of the institutional framework
4. Education: master-level degree in one or more of the relevant
fields, including urban or regional planning; engineering, political,
environmental, or administrative science; geography; or similar
5. Languages: fluent English, Mandarin an asset
6. Relocation to Beijing, and readiness to travel extensively both in
China and intercontinentally, are necessary


1. The selected candidate will either be subcontracted as
consultant, or employed for a period of 4 years maximum,
commencing on 1 April, 2001
2. The position is still subject to successful bidding
3. Readiness to be available for phone and in-person interviews,
and for investing considerable amounts of time in the on-going
bidding and project preparation process itself between
December 2000 and April 2001 are a prerequisite to successful
4. Short-listing and interviews for the position will commence on
20 November. After 1 December, the first candidate that is
deemed suitable will be guaranteed the consultancy or
employment contract in case of successful bidding
5. Applications submitted at a later date are welcome, too, and
will either considered for this project (in case no suitable
candidate is found up to the date of submission), or for other
upcoming opportunities

Please submit your application including CV and letter of interest
as soon as possible to { HYPERLINK mailto:iclei-europe@iclei- }, subject line "job opening


International Environmental Agency - Movement - Association

ICLEI's mission is to build and serve a world-wide movement of
local governments. This movement aims to achieve tangible
improvements in global environmental and sustainable development
conditions through cumulative local actions. 350 local authorities
and municipal associations have already joined ICLEI.
In Europe ICLEI works with more than 160 members from 28
ICLEI's European Secretariat and International Training Centre are
located in Freiburg, Germany.

1. The International Environmental Agency for Cities, Towns, and
Information Services. Members take advantage of newsletters,
guidebooks, research reports, best practice case studies,
exchange-of-experience and training opportunities, international
conferences, and information services on the World Wide Web.
Training and Conferencing. ICLEI's International Training Centre
organises the exchange of experience and helps build the know-
how of local government officials in their capacities as
policymakers and managers for environmental sustainability.
Consultancy. ICLEI experts provide strategic advice on the design
of sustainable development policies and technical support in the
design of environmental management instruments and the
implementation of programmes and projects.

2. The Association of Local Governments
Membership. In Europe, ICLEI has a growing membership of 150
local authorities and municipal associations particularly dedicated
to sustainable development, as well as associate organisations.
Advocacy. ICLEI advocates for ICLEI members and campaign
participants before national and international governments,
agencies, and organisations in order to increase the understanding
and support for local environmental protection and sustainable
Alliances. ICLEI has established strategic alliances with other
international organisations, which concretely support the
achievement of the ICLEI mission.

3. The Movement for a Sustainable Future
Local Agenda 21 Campaign. In Europe, ICLEI co-founded and
supports the European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign. The
European Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide has been published in
18 languages. The LA21 Guidance & Training Programme has
offered participation to dozens of local authorities. The European
Local Agenda 21 Roundtable convenes stakeholders in the LA21
process and national LA21 campaigns for strategic discussions.
Cities for Climate Protection Campaign. More than 100 European
cities form part of a world-wide movement of local governments that
adopt policies and implement measures to achieve measurable
reductions in local greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality,
and enhance urban liveability and sustainability.
Water Campaign. ICLEI has started a worldwide campaign of
cities committed to a sustainable use of freshwater resources by
protecting environmental flows of water, reducing water pollution,
and improving the availability and efficiency of water and sanitation
Eco-Procurement Programme. More and more procurement
officers are joining the Municipal Green Purchasers' Network to
exchange information and experiences. A series of EcoProcura®
Congresses combined with eco-product exhibitions offer
opportunities for exchange between product designers, producers,
vendors and buyers.
Environmental Management Programme. ICLEI members are
driving innovation in the field of environmental management
systems. They are pioneering the development and application of
new methods, instruments and tools. The ecoBudget® model of
environmental budgeting is an outstanding example.

For more information:
Fecha - 13-11-00
Nombre: Marie-Christine Lacoste
Y EL CARIBE (FIELAC), MOSCÚ 26-29/06/2001

Título del simposio: Crítica de proyectos y proyectos críticos de desarrollo

Una reflexión latinoamericana, con énfasis en la Amazonía

Simposio organizado por el Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía
Peruana, Iquitos, Perú. Coordinador: Jorge Gasché (IIAP-Iquitos /EREA-CNRS

El simposio que proponemos se ubica en el ámbito de los temas formulados en
el capítulo 6. del temario tentativo del congreso: El individuo y la
humanidad en el mundo postindustrial (dimensión latinoamericana), y, en
particular, los sub-temas 6.1. y 6.3.: Parámetros no tradicionales del
progreso; aspectos humanitarios del desarrollo económico y tecnológico; la
energía social como factor del progreso; el comportamiento irracional en la
vida social (6.1.); y: nexos sociales verticales y horizontales; la
participación en cuanto forma de realización del individuo; el problema de
la tolerancia en la vida social; el papel del carisma y del populismo;
causas del comportamiento asocial y delictivo; formas y vías de
socialización del individuo; el problema de la armonización del individuo y
la sociedad (6.3.).

Sin embargo, el simposio no propone un debate de tipo genérico y filosófico
y de índole exclusivamente académica, sobre las nociones y aspectos
mencionados, sino una discusión que vincule la reflexión teórica con la
praxis de desarrollo; promovemos una reflexión responsable de sus
consecuencias prácticas. De ahí que sugerimos un acercamiento a esas
nociones y aspectos mediante un doble enfoque sobre la problemática de la
conceptualización y el entendimiento del proceso de realización de
proyectos de desarrollo específicos: un enfoque retrospectivo sobre
experiencias pasadas o en curso de realización, y un enfoque prospectivo
sobre formas posibles o deseables de proyectos, susceptibles de remediar a
las deficiencias constatadas en experiencias anteriores. Por un lado, se
solicita un examen crítico de proyectos de desarrollo específicos (estudios
y evaluación de casos) y, por el otro, una reflexión sobre las formas y
contenidos de proyectos alternativos. La crítica significa una toma de
distancia frente a proyectos y prácticas que hasta el momento parecían
aceptables, plausibles y convincentes. La reflexión alternativa da un paso
más y busca remediar, aunque sea a título de hipótesis, a las deficiencias,
inadecuaciones y fracasos que la crítica de los proyectos y sus prácticas
ha revelado y exige una revisión de los a prioris subyacentes a los
proyectos y prácticas convencionales. Los participantes, de preferencia,
abarcarán en sus exposiciones los dos enfoques, aunque dejamos abierta la
posibilidad de optar por uno solo de ellos.

Los organizadores del simposio, siendo miembros de una institución de
investigación especializada en temas de ciencias bio-físicas, ecología y
eco-desarrollo en el ámbito amazónico peruano el Instituto de
Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana (IIAP) , quieren dar mayor énfasis a
la problemática de la conceptualización y el entendimiento del proceso de
realización de proyectos de (eco-)desarrollo en el subcontinente amazónico.
Se ha observado en los últimos años y en el ámbito amazónico un aumento
notable del número de proyectos de desarrollo destinado al manejo de
recursos, ecosistemas y territorios como consecuencia de la cumbre de Río
de Janeiro de 1992 y de la creciente disponibilidad financiera de
organismos especializados en este campo de actividades (Banco Mundial,
Tratado Amazónico, Cooperación Técnica Internacional, ONG's). Una gran
parte de estos proyectos implican una supuesta participación de la
población local (indígena o mestiza/cabocla). Este auge de proyectos nos
incita a plantear una reflexión que permita evaluar críticamente los
resultados hasta ahora alcanzados e indagar sobre los factores favorables y
desfavorables, exteriores-coyunturales e interiores-conceptuales, que han
influido sobre estos resultados con el propósito de ganar mayor control
sobre los procesos que esta multitud de iniciativas están generando.
Pensamos que una serie de conceptos y nociones propuestos a debate por los
organizadores del Congreso pueden servir de instrumentos analíticos e
interpretativos que permiten interrogar las prácticas realizadas y sus
presupuestos empíricos o teóricos. El objetivo de tal debate sería, por un
lado, validar este marco conceptual en cuanto a su adecuación a la
problemática tratada y, por el otro en la medida en que se constate esta
validez contribuir a la formulación alternativa de proyectos más ajustados
al control de la realidad social y ecológica en la que operan, y que
respondan con mayor fiabilidad a las expectativas de las poblaciones-meta
que son los actores de facto de un desarrollo ecológicamente sustentable,
particularmente, en el medio del bosque tropical.

El simposio se dirige, por un lado, a actores sociales (instituciones,
científicos, consultores, promotores, facilitadores) que estuvieron o
siguen estando comprometidos con el diseño y la ejecución de proyectos de
desarrollo rural, particularmente (aunque no exclusivamente) en el medio
del bosque tropical amazónico; y, por el otro, a expertos y decididores de
organismos financieros que tienen la vocación de subvencionar este tipo de
Partiendo de los términos enunciados en los sub-temas del capítulo 6. del
temario del congreso y tomando en cuenta el doble enfoque de la crítica y
de la reflexión alternativa, los organizadores del simposio sugieren se
reflexione y busque respuestas a las siguientes preguntas:

(1) Interrogación crítica: ¿Qué nociones de "progreso" manejan de manera a
menudo implícita los proyectos? ¿De qué manera estas nociones se vuelven
operativos en el proceso de realización de los proyectos y cuáles son las
consecuencias de estas nociones sobre los resultados de los proyectos?

(1a) Reflexión alternativa: ¿En qué medida se debe distinguir una noción de
"progreso" derivada de y formulada en términos que manejan los promotores
de proyecto (sujetos pertenecientes a la civilización urbana) y que se deja
resumir por términos como "urbanización", "maximización de ingresos" y
"capitalización", de una noción de "progreso" que está implícita en las
motivaciones, priorizaciones y la racionalidad de los sujetos rurales y que
se dejaría aproximar mediante una noción como "bienestar social"?

(2) Interrogación crítica: ¿Qué visiones de lo económico y de lo técnico
subyacen a la justificación y los objetivos de los proyectos? ¿Con qué
métodos y procedimientos los proyectos pretenden inducir o producir el
desarrollo económico y técnico? Y ¿en qué medida coinciden los resultados
reales alcanzados por estos métodos y procedimientos con los inicialmente

(2a) Reflexión alternativa: ¿Qué pertinencia tienen lo económico y lo
técnico como niveles específicos de la vida social en las sociedades
rurales, en particular amazónicas (sociedades bosquesinas)? O preguntado de
otra manera: ¿En qué medida conviene integrar lo económico y lo técnico en
una comprensión totalizante de las sociedades rurales (sin distinguir a
priori lo económico, lo técnico, lo social, lo político, lo religioso...) y
relativizar el valor determinante que les atribuyen ciertas formas
predominantes de proyectos? ¿Qué consecuencia tendría esta relativización
para la concepción y el proceso de realización de los proyectos?

(3) Interrogación crítica: Si la energía social es el conjunto de los
sujetos socialmente organizados ¿qué roles o funciones les asignan los
proyectos como actores del supuesto progreso? ¿Coinciden con o divergen de
los roles o funciones que los actores ya asumen dentro de sus sociedades?
Si estos roles o funciones coinciden ¿agotan la totalidad de roles o
funciones que los actores asumen dentro de las sociedades rurales o solo
emplean una parte de ellos? Si divergen ¿qué disposiciones se prevé para
implementar estos nuevos roles o funciones? y ¿qué consecuencias tienen
estos nuevos roles o funciones para la estructura y la dinámica del
organismo social local?

(3a) Reflexión alternativa: ¿Existe una parte de la energía social que los
proyectos no emplean, es decir, existen roles o funciones en las sociedades
rurales que los proyectos no atribuyen a actores del supuesto progreso y
que ven, inclusive, contradictorios con la noción de "actor de progreso"
(contraproducentes en relación al supuesto progreso)? Si esto es el caso
¿qué consecuencia tendría para la concepción de un proyecto, de su proceso
de realización y de la idea de progreso que lo orienta la inclusión y el
empleo de la totalidad de la energía social disponible en las sociedades
rurales, es decir, de la totalidad de los roles o funciones asumidos por
los actores?

(4) Interrogación crítica: ¿En qué términos se puede explicitar la
racionalidad que subyace a la concepción y el manejo de un proyecto frente
a la cual ciertas conductas se revelan ser irracionales? ¿En qué medida se
puede identificar las conductas irracionales con roles y funciones sociales
que son contraproducentes de un supuesto progreso?

(4a) Reflexión alternativa: ¿Frente a la racionalidad de concepción y
manejo que determina para los promotores la forma y el contenido del
proyecto ¿es posible hablar por contraste, y en qué términos de una forma
distinta de racionalidad que condiciona las conductas y actividades de los
beneficiarios del proyecto (el poblador rural)? Si los responsables de un
proyecto se basan, en la concepción y organización de sus actividades,
sobre un marco racional que se puede explicitar ¿en qué medida éste integra
o excluye eventualmente la forma de racionalidad de los beneficiarios y
con qué justificaciones?

(5) Interrogación crítica: ¿En qué términos y a través de qué estructuras y
mecanismos la concepción y la práctica del proyecto implica y operativiza
relaciones verticales? ¿Qué sentido y valor operativo se da a la noción de
"relaciones horizontales"? ¿Con qué contenido y forma se concibe la
participación? ¿Qué acciones se realizan con el objetivo de justificar una
estrategia participativa? ¿En qué forma las estructuras y mecanismos del
proyecto reiteran estructuras y mecanismos de la sociedad envolvente y, en
particular, en qué forma se reproducen estructuras y mecanismos jerárquicos

(5a) Reflexión alternativa: ¿Quién participa en qué: las sociedad
beneficiaria en el proyecto, o el proyecto en la sociedad beneficiaria?
¿Qué implicancias tiene cada una de las alternativas para la concepción y
el manejo del proyecto? ¿Qué vías se puede concebir para superar la
contradicción entre las estructuras jerárquicas y de especialización
(división de trabajo) operativas en la sociedad envolvente y en el proyecto
y las estructuras horizontales y de poca especialización en las sociedades
rurales beneficiarios de los proyectos?


Marie-Christine LACOSTE
e.mail :
CNRS/GRAL (Groupe de Recherche sur l'Amérique Latine)
Maison de la Recherche, Université de Toulouse-le-Mirail
5, Allées Antonio Machado - 31058 Toulouse Cedex (France)
Tel. : 33 (0)5 61 50 43 08 (Répondeur) Fax : 33 (0)5 61 50 49 25

Coordinadora de "RUMBOS"
Lista de Distribucion y Red de Informacion Cientifica y de Investigacion
en Ciencias Humanas y Sociales sobre y de America Latina

Fecha - 13-11-00
Nombre: Antonio José García
Comentarios: Comentarios: Les felicito. Considero de gran utilidad este medio de información, que le presta valioso servicio a quienes lo requieren

Fecha - 11-11-00
Nombre: Ernest Rukangira
Comentarios: Subject: infoDev Call for Proposals: Country Gateway Planning Grants
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 14:52:05 -0400
Reply-To: "infoDev Forum"
To: "infoDev Forum"

infoDev is pleased to announce a Call for Proposals for grants to plan for the creation of Country Gateways in partnership with the Global Development Gateway Initiative.

The Global Development Gateway (GDG) is a new knowledge sharing initiative under development with the private sector, NGOs, international agencies, and governments. The Gateway is envisioned as a web portal for development, helping to alleviate poverty by bringing communities together to exchange knowledge and information. Content such as project information, research findings, best practices reports, data development news, and training services, will be tailored to the special needs of the user communities. More information on the GDG can be found at:

Country Gateways will bring the country's development stakeholders together to build a strong on-line network of local, regional, and global development communities on the web. Providing country views and empowering local partners to use the Internet for collaboration, e-business, e-government, knowledge sharing, benchmarking, and training, Country Gateways will have a standard format and will draw information from over 150 global and regional content aggregators and many local sources. You are encouraged to engage your colleagues in this development initiative. For additional information on the infoDev Country Gateway initiative, visit our website at: or
contact infoDev (email:

.Please feel free to send your input to:>
.Please join by sending a blank e-mail to:
.To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
.Primary languages used: English, Français and Español

Fecha - 11-11-00
Nombre: Guillermo Font
Comentarios: Companeros/Compañeras:

En estos momentos se vive un clima de protesta social generalizada en distintos lugares de la Argentina.
Se realizan cortes y tomas de rutas nacionales, ollas populares, toma de facultades y colegios, movilizaciones en distinas localidades y Provincias.

lo más grave sucede en Tartagal. Salta donde se ha desatado una represión feroz sobre los piqueteros.
la Policia a asesinado un trabajador y detenido a 17 compañeros de las comunidades aborigenes de Salta.

Las demandas son por trabajo y comida, por techo, por salud, por condiciones de vida dignas.

La respuesta del gobierno es muerte y represión:

Hoy la solidaridad es necesaria para frenar la represión:

La CTA ha convocado a un paro de actividades en todo el País para el lunes.
· AUTOGESTION VECINAL: Primer medio uruguayo en Internet de difusión sobre
temas sociales, vecinales, comunales, cooperativas, etc.
Vecinales y Comunales/Vivienda Popular/Cooperativismo y Autogestión/Cultura
e Identidad -Correo-E:

· vecinet-notici@s: Boletín Electrónico de difusión gratuita por correo-e,
sobre temas sociales, vecinales, comunales, cooperativas, etc.,
de apoyo a las organizaciones y/o actores sociales.
Sociedad/Cultura/Comunales/Informes Especiales
Suscripción al correo-e:
"La causa de los pueblos no admite la menor demora." "Que los más infelices sean los más privilegiados." José Artigas

Fecha - 11-11-00
Nombre: Guillermo Font
Comentarios: * * * Servicio Informativo "alai-amlatina" * * *


Emir Sader
Río de Janeiro

El día 30 de noviembre se cumple un año de la manifestación de
Seattle, que comenzó a alterar el clima político internacional.
Hasta allí la tecnocracia internacional decidía a su bello
placer los destinos de la humanidad, en reuniones en cualquier
lugar del mundo, aparentemente sin encontrar resistencias.

Era reflejo de la relación de fuerzas mundiales en la primera
mitad de la década de los noventa, cuando el neoliberalismo
llegó al auge de su hegemonía. El agotamiento de su primera
fase, representado por Reagan y Thatcher, fue sucedido por su
oxigenación de la "tercera vía" de Clinton y Blair. La economía
mundial, comandada por la norteamericana parecía mantener un
crecimiento estable, aunque en niveles relativamente bajos.

Ideológicamente, la socialdemocracia contribuía decisivamente
para hacer de las políticas del Banco Mundial y del FMI una casi
unanimidad. Concomitantemente había una casi ausencia de
análisis y formulaciones alternativas, quedándose los
cuestionamientos casi apenas en el campo de la crítica.

La crisis asiática, seguida por la de Rusia y la de Brasil
sonaron como el ingreso de la economía internacional a un
período de turbulencias, de la cual ella aún no sale. Desde
entonces la inestabilidad se instaló en las bolsas de todo el
mundo, las economías latinoamericanas no llegaron a recuperarse,
la crisis se aproximó gradualmente de la bolsa de Nueva York y
la elevación del precio del petróleo definitivamente instaló un
clima de crisis en la economía internacional.

Del punto de vista teórico, fueron surgiendo los primeros
balances generales del siglo, con las obras de Hobsbawn,
Arrighi, Robert Brenner y, a partir de ahí, el clima
internacional comenzó a cambiar. La crisis asiática, en
particular, comenzó a generar una serie de críticas a la
actuación del FMI y del Banco Mundial, produciendo las primeras
fracturas en el consenso hasta allí general a favor de las
políticas de ajuste fiscal.

El Banco Mundial reaccionó a ellas promoviendo debates sobre las
consecuencias sociales negativas de las políticas neo-liberales,
sin poner en cuestión los modelos económicos generadores de esos
efectos negativos, que fueron tratados como efectos paralelos
indeseables, que deberían ser combatidos como tales.

Fue en ese contexto que surgieron las manifestaciones de
malestar generalizado de la población mundial, reuniendo en
Seattle organizaciones de los más diferentes tipos, con un
abanico variado de reivindicaciones, todas convergiendo en el
ataque a las políticas de mercantización del mundo,
personificadas por la OMC, por el FMI y por el Banco Mundial.
De allí para adelante se generalizó la resistencia a la
globalización neoliberal, reflejando el cambio de correlación de
fuerzas mundiales, expresadas en las movilizaciones de
Washington, Melbourne, Praga.

El desafío actual es el de elaborar plataformas alternativas,
que al mismo tiempo congreguen todo el potencial de lucha
acumulado en la resistencia al neoliberalismo, e incluir a los
más amplios sectores de la humanidad, víctimas todavía pasivas
de esas políticas. El Foro Social Mundial, convocado para
realizarse en Porto Alegre, entre los días 25 y 30 de enero, al
mismo tiempo que la reunión de Davos, en Suiza, apunta en esta

El hecho de que se realicen no solo contra-manifestaciones en
Davos, sino un Foro analítico y propositivo propio ya demuestra
que el movimiento mantiene su visión contestataria y, a la vez,
que se propone elaborar visiones y propuestas alternativas.
Temas tales como "?Qué forma de organización de la economía para
producir para todos?" y "?Qué sistema democrático de
comunicación de masas?" demuestran la amplitud de los temas y
del horizonte de reorganización de los recursos acumulados por
la humanidad en función de las necesidades y de las agustias de
toda la humanidad.

Al argumento de que había un descontento difuso y heterogéneo,
incapaz de organizarse bajo forma de proyecto alternativo, se
puede inmediatamente responder, incluso antes de la realización
del Foro, que un punto articula el conjunto de las
manifestaciones de protesta, expresado en varios carteles en
Praga: "El mundo no está a la venta", esto es, contra la
mercantilización del mundo y, por tanto, a favor de la
afirmación de los derechos de todos y de cada uno. Es en esa
dirección que se realizará el Foro Social Mundial en Porto
Alegre, en el cual los brasileños tienen la obligación de
contribuir cualitativa y macisamente para demostrar que lo mejor
de Brasil y lo mejor de la humanidad están del lado de una
reorganización del mundo en la dirección del humanismo, de la
solidaridad, de la libertad y de la fraternidad.
Servicio Informativo alai-amlatina
Agencia Latinoamericana de Informacion
· AUTOGESTION VECINAL: Primer medio uruguayo en Internet de difusión sobre
temas sociales,
vecinales, comunales, cooperativas, etc.
Vecinales y Comunales/Vivienda Popular/Cooperativismo y Autogestión/Cultura
e Identidad -Correo-E:

· vecinet-notici@s: Boletín Electrónico de difusión gratuita por correo-e,
sobre temas sociales, vecinales, comunales, cooperativas, etc.,
de apoyo a las organizaciones y/o actores sociales.
Sociedad/Cultura/Comunales/Informes Especiales
Suscripción al correo-e:
"La causa de los pueblos no admite la menor demora." "Que los más infelices
sean los más privilegiados." José Artigas

Fecha - 11-11-00
Nombre: Reforme

Estimados amigos de la Lista Reforme:

Teniendo en cuenta que el exceso de informacion puede ser tan
perjudicial como su ausencia, el CLAD ha convenido en realizar
un esfuerzo especial por condensar los mensajes enviados a la
Lista REFORME de acuerdo con diversas categorias, segun la
informacion contenida en los mismos.

En esta oportunidad, con el reinicio de las actividades de la
Lista REFORME, presentamos el nuevo formato de las Notas
Informativas desde el CLAD, las cuales recogen las informaciones
remitidas tanto a la Lista como aquellas obtenidas fuera de ella.

Le recordamos que, para conocer mayores detalles acerca de la
informacion reseñada, debe dirigirse directamente a las personas
y/o direcciones indicadas en cada caso.

El contenido de este mensaje esta organizado de la siguiente


-Entidades: Universidad Simon Bolivar, Universidad Central de
Venezuela, Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigacion, Formacion
y Documentacion de la Economia Cooperativa, Social y Publica
-Descripion: El tema principal del simposio sera la discusion de
un mapa de variables para el estudio de la economia social
venezolana. Se pondran en marcha tres mesas de trabajo con miras
a una plenaria que formule el Plan de Trabajo de 2001. Las mesas
de trabajo seran las siguientes: Desarrollo de la Economia Social
¿Que hacer?; Hacia un Plan Educativo de la Economia Social;
Lineas de Investigacion; "Cayapa: Revista Venezolana de Economia
-Fecha: 20-21 de noviembre de 2000
-Lugar: Venezuela
-Contacto: Prof. Oscar Bastidas-Delgado, Director Ejecutivo del
CIRIEC, Telf. (58-2) 632.87.69/ 605.24.63/ Fax: (58-2)
605.24.60, (

-Entidad: Kable Ltd.
-Fecha: 21- 22 de noviembre de 2000
-Lugar: Belgica
-Contacto: Caroline Brabin, Events Marketing Manager.
Kable Ltd, The Courtyard, 55 Charterhouse Street London EC1M 6HA,
Tel: 020 76088417 Fax: 020 76088420,

-Entidad: Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Guanajuato
-Fecha: 22-24 de noviembre de 2000
-Lugar: Mexico
-Contacto: Facultad de Derecho, L. de Retana #5, Centro.
Guanajuato, GTO, Telf: 7320006, Ext. 3092, 3093 y 3040, Fax:
7325051 (

-Entidades: Capitulo Latinoamericano de la Union Internacional
de Gobiernos Locales (IULA), Federacion Latinoamericana de
Ciudades, Municipios y Asociaciones (FLACMA), Agencia de los
Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID),
Organizacion Paraguaya de Cooperacion Intermunicipal (OPACI)
-Fecha: 30 de noviembre - 02 de diciembre de 2000
-Lugar: Paraguay
-Contacto: Jaime Torres Lara, Secretario Ejecutivo de IULA,
Director de CELCADEL,

-Entidad: The International Network for Urban Development (INTA)
-Descripcion: Mobility and accessibility are increasingly under
threat in cities, due to traffic congestion, space constraints,
disintegrated planning, social dislocation, urban sprawl and
speed of growth. This seminar proposes to seek solutions which
go beyond the choice of mode of transport to reach the core
question of the type of mobility the people want, the
institutional arrangements which support mobility and urban
transport, the relationship between the public authorities and
transit operators as well as between local authorities and
central government. Solutions may exist, not necessarily in a
technical or industrial response, but rather with a different
notion of urban development and its impact on the operating modes
for delivering mobility in our cities.
-Fecha: 29-30 de enero de 2001
-Lugar: Francia
-Contacto: Jeroen van Alphen (

-Entidad: University of Leicester Management Centre
-Descripcion: The conference will provide an opportunity for
critical and practice-based reflections on the management of
knowledge. It aims to contribute to ongoing debates in key fields
by providing empirical studies, theoretical analysis and
practitioner perspectives.
-Fecha: 10-11 de abril de 2001
-Lugar: Gran Bretaña
-Contacto: Chris Carter, The International Conference on Managing
Knowledge, University of Leicester Management Centre, University
Rd, Leicester. LE1 7RH, (

-Organizador: Instituto de Investigacion y Formacion en
Administracion Publica (IIFAP) de la Universidad Nacional de
Cordoba, Argentina
-Descripcion: La maestria tiene como objetivo que sus egresados
obtengan una solida formacion y capacitacion para la
investigacion y gestion en el campo de la Administracion Publica
que les permita: analizar, diagnosticar y proponer soluciones a
problemas complejos, integrar equipos tecnicos y de investigacion
y desempeñar tareas de docencia y consultoria. Esta maestria
posibilita una especializacion en Gestion del Desarrollo Local.
-Fecha: 17 de octubre - 27 de noviembre de 2000 (periodo de
-Lugar: Argentina
-Contacto: Claudio Tecco (

-Organizador: Instituto Boliviano de Estudios Empresariales
-Descripcion: Tiene como objetivo proporcionar instrumentos
teoricos y practicos que permitan una administracion y desarrollo
eficiente de las entidades microfinancieras, mediante el estudio
de areas esenciales: Regulacion, Supervision y Administracion de
Riesgos. El programa internacional comprende dos cursos de una
semana de duracion cada uno. Adicionalmente, se brinda la
posibilidad de asistencia a dos cursos de 3 y 2 dias
respectivamente. El primero se realiza antes del Programa
Internacional y el segundo entre ambos cursos del mismo.
-Fecha: 13-24 de noviembre de 2000
-Lugar: Bolivia
-Contacto: Jaime Burgoa (

-Organizadores: Universidad de las Americas y Cooperacion Tecnica
Alemana (GTZ)
-Fecha: 20 de noviembre de 2000
-Lugar: Ecuador
-Contacto: Burkhard Gnass, GTZ-CREAR

-Organizadores: Foro Latinoamericano de Ciencias Ambientales
(FLACAM), Catedra UNESCO para el Desarrollo Sustentable,
Universidad Nacional de Lanus
-Descripcion: La maestria ofrece a egresados universitarios una
capacitacion en estrategias y destrezas de proyeccion ambiental
para la gestion efectiva del desarrollo. Mediante una modalidad
semipresencial adecuada a las necesidades y posibilidades de
profesionales con actividad laboral, se enseña un enfoque
practico para la renovacion de los conocimientos en la direccion
de un compromiso con la etica de la responsabilidad y la
-Fecha: hasta el 15 de febrero de 2001 para entregar
-Lugar: Argentina
-Contacto: Centro de Estudios y Proyectacion del Ambiente (CEPA),
calle 57 N° 393 (1900) La Plata, Argentina.
Telf: +54 221 4256556 / 4257482 Fax: +54 221 4226800

GESTION SALUD: Contempla informacion
relacionada a la gestion, reforma y economia de la salud. Al
registrarse periodicamente le llegara un boletin informativo
sobre las ultimas incorporaciones al sitio. Igualmente se puede
participar en las diversas publicaciones y foros de discusion.
Contacto:Yajaira Fernandez (

paginas se recopila y sistematiza informacion economica y
estadistica de America Latina en general y el Mercosur en
particular, con el fin de mejorar la infraestructura para la
investigacion en Ciencias Sociales. Los enlaces que se muestran
en dicha pagina son el resultado de la labor investigadora de dos
colaboradores del Instituto de Economia Internacional.

-Entidades: Ford Fundation, the Academic Council on the United
Nations System (ACUNS)
-Descripcion: It is a competitive award program for a social
scientist or the equivalent for legal scholars. This award can
be used independently or in conjunction with another fellowship.
Subsequent to review by an independent selection committee, this
award will be disbursed in July 2001 to cover the period 1 July
2001 - 30 June 2002. A completed application will include a 3 to
4 pages description of the applicant's dissertation research
proposal, curriculum vitae, and at least one letter of
recommendation from the applicant's doctoral mentor or a faculty
member who knows his/her work. It is the sole responsability of
the applicant to ensure that his/her dossier is complete by the
application deadline.
-Fecha: hasta el 15 de enero de 2001 (para la recepcion de
-Lugar: Estados Unidos
-Contacto: ACUNS Dissertation Award Program, Yale University, Box
208206, New Haven, CT, USA 06520-8206, Tel: 203/432-6512, Fax:
203/432-5634, (

-Entidades: El Observatorio Social de America Latina (OSAL),
Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)
-Fecha: 25-30 de enero de 2001
-Lugar: Brasil
-Contacto: Observatorio Social de America Latina (OSAL-CLACSO),

-Entidades: St. Johns Universtiy y Suffolk University
-Descripcion: Rethinking Management Education will be the initial
volume in a new book series Research in Management Education and
Development, edited by Charles Wankel and Robert DeFillippi for
Information Age Publishing of Greenwich CT. 20-30 page chapters
will illuminate the state of art of central topics in management
education nested in innovative and forward-thinking prespectives.
Examples of proposed chapter topics for Rethinking Management
Education include but are not limited to the following: knowledge
management and increasing the human capital of organizations new
roles in management education; the role of technological
innovations such as those based in Internet technologies and
other new media, distance learning, the role of virtual learning
communities, simulations and virtual reality applications,
intelligent tutoring; international and intercultural
perspectives on trends in management education; emotional and
cognitive perspectives; service learning; corporate universities,
emerging visions of management education; ethical and spiritual
perspectives; consulting, internships and field experiences;
faculty externships; assessment and accreditation of management
education; comparative studies of curriculum development; film
and fiction as learning media; and critical, postmodern
-Fecha: 15 de abril de 2001 (recepcion de papers)
-Contacto: Charles Wankel (;
Robert DiFillippi (

-Entidades: The Academic Council on the United Nations System
(ACUNS), American Society of International Law (ASIL), Ford
Fundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
-Descripcion: The theme of this year's workshop is "Humanitarian
Intervention and the Role of International Organizations". The
purposes of this workshop are to encourage new directions in
international organization research, establish and strengthen
contacts amongst legal and international relations scholars and
UN practitioners, and stimulate teaching and research in
international organization studies. This workshop is designed for
advanced graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, young
international relations and law school faculty, lawyers and other
practitioners. Those selected will be expected to submit a
ten-page research draft by early May. Participants will also
submit a brief abstract prior to the workshop and make an oral
presentation during the two-week conference. Selected
participants will received travel stipends, room and board
-Fecha: 5-18 de agosto de 2001
-Lugar: Africa
-Contacto: ACUNS Dissertation Award Program, Yale University, Box
208206, New Haven, CT, USA 06520-8206, Tel: 203/432-6512, Fax:

-Entidad: Secretaria General de la Organizacion de los Estados
Americanos (OEA), Division de Cooperacion para el Desarrollo de
Recursos Humanos
-Numero de becas: 16
-Fecha: 4-12 de diciembre de 2000 (curso)
-Fecha para la recepcion de solicitudes: 17 de noviembre de 2000
-A quien va dirigido: A funcionarios profesionales de diferentes
niveles del sector publico relacionados al tema, o con
experiencia en la ejecucion de proyectos de descentralizacion y
gobierno local; profesionales de ONGs y asociaciones civiles,
profesores, investigadores, estudiantes de post-grado interesados
y estudiantes y profesionales de los medios de comunicacion
interesados o vinculados a las tematicas mencionadas.
-Requisitos: Ser ciudadano o residente permanente de los paises
de la region andina y los residentes deberan enviar copia de su
visa. Tener buen conocimiento del idioma español, comprobado con
certificacion si no es lengua materna. Ser graduado en una
disciplina afin a los intereses del curso. Presentar certificado
de salud reciente,expedido por un medico. Presentar seguro de
viaje y estadia. Ser menor de 35 años.
-Beneficios: Se proporcionaran boletos aereos ida y regreso clase
economica entre pais de origen y la sede de estudios (Colombia).
Apoyo para sostenimiento (hotel y alimentacion), transporte
interno, seguro contra accidentes y materiales de estudio. La
Universidad Javeriana de Colombia exonerara a los 16 becarios del
pago de la matricula.
-Contacto: Heidi Smith, UPD Consultant 2
Organization of American States, Division of Cooperation for
Development of Human Resources, 1889 F Street, N.W., Washington,
D.C. 20006, Telf. (202) 4583900, Fax: (202)4583878,


Barbara Czarniawska .- Sweden: Harwood Academic Publications
-Descripcion: Management of big cities is a relatively
unresearched area, as compared to city planning and city
governance. A study of Warsaw city management reveals the
transformation process typically found in European countries in
political and economic transition. In "A City Reframed",
Czarniawska conceptualizes city management as an action-net under
transformation, where three types of actions are in focus:
"muddling through" or coping with daily problems; "reframing",
or changing the frame of interpretation of the world in order to
take successful action and "anchoring" the testing of new ideas
on potentially involved parties in order to secure cooperation
or minimize resistance. "Muddling through" is central to
management in Warsaw, as it no doubt has always been: it is this
"muddling through" that makes cities function.
-Contacto: Gerard Greenway (,
Telf: +44 (0) 118 952 0314

Eleanor D. Glor (editor)
-Disponible en:
-Descripcion: The books observes the innovation process in
government through the prism of a Canadian provincial government
the introduced 160 innovations. By examining the administration
and processes of the government from numerous perspectives, it
explores whether innovation is primarily about determined factors
such as history, culture, political and social environment, size
of government, and cycles or about unique political and public
service will and action.
-Contacto: Eleanor Glor (


-Disponible en:
-Contacto: Veronica Heler (

Dr. Ali Faramzmand (editor). Florida Atlantic University. School
of Public Administration, Estados Unidos
-Disponible en:
-Contacto: Dr. Ali Faramzmand, Professor of Public

REVISTA DE OCCIDENTE, No. 232 (Septiembre 2000)
-Contacto: Miguel Calabria, Director del Departamento de Gestion
y Comunicacion, Fundacion Jose Ortega y Gasset, Fortuny, 53,
E-28010 Madrid, España, Telf. 34917004119; Fax. 34917004123,

Reforma del Sector de la Salud (Julio-Agosto 2000)
-Disponible en:
-Contacto: Anabel Cruz, Programa de Publicaciones. Organizacion
Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), (

REVISTA PROBIDAD, No. 10 (Septiembre-Octubre 2000)
-Disponible en:
-Contacto: Jaime Lopez, CoEditor, Revista Probidad, El Salvador

Año 2000
-Contacto: Hector Cabo, Editorial EPPAL, Santiago Labandera 705,
11700 Montevideo, Uruguay. Telf/Fax: (598-2) 308 44 49,


a) "Reflections of a Reformer", analiza las estrategias politicas
que tornaron viable la aprobacion de la enmienda constitucional
de la reforma administrativa en Brasil, durante su gestion como
Ministro del MARE (en ingles y portugues). b) "A Reforma
Gerencial de 1995", que hace un balance de los resultados
alcanzados hasta el momento (portugues). c) "Do Estado
Patrimonial ao Gerencial", que es un analisis historico de la
administracion publica en Brasil desde fines del siglo XIX hasta
hoy (portugues).
-Disponible en:
-Contacto: Cecilia Heise, Asistente del Dr. Bresser-Pereira

Ponencias, conferencias y discursos presentados durante la VII
Reunion de la Red Centroamericana por la Descentralizacion y el
Fortalecimiento Municipal.
-Disponible en:
-Contacto: Patricia de Jager, Directora Ejecutiva FEMICA,


United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UNCHS), Best
Practices and Local Leadership Programme, Habitat, Africa
-Contacto: Guenther Gross, Administrador de la lista Habitat,

BOLETIN DE POLITICAS PUBLICAS, Año 1, No. 12 y No. 13 (Octubre
Universidad Simon Bolivar, Funindes-USB, Unidad de Politicas
Publicas, Venezuela
-Suscripcion: (
-Contacto: Prof. Marino Gonzalez (

Kable Ltd, Gran Bretaña
-Contacto: Mike Cross (

NOVEDADES, Año II, No. 21 (Octubre 2000)
Instituto Provincial de Administracion Publica (IPAP), Argentina
-Suscripcion: Enviar un mensaje a: (
con el subject en blanco que diga: suscribe Novedades "su
direccion electronica"
-Contacto: Informat (

Red Nacional de Centros Academicos dedicados al Estudio de la
Gestion en Gobiernos Locales (REDMUNI), Argentina
-Suscripcion y Contacto: (

Autogestion Vecinal, Uruguay
-Suscripcion: (
-Contacto: Guillermo Font (

El Programa Universidades-Gobiernos Regionales, de la
Subsecretaria de Desarrollo Regional y Administrativo desde 1995
ha desarrollado sistematicamente un espacio para la cooperacion
proyectual, virtual y para la reflexion y formacion de actores
provenientes del sector publico, universitario, cientifico,
politico, eclesiastico y castrense en 12 de las 13 regiones de
Chile, bajo el liderazgo y la capacidad del Profesor Luis
Guastavino. Mayores antecedentes pueden comunicarse a traves del
e-mail: ( o consultar la
pagina web a partir del 15 de noviembre de 2000:
-Contacto: Lenia Planas (

Dr. Ali Faramzmand, Professor of Public Administration is doing
extensive research on Globalization Implications for Governance
and Democratic Self-determination, as well as establishing as the
Founder the Center for Globalization Studies at Florida Atlantic
University. He also has new books on Administrative Reform in
Developing Countries and Privatization or Reform, published by
Greenwood Press.
-Contacto: Ali Faramzmand (afarazma@ACC.FAU.EDU)

Mensaje Original:
"We posted a message about 3 weeks ago asking for anyone
interested in working with Public Futures on commissioned
research and consultancy projects to post us their CV's. We
received over a 100 responses, for which we are very grateful.
We managed to download printed copies of nearly all of them just
before we a catastrophic failure of our network which wiped out
our entire email system and all your CV's ! So we lost them all
(now we have learnt our lesson and installed an automated backup
So: 1) If you already sent us a CV - apologies for the slow
response. We will get back to you ASAP. 2) If you have sent us
a CV please send it again so we have an electronic copy. 3) If
you sent your CV in Spanish/Portuguese as a number of people did,
please send us an English version if you can. We only work in
English at the moment. 4) If you didn't send us a CV but are now
interested, please feel free to do so. If you want to know who
we are have a look at our website :"
-Contacto: Alison Essery, Public Futures

Diana Acosta
Administradora de la Lista Reforme
* Para hacer contribuciones a REFORME escriba a:
* Si desea retirarse escriba un mensaje a "" con el
subject en blanco y que diga en la primera linea:
unsubscribe reforme "su direccion electronica"
* For contributions to REFORME send a message to:
* If you want to leave the mailing list send a message to
"" without subject and in the first line of
message's body write:
unsubscribe reforme "your mail address"
Fecha - 10-11-00
Nombre: EricLangevin
Comentarios: Cher(e)s participant(e)s, lectrices et lecteurs de Horizon Local,

Le site Horizon Local a ete cree il y a maintenant plus de 4 ans (juin 96).
ll a ete le premier site sur le developpement local en France et reste l'un
des deux sites les plus visites sur le serveur de Globenet (environ 5.000
visiteurs differents et 40.000 documents visionnes par mois).

Il a ete cree dans l'objectif de capitaliser de l'information sur le
developpement local et de mettre en relation ses acteurs. Il reste a ce
titre une exception sur le web associatif francophone puisque c'est le seul
site sur lequel il est possible de trouver autant d'articles et de
documents (plus de 500) provenant de plus de 30 associations differentes.

Cependant, ce projet n'est à mon sens qu'un demi succès. En effet, le
projet de départ etait de créer une base documentaire " collective " au
sens où j'attendais une participation collective à la construction, à la
conception et au développement de ce projet. Or pendant ces quatre années,
en dépit de l'aide précieuse, mais irrégulière de certaines personnes
ressources, j'ai été le principal "maitre à bord".

Aujourd'hui, de nouvelles occupations m'empechent de continuer le travail
d'actualisation que j'entreprenais de facon encore trop irreguliere.

Cette contrainte supplémentaire pourrait être l'occasion de faire de ce
projet, le projet collectif que j'envisageais au départ et de lui donner
un nouvel essort.

Je m'adresse donc a vous pour vous proposer d'echanger sur la maniere donc
le projet pourrait evoluer. Plusieurs pistes sont possibles que je vous
soumets ici, mais qui ne préjugent absolument pas de ce qui sera fait

Je propose que la discussion se fasse via e-mail dans un premier temps et
puis lorsque les idées seront un peu plus précises, nous pourrions
envisager une réunion afin de décider de manière plus formelle de la forme
que prendra le projet. Cette réunion pourrait avoir lieu au plus tard
mi-décembre chez Globenet au 21 Bd de Grenelle - 75015

Parmi les idees evoquees ci-dessous, je distingue celles liees au contenu
et celles liees aux modalités d'alimentation de la base documentaire.

- fusionner les contenus d' horizon local avec ceux d'autres sites dans une
super base documentaire
- ouvrir la base a des articles d'actualite et en faire un journal
d'actualite de ce qui peut etre trouver sur globenet et dans les reseaux
- restreindre les sujets abordes a des documents methodologique et/ou
- se limiter a faire une newsletter reprennant des liens vers des articles
reperes et choisis sur internet
- fusionner la base avec des bases de donnes bibliographique
- ...

- creer une equipe editoriale qui s'occupe de faire une veille
d'information dans les revues et site internet afin que les contenus
s'actualisent plus regulierement
- leguer le contenu a une association ou a un groupement d'association qui
desirerait le reprendre
- trouver des subventions afin d'avoir une personne qui puisse passer du
temps a faire la veille d'information et l'actualisation du site

Tout au long de ces annees, ce site m'a permis de connaitre directement ou
virtuellement un grand nombre de personnes. Il m'a aussi donne la
possibilite de mettre en relation un certain nombre d'autres personnes. J'y
ai mis beaucoup de coeur et j'aimerais qu'il puisse continuer a offrir de
tels satisfactions à d'autres personnes, c'est pourquoi je vous invite a
participer a ces echanges en esperant qu'ils soient utiles a tous.

Avec tous mes remerciements a toutes et a tous et en particulier a toutes
les associations qui m'ont fait confiance et m'ont permis de diffuser leurs

Si vous desirez participer aux echanges, envoyez moi un email a l'adresse

Eric Langevin

Fecha - 09-11-00
Nombre: Sergio Llari
Comentarios: Desde fines de 1998, el INDEC (Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas y
Censos) esta implementando en la Argentina el Programa Regional de
Mejoramiento de las Encuestas de Condiciones de Vida en America Latina y el
Caribe (MECOVI - Argentina), con el apoyo del Banco Interamericano de
Desarrollo (BID), el Banco Mundial (BM) y la Comision Economica para
America Latina (CEPAL)

Entre las actividades previstas para el cumplimiento de estos objetivos
se encuentra el Fondo de Investigaciones, que tiene como objetivo fomentar
la utilizacion de la informacion de las encuestas a hogares en la
realizacion de estudios sobre las condiciones de vida de la poblacion y el
diseño de las politicas sociales.

El Objetivo de la presente es hacerle conocer el llamado a la II
Convocatoria del Fondo de Investigaciones del Programa MECOVI - Argentina.
A traves de este Fondo se otorgaran subvenciones no reintegrables a
Investigadores Formados y a estudiantes de posgrado que presenten proyectos
de investigacion que cumplan con las condiciones de la convocatoria. El
plazo de presentacion de las solicitudes vence el día 26 de enero de 2001.

El formulario de solicitud de subvencion puede ser retirado en la
Unidad de Ejecucion del programa MECOVI - Argentina, Julio A. Roca 651, 7°
Piso, sector 6, (1067) Buenos Aires, de 12 a 17 horas; o bien bajarse de la
pagina web del INDEC

Secretaría de Investigacion y Doctorado
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas - UBA

Fecha - 30-10-00
Nombre: Inforegio
Comentarios: Programación 2000-2006: situación general
El pasado 11 de septiembre, el Comisario Michel Barnier presentó
a la Comisión de política regional, transportes y turismo del
Parlamento Europeo un resumen de la situación de las ayudas
regionales correspondientes al período de programación 2000-2006.
Teniendo en cuenta que el año 2000 es el primero del nuevo
período, el ritmo de utilización de los créditos del Objetivo nº
1 ofrece buenas perspectivas. No puede decirse lo mismo de los
créditos del Fondo de Cohesión. Por ello, el Sr. Barnier pidió a
los eurodiputados que le ayudaran a sensibilizar a los Estados
miembros interesados. El Comisario afirmó que es preciso "hacer
comprender a los países beneficiarios que, si no presentan un
número suficiente de proyectos que sean adecuados, existe el
riesgo de que en el 2000 se pierdan créditos definitivamente".

En el caso del Objetivo nº 1, parece que todos los programas
estarán aprobados antes de que finalice el año. Todas las
estrategias de desarrollo (Marcos Comunitarios de Apoyo) ya han
recibido una aprobación definitiva o, al menos, un acuerdo de
principio. Tal es el caso también de los Documentos únicos de
programación (DOCUP), salvo cinco documentos franceses que se
esperan para finales del mes de octubre.

Por su parte, la programación del Objetivo nº 2 acusa cierto
retraso debido a la larga duración de las negociaciones
celebradas con los Estados miembros para estudiar los mapas de
las zonas subvencionables. Ya están adoptados dos de los tres
programas finlandeses así como el programa danés (véase más
adelante). En cuanto a los otros nueve Estados interesados,
cerca del 90% de los programas se halla en fase de negociación y
una buena parte de ellos debería aprobarse en el curso de los
tres últimos meses del año. El Comisario expresó el deseo de que
en esos programas se integren las orientaciones comunitarias,
especialmente en materia de formación profesional, sociedad de
la información, ayudas a las PYME, medio ambiente y desarrollo

En cuanto a las iniciativas comunitarias Urban II e Interreg III,
son pocas hasta ahora las propuestas de programas que han sido
presentadas a la Comisión, y ello pese a que el plazo concluye a
finales de noviembre, es decir, seis meses después de la
publicación de las orientaciones en el Diario Oficial. Aunque
todavía cabe esperar este año la adopción de un pequeño número
de programas Interreg, es probable que haya que esperar hasta el
final del primer semestre del próximo año para que se inicie
realmente la programación de esas dos iniciativas de desarrollo

**Previsiones presupuestarias** --
El Comisario Barnier se comprometió a hacer todo lo que
estuviera en su poder para alcanzar a finales del 2000 "un nivel
satisfactorio de utilización de los créditos, sin por ello
renunciar a los controles de calidad que incumben a la Comisión".
Dado que la ejecución presupuestaria depende directamente de la
adopción de los programas, el Comisario opinó que los resultados
serán "satisfactorios" en el caso del Objetivo nº 1, que
representa la mayor parte de los fondos disponibles (70%). En lo
que atañe al Objetivo nº 2 y a las iniciativas comunitarias,
puede esperarse el próximo año una solicitud de prórroga
(reconstitución ) al período 2002-2006 de las dotaciones no
utilizadas el presente año. En cuanto al Fondo de Cohesión, el
Sr. Barnier anunció que "el número de proyectos recibidos
permite prever una evolución positiva en la ejecución de los
créditos". No obstante, para no perder los fondos que no se
hayan empleado en 2000, y que no podrán reconstituirse en los
ejercicios siguientes, el Comisario pidió a los eurodiputados
que le ayudaran a explicar a las autoridades interesadas la
conveniencia de proponer más proyectos.

Por lo que se refiere, en fin, al Instrumento de política
estructural de preadhesión (ISPA), la reciente aprobación de
numerosos proyectos permite aún predecir un consumo completo de
los créditos de compromiso.

Nueva publicación
Acaba de publicarse un nuevo estudio consagrado a la gestión
sostenible de los recursos hídricos en la región mediterránea de
la Unión. Se trata de una cuestión importante dentro de la
programación de los Fondos Estructurales, los cuales participan
en operaciones de saneamiento y distribución de agua en las
regiones del Objetivo nº 1. El estudio profundiza el tema de la
gestión del agua, abordado en la Estrategia Territorial Europea
(ETE), y propone un marco de referencia para las nuevas medidas
que se emprendan en ese ámbito.

La publicación, que lleva por título "Hacia una gestión
sostenible y estratégica de los recursos hídricos", sólo se
halla disponible, por el momento, en francés, italiano, español
y portugués.

Cada una de estas cuatro ediciones comprende una parte común al
conjunto de las regiones estudiadas y una parte específica
consagrada al país de la lengua de publicación.


Fax: +32.2.2966003

Adopción de dos programas italianos del Objetivo nº 1
La Comisión ha aprobado recientemente los programas operativos
"Seguridad" y "Escuela" previstos en la estrategia del Objetivo
nº 1 del sur de Italia.

El primero de estos programas se propone favorecer el
crecimiento del Mezzogiorno reforzando la seguridad pública. La
contribución financiera de la Unión Europea permitirá estimular
las inversiones y aumentar el empleo, especialmente mediante la
lucha contra los fenómenos ilegales que se dan en la región
(criminalidad, infiltración de la mafia en el ámbito económico y
social, trabajo irregular, monopolios de facto, etc). A tal
efecto, se desarrollarán y modernizarán las tecnologías de
comunicación de las fuerzas del orden.

Por su parte, el programa "Escuela para el desarrollo" tiene por
objeto acometer una lucha activa y preventiva contra el paro,
adecuando la oferta y la demanda de formación. El programa
concede también gran importancia al empleo de las mujeres, a la
sociedad de la información y a la reinserción social de los
grupos marginales.

Ambos programas se hallan disponibles en el sitio Inforegio:

También pueden pedirse al nº de fax: +32.2.2966003

Contribución de los
Coste total* Fondos Estructurales

Seguridad 1112 573,1
Escuela para el desarrollo 792 547

* En millones de euros.

Adopción del programa danés del Objetivo nº 2
El pasado 2 de octubre, la Comisión dio su acuerdo de principio
al Documento único de programación de las regiones danesas
cubiertas por el Objetivo nº 2. Durante el período 2000-2006,
este programa se beneficiará con un presupuesto total de 617
millones de euros, de los cuales 189 proceden de los Fondos

Las medidas previstas se centran en tres prioridades

* el desarrollo regional (haciendo hincapié en el
establecimiento de unas condiciones favorables al crecimiento);

* el desarrollo de las empresas y, en especial, de las PYME (por
ejemplo, mediante ayudas a la inversión y servicios de asesoría);

* la mejora de las competencias (prestando especial atención a
la formación de los trabajadores en las propias empresas).

La adopción definitiva del programa tendrá lugar una vez que se
haya consultado a los comités compuestos por los representantes
de los Estados miembros.

Puede accederse a un resumen de este programa en el sitio

Asimismo, es posible pedirlo al nº de fax : +32.2.2966003

Aprobación de los últimos mapas de
las ayudas de finalidad regional
El 20 de septiembre la Comisión aprobó los mapas de las ayudas
estatales de finalidad regional de Bélgica y del norte de Italia.
Estos mapas precisan las zonas en las que pueden concederse
ayudas públicas a la inversión en favor de las industrias y del
sector de los servicios. Las mismas cubren el 30,9% del
territorio belga y el 10% del territorio septentrional de Italia.
Según las zonas, han sido previstas diferentes intensidades
máximas de ayudas autorizadas.

Con la adopción de estos dos mapas finaliza la revisión de las
zonas beneficiarias de las ayudas de finalidad regional
emprendida por la Comisión en 1998 (véanse los nos 71, 73, 76 y
77 de Inforegio news). Esta revisión tenía por objeto concentrar
las ayudas públicas en las regiones más desfavorecidas y reducir
su volumen global. A partir de ahora, las ayudas, en las que a
menudo participan los Fondos Estructurales a través de los
Objetivos nos 1 y 2, cubren el 42,7% de la población comunitaria.

Fecha - 28-10-00
Nombre: Juver Edgar marín Bolaños
Comentarios: Año de la Lucha Contra La Violencia Familiar"

Cajamarca, Perú 27 de Octubre del 2000


Estimados Amigos de AGORA tenemos el agrado de dirigirnos a Ustedes con la finalidad de presentarnos, y al mismo tiempo hacerles llegar nuestro más sincero y cordial saludo del cuerpo diretivo de la "Asosiación Para la Capacitación y Desarrollo Sostenible Ambiental" - ACDESA - Cajamarca; y reconocimiento por las notables labores que realizan en bien de las poblaciones más necesitadas del mundo.

ACDESA - CAJAMARCA es un organismo no gubernamental, INSCRITA CON EL Título Nº 58/246,en la ficha Nº 450 del Registro Mercantil de Cajamarca- Perú; cuya visión y misión se fundamenta en los siguientes fines y objetivos:

I.- Contribuir a la preservación del medio Ambiente y al Mejoramiento de las condiciones del nivel de vida de la familia campesina y de la comunidad urbano marginal.

1.1.- Promover la gestión y capacitación en: integración familiar, salud, educación ambiental y participación social.
1.2.- Promover y asesorar la constitución y sostenibilidad de créditos
para micro y pequeñas empresas con eficiencia económica y sustentabilidad ecológica.
1.3.- Gestionar el diseño y la ejecución de proyectos de Infraestructura en materia de desarrollo productivo, preservación del medio ambiente y ecoturismo, con la participación de la comunidad.
1.4.- Promover el sostenimiento y la calidad de los servicios instalados en las comunidades, así como la transferencia de conocimientos e intercambio de experiencias.

En tal sentido, recurrimos a Ustedes, Señores AGORA para solicitarles Financiamiento de COSUDE, con la finalidad de hacer realiadad la ejecución de los proyectos de Desarrollo en Comunidades Pobres y superpobladas, ubicadas en el PERÚ, departamento de Cajamarca, Provincias de: Cajamarca, Cajabamba, San Marcos, Hualgayoc, Celendín, en sus distritos de Huasmin, Sorochuco, Chumuch, Oxamarca, la Encañada, Chetilla, Cajamarca, Baños del
Inca, Llacanora, San Juan, Magdalena, Asunción, Cospán.

1.- Capacitación para la Utilización Racional de los recursos naturales y preservación del medio ambiente.
2.- Instalación de un centro de experimentación ecológica y producción de Lombrihumus.
3.- Planificación Familiar.
4.- Defensa Legal de los Derechos Humanos.
5.- Prevención y Protección contra La Violencia Familiar.

Todos los proyectos señalados están plenamente estructurados y listos para ejecución y se cuenta con las constancias de necesidad emitidas por los consejos distritales y otras instituciones públicas y privadas . mapas,planos, croquis de ubicación; diseños, cronogramas, Justificaciones técnicas y Legales.

Agradeciéndoles por anticipado de la atención que merezca la presente,
estamos dispuestos en brindarles mayor información y copias de todos los expedientes técnicos de los proyectos en relación.


Juver Marín Bolaños (Director Ejecutivo)
Napoleón Cachi Gallardo (Director de Coordinación Técnica)

Correo Electrónico:
teléfonos: (044) 82-2996,(044) 82-4754
Dirección: Jr. Cumbe Mayo Nº 231, Urb. Ramón Castilla-Cajamarca-Perú
Jr. Moquegua Nº 107, Barrio San Vicente-Cajamarca-Perú
Fecha: 28-10-00
Fecha - 27-10-00
Nombre: Zahara Hassan
Comentarios: BOOK RELEASE


Nairobi, 27 October 2000 -- The United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) is pleased to announce the publication of "Housing and Environment". This publication summarizes the process and the outcome of the regional workshop, entitled "Housing and Environment" organized by UNCHS (Habitat) and held at the United Nations Office in Vienna in November 1999, and includes its proceedings in the form of 47 papers from 26 countries and UNCHS Habitat). The workshop brought together 136 participants from 35 countries, half of whom were from central and eastern Europe and the newly independent States of the former USSR.

The main objectives of the workshop were to:
(a)promote the contribution of the private sector in housing delivery; and (b) encourage the use of environmentally sound technology in construction. The main topics of this publication are, therefore, focused on these two important issues which are relevant not only to the countries with economies in transition but also elsewhere in the world.

This publication reflects one of UNCHS (Habitat)'s recent efforts in implementing the Habitat Agenda and in contributing towards the preparatory process of the Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly for an Overall Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the Habitat Agenda (Istanbul+5) - to be held in June 2001.

392 pages, HS/596/00E, ISBN-92-1-131456-9

For further information please contact:
Sharad Shankardass, Press & Media Relations
Unit, UNCHS (Habitat) Tel: (254 2) 623153;
623151, Fax: (254 2) 624060

For more information and to obtain a copy,
please contact (until 30 November 2000): Mr.
Baris Der-Petrossian, UNCHS (Habitat), c/o UNOV,
P.O. Box 500, A-1400 Vienna, Austria, Tel: 43-1-
26060-3867, Fax: 43-1-26060-5935, E mail:> and after that date:
UNCHS(Habitat) Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya.

***This message was generated through the UNCHS (Habitat) mailing list
***Please send any queries on this list to

Fecha - 27-10-00
Nombre: Universidad Internacional Para el Desarrollo Humano
Comentarios: Apreciado/a Sr./Sra.,

Por la presente le hacemos llegar información referente al programa UNIDH.

UNIDH (Universidad Internacional para el Desarrollo Humano) es un programa de 12 cursos no presenciales vía Internet que abordan la problemática del Desarrollo Humano desde múltiples perspectivas, producido por la Escuela Virtual de Gobernabilidad.
El próximo mes de noviembre se imparten los cuatro últimos cursos del programa, cuya matrícula sigue abierta. Este es el temario del módulo:

Noviembre 7 a Diciembre 7

90.254 Pobreza y Equidad en América Latina
Profesores: Fernando Calderón y Armando Ortuño (PNUD, Bolivia)

90.255 Estado y Sociedad: ¿Nuevas reglas del juego?
Profesor: Oscar Oszlak (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)

90.256 Globalización y Derechos Humanos
Profesores: Daniel Zovatto y Marcelo Varela (IDEA, Costa Rica)

90.257 Justicia y Derechos Humanos en América Latina
Profesor: Jaime Ordóñez (CIDH, Costa Rica)

La Escuela Virtual de Gobernabilidad (EVG) es un emprendimiento conjunto del Instituto Internacional de Gobernabilidad (IIG) y de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), que cuenta con el patrocinio de la Generalitat de Catalunya y del PNUD.

La EVG imparte formación virtual de alta calidad, mediante el uso de óptimos recursos tecnológicos y pedagógicos y, basada enuna filosofía de flexibilidad y progresividad, ha diseñado los cursos UNIDH, de acuerdo con sus necesidades de aprendizaje:

- Ud. puede tomar cada curso (de 2 créditos) de manera
independiente, según su disponibilidad e interés. Por cada curso Ud. recibirá un certificado de aprovechamiento otorgado por el cumplimiento de las actividades básicas programadas por su tutor-profesor.

- El programa completo de UNIDH comprende un total de 24 créditos que permiten acceder a un Diploma sobre Estudios de Desarrollo Humano. Las personas interesadas tienen la oportunidad de cursar los 24 créditos de manera intensiva, en los tres meses del ciclo, o hasta en un lapso de tres años, para obtener el Diploma correspondiente.

- Los créditos cursados en el programa UNIDH podrán ser homologados como créditos de libre elección en los otros programas de la EVG y en algunos Centros Colaboradores del programa.

- El precio de cada curso es de 90 US$, y no existe ningún tipo de restricción para acceder a esta formación.

- El programa UNIDH ofrece un perfil de profesorado altamente cualificado, que crea y selecciona personalmente las lecturas que serán de obligada consulta durante el curso. Existen además ciertas ventajas derivadas del hecho de pertenecer a una comunidad virtual de estudiantes, como el acceso a bibliotecas digitales (centro de recursos UNIDH), participación en una comunidad de intercambio de información que perdura más allá del curso y la obtención de las titulaciones correspondientes.

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Para cualquier consulta o información, no dude en dirigirse a

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Reciba en tanto un afectuoso saludo.

Marcelo Lasagna
Coordinador de la Escuela Virtual de Gobernabilidad, IIG – UOC

Programa UNIDH
Escuela Virtual de Gobernabilidad (EVG)

Fecha - 25-10-00
Nombre: Alejandra Massolo
Comentarios: De: Per
Oficina de Coordinación Plan Estratégico Rosario (PER)
"Control y Gestión de la Urbanización: las nuevas tendencias"
En buena medida, los éxitos o los fracasos de las ciudades, están estrechamente relacionados con la eficacia de su gestión.
Se trata de dotar a las ciudades de proyectos inclusivos, de políticas de transformación, no sólo del entorno urbano sino también de sus modalidades de gestión, generando soluciones originales a los problemas y paradojas que cada ciudad presenta.
Para aportar a estos desafíos, el Plan Estratégico Rosario, en el marco de la Semana del Urbanismo en Rosario, y como Jornada Preparatoria al Seminario de Lanzamiento de la Red Número 7 del Programa Urb-Al, propone este espacio de reflexión, discusión e intercambio de experiencias.


7 de Noviembre de 2000 - 14 hs.

Auditorio del Banco Municipal de Rosario
San Martín 730 - Rosario
14 hs.
14 30 hs.
Ing. Miguel Lifschitz, Secretario General de la Municipalidad de Rosario, Coordinador General del Plan Estratégico Rosario y de la Red Número 7 del Programa Urb-Al.

Arq. José Florio, Presidente del Colegio de Arquitectos de la Provincia de Santa Fe, Distrito 2do.
Dr. Jordi Borja i Sebastiá, Urbanista, Director de Jordi Borja Technology Consulting SL, del Grupo Consultores Europeos Asociados. Profesor del Instituto Francés de Urbanismo y del Master de Urbanismo en la Universidad
Politécnica de Catalunya. Entre 1980 y 1995 desempeñó cargos públicos en el
Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. Autor de varias publicaciones sobre desarrollo urbano.
15 hs.
"Las nuevas tendencias de la Urbanización en América Latina: marco general"

Arq. Fernando Carrión - FLACSO Ecuador. Arquitecto por la UCE y Magister por COLMEX.
Director de FLACSO-Ecuador. Editorialista del Diario Hoy. Asesor Prefecto de la Provincia.
Artículos en varias revistas y libros en varios países e idiomas. Libros sobre urbanización, descentralización, políticas urbanas, centros históricos, seguridad ciudadana, etc.
Verónica Rengifo - CEPAL Chile. Licenciada en Relaciones Internacionales de la Facultad de Derecho de Grenoble. Francia. Postgrado en estudios sobre Cooperación Europa/América Latina del Instituto de Estudios sobre América Latina de la Universidad la Sorbonne, Paris, Francia. Consultora en la División de Medio Ambiente y Asentamientos Humanos de Cepal, tras haber trabajado para la oficina de coordinación de la red Número 3 "Democracia en la ciudad" en la ciudad de Issy-les-Moulineaux, Francia.
Nelson Inda - Montevideo, Uruguay - Integrante del Grupo de Estudios Urbanos. Entre 1987 y 1990 Asesor del Banco Hipotecario de Uruguay en materia de inserción de viviendas en la ciudad vieja de Montevideo. Desde 1990 hasta 1998, integrante del equipo de gobierno de la Intendencia de Montevideo, siendo sucesivamente Asesor de la Comisión de la Plan Director, Director de Proyectos y Obras, Director de Planificación Central y en tal carácter, Responsable de todas las etapas de formulación del Plan de Reordenamiento Territorial de Montevideo. Desde 1998 representante del Intendente Municipal de la Comisión Interpartidaria Montevideo Siglo XXI.
Asesor del Consejo de Planeamiento Urbano de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

17 hs.
17.30 hs.
"Las experiencias de las ciudades en Latinoamérica"

Elisabete França - Prefeitura de San Pablo, Brasil - Arquitecto y urbanista, Secretaria de la Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de la Ciudad de San Pablo, Brazil. Desde 1993, coordina proyectos de infraestructura urbana para el gobierno local, con especial realce para el Proyecto de Saneamiento Ambiental de la Bacia do Guarapiranga, financiado por el Banco Mundial.
Actualmente coordina entre otros el Proyecto Prover de verticalización de favelas y regularización de ocupaciones irregulares en la ciudad de San Pablo que es financiado por el Banco Interamericano.

Eduardo Reese - AYDET Consultores, Argentina - Arquitecto. Especialista en planificación territorial. Co-responsable técnico de los Planes de Desarrollo de las ciudades de Córdoba, Rio Cuarto, Venado Tuerto, Bahía Blanca, Campana, Sunchales, Trenque Lauquen, Junín, Zárate, Esquel, General Roca, del Area Metropolitana de Mendoza y de la Provincia de Catamarca.
Coordinador del Plan General de Avellaneda y del Prediagnóstico del Plan Urbano-Ambiental de Buenos Aires. Director del Plan de Ordenamiento Urbano de la Cuenca Matanza - Riachuelo. Investigador docente asociado del Instituto del Conurbano (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento)Las ciudades de escala media en Argentina.

Ana Sugranyes - Sur Profesionales Consultores, Chile -Arquitecto, especialista en desarrollo local. Amplia experiencia en temas urbanos y de vivienda en América Latina. Ha trabajado más de 15 años en Centro América; ha sido, por 7 años, Responsable de Proyecto GTZ (Sociedad Alemana de Cooperación Técnica) en el Ministerio de Vivienda de Chile. Recientemente ha sido la Coordinadora Técnica de la Consulta Nacional sobre la Política Habitacional en Chile.

La urbanización en las ciudades chilenas.
Zaida Muxi - El Proceso de Urbanización de la Ciudad y su Región: Proceso Histórico. Arquitecto, FADU (Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo), Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Colaboradora Urban Technology Consulting. Colaboración con el Arq. Josep Maria Montaner en el libro "L'espai públic" para la Diputació de Barcelona.
Capítulo referido al espacio público en diferentes ciudades del mundo, ejemplos de América Latina, Estados Unidos, Europa y Asia. Coautora con Jordi Borja en el libro: L'Espai Públic un repte per la ciutat moderna, Diputació de Barcelona.

Sebastian Bonet - Secretario de Planeamiento, Municipalidad de Rosario.
20 hs.
Seminario de Lanzamiento de la Red Número 7 del Programa Urb-Al
Control y Gestión de la Urbanización
Sesiones y Temas abiertos al público
8 y 9 de noviembre de 2000
Centro Cultural Parque de España
Sarmiento y el Río Paraná - Rosario
Miércoles 8 de noviembre
Teatro del Centro Cultural Parque de España
9 hs.
Ceremonia de Apertura
Señor Intendente Municipal de Rosario, Dr. Hermes Juan Binner.
Señor Representante de la Comisión Europea
Señor Gobernador de la Provincia de Santa Fe, D. Carlos Alberto Reutemann.
10 Hs.
Presentación del Programa URB-AL
Responsable del Programa URB-AL o Secretaría Técnica URB-AL
10.30 Hs.
Presentación de la Red N°7 "Gestión y Control de la Urbanización"
Coordinador General de la Red Número 7, Control y Gestión de la Urbanización. Ing. Roberto Miguel Lifschitz.
11:00 Hs.
"Expertos Internacionales"
Jordi Borja i Sebastiá.(España) Urbanista, Catalalunya, España.
Director de Jordi Borja Technology Consulting SL, del Grupo Consultores Europeos Asociados.

Profesor del Instituto Francés de Urbanismo y del Master de Urbanismo en la Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya.

Entre 1980 y 1995 desempeñó cargos públicos en el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. Autor de varias publicaciones sobre desarrollo urbano.

Hervé Huntzinger (Francia) Doctor en Economía (Universidad de Sorbonne, París, Francia.)

Asesor de TETRA and VIDDOC (Consultora de reparticiones nacionales, regionales y privadas).

Profesor Asociado de la Universidad de Lyon, Francia

Autor de publicaciones sobre políticas urbanas, competitividad internacional de las ciudades, desarrollo local, entre otras.

Mario Corea Aiello (Argentina) Arquitecto (Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Rosario, Argentina.)

Profesor de la Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya , España.

Autor de diversos proyectos de Arquitectura Institucional Pública, Sanitaria, de Espacios Públicos, Deportiva, Vivienda.

Asesor de la Municipalidad de Rosario en la formulación de diversos proyectos urbanos.


Raquel Rolnik. Arquitecta y Urbanista, San Pablo, Brasil. Doctora Universidad de New York. Profesora Titular y Coordinadora Curso de Maestría en Urbanismo Moderno y Contemporáneo (Univ.Católica de Campiñas) Coordinadora de Asesorías Sociales (Instituto Polis, San Pablo).
Coordinadora del Programa de Gestión Urbana para América Latina (Habitat) y consultora para la Agencia Habitar.

Fecha - 23-10-00
Nombre: Verónica Keler
Comentarios: Estimados colegas:

Los saludo nuevamente, y les cuento que ya salio el numero 6 de la revista CONTACTAR. Lo pueden encontrar via Internet (, o pueden solicitarla via suscripcion (30$ por 6 numeros en la Argentina, 50$ en otros paises).

Les adjunto el indice de la misma, espero que sea de su interes.

Recuerden que CONTACTAR es un espacio para la difusion de experiencias de desarrollo local, de gestion municipal y de asociativimo de gobiernos locales en América Latina, donde intentamos discutir las alternativas que en la actualidad, surgen desde los contextos locales y regionales, en pos de responder por un lado, a los efectos del contexto globalizador en el que se insertan, y por otro lado, a las necesidades cada vez mas urgentes que se reproducen sobretodo, en esta parte del planeta.

Desde ya, todo tipo de aportes, comentarios, información o artículos son bienvenidos.

Para mayor información, comunicarse a, o en Argentina, al (54-11) 4831-0911.

Saludos cordiales,
Veronica Heler




Claves del "Buen Gobierno Local", por Mario Rosales

Entre 1985 y 1995 la Unión Internacional de Autoridades Locales realizó un estudio directo en varias municipalidades de América Latina, cuyo objetivo era identificar los rasgos principales de una buena gestión pública local.

Los municipios en México después del PRI

La Asociación de Municipios de México (AMMAC) y la Asociación de Autoridades Locales de México A.C. (AALMAC) nos muestran un panorama sobre el futuro del asociacionismo municipal en ese país en la era post PRI - Partido Revolucionario Institucional.


Reprogramación de la deuda municipal en Bolivia, por Dante Pino

Tanto en Bolivia como en otros países, los municipios tienen que acudir al endeudamiento para poder resolver las demandas ciudadanas de servicios y atención de la infraestructura urbana.

Un caso de integración binacional "El Comité de Frontera Argentino – Chileno "Región de los Lagos", por Grisel Vergara

El Comité de Frontera Argentino - Chileno "Región de los Lagos" se constituyó en 1991. En Chile, comprende el territorio de las Regiones VIII del Bío Bío, IX de la Araucanía, X de los Lagos y XI de Aysén; en Argentina comprende las provincias patagónicas de Neuquén, Río Negro y Chubut.

Desenvolvimento Local: a diversidade dos instrumentos, por Angela Fontes O potencial do Município para o estímulo ao desenvolvimento local tem por base a vocação desta esfera de governo para exercer o papel de facilitadora e impulsionadora das ações dos empreendedores locais.


Integración binacional eco-artístico-cultural

En las localidades transfronterizas, los procesos de integración binacional, se construyen naturalmente y se consolidan sobre la base de la recuperación de la mística, el compromiso y la puesta en marcha de acciones creativas.

Parques Nacionales con su comunidad

CONTACTAR conversó con el Ing. Agr. Daniel Somma, titular de la Dirección Nacional de Conservación de Áreas Protegidas, uno de los precursores de un proyecto que involucra la relación entre Parques y comunidad.


Pudahuel: de feria persa informal a parque multiservicios (Chile)

En la comuna de Pudahuel, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, la Feria Persa San Francisco surgió espontáneamente como mercado callejero durante la década de los ochenta, como resultado de la crisis económica y la desocupación. Para resolver los problemas, la Municipalidad de Pudahuel creó el Parque Multiservicios Pudahuel donde reinstaló ordenadamente a los comerciantes.

Aportando al desarrollo desde la esfera local, por José Luis Furlan

En el esquema globalizado vigente, todas las localidades, sean grandes o pequeñas, necesitan encontrar nuevos caminos para alcanzar un crecimiento con equidad y sustentabilidad, que garantice la supervivencia de todos los sectores.

La Microrregión del Rosario. Desarrollo de pequeñas empresas y organizaciones locales en Rosario (Uruguay), por Guillermo Font

Un proyecto que apunta al desarrollo de las actividades productivas, el incremento del empleo y la preservación del medio ambiente.



El asociacionismo de gobiernos locales tiene que ver con un proceso muy actual y difundido en el marco de la globalización. Para los fines de este informe, vamos a poner el acento en los nuevos roles que adquieren las ciudades en la actualidad, y en las características y ventajas que obtienen con el trabajo mancomunado.

La red de Mercociudades

Esta Red, creada en el año 1995, está actualmente conformada por 63 ciudades de Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay (países miembros plenos del MERCOSUR), y Bolivia y Chile (países asociados).

El programa URB-AL

El programa URB-AL es un programa horizontal de cooperación descentralizada que se dirige a las ciudades, regiones y otras colectividades locales y territoriales de la Comunidad Europea y de América Latina.

Organismos internacionales que promueven el asociativismo de gobiernos locales y la cooperación entre ciudades


Planeamiento estratégico en San Pedro, por Lucio Guberman

El municipio de San Pedro de Jujuy ha puesto en marcha un proceso de Planeamiento Estratégico que reúne a los actores de la sociedad y de la política local para pensar en un San Pedro para el 2010.

Descentralización tributaria, por Luis Catelén y Oscar Chalde

En la actualidad, las ciudades se enfrentan a una paradójica situación en la que la complejidad y el carácter altamente técnico de los problemas estimulan la centralización en la toma de decisiones, mientras que simultáneamente existe un creciente clamor por la descentralización, la autonomía regional y la mayor participación ciudadana.

El desafío municipal, por Fernando Elías

Hoy día los municipios enfrentan grandes desafíos tanto desde el punto de vista político como económico pasando por el eje social. El correcto entendimiento de estos desafíos posibilita encontrar un conjunto de soluciones que, orientadas a través de un planeamiento estratégico, ayudan a replantear el nuevo rol del municipio en esta era global.

El nuevo rol de los intendentes

Los nuevos desafíos que deben enfrentar los intendentes en función de la realidad planteada por los procesos de descentralización exigen rapidez y eficiencia en el diseño e implementación de las políticas públicas municipales.

Municipalidades y energía eléctrica. La informática puesta al servicio de la excelencia

La provincia de Neuquén (Argentina) sorprendió a comienzos del 2000 con una medida audaz: anunció que descentralizaría el Ente Provincial de Energía (EPEN) y que traspasaría la prestación del servicio eléctrico a los municipios.

Autonomía y cooperación: perspectivas y desafíos de la Federación Argentina de Municipios FAM

En las próximas páginas podremos conocer, a través de las voces de Hermes Binner, Presidente de la FAM, de Luis María AgosCarreño, y de Luis Bruni, Vicepresidentes de la misma, qué opinan los que en la actualidad, junto al resto de la Mesa Ejecutiva de la FAM, asumieron la gran responsabilidad de sumarse a la conducción de esta asociación de gobiernos locales.

Fecha - 23-10-00
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: Contents of recent issues of African Development Review are available at

General information can be found at

For further information please contact me as follows:

Wendy Fox
Marketing Manager
Blackwell Publishers
108 Cowley Road, OX4 1JF, UK
Telephone: +44 (0)1865 382244; Fax: +44 (0)1865 381244

The information in this email is confidential and is intended for the
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Fecha - 21-10-00
Nombre: información
Comentarios: GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 -

Press release 21/10/2000


Since it is already a known fact that a popular uprising cannot be defeated
by military superiority, the Labour government apparently has decided on
the use of the economic weapon against a whole population.

It is clear that what is going on in the occupied territories is not just "riots" -
but that seven years after Oslo the Palestinians have had enough. With the
ongoing settlement extention, land confiscation and house demolition, their
belief in such a long-dragging "peace process" was already near to
exhaustion, and against that background, the Sharon provocation and the
accompanying excessive "riot controll" have sparked the Palestinian War
of Independence.

But, Barak doesn't yet give up. He is preparing to economically strangle the
Palestinians, closed up as they are in narrow cities. A front-page article in
the Economic Section of the Ha'aretz newspaper informs us of a proposal to
"separate the economies of Israel and Palestine." The sectors proposed
for separation are trade, labor markets and infrastructure. It should be
understood that Palestinians are at the moment dependent on Israel for
such basics as water and electricity, and the Israeli controll of all border
passes means that the Palestinians don't have free access to any other
neighbor state.

The article reassures us that the Palestinian dependency on cooperation
with Israel represents 25% of Palestinian GDP while the reciprocal for
Israel is barely 1%. Combined with the preparation for a military "unilateral
separation" which is actually being implemented with the building of
fortifications and the blocking of roads, this reveals that the government is
contemplating the further deprivation of the Palestinians as a "solution" to
the current crisis.

After three weeks of war propaganda by Barak and other government
ministers but -more serious - also by a very acquiescent Israeli press, Israeli
public opinion is now probably considered ripe for the politics of fear. The
"unilateral separation" was defended on the Friday evening news by the
famous writer Amos Oz, considered a "dove", who probably doesn't read
the economic pages.

(This very evening there will be held a Jewish-Arab protest rally, supported by
numerous groups and movements, taking place in Haifa. The protesters
practically all had voted Barak into power, but are right now disgruntled. The
main slogan: "For A Just Peace & Full Equality".)

Here follow the addresses of a the mentioned articles which are also
appearing in Ha'aretz English, weekend edition. (If you can't find it, we can
send you the articles in text format.)

Add this to all your mail
(and suggest to your friends to do the same)
Sign the "Our Jerusalem, Capital of Two States" petition
full text in Hebrew, Arabic and English at

Sign also The Hunger Site Petition, which will be delivered to the U.N. in
October 2000 - for "globalization" of the fight against hunger:

If you want to support our activities you can send a check to:
pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 or, with credit card, click:
NB: Please, email us that you did so!

Fecha - 19-10-00
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: From: (Ecologica)
>Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 10:47:44 -0500
>Estimad@s amig@s:
>Desde hace algunos meses ongs y asociaciones de productores ecológicos
venimos negociando con el Municipio de Miraflores la ampliacion de
BioFerias quincenales a semanales, pensando en el bienestar del publico
consumidor. Para ello estuvimos recolectando firmas en las mismas BioFerias.
>Hemos tomado conocimiento que es necesario poner enfasis en otras
estrategias y para ello recurrimos a usted para pedir su apoyo en enviar
cartas o correos electronicos, felicitando la iniciativa del municipio de
auspiciar las Ferias de Productores Ecologicos (Bio-Ferias), solicitando la
regularidad del evento y resaltando algunos de los siguientes aspectos:

>.compromiso del municipio con la salud y bienestar de sus vecinos
>.limpieza y orden en la BioFeria
>.tranquilidad durante el desarrollo de la BioFeria
>.idoneidad del lugar (zona de area verde, residencial)
>.interesantes charlas sobre medio ambiente, nutricion,
>.amenos talleres manuales y musicales para niñas y niños
>.recetas y recomendaciones sobre alimentación
>.alta calidad de los productos obtenidos sin deteriorar el medio
>.oportunidad para que campesinos y pequenhos agricultores oferten sus

>Es importante resaltar el carácter educativo e informativo de la BioFeria,
preocupación latente del Alcalde, y nuestra, porque no solo comercializamos
sino tambien educamos.
>La carta o correo electronico debe estar dirigida al Alcalde Dr.Luis
Bedoya de Vivanco a cualquiera de las siguientes direcciones
> con copias a y
>, y, si fuera posible, una copia para nosotros

>Palacio Municipal de Miraflores, Av. Larco No. 400- Lima, 18 - PERU

>Muchas gracias de antemano!!

Fecha - 19-10-00
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: Comunico que luego de tres años de haber tenido el honor y el privilegio de haber fundado y dirigido el Instituto de Desarrollo Municipal del PRD, dejo formalmente la direccion de este organo el dia de hoy (17 de octubre del 2000) . Mantendre mi compromiso de lucha por un México municipalista desde la Direccion Ejecutiva de la Asociación de Autoridades Locales de México (AALMAC), que a partir del proximo lunes 23 de octubre, seguira atendiendo todos los compromisos y retos institucionales desde una oficina provisional ubicada en Acayucan 22, Col. Roma. Mexico DF CP. 06760. Tel y Fax No. 55 64 93 98 De igual manera seguiran funcionando los correos electronicos y


Jose Octavio Acosta Arevalo
Director Ejecutivo de la Asociacion de
Autoridades locales de Mexico AC
Fecha - 13-10-00
Nombre: Zahara Hassan
Comentarios: Chengdu, China 13 October 2000

The Municipal Government of Chengdu, China, in close collaboration with the Sichuan Provincial Government and other stakeholders announced that it is officially declaring Saturday, 14 October 2000, a "Car Free Day," the first ever car free day in China.

Chengdu, a city of 10.3 million people, declared the Car Free Day to
coincide with the Chengdu International Conference, "City Construction and the Environment for the 21st Century." The Conference is jointly organized by the Ministry of Construction of China, The United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) and Chengdu Municipality and takes place between 16-18 October 2000.

For more information and to arrange for interviews, please contact:
Nicholas You, Co-ordinator, Best Practices and Local Leadership Programme.
UNCHS (Habitat); E-mail:
Fax: (254-2) 623080; Tel: (254-2) 623029
Sharad Shankardass,
Media & Press Relations Unit
UNCHS (Habitat)
Tel: 254 2 623153; Fax: 254 2 624060

Zahra A. Hassan
Media Liaison
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)
P.O.Box 30030
Tel: 254-2-623151
Fax: 254-2-624060
***This message was generated through the UNCHS (Habitat) mailing
***Please send any queries on this list to

Fecha - 12-10-00
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate

Chengdu International Conference
"City Construction and the Environment for the 21st Century"

The United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), the Ministry of Construction of China and Chengdu Municipality are pleased to invite you to the Chengdu International Conference on Learning from Best Practices to be held in Chengdu, China, 16 to 18 October 2000. The conference is part of the preparatory process for the special session of the UN General Assembly for an overall review and appraisal of the implementation of the Habitat Agenda, to be held in June 2001.

Participants to the Conference include representatives from governments, international organisations, local authorities and civil society organisations. The main objective of the Chengdu International Conference is to promote the sharing and exchange of lessons learned from projects that have improved the living environment of people and cities around the world. 14 cities from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America will be featured at this Conference. These include:

Comprehensive City Development Strategies:
The Greater Mafikeng Revitalisation Initiative (South Africa)
The Urban Project of San Luis-Alameda de Hercules (Sevilla, Spain)
Vision 2020 and Air Quality (Hamilton-Wentworth, Canada)
The Comprehensive Urban Revitalisation of Chengdu (China)

Good Urban Governance:
Urban Security and Safety (Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania)
Participatory Decision-Making in Naga City (Philippines)
The Tilburg Model (Tilburg, Netherlands)
Participatory Budget in Porto Alegre (Brazil)
Stepping Stone Place, Phoenix, Arizona (USA)

Access to shelter, land and finance
Resettlement and Land Tenure Schemes in Voi Town (Kenya)
Villa El Salvador-Villa Con More (Peru)
Housing, Infrastructure and Poverty Eradication in Teresina (Brazil)
Housing, Prevention of Homelessness and Social Inclusion in Vienna (Austria)
Housing development in Zhongshan, China

Detailed descriptions and briefs on all of the above best practices are available on the Best Practices database at:

Venue: Chengdu Sheraton Hotel, Chengdu, China
Dates: 16-18 October 2000
Languages: Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English- Chinese and consecutive interpretation will be provided in English- Spanish.
Media Registration:

For more information and to arrange for interviews, please contact:
Nicholas You, Co-ordinator, Best Practices and Local Leadership Programme.
UNCHS (Habitat); E-mail: { HYPERLINK }; Fax: (254-2) 623080; Tel: (254-2) 623029
Sharad Shankardass,
Media & Press Relations Unit
UNCHS (Habitat)
Tel: 254 2 623153; Fax: 254 2 624060
E-mail: { HYPERLINK }
Website: { HYPERLINK }

Zahra A. Hassan
Media Liaison
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)
P.O.Box 30030
Tel: 254-2-623151
Fax: 254-2-624060
***This message was generated through the UNCHS (Habitat) mailing
***Please send any queries on this list to

Fecha - 12-10-00
Nombre: Guillermo Font
Comentarios: vecinet-notici@s
Amerrique: La Tierra donde sopla el viento

Amerrique, la palabra

En su afán por desvalorizar a las naciones americanas los invasores y
sus continuadores criollos se esforzaron por quitarles su propio nombre.
Ello se hizo mediante una conspiración sistemática de escritores "ilustres"
que dedicaron miles de páginas a demostrar que ni siquiera el nombre América
es americano.

¡Los habitantes de América son tan insignificantes que ni siquiera se
merecen su propio nombre!. De acuerdo a estas versiones que se impusieron en
forma prácticamente unánime en la mal llamada cultura universal, el nombre
América provendría de un geógrafo florentino cuyo nombre era precisamente
"Américo" Vespucio. De esa manera, pasó a ser el inspirador "oficial" de la
denominación americana.

Ahora sabemos que esto no es cierto. La palabra América es de origen
nativo y el nombre de pila del Sr. Vespucio no era Américo sino Albérico.

El verdadero origen de la palabra "América"

La palabra América proviene en verdad de "Amerrique", voz de un
dialecto nativo de las cordilleras centrales de Nicaragua, perteneciente al
tronco lingüístico lenca-maya. En esa lengua, el nombre quiere decir "La
tierra donde sopla el viento". Es la denominación ancestral de una comarca
montañosa en Chontales, actual República de Nicaragua. En tiempos
relativamente recientes el nombre era utilizado para identificar al pueblo
de los amerriques, nación aborigen que habito dicha zona hasta fines del
siglo pasado. Como tantas otras regiones del continente, esta sierra estaba
cubierta de bosques densos y contenía algunos yacimientos de oro más
importantes de América Central. Debido a la deforestación que la asoló
durante cinco siglos, la Sierra Amerrique se transformó en un área de
pastizales cuya principal actividad es la ganadería. Localmente todavía se
extrae oro de dos pequeñas minas: La Libertad y Santo Domingo.

Existen indicios que el nombre Amerrique fue recogido por varios
exploradores europeos al desembarcar en las costas centroamericanas desde la
zona de Veragua, en la actual república de Panamá, hasta la costa de
Misquitos en los territorios de Nicaragua y Honduras.

Entre ellos se encontraba Albérico Vespucio (Vespucci), que visitó
dichas costas a fines de la década de 1490, y seguramente Cristóbal Colón,
quien en su cuarto viaje recogió abundante información acerca de las
riquezas de esta zona. Luego, por esas cosas del destino, la denominación
pasó a ser aplicada a una parte y luego a toda la Tierra firme americana.
Como resultado del secreto en que se mantenían los descubrimientos el nombre
Amerrique permaneció oculto a nivel oficial, aunque se extendió a los
ambientes portuarios europeos, donde se utilizó en forma habitual para
designar las tierras recientemente exploradas. La confusión reinante en
Europa acerca de las características de estas "nuevas tierras" se trasladó a
su propio nombre".

(Extractado del libro "AMERRIQUE: Los huérfanos del paraíso", de Danilo
Antón - Montevideo)

Fecha - 10-10-00
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: Newly-available in online format; a series of papers on Community
Conservation in Africa from IDPM, University of Manchester at:

Dr Richard Heeks
Institute for Development Policy & Management
University of Manchester, UK
Phone: +44-161-275-2870 Fax: +44-161-273-8829
Fecha - 04-10-00
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: The Policy of Sustainable Mobility: new needs, new challenges for the City
Paris - 29-30 January 2001

INTA, the International Network for Urban Development, is pleased to
announce its intention to organise an international seminar on "The Policy
of Sustainable Mobility" to be held in Paris on 29 and 30 January 2001.

Mobility and accessibility are increasingly under threat in cities, due to
traffic congestion, space constraints, disintegrated planning, social
dislocation, urban sprawl and speed of growth. Our cities are in need of
better public transport systems offering incentives to minimise car use and
opportunities to combat pollution and traffic congestion. Simultaneously,
there is an urge for better urban growth management to protect surrounding
greenbelts from further sprawl, making use of derelict urban sites and
creating more socially and economically viable, compact neighbourhoods. The
connection between both general policies is now well acknowledged. However,
public transport systems require substantial amounts of capital investment,
which have traditionally been met by national, state and local governments
and, to a lesser degree, by transit operators. As such, they have to compete
with other areas of government funding. Where to look for solutions?

This seminar proposes to look at these issues from a different angle and to
seek solutions which go beyond the choice of mode of transport to reach the
core question of the type of mobility the people want, the institutional
arrangements which support mobility and urban transport, the relationship
between the public authorities and transit operators as well as between
local authorities and central government. Solutions may exist, not
necessarily in a technical or industrial response, but rather with a
different notion of urban development and its impact on the operating modes
for delivering mobility in our cities.

In this context, and in close co-operation with the RATP in Paris, INTA will
organise a large debate on the new demand for mobility in city, what is the
response of transit operators and industry, in order to propose different
types of strategies and partnership which would improve accessibility and
mobility in our cities.

We invite local authorities along with industry and transit operators to
meet in Paris, 29-31 January 2001 to share experiences and achievements. The
conference organisers will host working lunches, local transport and a
reception. Speakers and delegates will be required to cover their own
accommodation and travel to and from Paris and a token contribution of 200
US$ is expected to offset organisational costs.

For further information please consult:

INTA - The International Network for Urban Development
Nassau Dillenburgstraat 44
2596 AE Den Haag
The Netherlands
Tel: 31-70-3244526
Fax: 31-70-3280727

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

Fecha - 04-10-00
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: Os comunicamos que este Ayuntamiento de Blanes (Girona) España
y la Diputacion Provincial de Girona, hemos convocado la IV
edicion de las Jornadas de Organizacion y Nuevas Tecnologias en
la Administracion Local, y que tendran lugar en esta poblacion
de Blanes, durante los proximos dias 4, 5 y 6 de Octubre de 2000,
en las instalaciones del Club de Vela Blanes.

Estas Jornadas van dirigidas a politicos y personal de
organizacion e innovacion de las corporaciones locales españolas,
habiendose convertido en el punto de encuentro anual de las
citadas administraciones, y en las cuales se efectuan
intercambios de experiencias proyectadas y llevadas a cabo en el
proceso de modernizacion de las mismas.

Juntamente con las citadas Jornadas se lleva a cabo la Feria
Expo-Onta, en la cual diferentes empresas del sector presentan
sus ultimas novedades (software, hardware, consultorias,
editoriales, etc.)

Para mas informacion y el programa de ponencias:

El comite organizador.

Tel. 972 379368
Fax 972 379310
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Fecha - 23-09-00
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
17. - 23.09.2000

La Sous-commission Afrique de la Commission des relations internationales
du Congrès des Etats Unis a tenu un hearing sur le référendum au Sahara
Occidental. En introduction le président de la commision, le député Ed
Royce a fustigé la lenteur de l'opération onusienne, déclarant «qu'après 8
ans de retard (le référendum était prévu en 1992) et au prix de 440
millions de dollars US, la MINURSO est toujours loin du but.» Selon lui il
est clair que ni les Etats Unis ni d'autres pays n'ont eu la volonté de
faire pression sur le Maroc pour l'organisation d'un référendum juste et
Le député George Radanovich a quant à lui critiqué le gouvernement
américain, qui n'a pas fait preuve de fermeté à l'encontre du Maroc,
puissance d'occupation au Sahara Occidental, et qui ne soutient pas
suffisamment James Baker dans sa difficile mission.
Le député Joseph Pitts, après avoir dénoncé les propositions américaine et
française d'abandon des accords négociés et signés par les parties, a
rappelé que les Etats Unis d'Amérique ont été fondés sur la base du droit à
l'autodétermination et qu'il est arrogant et injuste de vouloir priver un
autre peuple de ce droit. Il a conclu en disant qu'il est temps que l'ONU
organise le référendum et en fasse observer le résultat.

Intergroupe parlementaire européen
Une délégation de membres de l'intergroupe parlementaire européen "Paix
pour le peuple sahraoui", comprenant des députés de français, espagnols et
britanniques, a séjourné du 13 au 15 septembre dans les campements de
réfugiés sahraouis. A son retour elle a adressé un appel au Conseil et à la
Présidence française de l'UE leur demandant de jouer un rôle plus actif
pour garantir l'application du plan de paix de l'ONU. Dans un communiqué la
délégation fait part de l'inquiétude et de la déception qu'elle a observé
parmi la population sahraouie, confrontée aux perpétuels reports du
référendum. Elle souligne la nécessité pour l'UE de soutenir les efforts
des Nations unies pour l'application des accords signés et demande un
renforcement de l'aide humanitaire aux réfugiés. Elle conclut que seule une
solution qui respecte le droit du peuple sahraoui à l'autodétermination
permettra à tous les peuples de la région, y compris le peuple marocain, de
construire un avenir dans la paix et la stabilité. (SPS)

ONU - Référendum
«Le plan de réglement (...) demeure l'option pratique et réaliste qui
pourra assurer une solution juste et durable à ce conflit", a dit à la
tribune de l'Assemblée générale le ministre algérien des Affaires
étrangères Abdelaziz Belkhadem». (14.09.00, aps)
«Mon pays tient à réitérer sa disponibilité à tout mettre en oeuvre pour
faciliter l'application du plan de règlement des Nations unies en vue de
résoudre le conflit du Sahara Occidental», a déclaré à son tour le ministre
des Affaires étrangères mauritanien, M. Ahmed Ould Sid'Ahmed. (16.09.00 ami)

Visite de Mohamed VI en Espagne
Lors du dîner de gala offert au roi du Maroc au premier jour de sa visite,
le souverain espagnol Juan Carlos a renouvelé son appel «à ne pas lésiner
sur les efforts pour résoudre les contentieux existants, et
particulièrement le différend autour du Sahara Occidental.» L'Espagne est
convaincue a-t-il ajouté, que «seule une véritable volonté de coopération
entre les parties impliquées permettra de surmonter les difficultés qui
empêchent encore l'application du plan de paix et de parachever le
processus de construction maghrébine.»
Le représentant du Front Polisario en Espagne a acueilli avec satisfaction
la demande du roi d'Espagne, espérant qu'elle a été bien entendue par
Mohamed VI. «Il est temps de corriger les accords tripartites de Madrid
(signés en 1975 par l'Espagne, le Maroc et la Mauritanie)» a-t-il ajouté.
Interrogé sur les prochaines négociations marocco-sahraouies prévues à
Berlin à la fin du mois, Ghali s'est montré pessimiste quant à un résultat.
(El Mundo)

Cette visite a donné lieu à diverses manifestations de protestation
organisées par le mouvement de solidarité avec le peuple sahraoui.
De nombreuses associations, institutions, syndicats, etc, ainsi que 114
municipalités formant la Coordination catalane des mairies solidaires avec
le peuple sahraoui, ont signé une lettre ouverte au roi du Maroc, demandant
l'organisation du référendum.
Un rassemblement pacifique devant la mairie de Madrid, où le roi du Maroc
allait être reçu par la municipalité, a été dispersé mardi 19 septembre par
la police, 15 participants arrêtés. Les manifestants protestaient contre
les atteintes aux droits humains perpétrés au Sahara Occidental et contre
les obstacles que le Maroc met au déroulement du référendum. Malgré la
vigilance de la police six manifestants ont néanmoins pu brandir des
pancartes à l'intérieur de la salle, au vu des invités marocains. Lors de
la séance officielle au parlement des cris «Maroc hors du Sahara» ont
rententi de la tribune du public.
La Ligue espagnole Pro Derechos Humanos a vivement protesté contre
l'attitude des forces de police.
Les représentants de Izquierda unida ont boycoté la réception offerte par
la ville de Madrid au souverain marocain en guise de protestation.
Dans la soirée plusieurs milliers de manifestants (entre 3000 et 5000 selon
les sources) ont participé à une marche de protestation au centre de
Madrid. Les manifestants demandaient le respect des droits humains dans les
territoires occupés par le Maroc et la mise en oeuvre rapide du référendum
Une marche sa également eu lieu à Barcelone. (presse espagnole, SPS)

La section espagnole d'Amnesty international a remis une lettre au roi Juan
Carlos et au ministre espagnol des affaires étrangères, à l'intention du
roi du Maroc Mohamed VI. AI s'inquiète de ce que l'amélioration des droits
humains au Maroc ne s'étende pas aux habitants du Sahara Occidental et
dénonce le peu de liberté d'association, de mouvement et d'expression
accordée aux Sahraouis. L'association de défense des droits humains relève
que beaucoup d'entre eux souffrent de ce que les autorités se refusent à
reconnaitre les violations dont ils ont été victimes dans le passé, elle
relève aussi que bon nombre des 450 Sahraouis disparus ne sont pas reconnus
comme tels. Elle est aussi préoccupée par le fait que les bourreaux et les
tortionnaires restent impunis.

Afrique du Sud
M. Mohamed Cheikh, Secrétaire Général de l'UGTSARIO, Union générale des
travailleurs sahraouis, a participé au 7ème congrès national des syndicats
sudafricains COSATU. Les 3000 délégués sudafricains lui ont réservé un
accueil chaleureux et ont réaffirmé le soutien et la solidarité de leur
mouvement avec la cause sahraouie. Ils ont décidé dans une résolution
d'entreprendre une campagne de solidarité en faveur de l'UGTSARIO et du
peuple sahraoui. (corr., SPS)

Soutien au plan de règlement ONU-OUA
Divers émissaires sahraouis se trouvent en mission dans le cadre d'une
campagne diplomatique menée actuellement par le Front Polisario et le
gouvernement de la RASD, pour sensibiliser l'opinion internationale sur la
question de la décolonisation du Sahara Occidental et l'alerter sur les
dangers que représentent le blocage par le Maroc de l'application du plan
de paix et la tentative d'abandonner le référendum pour une autre voie.

Venezuela: Le président du Conseil national sahraoui (parlement), Salem
Sidi Brahim a été reçu par le président de l'assemblée nationale, le Dr
William Lara.(SPS 16.09.00)

Kenya: L'Ambassadeur de la RASD en Éthiopie et Représentant permanent
auprès de l'OUA a entamé une tournée dans plusieurs pays d'Afrique. Porteur
d'un message du Président Mohamed Abdelaziz, M. Fadel Ismail s'est rendu
d'abord au Kenya. (SPS 18.09.00)

Afrique du Sud: Recevant l'émissaire du président de la RASD, M. M'Hamed
Khaddad, le vice-ministre sud africain des affaires étrangères a exprimé
l'attachement de son pays au respect du droit à l'autodétermination du
peuple sahraoui. (SPS 19.09.00)

Mexique: Le gouvernement du Mexique a réaffirmé son appui au référendum
lors d'un entretien du ministre et directeur général pour l'Afrique M.
Federico Urruchua Durand avec le diplomate sahraoui M. Khatri Addouh. (SPS

Madagascar: Le ministre de la communication et vice-ministre des affaires
étrangères malgache a réitéré, lors d'un entretien avec l'émissaire de la
RASD M. Mohamed Bouzeid, ministre de da Justice et des affaires
religieuses, le soutien de son pays au plan de paix ONU-OUA. (SPS 20.09.00)

Lesotho: M. Mhamed Khaddad, membre du secrétariat national du Front
Polisario et coordinateur avec la MINURSO, a été reçu au ministère des
affaires étrangères du Lesotho. Les responsables ont exprimé leur soutien
au droit à l'autodetermination et leur appui total à la cause sahraouie.
(SPS 20.09.00)

Botswana: Le président du Botswana a reitéré l'appui vigoureux de son pays
au droit à l'autodétermination du peuple sahraoui lors d'un entretien avec
l'émissaire de la RASD M'Hamed Khaddad. (SPS 23.09.00)

Le ministre des affaires étrangères Lamberto Dini, répondant à une lettre
que lui avaient adressée plus de 100 parlementaires italiens qui invitaient
le gouvernement à appuyer le plan de paix de l'ONU, a écrit que l'Italie
continue d'appuyer avec fermeté le procesus référendaire aussi bien aux
Nations unies que dans le cadre de l'Union Européenne. Il a ajouté que le
gouvernement italien suit avec attention les efforts de l'envoyé personnel
du SG de l'ONU et est conscient des difficultés rencontrées, ajoutant qu'il
est évident qu'un abandon explicite de la voie référendaire pour une
"troisième voie" risque d'augmenter les tensions dans le difficile rapport
entre l'Algérie et le Maroc, point de repère fondamental pour toute
perspective d'intégration régionale au Maghreb et pour la stabilité même de
la Méditerranée occidentale. (corr.)

[Il est possible que des liens externes vers des journaux ne soient plus
valables après quelques jours]

- Première visite en Espagne de Mohamed VI, Marie-Claude Decamps, Le Monde,

- Euro MP's War Warning, Wrexham Evening Leader, Wales, 20.09.00.
- Metu battles for her double dream, David Greewood, Daily Post, Wales,
- I can't imagine they have ever been in a pool before, Kate Lye, South
Manchester Reporter,24.08.00, p. 1.
- Desert refugee kids love ice-cream, the sea-side and rain, Neil Adams,
Area News Today, Manchester, 25.08.-07.09.00, p. 8-9.
- Testigo, Mohamed Meni talks about living in Spain as a refugee from
Western Sahara, The Guardian, 19.09.00.,4273,4065062,00.html

-El Ejecutivo condecora con la Orden de Isabel la Católica al Rey y a la
Princesa de Marruecos, M. V., La Razon, Madrid, 16.09.00.
- El Gobierno se vuelca con la primera visita oficial del Rey de Marruecos,
Mohamed VI llegará el lunes para impulsar las relaciones bilaterales, Leyre
Herrero, Hoy, 16.09.00.
- El rey de Marruecos inicia el lunes su primera visita oficial a España
para impulsar las relaciones, Estrella Digital, 16.09.00.
- Marruecos y España, Gema Matin Muñoz, El Pais, Madrid, 16.09.00.
- Por una nueva Monarquía en Marruecos, Beyuki Abdelhamid, id.
- Amnistía Internacional expresa su preocupación por los derechos humanos
en el Sáhara Occidental, (Europa Press), The Ecotimes, 17.09.00.
- Mohamed VI declina el realce que el Gobierno quiso dar a su visita, I.
Cembrero / P. Canales, El Pais, Madrid, 18.09.00.
-El Rey anima a Marruecos a cooperar con el Polisario en el Sahara, Luis
Ayllón, ABC, Madrid, 19.09.00.
- 114 ajuntaments catalans demanen en una carta oberta al monarca alauita
que accepti el referèndum, Avui, Barcelona, 19.09.00.
-l Rey pide a Mohamed VI que coopere en la resolución final del conflicto
del Sahara, Carmen Del Riego, La Vanguardia, Barcelona, 19.09.00.
- Mohamed VI reprueba los sucesos sufridos por inmigrantes marroquíes en
España, Ignacio Cembrero / Peru Egurbide, El Pais, Madrid, 19.09.00.
- El Rey pide a Mohamed VI «voluntad de cooperación» en el contencioso del
Sáhara, Marisa Cruz, El Mundo, Madrid, 19.09.00.
- EL REY MOHAMED VI VISITA ESPAÑA,España y Marruecos se echan en cara el
Sahara, Ceuta y Melilla Diario 16, 20.09.00.
- Ayuntamientos vascos aprovechan la visita de Mohamed VI para recordar el
tema del Sahara, Deia, 20.09.00.
- El Frente Polisario espera que los gobiernos de Madrid y Rabat cumplan la
petición del monarca español, Rosa Meneses Aaranda, El Mundo, 20.09.00.
- La TV y la prensa marroquí 'olvidan' recoger las alusiones del Rey al
El Pais, Madrid, 21.09.00.
- Miembros de la asociación Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui se manifestaron por
el referéndum, F. Simón, La Verdad, Albacete, 21.09.00.

Association de soutien a un referendum libre et regulier
au Sahara Occidental
Address: cp 2229 CH-2800 DELEMONT 2
E-mail: URL:
Tel.:+41 32 422 87 17 Fax: +41 32 422 87 01

Fecha - 21-09-00
Comentarios: Originally submitted to Africaforum:

Would a United States of Africa work?

In July, in Lomé (Togo), the Organisation of African Unity summit approved
the act establishing an African Union which should eventually replace the
OAU. But the dream of a United States of Africa can only become a reality if
a new model of multinational state is adopted, based on a social and
democratic pact and rooted in Africa's own traditions.


The United States of Africa remains a constant theme - the great dream
cherished from the earliest days of pan-Africanism.. For many political
leaders, the failure of the post-colonial state is the root cause of the
marginalisation and upsurge in violence that is plunging whole swathes of
Africa into chaos. They also think the failure is the source of the dramatic
rise in poverty that now threatens the survival of tens of thousands of
people. It is destroying what remains of social cohesion, and leaving the way
open to the terrifying pandemics of Aids and malaria. Meantime managers are
unemployed, have left the country or are closeted away in a bankrupt civil
service, wasting the hard-won knowledge they acquired from western schooling.

But the purveyors of this gloomy analysis rarely raise the possibility of a
new state model based on African traditions. Yet that is the absolute
prerequisite if Africa is to emerge from the crisis, and it is the only
chance of meeting the challenges of globalisation. Unless new life is
injected into it, the concept of a United States of Africa will remain an
empty shell. Africa will not have genuine constitutional states or
sustainable development - never mind the intellectual revival and resolve it
so desperately needs.

The failure of the post-colonial state reflects a questioning of the will to
co-exist, and a loss of purpose and direction. The nations (or ethnic groups)
are in fundamental disagreement about the community's basic values. How are
we to define a free society, authority that is properly conferred and shared,
and law that seems to come naturally? State and society seem to have been in
conflict ever since Africa's plurinational societies saw their own model
destroyed to make way for an enforced western caricature.

Although colonial domination disrupted the process of state building, African
societies remain plurinational by nature. The pre-colonial nations - that
marked out the identities of these multinational states - survived: even
though they were parcelled out and often dispersed among several states, it
was not impossible to reforge a societal link. An unexpected consequence of
the crisis in the nation-state is that the concept of nation is no longer
shackled by the law or by revolutionary mystique. The break-up of the Soviet
Union and former Yugoslavia, the separation between the Czech Republic and
Slovakia, the Tutsi genocide and the chaos in Somalia are all proof of that.

From now on, it will be possible to distinguish between the legal nation -
"state" - and the sociological nation - "ethnic group". The sociological
nation is founded on shared traits (language, blood ties, religion and a
common history) and an evident desire to live together. It is the bedrock of
nationality of origin. But the post-colonial state merely notes its
existence, having no historical or administrative memory of the people and
countries juxtaposed, simply because colonialism willed it so.

Reinstating these nations will make it possible to bring to an end the crisis
of national consciousness and identity that is ravaging Africa, and will
prevent political manipulation of disputes over nationality. The kind of
manipulation that has led, for example, to the banishment the Banyamulengue
community to the east of Congo-Kinshasa, and the marginalisation of former
President Kenneth Kaunda in Zambia or former Prime Minister Alassane Ouattara
in Ivory Coast. If the multinational state were established, the law would
lay down that nationality is defined by consciousness and membership of a
community of shared values (Akan, Mosi, Bamileke) and citizenship by
consciousness and membership of a state (Ivory Coast, Burkina, Cameroon) (1).

This renaissance of the state can be rooted in Africanness. Contrary to
received wisdom, black Africa, like Europe, created its own model of
multinational state and nation-ethnic group: the empires of Ethiopia, Ghana,
Mali, Songhay, Noupé, Ifé, Benin, Kanem-Bornou, the Congo, Monomopata and
Zimbabwe date back to the African Middles Ages (2). In those societies, the
political element came before the state, although it is traditionally assumed
to have developed with the advent of the nation-state.

In contrast to the nation-state, with its monopoly on legislation, the
plurinational character of African societies led them to establish two
legislative areas within the constitution of the multinational state. The
state is responsible for general legislation, and the national or ethnic area
for specific legislation on land-ownership, inheritance, registration of
births and deaths and so on. An individual basks in genuine pluralism of law,
depending on the area of law that is relevant, as well as the kind of
activity he pursues in it and the status he claims.

African law must therefore be rescued from the non-law or "customary" law to
which it has been relegated because colonialism made it mimic other systems,
and pluralism of law must be restored. The African Charter on Human Rights
tried to reflect this special feature by including in its title the concept
of "peoples' rights"; but it failed to define the substance of those rights.
The post-colonial state has thus retained absolute sovereignty, and peoples
have been deprived of their own means of subsistence: the Ogoni people of the
Niger Delta, for instance, Nigeria's oil-producing region, or the Dioula
people of Casamance who are rebelling against the Senegalese state.

Furthermore, in this model of a multinational state, the rights of minorities
cannot be enforced against the rights of the majority. The state and the
nations that make it up would have to respect the principles of equality and
the right to be different, in order to achieve a common destiny. In return,
these nations automatically enjoy the same rights and duties based on
"founder rights", including the right to language, religion, culture and
nationality. Consequently, the issue of minority rights is without political
foundation in a multinational state.

A kind of integral federalism is thus emerging and, in it, power is allocated
on the basis of a threefold federation of nations, citizens and localities.
It operates on the premise that the state acts on behalf of several nations,
scattered over a number of localities. In that sense, authority and political
action can be exercised rationally and effectively only if power is accorded
first by reference to nations and citizens, and only then by territory. In
fact, the tribal districts, communes and autonomous provinces are politically
significant only because they are the cradles of the nations and citizens
concerned - the founders of the political system.

A major new feature of integral federalism is the transformation of these
sub-ethnic groups into jointly-managed political areas that channel a mix of
peoples towards a shared destiny, so avoiding any form of ethnic cleansing.
The territorial federalism of the nation-state relies on the fundamental
principle that since the nation is a single, indivisible entity, effective
exercise of political authority depends on it being applied to the whole of
the territory over which the population is dispersed. But integral federalism
requires that power be structured according to the political division of the
territory: into cantons, communes, federate state and so on.

More than just territory
A federation of localities implies moving beyond the European notion of
"territory" and investing in the African concept of an area perceived as a
framework for living. It contains networks, forms of interchange and memories
that bind people to their locality and their environment. Often there is no
correlation between political and socio-cultural area (3). A new social pact
is vital if the multinational state is to be founded on the dual consent of
nations and citizens, thereby reconciling citizenship (individualism) and
multinationality (community) as two sources of state legitimation.

This is the principle of multinationality (4). Defined as the political area
in which a new democratic pact is founded and mediated, it is legally binding
on each of the nations and the state. Strict respect for equality and the
right to be different pave the way to a common destiny. It is a different way
of experiencing the state, in which political unity and national unity are
not one and the same

Thus defined, the multination mobilises two principles. The first is that
nations and citizens are doubly representative as separate entities and, the
second is that sovereignty can be divided or shared. Shared internally for
the benefit of the nations and citizens, or externally for the benefit of the
sovereign states. Examples of that are the economic and political integration
in the European Union or the Economic Community of West African States
(Ecowas), and, in future, among the states of southern Africa.

The multination means new political rights: the right to exist, to vote, to
resist oppression, to ancestral lands, to a share in wealth and so on. This
process of "republicanising" traditional power uses a series of mechanisms to
reconcile the traditional and the modern. The local tribal authority
(government and assembly), designated the basic local community, is restored,
and above it come the autonomous commune and region. The tribal district is
accorded powers in regard to the registration of births and deaths, primary
health care, basic education, rural development and the establishment of
voting rights for nations, enabling them to appoint their own representatives
in the bicameral assemblies, at communal, regional and federal level.

That right to vote is exercised by representatives freely chosen by each
village community, from among the professional classes on the basis of a
specific electoral college. Political parties no longer have a monopoly on
political activity, and the tribal government can mobilise the abilities of
all citizens. That reform does not call into question either the state's
internal and external frontiers, or the balkanisation of nations by the
Berlin Conference (1878).

Unlike the nation-state, the multinational state does not take over citizens;
citizens themselves appoint and dismiss governments according to
commonly-accepted rules. The reversal of this dialectic relationship means
that there are different forms of citizenship: single citizenship in a
federal multinational state and dual citizenship in a confederal
multinational state where it replaces the usual dual nationality. Citizenship
of the EU, as defined in Article 8 of the Maastricht treaty, is based on that
same approach.

In a radical departure from the traditional approach, a constitution based on
the peoples - a "demotic" (5) or pluralist constitution - reforms the legal
infrastructure because it takes account of the pluralism of society in
addition to the multi-party system. The different elements in heterogeneous
societies are given back their status as peoples or nations - a distinctive
political and legal reality of the multinational state. Despite being
straitjacketed into political entities carved out by colonialism, the mixed
population groups continue to assert their identity. They do not present a
unified and homogenised body within a contrived state-based nation, but
reflect a diversity of sociological nations in search of the state for all
peoples, if not all nations (6).

The purpose of a multinational state's constitution is not just to accord
status to the authorities and to citizens. Above all, it offers sociological
or ethnic nations a political and legal status, allowing them to establish
their inalienable right to legitimate the state and exercise power on the
same basis as citizens.

In that sense, the constitution will establish - for the first time in
post-colonial Africa - the legal status of a state that reflects, in terms of
its democratic nature, its law, its history and its culture, the social logic
of the plurinational societies that lend it substance and meaning.

Patriotic humanism
In traditional societies, the fallibility of majorities is one of the
principle rules of governance. Reintroducing that should act as a check on
western-style democracy that gives power to the majority. The aim is to make
everyone a winner instead of having winners and losers. That provides a form
of democracy in which power-sharing reflects the actual balance of power,
established at the ballot box. The majority makes great gains, but the
minority makes some gains too. The aim is not to prevent an elected majority
from governing but to separate out the power to govern and the power to
control the administration of government. The majority exercises power and
the parliamentary opposition monitors the exercise of that power.

For example, in the paradoxical societies of Rwanda and Burundi, in which the
sociological duality of Hutu majority and sociological Tutsi minority seems
insurmountable, civil peace is attained through a variety of mechanisms. The
Hutus, Tutsis and Twas must be recognised as separate peoples. A new
republican pact under which all state powers are allocated proportionally
among the three peoples must be drawn up (within the civil service,
government, diplomatic service, administration etc.), so that an electoral
victory by the political parties does not threaten the right of each people
to exist. Traditional authority must be republicanised. And the inalienable
right of each people to live in peace in a multinational state of Rwanda and
Burundi, within the existing frontiers, must be proclaimed.

The nation-state advocates nationalism, but the ideology of the multinational
state is patriotic humanism. Humanist, it acts as a cradle to protect and
promote human rights, citizens' rights and peoples' rights, regardless of
their nationality, language, religion, customs and so on. Even if mandated to
defend nationalism as the ideology of the nations of the country it
administers, the multinational state is not entitled to claim paternity over
it. As a homeland, it represents the union sacrée (7) of nations and citizens
(federal state) and of the states (confederal state). It is anchored in the
soil by the local lands that are a source of both memories and activities
that embrace the living and the dead in a shared destiny.

The renaissance of a multicultural civil society requires several levels of
citizenship: political, economic, social and cultural citizenship. Political
citizenship is, admittedly, the best-known, though it is still of paramount
importance that citizens' rights be positively laid down in black Africa.

But even before citizenship takes full effect politically, it represents a
societal link founded in solidarity, and is the catalyst for co-existence.
Sociability and solidarity present an ongoing political challenge, involving
economic, social and cultural issues. Indeed, the creation of these new forms
of citizenship vitally challenges unemployment, the loss of identity and
dislocation of the social link, civil wars and so on - all scourges that
undermine every kind of citizenship. Given the problems of access to
economic, social and cultural rights, all countries are potential powder
kegs. The traditional view of these forms of citizenship, previously
expressed exclusively by reference to the state, therefore needs a radical

Three changes are required. The state's monopoly on the exclusive creation of
economic, social and cultural rights must be broken. Citizens, nations and
the state must be placed at the heart of the complex, by transforming
economic, social and cultural rights into human rights and citizens' rights,
rights of nations and of the state. All sides must be given an active role in
a three-way partnership comprising state, citizens and nations, in order to
establish the bases for a new policy of wealth redistribution (8). The
transformation of the subsistence economy into an economy based on the
accumulation of wealth must reconcile economic efficiency and social
cohesion, the mobility of capital and of work, the benefits of regulation and
free enterprise. In that way, citizens, nations and the state will be able to
re-assume responsibility for their own history. The emergence of new
political, economic, social and cultural citizenships represents a vital
challenge, given unemployment, loss of the social link and identity, and the
civil wars that often undermine them completely.

The multinational state provides both a political organisation - at the level
of plurinational society - and a capacity for common action to tackle the
issues and challenges of a shared destiny. Democratic, its authority is
accepted and shared in by the nations and citizens. Post-national, it is
based on the principle of unity within diversity. It thus provides an area
that unites nations, languages, religions, cultures and localities, constants
whose survival the state must guarantee.

This definition of the problem helps liberate the 10-year debate on Africa
from the pseudo-democratisation that has muffled it. But even though there
have been welcome signs of a bolder approach, Ethiopia has merely transformed
recognition of ethnic pluralism into a method of political domination instead
of democratic revolution. Its fingers burned by the ethnic "tampering" of
apartheid, South Africa has lacked the clear-sightedness and courage to
recognise the plurinational nature of its society. And although some kingdoms
have been restored in Uganda, this show of traditional authority has served
only as a symbolic backdrop designed to legitimise the regime.

The problems of the multinational state bring Africa's special traits within
the sphere of globalisation - a battlefield in which cultures clash head-on.
Africa must make an effort here, if it wants to survive and experience a
revival during the third millennium. In revenge for the past, Africa would
could teach a lesson to a Europe focused on heterogeneity - of nations,
languages, religions, standards, localities and so on - as a result of the
crisis in the nation-state and enlargement of the EU.

Democratic and post-national in nature, the multinational state could provide
the "ideal-standard" model for the constitutional, political and conceptual
transformation of the plurinational societies of the 21st century, be they
sociological nations (in the case of black Africa), or legal or state-based
nations (the EU, for example) (9). That special characteristic gives the
concept of renaissance its original meaning - a revival of what went before,
be it state or civil society.

* Director of the Institut Panafricain de Géopolitique de Nancy.
Moreover, the claim to nationality of origin is a prerogative of the
traditional tribal districts and not the state. See Ivan Crouzel, "La
chefferie traditionnelle face à la démocratisation des pouvoirs locaux",
Dossier Afrique du Sud, Afrique contemporaine, Paris No. 192, 1999, pp.
Ibrahima Baba Kaké, L'ère des Grands empires, ACTT/Présence Africaine, Paris
1988. This historian places the African Middle Ages between the 7th and 16th
See Achille Mbembe, "Vers une nouvelle géopolitique africaine", in "Afrique
en renaissance", Manière de voir No 51, May-June 2000.
This is different concept of personal autonomy from Karl Renner. See Nation,
mythe et réalité, Presses universitaires de Nancy, Nancy, 1998, pp. 97-99.
Stéphane Pierré-Caps, "Etat, société et pouvoir à l'aube du XXIe siècle",
Mélanges François Borella, Presses universitaires de Nancy, Nancy, 1998,
Akan, Bambara, Bamiléké, Dioula, Fang, Haussa, Peul, Mandigue, Ibo, Hutu,
Luba, Lunda, Kikuyu, Kongo, Mboshi, Mosi, Ovimbundu, Sara, Shona, Tutsi,
Touareg, Yoruba, Vili, Wolof, Zulu, Xhosa and so on.
Expression used in 1914 by Raymond Poincaré, French president from 1913-20,
to describe the union of all the French against the enemy.
See Philippe Engelhard, "Pour un développement à l'africaine", in "Afrique en
renaissance", Manière de voir, No 51, May-June 2000.
See L'Etat multinational et l'Europe, Presses universitaires de Nancy, Nancy,

Translated by Julie Stoker
Fecha - 20-09-00
Comentarios: El Consorcio Internacional sobre Gerencia Financiera
Gubernamental y el Proyecto Anti-Corrupcion en las Americas
(financiado por USAID), junto con el Banco Mundial y otros socios
tienen a bien informarlre sobre la Cumbre Anti-Corrupcion 2000.

Usted podra acceder a la retransmision de este evento por
Internet en directo el 21 de Septiembre del 2000 a las 14:00 GMT
(9:00 am de la costa Este de los Estados Unidos).

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Los resultados de dicha encuesta serviran de base para la
discusion y debate que tendra lugar durante la sesion final de
la cumbre el Sabado 23 de Septiembre del 2000.

Los resultados de esta encuesta estaran disponibles a traves del
web en el mismo sabado una vez
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Fecha - 15-09-00

UNCHS (Habitat), the Ministry of Construction of China
and Chengdu Municipality are organizing an International
Conference on Learning from Best Practices entitled, "City Construction
and the Environment for the 21st Century" in Chengdu, China from
16 to 18 October 2000.

Part of the preparatory process for Istanbul+5, this Conference will
focus on lessons learned from 12 outstanding practices in the areas of:

(a) comprehensive city development strategies;
(b) urban governance; and
(c) access to shelter, land and finance.

The Conference announcement and registration forms are available at:
go to: BP Conference.

Rasna Warah
Editor, Habitat Debate
UNCHS (Habitat)
P.O. Box 30030
> Nairobi, Kenya
> Tel: (254-2) 623988
> Fax: (254-2) 623080
> E-mail:
> Please visit our website at:

Rasna Warah
Editor, Habitat Debate
UNCHS (Habitat)
P.O. Box 30030
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: (254-2) 623988
Fax: (254-2) 623080
Please visit our website at:

Fecha - 11-09-00
Nombre: Rosimery Jacques
Comentarios: A PELICAN-Brasil, ONG ambientalista, esta defendendo atraves da Gestao Participativa a Criaçao de um PARQUE NACIONAL no Sul do BRASIL, area de mata atlantica que esta ameaçada pela exploraçao imobiliaria.

Assine e repasse para todos da sua lista de endereços!

Agora, para garantir definitivamente a preservação da Costeira de Zimbros, estamos na campanha pela criação de um "Parque Nacional da Costeira de Zimbros" e gostaríamos que voce participasse desta campanha.

                     ABAIXO ASSINADO

    A Costeira do Zimbros, é a área mais significativa para a conservação de toda a península em que se localiza o município de Bombinhas e uma das maiores áreas florestadas de toda a linha de costa do litoral centro-norte de Santa Catarina. Atualmente estas áreas exercem importantíssimos serviços para a sociedade, como o fornecimento de água potável, absorção da poluição urbana (gases, calor, e barulho),
ambiente para a vida silvestre, local de recreação e turismo.
    Existem ainda possibilidades infinitas de se usar a Floresta sem destruí-la:  turismo ecológico, silvicultura, etc... significando empregos, renda, qualidade de vida para a população e conservação
     Nós, abaixo assinados, somos favoráveis à criação do PARQUE NACIONAL DA COSTEIRA DE ZIMBROS como forma de preservar a Floresta Atlântica da área em questão com todos os tesouros que ela contém para a presente e as futuras gerações, de garantir as fontes de abastecimento de água que ela encerra, bem como criar alternativas para a exploração sustentável da área beneficiando economicamente a população residente em seu entorno.

                 CONTRA A COTA 100!

Se você receber esta lista já com 100 nomes, por favor faça uma cópia e envie para : 
Nós enviaremos a lista para o representante legal do IBAMA em SC.

Mesmo se decidir não assinar, devolva a lista, mas não interrompa esta importante iniciativa. (Para manter a mensagem legível é melhor copiá-la que repassá-la).

Muito obrigada!
PELICAN-BRASIL E Comitê de Entidades Não Governamentais Pró "Corredor Ecológico do Atlântico Sul"

1. Rosimery Jacques -

Fecha - 08-09-00
Comentarios: Mensaje del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla, España) y del Centro Internacional de Formación de la OIT (Programa DelNet)

A todas las Oficinas de la OIT, del PNUD y Agencias de las Naciones Unidas en Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú y México.
A los municipios, entidades y ONGs locales de los países citados
A los organismos internacionales e instituciones que colaboran y participan en DelNet

Asunto: El Ayuntamiento de Sevilla, España, ofrece 12 becas para participar en el Programa DelNet (5a Convocatoria Septiembre 2000 - Septiembre 2001)

Estimados amigos:

Les escribimos con motivo de anunciarles la convocatoria de 12 becas parciales para participar en el Programa DelNet del Centro Internacional de Formación de la OIT.

Las becas son financiadas por el Ayuntamiento de Sevilla en virtud del Acuerdo de Colaboración firmado en febrero del 2000 pasado entre ambas instituciones.

Nos dirigimos a ustedes, para que nos ayuden a distribuir esta información entre las instituciones que consideren puedan cumplir los requisitos de concesión de estas becas.

Estos requisitos son los siguientes:

Las becas serán otorgadas exclusivamente a instituciones, no aceptándose en ningún caso candidaturas individuales. Será la institución en cuestión la que designe la persona participante en el curso a distancia "Experto en Desarrollo Local"; los demás servicios del Programa (información, asistencia técnica y trabajo en red) podrán ser utilizados por el conjunto de la institución.
Cobertura geográfica: las becas se otorgarán solamente a instituciones procedentes de los siguientes países de América Latina: Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú y México.
Tendrán preferencia los gobiernos e instituciones locales situadas en zonas de alta carencia de formación, información y asistencia técnica en materia de desarrollo local y regional.
Las instituciones deberán estar comprometidas activamente en la realización de programas y proyectos de desarrollo local.
Se dará prioridad a aquellas instituciones que, cumpliendo los criterios anteriores, tengan menores posibilidades de financiación.
Las becas otorgadas por el Ayuntamiento de Sevilla (12 en total) tienen carácter parcial. Las instituciones becadas tendrán, por tanto, que hacer una aportación de 1.000 dólares de los Estados Unidos. Esta cofinanciación es indispensable.

Procedimiento de presentación de solicitudes:
Envío por correo electrónico a , del formulario de solicitud adjunto (formato Word), que incluye :

- Dos páginas donde sintéticamente se describan las actividades principales realizadas por la institución (CV institucional) incluyendo una breve descripción de la institución que contenga: antecedentes, objetivos, actividades, sectores de población atendidos y presupuesto anual general.
- Un breve Curriculum Vitae personal del candidato (máximo una página)
El plazo de solicitud finaliza el próximo 20 septiembre 2000

Procedimiento de selección:
Una vez cerrado el plazo de presentación de solicitudes una comisión mixta Ayuntamiento de Sevilla - DelNet, en el plazo máximo de 10 días, decidirá de entre todas las candidaturas recibidas, las 12 instituciones seleccionadas.

Los resultados serán comunicados vía e-mail tanto a las instituciones seleccionadas como a las excluidas.

Condiciones de participación:
La institución participante se compromete a cubrir la cofinanciación de 1000 dólares de los Estados Unidos
Compromiso de aportación de información: la institución becada se comprometerá a participar activamente en el intercambio de experiencias que DelNet promueve, enviando documentación sobre sus actividades, proyectos, etc., a fin de poder compartir ideas y experiencias con los demás miembros de la red DelNet.
Compromiso de seguimiento del curso a distancia: la persona designada por la institución becada para participar en el curso debe dar cumplido y puntual seguimiento al curso a distancia.
El incumplimiento de los puntos 1, 2 y 3 anteriores dará lugar a la cancelación automática de la beca y a la suspensión inmediata de la participación en DelNet.
Evaluación de la participación: la institución receptora de la beca se comprometerá a presentar un informe final sobre el impacto de su participación en el Programa DelNet. Este informe será entregado por DelNet al Ayuntamiento de Sevilla para su análisis y valoración.
El informe final podrá ser utilizado por los servicios técnicos dela Ayuntamiento de Sevilla como fuente de información para la programación de sus acciones o para la difusión de información, dejando siempre constancia del autor o autora del mismo y de la institución a la que pertenece.
Para informaciones generales sobre el Programa DelNet pueden consultar nuestra página en internet:

O consultarnos directamente a la siguiente dirección electrónica:

Les agradecemos de antemano toda la colaboración prestada en la difusión de esta convocatoria y les animamos a dirigirse directamente a nosotros avalando la presentación de candidaturas que puedan considerar oportunas para la participación en DelNet.

Reciban un cordial saludo.

Emilio Carrillo

Teniente de Alcalde del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla

Angel L. Vidal

Director del Programa DelNet

Centro Internacional de Formación de la OIT


--------Message from ----------------------
Programa DelNet
Centro Internacional de Formación de la OIT
International Training Centre of the ILO
e-mail (direct):
phone: +39 011 693 67 65
fax: +39 011 693 63 50


DelNet es un Programa del Centro Internacional de la OIT realizado con la colaboración de:

- Escuela Superior de Cuadros de las Naciones Unidas (UN Staff College)
- Secretaría de Trabajo de la Municipalidad de Río de Janeiro, Brasil
- Diputación de Barcelona, España
- Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Sevilla, España
- Programa REDES del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Medio Ambiente, Argentina


Fecha - 08-09-00
Comentarios: CORREO RIADEL
9 de agosto de 2000

I. Eventos
II. Cursos
III. Novedades bibliograficas


Buenos Aires, 14, 15 y 16 de septiembre de 2000

Organizado por la Carrera de Especializacion en Historia y Critica de la
Arquitectura y el Urbanismo (CEHCAU) de la Escuela de Posgrado de la
Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo (Universidad de Buenos Aires).

La inscripcion en los participantes ponentes y de los asistentes debe
realizarse antes del 31 de agosto de 2000, en la Escuela de Posgrado,
personalmente o por correo (Direccion postal: III Jornadas Taller de
imaginarios urbanos, Carrera de Especializacion en Historia y Critica de la
Arquitectura y el Urbanismo, Escuela de Posgrado, CIUDAD UNIVERSITARIA,

MAYOR INFORMACION: Rafael E.J. Iglesia Lyliam

------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------
Acapulco, Gro. del 23 al 25 de Agosto de 2000

La Asociacion de Municipios de Mexico, A. C. invita a participar en este
congreso anual relacionado con los temas economico-administrativos de los
Gobiernos Municipales de Mexico.

-- El Sistema Nacional de Coordinacion Fiscal y sus retos hacia el futuro
-- El Impuesto Predial como herramienta de financiamiento propio
-- La medicion del riesgo crediticio en Mexico y sus ventajas para los
-- Aspectos generales de la gestion financiera y sus diversas posibilidades.
-- El presupuesto, sus modalidades y su importancia
-- La autosuficiencia de los servicios publicos
-- La rendicion de cuentas, la transparencia, y los indicadores de gestion
-- Modelos computacionales para eficientar el trabajo municipal.

Adan Larracilla, Coordinador de Gestion Financiera y Asistencia Tecnica

Web site:


Resena comparativa

Programas seleccionados: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina; Fundacion
Getulio Vargas/Escuela de Administracion Publica, Brasil; Instituto
Centroamericano de Administracion Publica, ICAP, Costa Rica; Universidad de
Chile, Chile, Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economica, CIDE, Mexico; y
al Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administracion, IESA, Venezuela.

La resenia intenta llamar la atencion sobre posibles coincidencias y
diferencias entre estos programas de postgrado, en relacion a tres asuntos
basicos. Es usual conseguir en las presentaciones de los planes de estudios
de maestrias en Administracion y Politicas Publicas, enunciados que destacan
el interes de estos cursos por desarrollar, en primer lugar, una vision
multidisciplinaria del estudio de la administracion publica; en segundo
lugar, una oferta formativa de alto nivel de tipo academico y profesional
para la investigacion y docencia, asi como para la actuacion en niveles
altos de diseno y ejecucion de politicas publicas; y en tercer lugar,
aspectos politicos, referidos al desarrollo de la gobernabilidad
democratica, como condicion necesaria para una gestion publica eficiente.



Con el fin de promover la formacion politico-tecnica de jovenes lideres, el
INCEP realizo, junto con la OEA y el PARLACEN, un curso regional sobre el
tema de la Descentralizacion, Gobiernos Locales y Participacion Ciudadana.

Realizado en Managua, Nicaragua, del 2 al 12 de julio del año 2000, se
tienen planificados este año, en Costa Rica y Honduras, otros cursos
regionales organizados con la OEA y el PARLACEN.

Secretaria de Comunicacion del INCEP


el inicio de los siguientes cursos de postgrado:
31 de julio 2002)
- DESARROLLO LOCAL Y GESTION PUBLICA (14 de agosto 2000-31 de julio 2002)

Jose Blanes Cesar Rojas Gabriela Ugarte

UNIDH (Universidad Internacional para el Desarrollo Humano)
Septiembre-octubre-noviembre 2000, España

UNIDH es una iniciativa conjunta del Instituto Internacional de
Gobernabilidad (IIG), la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) y el
Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales (ICEI), que cuenta con el
patrocinio de la Generalitat de Catalunya y del PNUD.

Entre los cursos ofrecidos destacamos: Gobernabilidad y desarrollo humano;
La cooperacion multilateral al desarrollo: actores, instrumentos y
politicas; Balance de un siglo de desarrollo en America Latina; Genero,
trabajo e igualdad; Los fundamentos politicos del desarrollo: Democracia y
estado de derecho; Fundamentos economicos del desarrollo; Pobreza y equidad
en America Latina; Estado y sociedad: ¿nuevas reglas del juego?


Datos gentilmente proporcionados por Marcelo Lasagna


LA FACTORIA: revista cuatrimestral

"La ciudad de la nueva economia" Manuel Castells "Mirando a traves de un
caleidoscopio urbano" Michael Cohen "Barcelona: de la industria a la
sociedad del conocimiento" Maravillas Rojo
La cultura on-line" Claudia Gianetti "Los sones negros del flamenco: sus
origenes africanos" Eloy Martin "Catalunya y Andalucia" Manuel Royes "Los
nuevos horizontes del nacionalismo catalan" Vicenç Villatoro. "La fuerza de
la participacion" Joan Coscubiela



El Boletin numero 13 de la esta disponible en:

El boletin se titula: Antes de la batalla: TRANSPORTE / Comercio / Tropicos
/ Ayuda Mutua.

Numero 5 CONTACTAR. La Revista de los Municipios

Lo pueden encontrar via Internet

-- La creacion de ciudades no sustentables, por Ailton Mota de Carvalho
-- Reunion de la red de mercociudades
-- Los municipios en la provincia de buenos aires, por Pablo Pinto

-- La declaracion de venecia: se abre la puerta de las naciones unidas a las
autoridades locales, por Eugène Zapata-Garesche

-- Hacia un plan urbano ambiental de la ciudad de buenos aires, por Manuel
-- Desarrollo sustentable y produccion agroecologica en la Municipalidad de

EL MUNICIPIO DE HOY: Moron. Un modelo distinto de gestion:

-- Programa de fomento productivo e intermediacion laboral para mujeres
jefas de hogar de la Municipalidad de Penco
-- Imaginando a Montevideo entre todos: vecinos en asambleas elaboran el
plan estrategico, por Guillermo Font
-- PyMES de indumentaria de tejido de punto en la ciudad de Trelew

-- Bariloche en red, por Carlos Yacobella
-- La Universidad Nacional del Litoral y su apuesta al fortalecimiento de
los municipios y comunas
-- Marketing municipal y nuevas tecnologias
-- El urbanismo frente al espejo, por Alberto Lopez

-- Los municipios turisticos. El turismo en el marco de la planificacion
estrategica y el desarrollo local, por Guillermina Fernandez y Aldo Guzman

MAYOR INFORMACION, comunicarse con Veronica Heler


Para quien le interese consultar esta guia, se encuentra en la pagina

Mayores informes en:


TERRITORIOS 6 (febrero 2001 - julio 2001)
Tema especial: Ciudades, ciudadania y construccion espontanea de ciudad
Agosto 10 de 2000: Fecha limite para recepcion de articulos
TERRITORIOS 7 (febrero 2001 - julio 2001)
Tema especial: Perspectivas socio culturales y socio politicas para pensar
las ciudades y regiones contemporaneas
Enero 28 de 2001: Fecha limite para recepcion de articulos

¿Que busca la revista TERRITORIOS?
Una participacion amplia de instituciones y academicos relacionados con
estudios urbano-regionales, de tal manera que se vinculen en calidad de
miembros del comite editorial, colaboradores y/o coeditores. La tematica de
la revista esta centrada en lo regional y en lo local, en el marco de la
accion para el desarrollo territorial. El tratamiento y el enfoque de los
articulos son interdisciplinarios.

¿A quien esta dirigida la revista TERRITORIOS?
Academicos, tecnicos de planeacion, gobernantes y funcionarios
territoriales, empresarios, organizaciones no gubernamentales, consultores
y estudiantes de pre y post grado.



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Jose Blanes:
Alfredo Rodriguez


Fecha - 07-09-00
Nombre: gabriel salazar hernandez
Email: Teléfono: 9240950
Comentarios: soy un investigador sobre la pobreza de mexico
Fecha - 04-09-00
Nombre: facundo
Email: Teléfono: 0221-4-51-4172
Comentarios: necesitaria si conocen alguna direccion de internet, para buscar informacion sobre basilicata, que especifique bien su region, porque necesito encontrar un pueblito, muy chico, llamado MURLO, si alguno de ustedes me puede brindar esa informacion le estare muy agradecido.
Lo necesito urgente para averiguar nuestros antepasados.
muchas gracias
Fecha - 02-09-00
Nombre: Giordano Jorge Juan
Email: Teléfono: 553584420778
Comentarios: Necesito e-mail de hoteis y de imobilirias de Joinville y de Sao Frabnsci de Sul para face consulta desde Argenbtina
Fecha - 28-08-00
Nombre: karina
Email: Teléfono: 481550
Comentarios: pertenesco qa la biblioteca popular luis vernet, y quisiera saber si tienen material sobre los instrumentos musicales de la region patagonica
muchas gracias
Fecha - 03-08-00
Nombre: Rodolfo
Email: rgaray@netverk
Comentarios: Tienen fecha de finalizacion los distintos foros en la web? Es que no veo mucho movimiento. A que se debe?
Me gustaria que se toque el tema de indicadores urbanos como forma remota de control eficiente de buenas practicas.
Saludos a todos.
Fecha - 13-07-00
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: Lamento mucho que haya personas inscritas, contra su voluntad, en la lista. Este incidentes es, para mí, imposible de comprender, puesto que en ésta, como en todas las listas, es necesario inscribirse y yo solamente he inscrito a quienes lo han solicitado. En cualquier caso, la solucición es muy fácil. Basta enviar un mail a y escribir en el texto: UNSUBSCRIBE agora xx@xx . Es importante que el texto se envie sin formato, de otra manera, la máquina no lo entiende. Nuchas gracias Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Fecha - 12-07-00
Nombre: Aura Peralta
Comentarios: Combinacion de las medidas economicas adoptadas en Alemania en los años 90-92

Fecha - 26-06-00
Comentarios: *Gestión de los programas del Objetivo n° 1 y reparto de responsabilidades

A continuación de la conferencia sobre la gestión de los FE organizada por
la DG REGIO y dada la importancia del tema, hemos consagrado una nueva
página del sitio a los diferentes aspectos de la gestión de los programas
estructurales :

También en línea, y para completar su información, los discursos de varios
participantes a la conferencia, la cual ha acogido a más de 550 personas.

*Grandes proyectos y proyectos de inversiones productivas

Desde la reforma de los Fondos Estructurales los Estados y las regiones
tienen una total autonomía a la hora de seleccionar los proyectos que van a
aplicar los diferentes programas de desarrollo ( DOCUP o Programas
operativos). Sin embargo, en lo que respecta a los Grandes proyectos y los
proyectos de inversiones productivas, aún es necesaria la aprobación de la
Comisión. Para facilitar la tarea varios formularios tipo, que recogen los
diversos tipos de información que necesita la Comisión, están disponibles en
Inforegio :


Dos recientes discursos del Director General encargado de la Política
Regional, Guy Crauser, completan la lista de ponencias accesibles vía el
sitio. El primero trata de « La política regional de la innovación en el
marco de los Fondos Estructurales » y está disponible en inglés. El otro
discurso del Director General, en fancés, se refiere a « La aplicación de la
Agenda 2000 y la preparación del futuro del la política regional de la Unión
ampliada »

*Objetivos n° 1 y n° 2

Para facilitar la navegación y la búsqueda de información, una nueva
clasificación ha sido introducida en Inforegio. Todos los textos oficiales
de las decisiones de la Comisión relativas a las zonas correspondientes a
los Objetivos n° 1 y n° 2 han sido agrupados en una nueva página, y los
mapas de las zonas subvencionables están disponibles en 5 lenguas en la
página siguiente : Siguiendo el
mismo principio, todos los documentos de programación ya adoptados han sido
reunidos en

*Directrices 2000-2006

Ud. encontrará un resumen de las Directrices de la Comisión para los
Programas de Desarrollo regional del período 2000-2006 dirigiéndose a la
siguiente dirección :


Por invitación de la Región italiana de Campania, la DG de Política Regional
organiza en Nápoles los días 6 y 7 de julio próximos un seminario consagrado
a los Pactos Territoriales para el Empleo. Todas las informaciones
necesarias acerca del programa, inscripción y posibilidades de alojamiento
están disponibles en línea en la página siguiente :

Un calendario mencionando otros eventos que tienen que ver con el desarrollo
regional en la Unión también está a su disposición :

Buena visita !

Fecha - 26-06-00

This is the eleventh edition of Electronic Government
International's free email newsletter. For 10 minutes every
couple of weeks, stay in touch with the key events in
information-age government worldwide.

Electronic Government International has been published on paper
since 1996 but we are now entirely electronic, and free. More
news coverage is also available free on the web at, the daily, independent, news service
from Kable/Government Computing.

Let us have your thoughts and feedback - for publication in
Electronic Government International, or just for background.
Contact details below.
In this issue:


Europe's leaders have approved a two-year action plan which for
the first time commits every country in the EU to specific
targets for electronic government. Heads of government meeting
at the European Council summit on 20 June 2000 gave the expected
nod to the European Commission's eEurope 2002 Action Plan.

The plan's main goal is to stimulate Europe's knowledge economy
by encouraging measures such as more telecommunications
competition. The first priority is to cut the cost of accessing
the Internet by "unbundling the local loop". It also sees online
government services as a good way of promoting internet use.

The action plan sets the following deadlines for e-government:
· End of 2000: European Commission to develop a coordinated
approach for
putting public-sector online.
· Mid 2001: EC and member states to set up pan-European
portals for
interactive public services.
· During 2001: EC and member states to "promote the use of
open source
software in the public sector".
· End of 2001: All basic transactions with the EC must be
· End of 2002: Essential public data, including legal,
cultural, environmental and traffic information, to be online.

The council "requests the institutions, the Member States and all
other actors to ensure its full and timely implementation by 2002
and to prepare longer term perspectives for a knowledge-based
economy encouraging info-inclusion and closing the numeracy gap".
EU leaders will consider reports on progress at the next summit
meeting in Nice at the end of 2000.


Companies offering e-government services in the US will have to
disclose "all fees and other costs" under an industry code of
conduct launched on 20 June 2000.

The code was published by the E-Government Alliance, whose
members include the US firms govWorks, Arthur Andersen and
American Management Systems in an organisation called the
E-Government Alliance, is designed to promote public confidence
in e-government services.

Under the code, suppliers of e-government services promise to:
· Protect consumers' privacy and never resell data
· Disclose all fees and other costs associated with
· Accurately represent the scope of services offered
· Be truthful about corporate structures and relationships
· Help ensure universal access to digital services

Kaleil Isaza Tuzman, chief executive of govWorks, said:
"Consumers and governments have a right to know the nature of a
company's business model, especially in a field characterised by
public-private partnerships. Such partnerships bring with them
a special responsibility to protect the public's trust in
e-government applications and those companies that provide them.
We encourage others in the industry to voluntarily embrace these
standards of conduct."

Observers in the US see the code of conduct as an attempt to head
off possible regulation of the booming business of setting up
private portals to handle transactions between government,
business and citizens.

KableNET understands that govWorks plans to launch a service for
the UK. However a spokesperson said on 20 June 2000 that no date
had yet been set.


Norway, one of the world's most internet-savvy countries, has
decided that it can learn from the UK when it comes to
e-government. "In some areas, Britain is ahead of Norway. There
is a lot we can learn from each other," the Norwegian
government's "e-coordinator" Tore Sandvik said on 20 June 2000.

Sandvik was speaking after a visit to Britain to reach an
informal agreement with his opposite number, e-envoy Alex Allan,
on sharing best-practice in e-government. Allan was equally
complimentary, describing Norway as one of the world's leaders
in going online. "They have also launched some very interesting
initiatives on the e-government agenda, including many schemes
to modernise their health service through new technology," he
said. "Sharing our experiences of what has worked and what has
not, will prove very valuable."

Norway, according to Sandvik, " is very interested in the way the
UK has organised its IT policies, such as measures to ensure
proper co-ordination between departments". Sandvik said his own
appointment as e-coordinator (e-envoy does not translate well
into Norwegian) was inspired by the UK's example. "We are also
in the process of setting up a system of monthly reporting of
progress, like in the UK."

Despite the shared enthusiasm for e-government, the two countries
are starting from different places and may take different routes.
Norway has three times the UK's level of internet penetration:
about 60% of the population have access.

Sandvik also played down the idea of setting formal targets for
delivering online services, which is a cornerstone of the UK
approach, in favour of a more flexible strategy. Norway's
e-government plan, due for publication on 29 June 2000, will be
"version 1.0 of a process document", he said. "We will release
an update every half year."

The two governments are expected to take their collaboration
further when the Norwegian e-minister visits the UK in July 2000.


The UK has thrown away its early lead in delivering government
on the world wide web, according to the House of Commons Public
Accounts Committee. The committee said it is "concerned that,
after a promising start, progress on achieving government on the
web has been much slower over the last few years."

In 1995-96, the UK lead the rest of Europe in the government's
use of websites. However few sites have made much progress since.
The report says that departments began using email extensively
only in 1998 "several years behind private business and

Targets for handling percentages of transactions electronically
? the current goal is 100% by 2005 -- need updating, the report
says. "We were surprised that a person telephoning a department
was defined as an electronic transaction and was counted as a
contribution to the targets." The committee says the Cabinet
Office should allow only those calls "which draw fully on
web-based technology" to count towards the targets.

It recommends that the Cabinet Office measures not only which
services are available electronically, but the extent to which
people take them up.

Progess in departmental intranets is also a cause for concern,
as is the lack of a sound business case for spending money on
web-based systems. "We note with concern that there is yet no
established or robust methodology for justifying the expenditure
which departments and agencies invest in web-based technologies."
While the Cabinet Office has commissioned a study of how such a
methdolody should be developed, this has yet to appear. "We urge
them to ensure that the issue is pursued and departments are
encouraged to test and apply the results," the report says.


The UK may yet beat the US in providing a one-stop web portal for
government. The US government's General Services Administration
said on 22 June 2000 that it is about to place a contract for
its government-wide portal, WebGov, to be running in autumn 2000.
The UK equivalent, UK Online, is due to go live as a pilot
project, in September 2000. IT suppliers will present their
proposals to the GSA in July 2000. The winning bidder will create
a web site along the lines of the Yahoo! portal, with "spiders"
searching the internet for relevant data and recording addresses
in a database to be used by the portal's search engine. A major
aim is to create "topic trees" so that citizens can search for
information from many different agencies, without having to know
which agency is responsible for it.


Several million UK taxpayers could be doing business with the
Inland Revenue through a call centre by summer 2001 -- without
being told to "put in writing", KableNET reports this week. This
would take the department a step closer to meeting the
government's target of enabling half of all taxpayer transactions
to be dealt with electronically by 2002. An existing Inland
Revenue call centre for Scotland already allows claims for extra
tax allowances to be made in a phone call, without the need to
write or fill in a form. By September 2001 new centres in several
English cities could cover millions of pay as you earn taxpayers
who work in the London area. Likely locations include Manchester,
Bradford, Cardiff and the North East, KableNET has learned -- see
details on Like the Scottish call centre
they would also handle enquiries and some other transactions,
with all calls being made at local rates - and recorded. The new
centres will be the department's next move towards allowing more
income tax business to be done over the phone or via the


People buying and selling property in England and Wales will be
able to use a completely electronic system within a few years,
according to Lord Chancellor Derry Irvine, the head of the UK's
legal system -- full details on But
legislation is unlikely to be introduced to Parliament until
2002-03, he added. Irvine was speaking on Tuesday at the launch
of one of the first elements of the future electronic
conveyancing system, Land Registry Direct, a secure extranet
which allows estate agents and mortgage lenders to search and
print out land registers. Peter Collis, the chief
land registrar and the chief executive of the Land Registry,
spoke of "a 10-year programme" to get all the elements of the
electronic conveyancing system in place. Some are there already,
and more will follow later in 2000 with the launch of the
National Land Information Service,but "there are quite a few
chunks yet to go", he said. Users pay a once-only connect fee of
£100 and then pay for each record found.


The Government has launched a new phase of its scheme to develop
online health records for every patient of the National Health
Service. Health Minister Gisela Stuart has announced that 13
"demonstrator sites" will receive £5.85 million from the NHS IT
Modernisation Fund to explore how doctors and other clinical
professionals can use IT to improve the care of patients -- see
KableNET on for more.The work will
include studies on the use of computers to support doctors'
decisions about cases. The new projects are part of the NHS
Electronic Patient Record demonstrator project. Their launch
follows the announcement in April of four sites to develop ways
of sharing records between health service and other community


Parliament is used to listening to the rich and powerful when
considering new laws. This week, however, it published the
results of a different type of consultation ? with women who had
suffered violence in the home. More than 1,000 survivors of
domestic violence took part in the first Parliamentary
consultation to be held on the internet, during March. Margaret
Moran MP, who chairs the parliamentary all-party group on
domestic violence, said the experience gave a voice to people who
would never normally speak to their MP. "We took evidence from
a group of Irish women travellers, some illiterate, who went
online to give their views. These were people who had never come
into contact with any government agency in their lives." Moran
said the experience of using the internet would strengthen
representative democracy. "We should be using evidence collected
in this way to inform and shape debate. It's an opportunity for
MPs to listen and be seen to listen and to learn from others.
"There's a tendancy to call for evidence from the same groups,
the usual suspects rather than the direct and powerful voice of
the citizen." More on KableNET on


The number of civil servants in the UK grew by nearly 1% in 1999,
the first year-on-year increase since 1992. The figures, released
on 22 June 2000, appear to show that the trend of shrinkage over
the past 20 years has been reversed. This will embarrass
government ministers. According to Cabinet Office statistics, in
the year to October 1999 there was a rise in of 4,200 in the
number of permanent civil servants, to 466,500. This compares
with an average fall of 1.8% over the past 10 years. Full facts


Alex Allan, the UK government's e-envoy, is to ask government web
designers to make their sites more accessible by people who lack
degrees in computer sciences coupled with 20/20 vision. Allan,
who in February described most government websites as
"impenetrable", will make the plea at a seminar, Web Design for
Government, to be held in London on 5 July. Attendees at the
event, hosted by the Cabinet Office's newly formed New Media
Team, will include web designers, figures from industry and Julie
Howell of the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB), a
leading campaigner for more user-friendly websites. The aim is
to raise awareness of how government can make all its websites
more accessible to the public, including blind and partially
sighted people, by improving design, quality of information and
navigation. For details of how to attend, see our report on
KableNET on


Europe's leaders have approved a two-year action plan which for
the first time commits every country in the EU to specific
targets for electronic government. Heads of government meeting
at the European Council summit on this week gave the expected nod
to the European Commission's eEurope 2002 Action Plan. The plan's
main goal is to stimulate Europe's knowledge economy by
encouraging measures such as more telecommunications competition.
The first priority is to cut the cost of accessing the Internet
by "unbundling the local loop". It also sees online government
services as a good way of promoting internet use. The action plan
sets a series of deadlines for e-government: for a complete list

KableNET on

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Fecha - 10-06-00
Manden su apoyo a:
con copia a

-----Mensaje original-----

Les pedimos que si están de acuerdo,
nos hagan llegar su apoyo a la brevedad

Los abajo firmantes, trabajadores de la cultura, científicos, artistas, intelectuales, profesionales, estamos profundamente involucrados en la lucha por la plena vigencia de los derechos humanos. Es desde esta experiencia tan comprometedora , que valoramos inmensamente el papel que desde su constitución, hace ya 23 años, han tenido las Madres de Plaza de Mayo, quienes mantuvieron a través del tiempo, sin desmayos, la lucha por la justicia, la memoria, la identidad y la vida misma.
En el último año hemos sido convocados por las Madres de Plaza de Mayo para participar de una nueva aventura intelectual: la creación de la Universidad Popular Madres de Plaza de Mayo, en la que se concreta el encuentro entre esa resistencia heroica, ejemplo de coraje y de dignidad, con la construcción de un proyecto de futuro. La Universidad Popular Madres de Plaza de Mayo, constituye un símbolo concreto de la posibilidad de renacier del dolor para multiplicarse en una causa colectiva.
Para nosotros es un orgullo participar como docentes de esta Universidad, en la que nuestro esfuerzo creador tiene un lugar privilegiado para proyectarse hacia nuevos horizontes. Al mismo tiempo, la participación en esta experiencia, nos ha permitido valorar más aún el esfuerzo de estas Madres, que continuando su lucha inclaudicable por la por la justicia, siguen creando con imaginación espacios de futuro.
Es desde este lugar que, conociendo que las Madres de Plaza de Mayo
han sido propuestas para el Premio Nobel de la Paz del Año 2000,
respaldamos esta nominación, sabiendo que su concreción significará un enorme aporte ala reivindicación de la coherencia encarnada en los cuerpos erguidos
y valientes de estas madrés.
Será también una forma de multiplicar la presencia de nuestros 30.000 desaparecidos, proyectando su memoria en los comienzos del siglo 21.
Número de documento

Pablo Kilbeg D.N.I. 11.027.253
Roberto Deibe DNI 26.472.769
Ariel Ogando (Fund. Wayruro) DNI 20.203.365

Fecha - 08-06-00
Comentarios: Objetivo nº 1 en Italia: luz verde de la Comisión
El 14 de abril, la Comisión adoptó una decisión de principio por
la que aprueba el Marco comunitario de apoyo (MCA) para las
regiones del sur de Italia durante el período 2000-2006. Esta
estrategia de desarrollo contará con 23.959 millones de euros
procedentes de los cuatro Fondos Estructurales. La región de
Molise ya no está incluida en el Objetivo nº 1, pero se
beneficia con ayudas comunitarias decrecientes.

Las regiones del Mezzogiorno siguen registrando un escaso
crecimiento y una elevada tasa de desempleo.

Están previstos seis grandes ejes de intervención adaptados a
las necesidades de las regiones consideradas:
* valorización de los recursos naturales y medioambientales;
* valorización de los recursos culturales e históricos;
* mejora de las cualificaciones de los recursos humanos;
* desarrollo de las empresas y del crecimiento;
* mejora del entorno urbano;
* desarrollo de las redes de transporte, de la sociedad de la
información y de la seguridad pública.

Este Marco comunitario de apoyo se llevará a cabo a través de
catorce programas operativos para los cuales la Comisión debe
adoptar aún una decisión específica: siete programas regionales
a los que corresponderá en total el 70% de los recursos
financieros (Molise, Campania, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria,
Sicilia y Cerdeña) y siete programas nacionales (desarrollo
local, transporte, investigación, educación, pesca, seguridad
pública, asistencia técnica).

Si desea obtener un resumen del MCA en italiano, francés, inglés
o alemán, puede consultar la página de Inforegio en Internet

o solicitarlo por fax (+32 2 296 60 03).

Difusión de las medidas públicas regionales de fomento de la
Para favorecer la difusión de la innovación en Europa, la
Comisión Europea está creando actualmente una base de datos en
la que se recopilan y describen las medidas públicas regionales
de fomento de la innovación en el tejido productivo de las
regiones de la Unión Europea. Esta base de datos, llamada RINNO,
está destinada a reunir y difundir de forma permanente
información sobre el desarrollo, la promoción y la gestión de
estrategias o medidas innovadoras. La información recogida, que
va dirigida fundamentalmente a las autoridades regionales y las
agencias de innovación, también permitirá, en principio, conocer
mejor las necesidades de las PYME y proponer a las entidades
territoriales diversas maneras de respaldar o ampliar los
proyectos innovadores.

Si desea aportar su contribución a la base de datos o
simplemente obtener mayor información, puede hacerlo a través de
la página de RINNO en Internet:

Para ponerse en contacto con el equipo RINNO, puede escribir a
la siguiente dirección electrónica:, llamar al
número +44 1954 231 931 o enviar un fax al número
+44 1954 231 767.

Interreg III y Urban II: orientaciones definitivas
El 11 de mayo, el Comisario Michel Barnier dio a conocer a los
representantes de las regiones en Bruselas los textos
definitivos de las Orientaciones Interreg III y Urban II, que
fueron aprobados el 28 de abril. Estos textos son el resultado
del proceso de consulta que se ha llevado a cabo en torno al
proyecto propuesto por la Comisión el pasado mes de octubre. Los
Estados miembros, el Parlamento Europeo, el Comité de las
Regiones y el Comité Económico y Social han podido así expresar
su opinión.

En lo que respecta a Interreg, las Orientaciones definen las
zonas en las que podrán financiarse proyectos en el marco de los
capítulos A (cooperación transfronteriza) y B (cooperación
transnacional); el capítulo C (cooperación interregional) se
refiere a todas las regiones de la Unión.

En cuanto a Urban, corresponde a los Estados miembros
seleccionar las zonas urbanas, las cuales deberán contar, en
general, con un mínimo de 20.000 habitantes.

Las propuestas de programas correspondientes a estas dos
iniciativas deben ser presentadas a la Comisión en un plazo de
seis meses a partir de la publicación de las Orientaciones en el
Diario Oficial

Los textos de las mismas pueden consultarse también
en el sitio Inforegio

o solicitarse por fax al número +32 2 296 60 03.

Regiones ultraperiféricas: balance y orientaciones
La Comisión Europea acaba de remitir al Consejo y al Parlamento
un informe en el que se hace el balance de las actuaciones
llevadas a cabo por la Unión Europea desde 1989 en favor de sus
regiones ultraperiféricas y en el que se propone una nueva
estrategia con vistas al desarrollo sostenible de dichas regiones
. Esta estrategia, que se basa en una nueva asignación de los
Fondos Estructurales para el período 2000-2006, se atiene a las
disposiciones del Tratado de Amsterdam en las que se reconoce la
especificidad de las regiones ultraperiféricas. En ella se prevé
la posibilidad de establecer excepciones a las normas generales (
fiscalidad, ayudas estatales, agricultura, pesca, etc.) para
favorecer la integración de las citadas regiones en el espacio

Entre 1989 y 1999, las ayudas de los Fondos Estructurales a las
siete regiones ultraperiféricas, esto es, los cuatro
departamentos franceses de ultramar, las islas Canarias (E), las
Azores y Madeira (P), ascendieron a 7.200 millones de euros. Las
medidas adoptadas en el ámbito de la agricultura, la pesca, las
PYME y la artesanía han hecho posible un aumento del PIB de
estas regiones de un 8,5% (en promedio). Pese a los progresos
registrados, la tasa de desempleo sigue siendo dos veces
superior a la tasa media de la Unión. Por otra parte, no se ha
aprovechado todo el potencial que ofrece la cooperación regional.

De cara al futuro, la Comisión se propone seguir trabajando en
la consecución de los objetivos de desarrollo económico y de
creación de empleo. A tal fin preconiza una estrategia global de
desarrollo sostenible basada tanto en el apoyo a las actividades
tradicionales (agricultura y pesca), como en la diversificación
económica, sacando el mayor provecho posible de la coordinación
de los Fondos Estructurales con otros instrumentos, tales como
las ayudas estatales, los mecanismos crediticios, la fiscalidad,
etc. Cabe recordar que todas las regiones ultraperiféricas están
incluidas en el Objetivo nº 1 durante el período 2000-2006 y se
beneficiarán también de tres programas específicos de la
Iniciativa comunitaria Interreg IIIB.

El informe está disponible en 11 idiomas en el servidor Europa,
en la siguiente dirección:

Publicaciones en Internet
**Auditoría urbana sobre la calidad de vida en las ciudades: 58
ciudades bajo la lupa** --
En consonancia con el "Marco comunitario de actuación para un
desarrollo urbano sostenible", y a fin de conocer mejor las
ciudades europeas, este informe compara las condiciones de vida
en 58 grandes centros urbanos de la Unión.

A través de una serie de indicadores, la auditoría urbana
analiza más concretamente los aspectos socioeconómicos, la
participación en la vida ciudadana, la formación y la enseñanza,
la cultura, las actividades recreativas y la calidad del medio
ambiente. Sus resultados están destinados a los responsables
locales, a los expertos y a todos aquellos que buscan
información sobre las grandes zonas urbanas. Asimismo, servirán
de fuente de información para la elaboración de las políticas
urbanas europeas.

El mapa de las ciudades analizadas puede consultarse en la
siguiente dirección:

Los tres volúmenes de la auditoría urbana, así como el conjunto
de resultados pueden obtenerse en la siguiente dirección:

**Las enseñanzas de Terra** --
El informe final correspondiente a la medida innovadora Terra,
titulado "Terra, un laboratorio experimental de ordenación
territorial", está disponible en línea en el sitio Inforegio.
Este documento relata el desarrollo de la iniciativa lanzada en
1997 por la Comisión para ayudar a las autoridades locales a
explorar nuevas formas de cooperación en materia de ordenación

El texto puede obtenerse en casi todas las lenguas oficiales en
la siguiente dirección:

La publicación ilustrada, disponible únicamente en francés e
inglés, puede solicitarse por fax (+32 2 296 60 03) o por correo
electrónico (

Fecha - 08-06-00
Comentarios: Preparatory Committee Sets Agenda for Istanbul + 5

The First Substantive Session of the Preparatory Committee for Istanbul + 5, held in Nairobi from 8 to 12 May 2000, concluded with a renewed commitment by governments to implement the Habitat Agenda. 171 governments at the second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) held in Istanbul in 1996 adopted the Habitat Agenda. In June 2001, these same governments will be invited to a Special Session of the UN General Assembly (commonly known as Istanbul + 5) to present their achievements and review progress on the commitments they made at Istanbul.

"The preparatory meeting has shown that the spirit of Istanbul is alive and well," said Dr. Klaus Toepfer, Acting Executive Director of UNCHS (Habitat), which serves as the secretariat for the Special Session. "Istanbul + 5 provides an excellent opportunity to integrate the concerns and commitments of earlier review and appraisal sessions of the General Assembly such as Beijing + 5, Cairo + 5, Rio + 5 and the upcoming Millennium Summit. It will be a chance to refocus the world’s attention on the state of our settlements, the challenges of urbanization and the right of the poor to adequate shelter."


The following officers were elected to the Bureau of the Preparatory Committee:

Chair: H.E. Germán García-Durán (Colombia)
Vice-Chairs: Hon. Amath Dansokho (Senegal); Mr. Manfred Konukiewitz (Germany); H.E. Andrzej Olszowka (Poland)
Rapporteur: Mr. Mehdi Mirafzal (Islamic Republic of Iran)

Scope and Structure of the Special Session

The review process for Istanbul + 5 is based on a set of guidelines designed by UNCHS (Habitat), which focuses on 20 key commitments and strategies stipulated in the Habitat Agenda. Governments are asked to report on policy changes, successes and failures in six main areas: shelter; social development and the eradication of poverty; environmental management; economic development; governance; and international cooperation. Governments are also asked to formulate and prioritize future initiatives. The First Session of the Preparatory Committee urged governments to focus their assessment and monitoring on these key commitments. It further recommended that governments “identify good policies, legislation and exemplary plans of action in implementing the Habitat Agenda in a gender-sensitive way”.

The Preparatory Committee further called upon the international community to lend support to developing countries, including their participation in regional and preparatory meetings for Istanbul + 5.

This Session of the Preparatory Committee passed a total of six resolutions on:
International cooperation and financial support for the preparatory activities and the special session of the General Assembly;
The role of local authorities in the preparatory process and at the special session;
Scope to be covered by the review and appraisal process;
Local, national and regional preparations for the special session of the General Assembly;
Outcome of the special session of the General Assembly; and
Participation of youth in the review and appraisal of the implementation of the Habitat Agenda

The Preparatory Committee agreed that the Special Session of the General Assembly (Istanbul + 5) should result in:

Reconfirmation of the goals and commitments of the Habitat Agenda, and review of the status of implementation, including the identification of progress, gaps, obstacles and challenges;
The setting of global priorities for future action.

Role of Partners

The Preparatory Committee also resolved that Istanbul + 5 should adopt the participatory process established for the Habitat II Conference, which allowed local authorities, NGOs, women’s groups, youth, the private sector and other partners to contribute to the proceedings. In this regard, Istanbul + 5 will follow the rules of procedure adopted at Habitat II.

In discussing the role of Habitat Partners, special emphasis was laid on the contribution of local authorities. The Preparatory Committee expressed its particular appreciation of the work of mayors of cities and towns and Presidents of global and regional associations of local authorities serving on the UN Advisory Committee of Local Authorities. They were requested to continue their valuable contribution to the preparatory process. Governments were also encouraged to include local authorities in their national delegations to Istanbul + 5.

However, mixed views were expressed about presenting the World Charter of Local Self-Government to the General Assembly in 2001. The World Charter advocates for an internationally agreed framework to encourage decentralization and participatory democracy. Some delegations felt that more time was needed to reflect on the cultural and political implications of the Charter. To facilitate further discussion, the Preparatory Committee recommended that the Charter be included as an agenda item at the eighteenth session of the Commission on Human Settlements, which takes place in February next year, just before the second session of the Preparatory Committee for Istanbul + 5.

Normative Agenda

The Preparatory Committee also called upon Member States and Habitat Agenda Partners to support preparations of the Global Report on Human Settlements and The State of the World’s Cities Report in order to raise awareness of human settlements and to provide information on urban conditions and trends around the world. The secretariat was also asked to prepare, in close consultation with Member States, a draft declaration on "Cities and Human Settlements in the New Millennium" to be submitted to the Preparatory Committee at its Second Substantive Session, which will take place from 19 to 23 February 2001.

Delegates also emphasized the importance of the two global campaigns launched by Habitat -- the Global Campaign for Secure Tenure and the Global Campaign for Good Urban Governance. These were considered to be particularly important in setting a normative agenda for the management of human settlements. The Preparatory Committee recommended that these two campaigns should be further elaborated at the eighteenth session of the Commission on Human Settlements.


UNCHS (Habitat), the secretariat for Istanbul + 5, also organized three Dialogues with local authorities and other Habitat Agenda Partners during the First Session of the Preparatory Committee for Istanbul + 5. Following is a summary of each Dialogue.

Dialogue on the “Declaration on the Norms of Good Urban Governance”

This Dialogue facilitated discussions on good urban governance among governments and partners. The norms on good urban governance are based on the principles of sustainability, decentralization, equity, efficiency, transparency and accountability, civic engagement and citizenship, and security. Participants emphasized the important linkages between poverty reduction and good governance. Local authorities were urged to adopt the spirit of the norms of good governance, while the means and ways to achieve them could vary. Among other issues raised during the discussions were the lack of local government resources and municipal corruption, with a number of speakers expressing the view that good governance at the local level would help to reduce corruption, Other participants felt that it was important that the new obligations of local authorities be accompanied by financial resources and that priorities match capacities.

Dialogue on the “World Charter of Local Self-government

This Dialogue recognized that an institutional and legal framework for decentralization at the national level was essential. However, a number of speakers noted that the necessary resources to allow local authorities to carry out new responsibilities had, in many instances, not accompanied decentralization. Several speakers welcomed the Charter as a means to strengthen local democracy, while a number of others also emphasized that any eventual World Charter should be flexible enough to accommodate all types of governments and constitutional settings. There was general consensus regarding the need to continue the discussion on the proposed World Charter at the second session of the Preparatory Committee in February 2001. This would give governments more time and opportunity to contribute to the debate and to express their views on the Charter during the inter-sessional period.

Dialogue on the “Declaration on Secure Tenure”

This Dialogue provided delegates with an opportunity to review the normative aspects of secure tenure. Speakers emphasized a rights-based approach to the Habitat Agenda, and stressed issues such as women and land inheritance, slum upgrading and alternatives to forced evictions. In so doing, the Dialogue helped clarify a consultative process towards the development of a normative framework for security of tenure. Delegates urged Habitat to utilize the preparatory process for Istanbul + 5 to enhance the draft declaration on secure tenure, for example, by translating substantive elements into legal principles. However, it was noted that national legislation and international instruments needed to be accompanied by realistic, on-the-ground policy options and practical strategies. The application of such instruments, and the institutional and administrative capacity to implement them, were as important as their legal adoption.

More details on the First Substantive Session of the Preparatory Committee and the resolutions it adopted are available on the URL: { HYPERLINK }

For more information on Istanbul + 5, please contact:
Axumite Gebre-Egziabher
Co-ordinator, Istanbul + 5
E-mail: { HYPERLINK }
Fax: (254-2) 624264


Rasna Warah
Information Officer, Istanbul +5
E-mail: { HYPERLINK }
Fax: (254-2) 623080


17-19 September 2000 (to be confirmed)
Regional meeting for ECE countries
Venue: Geneva, Switzerland
Organizers: UN-ECE and UNCHS (Habitat)

16-18 October 2000 (to be confirmed)
Regional meeting for Western Asia
Venue: Bahrain
Organizers: UN-ECSWA and UNCHS (Habitat)

19-22 October 2000
Regional meeting for Asia and the Pacific
Venue: Hangzhou, China
Organizers: UN-ESCAP and UNCHS (Habitat)

30 October – 1 November 2000 (to be confirmed)
Regional meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean
Venue: Santiago de Chile
Organizers: UN-ECLAC and UNCHS (Habitat)

6-8 November 2000
Regional meeting for Africa
Venue: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Organizers: UN-ECA and UNCHS (Habitat)

Rasna Warah Editor, Habitat Debate UNCHS (Habitat) P.O. Box 30030 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: (254-2) 623988 Fax: (254-2) 623080 E-mail: Please visit our website at:
Fecha - 07-06-00
Comentarios: Estimados amigos:

La Asociación de Productores de Encañada (APAE), Cajamarca, Perú, es una
organización que cuenta con más de 1,000 asociados. En los días venideros,
17 y 18 de junio, está realizando una actividad muy importante, la fiesta de
las chacras, evento para el cual los invitamos, y a la vez los hacemos
partícipes para que de acuerdo a su voluntad y a la medida de sus
posibilidades contribuyan de alguna manera.

Estamos adjuntándoles un informe de la reunión de dirigentes en la cual se
trató sobre el asunto.

De antemano estamos muy agradecidos por su colaboración cualquiera sea esta.


Conozca cómo se planifica y hace el desarrollo; y la realidad de un distrito
que es el emporio del oro mundial
Alejandro Angulo (diseñador web)
Enrique Salazar Sánchez, coordinador Comité de Desarrollo
Manuel Vásquez Salazar, Presidente del Comité, alcalde distrital.
Telefax: 44-826361(a veces en código de ciudad suele llevar 0 antes del 44)
Calle Huánuco 948-Cajamarca
Calle Lima 217 Plaza de Armas-Encañada
Encañada, Cajamarca, Perú, América Latina

Fecha - 01-06-00
Nombre: David
Comentarios: Mi nombre es David Barceló, estudiante de 5º de Telecomunicaciones.
Me gustaría informaros de una web en la que participo y que creo que puede ser
de interés para todos los que trabajan conectados a Internet.
Se trata de una web gratuita donde puedes guardar las direcciones de
las webs que visitas ( marcadores /favoritos) y recuperarlas después desde cualquier
ordenador conectado a Internet, con total independencia del PC desde el que las hayas
De esta forma, todo un departamento de una gran empresa podría por ejemplo,
compartir desde esta página una serie de direcciones de interés en Internet sin tener que pasarselas por
mail unos a otros o apuntarlas en trozos de papel.

La dirección de la web es:

también disponible en catalán:

y en inglés:

Con esta web se pretende estar un paso por delante de los portales tan en boga
actualmente en Internet puesto que tener MarkWebsite como página de inicio equivale a
tener un PORTAL PERSONALIZADO, con acceso a las webs de tu interés, no las que
un portal ha seleccionado para todo el mundo.
Actualmente contamos con más de 1000 usuarios y en un futuro esperamos implementar la web en otros idiomas así como proporcionar la opción de que un grupo de usuarios compartan una serie de marcadores, algo que podría resultar muy útil para empresas de gran infrastructura.

Mil gracias por la vuestra atención.


Fecha - 29-05-00
Comentarios: Dear members,

I should like to introduce you to INTA, which is the international urban
development network that encourages the exchange of information, experience
and best practices on urban development and renewal across the world.
Emphasis is on practical and realistic experience which can result in the
improvement of urban areas for all inhabitants through proper application by
the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.

INTA's missions are:
. to act as an international forum and network for the collection, exchange
and sharing of information and best practice in the development and growth
of urban areas
. to promote public private partnerships on urban issues
. to contribute to the world debate on urban development and regeneration
. to shape appropriate public and private sector policies for urban and
regional development

Next year INTA in co-operation with the Arab Urban Development Institute is
planning to organise a seminar on new technology of communication and urban
development, which will take place either Saudi Arabia or Dubia. A draft
scope and agenda of this seminar is attached.

Therefore I am asking your help in defining:
* the issues at stake and the their appropriate formulation,
* the most relevant cases/practices inside and outside your organisation
* potential speakers for the seminar.

Thanking you in advance,

Yours sincerely,

Michel Sudarskis
Secretary General

INTA - the international network for urban development
Nassau Dillenburgstraat 44
2596 AE Den Haag
The Netherlands
Tel: 31-70-324 45 26
Fax: 31-70-328 07 27

Fecha - 22-05-00
Nombre: Rosimery Jacques
Email: Teléfono: 00 33 6 13123083
Comentarios: Paris, 22 de maio de 2000.

Apresentação para o Grupo AGORA.

Prezados amigos,

Gostaria inicialmente de agradecer ao Professor Carlos Ortiz de Zarate, pelo convite para participar da Mesa Redonda : "Potencial e atualização do desenvolvimento sustentavel", ocorrido no mes de abril de 2000, na cidade de Las Palmas, Ilhas Canarias. A participação neste evento me permitiu de conhecer o "Grupo de Estudos Comparados Euroafricanos e Eurolatinoamericanos", o qual fui convidada à participar. Coloco a todos a minha satisfação de participar dos trabalhos de um grupo como este.
Gostaria de fazer uma pequena apresentação : Rosimery Jacques, Formada em Serviço Social, pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil; atualmente cursando o curso de Doutorado da Paris XII, França, com o tema : "Historia Econômica da gestão da agua no seculo XX", e sou a Presidente da PELICAN-Brasil. Com experiências em meio ambiente e desenvolvimento sustentavel.

Tenho participado deste grupo como expectadora (li todos os comentarios), devido estar com problemas de computador. Acredito que a partir do proximo mes terei uma participação mais efetiva. Peço minhas desculpas.
Coloco-me à disposiçao para colaborar com os demais participantes do grupo.
Gostaria ainda de dizer da minha participaçao na organizaçao do "Comite do Grupo de Estudos Comparados", pois acredito nesta proposta para colocarmos em pratica os nossos projetos.

Os meus sinceros agradecimentos.

Apresentaçao da PELICAN-Brasil :

A PELICAN-Brasil - Protetores Ecologicos Livres, Integração, Cosciência e Amor à Natureza - ONG ambientalista, sociedade civil, sem fins lucrativos, vinculos partidarios ou religiosos, de âmbito mundial. Fundada em janeiro de 1997, tendo como objetivo o incentivo ao estudo, promoção, defesa e preservação do meio ambiente, atraves da execução de levantamentos e divulgação de dados, desenvolvimento de pesquisas, bem como a implantação de projetos. Promovendo a conservação dos patrimônios natural, cultural e historico, integrando o homem ao meio ambiente. Agindo em projetos de conservação dos recursos hidricos, nas politicas publicas e na criação de programas de educação ambiental, garantindo a cidadania e o desenvolvimento sustentavel.

A PELICAN-Brasil nasce com a responsabilidade de se fazer presente de maneira concreta, e de ser uma resposta às necessidades da realidade. ONG ambientalista que tem como principal meta a integração do Homeme ao Meio Ambiente e a Gestão dos Recursos naturais, se lança com a certeza de afirmar esta nova maneira de pensar a ação deste ser, supostamente pensante, em relação as demais especies do planeta.

O perfil da PELICAN-Brasil foi se descortinando com o lançamento da I Conferência Internacional PELICAN, um evento internacional que reuniu profissionais do Brasil e do Exterior, sob o tema "O Homem e a Biodiversidade", contemplando : biodiversidade, conservação, gerenciamente ambiental, manejo sustentado, ecologia social, educação ambiental, saude e sistemas de informação aplicados ao meio ambiente.

A PELICAN-Brasil se lança aos Oceanos com o projeto "Ano Internacional dos Oceanos", desenvolvido em parceria com o IBAMA, UNESCO, CNBB, Fundação OndAzul, Movimento Artistas pela Natureza, com atividades culturais, foruns regionais de debates e mutirões de limpeza, contribuindo com o lema : "1998, mais um ano para poluir menos".

Ao longo da caminhada se manifesta e se concretiza em atividades diversas, sempre com o intuito de cumprir seus objetivos estatutarios, tornando a PELICAN uma entidade com credibilidade nacional e internacional, que honra seus parceiros, instituições de renomes internacionais com creditos pelos seus projetos executados.

Atualmente a PELICAN conquistou seu espaço, graças ao trabalho arduo de manter uma postura firme e de muita ética e valor. Conhecida e muito solicitada para participar de projetos e dar sua contribuição e parecer técnco-cientifico, graças aos profissionais competentes que formam a sua base e por suas parcerias. Os laudos técnicos e as assessorias são expedidas por profissionais do MNHN - Museu Nacional de Historia Natural de Paris; IEGB - Instituto de Gestão da Biodiversidade - Paris; UNESCO, Universidade Paris XII, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Brasil; LPO - Liga pela Proteção dos Passaros França; AP-HP - Assistëncia Publica e Hospitais de Paris; IPAT - Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais e Tecnologicas -Brasil; e outros do mesmo porte e que participaram da nossa estrutura como membros de honra.

A proposta da PELICAN é de desenvolver as atividades com a força da determinação e da criatividade, e acima de tudo com muito amor, criando sempre um ambiente ético de emoção e entusiasmo. Essa força, essa disposição e essa audacia que impunsionam àquele que se descobre identificado com a proposta, e então é denominado de PELICANO ou PELICANA, interagindo para a preservação do planeta, tranformando o amanhã numa grande esperança e não numa ameaça.

Sede central : Criciuma, Santa Catarina, Brasil
Polos de trabalhos e/ou representações : Bombinhas, Itapema, Florianopolis, Porto Belo, Blumenau, Joinville (Santa Catarina, Brasil); Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil), Belém (Para, Brasil), São Luis (Maranhão, Brasil) e Paris (França).


Rua Senador Paulo Sarazate, 544 - B. Michel, Criciuma - Santa Catarina -
CEP : 88803-120 - Brasil
Fone : 00 55 48 433 4840
Mail :

C/O Chez Mme Blanche
115, Avenue Pierre Brossolette - Le Perreux s/ Marne - 94170 - France
Fone : 00 33 6 13 12 3083
Mail :

Atualmente a PELICAN se encontra em total expansão e em fase de execução de outros projetos :

-Implantaçao do Parque Nacional Atlantico Costeira de Zimbros, Bombinhas, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Projeto de gestão em parceria com o IBAMA (Ministerio do Meio Ambiente do Brasil) e com a participação da comunidade local e de instituições nacionais e internacionais, garantindo o desenvolvimento sustentavel.

- Implantaçao da APA - Area de Preservaçao Ambiental, numa "pequena floresta", para a preservaçao de uma fonte de agua, dentro de uma favela, Criciuma, Santa Catarina, Brasil.

-Participaçao intensa do “ Dia Nacional da Terra ” dia 22 de Abril, com atividades o ano inteiro, Brasil. Evento Mundial da Organização Internacional Earth Day.

-Participaçao na organizaçao de Eventos e Conferências Internacionais da Assembléia Nacional Francesa, a convite do Bureau do Deputado ecologista Noël Mamère:

* Reunião constitutiva de la FCD - Federaçao Congolesa da Diaspora, para a paz no Congo, 22 janeiro, 2000, Paris;

* Le Tiers Secteur Audiovisuel : un accès citoyen à la télévision, 31 janeiro, 2000, Paris;

* Marée Noire : au Brèsil, en France et en Turquie, 05 fevereiro, 2000, Paris;

* La Democracie en Iran, 14 fevereiro, 2000, Paris;

* Solidarité avec le peuple Tchétchéne : contre les massacres et le silence des états, 13 março, 2000, Paris;

* Contre l'apartheid sanitaire en Afrique, 22, mai, 2000, Paris;

* Developpement et Preservation de l'eau : une question de solidarité, octobre, 2000, Paris;

* Pollution du mercure dans le bassin amazonien, octobre, 2000, Paris.

-Participaçao da Conferencia da OMS em 2001, Paris, convidada participar como conferencista, projeto Saude e meio Ambiente.

-Participaçao do Projeto da OMS e Parlamento Europeu – Saude e Meio Ambiente, Africa, 2000 ;


Rosimery Jacques

Fecha - 11-05-00
Nombre: José Vicente Zamudio C.
Comentarios: Hola a todos:
Quisiera agradecer, “públicamente”, la acogida y la gentileza que Carlos Ortiz de Zarate ha tenido conmigo. Como él lo expresara ayer mi interés es poder vincularme a la mesa y colaborar de la manera que sea posible, así como poder intercambiar ideas con todos los participantes.
Ya que en su momento no lo hice paso a presentarme. Soy economista de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y magister en Análisis de problemas económicos y políticos contemporáneos. Estuve vinculado durante siete años al Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular -CINEP- desde donde hemos mantenido un cierto seguimiento a las políticas descentralizadoras enfatizando los aspectos relacionados con la capital del país Bogotá (que cuenta con 6.5 millones de habitantes). En el momento hago parte de un equipo interdisciplinario de investigación adscrito al Centro de Investigaciones de la Universidad Central y estamos elaborando una metodología para medir el impacto de la descentralización en sus aspectos políticos en los diferentes municipios, para lo cual adelantaremos una prueba piloto en tres municipios, esta investigación se desarrolla para el Ministerio del Interior y el Departamento de Planeación Nacional. También hago parte de Asociación Colombiana de investigación urbana regional y de la Red Nacional de Investigación Urbana de México, a través de esta última fue que me informe de la existencia de la Mesa y del Agora, infortunadamente un poco tarde.

Bueno, aquí estoy. A partir de los comentarios de Silvia quisiera también manifestar mi interés por la base metodológica para la construcción de indicadores, como lo manifestaba arriba mi preocupación actual tiene que ver con la medición del impacto político de la descentralización, de poder construir unos indicadores que me den cuenta si un municipio es más o menos democrático, si ha aumentado la legitimidad del Estado o su gobernabilidad, o ha disminuido el clientelismo.
No obstante, estas circunstancias habría una pregunta anterior que tiene que ver con el para que de la medición, para mostrar eficiencia tecnocrática o desarrollo integral, para focalizar las políticas como lo recomienda la banca multilateral e individualizar las soluciones o para buscar salidas colectivas y políticas integrales.

Creo que va ya muy largo. Gracias Vicente.

Fecha - 04-05-00
Comentarios: Dear Sirs,

Please submit this message to your colleagues of study resources: sociology, philosophy, ethnology, philology, politicology, anthropology, as it may contain interesting points of review.

On our website we have opened the discussion of the problematic about identifying African (black) people living in the Europe of today, and their role and identification within the European society now and in the future.

The AfroAmericans are a widely known throughout the world, and for that some Europeans intend to identify Africans in Europe likewise as AfroEuropeans.

But that may be a mistake, there is hardly (non) any literature on this subject, and the particular history of Africans in America is quite different then the history of Africans in Europe.

There are four major reasons to identify Africans in Europe as follows:

1) Europeans intend to name european subjects likewise: EuroHoolygans, EuroModels, EuroCitizens, Euro etc....

2) African people in Europe do not, or less identify themselves as Europeans and see themselves more as Africans.

3) Europeans intend to identify 'black' people as Africans and not as Europeans.

4) Africans in Europe have a strong root to their African heritage whereous the AfroAmericans in the U.S.A. have lost them merely.

Therefor EuroAfrican and/or EuroAfricans should be the right entitlement to identify African people in Europe.

Another strong withold point is the migration and identification of the large North African population in Europe.

Already I discovered announcements of "'black" Suriname people in the newspaper looking for instance for a partner, identifying themselves as follows:

EuroSurinamer is looking for Dutch woman,etc. etc................
A discussion program held by Creole-Suriname people on Dutch television was discussing this 'Euro' feeling.

There is not any literature available on this subject as neglection and ignorance of Europeans to identify and recognize this population, but nevertheless it will be a hot issue within the ongoing process of Unification of Europe and the ongoing migration, integration and generations of African people who have come to Europe since the early 19-sixties.

The different ethnic minorities in the different European countries coming from different former European colonies and decolonized countries are paralized and seggregated as a community within the E.C. The process of integration of these ethnic minorities in Europe will not succeed as long as they will not be indentified as an entity.

Therefor we have a stepped forward in this process by promoting and identifying this subject on the internet by

Could you please refer to this issue and discuss it with your colleques for study and determination,

Best regards,


Fecha - 24-04-00
Email: Teléfono: 01560259
Comentarios: Seria un placer poder contactarnos con frecuencia
Soy de Bolivia egresado de Comunicacion Social actualmente estudio derecho en leyes en la Universidad Mayor de San Andres.
Fecha - 13-04-00
Nombre: Alejandro Angulo
Comentarios: Estimado señor Carlos Ortiz:
Le invito a ver la nueva versión del web del Comité de Desarrollo de Encañada:
Si tuviera algo que decirnos, favor escríbanos al e-mail del CODE:

Alejandro Angulo

Fecha - 15-03-00
Comentarios: Nuevo Objetivo n° 2: Seis nuevas decisiones
El 18 de enero, la Comisión adoptó las decisiones de principio
sobre las listas de zonas en reconversión socioeconómica que se
beneficiarán de la ayuda de los Fondos Estructurales europeos en
virtud del nuevo Objetivo nº 2. Tras las zonas subvencionables
de España y del Reino Unido, el pasado 22 de diciembre, han sido
definidas ahora las de Francia, Suecia, Austria y Luxemburgo.

Se espera que las decisiones finales referentes a estos seis
Estados miembros se adopten durante el mes de febrero de 2000.
Las autoridades nacionales dispondrán a continuación de cuatro
meses para presentar a la Comisión Europea sus planes regionales
de reconversión preparados en cooperación con los responsables y
los actores socioeconómicos regionales y locales. Los ejes de
desarrollo regional deberán tener en cuenta las prioridades
comunitarias que figuran en las orientaciones definidas por la
Comisión en julio de 1999.

El nuevo Objetivo nº 2 de los Fondos Estructurales pretende
sostener proyectos de reconversión económica y social en las
zonas industriales, rurales, urbanas y dependientes de la pesca.
De acuerdo con los nuevos Reglamentos de los Fondos
Estructurales y de conformidad con el principio de
subsidiariedad, la responsabilidad de la selección de las zonas
subvencionables recae fundamentalmente en los Estados miembros,
a quienes también compete decidir cuál será la población
subvencionable en cada región.

La Comisión, por su parte, comprueba que la propuesta respete
las exigencias reglamentarias.

Los mapas y las listas detalladas de las zonas seleccionadas
están a disposición de todos los Estados miembros interesados en
el sitio Inforegio:

Guy Crauser, nuevo Director General
Desde el 1° de enero, el luxemburgués Guy Crauser desempeña la
función de Director General de la DG Política Regional en la que
sustituye a Eneko Landaburu que ha pasado a la DG Ampliación.

**Carrera europea** --
1970-1980: Miembro del Gabinete del Embajador A. Borschette, y
posteriormente de R. Vouel, responsable de los temas de
competencia y de asuntos financieros.

1981-1988: Jefe de División en la Dirección General "Mercado
Interior y Asuntos Industriales".

1989-1990: Jefe de Gabinete de J. Dondelinger, Comisario de
Asuntos Audiovisuales y Culturales, de la Información y de la
Comunicación, de la Europa de los Ciudadanos y de la Oficina de

1990-1995: Director en la Dirección General III - Industria.

1995-1997: Director General Adjunto ad interim y posteriormente
Director General Adjunto en la Dirección General III - Industria.

1997-1999: Director General de la Dirección General Política
Empresarial, Comercio, Turismo y Economía Social (DG XXIII).

Información y publicidad
El proyecto de Reglamento cuyo objetivo es garantizar la
visibilidad de las intervenciones estructurales del período 2000-
2006 ha sido objeto de un dictamen favorable por parte del
Comité para el desarrollo y la reconversión de las regiones.
Dicho Reglamento regula las actividades de información y
comunicación que deberán realizar los Estados miembros en torno
a los programas de desarrollo cofinanciados por los Fondos
Estructurales (véase Inforegio n°70).

El nuevo texto está disponible en el sitio Inforegio en la

o previa solicitud por fax: +32.2.2966003.

Por otra parte, tanto el emblema europeo, como los mapas de
zonificación de los Objetivos nos 1 y 2, así como las menciones
que deben figurar en las vallas informativas, las publicaciones
o los sitios web pueden cargarse en la dirección de Inforegio:

Cohesión y competencia:
Durante el último trimestre de 1999, la Comisión aprobó los
mapas de ayudas estatales de finalidad regional para el período
2000-2006 de Dinamarca, Finlandia, Irlanda, Grecia y una parte
de Alemania y de Portugal.

Estos mapas delimitan las zonas en las que las empresas pueden
recibir ayudas públicas a la inversión, ya sea de origen
nacional o comunitario (a través de los Fondos Estructurales).
También precisan las intensidades máximas de las ayudas
autorizadas por región. Estas delimitaciones son conformes a la
política comunitaria de competencia, la cual prevé excepciones
al principio de prohibición de las ayudas públicas a fin de
impulsar el desarrollo de determinadas regiones de la Unión
Europea [letras a) y c) del apartado 3 del artículo 87 del

Los mapas son el resultado de las propuestas enviadas por los
Estados miembros en función de los límites nacionales de
población adoptados por la Comisión a finales de 1998 (véase
Inforegio 60 de enero de 1999).

A 1 de enero de 2000, sólo los mapas de Dinamarca, Finlandia,
Irlanda y Grecia habían sido totalmente aprobados. La Comisión
ha aprobado también la parte de los mapas de Portugal y de
Alemania correspondiente a las regiones menos desarrolladas,
pero ha debido iniciar un procedimiento de examen en relación
con las demás regiones de estos dos Estados en las que podrían
concederse ayudas.

La llegada tardía de algunas propuestas o su incompatibilidad
con las directrices de la Comisión son las razones por las que
los mapas de los otros Estados miembros no han podido ser
aprobados en 1999. A la espera de su aprobación, estos Estados
no pueden, desde el 1° de enero, seguir concediendo este tipo de

El medio ambiente en los programas regionales de 2000-2006
Los Comisarios europeos de Política Regional, Michel Barnier, y
de Medio Ambiente, Margot Wallström, definieron las modalidades
prácticas de aplicación de las Directivas sobre hábitats (92/43/
EEC) y sobre aves (79/409/EEC) en la programación regional de
los Fondos Estructurales.

La Directiva sobre hábitats se centra en la conservación de los
hábitats naturales y de la flora y fauna silvestres. Dicha
Directiva prevé la creación de lugares de importancia
comunitaria basándose en propuestas de los Estados miembros (
Natura 2000). La Directiva sobre aves tiene como objetivo la
protección de las especies silvestres.

Según los dos Comisarios, los programas para el período 2000-
2006 de los nuevos Objetivos nos 1 y 2 deberán incluir
compromisos claros e irrevocables con el fin de garantizar la
protección de los lugares prevista por "Natura 2000". Cada plan
de desarrollo o proyecto de Documento único de programación será
analizado con este fin. En caso necesario, los Estados miembros
serán informados de las modificaciones que sea necesario
introducir en sus programas.

Nuevas publicaciones
Las siguientes publicaciones pueden solicitarse por e-mail a, o por fax : +32.2.2966003

Los Fondos estructurales y su coordinación con el Fondo de
cohesión (11 lenguas)

Las normas comunitarias aplicables a las ayudas estatales (11

Informe anual de los Fondos Estructurales de 1998 (11 lenguas)

El Fondo de Cohesión en imágenes (FR, EN, ES, PT, GR)

La aplicación del principio "quien contamina paga" en los
países de la cohesión (FR, EN, DE, ES, PT, GR)

El Fondo de Cohesión y el medio ambiente - España (FR, EN, DE,

El Fondo de Cohesión y el medio ambiente- Portugal (FR, EN, DE,

El Fondo de Cohesión y el medio ambiente - Grecia (FR, EN, DE,

El Fondo de Cohesión y el medio ambiente- Irlanda (FR, EN, DE)

Fecha - 14-03-00
Comentarios: Las explicaciones sobre pobreza y desigualdad del BID


por Eduardo Gudynas

Los mas recientes reportes anuales y estudios tecnicos del Banco
Interamericano de Desarrollo defienden un determinismo geografico del
desarrollo: los paises mas ricos en recursos naturales y mas cercanos al
ecuador estan condenados a ser mas atrasados y pobres. Los problemas
actuales no se deben a las reformas estructurales o las acciones de los
gobiernos, sino a las condiciones ambientales. Para remontar todos esto el
mejor remedio es el mercado y acentuar todavia mas las reformas.


America Latina posee la peor distribucion de la riqueza en el mundo. La
distancia entre los ricos y los pobres es abismal, y mucho mas alta que la
registrada en los paises industrializados o en otras regiones del Tercer
Mundo. El continente posee el dudoso privilegio de tener personas muy ricas,
incluso a escala planetaria, junto a indigencia en condiciones extremas. Si
bien en algunos paises, la proporcion de pobres se ha estabilizado, el
numero absoluto no ha dejado de crecer.

El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) ha analizado este problema y
mantiene activas estrategias con el supuesto objetivo resolverlo. El
objetivo de este articulo es precisamente dar a conocer las recientes ideas
del BID sobre las limitaciones al desarrollo en America Latina,
especialmente a partir de sus reportes anuales para 1997 y 1998-99.

Sorpresivamente, el BID defiende o un determinismo geografico y ecologico,
donde la inequidad se corresponderia con la latitud y bajo una mayor riqueza
ecologica, mas se deterioran las opciones de desarrollo. Se asoma un
fatalismo tropical, donde las naciones ecuatoriales parecen destinadas a la
pobreza. Estas ideas han pasado casi desapercibidas, aunque merecerian
detallados estudios, en especial por sus implicaciones sobre las politicas
del banco, asi como sus repercusiones en los gobiernos de la region.


El BID en su reporte de 1998-99 afirma que la dotacion de recursos
naturales, especialmente los minerales y la disponibilidad de tierra para
cultivos y ganados, esta fuertemente asociada con la inequidad. La relacion
que defiende indica que a medida que aumenta la disponibilidad de esos
recursos naturales, aumenta la desigualdad y la pobreza. La contracara de
esta vinculacion, y que el banco ejemplifica varias veces, se observa en
paises templados y frios que poseen dotaciones reducidas en recursos, pero
que han ganado en riqueza y equidad. A juicio del BID, cuanto mas rico sea
un pais en recursos naturales, mas lento sera su desarrollo, y mayores sus
desigualdades internas.

La explotacion de los recursos naturales, sigue explicando el BID, genera
una renta que va a unas pocas personas, se desenvuelve por practicas que
requieren empleo reducido y una minima educacion, lo que junto con el
concurso de otros factores termina desencadenando la situacion de pobreza y
desigualdad actual. El banco defiende un determinismo geografico, donde los
paises tropicales, mas cercanos a la linea del Ecuador, al poseer
comparativamente mayores dotaciones de recursos naturales, terminan
degenerando hacia condiciones de pobreza.

La forma en que se distribuye la propiedad de los bienes productivos es tan
importante para la distribucion del ingreso como lo son los volumenes de
esos recursos. En este terreno, segun el BID, America Latina esta en
desventaja ya que la propiedad sobre los recursos naturales y las
oportunidades para la educacion estan muy concentradas. Entonces el
crecimiento economico y las nuevas oportunidades economicas que se brindan
no estan equitativamente disponibles para todos los grupos de poblacion.
Muchos coincidirian con esa afirmacion, y de hecho eso es parte del
problema. Pero el razonamiento del BID da pasos en otro sentido.

America Latina tiene aproximadamente la misma cantidad relativa de capital
fisico que otras regiones del mundo, pero se diferencia a la vez por una
mayor abundancia en recursos naturales y por menores indicadores en capital
humano. Esos dos extremos se asociarian para explicar la gran concentracion
del ingreso. El BID realiza una serie de analisis, donde correlaciona los
niveles de desigualdad (medidos por el coeficiente de Gini), con la
disponibilidad de recursos. Encuentra que la mayor correlacion se da entre
la latitud y la desigualdad, afirmando que "Los paises cercanos al ecuador
poseen sistematicamente mayores inequidades en el ingreso, incluso despues
de tener en cuenta el hecho que los paises en los tropicos tienden a ser
menos desarrollados que los paises en otras regiones templadas. Esto es
verdad a nivel global, y tambien en America Latina." El analisis del banco
avanza todavia mas: los "paises tropicales, especialmente cuando sus
economias son intensivas en tierra y recursos minerales, tienden a ser mas
desiguales", ya que estos usan intensivamente la tierra, una mayor
proporcion del ingreso se acumula en ella, y tiende a convertirse en un bien
con una propiedad mas concentrada. Las tierras tropicales y sus cultivos
ofrecerian la posibilidad de grandes economias de escala bajo condiciones
climaticas mas adversas y con menores innovaciones tecnologicas que en zonas
templadas. El resultado ha sido, segun el BID, una baja productividad
relativa del trabajo en los tropicos. que ha deprimido los salarios
fomentando empleos sin calificacion. A todo esto, el banco agrega que los
recursos naturales son "sumideros de capital" en tanto succionan capitales
intensamente, haciendolo todavia mas escaso para otros fines (por ejemplo,
la industrializacion), y generando poco empleo.

Una vez establecido el marco general de las ideas del banco, pueden
comenzarse a analizar los conceptos que lo fundamenta. Estas posiciones se
presentan en los reportes anuales de 1997 y 1998-1999, los que a su vez
reproducen secciones de un articulo de Michael Gavin, investigador del
banco, y Ricardo Hausman, economista jefe del BID y una de sus jerarcas mas
influyentes. Tambien debe destacarse otro estudio, por Juan Londonio y
Miguel Szekely, integrantes de la Oficina del Economista Jefe. Estos
analisis a su vez deben mucho a Jeffrey Sachs y sus colaboradores del
Harvard Institute for International Development.


Una de las principales causas de las condicionantes negativas de los
tropicos sobre la igualdad y el desarrollo se deberia, a juicio del BID a
que la vida en esas areas es complicada por las enfermedades, las pestes,
los problemas con el clima y la calidad del agua. Estos factores han
limitado la productividad del trabajo y en especial minan la eficiencia
productiva de la agropecuaria (Bid, 1998). El banco afirma que "el esfuerzo
fisico que un individuo puede hacer cuando esta a merced de los tropicas es
substancialmente menos que en un pais con estaciones moderadas". Este
sorprendente analisis de las condiciones ambientales pareceria indicar que
los tecnicos del BID creen que en las regiones templadas no existen tambien
condiciones adversas, como el frio, las nevadas o una caida en la
disponibilidad de recursos durante el invierno, por lo que podria cultivarse
la tierra o criar ganado sin mayores problemas; de la misma manera, tampoco
existirian importantes enfermedades o "pestes" en esos paises (por ejemplo,
las recurrentes epidemias de influenza que azotaban los paises boreales no
existen en el modelo del banco). Finalmente, cuando el banco sostiene que
una persona en los tropicos hace esfuerzos fisicos menores, si bien no lo
dice, pareceria aludir a que alli se trabaja menos.

El modelo del BID indica que el proceso de industrializacion de America
Latina fue defectuoso, contrastandolo con la exitosa marcha de los EE UU. La
diferencia seria, segun el banco, que los trabajadores rurales
estadounidenses recibian sueldos que permitian una buena vida en el campo,
de donde era necesario elevar a ese nivel los salarios industriales urbanos
para atraer mano de obra. Bajo esas condiciones la industrializacion tiene
lugar con salarios altos, y supuestamente eso fue lo que ocurrio en los EE
UU. En cambio eso no sucederia en America Latina, ya que en el tropico los
trabajadores rurales reciben bajos salarios, de donde la industrializacion
tiene lugar en una oferta de salarios bajos. Esas fuentes de trabajo no son
atractivas y los potenciales obreros deciden por quedarse en el campo.

Nuevamente este modelo lleva a la sorpresa, y parece olvidar los bajos
niveles de vida de la poblacion rural en EE UU y Europa continental durante
buena parte del siglo XIX e inicios del XX, la expulsion masiva de
inmigrantes desde Europa hacia America, asi como las migraciones internas
hacia las ciudades. Asimismo, en el caso Latinoamericano tampoco da cuenta
de la expulsion rural por falta de trabajo, que nutrio los cinturones de
pobreza de las urbes, donde esos recien llegados tampoco encuentran empleo.
Esas personas no condicionan el ingreso a un empleo por el nivel salarial,
tal como indica el banco, sino que estan a la busca de cualquier trabajo.

El BID tambien considera que otras limitaciones se deben a los caracteres de
los cultivos tropicales, como el algodon, azucar y tabaco, los que se
producen con eficiencia en plantaciones de gran escala, y que ello es menos
verdad en cultivos templados como trigo o maiz. Por lo tanto esos cultivos
refuerzan la concentracion, mientras los cultivos templados la revertirian.
Este tipo de afirmaciones igualmente parecen olvidar que no existe una
condicion agronomica o ecologica que obligue al maiz a ser cultivado por
pequenios o grandes propietarios. De la misma manera, las condiciones
ambientales no imponente contextos economicos, y son estos los que
determinan cuales son las superficies mas ventajosas para un propietario. La
aproximacion del BID insiste en que la concentracion de la tierra tiene una
condicionante ambiental, donde unicamente se pueden cultivar especies que
solo pueden ser manejadas bajo grandes propiedades, se "facilita una extrema
concentracion de la propiedad de la tierra". Es un fatalismo ambiental que
hecha por tierra los determinantes historicos en campos economicos y
politicos que determinaron ese patron de propiedad.


En una linea argumental paralela, el banco retoma las propuestas de algunos
investigadores que postulan que algunas explotaciones minerales o
agropecuarias requieren mucho capital fisico pero poca mano de obra. En
paises con disponibilidad de capital reducida, el derivarlo a esos sectores
reduce su disponibilidad para utilizarlo en otros rubros. Por lo tanto se
utilizaria el capital en actividades esencialmente ligadas a los recursos
naturales, y no en industrias manufactureras, aunque estas ultimas lograrian
promover con mas efectividad el crecimiento economico. Por lo tanto, los
sectores primarios de las economias se convierten en "sumideros" de capital,
que terminan succionandolo, pero arrojando beneficios comparativamente
menores a los que podrian lograr otros sectores, como los manufactureros.

Finalmente, el banco tambien relaciona las dotaciones de recursos naturales
con la volatilidad macroeconomica,. Los choques externos a los que ha estado
expuesta America Latina tienen mucho que ver con la dependencia sobre
"exportaciones de productos primarios volatiles". Bajo este argumento, las
economias dependerian mucho de un puniado de recursos muy abundantes, cuyo
precio se mueve al vaiven de los mercados internacionales. En aquellas
circunstancias en que esos precios caen, habran consecuencias
proporcionalmente mayores en los paises tropicales, manteniendo o agravando
sus condicione de inequidad.

Bajo esta hipotesis pareceria defenderse la sorprendente idea que en la
crisis mexicana del tequila o del real brasilenio no actuaron otro tipo de
factores, como la accion de especuladores, los malos terminos de intercambio
de los recursos naturales que se exportan, o la gestion de los gobiernos: el
factor determinante es el tropico.


El analisis del banco da otros pasos extendiendo la determinacion geografica
para explicar tambien relaciones sociales y condiciones politicas. Por
ejemplo, afirma que "mientras que las tierras templadas historicamente han
promovido establecimientos familiares e instituciones que buscan promover la
cooperacion, las grandes economias de escala y severas condiciones de
trabajo tipicas de las tierras tropicales han generado una agricultura de
plantaciones y promovido la esclavitud". En el reporte del banco de 1998
incluso se insiste que esas "condiciones tropicales" promovieron "relaciones
verticales, jerarquias y divisiones de clases antes que los vinculos
horizontales que construyen el capital social y contribuyen al desarrollo y
la equidad".

El documento reconoce que si bien parte de la inequidad en el continente
pudo haber sido heredada de su pasado colonial, ese pasado en si mismo "pudo
haber sido determinado por su geografia y sus acervos de recursos". El banco
considera que la esclavitud es la manifestacion extrema de un mercado con
baja competencia entre empleadores y gran poder sobre los empleados. A
juicio de este analisis, la esclavitud fue "un fenomeno que se desarrollo
exclusivamente en los climas tropicales y subtropicales, estas siendo partes
del Nuevo Mundo donde la tecnologia agricola presumiblemente la hacia mas
provechosa" (Bid, 1998).

Estas afirmaciones del BID no solo son sorprendentes sino que parecen
olvidar la evidencia historica. Tanto las "plantaciones", como la esclavitud
que brindaba la mano de obra que les permitia funcionar, no surgieron de las
tierras tropicales de America Latina. Fueron impuestas en la colonizacion
europea, y en especial por la promocion britanica e iberica de ese tipo de
explotacion. Es obvio que esos colonizadores no provenian de paises
tropicales, y muy por el contrario su cultura se desarrollo bajo frios
inviernos septentrionales. Tambien se olvida la larga historia de la
esclavitud, comenzando en Oriente Medio, y siguiendo por Grecia y Roma.
Contrariando el modelo simplista del BID, en la colonizacion Latinoamericana
los traficantes ingleses tuvieron papeles destacados en el trafico
esclavista, asi como sus imitadores portugueses, franceses y espanioles,
quienes no nacieron en paises tropicales pero promovieron y defendieron la
esclavitud y el sistema de grandes propiedades.

El analisis del BID no rechaza los factores historicos, pero se pregunta si
esas politicas fueron accidentes de la historia o ellas en si mismas
resultan determinadas por las dotaciones de recursos naturales. Todavia mas:
esas politicas asi como los aspectos institucionales que han sido indicados
como causas de la mala distribucion, tendrian sus raices en las dotaciones
de factores que encontraron los espanioles y los portugueses, y no en lo que
hicieron los colonizadores (primero) y los criollos imitadores de la
intelectualidad europea (despues).

Asimismo, las ideas del BID promueven una contracara con implicaciones muy
serias, y que merecen ser consideradas. En efecto, mientras los males tenian
lugar en los tropicos, los paises templados aparecen con sociedades idilicas
y horizontales que apuntaban al progreso y la igualdad. El determinismo
geografico de este modelo ingenuo presenta a las sociedades de los paises
industrializados del hemisferio norte como un modelo a imitar. Deberiamos
entonces olvidar los hechos contrarios a esas aseveraciones y que tuvieron
lugar en tierras templadas, como las guerras intestinas en los EE UU, las
interminables guerras europeas o las diferentes revoluciones de caudillos y
doctores en las pampas del Rio de la Plata. En el mismo sentido, el BID
sostiene que las sociedades de latitudes templadas y extremas promoverian la
cooperacion y los establecimientos familiares, y por lo tanto dejarian de
ser relevantes los ejemplos historicos de latifundios patagonicos o la
segregacion contra los inuits y otros pueblos originarios de Canada.
Finalmente, habria que preguntarse si deberiamos desechar las experiencias
de fuerte crecimiento endogeno en un pais tropical, como la que vivio
Paraguay durante un tramo del siglo XIX, y que fue aplastada tras la guerra
encaminada por paises templados (Argentina y Uruguay) y tropicales (Brasil),
gracias a los buenos oficios de otro frio y brumoso (Inglaterra).


Si existiera una regla determinista donde la geografia tropical condicionara
las posibilidades de desarrollo, este mismo proceso se deberia repetir en
las regiones tropicales en los demas continente. Asimismo, todos los paises
ubicados en las zonas templadas y frias, serian mas desarrollados e

El BID ha realizado esas contrapruebas y concluye que existen "importantes
excepciones". Una de las excepciones se observa en los paises del Sudeste de
Asia, donde a pesar que se ubican sobre el ecuador poseen bajos niveles de
concentracion en la propiedad de la tierra, pero segun el banco ello no
basta para poner en duda el modelo, y seria "una de esas raras excepciones
que en realidad prueban la regla" (Bid, 1998). O sea que el modelo tropical
del BID seria valido, a pesar de que la situacion en todo un continente
demuestra lo contrario.

Otra evidencia en contrario son los paises templados que cuentan con una
alta dotacion de recursos naturales, los usan intensivamente y no han
degenerado hacia la desigualdad, como Australia o Nueva Zelandia.
Finalmente, la situacion de empobrecimiento y desigualdad en paises
templados a frios (el estancamiento en Uruguay, y el agravamiento en
Argentina y Chile), tambien contradicen el modelo. Ninguno de los dos casos
es analizado adecuadamente en los estudios del BID.


En el pasado, la alta dotacion de recursos naturales y la pobreza
latinoamericana se explicaban por un determinismo que era a la vez
geografico y social. Su dimension social se basaba en considerar a los
latinoamericanos como holgazanes y perezosos. La idea es que la alta
disponibilidad de recursos en el tropico lleva a la pereza, ya que los
alimentos eran faciles de encontrar y no existian necesidades fuertes para
viviendas o vestimentas elaboradas. Por el contrario, en las latitudes
extremas, la rigurosidad climatica y la escasez continuada o estacional de
recursos obligaba a desarrollar el ingenio y la predisposicion al trabajo.
Los informes del BID no presentan explicitamente esta idea pero ella se
insinua en todo momento. Ademas, los estudios de J. Sachs, reiteradamente
citados por el banco, enfocan ese punto recordando las tempranas expresiones
de esas ideas en el siglo XVI; citan por ejemplo al frances Jean Bodin
(1576) quien sostenia que "los hombres de los suelos gordos y fertiles, son
comunmente afeminados y cobardes" mientras que los sitios aridos hacen a los
hombres "por necesidad y por consecuencia, cuidadosos, vigilantes e

Esas ideas tambien eran frecuentes en America Latina entre los siglos XVI a
XIX, tanto entre visitantes e inmigrantes europeos, asi como entre muchos
intelectuales criollos, quienes insistian en el desapego por el trabajo de
los latinoamericanos, su falta de disciplina, y su tendencia a dejarse
llevar por interminables fiestas. La implantacion de los modelos de
desarrollo europeo se asociaban por igual a modificaciones tecnologicas y
productivas, como a transformar ese caracter, lo que se llamaba "civilizar"
la cultura barbara. Los diarios de viaje de Felix de Azara, Alcides
d'Orbigny o Charles Darwin tienen multiples pasajes sobre la supuesta pereza
local. Existen abundantes ejemplos en el siglo XVIII y XIX, de intelectuales
y politicos que lamentaban la distancia que existia entre la enorme
disponibilidad de recursos (tierras fertiles, agua) y el atraso del
desarrollo de las nuevas naciones, responsabilizando a una supuesta cultura
perezosa, propia de indios y criollos. La abundancia seria la causa de la
haraganeria. Por esa razon en distintos paises se busco la "civilizacion"
del indio, y el reemplazo del criollo haragan por el inmigrante trabajador.


El determinismo geografico negativo del BID anula, o reduce a su minima
expresion, los componentes sociales, politicos y culturales. Aparece como
una superacion de las posturas de la Teoria de la Dependencia, y ni siquiera
se entretiene en rebatir ideas como las determinantes externas al
desarrollo, los terminos de intercambio desventajosos, el control extranjero
del capital y los medios de produccion o las intervenciones militares o
politicas. En ese sentido la historia se desvanece, los hechos que
sucedieron en el pasado pierden su significancia y deja de ser relevante
para explicar las situaciones actuales.


Esta perspectiva de un determinismo geografico tiene consecuencias perversas
tanto en el analisis como el disenio de estrategias de accion. Ello se debe
a que ese determinismo desemboca en un mecanicismo fatal que impide
cualquier analisis critico de las reformas economicas y politicas de los
ultimos anios: America Latina seria pobre y desigual por sus condiciones
ambientales, y no por los programas de reformas, o por las malas practicas
de personas o instituciones. Todos los aspectos negativos se deben a la
geografia y no a esas reformas encaminadas por los gobiernos, y animadas por
los bancos multilaterales o el FMI. Pero sorpresivamente alli donde pueden
observarse mejoras, o al menos enlentencimientos en el deterioro, se
deberian segun el banco a esas reformas, y no a la geografia.

Las relaciones entre la distribucion de la riqueza y las limitaciones
geograficas se presentan en el estudio de los economistas del BID, Londonio
y Szekely (1997), quienes admiten que la opinion negativa de las personas y
las denuncias por la creciente desigualdad y la pobreza son confirmadas por
los datos analizados por el banco. Pero rechazan la vinculacion entre las
reformas estructurales y ese deterioro, considerando que si no se hubieran
hecho esas reformas la situacion actual seria peor. En otras palabras, el
sentido comun funciona para corroborar que nuestra situacion empeoro, pero
la coincidencia con la implementacion de estas reformas es solamente eso,
una casualidad.

Las implicaciones politicas defendidas por Gavin y Hausmann, y en esencia
seguidas por el banco, son heterogeneas. Mientras insisten en continuar la
liberalizacion del comercio, reconocen que ello se puede asociar con un
aumento de los sectores primarios basados en recursos naturales, lo que los
llevaria a una contradiccion, ya que bajo su modelo de desarrollo esa
estrategia incrementaria o mantendria la inequidad. Pero los analistas de
BID consideran que medidas proteccionistas desencadenaran tendrian como
saldo neto efectos negativos, indicando que los emprendimientos basados en
recursos naturales no deberian recibir tratamientos tributarios
beneficiosos, incentivos o subsidios (aunque es dudoso que el banco este
cumpliendo esta recomendacion). Paralelamente se buscan acciones focalizadas
y compensatorias de los problemas desencadenados por las reformas.


Pero estas politicas estan condicionadas a no interferir con los mercados,
de hecho son subsidiarias y secundarias a ellas, y deben ser focalizadas. Su
proposito es volcar a las personas al mercado, el que las obligaria a
trabajar y las recompensara segun sus capacidades. Nuevamente asoma la
sombra del estigma del haraganismo tropical, de donde el mercado seria el
acicate que obligaria a trabajar. En este caso las reformas del banco, en
linea con otras corrientes de pensamiento, no son unicamente economicas,
sino que deben atacar la esencia cultural latinoamericana.

La reformas, tanto las de primera y segunda generacion, a juicio del BID no
pueden restringirse al campo economico, y por ello avanzan en el terreno
cultural. Las actuales lineas de accion del banco promueven la desregulacion
de varios sectores economicos, la privatizacion de servicios publicos, y
nuevos vinculos con el mercado en los mas diversos sectores (desde el manejo
de recursos hidricos a centros de promocion de la sociedad civil, desde las
asociaciones de consumidores a las estrategias en ciencia y tecnologia) y
por lo tanto son consistentes con este modelo. Pero el determinismo
geografico tambien lleva a un fatalismo, ya que no se pueden modificar las
latitudes donde se encuentran nuestros paises.

En esa contradiccion se encuentran las mejores posibilidades para remontar
este tipo de determinismo, ya que tanto en los tropicos como en las regiones
templadas de America Latina todavia hay mucha gente que labra sus destinos,
e imagina nuevos destinos, sin sentirse amenazada por la latitud en la que vive.


BID. 1997. Latin America after a decade of reforms. Economic and social
progress in Latin America, 1997 Report. IADB, Washington.
BID. 1998. Facing up to ineaquality in Latin America. Economic and social
progress in Latin America, 1998-1999 Report. IADB, Washington.
Gavin, M. y R. Hausmann. 1998. Nature, development and distribution in Latin
America. Evidence on the role of geography, climate and naturales resouces.
BID, Oficina Economista Jefe, Documento Trabajo 378.
Londonio, J.L. y M. Szekely. 1997. Distributional surprises after a decade
of reform: Latin America in the ninities. BID, Oficina Economista Jefe,
Documento Trabajo 352. Reproducido en Pensamiento Iberoamericano, "America
Latina despues de las reformas", volumen extraordinario, 1998, pp 195-242.

El presente articulo es parte de una revision de las actividades del BID en
el continente realizado para el Bank Information Center (EE UU).

E. Gudynas es investigador en el Centro Latino Americano de Ecologia Social

CORREO ELECTRONICO - Si desea la version mas extensa no dude en contactarnos
CLAES - Centro Latino Americano de Ecologia Social
Casilla de Correo 13125, Montevideo 11700, Uruguay

Fecha - 11-03-00
Comentarios: Caros usuarios,

As seguintes atualizacoes foram feitas hoje na nossa homepage:

1) Veja maiores informacoes sobre o Encontro Nacional Mulher e Poder Local
na homepage do Nucleo de Estudos Mulher e Politicas Publicas do IBAM.
O atalho:

2) Programacao dos cursos do IBAM para 2000 no ar!
O atalho:

3) Leia o Noticiario IBAM de marco/2000.
O atalho:

4) Informacoes sobre o Programa "Brasil Joga Limpo" (MMA) em Achados Municipais!
O atalho:

Conheca o Programa Caixa Melhores Praticas!
Clique no icone exibido na nossa pagina principal.


Marcantonio Fabra
Coordenador do Nucleo de Comunicacao Eletronica
Area de Tecnologia da Informacao - ArTI
Instituto Brasileiro de Administracao Municipal - IBAM
URL: (Webmaster)
e-mail: UIN: 4212071
tel: (021)537-7595 ramal 237 fax: (021)537-1262

Fecha - 10-03-00
Comentarios: El día lunes 13 de marzo próximo, en las instalaciones de la Bolsa de
Comercio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, sito en calle Sarmiento 299 Ciudad de
Buenos Aires, se realizara la Reunión Nacional, donde las autoridades del
Banco Mundial darán a conocer los resultados de los talleres regionales
realizados en el transcurso de este año en la República Argentina. La
organización y coordinación de este foro está a cargo de la Dra. Cleo Laura
Miguel, , Tel (011) 4595-2714.

Fundación Latinoamericana – Fundal, en pos del cumplimiento de sus
objetivos: colaborar con la sociedad por medio del desarrollo socio
cultural, que a su vez es miembro del GTONG., Grupo de Trabajo de ONGs
sobre el Banco Mundial.

El B.M. está comenzando a experimentar en algunos países un proceso
consultivo sobre el C.A.S. En Argentina, esta iniciativa surge en el curso
de la reunión del GTONG del mes de septiembre pasado, en Buenos Aires. El
GTONG es la sigla que significa "Grupo de Trabajo de ONGs" sobre el B.M.,
que, como su nombre lo indica, es un conjunto abierto de organizaciones de
la sociedad civil que actúan en distintos campos de interés ciudadano y en
diferentes temáticas y especialidades, las cuales han constituido un grupo
de observación, seguimiento y discusión sobre las acciones y efectos de las
políticas del B.M. en el país. En diciembre de 1999, la oficina local del
B.M. comunicó al GTONG la decisión de realizar el proceso consultivo a
través de un conjunto de Foros Regionales, y un Foro nacional final.

El C.A.S. es la sigla en ingles de "Country Assistance Strategy", que
significa literalmente, "Estrategia de Asistencia al País". Es un documento
que elabora el Banco Mundial para cada país, con el propósito de funcionar
como marco de referencia que guiará las políticas y programas que serán
objeto de apoyo crediticio por parte de la institución en el futuro
inmediato. El C.A.S. suele tener un alcance plurianual (en este caso sería
por cuatro años), con posibilidades de revisión y ajustes periódicos. Una
vez elaborado por la oficina local del Banco, el documento C.A.S. es
discutido y consensuado con el respectivo gobierno del país, y finalmente,
debe ser aprobado por el Directorio central de la institución en Washington.

Para ello el Banco Mundial dispuso realizar un proceso consultivo (no
vinculante), realizando una serie de cinco Foros Regionales, siendo FUNDAL
la responsable de colaborar con la convocatoria y organización del evento
regional, convocatoria que se realizo en la Provincia de Mendoza, y formo
parte del Foro Centro-Oeste.

En particular nuestra actividad consistió en convocar a diversas
organizaciones Gubernamentales y no Gubernamentales (Iglesias, Sindicatos,
Gobierno -Parlamentarios, Intendencias y Provincia-, Universidad, Prensa y
Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil, etc.). Para ello Fundal distribuyo
entre todos los representantes de estos sectores convocados la totalidad de
los documentos temáticos que el Banco proveyó a fin de que los mismos
pudieran estudiarlos y analizarlos.

Con criterio democrático y participativo, Fundal organizo un taller el 4 de
febrero pido. en la ciudad de Mendoza, a fin de debatir y consensuar una
postura local referente a los mismos. Se contó con la participación de 84
organizaciones representativas de todos los sectores convocados. Se
organizaron cuatro talleres que arribaron a diversas conclusiones, las que
se aportaron a las personas que designo el Banco. Estas, se vieron
reflejadas más tarde, el día 9 de febrero en el foro regional realizado en
Córdoba, en donde el representante gubernamental por Mendoza tuvo la
oportunidad de presidir la mesa del acto de apertura junto a las autoridades
del Banco, a través de su Ministro de Salud y Acción Social. También
participaron funcionarios de gobiernos, legisladores, concejales y
representantes de importantes organizaciones de la sociedad civil como así
empresaria, de los cuales varios de ellos tuvieron la oportunidad participar
junto a miembros de la organización local en la coordinación de los
talleres. Fue un día de intenso trabajo e intercambio de opiniones, que
permitió de alguna manera expresarse frente a esta consulta convocada por el

Esta situación es importante destacarla, ya que más allá de no ser
vinculante, el hecho de participar de un proceso consultivo inédito, en
donde se expresen la opinión de los diversos sectores afectados en las
diferentes temáticas implicadas y alcanzadas por las actividades de
asistencia financiera a nuestro País, es importante.


Fecha - 09-03-00
Comentarios: Estimados amigos de la lista,

Dicen que la tercera es la vencida. Espero que esta vez entre la informacion
sobre el Postgrado y Maestria que brindan conjuntamente el Claeh y la
Universidad Catolica del Uruguay desde 1994.


Ana Laura Rivoir.

Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Centro Latinoamericano de Economía Humana (Claeh)



La Universidad Católica del Uruguay comenzó a trabajar la temática del
desarrollo regional y local a fines de 1993, en base a un acuerdo con el
Centro Latinoamericano de Economía Humana (CLAEH). Ambas instituciones
cuentan con profusos antecedentes en la temática.

El CLAEH comienza formalmente a encarar el tema del desarrollo local a
principios de 1987. En ese año se comienza a construir un marco de análisis
y una metodología específica sobre la problemática del desarrollo local.
Este proceso de elaboración teórico-metodológica toma en consideración
planteos ya desarrollados en otras realidades e intenta ponerlos a prueba en
nuestro país. Para ello se inicia un Programa que supone la realización de
estudios sobre áreas locales uruguayas, la organización de numerosos
encuentros, seminarios y cursos con investigadores, profesionales y agentes
municipales preocupados por esta temática, y la progresiva construcción de
una red nacional e internacional orientada a aumentar el intercambio y la
comunicación entre quienes tratan estos temas.

En materia de formación académica, no eran muchos los antecedentes ni
referencias que sirvieran de apoyo. Se conocían algunas experiencias
europeas y alguna latinoamericana en su fase inicial.

La Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI) se manifestó
dispuesta a apoyar una actividad de formación de agentes de desarrollo local
. Se organizó así en el marco de la Universidad Católica del Uruguay un
programa ("Formación de Agentes de Desarrollo Local en Uruguay") que
contempla dos niveles de formación:

- Postgrado de Especialización de un año de duración, del cual se han
realizado cuatro ediciones en Montevideo y una en Paysandú.
- Maestría de dos años de escolaridad más una tesis final, de la cual se ha
realizado una versión.

Se realizan además seminarios nacionales y talleres locales sobre distintos
temas de la agenda contemporánea del desarrollo. A título de ejemplo
mencionemos los siguientes:

- planeamiento estratégico territorial;
- sistemas de información territorial;
- el empleo y los procesos de desarrollo local;
- la forestación en un marco integral de desarrollo;
- el turismo.



El protagonismo de "lo local" en la perspectiva del desarrollo, se traduce a
nivel disciplinar en la demanda de un nuevo tipo de actor. Se trata del
experto en desarrollo local: una figura que combina roles de técnico, de
mediador y de gerente, de cara a la promoción exitosa de las iniciativas y
proyectos locales.

Este experto debe actuar como un agente de desarrollo local desde el ámbito
público o privado. El ámbito de los gobiernos departamentales resulta
particularmente favorable para la inserción del agente de desarrollo local,
habida cuenta de la creciente importancia de la gestión municipal en la
promoción del desarrollo.

La finalidad del Postgrado es la formación en el área del desarrollo
regional y local. Se trata de un profesional con un perfil polivalente,
abierto hacia la interdisciplinariedad y hacia la diversidad de roles
(experto, decisor, gerente, mediador, animador) necesarias para la
conducción exitosa del desarrollo regional y local.

Un profesional de estas características esta preparado para la inserción
laboral en las siguientes instituciones:

· los gobiernos departamentales;
· los ministerios y organismos del gobierno nacional que intervienen en el
desarrollo regional y local;
· las organizaciones no gubernamentales de desarrollo;
· las organizaciones empresariales locales y regionales;
· las agencias de desarrollo regional.

Es así que el Postgrado concita la participación de egresados de carreras
universitarias tales como: agronomía, arquitectura, economía, geografía,
ingeniería, servicio social, sociología, etc., que en su ejercicio
profesional se han vinculado con experiencias de desarrollo local, tanto
desde el ámbito estatal (nacional y municipal) como desde organizaciones
sociales o empresas.

Perfil del egresado

Los egresados del Postgrado estarán en condiciones de actuar como:

· profesionales capaces de integrar su trabajo en una visión amplia del
desarrollo territorial.
· funcionarios o asesores a cargo de la formulación de proyectos de
desarrollo en la escala departamental o local.
· animadores de procesos de planeamiento y gestión estratégica territorial.
· decisores con responsabilidad en el diseño y dirección de políticas de
desarrollo local.

Los egresados dispondrán de un instrumental teórico-metodológico así como de
una base de conocimiento de experiencias contemporáneas, que les permitirán
desempeñarse en distintos ámbitos y trabajar en forma fluida con equipos

Complementariamente, la opción por un área de profundización permite a los
egresados consolidar conocimientos en las problemáticas más afines a su
· el fomento del desarrollo económico y la promoción empresarial.
· el diseño y gestión de políticas para el desarrollo social.
· la animación cultural de la sociedad local.
· el ordenamiento y gestión territorial.

Plan de Estudios del Postgrado en Desarrollo Local

Asignaturas obligatorias

Nombre de asignatura Número de horas
1. Introducción al desarrollo local I y II 24
2. Análisis territorial I y II 24
3. Desarrollo económico regional y local 16
4. Gestión social del desarrollo 16
5. Conceptos básicos de investigación aplicada 16
6. Modernización de la gestión local 16
7. Políticas y Estrategias de desarrollo local 24
8. Formulación y evaluación de proyectos sociales 24
9. Taller de análisis de experiencias en desarrollo local 36
10. Gestión ambiental y desarrollo sustentable 16
11. Seminario de Memoria Final 6



La finalidad de la Maestría es la formación especializada de profesionales
universitarios en el área del desarrollo regional y local. Se trata de
generar una masa crítica de universitarios de distintos orígenes
disciplinares, que permita contar con docentes universitarios,
investigadores, consultores calificados, en un área que será cada vez más
importante en los próximos años. Este objetivo general se descompone en los
siguientes objetivos específicos:
· formar profesionales capaces de realizar investigación aplicada al
servicio de los procesos de desarrollo regional y local;
· formar profesionales especializados en la elaboración y gestión de
estrategias de desarrollo regional y local;
· generar conocimiento y reflexión teórica en torno a la problemática del
desarrollo regional y local, con énfasis en los procesos que se viven a
nivel nacional y en el Cono Sur de América.

Perfil del egresado

La Maestría está dirigida a un conjunto amplio de profesionales
universitarios. En particular se destacan los profesionales de: las Ciencias
Sociales, las Ciencias Económicas y de la Administración, la Arquitectura y
el Urbanismo, las Ciencias Jurídicas y las Ciencias Agroveterinarias. Esta
composición heterogénea está señalando la intención de mantener un carácter
multidisciplinar, aceptando el desafío de producir conocimiento de manera
La Maestría en Desarrollo Regional y Local se orienta a formar:
· Investigadores y docentes universitarios en el área del desarrollo
regional y local.
· Consultores y asesores de organizaciones públicas y privadas
especializados en el diseño de estrategias de desarrollo regional y local.
· Animadores y gerentes de procesos de planeamiento y gestión estratégica
· Decisores con responsabilidad en el diseño y dirección de políticas de
desarrollo regional y local.
Los egresados dispondrán de un fuerte instrumental teórico-metodológico así
como de un conocimiento amplio de experiencias contemporáneas en desarrollo
regional y local. Podrán así desempeñarse en distintos ámbitos geográficos y
trabajar en forma fluida en equipos interdisciplinarios.

Plan de Estudios de la Maestría en Desarrollo Regional y Local

Ciclo Introductorio

Nombre de asignatura Número de horas
1. Introducción al desarrollo local I y II 24
2. Análisis territorial I y II 24
3. Desarrollo económico regional y local 16
4. Gestión social del desarrollo 16
5. Conceptos básicos de investigación aplicada 16
6. Modernización de la gestión local 16
7. Políticas y Estrategias de desarrollo local 24
8. Formulación y evaluación de proyectos sociales 24
9.Taller de análisis de experiencias en desarrollo local 36
10. Gestión ambiental y desarrollo sustentable 16
11. Seminario de Memoria Final 6

Ciclo de Profundización

Nombre de asignatura Número de horas
1. Seminario de Tesis 24
2. Metodología de los estudios regionales y locales 24
3. Seminario Transversal de Síntesis 24
4. Talleres optativos 200

· Urbanismo y Territorio
· Gobernabilidad y Gestión Pública
· Métodos y Técnicas de Intervención Social
· Desarrollo Económico Local
· Teorías sociales del desarrollo

Cada estudiante debe optar por dos de estos talleres, de 70 hs. cada uno,
los que, sumados a la tutoría y elaboración de la tesis, totalizan 200 horas

El total de horas docentes es de 424 hs, más las horas específicas del
trabajo de tesis, estimadas en 50. Por lo tanto, el total de horas de la
Maestría es de 474 . La misma culmina en 24 meses.

La Maestría está dirigida por el Dr. José Arocena, Vicerector Académico de
la Universidad Católica, y su organización está a cargo del Programa de
Desarrollo Local del CLAEH y de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y
Comunicación de la Universidad Católica.


El Postgrado y la Maestría reciben la doble acreditación académica de la
Universidad Católica del Uruguay del Instituto Universitario CLAEH.

Mercado de trabajo potencial

Se advierte en el mercado una creciente demanda de profesionales con un
perfil más polivalente, abierto hacia la interdisciplinariedad y hacia la
diversidad de roles (experto, decisor, gerente, mediador, animador)
necesarias para la conducción exitosa del desarrollo regional y local.

Las alternativas de inserción profesional para los egresados incluyen:

· los gobiernos departamentales;
· los ministerios y organismos del gobierno nacional que intervienen en el
desarrollo regional y local;
· las organizaciones no gubernamentales de desarrollo;
· las organizaciones empresariales locales y regionales;
· las agencias de desarrollo regional.
· la consultoría privada

Metodología y organización del curso

El dictado de los cursos se organiza en sesiones de 12 o 16 horas docentes,
cada quince días.
Las sesiones de 12 horas abarcan viernes completo y mañana del sábado;
mientras que las de 16 horas agregan la tarde del jueves.

Se exigen lecturas complementarias durante los cursos. Las evaluaciones por
materias consisten en pruebas orales o en la presentación de breves informes
Los apoyos docentes incluyen además de las clases, la provisión de
materiales, el acceso a una biblioteca especializada.

Comité de Dirección del Area de Desarrollo Local Universidad Católica -CLAEH
José Arocena
Cecilia Zaffaroni
Javier Marsiglia

Coordinador del Area de Desarrollo Local
Enrique Gallicchio

Asistente Académica
Ana Laura Rivoir

El equipo docente del Ciclo Introductorio es el siguiente:
José Arocena
Federico Bervejillo
Agustín Canzani
Enrique Gallicchio
Ernesto González Posse
Javier Marsiglia
Adolfo Pérez Piera
Federico Burone
Rosario Revello
Diego Capandeguy

Docentes extranjeros que han participado del Equipo Docente, especialmente
de la Maestría.

Francisco Alburquerque (España)
Sergio Boisier (Chile)
Pablo Costamagna (Argentina)
Vicente Espinoza (Chile)
Sergio Galilea (Chile)
Francisco Gatto (Argentina)
Raúl Gonzalez Meyer (Chile)
Tomás Rodríguez Villasante (España)
Claudia Serrano (Chile)
Antonio Vazquez Barquero (España)

La docencia en la Maestría estará a cargo de académicos nacionales e
iberoamericanos, conformando de este modo una oferta de alta calidad y muy
representativa de los avances contemporáneos en teoría y metodología del
desarrollo regional y local.

La Maestría forma parte de diversas redes, en particular la Red de
Postgrados del Cono Sur en Desarrollo Regional y Urbano. Estas redes
facilitan el intercambio de profesores, las pasantías de estudiantes y la
permanente comunicación con experiencias similares en la región.

Universidad Católica del Uruguay CLAEH Instituto Universitario
Rector Director

José Luis Mendizábal Pablo Cayota

Vicerrector académico Coordinador académico

José Arocena José Pedro Rilla



Zelmar Michelini 1220, 8 de Octubre 2738
Tel. (598 2) 900 7194* Tel. (598 2) 4872717* Int. 275
Fax (598 2) 902 1127 Fax (598 2) 4877391
E-mail E-mail
Internet Internet

COMIENZO DE CURSOS: Abril del 2000

Fecha - 08-03-00
Comentarios: From: The Millennium Forum
Subject: Registration Deadline - Update on the Millennium Forum
To: United Nations NGO Community <>

To: All non-governmental organizations, humanitarian and
community-based organizations, private voluntary organizations,
academic institutions, religious organizations, unions,
parliamentarians, local authorities and other representatives and
groups of global civil society.

From: The Millennium Forum

Date: 2000.03.08 - 8 March 2000

Re: Registration Deadline Extended -- Update on the Millennium Forum

** Please distribute as widely as possible **
** Please forward to other interested groups and organizations **
** Please accept our apologies for cross-postings **

Dear Friend(s),

In an effort to accommodate the vast numbers of grassroots-level
non-governmental organizations and civil society groups in remote
areas of the world who have expressed a keen interest in
participating in the Millennium Forum, the deadline for
applications to attend the Millennium Forum has been extended to
31 March 2000.

The Millennium Forum is scheduled to be held 22-26 May 2000 at
United Nations headquarters in New York. It strives to solicit
the best thinking of civil society in all its sectors worldwide
as they relate to six broad themes:

* Peace, Security & Disarmament,

* Poverty Eradication

* Human Rights,

* Sustainable Development and the Environment

* Facing the Challenge of Globalization: Achieving Equity,
Diversity & Sustainability

* Democratizing and Strengthening the United Nations and
Global Institutions

The Forum will also be gender-balanced in its representation.

As of the initial deadline of 1 March 2000, the Forum had
received more than 750 applications for participation in the
Forum, from organizations and individuals in more than 90
countries. However, the Forum has also received many inquiries
from remote regions of the world, and the time-delay in getting
information out to and back from civil society organizations in
such regions has necessitated extending the deadline.

To be assured of being considered for participation in the Forum,
then, organizations and individuals should ensure that their
printed application forms are postmarked ** no later than 31 March
2000 ** or that their on-line, email or fax applications have
been sent to the Forum by the end of the day on 31 March 2000.

To Register on-line, or to learn more about the Forum, please
visit our website at:


In other developments, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan gave the
Forum a boost recently during remarks to civil society in New
Zealand, when he said that the "NGO Revolution" has been "the
best thing that has happened to our Organization in a long time."
He invited civil society organizations to the Millennium Forum,
calling for a stronger partnership between the UN and civil

"Civil society organizations have already given new life and new
meaning to the idea of an international community," said
Secretary General Annan on 23 February 2000. "And you can give us
your ideas about the role the United Nations should play in the
twenty-first century.

"I hope you will come to the Millennium Forum in May full of
constructive suggestions on how to approach the world's most
pressing problems, and how to deal with them in a spirit of
global solidarity," Mr. Annan concluded. "I hope you will help us
achieve our goal of bringing the United Nations closer to the

The Millennium Forum represents the next step towards
strengthening the influence of global civil society in
international affairs, particularly at the United Nations. It is
the next in the series of major global NGO conferences, following
on The Earth Summit, the Social Summit, the Beijing NGO Forum for
Women, the Hague Appeal for Peace, and other great conferences of
the 1990s.

In tackling such a wide range of issues, from peace to human
rights to globalization, and in its attempts to reach a new level
of global diversity and participation, the Forum is unique for a
United Nations-related civil society conference.

We continue to seek your participation in this process, which we
believe will result in more effective efforts by NGOs and civil
society organizations in global decision-making and the
implementation of action plans, especially at the United Nations
and in other international organizations.

In particular, we hope that you will take one or more of the
following actions:

-- Log-on to our Website at and
read through the various draft papers on the themes that interest
your organization and send comments on those drafts to the
thematic convenors, which are listed on the website.
** Your input into these papers is vital if we are truly to
represent the views of civil society worldwide.

-- Log-on to our Website at and
register for participation in the Forum's main meeting in May via
our on-line registration form (which can be found under the "How
to get involved" section). (Please note: we do hope to have some
travel funds available in the near future for organizations from
the Global South.)

-- Send this message to other NGOs and civil society
organizations in your network and/or to the appropriate person
within your own organization.
** We want, particularly, to widen the network. so please
forward this to other people you are working with on
local-to-global issues. **

-- Print out this message and share it with others at various
NGO/Civil Society organization meetings such as you may be
attending or organizing in the next few weeks. We do understand
that many organizations in the Global South do not have email, so
we are counting on those that do to spread this message.

-- Publish news about the Forum in your organization's
newsletter, magazine or website. We have on our website a range
of press releases and publishable background materials that are
available for downloading and publication. Visit for more information.

Up to 1,400 representatives of non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) and other groups of civil society will be able to gather
at the United Nations in May to discuss these topics through an
innovative program of "interactive plenaries" focusing on the
main themes of the Forum. Plans are also being made to allow
representatives of civil society worldwide to participate through
various on-line and satellite meetings.

Among the main expected outcomes of the Forum will be an extended
document on the topics of peace, poverty, human rights,
environment, globalization and "strengthening and democratizing
the United Nations and other International Organizations," all
under the main theme of "the United Nations for the Twenty-First
Century." This document will be presented to the world leaders
who gather at the Millennium Summit in September.

If you send in registration form for the Millennium Forum, you will be
added to the main Millennium Forum electronic mailing list which will
be the primary vehicle for the exchange of general information relating
the Millennium Forum.

If you have any questions, please contact us by at our main email

The Millennium Forum
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 120
New York, NY 10017, USA
Phone: +1 212-803-2522
Fax: +1 212-803-2561

Fecha - 08-03-00
Comentarios: Ha llegado a nuestro conocimiento la convocatoria de la mesa redonda que están ustedes organizando a traves de Agora.
Nos hemos permitido colocar esta información en la pagina web de Adecagua (, ademas de un link con su página web (está en la sección de "últimas novedades"). Esperamos que les parezca adecuada la información que hemos incluido, en caso contrario háganoslo saber por favor. Igualmente agradeceríamos el que incluyeran un link a nuestra página desde la suya si les parece conveniente o compatible con sus intereses.


Paco Hevia
Fecha - 08-03-00

Conferencia Internacional de la Fundación Konrad Adenauer
13 y 14 de septiembre de 2000, Berlín
Haus der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Forum

Programa Provisional

Miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2000


Saludos de bienvenida


 El siglo XXI - ¿Un siglo de las comunas a escala mundial?

 Descentralización y Autoadministración Comunal
a nivel de la cooperación para el desarrollo -
balance y perspectivas

 Autoadministración Comunal en sistemas políticos
federales: ¿Puede tener función orientadora en la
relación global?



Taller I

Superación exitosa del „Centralismo Democrático“:
La constitución de nuevas estructuras de Autoadministración Comunal en los Estados de
Europa Central y Oriental

- Ejemplo Polonia
- Ejemplo Rusia/Nowgorod
- Ejemplo Bosnia-Herzegovina

Descanso y café

Taller II

Area de futuro Mediterráneo:
Autoadministración Comunal en Turquía y Marruecos

posteriormente conferencia sobre el tema

„Ventajas y oportunidades globales para comunas inovadoras resultantes de su emplazamiento local“

Jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2000

Taller III

Asia inovadora: redes de cooperación como titulares
de la modernización administrativa, especialmente a
nivel comunal

- Ejemplo LOGODEF para redes de cooperación
- Ejemplo Camboya
- Ejemplo Tailandia

Taller IV

África en el umbral: Autoadministración Comunal en proyectos pilotos seleccionados

Descanso y café

Taller V

América Latina: Autoadministración Comunal como concepción de desarrollo integral

- Ejemplo CENCOA (Colombia)
- Ejemplo ICDA (Argentina)
- Ejemplo INICAM (Perú)

Almuerzo (bufet)

Discusión en mesa redonda:

Autoadministración Comunal y Desarrollo Sostenible:
¿Qué respuestas tienen a escala mundial las comunas para dar realidad a la Agenda Local 21 ?


Descanso y café

Ponencia de clausura:

En camino hacia una Carta de las Naciones Unidas
de la Autoadministración Comunal


Clausura de la conferencia

Pueden obtener mas información: por favor contactense con

Dr Günter W. Dill
Fundación Konrad Adenauer
Cooperación Internacional
Rathausallee 12, Casilla de Correo 1420
D-53757 Sankt Augustin
Fax: ++49-2241-246-290

Fecha - 07-03-00

Objet : proposition de rencontre pour examiner les possibilités de
convergences notamment autour de Genève.

Cher (e) ami (e)
L'après-seattle se confirme comme une période intense de rencontres
internationales, riche d'enjeux sociaux et sociétaux.
La réunion de la CNUCED à Bangkok a de fait confirmé l'actualité
soutenue de thèmes comme la question de la dette, des inégalités
sociales, de la refonte des institutions financières internationales.
La reprise à Genève des discussions de l'OMC souligne, si besoin en
était encore, l'importance du dossier des normes sociales et
environnementales, de la réaffirmation du principe de précaution.
Tout cela valide le besoin de débats et de contacts plus pérennes entre
ONG et organisations syndicales du monde Sur l'ensemble de ces
questions, il apparaît en effet que nous avons besoin de pousser la
réflexion, et de confronter nos points de vue, afin, si possible, de
dégager des réflexions et perspectives d'action communes ou
Ce travail nous semble d'autant plus important et urgent que les
échéances internationales se bousculent. Parmi elles, la tenue du sommet
social à Genève en juin apparaît centrale. Le rassemblement prévu à
Millau à l'occasion du procès de José Bové sera de même l'occasion de
construire un événement de premier plan. Enfin, la tenue du conseil
européen de décembre à Nice, ainsi que la réunion de l'UNICE à Bruxelles
s'incrivent également comme des dates importantes . Chacun de ces
rendez-vous appelle de notre part des avancées dans notre capacité à
engager des alternatives, à les mettre en débat au plan français,
européen, international
Il nous semble urgent à cet égard d'examiner ce qu'il est possible de
conduire en commun, et sur quelles bases. Rassemblement international
centré sur la question sociale, Genève pourrait par exemple être
l'occasion - pourquoi pas sous égide du BIT - d'un colloque
Syndicats-ONG sur les normes sociales et environnementales.
D'une façon générale, notre préoccupation est de faire en sorte que,
porteurs de préoccupations largement convergentes, nous nous mettions en
situation de les faire entendre de la façon la plus convergente
possible, chacun assumant par ailleurs ses responsabilités propres sur
le champ qui est le sien.
C'est pourquoi j'ai le plaisir de vous proposer de participer à une
prochaine réunion qui pourrait se tenir le XX/XX à XXXXXX
Comptant sur votre présence et en vous remerciant par avance, je vous
prie, cher (e) ami (e), d'agréer l'expression de mes sentiments les

attac CCOM Confédération paysanne

* « La vigilance éternelle est le prix à payer
* pour la liberté » devise des mineurs de Tower Colliery

Fecha - 07-03-00
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: Trasmito con placer esta información que me acaba de llegar: Please pass this on to those you know are interested in the use of
the Internet in neighborhoods and very local communities.

Neighborhoods Online Forum -
From Democracies Online -

-> Subscribe to: <-
Opening Late March 2000 with 100th Subscriber

DO-NO is an international e-mail list for information exchange
among those using the Internet as a tool to improve their
neighborhoods and other small geographic communities.

This peer-to-peer forum encourages neighborhood volunteers,
leaders, and others to share advice, experiences, technical
tips, and big ideas. This includes discussions on the use of
online tools (e-mail lists, web sites, etc.) to:

- Build a sense of local community
- Break down social isolation in geographic communities
(virtual introductions leading to enhanced community life)
- Increase citizen participation in both in-person and
virtual community affairs
- Promote efforts that encourage Internet public access for
everyone within a very local area

This is NOT a general discussion list about neighborhood issues in
general, for that try .

To SUBSCRIBE, send a blank e-mail message to:

To read past posts or join the 1000 person moderated Democracies
Online Newswire, visit .

Who should I invite to join us?

Please help spread the word about the Neighborhoods Online Forum
by forwarding this message. Those involved with neighborhood
associations and other small geographic communities such as
block clubs, apartment associations, business districts, lake
communities, and other unincorporated areas are encouraged to
participate in this forum. Those active with local government
online efforts, particularly small towns and villages, are
welcome as are those active with online commercial efforts such
as small local media outlets or those developing online tools
for local communities.

Neighborhoods Online RULES:

1. All posts must be signed with your real name, e-mail
address, and city/state/country of residence.

2. It is recommended that no one post more than twice a day.
Three posts per person in one day is the absolute limit.

The list manager, Zach Korb , reserves
the right to deal with problems as they arise and add or change
the rules upon informal consultation with the forum to further
the mission and purpose of this information exchange space.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Steven Clift - E: T:+1.612.822.8667
Info - DO -
Web White & Blue -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fecha - 07-03-00
Comentarios: Aux Comores la destruction des maisons dans les espaces domainiaux est
d'actualite. J'aimerai alors lancer un debat dont je souhaiterai qu'il soit
constructif.On est tous conscients que les solutions faciles nous ont
conduit dans une situation difficile.

Aux Comores ont pourra toujours detruire, mais la question qui doit
attirer notre attention c'est comment construire?
Les problemes lies a la consction ne doit pas etre une simple manipulation
politique.Meme si l'on sait que la plus part des gens qui ont vu leurs cases
diparaitre ont deja ete des victimes d'une machination politique.

I-Qui sont les responsables de l'anarchie architecturale et esthetique qui
defigure les villes de notre archipel?
Les architectes?, les pauvres?, l'etat?

II-Quelles sont les solutions qui permettraient a nos villes d'avoir des
espaces et une image reconfortante?.

III-Quelle identite devrons nous opter pour l'architecture comorienne?

IV- Devrons nous remettre ces questions a une entreprise privee pour
sensibiliser la population les etudier et les exploiter ou constituer un
groupe national permanent forme d'experts qui travaillerait en collaboration
avec le ministere concerne?

Cessons de detruire ce qui a ete mal fait pour ne rien faire
Ou alors proposons et faisons autre chose de meilleur que ce nous venons de

Ali Mroivili

Fecha - 02-03-00
Comentarios: International Symposium: Higher Education for Sustainable Regional

The Symposium will be held from May 17 to 19 at Schloß Seggau (Seggau
Castle) in  the vine growing region of Southern Styria, Austria.

The event  is meant to contribute to the discussion about education for
sustainable regional development. It will focus on higher (academic)
education, although the discussion is also relevant for other levels of
training. It is the objective of the symposium to intensify the exchange
of ideas about sustainable regional development education as well as to
suggest innovative ways to improve education in this field and to
initiate international co-operation in order to prepare students
optimally for their tasks of implementing sustainable development on the
regional level.

The Symposium will feature a number of short oral presentations and
allow for intensive discussions in workshops. The first day will be
dedicated to the comparison between different curricula for bachelor,
masters and doctoral studies. The workshops at the end of this day will
deal with the questions concerning the necessary goals and content of
curricula in this field.
The second day will be dedicated to innovative teaching methods and new
forms of organisation for sustainable regional development studies. The
workshops on this day will evaluate these new approaches regarding their
capability to prepare students for their complex tasks in implementing
sustainable regional development. They will also discuss possibilities
of international co-operation in this field.

In order to allow for effective discussion during the Symposium,
proceedings will be prepared summarising the most important messages of
the contributions. The discussions at the symposium will be evaluated
and summarised in due course after the meeting and will form the core of
an internet discussion panel on this topic.

The Symposium will be jointly organised by ENSURE
and "Haus der Region Feldbach". The Advisory Board of ENSURE acts as
scientific committee for the Symposium. The local organisation will be
in the hands of SUSTAIN. Participants will stay at the castle itself.
The enchanting surroundings will add to the atmosphere of the Symposium.

For further information and a copy of the programme, please contact:
Sibylle Braunegg
Inffeldgasse 21
A 8010 Graz
Tel: +43-316-873-7465, Fax: +43-316-873-7469

Fecha - 01-03-00
Comentarios: Os enviamos nueva información de diversos colectivos:
Mensache n'aragonés.
Astí ye plegau o terzer lumero de
A REBISTA, o primer periodico eleutronico n'aragonés. Asperamos que tos
faga goyo y aguaita-mos as buestras soxerenzias ta ro suyo
Tos enzetamos a escribir-mos a ra nueba seuzión OPINION que será
ubierta n'o lumero de Chabril.
Si querez tener-ie puntualmén buestro lumero de A REBISTA, cal
suscribir-se dende a nuesa Portalada.
 Besitaz-mos en
Esprisións y grazias por a buestra atenzión.
Mensaje en castellano.
Tal y como les indicábamos en anteriores correos, ya está en la red el
tercer número de A REBISTA, el primer periódico electrónico en
aragonés. Confiamos que sea de su agrado y esperamos sus sugerencias
para mejorarla.
Os animamos a participar en la nueva
sección OPINION, que se abrirá en
el número de Abril.
Pueden suscribirse gratuitamente desde nuestra página Portalada.
Estamos en
Gracias por su interés.
Internet en Aragón

Según el Estudio General de Medios, el número de usuarios de Internet en la
Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón es de 113.000. Esto representa un 10 % de la
población, aunque los expertos aseguran que la cifra real es aproximadamente
la mitad. La Asociación Aragonesa de Usuarios de Internet (AUNET) es el foro
común de los miles de usuarios de esta Comunidad, y pretende que juntos
consigamos tener una voz propia ante la sociedad aragonesa.

Y no son pocos los asuntos que nos conciernen como colectivo: empezando por
los elevadísimos precios que pagamos por conectarnos a la red telefónica,
pero sin olvidarnos de las calidades de acceso, un tema que nos trae de
cabeza a todos y que no parece que nadie quiera mejorar a corto plazo.

Porque las grandes innovaciones en las compañías de telecomunicaciones pasan
por nuevas redes, pero el usuario final va a verse obligado a pagar aún más
sin la seguridad de que el servicio presente mejoras sustanciales.

Y es aquí donde encontramos la llaga, y el lugar en el que queremos meter el
dedo: sin el debido control público, las empresas que dan el servicio de
Internet a usuario final seguirán ofreciendo lentitud, cortes en la línea,
tarifas caras e impunidad.

Por todo ello, y a sabiendas de que el Gobierno de Aragón prepara una ley
que creará una compañía telefónica pública de ámbito aragonés, solicitamos
que la opinión de los usuarios sea tenida en cuenta.

Antonio Tausiet, presidente de la Asociación Aragonesa de Usuarios de

Al llamamiento de MANIFESTACIÓN en varias capitales del Estado Español
(coincidiendo con la
campaña electoral), que difundimos en días anteriores, unimos ahora un
llamamiento a una
HUELGA DE NO CONEXIÓN A INTERNET los días 3 y 4 de marzo del






       DE LUCRO.


          Reunidos en Madrid la Plataforma Internauta y la ONG "Paz
  hemos decidido hacer un llamamiento a tod@s l@s internautas para
  por los siguientes objetivos:

  *  Por una TARIFA PLANA asequible, de calidad  y de acceso universal
  cualquier punto del Estado Español.

  * Por la GRATUIDAD de acceso para todas las asociaciones sin animo de
lucro y
  todos los centros de enseñanza y bibliotecas públicas.

  Madrid, 26 de Febrero del año 2000.

  Para más información y adhesiones a estas convocatorias:
  * Plataforma Internauta , ,
  teléfono: 916106927.
  * ONG "Paz Ahora" e- mail: , teléfono:
  91-5234091, fax: 915329692, móvil: 629053731



  - Plataforma Internauta: Es quien ha tomado la iniciativa de esta
reivindicación. Llevamos
  varios años luchando por la tarifa plana en internet y hemos convocado
(entre otras acciones) varias
  huelgas de no conexión a INTERNET. Más información en nuestra web
  . En esta ocasión hemos querido sacar la protesta a la calle
coincidiendo con la campaña electoral
  para exigir a l@s candidat@s que se comprometan con nuestra tabla

  - Paz Ahora:  es la primera  ONG que
hasta el momento se
  ha involucrando en organizar la manifestación en Madrid y ha
solicitado legalización para la misma en
  nuestro nombre en varias ciudades dado que todavía no estamos
legalmente constituidos. 

Estimados amigos, etimadas amigas:
La Fundación Triángulo ha realizado un estudio de lo que promete cada partido de cara a las próximas elecciones sobre gais y lesbianas y parejas de hecho. A veces es interesante ver qué dicen los que se hacen las fotos y qué están dispuestos a poner por escrito. Sabéis que la Fundación Triángulo no pide el voto para nadie, será cosa de los ciudadanos y ciudadanas analizar no sólo las propuestas sobre homosexualidad, sino el programa en su conjunto. Nosotros/as esperamos ayudar a que la parte de gais y lesbianas se pueda conocer bien. Lo que os mandamos a continuación es sólo un resumen. El informe completo estará colgado esta misma noche de nuestra página web. os rogamos así mismo que difundáis masivamente el informe, quedan 10 días de campaña, colgadlo de vuestras páginas, incluidle vuestras opiniones, nosotros nos contentamos con que mencionéis la procedencia, pero nos parece que es un trabajo que puede ser útil para gais, lesbianas y la sociedad en general. Un fuerte abrazo.
Miguel Ángel Sánchez Rodríguez.
Presidente de la Fundación Triángulo.
Un abrazo.

La Fundación Triángulo ha realizado un estudio de los programas de los distintos partidos de cara a las elecciones del 12 de marzo. PSOE, IU, CiU, Coalición Canaria, PNV, EA, Iniciativa per Catalunya, ERC, BNG y CHA prometen la Ley de Parejas. El PP, el PAR y UV no.

La Fundación Triángulo critica el escaso compromiso de los programas y lo difundirá entre gais, lesbianas y sociedad en general.

Antonio Mata, viudo homosexual, se dirige a los líderes políticos.

La Fundación Triángulo, por la Igualdad Social de Gais y Lesbianas ha realizado un estudio de los programas electorales de PP, PSOE, IU, CiU, PNV, Eusko Alkartasuna, Iniciativa per Catalunya-Verds, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, Coalición Canaria, Bloque Nacionalista Galego, Partido Aragonés Regionalista, Unió Valenciana y Chunta Aragonesista. Algunas de sus conclusiones son las siguientes:


Ley de Parejas de Hecho.

Sólo el PP entre los partidos nacionales no promete la Ley de Parejas. De una u otra manera PSOE, IU, CiU, PNV, CC, EA, BNG, IC-V, ERC, y CHA se comprometen a sacar la Ley de Parejas, lo que, de repetirse la situación de la pasada legislatura daría una cómoda mayoría para que fuese aprobada. Sólo UV y PAR, entre los regionalistas tampoco la incluyen expresamente.

Para Miguel Ángel Sánchez Rodríguez, presidente de la Fundación Triángulo, "la no inclusión de la Ley de Parejas en el programa del PP es especialmente criticable. Todo el mundo recuerda que el PP ha bloqueado en el Parlamento durante más de 2 años una propuesta de Ley de parejas con la excusa de que ellos tenían una Ley de Uniones Civiles. Fundación Triángulo denunció en su momento que era un simple truco para perder tiempo y no aprobar nada. Esto se demuestra una vez más cuando ni siquiera prometen la aprobación de su supuesta Ley de Uniones Civiles".

Medidas por la no discriminación de gais y lesbianas.

El PP y Unió Valenciana prometen combatir las actitudes de discriminación por razón de orientación sexual, pero no señalan ninguna acción concreta, PSOE-Progresistas propone la creación de un Observatorio por la Igualdad de Oportunidades para Gays y Lesbianas. Izquierda Unida, Iniciativa per Cataluña, Esquerra Republicana y CHA proponen diversas campañas contra la discriminación y la igualdad.


Izquierda Unida, Iniciativa per Catalunya-Verds y Esquerra Republicana apuestan por trabajar en el campo de la educación por la igualdad de Gais y Lesbianas.

Discriminación en el Trabajo.

Izquierda Unida, Iniciativa per Cataluya-Verds y Chunta Aragonesista proponen medidas de protección para evitar cualquier tipo de discriminación en el trabajo.


Izquierda Unida, IC-V y CHA señalan expresamente su apoyo a la posibilidad de adopción por parte de parejas homosexuales. ERC y BNG aunque no lo mencionan piden la asimilación de parejas a matrimonio por lo que implícitamente también están de acuerdo. PSOE, PNV, EA, CC y CiU aunque apoyan la Ley de Parejas no señalan si ésta incluirá o no la adopción. Por la postura en la pasada legislatura no parece que sea su intención incluirla.

Derecho al matrimonio para parejas homosexuales.

Sólo a IU e IC-V, les parece interesante defenderlo en la próxima legislatura.

Otras propuestas:

No discriminación en las Fuerzas Armadas: BNG.

Derecho a la intimidad sexual: BNG.

Derecho a nacionalización del compañero extranjero: IU.

Medidas de protección del menor que le garanticen libertad de expresión de su sexualidad para combatir la baja autoestima, depresión etc: IU.

Servicios sociales para adolescentes gais y lesbianas expulsados del hogar: IU.

Garantías de que los países con los que coopere España no discriminan por orientación sexual: IU.

Derecho de asilo por persecución por motivos de orientación sexual: IU.

Formación de los cuerpos de seguridad respeto a las distintas orientaciones sexuales y capacitación para persecución de la homofobia: IU.

Apoyo por parte de las administraciones públicas a las organizaciones de gays, lesbianas y transexuales: IU.
La Fundación Triángulo considera que la importancia que la mayoría de los partidos ha dado al tema gai es insuficiente. Desde la Fundación se va a denunciara ante gais, lesbianas y sociedad en general esta falta de compromiso, especialmente del PP. La Fundación no solicitará el voto para nadie y difundirá este informe a partir del día 1 de marzo y hasta el día 10 a través de su página web y su línea de información (actualmente en período de pruebas): información les-gai 91 44 66 394, así como difundiéndolo a través de su mailing de cartas, enviándolo a las distintas redes en internet y agencias de noticias especializadas, páginas web de los distintos grupos gais, etc, de forma que antes del día 12 lo hayan recibido varias decenas de miles de ciudadanos.

Viudo homosexual.

Al mismo tiempo de la presentación del informe, Antonio Mata, viudo homosexual al que se le denegó la pensión de viudedad ha hecho pública, a través de la Fundación Triángulo, una carta los líderes políticos exigiendo el cese de la desprotección de las familias homosexuales. Antonio Mata escribe "A todos los partidos que realmente se están esforzando les pido que no permitan que estas situaciones sigan produciéndose y que se comprometan a que la Ley de Parejas salga en esta Legislatura. Y a los partidos que la bloquean constantemente les exijo que sean tolerantes de verdad y no sólo de palabra, o si no que se quiten la careta de demócratas"

Se adjunta la carta de Antonio Mata.

Madrid, 1 de marzo de 2000.



Señores políticos respeten a las familias de gais y lesbianas

Yo viví 18 años con una persona maravillosa, un compañero y un amigo con quien compartir el resto de mi vida. Fernando era además alguien que se preocupaba de trabajar por un mundo mejor, por contar sólo un ejemplo fue miembro de CC.OO. clandestinas del Metal en tiempos en que nos jugábamos mucho por nuestras libertades.

Un desgraciado accidente en 1997 me privó de la persona con la que había formado una familia durante 18 años. Esto no puede cambiarlo nada ni nadie. Pero al dolor se une la rabia ante la injusticia. Lo que quiero dejar claro es que nunca pensé lo duro que sería estar en la situación de pedir algo que es mi derecho y encima parecer que pido un favor. No ruego, sino exijo. No es un problema económico, no es la pensión, sino la indignación de ver que para pagar impuestos los gais sí contamos, pero para tener derechos no. Es el cabreo de ver que algunos políticos dicen que todos somos iguales, pero cuando hay que hacer justicia se ve que mienten.

En este momento ya he dado todos los pasos ante los tribunales españoles, a pesar de buenas palabras, y de que he recurrido al Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos, es el momento de preguntarse por qué están aún desamparadas las parejas del mismo sexo. Y lo están por culpa de que aún no ha sido aprobada la Ley de Parejas que reconozca por fin nuestras familias. Si la Ley no ha salido aún, tiene como responsables políticos al PSOE porque no la sacó cuando pudo y sobre todo al Partido Popular que ha bloqueado la Ley durante los últimos 4 años, sin tener el valor de decir que se opone a nuestras parejas, sino utilizando trucos para impedir todo avance.

Como persona a la que se me niega mi familia exijo a todos los grupos políticos, al señor Aznar, al Sr Almunia, al Sr. Frutos y al resto de candidatos que impidan las maniobras contra la familias de gais y lesbianas. A todos los partidos que realmente se están esforzando les pido que no permitan que estas situaciones sigan produciéndose y que se comprometan a que la Ley de Parejas salga en esta Legislatura. Y a los partidos que la bloquean constantemente les exijo que sean tolerantes de verdad y no sólo de palabra, o si no que se quiten la careta de demócratas.

A mi nadie me devolverá a mi compañero, pero éramos una familia y no cejaré hasta que sea así reconocido. Es su turno señores candidatos. Si realmente desean defender a los ciudadanos, demuéstrenlo. Antonio Mata Estévez.


Chunta Aragonesista
C/ Conde de Aranda, 14-16. 50003 Zaragoza
Tel. 976 28 42 42
Fax 976 28 13 11
Fecha - 01-03-00
Comentarios: Valencia, 1 marzo del 2.000

Tras algunos esfuerzos, desde la Secretaría de Política Municipal os
presentamos un instrumento y un sistema de comunicación, participación y
difusión de las propuestas e iniciativas políticas de Esquerra Unida en
este ámbito. Instrumento que consiste en una página web interactiva con
varios servicios dinámicos, y en un sistema de mensajería electrónica con
dos modalidades (abierta/protegida).

La página web de la secretaría de Política Municipal de EUPV se encuentra
en las URL:, que redirige a la
URL: (cualquiera de las dos direcciones es
válida para acceder. Utilizar la que os funcione mejor).

Como exponemos en la página de inicio, este sitio aún no está cerrado ni
publicitado fuera de EUPV e IU, principalmente con el fin de poder
incorporar vuestras sugerencias y propuestas. El plazo para hacerlo
expirará dentro de un mes, es decir en abril del 2.000.
Los apartados principales incluidos por ahora son:

PARTICIPA (formulario que se puede utilizar para hacernos llegar vuestras
CONSULTA (legislación básica en materia local, iniciativas en este ámbito y
enlaces con sitios jurídicos)
AGENDA (espacio dedicado a recoger las convocatorias y actos impulsados por
EU en municipios y comarcas del País)
PROPUESTAS (Banco de mociones presentadas por EU e iniciativas en este
ámbito que nos vayan llegando)
DOCUMENTOS (textos, acuerdos y documentación básica de las Secretarías de
EU e IU)
RED MUNICIPAL (enlaces con la red municipal de EUPV y con otras
instituciones  o entidades de interés)
NOTICIAS ventana de una agencia de prensa con noticias actualizadas sobre
Comunidad Valenciana.

Finalmente, también incluimos un acceso a otra página de "servicios
dinámicos". Accediendo a ella, tenéis la posibilidad de suscribirse a un
boletín electrónico de la Secretaria, que remitiremos con una periodicidad
bimensual. Próximamente, también estarán disponibles:
· Obtención de un cuenta de correo electrónico gratuita, a vuestro
nombre y del tipo:
· Club de usuarios (Agenda con los nombres  y direcciones
electrónicas de las personas vinculadas a la red municipalista de EUPV)
· Foro de debates (lista de correo donde se puede plantear temas a
discutir o difundir vuestras opiniones con respecto a los que se hayan

Con respecto al correo electrónico, anticiparos que la Secretaría dispone
ya de una dirección propia, a la que podéis dirigir vuestros mensajes:
Igualmente, en la página de servicios dinámicos, incorporaremos un sistema
de mensajería para comunicación interna, al que sólo se podrá acceder
usando un identificativo y clave que ya os trasladaremos próximamente.

Un cordial saludo.
Disculpad las molestias si recibis repetido este mensaje, pero algunos
servidores internéticcos parece que nos la tengan jurada.

Fecha - 01-03-00
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: Comunicado de prensa del Senado francés del 23 de febrero de 2000



La commission des Lois, réunie le mercredi 23 février 2000 sous la présidence de M. Jacques Larché (RI, Seine et Marne), président, a examiné, sur le rapport de M. Guy Cabanel (RDSE, Isère), le projet de loi tendant à favoriser l’égal accès des femmes et des hommes aux mandats électoraux et fonctions électives et le projet de loi organique tendant à favoriser l’égal accès des femmes et des hommes aux mandats de membre des assemblées de province et du Congrès de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, de l’Assemblée de la Polynésie française et de l’Assemblée territoriale des îles Wallis et Futuna, adoptés par l’Assemblée nationale.

La commission a tout d’abord entendu l’avis de la délégation parlementaire aux droits des femmes et à l’égalité des chances entre les hommes et les femmes, rapporté par Mme Danièle Pourtaud (Soc, Paris). M. le président Jacques Larché, s’est félicité du précédent créé par la saisine de la délégation décidée à son initiative par la commission des Lois.

La commission des Lois a constaté que la question posée aujourd’hui ne portait pas sur le principe de parité lui-même, approuvé par chacune des assemblées puis par le Congrès du Parlement dans la rédaction de synthèse proposée par le Sénat en deuxième lecture, mais sur les mesures législatives à mettre en oeuvre.


Elle a considéré, s’agissant des scrutins de liste, qu’une obligation de composition égale entre les sexes, sans contrainte supplémentaire sur l’ordre de présentation des candidats, créerait une dynamique permettant de satisfaire dans des délais raisonnables le principe d’égal accès, laissant le soin au corps électoral de sanctionner lui-même, le cas échéant, les formations qui inscriraient délibérément les candidates en fin de liste.

La commission des Lois s’est par ailleurs étonnée de l’initiative prise par l’Assemblée nationale de modifier le mode de scrutin municipal dans les communes de 2.000 à 3.500 habitants et ce malgré l’engagement formel pris par le Premier ministre, lors des débats sur la dernière révision constitutionnelle de ne pas prendre la parité comme prétexte à une modification des modes de scrutin.

Elle a estimé, sans entrer dans un débat qui lui est apparu n’avoir pas sa place ici, que la modification des " règles du jeu " qui résulterait de la mise en œuvre législative du principe d’égal accès serait suffisamment importante en elle-même pour que, au même moment, le régime électoral de certaines communes ne soit pas, de surcroît, modifié de manière substantielle.


En conséquence, la commission des Lois propose, pour l’essentiel, de revenir aux dispositions du projet de loi initial.

Pour les scrutins de liste, la recevabilité d’une candidature serait subordonnée à un écart maximum d’une unité entre le nombre de candidats de chaque sexe.

Ces dispositions s’appliqueraient aux élections municipales dans les communes d’au moins 3.500 habitants, dont le mode de scrutin serait maintenu.

Elles s’appliqueraient aussi aux élections sénatoriales, dans les départements où s’applique le scrutin proportionnel, régionales, à l’Assemblée de Corse, européennes et aux assemblées territoriales des collectivités d’outre-mer.


S’agissant des élections législatives, l’aide publique aux partis politiques (première fraction liée aux suffrages recueillis à ces élections) serait réduite lorsque l’écart entre le nombre de leurs candidats de chaque sexe dépasserait 2 % du nombre total de ces candidats.

La commission propose en outre qu’aucune diminution ne soit applicable lorsque l’écart entre le nombre des élus de chaque sexe des partis concernés ne dépasserait pas 2 % afin de ne pas pénaliser les partis qui favoriseraient ainsi le plus effectivement la composition paritaire de l’Assemblée nationale.

En conséquence, la commission propose que le taux de diminution de l’aide publique soit égal, soit à la moitié de l’écart en pourcentage entre candidats et candidates, soit, s’il était inférieur, à la moitié de l’écart en pourcentage entre élus et élues.


L’ensemble de ces dispositions entrerait en vigueur à compter du prochain renouvellement des assemblées concernées.

Enfin, les dispositions ajoutées par l’Assemblée nationale concernant la procédure de démission d’office du conseiller général et une condition d’éligibilité au conseil consultatif d’une commune associée, étrangères au projet de loi, seraient disjointes.

Fecha - 26-02-00
Comentarios: Un nuevo mensaje urgente que nos manda INTERMON para informaros de la dramática situación en Mozambique.Un saludo.
Las lluvias torrenciales están arrasando Mozambique
- Por favor, reenvía este mensaje -
Estimado/a amigo/a:

Te envío este e-mail urgentemente para informarte de un hecho que, aunque no es noticia en los
periódicos, es una triste realidad: las lluvias torrenciales que están cayendo desde principios
de febrero en Mozambique, están arrasando todo el país. Son las lluvias más intensas de los
últimos 40 años y están destruyendo las viviendas, escuelas, cultivos, vías de comunicación y
muchos otros proyectos que, con tanto esfuerzo, han realizado las personas de Mozambique con la
ayuda de Intermón.

Ahora mismo, hay más de 800.000 afectados y serios peligros de epidemia (cólera y malaria).
Pero la posibilidad de que aumente el número de víctimas y afectados es muy alta, ya que la época
de lluvias dura hasta finales de marzo y hay grandes zonas inundadas donde ha sido imposible
acceder. Además, la perspectiva no es nada esperanzadora, ya que se ha detectado la llegada a la
zona del ciclón Eline con vientos huracanados de 250 Km/h.

La situación en Mozambique es de extrema gravedad. Sin embargo, los medios de
comunicación apenas han informado de esta tragedia. Es por ello que necesitamos hacer correr la
vozrápidamente y llegar al mayor número de gente posible. Porque, a cuánta más gente lleguemos,
más recursos reuniremos y a más personas podremos ayudar

Necesitamos que difundas este mensaje entre tus familiares, amigos, compañeros y conocidos,
por eso puedes reenviar este mensaje a tus direcciones de correo. La colaboración de todos es
fundamental para ayudar a Mozambique. Piensa que por poco que aporte cada persona, desde
Intermón podremos hacer mucho en Mozambique.

Desde nuestro web puedes hacer tu donativo.

Si lo prefieres, puedes llamar al 902 330 331 o dirigirte a los siguientes bancos:

“la Caixa”: 2100-0765-81-0200111128
Caja Madrid: 2038-1768-43-6000300045
Banco de Santander: 0085-0200-66-0000066678

Si deseas más información o ver imágenes de las inundaciones puedes visitar nuestra web.

Muchas gracias por tu ayuda.
INTERMÓN - Miembro de Oxfam Internacional

Chunta Aragonesista
C/ Conde de Aranda, 14-16. 50003 Zaragoza
Tel. 976 28 42 42
Fax 976 28 13 11
Fecha - 22-02-00
Comentarios: Naissance d'ADONIS (Association Des internautes meudONnaIS)

Communiqué officiel

Voici plus de 6 mois que nous rencontrons des difficultés de service considérables sur l'accès à Internet par le câble de la commune de Meudon.

Ces difficultés, administratives ou techniques, ont connu un point culminant avec le transfert des activités de Vidéopôle vers UPC. Les fournisseurs n'ont pas eu à coeur de fournir un service de qualité aux abonnés.

Ce mépris, malheureusement classique en France dans le cadre du rachat d'un ISP, est significatif de la disproportion du rapport de pouvoir entre individu et compagnie multinationale.

Il y a à peu près un mois, un "coup de gueule", envoyé à un grand nombre d'abonnés Meudonnais nous permettait de prendre conscience que le sentiment de frustration de chacun d'entre nous était, en fait, partagé.

Depuis un mois, des initiatives diverses (forums de discussion, liste de diffusion) permettent aux Internautes Meudonnais de partager leur déception et leurs espoirs. Mais lorsque Chello "met le paquet" pour remplacer les modems sans fournir de contrat, sans décrire le service qu'il entend nous apporter, nous sommes à nouveau des individus seuls devant un ISP "fort de 120.000 clients". Un parmi 120.000...

Par ailleurs, notre réseau a été concédé par la municipalité, il convient de disposer des moyens adéquats d'impliquer celle-ci dans le suivi des performances des prestataires avec lesquels elle a contracté.

Ces faits attestent de la nécessité de fonder une structure capable de se poser en interlocuteur, tant des pouvoirs publics, que de leurs partenaires techniques, pour assurer la représentation des Internautes Meudonnais afin d'assurer une qualité de service conforme à l'état de l'art.

Bien évidemment, la crise actuelle qui catalyse la création d'une telle association n'est pas la seule justification de celle-ci. En effet, cette association sera une force de proposition permanente pour l'opérateur, suggérant des évolution et une organisation du service satisfaisant au mieux les contraintes de l'un et les aspirations des
utilisateurs. Elle a également vocation à mettre à disposition des connaissances comme, par exemple, la mise en place d'une passerelle permettant de partager son accès Internet.

Mais la première tâche qui attend l'association dont les statuts ont été déposés dès lundi en sous-préfecture, c'est de remettre sur les rails le processus de migration entre Netcable et Chello, sans que les clients Meudonnais actuels en fassent les frais.

Cette association, l'ADONIS (Association Des internautes meudONnaIS), nous avons pensé qu'il était nécessaire de la fonder sans perdre plus de temps, c'est maintenant la vôtre, à vous de la remplir de vos adhésions, de vos idées, de vos infos.

Le temps a joué un rôle essentiel dans ce processus étant donné, entre autres, la tenue du Conseil Municipal jeudi 24 février. La délibération suggérée aura encore plus de poids avec la création de cette structure. C'est pourquoi nous vous invitons à massivement signaler à l'adresse du Bureau votre volonté d'adhérer. Pour information, la cotisation annuelle est fixée à 50F et 25F pour les chômeurs et étudiants.

Une Assemblée Générale sera prévue dès l'existence officielle d'Adonis pour l'élection du Conseil 'Administration qui se réunira rapidement pour élire un Bureau.

Nous lançons d'ors et déjà un appel aux bonnes volontés pour, par exemple, mettre en place et maintenir le site Internet de l'association, qui pourrait être positionné dans un premier temps sur le site non-officiel des abonnés Netcable créé par S.Simson.

Vous pouvez contacter le Bureau sans délai :
Vous pouvez consulter les statuts de l'association :
Vous pouvez en consulter le résumé :
Pour vous abonner à la liste de diffusion, envoyez un mail vide à:

A bientôt,

Le bureau fondateur :
Henry CHAIGNOT, Pierre-Eric COLIN, François PEYRON

Article de Antoine Drochon
Pôle Technique
Posté le mardi 22 février 2000

Fecha - 21-02-00
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: Fragmento de "ABC" del 20-02-00, con respecto a la encuesta de opinión elaborada por IPSOS: LA SITUACIÓN DE LAS CIUDADES

Por último, también ha disminuido el número de españoles que confía en la situación general de las ciudades en las que viven. Hace un año, había un 52 por ciento de ciudadanos optimistas con sus Ayuntamientos. Ahora, el 49 por ciento de los encuestados confía en las Corporaciones locales. Como en el caso de las Comunidades autónomas, disminuye el número de ciudadanos pesimistas con la situación general de las ciudades. En 1999, se declaraba pesimista el 20 por ciento de la población. Ahora, esa cifra es del 18 por ciento de los españoles.

Pese a todo, las instituciones que cuentan con una mejor valoración de los ciudadanos son los Ayuntamientos (49 por ciento), seguidas por las del Estado (46 por ciento), las de las Comunidades autónomas (45 por ciento) y, por último, las de la Unión Europea (42 por ciento).

Fecha - 19-02-00
Nombre: José Blanes
Email: Teléfono: 5912415324
Comentarios: Coordino junto con Alfredo Rodrigez una importante red de personas intersadas en este tema. Nos interesa mucho difundir noticias a traves de un Correo Mensual de RIADEL. Ver
Por favor incluyannos en la listas de discusión.
Fecha - 18-02-00
Comentarios: February 2000
The Best Practices Newsletter     
Apologies for cross-postings    

- Deadline for best practice submisions: 31 March 2000    
- Senior Advisory Board for Best Practices Established   
- Best Practices Web Sites exceed 100.000 hits a month
- What' New   
- Partners' Events
- Best Practices Database on-line and on CD-ROM    
- Contact us   

Deadline for submissions for the 2000 Dubai Award    
This is a reminder that the deadline for submissions for
the Dubai International Award for Best Practices in    
Improving the Living Environment (DIABP) is 31 MARCH 2000.
The Award consists of ten cash prizes of US$30,000 each, a 
trophy and certificate. The Award is open to all organisations
from the public, private and civil society sectors. For the
complete submission guide in English, French,    Spanish,
Arabic, Chinese, German, Portugese or Romanian please

where you will also find an onb-line submission form.    

Senior Advisory Board for Best Practices and Illustrative
Cities Established
Pursuant to the restructuring of the Centre and in support of
its normative role, a Senior Advisory Board for Best Practices
and Illustrative Cities has been established. The Board
comprises the Ag. Director of the Global Division, the
Chiefs of Regional Offices, the Ag. Chiefs of the Urban 
Secretariat and of the Shelter and Urban Development
Branches, and the Co-ordinator of the Information and
Best Practices Unit.

The objectives of the Board are:
a) To link Best Practices, Illustrative Cities and lessons
learned with the normative and operational functions of
the Centre;
b) To mobilise the full participation of the Centre in the
Best Practices process and to facilitate the widespread
use of the Best Practices database;
c) To expand external institutional linkages and partner
institutions for Best Practices and Illustrative Cities.

The Board will meet quarterly on a statutory basis.
For more information, please visit our web site at:    

and follow the link to "What's New" and "Senior Advisory

Best Practices Web Sites exceed 100.000 hits a month   
The two Best Practices Web Sites have together received
more than 100.000 hits a month.

In January, the Best Practices Database received over
73.000 hits and the Best Practices Home Page over
28.000 hits. Users are originating from more than 90

Key visitors come from .com and .edu, non-profits and
For more information, please visit our web site at:    

and follow the link to "Reference" and to "Home Page
Hit Analysis".

What's New   
For more information on the following news, please    
visit our web site at:   

- Centro Int. de Formacion de la OIT Online classroom
- Water Resources Journal, Call for Papers, UNESCAP
- Istanbul + 5 Online Reporting Form
- MOST Growing Up in Cities Project: Papua New Guinea
Workshop Report

Partners' Events   
For more information on the following events, please    
visit our web site at:   

- LAC Forum on Best Practices, Madrid, Spain,
- Caring Communities, 21st Century, UN, New York, USA
- Metropolitan Governance, Sustainable Environment,
Seattle, USA, 27/08-2/09/00

Best Practices Database on CD-ROM     
A joint product of UNCHS (Habitat), the Together     
Foundation  and BLP Partners, the Best Practices    
database is available on-line and on  CD-ROM with
over 650 good and best practices. The CD-ROM version
has many video clips and other graphic material. Both
versions are searchable by subject, region,    
country, eco-system and keywords. The database is a    
valuable resource for practising professionals, decision-    
and policy-makers, researchers and the media.      

To purchase the CD-ROM version, please contact the    
Together Foundation at: The price of    
the CD-ROM is US$ 69.95    
To subscribe to the on-line version, go to:

B E S T   P R A C T I C E S   N E W S L E T T E R    
This newsletter is published by the Best Practices and    
Local  Leadership Programme (BLP) of the United    
Nations Centre for  Human Settlements (Habitat)  to    
inform and to stimulate exchange between local    
authorities, civic organisations,  policy makers,    
researchers and urban  practitioners for making  our    
cities and communities more liveable.      

For more information on the BLP, please visit   

If your organisation would like to announce an event,     
publication or other news,  please contact   
If you would like to stop receiving this electronic    
newsletter,  please send a short  message to   

Best Practices and Local Leadership Programme, UNCHS    
(Habitat), P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya  Tel: (254-2)    
624328, Fax: (254-2) 623080      

***This message was generated through the Habitat (UNCHS) mailing list
***. Any queries on this list should be sent to
***the list maintainer .

Fecha - 17-02-00
Comentarios: Dear Madam or Sir

I thought that our web site might be of interest to you.

EWET - Education With Enterprise Trust at "A South
African nonprofit that enables poor communities through development
assistance for them to become the masters of their own destinies."

YES - Youth Enterprise Society at "A
school based, club movement that develops the entrepreneurial competencies
of grades 9, 10 and 11 learners through a community based and action
learning approach."

PDM - Partnerships for Development Models at "Facilitates partnership formation
between Local Government, Private Sector and Civil Society for improved
delivery of services and socio-economic development - strengthening
democracy and contributing to good governance via local economic

If this information is not useful to you but you know of someone who might
be interested, please be so kind as to forward this e-mail to such a

Hope to hear from you.

Arie Bouwer

Fecha - 15-02-00
Comentarios: Dear All

-x- apologies for any cross-posting -x-

The following might be of interest to you:

A new mailinglist 'africadiv' has been launched by the Indigenous
and Biodiversity Working Group at the Environment Liaison Centre
International (ELCI) in collaboration with Nuffic-CIRAN, Centre for
International Research and Advisory Networks.

The Africa Diversity mailing list is devoted specifically to the
sustainable use and conservation of  indigenous knowledge and biological
diversity in Africa.

The loss of traditional knowledge about resource use is one of the
problems of our times because the loss of knowledge ultimately
to the loss of biological diversity including the plants for food and
plants used to make medicines.

The purpose of this discussion list is
- to promote the advancement of knowledge about biodiversity and
knowledge in Africa
- invite the participation of natural and social scientists,
and non-governmental organizations, and any other entity with an
in biodivesity and indigenous knowledge issues
- share research materials, event announcements, funding, job and
opportunities, relevant newsletters, and news in general regarding
sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity and indigenous

The moderators want this to be an opportunity for frank exchange of
differing views and experiences, in a way that challenges, stimulates
enlightens you. They expect this exchange will help stakeholders to
enhance the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity and
knowledge for sustainable development.

If you are interested and want to join this mailinglist you can

Send a message to and write
subscribe africadiv yourfirstname yourlastname
in the body of the message, leaving the subject blank.

The owners and supporters of this new africadiv mailing list are looking
forward to your reaction,

Ingeborg Krukkert (listmanager)
Nuffic-CIRAN, Centre for International Research and Advisory Networks
the Hague, The Netherlands


Ernest Rukangira (content manager)
Environment Liaison Centre International
Indigenous Knowledge and Biodiversity Working Group
Medicinal Plants and Local Communities Programme (Africa)
Nairobi, Kenya
P.O. Box 72461, Nairobi ( KENYA )
Fax (2542) 562175,
Tel 576114/25/;562022

Drs. Ingeborg Krukkert - Information specialist
Nuffic-CIRAN, Centre for International Research and Advisory Networks
P.O.Box 29777, 2502 LT The Hague - The Netherlands
Direct-dial: +31-70-4260323             Direct-fax: +31-70-4260329
E-mail:              Url:
Information on indigenous knowledge at
Please note the change of our domain name: from to
and you will get detailed information on our forthcoming Conference on
Medicinal Plants Traditional Medicines and Local Communities in Africa:
Challenges and Opportunities for the New Millennium
Fecha - 14-02-00
Comentarios: From: Robert Pollard
Organization: Information Habitat
To: United Nations Community <>
Subject: Valentine's Day Surprise Invitation

  *** please disseminate widely - with apologies for duplication ***

2000.02.14 - Monday 14 February 2000 - Valentine's Day

Dear Friends,

It is my pleasure to invite you - at virtually the last minute -
to visit Information Habitat's Open House today into what is turning
out to be a remarkable Valentine exhibition of the light and colour
cubes - symbols of the One Light in All - and of an information ecology
framework for a Jubilee Year 2000 transition to a sustainable and
peaceful third millennium.

It is both a celebration of the new office of Information Habitat:
Where Information Lives - now at 211 East 43rd Street, Studio 905,
New York, NY 10017 - between 2nd and 3rd Avenues and just a short
walk from United Nations Headquarters - and of a very special
Valentine in my life today.

I chose Valentine's Day for the Open House with the thought in mind
of my special Valentine - Christine Fye - a truly remarkable person,
a great artist - in whatever media she chooses to explore - often in
forms and ways that others have not yet thought of - and a very loving
caring, and patient wife - almost all of the time - and without whom
what has been unfolding could not possibly have occurred.

In terms of the Open House - it is largely thanks to Christine's
remarkable energy and determination that she has brought to the task
of getting the office in order - and in time - that she has

Christine aand I were married just over a year and a half ago - ten weeks
after we met at the Commission on Sustainable Development in April 1998.
Both English, we had bothlived in the U.S, for more than thirty years -
Christine in New York, I had been in Boston for a year, then in Baltimore
for twenty-five years or so before coming to New York in January 1994.

I won't tell the story of how we met and the time we have been
together now, as the sooner this invitation gets out the better -
someone has been reminding me from time to time that I always leave
things to the last minute (^_^).

The Open House will be from 12 noon to 8 pm or so - not from 10
to 6 as previously announced - and you can feel free to stop in
at any time - for five minutes, or half an hour or longer.

There will be a small dedication ceremony starting a little
after 1 pm. The ceremony will shift our attention - and our hearts -
to a country - Sierra Leone - where there is an acute need for love -
and for forgiveness and compassion.

Ibmatu Sesay - a young girl - almost eight years old, whose parents
are from war-torn Sierra Leone - in whose capital Freetown, there are
more than fifteen thousand people - most of them young - whose hands,
arms, feet and more - have been amputated in the brutal civil wars
there - will read a message of peace.

Ibmatu will read the verse from the Prophet Isaiah - engraved on
the wall as one walks up the steps to 43rd Street, directly across
from the United Nations Secretariat:

They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
And their spears into pruning hooks.

Nation shall not lift up sword against Nation.
Neither shall they learn war any more.

The ceremony will be videotaped and we plan to make it available
via the Internet and on CD-Rom in the near future.

If you are not able to come today - I acknowledge that it is very
short notice, however the exhibition literally took form at the
very last minute - please fell free to come by any day this week.
if you would like to stop in to the new office.

In peace


Robert Pollard, Information Ecologist
Information Habitat: Where Information Lives
tel:+1.212.687.6418      fax:+1.212.687.0092


                 The Honour and Pleasure of Your Presence
- with or without a Valentine - in Person or in a Photo - and in Your Heart -
                             is Requested at a
                           Valentine's Day 2000
                                Open House

                     211 East 43rd Street, Studio 905
              New York, NY 10017  - Between 2nd & 3rd Avenues
                   Closest subway, Grand Central Station
                    4, 5, 6, 7, S & Metro North trains

              To Celebrate the Birth of the Internet Domains:


          Culture-of-Peace - Global-Democracy - Human-Development
   Ecological-Markets - Domains-of-Nature - Y2K-Light - Primary-Colours
         Habitat-Partners & many more Information-Ecology Domains

                   2000.02.14 - Monday 14 February 2000

                            12:00 noon - 8:00 pm


                            Istanbul + 3.6666...

      Almost three quarters of the way on a Journey to Istanbul + 5


               Information Habitat: Where Information Lives

For more information, or to send regrets, contact Information Habitat at:  - Tel:+1.212.687.6418  -  Fax:+1.212.687.0092

Fecha - 14-02-00
Comentarios: Interreg y Urban: Presupuestos y orientaciones 2000-2006
  La Comisión ha anunciado recientemente sus orientaciones y el reparto
  indicativo entre Estados miembros de los recursos del Fondo Europeo
  de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) para las iniciativas comunitarias
  Interreg (cooperación transfronteriza, transnacional e interregional)
  y Urban (rehabilitación económica y social de ciudades y zonas
  urbanas en crisis) del período 2000-2006.

  La Comisión ha explicado sus orientaciones para la iniciativa
  Interreg III durante la sesión de información celebrada en Bruselas
  el 29 de noviembre.

  Los presupuestos propuestos para Interreg se basan fundamentalmente
  en las tasas de población de las zonas fronterizas internas de la
  Unión Europea, de las regiones ultraperiféricas e, incluso, de las
  zonas fronterizas con los países de Europa Central y Oriental. Entre
  el 50% y el 80% de la dotación financiera se asignará a los programas
  de cooperación transfronteriza y el 6% a los programas de cooperación

  Los créditos de la iniciativa Urban se repartieron en función de la
  tasa de población residente en zonas urbanas y de los índices de
  desempleo global y de larga duración de dichas zonas.

  Junto con el reparto financiero, la Comisión presentó sus proyectos
  de orientaciones para estas dos iniciativas comunitarias, precisando
  sus objetivos y sus modalidades de aplicación.

**Interreg III: Cooperación en todas sus formas** --
  En comparación con el período 1994-1999, Interreg presenta un nuevo
  capítulo dedicado a la cooperación interregional (Interreg III C).
  Este tipo de cooperación abarcará las regiones que, aún sin ser
  colindantes, tengan similitudes socioeconómicas y estén interesadas
  en el intercambio de experiencias y de buenas prácticas. Acciones de
  este tipo ya se han llevado a cabo durante estos últimos años al
  amparo de los proyectos "Recite" y "Ecos-Ouverture".

  Más de la mitad del presupuesto de Interreg deberá seguir
  destinándose a la cooperación transfronteriza (Interreg III A), es
  decir, a la promoción de un desarrollo regional integrado entre
  regiones fronterizas de la Unión, o que pertenezcan a un Estado
  miembro, en una parte, y a un tercer país , en la otra. Finalmente,
  se mantiene la cooperación transnacional iniciada en 1996, dirigida a
  aumentar la participación de las autoridades nacionales, regionales y
  locales en el desarrollo sostenible y armonioso de once zonas
  europeas más amplias (Interreg III B).

  En relación con la aplicación de esta iniciativa, la Comisión desea
  que las regiones y los territorios en cuestión coordinen mejor sus
  esfuerzos, mediante estrategias y estructuras administrativas
  comunes, con vistas a la elaboración, la gestión y el seguimiento de
  los programas. Los programas deberán completar las medidas
  establecidas en virtud de los objetivos nos 1, 2 y 3 de los Fondos
  Estructurales y estar coordinadas con los instrumentos de la política
  exterior de la Unión (PHARE, TACIS y MEDA).

**Urban 2000-2006:  Innovar en las zonas urbanas en crisis** --
  Urban deberá perseguir dos objetivos principales: por un lado, el
  apoyo a estrategias innovadoras en materia de desarrollo económico y
  social, y por el otro, una mejor difusión de los métodos que han
  demostrado ser más eficaces. Para alcanzar estos objetivos, los
  programas deberán establecer una amplia cooperación local y
  estructuras de gestión y promoción específicas. El programa abarcará
  unas cincuenta zonas urbanas en crisis de la Unión. Estas zonas
  podrán ser ciudades de pequeño o mediano tamaño, o barrios urbanos en
  crisis pertenecientes a grandes aglomeraciones. Deberán ser
  geográficamente coherentes, presentar una problemática homogénea y
  contar con una población de, al menos, 10.000 habitantes; podrán
  estar incluidas o no en las zonas subvencionables en virtud de los
  objetivos nos 1 y 2. Asimismo, deberán presentar características
  socioeconómicas específicas en materia de desempleo, índices de
  pobreza o problemas medioambientales. Se ha establecido un número
  máximo de zonas para cada Estado miembro: 10 para Alemania, 9 para el
  Reino Unido, 8 para Italia y para España, 7 para Francia, 2 para
  Portugal, Grecia, los Países Bajos y Bélgica y 1 para los demás
  Estados miembros.

**Calendario** --
  Los proyectos de orientaciones aún están pendientes del dictamen del
  Parlamento Europeo y de los comités establecidos por la
  reglamentación de los Fondos Estructurales, antes de su adopción
  definitiva. Estos dictámenes están previstos para el primer trimestre
  de 2000. Tras la publicación de los textos definitivos en el Diario
  Oficial, las autoridades nacionales y regionales competentes
  dispondrán de seis meses para presentar sus programas.

**Para más información:** --
  Los textos íntegros de las orientaciones propuestas por la Comisión
  pueden consultarse en el sitio Inforegio

  o solicitarse por fax al número: +32 2 296 60 03.

  Los documentos relativos a la sesión de información celebrada en
  Bruselas el 29 de noviembre sobre el balance de Interreg II y la
  preparación de Interreg III pueden consultarse en Inforegio

**Reparto financiero por Estado miembro (en millones de e)** --

           Interreg    Urban
  B            104       20
  DK            31        5
  D            737      140
  EL           568       24
  E            900      106
  F            397       96
  IRL           84        5
  I            426      108
  L              7        0
  NL           349       28
  A            183        8
  P            394       18
  FIN          129        5
  S            154        5
  UK           362      117
  Redes         50       15
  EU-15      4 875      700

Pactos Territoriales para el Empleo 2000-2006
  La Comisión Europea acaba de publicar la guía de los Pactos
  Territoriales para el Empleo para el período 2000-2006. La guía
  recuerda los principios de la acción piloto "Pactos Territoriales
  para el Empleo" organizada por la Comisión entre 1997 y 1999 y
  facilita información sobre las posibilidades de integración de este
  tipo de planteamiento en el marco de los nuevos objetivos
  prioritarios de los Fondos Estructurales. Recuerda, en particular:

* las implicaciones de la aplicación del Título sobre el empleo del
  Tratado de Amsterdam para las autoridades nacionales en sus
  relaciones con los interlocutores regionales y locales ;

* las nuevas disposiciones establecidas en los Reglamentos de los
  Fondos Estructurales para el período 2000-2006 dirigidas a fomentar
  las iniciativas de desarrollo local y de apoyo al empleo y, en
  particular, los Pactos Territoriales.

  La guía está actualmente disponible en inglés, francés y alemán (y
  próximamente en todas las lenguas oficiales) en el sitio Inforegio

  o puede solicitarse por fax al número: +32 2 296 60 03.

Fecha - 01-02-00
Comentarios: FEBRUARY 24, 2000 -



To all who support the progress achieved by the
civil rights struggles of the 1950's and 1960's: The gains
in the direction of equality and integration won through the
self-sacrificing, determined struggles of the generation
that preceded us are under attack RIGHT NOW.


Since the decision to end affirmative action at the
University of California in the summer of 1995, affirmative
action has been under attack in higher education across
America -- substantial resegregation is threatened. This
assault on the progress achieved by the Civil Rights
Movement has been extended to a nationwide attack on
integration in public schools. Public school desegregation
plans are being attacked and eliminated across the country
now with no real resistance. The movement we're building can
and must organize the resistance to these attacks.


On February 24, 2000, across the county the forces of the
emerging new civil rights movement will rally our forces and
gather our strength for another step forward.

Long-sighted, courageous people from coast to coast will
organize rallies, demonstrations, marches, protests, forums,
teach-ins and speakouts on the National Day of Action in
Defense of Integration and Affirmative Action. It will be an
opportunity to advance the new struggle. This day will help
coordinate efforts around the country to defeat the attacks.


A new movement centered on college campuses has begun to
take shape over the last two years to defend the historic
gains achieved by the Civil Rights Movement starting with
affirmative action. The new movement must rigorously take up
the defense of what has been achieved in the way of
integration in K-12 education.

A series of events around the nation over the last several
weeks indicate that if we stand up and act WE CAN CHANGE
THINGS NOW. The powerful response to the 24-hour Martin
Luther King day sit-in by black Florida state politicians at
Republican governor Jeb Bush's office in protest of his
attempt to eliminate affirmative action in the state and the
50,000 people who marched in Columbia, South Carolina to
take the flag of the slave system from the top of the state
capitol are both clear indications of the positive shift
taking place in America.

The growth of the new civil rights movement and the
development of a new layer of young militant leaders are the
key to turning these attacks around. To win, this new
movement must be integrated--it must combine the social
power of broad masses of American society with the
historically leading role of black and other minority
people. With this kind of mass movement we can not only
defeat the resegregationists' attack, we can remake society
in the image of equality and integration.


Join the National Day of Action in Defense of Integration
and Affirmative Action! Organize a march, rally,
demonstration, protest, forum, teach-in or speakout at your
school or in your community.

Get in touch. Help coordinate the movement.

Contact:  --

- Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action
  By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)

Fecha - 31-01-00
Comentarios: Acabamos de recibir esta nota de prensa, y es lo suficientemente seria e
importante como para que os moleste un poco con este correo.


La sede de Ecologistas en Acción en Madrid ha sufrido un atentado a las
19:45 horas de la noche del sábado 29 de Enero cuando en el local se
encontraba reunido el Consejo Confederal de esta organización ecologista
y se estaban celebrando diferentes actividades culturales.

En la tarde del sábado fue lanzado un artefacto incendiario en el centro
social de Ecologistas en Acción provocando un fuego que fue sofocado
inmediatamente por los que allí se hallaban reunidos antes de la llegada
de los servicios de bomberos. Al lugar del atentado rápidamente
acudieron una unidad de bomberos, una patrulla de la policía municipal,
así como una unidad del SAMUR. No ha habido que lamentar desgracias
personales, aunque la intensa humareda provocada por el incendio ha
causado intoxicaciones leves entre algunos de los que asistían a las
reuniones que allí se estaban celebrando. La rápida intervención de
miembros de Ecologistas en Acción evitó que el incendio pudiera causar
desgracias personales entre los presentes.

Ecologistas en Acción es una confederación de asociaciones ecologistas
que agrupa a unas 300 organizaciones de toda España y su actividad se
centra en la defensa medioambiental, destacando entre sus actividades
campañas contra el AVE y las autopistas, los transgénicos, las centrales
nucleares, los grandes embalses como Itoiz, etc.

La organización ecologista ha presentado denuncia en la comisaria de
policía de Centro y ha calificado de inaceptable la utilización de la
violencia como método para acallar la lucha por la defensa ambiental.

Más información en Ecologistas en Acción:
Santiago Martín. Tfno: 656 92 50 80
C/ Marqués de Leganés, 12 - Bajo
28004 Madrid
Teléfono: +34-91-5312739
Fax: +34-91-5312611

Fecha - 31-01-00
Comentarios: BuscaBecas

Esta es la nueva web creada por Astrolabio.Net para facilitarle, gracias a
Internet, encontrar Becas, Ayudas, Subvenciones y Afines para realizar o
seguir estudios en las diferentes ramas del saber.
La informacion se organiza por paises, es decir lo que ofrece cada pais
internamente o en el exterior.
Por ello, lo recomendamos utilizar el Buscador que le permite ubicar
rapidamente Becas por areas tematicas.

Visitelo en

Fecha - 24-01-00
Comentarios: Bonjour,
Je vous annonce quelques mises à jour du site :

        - Les Cahiers d’histoire n°3-1999 sont sortis

        - Ruralia n°4-1999 est sorti

        - inaugure aujourd'hui une nouvelle section: Vlib H-France

WWW VLib est le plus ancien catalogue de signets sur Internet. Il a été
lancé par Tim Berners-Lee, le créateur du HTML et du Web lui-même. A la
différence des annuaires commerciaux, Vlib est administré par une vaste
confédération de volontaires, qui recense des centaines de signets dans des
domaines dans lesquels ils sont spécialistes. Même si ce n'est pas le plus
vaste index de la Toile, l'index Vlib est largement reconnu comme un guide
de très grande qualité qui n'a pas d'égal dans certains domaines.

Virtual Library est une fédération dans laquelle sont impliquées des
Universités telles que Harvard (search engine), the University of Indiana
(Law), l'Université du Kansas (History), the University of Florida
(Chemical Engineering), Victoria University of Wellington -New Zealand-
(Asian studies), the University of Texas at Austin (Latin american
studies), the University of Pittsburgh (West european studies), the
University of Bristol (Philosophy), etc. a été chargé de s’occuper des signets concernant l'Histoire de
France et l'Histoire en langue française. Les collaborateurs de ce site ont
sélectionné pour vous les sites les plus utiles, les plus complets, les
mieux construits. Cependant, leur choix est subjectif : nous assumons cette
particularité de notre travail. Nous invitons très chaleureusement la
communauté des internautes à compléter cettes sélection en nous proposant
d'autres sites de qualité.

Vous pouvez proposer un nouveau lien directement sur le site:
Ou bien par e-mail:

Ce site s'adresse aux historiens, enseignants-chercheurs, enseignants,
honnêtes hommes passionnés d'histoire et "historiens du dimanche". Nous
espérons qu'il facilitera le décloisonnement des différents publics et
permettra une meilleure connaissance de l'histoire, de ses méthodes et de
ses avancées récentes parmi le public cultivé.

Pour consulter Vlib H-France:

Marin Dacos, Responsable de

Marin Dacos                            Revues scientifiques        Virtual Library H-France

DIX-NEUF, forum sur le dix-neuvième siècle
Fecha - 20-01-00
Comentarios: Doctissimus
>Pour la première fois en France, un journal réservé aux Doctorants de
>Lettres et Sciences Sociales est lancé par l'association Quoi de neuf,
>Doc ? à l'Université de Bretagne Occidentale (Brest)
>Pour les deux premiers numéros, nous vous proposons les thèmes suivants :
>D'un siècle à l'autre
>Toute approche sur le passage d'un siècle à l'autre, d'un événement à
>l'autre. (souvenir, nostalgie, bouleversement, permanence, changements,
>visions, immobilisme, etc.)
>Association(s) et rupture(s)
>Traité, alliance, groupement, vie sociale, mariage, divorce, cassure,
>équilibre, fragilité, effondrement, construction, violence, cohésion,
>>Ces thèmes concernent les doctorants en :
>>Langues, Lettres, Linguistique, Histoire, Histoire de l'Art, Psychologie,
>>Sociologie, Ethnologie, Anthropologie, Philosophie.
>>L'article peut être rédigé en français ou en anglais, il doit comprendre
>>3.000 à 5.000 mots (± 10 pages).
>>Le doctorant fournira son article pour le 15 avril 2000, sur disquette
>>P.C. au format .RTF, ainsi que 2 exemplaires papiers. Il n'omettra pas
>>d'indiquer ses coordonnées sur une page de garde.
>>Les articles seront soumis à un comité de lecture, composé à la fois de
>>doctorants et de professeurs de l'Université de Bretagne Occidentale, en
>>fonction de leur spécialité.
>>A vos plumes, nous sommes impatients de vous lire
>>Pour tout renseignement, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter
>>Association Quoi de neuf, Doc ?
>>Faculté des Lettres Victor Ségalen, Bureau de l'Ecole doctorale
>>20 rue Duquesne - 29285 Brest cedex
>>Tél. : 33.(0) - Email :,

Fecha - 13-01-00
Comentarios: Bonjour à toutes et tous

L'article ci-joint décrit une initiative pour solidarisé les internautes
autour des deux tempètes qui ont secoué la France.

Les outils comme internet nous proposent d'autres façons de communiquer,
de nous solidarisé et de conduire des actions au niveau local.

Dialogue local est dans cette esprit. Apprendre aux acteurs du
développement local à utiliser la technologie moderne pour soutenir leur

Au plaisir

Robert Laroche

          Internet Actu 18, 13 janvier 2000
          Thu, 13 Jan 2000 17:28:18 +0100

Internet Actu 18, jeudi 13 janvier 2000
Journal édité par la société de presse indépendante FTPresse

Vous y trouverez les Illustrations, le Billet hebdomadaire de Paul
la Tribune des Lecteurs, des Dossiers spéciaux, Reportages et
les Archives et les Offres d'emploi.

Abonnement gratuit, envoyez un mail à :
Désabonnement, envoyez un mail à :

Editorial : Autrans 2000, solidarité !
Par  Martin Jouanneau

Bruno Oudet, chercheur et président du chapitre français de l'ISOC, a de
suite dans les idées. A l'ouverture des quatrièmes rencontres de la
en réseau, il annonce aux participants sa volonté de bâtir avec eux une
chaîne de solidarité sur Internet, pour venir en aide aux victimes des
tempêtes qui ont balayé la France à la fin de l'année 1999. La salle
applaudit poliment.
Le lendemain il revient à la charge en annonçant que cette initiative
prendra corps, à travers un site Internet qui rassemblera et coordonnera
initiatives individuelles. Après quelques discussions sur le nom de
à attribuer au site en question, les participants à une table ronde
exceptionnelle tombent d'accord sur un "".

Le site est aujourd'hui un creuset pour tous ceux qui ne veulent pas
la fatalité gouverner le monde. Bruno Oudet, bien que conscient du mur
se dresse devant cette initiative, réaliste devant l'immobilisme de la
société française, fût-elle en réseau, veut croire que cette action
à réparer les toits et planter des arbres.
Il ne demande pas des millions de francs, mais des millions
locales, régionales ou nationales, publiques ou privées, mises en
pour plus d'efficacité, sur le réseau Internet.
L'objectif est de redresser un pays dévasté et défiguré. Pour le mener à

bien, la société dispose d'un outil, Internet. Elle a besoin de bonnes
volontés pour le manipuler, d'étudiants ou de retraités pour animer les
forums et faire vivre un site, d'entreprises pour créer ou héberger des
bases de données, de contacts locaux pour faire remonter les besoins que

d'autres pourraient satisfaire. Aujourd'hui la mairie de Rochefort
utiliser cette initiative. Elle demande aux propriétaires de résidences
secondaires d'aider les habitants de Ports des Barques qui ont dû
essuyer un
raz de marée. Ils ont besoin qu'on leur prête du matériel électrique
que les assurances ne puissent les rembourser.
A Autrans, sur un plateau du Vercors épargné par la tempête, sous un
clément, la société française en réseau s'est animée d'une volonté de
prouver qu'Internet n'était pas réservé à la seule expansion de la Net
économie, du commerce électronique ou des médias de masse
mais pouvait aussi servir à ceux qui en ont un besoin urgent. Que le
des réseaux pouvait non seulement combattre la mondialisation sauvage,
capitalisme brutal, responsable des désastres écologiques et des lois
racistes, mais aussi, contre vents et marées, venir en aide aux victimes
éléments déchaînés.

Bruno Oudet répond, en real audio, à nos questions sur :


"Co-créer un monde dans lequel les individus ont le goût de participer"
Robert Dilts

*Merci de co-développer ces dialogues locaux
**Pour s'abonner
***Vous avez une page web? Il est facile d'annoncer dialogue-local!

Fecha - 09-01-00
Comentarios: The European Network of Local Authorities – ENOLA, a non-governmental, non profit organisation, newly established in Brussels, promotes the transnational co-operation between the local authorities (municipalities, prefectures, district societies etc), and kindly inform you about two new call for proposals:



Improving the awareness of Community law within the legal professions

 Call for proposals (2000/C 1/04)

-          Call for proposals for the support of international non-governmental youth organizations (1999/C 379/12)


Please, email us to receive the information package.


Sincerely Yours


George Moustakas


Dear Sir/Madame,

In the framework of the Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Programme (EESD) we, a consortium of two companies: KTIMATOLOGIO S.A. (Greece) and SCOT Conseil (France), are submitting a Proposal in the section “Development of generic EO technologies” of part 2 “Research and Technical Development activities of a generic nature”. We are in close co-operation with two municipalities:

· City of Heraklion (Greece)

· Agglomeration of Toulouse (AUAT) (France)

We believe that 3 cities is the optimum number for this proposal and for this reason we would like to have a 3rd city from England. We are interested in an English, Irish or Scottish town of 300.000 citizens approximately.

Thank you in advance.


Best Regards,


Fecha - 07-01-00
Comentarios: Dear Colleagues,

The Congress Centre of Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) will
host the „UDMS 2000: 22nd Urban and Regional Data Management Symposium:
Urban and Rural Data Management Common Problems - Common Solutions?',
which also includes the Seminar  „Land Markets and Land Consolidation in
Central Europe“. Both will be held on  September 11-15, 2000. For the
First Announcement & Call for Papers, please have a look at the events´
web-site: or
For other details, please get in touch with Elfriede M. Fendel, at
Delft University of Technology´s  Faculty of Civil Engineering and

Walter Leal Filho
Fecha - 05-01-00
Entre los próximos 5 y 6 de febrero la Asociación para las Naciones Unidas en España organiza en Ibiza un encuentro en el que participarán los principales representantes de la Sociedad Civil a nivel internacional: ONG, Voluntariado, Universidades, Empresas Sociales y entidades del Tercer Sector en general.
El objetivo es hacer llegar a Naciones Unidas la voz de la sociedad civil organizada de cara a los nuevos retos del milenio. Temas como cooperación y desarrollo sostenible, deuda externa, derechos humanos, ecología, globalización o democracia y participación serán analizados y debatidos en los diversos paneles y ponencias, que contarán con la presencia de destacados expertos nacionales e internacionales.  Los objetivos, el avance de programa y la ficha de inscripción lo puedes encontrar en la web
La organización se hace cargo de la inscripción (gratuita para miembros de O.N.G.), de una noche de hotel (el día 5 de febrero) y de todas las comidas de los dos días. El plazo máximo de inscripción es el día 28 de enero.
Las organizaciones participantes podrán llevar material de su organización ( folletos,carteles,libros,etc.) ya que se instalarán stands informativos dentro del recinto.
Sector3 | |
Información y servicios para Organizaciones No Lucrativas
T: 91 562 94 50
F: 91 561 75 97
Fecha - 05-01-00
Comentarios: Voici un appel que je vous envoie... peut-être certains d'entre vous pourraient répondre.
Amicalement Esther

Dans le cadre de notre Agenda 21 local, nous organisons à Grenoble un cycle
de rencontres-débats sur le développement durable
en partenariat avec différentes associations citoyennes et environnementales
(4D, Amis du Monde Diplomatique, FRAPNA, Cercle
Condorcet 38). parmi ces rencontres, je suis chargée d'organiser 7 conférences
grand public qui se dérouleront de janvier à juin
2000 à l'auditorium du Musée de GRENOBLE.

Aussi, je recherche des noms d'intervenants potentiels (pédagogiques) et c'est
pour cela que je vous lance aujourd'hui cet appel. Si
vous avez des idées ou si vous êtes spécialisé dans un thème qui sera abordé
durant une des conférences, merci de me le faire savoir.

Les thèmes (et dates) fixés sont les suivants :

1/ Lundi 24 janvier 2000 : De Rio à Grenoble : comment léguer un monde sain à
nos enfants ? A Rio, a été prôné la mise en
place d'un développement durable ? Qu'est-ce que cela signifie ? Comment chacun
peut-il s'engager ?
Interviendront : Georges CAVAILLIER, Conseil Général des Ponts et Chaussées et,
Danièle POLIAUTRE, MNE de Lille.

2/ Lundi 7 février 2000 : Des exemples européens de gestion durable Dans les
autres pays européens, des plans d'action pour
le développement durable ont été élaborés. Deux exemples européens seront

3/ Lundi 13 mars 2000 : Vers des générations futures plus responsables Nos
enfants sont les acteurs de demain. Comment les
préparer à mieux gérer la société ?
Interviendront en première partie : Jacqueline BRUNIER, Mission Académique à
l'Action Culturelle et Artistique CIRCEE/Rectorat
de l'Académie de Grenoble et Jean-Paul ROBIN, Amis de CIRCEE Nous souhaitons que
soit aborder en seconde partie
l'intégration du développement durable dans les formations universitaires,
d'ingénieurs et professionnelles.

4/ Lundi 10 avril 2000 : Des initiatives pour une économie plus solidaire Des
mécanismes économiques ou financiers
intéressants se sont développés depuis quelques années : systèmes d'échanges
locaux, banques des pauvres... qui permettent à tous
de valoriser leur savoir-faire ou financer leurs projets.

5/ Jeudi 4 mai 2000 : Je consomme... mais en choisissant L'acte d'achat n'est
pas neutre : le consommateur peut choisir les
produits. Plus écologique mais aussi plus équitable, en s'assurant que le
producteur sera rémunéré correctement, ou socialement
correct, sans recourir à l'emploi des enfants par exemple.

6/ Mardi 23 mai 2000 : Produire autrement Les entreprises évoluent dans leur
gestion de la production : introduction du
management environnemental mais aussi intégration de normes sociales.

7/ Lundi 5 juin 2000 : Participer et évaluer les actions La participation
effective des habitants à l'élaboration de projets n'est pas
facile à organiser : des expériences peuvent nous guider. Par ailleurs, il est
nécessaire d'évaluer de manière simple les résultats obtenus
: quels indicateurs choisir ?

Merci d'avance.

Assistante Développement Durable

Vous pouvez me contacter à la Mairie de Grenoble, Mission Environnement, au 04
76 76 39 26 (ou 37 37) . Fax : 04 76 76 35 16.
e-mail :
Notre adresse : Forum - 3 rue Malakoff - BP 1066 - 38021 GRENOBLE Cedex 1

Fecha - 04-01-00
Comentarios: 27th International Conference on
>Making Cities Livable
>“Rediscovery of Public Space”
>“Cities for the Well-Being of Children”
>Vienna, AUSTRIA
>Tuesday, July 4 - Saturday, July 8, 2000
>Topics include:
>Rediscovery of Public Space:  Plazas for People  **  New Urban
>Spaces  **  Design Principles  **  Traditional Squares  **  Neighborhood
>Plazas  **  Heart of the City  **  Case Studies of New & Restored
>Squares in North America & Europe
>Cities for the Well-Being of Children: Children & Youth  **  Growing
>Up in the City  **  Accessibility & Mobility of Children   **  Safe Streets
>**  The Sociable City  **  Family-Friendly New Urban Neighborhoods
>**  City Case Studies: Essen, Freiburg, Göttingen, Erlangen, etc..
>Other Conference panels & sessions on:  City of Short Distances
>**  Social Sustainability  **  Community Participation in Planning  **
>Building Consensus  **  Mixed Use Urban Fabric  **  The Urban Village
>**  Community Architecture  ** Holistic Approaches to City & Regional
>Development  **  Affordable Housing  **  Public Art & Memorials  **
>Teaching the Livable City  **  Community Festivals
>For more Information please look at:
>An International Research conference organised by
>the Institute for Housing Research, Uppsala University
>under the auspices of the European Network for Housing Research
>26 - 30 JUNE 2000 , GÄVLE, SWEDEN
>Co sponsored by
>the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA)
>Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA)
>International Association for People-Environment Studies (IAPS)
>International Sociological Association Research Committee on Housing
>and the Built Environment (RC43) (ISA/43)
>Phone: +46 26 420 65 00
>Fax: +46 26 420 65 01
>For more Information please look at:
>XIV Congress AESOP
>Brno, Czech Republic
>July 18-23, 2000
>"Planning at a Turning Point"
>The main theme of AESOP Brno 2000, Planning at a Turning Point,
>includes both general and specific aspects concerning the status
>quo in the theory and practice of planning; it will, however,
>also provide space for discussing the challenges and
>problems of the future.
>Advances in technology, economic development, and
>social change in the late 20th century have transformed
>the way planning is perceived. These processes
>have impacted greatly on Central Europe, thanks to the
>far-reaching political changes of the early 1990s.
>Planning in general has been influenced by the
>collapse of communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe:
>a new definition of democracy, a less important role for the state,
>new concepts for social justice (including gender and ethics), and
>discussion about the principles of civic society and sustainable
>development. The forthcoming 21st century reminds us more and
>more of the significance of international activities and
>the influence of global forces at national, regional and local levels.
>It is evident that new methods and procedures will be needed in
>the new millennium, based on new understandings.
>Keynote speakers:
>Dushko Bogunovich, PhD, Associate Professor
>Faculty of Health, Science and Technology, Institute of Technology, UNITEC,
>Auckland, New Zealand
>Jochen Eigen, Coordinator, Environment Advisor
>United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), Nairobi, Kenya
>Donald H. Miller, AICP, Professor
>Department of Urban Design and Planning, University of Washington,
>Washington, United States
>Karel Maier, Doc. Ing. arch., CSc., Vice-Dean
>Faculty of Architecture, Czech University of Technology, Prague, Czech
>Ron Shiffman, Professor
>Pratt Institute Centre for Community and Environmental Development,
>New York, United States
>For more Information please look at:
>Challenges for Science
>and Engineering
>in the 21 st Century
>Stockholm, Sweden, 14-18 June, 2000
>Are you concerned about where development is headed with globalization and
>increasing load on natural resources and decreasing attention paid to human
>values? Do you consider how you as a professional might contribute to
>sustainable development? Some of the answers to this will come out of the
>INES 2000 Conference, an NGO event in Stockholm in June 2000.
>This is an invitation to sign up for more information about the conference.
>may also file a preliminary registration for the conference itself.
>You are welcome to visit our web page
>for further information. You can also join our mailing list for continuous
>updates with the latest information and our conference newsletter.
>By whom Ð for whom?
>The conference is organized by
>INES, the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global
>in cooperation with
>The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,
>The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, and
>The Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research
>The conference is supported by the following organizations:
>The International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and
>Technical Employees (FIET);
>Swedish Scientists and Engineers Scientists Against Nuclear Arms (SEANA);
>The Swedish Pugwash Group.;
>The European Physics Society
>For more Information please look at:
>University of York, UK
>5th - 7th April 2000
>Conference Announcement
>The Conference has a number of aims:
>- to act as a focus for GIS research in the UK
>- to provide a mechanism for the announcement and publication of GIS
>- to act as an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of research ideas
>- to promote active collaboration amongst UK researchers from diverse
>parent disciplines
>- to provide a framework in which postgraduate students can see their work
>in a national context
>The sponsors of this conference include:
>the AGI
>Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
>GeoInformation International
>For more Information please look at:
>Tigran Hasic, M. Arch. M. Sc. |
>Royal Institute of Technology | Tel: +46 (0)8 790 8504
>Dept of Infrastructure and Planning | Fax: +46 (0)8 790 6761
>Div of Built Environment Analysis & |
>Div of Regional Planning | Cell: +46 (0)70 918 9699
>Fiskartorpsvagen 15A, Plan 6 |
>S - 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden |

Fecha - 27-12-99
Comentarios: CARTA PolCiTe

Politicas en Ciencias y Tecnologia para el
Desarrollo Sustentable en America Latina

No 1,  Diciembre de 1999.

- Presentacion
- Bolivia pierde fondos internacionales por carecer de ley en C &
- Proyecto de Ley en C & T de Bolivia
- Iniciativa cientifica Milenio en Chile



Bienvenidos al boletin electronico "Carta PolCiTe". Este boletin se distribuye en el grupo de informacion y discusion por correo electronico PolCiTe, iniciado dos semanas atras, con un crecimiento acelerado, alcanzando en la actualidad mas de 100 subscriptores provenientes de mas de una decena de paises.

"Carta PolCiTe" es una publicacion electronica con la finalidad primordial de brindar informacion. Bajo la forma de articulos breves y comentarios se presentaran novedades sobre ciencia y tecnologia orientadas a la sustentabilidad.

Es importante tener presente los temas de este boletin y el grupo. En tanto una enorme variedad de temas pueden englobarse bajo "ciencia y tecnologia" deseamos recordar que la cobertura tematica esta acotada en dos sentidos. Primero, debido a que nuestro objetivo es discutir y reflexionar sobre las politicas y estrategias. Esto significa que un estudio cientifico en si mismo, con sus detalles de disenio experimental o los relevamientos de campo efectuados, no entran dentro de esa tematica. Segundo, en que la perspectiva se centra en el desarrollo sostenible, especialmente en sus dimensiones ambientales. Por ello nos interesan las politicas que promuevan la ciencia y la tecnologia con ese fin. Sin embargo, las campanias por la preservacion ambiental o denuncias de impactos ambientales en si mismas no son el objetivo de este grupo, y ademas existen otros medios especificamente ideados con ese fin. Pero si pueden ser las implicancias politicas que se desarrollen o no ese tipo de campanias, y el papel que puedan tener o no, las comunidades academicas.

Esta delimitacion tematica puede ser engorrosa, pero desde nuestra experiencia el exito de este tipo de grupos depende de no inundar las casillas eletronicas con mensajes innecesarios, mantener un bajo trafico pero que sea sustancioso, y permanecer fieles al castellano y portugues.

El boletin esta interesado en recibir articulos breves, que pueden ser firmados o no, asi como noticias e informaciones. Les invitamos a escribir.


El gobierno boliviano admitio dias atras que el pais pierde aproximadamente 30 millones de dolares por carecer de una ley en ciencia y tecnologia. Bolivia es el unico pais de Latinoamerica que aun no recibio un credito de US$ 30 millones del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) por esa razon, segun declaraciones del secretario nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia del comite Ejecutivo de la Universidad Boliviana (CEUB), Jose Telleria. En tanto Bolivia es uno de los paises con mayor biodiversidad de America Latina, y que en muchos casos no existe un conocimiento minimo sobre sus ecosistemas, el impacto de esa falta de apoyo tienen serias consecuencias en sus capacidades de proponer estrategias hacia la sustentabilidad ambiental.

Otros paises como Chile, Colombia, y Costa Rica ya pidieron el tercer credito que es de 100 millones y en condiciones mucho mas blandas, porque cumplieron las metas propuestas de los dos prestamos.

Ademas, el viceministro de Educacion  Superior, Ciencia y Tecnologia, Renzo Abruzzese, dijo que Bolivia no solo pierde los recursos del BID sino de otros organismos financieros que no pueden ser aprovechados por falta de una norma.

Al termino de la pasada legislatura, el presidente de la Camara de Senadores, Leopoldo Fernandez, prometio el CEUB que entraria en discusion el proyecto de ley despues de la reanudacion de sesiones el proximo 8 de Diciembre. El ministro de Educacion, Tito Hoz de Vila, dijo que espera que sea en esta legislatura en la que finalmente sea aprobada, despues de muchos anios de espera.

Segun Telleria, el BID concede un credito blando (tasas con intereses bajas) a los paises que presentan un proyecto de desarrollo tecnologico y cientifico en beneficio a la poblacion y con ello tambien intensiva entre los profesionales la investigacion pero exige como requisito contar con una norma que defina las metas y objetivos del pais. Aseguro que los gobiernos jamas comprendieron la Importancia de una Ley de Ciencia y Tecnologia para el desarrollo del pais y por ello no solo perjudican a los profesionales sino tambien a las inversiones. Explico que una norma de Ciencia y Tecnologia haria del pais menos dependiente de otras naciones. Hasta ahora Bolivia exporta productos en forma de materia prima, luego los vuelve a comprar pero ya procesados y en precios muy altos. "Una ley ayudaria al pais a producir materiales con valor agregado, por ejemplo, hasta ahora  se exportan minerales en lingotes y sin procesarla; esta situacion perjudica al productor y tambien las arcas de Bolivia", dijo.

Bolivia se encuentra entre los ultimos lugares de la lista de naciones latinoamericanas en inversion en ciencia y tecnologia, ocupando el lugar numero 12 de 17 naciones de las Americas. La Tesoreria General de la Nacion (TGN) solo destina US$ 24 millones de dolares por anio con ese fin, lo que representa el 0.31% del Producto Bruto Interno (PIB), segun el libro "Investigaciones y Desarrollo en America Latina", de Jose Telleria. Estados Unidos encabeza la lista con 2.32% de si PIB, seguido por Canada con 1.56% y en tercer lugar esta Costa Rica con 1.13%, en los ultimos lugares estan Paraguay con 0.12, Ecuador con 0.14 y Peru con 0.29%

Telleria advirtio que Bolivia posiblemente este perdiendo las ultimas oportunidades de recibir 30 millones de dolares del BID, porque este organismo esta analizando no conceder mas este tipo de prestamos a partir el proximo anio. El BID empezo a distribuir dinero para la ciencia y tecnologia en la decada de los anios 60 entre los paises latinoamericanos, varios anios despues, Bolivia constituyo un Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (Conacyt) para elaborar un  proyecto de ley que hasta ahora no puede ser consensuado. Segun Telleria el anteproyecto de Ley comenzo a ser elaborado en 1983 por 10 universidades publicas, pero no pudo ser consensuada con organismos competentes como la Academia Nacional de Ciencias, gobierno y empresarios privados.


Seguidamente se reproduce el proyecto de Ley de Ciencia y Tecnologia en discusion en Bolivia.

Art. 1.- Declarese de prioridad nacional e interes publico el fortalecimiento de las capacidades cientificas, tecnologicas y de inovacion y la promocion de la investigacion y el desarrollo sostenible.
Art 2.- Se establece como un instrumento prioritario y permanente de las politicas nacionales de desarrollo, el plan Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia.
Art. 3.- El Plan Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia esta destinado
a) Modernizar la estructura productiva, desarrollar las capacidades inovadoras y elevar los niveles de competitividad de la economia nacional;
b) incorporar los avances cientificos y tecnologicos a la cultura y la produccion nacional, para satisfacer las necesidades de la poblacion y mejorar su calidad de vida;
c) fortalecer la capacidad de aprovechamiento sostenivle y de transformacion de los recursos naturales y de la preservacion del medio ambiente;
d) mejorar las condiciones de insercion externa del pais y su participacion en los procesos de apertura de la economia mundial y la integracion regional;
e) desarrollar y fortalecer las capacidades de recursos humanos para la investigacion y la innovacion, en particular a nivel de postgrado;
f) difundir el conocimiento de las actividades cientificas y tecnologicas, a traves de diferentes medios de comunicacion masiva y especializada;
g) coordinar las politicas de desarrollo y fomento de la Ciencia y la Tecnologia con las politicas nacionales de desarrollo economico, social y ambiental.
h) incorpora las actividades cientificas, tecnologicas y de innovacion a los planes regionales, departamentales, sectoriales e instituciones de desarrollo economico, socio ambiental.
i) garantizar el acceso de todos los sectores de la sociedad al conocimiento cientifico y tecnologico, en igualdad de condiciones y oportunidades;
j) fortalecer las capacidades de investigacion cientifica desarrollo tecnologico y de innovacion en los sectores publico y privado.
k) crear incentivos y estimulos para personas, empresas e instituciones que realicen actividades cientificas, tecnologicas y de innovacion, o que los propicien, financien o apoyen.-
Basado en PRESENCIA, La Paz, Bolivia; 5 de Diciembre de 1999.


A inicios de 1999, el presidente de Chile, Eduardo Frei lanzo una iniciativa para la investigacion cientifica, a la que llamo Milenio. Su idea era generar un programa de investigaciones basicas en lineas consideradas de punta y de alta innovacion. Comprometio un fuerte apoyo financiero de su gobierno y logro el concurso de una contraparte del Banco Mundial.

La iniciativa tiene particularidades que merecen ser conocidas. En primer lugar, sorpresivamente la iniciativa no fue manejada por el organo rector en ciencia y tecnologia de Chile, el CONICYT, sino por el Ministerio de Planificacion y Cooperacion (MIDEPLAN). En segundo lugar, se desencadeno una larga polemica, que llego al Parlamento, en tanto una de las personas inicialmente encargadas de promoverla fue a la vez beneficiado por uno de los proyectos aprobados.

La propuesta de Frei fue analizada con "lideres cientificos mundiales, con instituciones internacionales como tambien con destacadas personalidades del ambito nacional", segun la informacion nacional. Asi es que el 27 de Julio de 1999, por Decreto Supremo N° 151, se crea la "Comision Nacional de Iniciativas Cientificas para el Milenio", entidad superior que cuenta entre sus responsabilidades dirigir la iniciativa.

La Iniciativa Cientifica Milenio tiene una Secretaria Ejecutiva en MIDEPLAN, desde donde se coordinan las actividades de este proyecto. Cuenta con un Consejo Directivo formado por personalidades eminentes del mundo academico, empresarial y de servicio publico con experiencia e interes en el avance de la ciencia y por un Comite de Programa formado por cientificos extranjeros de reconocido prestigio internacional, todos nombrados por el Presidente de la Republica. Este cuerpo incluye a German Quintana Penia, Ministro de Planificacion y Cooperacion (Presidente), KumMo Chung (Cientifico), Francisco Claro Hunneus (Cientifico), Ricardo Ffrench-Davis Munioz (Economista), Fernando Flores Labra (Empresario /Consultor), Bruno Philippi Yrarrazaval  (Empresario), Gabriel Valdes Subercaseaux (Senador de la Republica) y Francisco Varela Garcia (Cientifico). Los calificativos "cientifico" o "economista" corresponden a la informacion oficial de MIDEPLAN y por si solo expresa mucho.

El Comite de Programa, integrado por siete distinguidos cientificos extranjeros de renombre internacional y especialistas en distintas areas. Los miembros de este Comite y sus respectivas especialidades son : Phillip A. Griffiths, Matematicas (Presidente), Maarten J. Chrispeels, Biologia, Mildred S. Dresselhouse, Ingenieria, Hans J. Queisser, Fisica, Chintamani N. R. Rao, Quimica, David D. Sabatini, Biologia, Samuel Winograd, Matematicas-Computacion. Los miembros del Comite de Programa fueron tambien elegidos por el Presidente procurando diversidad en terminos de especialidades y localizaciones geograficas, a partir de una lista de 18 nombres preparada por el ex Presidente de la National Science Foundation de los Estados Unidos con el apoyo de otras entidades cientificas europeas y norteamericanas. En todo el proceso fue conspicua la participacion de Claudio Teitelboim, nombrado directamente por la presidencia para iniciar la marcha de toda la iniciativa, aunque luego se retiro.

El enfoque principal de la Iniciativa Cientifica Milenio se orienta hacia la formacion de:
* Institutos Cientificos Milenio, que seran pequenios Institutos de alto nivel en ciencia pura y/o aplicada. Estos Institutos podran estar ubicados dentro de una institucion existente o podran ser independientes. En ambos casos disfrutaran de una gran flexibilidad de operacion. Se espera que a pesar de su planta permanente pequenia, por estos Institutos pase un constante flujo de visitantes.
* Nucleos Cientificos Milenio, formados por un numero reducido de investigadores y estudiantes. Estos Nucleos estaran radicados dentro de una institucion ya existente, en la que serviran de polo de desarrollo y se espera que algunos de ellos se conviertan posteriormente en Institutos Cientificos Milenio. Un aspecto importante de la actividad de cada Instituto o Nucleo sera contribuir a la preparacion de liderazgo cientifico del futuro y a transmitir el valor y la esencia de la investigacion a la comunidad. La Iniciativa estimulara a los Institutos y Nucleos para que disenien mecanismos adecuados de relacion con sus demas colegas y con la comunidad en general.

El Comite de Programa reviso los perfiles preliminares de un conjunto de proponentes y se reunio en Estados Unidos, apreciando el espectro de especialidades de los perfiles presentados, su calidad cientifica, aprovechando la ocasion para preparar los formularios-guias para la preparacion de los proyectos definitivos. Por el limitado tiempo disponible para este proceso, el Comite no consiguio hacer una preseleccion de perfiles en forma seria y responsable, razon por la cual solicito hacer su evaluacion a partir de los proyectos definitivos. Ello determino que se apelara al clasico sistema de llamado a proyectos por concurso. Para el anio 2000 esta previsto un procedimiento en dos pasos, con una primera etapa de preseleccion.

El 17 de Noviembre de 1999, el ministro German Quintana en nombre de la iniciativa dio a conocer los resultados del llamado. El concurso de proyectos 1999 resulto en 79 postulaciones, 13 para Institutos Cientificos y 66 para Nucleos Cientificos. El Comite de Programa, que actua de jurado, reviso acuciosamente todas las propuestas, y preselecciono 22 proyectos, 9 postulaciones a Institutos y 13 a Nucleos. Para la evaluacion y aprobacion final, el jurado decidio llevar a cabo visitas a todos los Institutos y entrevistas con los Nucleos preseleccionados, antes de tomar sus decisiones. El Comite de Programa explico el proceso de evaluacion y seleccion de los proyectos postulantes, presentando una serie de recomendaciones, a partir de las cuales el Consejo Directivo aprobo los proyectos senialados a continuacion:

Institutos cientificos:
(1) de Estudios Avanzados en Biologia Ceculular y Biotecnologia (responsable Ricardo Maccioni Baraona), (2) Centro de Estudios Cientificos (C Teitelboim), (3) Biologia fundamental y aplicada (P Valenzuela).
Nucleos Cientificos:
(1) Ecologia e investigacion en biodiversidad (M Kalin Arroyo), (2) Biologia del desarrollo (R Mayor), (3) Centro de Neurociencia celular y molecular de Valparaiso (A Neely Delgueil), (4) Sistemas metalicos dispersos, aplicaciones a la quimica final (P Reyes), y (5) Fisica de materia condensada (P Vargas).

Todos fueron revisados por una comision de tres profesionales de la Secretaria Ejecutiva de la Iniciativa Cientifica Milenio, con el objeto de verificar que hayan cumplido con los requisitos basicos. Como resultado de este proceso, 4 propuestas para Nucleo (5%) no cumplieron con uno o mas de los requisitos, quedando fuera de bases.

De acuerdo a areas o disciplinas de especialidad se identifican alrededor de 30 areas en este concurso, algunos postulando a ejercer mas de una disciplina en su unidad. La mayor concentracion de proyectos se encuentra en biologia (17%), seguido por medicina (15%) y por fisica (11%).

Todo el proceso desperto una importante polemica en los medios academicos y politicos chilenos. Se discutieron los aciertos, o no, de vincular la iniciativa a un ministerio dejando de lado al CONICYT, se elevaron voces desde autoridades de distintas universidades sobre si eran incluidas o no en los futuros proyectos, etc. Los cuestionamientos mas energicos se centraron en el papel de Claudio Teitelboim, quien en una instancia participa de la estructura de toma de decisiones de la iniciativa, y que como se indica arriba, recibiera la aprobacion a su proyecto de Instituto Cientifico. Teitelboim renuncio a su posicion dentro de la iniciativa para mantener el proyecto aprobado. La discusion, que termino en el Parlamento, donde se indico que si bien no existieron fallas formales en el procesos, se dajaron interrogantes abiertas. La informacion oficial de la iniciativa se encuentra en la pagina web:

Carta PolCiTe se publica a intervalos irregulares por el Centro Latino Americano de Ecologia Social (CLAES), en Montevideo. Su finalidad es presentar breves articulos, informaciones y novedades sobre las politicas en ciencia y tecnologia relacionadas con el desarrollo sostenible en America Latina y el Caribe. La carta es una publicacion electronica gratuita, que se distribuye dentro del grupo de informacion y discusion por correo electronico PolCiTe.Para recibir esta publicacion asi como para ingresar el grupo de discusion envie un correo electronico en blanco a la siguiente direccion:
Para dejar de recibir este boletin o darse de baja del grupo, envie un correo en blanco a:
Sus contribuciones y opiniones son bienvenidas. Si desea enviarlas directamente al grupo PolCiTe envielas a Todas las contribuciones son moderadas, y solo se aceptan textos en castellano o portugues. Si desea enviar un breve articulo o advertirnos sobre novedades para la publicacion Carta PolCite, escribanos a
Para conocer mas sobre CLAES, sus actividades, publicaciones, y boletines electronicos, visite nuestro sitio web en:
CLAES - Centro Latino Americano de Ecologia Social
Casilla Correo 13125, Montevideo 11700, Uruguay

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100,000 web sites! Get $100 in coupons for trying Gator!

Página principal de - Simplificando las comunicaciones del grupo

Fecha - 24-12-99
Comentarios: Jointly issued by UNEP and Habitat

A Season for Hope

Nairobi, 23 December 1999: The last Christmas of the millennium is a time to remember the 40,000 street children sleeping rough on the streets of Nairobi. It is also a time to remember the poor of Kenya and the estimated 100 million to one billion people all over the world who are homeless or live without adequate shelter.

“In the new millennium, we must commit ourselves to the eradication of poverty and homelessness in our cities.” said Mr. Klaus Toepfer, Director General, United Nations Office at Nairobi, who welcomed the latest proposal for debt relief of the poorest nations in the world by the Government of the United Kingdom. “Linking debt relief to poverty eradication offers hope to poor people. It is an important step in prioritising their needs.”

Poverty reduction is not only sound economics but also good politics. Disaffection of the poor and the disadvantaged can only lead to social unrest and political instability. Governments can ill afford to ignore the potential aspirations of its poor. In fact, further investment in the efforts of the poor are necessary for sustained growth.

But in many countries the poor are condemned to live in appalling conditions in slums and squatter settlements. Most live under threat of evictions because they lack security of tenure; others live without adequate shelter. All of them are excluded from the benefits of urban life. The result is that while the rich are surrounded by luxuries, the poor lack basic services. While the rich live behind gates surrounded by dogs and security alarms, the poor suffer from crime, disease and despair.

However, it is possible to improve the lives of the poor in our cities. Numerous examples from all over the world show that including the concerns of the poor benefits the whole community. Providing them with security of tenure enables families in slums and squatter settlements to improve their own homes. Collaborating with communities can make cities safer. The direct participation of the poor in the process of urban planning and governance makes for inclusive cities.

UNCHS (Habitat), UNEP and the larger UN family in Kenya are all committed to poverty eradication. The Habitat projects under the Campaign for Better Urban Governance and the Campaign for Secure Tenure aim at directly benefiting the poor. As part of the Habitat and World Bank initiative Cities Alliance, Nelson Mandela recently launched the Cities without Slums programme. This combined effort aims at upgrading squatter settlements all over the world. UNEP and Habitat’s joint project, Clean up the Nairobi River, will also directly improve the living environment of the poor in Nairobi. Similarly, the projects run by UNDP are committed at enabling the poor in Kenya.

“This Christmas, the best way to offer the poor hope is for all of us, institutions as well as individuals, governments as well as non-governmental organisations, to commit ourselves to eradicating poverty in the new millennium,” concluded Mr. Klaus Toepfer.

For further information please contact:
Tore Brevik, UNEP spokesman and Director of CPI; Tel: 254- 2-623292; Fax: 254-2-623927; Email: { HYPERLINK }; Website:

Sharad Shankardass, Press & Media Unit, UNCHS (Habitat), Tel: 254- 2-623153; Fax: 254-2-624060; Email: { HYPERLINK; }; Website:

Zahra A. Hassan Media Liaison United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) P.O.Box 30030 Nairobi Kenya Tel: 254-2-623151 Fax: 254-2-624060 email: Website: *** ***This message was generated through the UNCHS (Habitat) mailing ***list ***Please send any queries on this list to ***
Fecha - 23-12-99
Comentarios: De: Marta Scarpato
Fecha: Miércoles 22 de Diciembre de 1999 14:08

Colegas de Golde; me permito enviar esta informacion que si bien no serefiere directamente a las tematicas de nuestra lista, si tiene que ver conel importante trabajo que desarrollan  las ONG mayormente en el espaciolocal y sus iniciativas para lograr un mundo mas justo y libre en elproximo siglo XXl.
Con mis mejores augurios de Feliz Navidad y Año Nuevo del 2000! , Alejandra


¿ Quiénes son los grupos involucrados en la Marcha?


El número de grupos que se adhieren al proyecto de la Marcha mundial de las Mujeres en el Año 2000 crece con velocidad a medida que circula la información. El 20 de Octubre de 1999, 2684 grupos repartidos en 139 países se han unido ya al proyecto.

681 grupos de los 2684 nos regresaron el documento «descripción de suorganismo».
La compilación de los resultados nos indica la misión y el tipo demembresía de los 681 grupos :

? 59% son organismos no gubernamentales (educación popular, voluntarios,etc...)
? 12% son comités de mujeres dentro de grupos mixtos (de hombres y mujeres)
? 10% son organismos de solidaridad internacional
? 9% son organismos sindicales
? 9% son grupos de filiación religiosa
? 4% son coaliciones

La mayoría de grupos, 54%, tienen únicamente una membresía de mujeres, mientras los 46% restantes son grupos mixtos pero donde las mujeres tiene el liderazgo del proyecto de la Marcha.

En cuanto a los lugares de intervención de los grupos, la mayoría de ellos trabajan a nivel local (barrio, pueblo, ciudad o región del país) así como a nivel nacional (en varios países de un mismo continente).

Temas de trabajo prioritarios

Los 681 grupos que llenaron el cuestionario tienen diversos objetivos y trabajan varios temas a la vez.
Actúan en :

? 67% condición de la mujer
? 61% violencia hacia las mujeres
? 58% lucha contra la pobreza
? 54% desarrollo
? 47% defensa de los derechos
? 42% salud
? 31% medio ambiente
? 29% trabajo
? 28% paz
? 26% derechos de los jóvenes
Representantes de la Marcha en America latina


1) Mexico
Comite impulsor c/o Mujeres por el Dialogo
Alicia Sepulveda Nuñez
Cerro Gordo 253
Colonia Campestre Churubusco
04200 Mexico DF MEXICO
Tel y Fax (525) 544 2202

2) El Salvador
Movimiento Salvadoreño de Mujeres
Ana Isabel Lopez de Guevara
15 av. Norte 1509
Col. Layco 3431 Ctro Gobierno
TEL (503) 220 1052/225 3537
FAX (503) 225 3537


1) Peru
Grupo de enlace
Rosa Guillen
Almirante Guisse 1137
Lima 11 Peru
Tel (51 1) 265 8540
Fax (51 1) 472 0625

2) Colombia
Casa de la Mujer Trabajadora -CUT
Marta Buritica
Cr. 25 no. 47-25 Barrio Palermo
Santafe de Bogota
Tel (571) 288 9427
Fax (571) 288-9427


ESIPP e Instituto Social y Politico de la Mujer
Susana Stilman
Betbeder 1345 (CP 1428)
Buenos Aires- Argentina
Tel (54 11) 782 4718
Fax (54 11) 786 0889

Del 2 al 7 de noviembre de 1999, Montreal recibio a más de 60 mujeres,
de las cuales 40 delegadas venidas del mundo entero
para poner los toques finales a las acciones en torno a la Marcha Mundial
de las Mujeres del año 2000.

El 8 de marzo del año 2000, Montreal, Nueva York, Ginebra y otras ciudades
importantes del mundo
serán la sede del lanzamiento oficial de la Marcha, así como de la campaña
mundial de las tarjetas de apoyo.

Entre el 8 de marzo y el 17 de octubre se enviaran  millones de cartas y/o
tarjetas postales de apoyo a las
demandas y reivindicaciones de las Mujeres, que serán entregadas al
Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas,
el señor Kofi Annan.
Es importante alentar a las afiliadas de la IE para que participen en esta
Campaña planteando
las preocupaciones y las propuestas de las mujeres docentes y trabajadoras
de la Educacion

El 15 de octubre del año 2000, representantes de los países participantes a
la Marcha de la Mujeres
formarán parte de una gran manifestación  organizada en Washingtonpor las
mujeres estadounidenses.
Las representantes internacionales quieren denunciar los impactos negativos
de las políticas
del Fondo Monetario Internacional y el Banco Mundial
sobre las mujeres del mundo y solicitarán un encuentro con los dirigentes
de estas instituciones.

El 17 de octubre del año 2000, estas mismas representantes internacionales,

con el apoyo esperado de millones de mujeres desfilarán por la calles de
Nueva York
hasta llegar a la sede mundial de las Naciones Unidas,
con la firme intención de ser recibidas por el Secretario General a quien
ya se le ha solicitado tal encuentro.


Fecha - 22-12-99
Comentarios: Jointly issued by UNEP and Habitat

Habitat and UNEP offer support to Venezuelan Government

Nairobi, 22 December 1999: The devastation caused by two weeks of torrential rain in Venezuela is a painful reminder of the vulnerability of human settlements in the face of natural disasters. In Venezuela alone, it is estimated that up to 50,000 people have died in floods and landslides; a further 200,000 people have been left homeless as whole towns along the Caribbean coast have been washed away.

Concerned about the extent of this human tragedy, Mr. Klaus Toepfer, Executive Director of UNEP and the Acting Executive Director of UNCHS (Habitat) has offered support to the Government of Venezuela. The regional offices of UNEP and Habitat are mobilising a team of technical experts in the fields of environment and disaster prevention to assist in an assessment of the situation and to help with the rehabilitation of the country.

The destruction caused by natural disasters increases every year. Earlier this year, over 10,000 people were killed by a cyclone in Orissa, India. Last year, more than 1.5 million families in China lost their homes to floods. At the same time, the National Earthquake Information Centre in the United States reported that 2,900 people were killed in earthquakes in 1997 and it trebled to 8,928 in 1998. With over 18,000 dead in the 3 major earthquakes of 1999, in Colombia, Turkey and Taiwan, the increase in deaths makes disaster mitigation and prevention an urgent priority.

“The scale of human tragedy caused by natural disasters is compounded by the unchecked process of urbanisation and the destruction of the environment, ” said Mr. Klaus Toepfer. “In fact, evidence shows that the impact of disasters can be minimised through better environmental and urban planning.”

Over the past year, studies carried out by UNEP and Habitat of the major floods in Asia and Latin America show that the intensity of natural hazards is exacerbated by unsustainable environmental practices, including deforestation and poor management of water resources. In towns and cities, inappropriate land use, including the building of informal settlements housing poor people on wetlands and water catchment areas, often blocks the natural flow for storm water drainage.

In the case of earthquakes, the damage has been exacerbated by the exponential growth of cities. In many cases, governments and local authorities have been unable to keep up with the demand for housing and infrastructure. This has led to a deterioration of building standards because local authorities are often too ill equipped and poorly staffed to manage or monitor the regulations. The result is that it is buildings, rather than tremors, that kill people.

Research by UNEP, Habitat and other agencies involved with disaster management is critical for the future survival of citizens in disaster prone areas. With this cumulative knowledge, it should now be possible for all these agencies to collaborate on the design of a vulnerability index. This would be based on a risk assessment of any town or city after analysing indicators such as its geographical location, the state of the buildings and infrastructure, land use management policies in theory and practice and the state of the immediate environment.

“In a world increasingly beset by natural disasters,” said Mr. Klaus Toepfer,“there is an urgent need to establish a vulnerability index to assess which human settlements are in danger.”

For further information please contact:
Tore Brevik, UNEP spokesman and Director of CPI; Tel: 254- 2-623292; Fax: 254-2-623927; Email: { HYPERLINK }; Website:

Sharad Shankardass, Press & Media Unit, UNCHS (Habitat), Tel: 254-2-623153; Fax: 254-2-624060; Email: { HYPERLINK; }; Website:

*** ***This message was generated through the UNCHS (Habitat) mailing ***list ***Please send any queries on this list to ***
Fecha - 21-12-99
Comentarios: Dear colleagues,

Please find our latest job opening below. We would be happy if
you distributed and forwarded this information to whoever may
be interested in it. Please feel also free to feed it into mailing lists
and onto websites. I am looking forward to any feedback
regarding further distribution, and am happy to post your
environment-related openings on the ICLEI website!

Thank you,

Stefanie Lay
Office Manager

Job Opening at ICLEIEvent Co-ordinator at ICLEI’s
International Training Centre

The European Secretariat of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) is seeking candidates for the position of event co-ordinator in ICLEI’s International Training Centre (ITC). During the first six months, the event co-ordinator will be part of an existing conference team for a World conference to be held in Germany. The tasks in this period include a focus on administrational tasks as well as event coordination.

There is the potential of developing into a more responsible position within the ITC.

Commencement date: As soon as possible

Responsibilities include:

Responsible co-ordination of the preparation and delivery of congresses, conferences, seminars, study tours, exhibitions and other type of events
Development of concepts and strategies for events in the field of local environmental policies
Development of proposals, fund-raising and recruiting sponsors
for events
Managing logistical and administrative tasks, including databases, registration procedures, accounting, procurement of services, general office tasks, etc.
Marketing and public relations

Required qualifications:

Education: degree in one or more of the relevant fields, for
example: administrative science, business / tourism or event
organisation, political science, geography, etc.,
At least two years of professional experience in one of the fields,
e.g. with private companies, event organisation agencies, media,
tour operators
Proven ability to manage projects including development of
project design and budget, writing proposals, project co-
ordination and controlling
Organisational skills: ability to organise events and the
production of publications, etc.
Leadership: proven ability to lead, inspire and supervise a
logistical team/ and project assistants
Excellent public relation and communication skills
Technical skills such as PC commands (at least MS Office,
Access and Internet) and self-organisation techniques
Languages: excellent English and proficiency in at least two more
European languages, preferably including German.
Preferred qualifications: Experience in international work and/or
the field of environment and local government, skills in workshop
moderation, skills in event design
Relocation to Freiburg is necessary.

Please apply in writing, including CV, description of main
interests, references and photo to: 
International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
European Secretariat
Eschholzstrasse 86 
D-79115 Freiburg/ Germany

Fax: +49-761 / 3 68 92-19

What is ICLEI?
As a membership association, ICLEI is an international community of about 350 local authorities dedicated to achieving tangible improvements in the global environment. In Europe some 140 local authorities and 8municipal associations have joined. ICLEI members are interested in and working towards measurable environmental performance. These members work together to develop new models and tools for addressing priority environmental problems and disseminate these results through ICLEI's networks and international campaigns. ICLEI serves as the international environmental agency for local government, offering research, technical assistance and training services to its member local authorities as well as to other local, regional, national and European authorities. The types of services provided by ICLEI on a contractual basis include: pilot and demonstration projects, research, development projects as well as studies, organisation of international conferences, seminars, workshops, studytours and exchanges, development assistance projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America, fee-for-service technical consulting in key management areas to individual local governments.

Viele Grüße, Stefanie

Fecha - 20-12-99
Comentarios: David David Bruce wrote:
>I invite you to consider presenting (in French or English) any projects or
>research you have been doing at a very important international community
>development conference - details below:
>The conference call for presentation proposals for the 32nd Annual
>Development Society Conference, hosted by Rural and Small Twon Programme,
>has been extended to JANUARY 7, 2000. The conference will be held July
>2000 in Saint John NB.
>The theme is "Rising Tide: Community Development for a Changing World". We strongly encourage you to submit a proposal about the good work you are doing in communities.
>The conference will offer bilingual translation. We expect about 350 people to attend.
>Full details of the conference call for presentation proposals, and other
>conference information, can be found at:
>Please forward this notice to others who you think might be interested in submitting a presentation proposal. Thanks.
>Plan now to attend the Community Development Society Year 2000 Conference "Rising Tide: Community Development for a Changing World" Saint John NB Canada July 23-26 2000
>David Bruce
>Rural and Small Town Programme
>Mount Allison University
>76 York St
>Sackville NB Canada
>E4L 1E9 >
>tel 506-364-2395
>fax 506-364-2601

INTA - The International Urban Development Association
Nassau Dillenburgstraat 44
2596 AE Den Haag
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-70-3244526
Fax: +31-70-3280727
Fecha - 20-12-99
Fecha - 16-12-99
Comentarios: UNV Advert:
> "The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Programme currently fields some 4,000 UN Volunteers in more than 100 developing countries. UNV is strengthening its roster in all topics related to urban development. > For application, please follow the procedures explained in UNV's webpage,
> Within the broad field of urban development, currently UNV is particularly interested in candidates with experience in public-private partnerships, with a focus on developing the institutional-legal framework in local authorities to enable partnerships with the private sector to take place.
> Please apply via UNV's webpage, and send a copy of your CV to Dr. Edmundo Werna (e-mail: (You will be contacted following the standard rostering procedures of UNV (see the webpage), but not directly by Dr. Werna)."

> Gerrit Schrammen
> Research and Development Unit,
> Headquarters of the United Nations Volunteers
> Programme,
> Postfach 260 111
> 53153 Bonn, Germany.
> E-mail:;
> Fax: +49 228 815 2001
> tel: + 49 228 815 2305
Fecha - 16-12-99
Comentarios: Mexico, D.F. (AMMAC) El día de hoy, Miercoles 15 de Diciembre en la madrugada (02:00 horas), la Camara de Diputados aprobo, incluidas en la "Miscelanea Fiscal", diversas modificaciones a la Ley de Coordinacion Fiscal Mexicana que regula las aportaciones de recursos a los Municipios en el pais.

En nuestras paginas ( podran encontrar dentro del Titulo "Informacion Sobre el Paquete Fiscal 2000", las tablas ESTIMADAS de los montos correspondientes a los fondos 3 y 4 del Ramo 33 (Aportaciones para la Infraestructura Social Municipal y Aportaciones para el Fortalecimiento Municipal respectivamente).

En los proximos dias publicaremos la totalidad de la informacion relativa a Municipios cuando ambas Camaras del Congreso de la Union aprueben la totalidad del paquete fiscal 2000. Tambien incluiremos un analisis comparativo de la realidad 2000 vs. 1999 y un comentario sobre los alcances que tuvieron nuestras gestiones que como AMMAC hicimos en favor de los Municipios del pais.

Para nuestros lectores internacionales, les puedo comentar que estos recursos no son todos los que la federacion hace llegar a los municipios, ademas de estos estan las "Participaciones Federales" reguladas en el Ramo 28 del presupuesto federal. Tambien, cabe aclarar que todos estos montos son enviados, en primer termino, a los Estados (Provincias) y estos a su vez los hacen llegar a los gobiernos municipales de acuerdo a las disposiciones legales vigentes.


Lic. José Oscar Vega Marín
Director Ejecutivo AMMAC
Asociación de Municipios de México, A.C.
Calle Georgia # 120-14B
Colonia Nápoles, México, D.F., C.P.03810
Tel: 5687-3898; Fax: 56879947

Fecha - 15-12-99
Comentarios: Estimados amigo(a)s de GOLDE

Gracias a la cooperacion del Dr. Richard Batley de la Universidad de Birmingham en INglaterra, disponemos del siguiente anuncio sobre puestos de trabajo en Naciones

UNidas en materia urbana.



> UNV Advert:
> "The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Programme currently fields some 4,000 UN Volunteers in more than 100 developing countries. UNV is strengthening its roster in all topics related to urban development.
> For application, please follow the procedures explained in UNV's
> webpage,
> Within the broad field of urban development, currently UNV is particularly interested in candidates with experience in public-private partnerships, with a focus on developing the institutional-legal framework in local authorities to enable partnerships with the private sector to take place.
> Please apply via UNV's webpage, and send a copy of your CV to Dr. Edmundo Werna (e-mail: (You will be contacted following the standard rostering procedures of UNV (see the webpage), but not directly by Dr. Werna)."

Fecha - 13-12-99
Comentarios: EU Interreg 2c NWMA Inclusive New Town Project

New Towns have a future

Press release issued jointly by the Province of Flevoland (Netherlands) and the Torfaen County Borough Council (Wales) partners on the project 'Inclusive City" – Interreg IIC NWMA

1) New towns are planning solutions for future EU spatial policy
2) New towns embody the notion of urban sustainability that is a balance between employment, housing, shopping, leisure facilities and communications infrastructure
3) New towns perform higher functions in the West European region

Designated in 1949 Cwmbran is celebrating its 50th anniversary. The event attracted mayors, senior urban managers, government representatives and practitioners from 15 new towns, 3 regional councils in 5 West European countries. These local authorities are also co-operating into a trans-regional EU funded project Inclusive New Towns.

"On this 50th Anniversary of founding of Cwmbran New Town I am delighted to welcome colleagues from New Towns in the UK, Holland, Belgium and France. The sharing of our problems and successes can only lead to a better understanding of urban planning across Europe. I am very pleased that Torfaen County Borough Council is involved in this exiting project and Cwmbran was chosen on its anniversary to host one of the main meetings of this trans-regional project" said Bob Wellington, deputy leader of Torfaen County Borough Council.

Michel Jager, Queen Commissioner for the Province of Flevoland (Netherlands) congratulated the Torfaen County for the achievements in Cwmbran and its adaptation to changing demand and circumstances. He added, "an enormous tasks lay ahead in providing housing and sustainable economic development. In the Netherlands 1 million houses will have to be build in the next 15 years, 4 millions in the UK only. Without the opportunity that New Tows offer this task may not be fulfilled"

Paul Murphy, Secretary of State for Wales and MP for Torfaen was able to draw on his personal experience of the area, having served as a local councillor before becoming MP. He spoke of the benefits to the community as the NT was build. "The excitement for many of a house with inside bath facilities may be hard to understand today, but 50 years ago represented major progress. The town was developed as a series of communities with large open green spaces for leisure and local shopping centres developed to meet the needs of a population where car ownership was very much the exception rather than the rule".

Industrial sites were developed for the manufacturing industries, moving into the area, absorbing the growing working population made redundant by pit closure. Efforts have continued to attract business to the area with electronics replacing the traditional coal and steel based industries. Paul Murphy said he was pleased the conference took place in Cwmbran New town in the year it celebrated its 50th Anniversary.

Jean Jacques Fournier (president of Senart New town, France), president of the French association of new towns underlined that " NTs present impressive results; the goal of balancing employment and housing has been achieved in most cases. New towns present a high level of equipment and facilities and lively town centre. Access by road or by public transport is generally of good quality and dense. However, new towns cannot shield away from the general social and economic crisis; to unemployment - in particular of the young people - and many families are on a precarious edge if they are not excluded from mainstream society. As a result many new towns faced similar social problems as the rest of the cities: insecurity, real or perceived, and are threatened by poverty and deprivation".

Peter Law, Executive Member for the Environment at the Welsh Assembly outlined the success achieved by the development of New Towns in Wales. He referred in particular to Cwmbran, the principal New Town in Wales to be developed since the end of the WW2. He set the new context for regional planning since the Welsh Assembly had been set up earlier this year. Whilst he doubted that major New Town initiative would arise in Wales in the foreseeable future he consider, however, that the lessons learnt from New Town development would assist in ensuring good planning practice both in terms of regeneration and expansion of existing towns. He saw the coming together of authorities with New Town experience as important and expressed his pleasure that co-operation across Europe, as exhibited by this trans-regional project, would assist better understanding of the planning and development process.

Hen Gerritse, (National planning agency, Netherlands) indicated that "5 billion Euro will be made available under the next round of Community Initiative Interreg and that the EU Member States recognised the importance of small and medium sized towns as centres of growth, social integration and sustainable development. New Towns are certainly part of that spatial vision".

For John Walker, formerly CEO of the Commission for New Towns for England reviewing success factors "there is no other model which has produced such consistent success in this filed of activity. NTs are relevant wherever regions need to regenerate large scale development or redevelopment, whether in green fields, as town expansions or within urban areas"

Paul Evans, Director Regeneration Directorate (DETR, London) explaining the national strategy for neighbourhood renewal stressed the new commitment of the British Government on regeneration, the new deal for communities focusing on job prospects. "As 60% of new dwellings will be on recycled land, in order to limit green field release it is necessary to establish a new vision for urban regeneration based on quality design, social well being and environmental responsibility within a viable economic and legislative framework; this implies the use of planning and funding guidance to get sustainable future of cities, achieving excellence in leadership, participation and management, and local authorities are to lead the urban renaissance"

For Windham Thomas, former CEO of Peterborough and current chairman of Cambridge New Town Corporation "the model of Partnership New Town still has relevance to modernise local authorities"

Hans Ouwerkerk, Mayor of Almere (Netherlands), Chris Leeuwe, mayor of Lelystad (Netherlands), Jan Laan, mayor of Nieuwegein (Netherlands) Ms M.G. Smid-Mardsman, councillor for Zoetermeer (Netherlands), councillor Reginald Smith (Hertfordshire), James McCabe, leader of the North Larnarkshire Council and Marianne Kallen-Morren, member of the Provincial Government of Utrecht (Netherlands) participated to an animated debate on the present and future of NTs in Europe.

The New Towns leaders present in Cwmbran concluded their meeting with several positive initiatives:

1) A commitment to work together towards a common platform between new towns of the EU
to exchange knowledge on policy matters, on best practice on managing regeneration and expansdion of New Towns;
to demonstrate the relevance of New Towns to the emerging guidelines for the next round of Community initiatives such as Interreg III;
to raise the profile of New Towns as a whole and influence the prospects of New Towns being successful in future EU programmes;
to demonstrate that New Towns are still useful planning and development instruments to regional and national authorities concerned with sustainable spatial development.

2) A selection of few pilot projects reflecting common issues for which they
will seek European funding for their implementation under the next round of
Community initiative Interreg III.

Jeroen van Alphen
Project Coordinator

INTA - International Urban Development Association
Nassau Dillenburgstraat 44
2596 AE Den Haag
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-70-3244526
Fax: +31-70-3280727

Fecha - 13-12-99
Comentarios: De la red amiga REDAPP, informacion sobre el;
programna de cooperacion internacional de la Union
Iberoamericana de Municipalidades. Esperemos que
aprovechen las oportunidades.....Difundan esta
informacion por favor.


--- Enrique Bernardo Rodr¡guez Garc¡a
> Estimados amigos:
> La Unión Iberoamericana de Municipalistas (UIM), Organización no Gubernamental Internacional para el Desarrollo, con sede en Granada (España), ha publicado su Programa de Cooperación Internacional para el año 2000.
> Con dicha iniciativa la UIM persigue entre otros objetivos, contribuir a mejorar las condiciones socioeconómicas y la calidad de vida de los/as ciudadanos/as de Iberoamérica, así como mejorar las condiciones básicas de gestión, administración, institucionalización y participación democrática en los municipios de Iberoamérica, incrementando, para ello, los intercambios de conocimientos, de experiencias y de técnicas.
> En esta línea de acción, el Programa se estructura en tres niveles fundamentales de actuación que son:
> Asimismo y con el propósito de facilitar dicho
> intercambio, la UIM convoca un número de becas para
> algunas de las actividades que integran su Programa
> de Cooperación, destinadas a alcaldes, directivos y
> responsables públicos de entidades locales
> iberoamericanas que desempeñen funciones de
> dirección y gestión pública local.
> Para el Año 2000 se han convocado:
>     a.. 10 becas para participar en el III TALLER DE
>     a.. 20 becas para la I ESCUELA DE VERANO DE
>     a.. 20 becas para la I ESCUELA DE VERANO DE
>     a.. 12 becas para la VI ESCUELA DE VERANO DE
>     a.. 60 becas (Curso de Grado de la MAESTRIA UIM
> cada una de las instituciones contraparte).
> Si desean ampliar información, pueden dirigirse a la
> siguiente página web de internet:
> Reciban un cordial saludo.

Fecha - 13-12-99
Comentarios: Dear Sirs,

Key Action 4, City of tomorrow and cultural heritage

We kindly inform you that several municipalities from EU member states are interested as potential partner in the new call for proposals for Environment and sustainable development, EESD-ENV-99-2. Call (1999/C 330/10) with deadline 15 February 2000.

If you intend to submit a proposal, please do not hesitate to email: us, by requesting a potential partner.

If you want to joint the European Network of Local Authorities - ENOLA, and to get regularly updated information on current European programmes and on calls for proposals for grants from the European Commission email us (only municipalities, prefectures and district societies, can be members in ENOLA and they can use our office at RUE KONKEL 87-89, B-1150 BRUSSELS).


Fecha - 13-12-99
Comentarios: voili, voila... 4 du mat.. et devant mon écran... voila le texte envoyé par Robert

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Powered by Cabestan - Hébergement Easynet

OMC: comment digérer la crise
SEATTLE (AFP) - le 05/12/99 à 15:39 -
Les 135 pays membres de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) vont devoir digérer la crise avant de reprendre à Genève le travail inachevé à Seattle, alors que sur la méthode comme sur le contenu ils sont divisés.
La conférence ministérielle s'est achevée abruptement sur un échec spectaculaire, le camp de la contestation anti-OMC criant victoire.

Pas d'accord sur un programme de travail permettant de lancer un nouveau round de négociations commerciales, pas même de communiqué final.

Une impression de débandade régnait, vendredi, sur le centre de conférence quand l'échec que l'on pressentait s'est consommé.

Au bout de quatre jours de travaux, amertume et tension se sont lues sur les visages des deux principaux négociateurs, la représentante américaine pour le commerce, Charlene Barshefsky et le commissaire européen au commerce Pascal Lamy.

Les membres du secrétariat de l'OMC, qui avaient fourni un gros effort pour tenter de conduire cette conférence au succès, avaient le visage fermé et découragé : ils avaient conscience que l'OMC, qui fêtera bientôt ses cinq ans, cinq années plutôt dynamiques, traversait sa première crise grave.

Rendez-vous est donc pris à Genève où se trouve le siège de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce au niveau des ambassadeurs en janvier.

Il devra y avoir dès l'an prochain des négociations sur les services et l'agriculture, puisque cela était prévu dans les accords de l'Uruguay-round de 1994. Mais ce ne sera pas un nouveau round, puisqu'il n'y a pas de sujet nouveau à négocier.

Si la poursuite de la libéralisation des services ne pose pas de problème majeur, on ne voit pas bien comment s'engageront les tractations sur l'agriculture.

Scrutés quasiment en direct par le leader paysan français José Bové, omniprésent à Seattle, les désaccords sur les subventions agricoles ont fait échouer la conférence plus encore que la fronde des pays pauvres, amers que les règles du jeu jouent souvent en leur défaveur.

L'idée de lancer un nouveau cycle du millénaire pour poursuivre la libéralisation n'est pourtant pas abandonnée. Le directeur général Mike Moore a assuré que la tâche effectuée à Seattle "ne serait pas perdue" et que "le travail inachevé en faveur des pays les plus pauvres devrait être terminé."

Que se passera-t-il à Genève ? Selon des sources européennes, la préférence de l'UE va à une reprise du processus à partir de zéro.

Les Etats-Unis voudraient, eux, que les ambassadeurs travaillent sur des thèmes de compromis qui ont été négociés durant la conférence, mais désormais les pourparlers préparatoires à un nouveau round qui pourraient prendre des années seront ralentis par la campagne présidentielle américaine.

Les blessures sont à vif. "Tout est bloqué. Il y a un conflit nord-nord et un conflit nord-sud", confiait, vendredi, un diplomate des Caraïbes.

Une coalition de facteurs a pesé sur la conférence. Des milliers de jeunes contestateurs venue pour certains d'Europe, décidés à en découdre avec le "vampire" ou "le gouvernement mondial des multinationales" ont investi le centre de Seattle bloquant les rues de leurs chaînes humaines et retardant le démarrage de la conférence. Elle s'est finalement déroulée sous l'état d'urgence et la nuit sous le couvre feu décrétés par la municipalité.

Tiers-mondistes, environnementalistes ou autres, les 730 ONG accrédités pour la conférence menaient pendant ce temps très efficacement leur travail de lobbying, révélant les coups fourrés, les dissensions, les abandons des parties en négociation.

Les puissants étaient montrés du doigt, les pays pauvres encouragés à la fronde interne. Cette image d'une OMC en accusation, assiégée par la contestation, a fait le tour du monde. L'OMC devra maintenant, comme l'a dit Mme Barshefsky, évoluer vers encore plus de transparence sous peine d'être de plus en plus incomprise.

----- Message d'origine -----
De : Robert Laroche
À :
Envoyé : mercredi 8 décembre 1999 22:52
Objet : [dialogue-local] Re: OMC: Comment digérer la crise

Fecha - 13-12-99
Comentarios: >X-POP3-Rcpt: pons@phyleus
>Date: Thu, 09 Dec 1999 00:27:30 -0500
>From: Isabel Orellana
>Subject: Frente a la mondialización
>États Généraux. Pour le contrôle citoyen de l'OMC
>L'internationale du capital triomphe. Celle des êtres humains aspire à naître
>A internacional do capital triunfa. A dos seres humanos quer nascer
>La internacional del capital esta triunfando. La internacional de los seres humanos aspira a nacer


*Merci de co-développer ces dialogues locaux
**Pour s'abonner>
***Vous avez une page web? Il est fac=
ile d'annoncer dialogue-local!

Une expo, un spectacle, un concert, tou=
t est dans Nouba,
annuaire d'événements sur toute la France

Fecha - 13-12-99
Comentarios: ECOjustícia

Benvolguts i benvolgudes,
adjunto comunicat d´ECOjustícia amb motiu del DIA INTERNACIONAL DELS DRETS HUMANS pel vostre coneixement i per si el voleu donar a conèixer, per tal de difondre i sensibilitzar sobre els drets emergents i nou paradigma del segle en el que entrem
Els drets humans de 3ª Generació:
             Dret a un medi ambient i ecològic sa, saludable i no degradat.
             Dret al respecte del patrimoni comú de la humanitat.
             Dret al desenvolupament ecològic i econòmicament sostenible.
             Dret a usar, peró no abusar dels bens comunals i dels recursos naturals.
             Dret a la informació ambiental per garantir la salut ambiental
             Dret a l´educació ambiental per garantir la seguretat ambiental
             Dret a la seguretat ecológica i a estar protegit de riscos naturals i no naturals.
             Dret a la biodiversitat i a la no destrucció d´els ecosistemes.
             Dret a la seguretat biológica en l´alimentació, l´aire i l´aigua potable .
             Dret a la bioseguretat i a la no manipulació bacteriològica i genética.

Cordialment. Una salutació de tot l´equip en aquesta diada
Antoni Salamanca. President d´ECOjustícia
Tel/Fax: 93-4241542
Fecha - 02-12-99
Comentarios: Mi nombre es Omar Chiroque Pajares, estoy asesorando el desarrollo de proyectos comerciales y culturales en la ciudad de Lima.Luego de proponer al Municipio y a una  Asociacion de libreros que antes comercializaba en la via publica y que hoy se encuentran reubicados en un predio municipal y asesorados por la Direccion de Comercio Informal  de la Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima, nos hemos dispuesto a desarrollar la capacitacion respectiva de los libreros para que participen de la gestion de la base de datos, desarrollando un servicio sin precedentes por sus caracteristicas. Este Proyecto de Centro de Informacion Virtual y biblioteca, denominado Circulo Metropolitano de Lectores, prestara servicios como tienda virtual, biblioteca virtual, considerando la posibilidad de poder proporcionar en linea como valor agregado de la ventas de los libreros, el contenido de los libros, los cuales podran ser vistos valiendose de un password, que mantrendra una base de datos de usuarios de la bib
lioteca, para darles alertas bibliograficas sobre los libros que esten ingresando cada semana , asi como asesoria de monografias, elaboracion y suministro de bibliografias, busquedas y una serie de ser
vicios mas in situ, en el local de la biblioteca, como tipeos por computadora, etc.
Quisiera pareceres al respecto, dado que actualmente me encuentro con el escollo de ver que libros digitalizar, a fin de no caer en perjuicio de los derechos de autor.
He pensado hacerlo por Convenio con los autores pero el problema es que hacerlo uno por uno, es una labor de hormiga. Sin embargo, esta contemplado hacerlo de no existir otra alternativa mas dinamica.

Un saludo fraternal desde Lima.

Omar Chiroque Pajares.
Asesor de proyectos especiales.

Fecha - 01-12-99
Comentarios: Bonsoir à toutes et tous

J'ai rencontré dernièrement une actrice du développement local et nous avons parlé des défis de cette réalité.

Ils nous semblent que les grands défis en sont de changement de mentalité ou de croyances par exemple du passage d'un esprit réactif à un esprit proactif, du passage d'une mentalité de pénurie à une mentalité d'abondance pour n'en nommer que deux.

Prenons le premier le défi celui de la proactivité : Il se relève quand nous commençons à pratiquer la proactivité c'est à dire à pratiquer le mouvement interne en chacun des acteurs du développement local et de leur collectif pour articuler et affirmer le projet qui nous tient à coeur et orienter notre attention sur ce qui est en notre pouvoir et non sur ce qui dépend des autres. La solidité du projet, la confiance des personnes dans ce qu'elles entreprennent et la capacité de négociation attireront les ressources dont nous avons besoins.

Le piège c'est qu'en mettant souvent prioritairement l'attention sur ce que nous voulons contrôler de plus que ce que nous contrôlons maintenant nous provoquons des résistances inutiles et des  pertes d'énergies sans fin. Si par compte nous mettons la priorité aux projets que nous portons dans nos coeurs nous mobilisons davantages nos ressources et prêtons attention au moteur même du développement. Nous pratiquons le développement.

Bien certain ce changement d'attention implique tout une série de changements secondaires comme par exemple le contact avec nos propres intérêts, le respect des autres, la création et la mise en valeur des ressources, l'empowerment des humains et des communautées etc.

Ces changements d'une autre nature que les changements de "toujours faire plus de la même chose" impliquent une autre modification en profondeur de notre expérience culturelle. C'est le passage d'une mentalité de pénurie en une mentalité d'abondance. Dans une mentalité de pénurie et donc de pauvreté ( je ne nie pas qu'objectivement il y a de la pauvreté) nous nous battons entre nous pour nous répartir la richesse puisque par définition elle est limité. Dans une mentalité d'abondance la qualité du projet dont nous sommes porteur va attirer les ressources pour se réaliser.

Il est intéressant de réaliser comment les pensées profondes qui nous habitent, même si nos paroles sont autres à l'extérieur, sont celles qui se réalisent. Si dans mon coeur j'ai peur et je me bat avec un autre, par exemple avec un collègue, graduellement je produis cela. Je ne suis pas nécessairement le vainqueur dans cette bataille et même si j'étais le vainqueur il y a un perdant et donc un appauvrissement. Cette approche est différent que celle de travailler dans un optique gagnant gagnant qui procède d'une énergie d'abondance.

L'abondance c'est aussi l'utilisation optimal des ressources dont nous disposons plutôt que de les dilapider et de les épuiser dans des querelles et des paralysies sans fin. À la limite l'abondance c'est davantage créer et développer les ressources par l'intelligence de leur mise en valeur et de leurs utilisation optimal. La dimension créatrice de la différence de position s'actualise dans la mesure ou il y a évolution dans les positions de départ et créons des ponts entre ces différences. Ceci se réalise dans une relation ou l'équité est mis en valeurde.

Je sais que ce qui précède peut apparaître révolutionnaire ou ... naïf, quoique j'aime mieux le terme révolutionnaire ... Cela maintient ma dimension naïve :-))) :-))) mais croyons nous vraiement construire le développement local avec des outils du passé?

Au plaisir de vous lire

Robert Laroche

"Co-créer un monde dans lequel les individus ont le goût de participer" Robert Dilts
Synergie Humaine et Organisationnelle SHO Inc.
949 avenue Casot, Québec, Québec, Canada, G1S 2Y2
Téléphone et télécopieur : 418-688-0751
Courriel :

*Merci de co-développer ces dialogues locaux
**Pour s'abonner
***Vous avez une page web? Il est facile d'annoncer dialogue-local!

Fecha - 30-11-99
Comentarios: Job Opening at ICLEI

Junior Coordinator,
European Eco-Procurement Initiative

The European Secretariat of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) is seeking candidates for the position of

Junior Coordinator, European Eco-Procurement Initiative.

The position is available from 1 January 2000.

The Junior Coordinator will contribute to:

-  the implementation of ICLEI's European Eco-procurement Initiative

-  coordinating the European Municipal
Green Purchasers' Network

-  editing the EcoProcura® Magazine ·

- the programme development of EcoProcura® Conferences

-  training activities on green purchasing

-  the development of an eco-product information service

-  developing, fund-raising for, coordination and implementation of 
research projects and studies.

In addition, our new colleague could be the responsible Theme
Coordinator for the field of Sustainable Tourism. 

Qualification required:

-· Profound knowledge of environmental policy instruments, in particular public green purchasing,  and/or experience in public administration, ·

-  Educational and ideally professional background in political science, public administration, law, economy, environmental management or similar subjects, ·

-  Active, dynamic and entrepreneurial approach to the development of the Eco-procurement Initiative, ·

-  Excellent spoken and written French and/or Spanish; proficiency in English as working language, ·

-  Proven research, writing and networking skills ·

-  Proposal-writing and fund-raising experiences will be of advantage. 

Please send your application, including CV, description of main interests, references, supporting documents and photo, as soon as possible and at the latest by 15 December 1999 to:

International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
European Secretariat, Eschholzstrasse 86, D-79115 Freiburg/ Germany
Fax: +49-761 / 3 68 92-19, 

Please feel free to use our E-mail-address for announcing the application and inquiring on further details:

Fecha - 30-11-99
Comentarios: Job Opening at ICLEI

Junior Coordinator,
European Eco-Procurement Initiative

The European Secretariat of the International Council for Local
Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) is seeking candidates for the
position of

Junior Coordinator, European Eco-Procurement Initiative.

The position is available from 1 January 2000.

The Junior Coordinator will contribute to:

-  the implementation of ICLEI's European Eco-procurement Initiative

-  coordinating the European Municipal
Green Purchasers' Network

-  editing the EcoProcura® Magazine ·

- the programme development of EcoProcura® Conferences

-  training activities on green purchasing

-  the development of an eco-product information service

-  developing, fund-raising for, coordination and implementation of 
research projects and studies.

In addition, our new colleague could be the responsible Theme
Coordinator for the field of Sustainable Tourism. 

Qualification required:

-· Profound knowledge of environmental policy instruments, in
particular public green purchasing,  and/or experience in public
administration, ·

-  Educational and ideally professional background
in political science, public administration, law, economy,
environmental management or similar subjects,

-  Active, dynamic and entrepreneurial approach to the development of the Eco-procurement Initiative,

-  Excellent spoken and written French and/or Spanish; proficiency in English as working language,

-  Proven research, writing and networking skills

-  Proposal-writing and fund-raising experiences will be of advantage. 

Please send your application, including CV, description of main interests, references, supporting documents and photo, as soon as possible and at the latest by 15 December 1999 to:

International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
European Secretariat, Eschholzstrasse 86, D-79115 Freiburg/ Germany
Fax: +49-761 / 3 68 92-19, 

Please feel free to use our E-mail-address for announcing the
application and inquiring on further details:
Fecha - 28-11-99
Comentarios: Greetings -

Would it be possible to join your distribution list.  I work at the Urban
Development Division of the World Bank.

Thank you
- Alfiya Mirzagalyamova

Urban Development Division
Knowledge Management Unit
Tel: (202) 458-0742
Fax: (202) 522-3232

Fecha - 27-11-99
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Comentarios: Aconsejo la lectura de este artículo de Jordi Borja: "Los desafíos del territorio y los derechos de la ciudadanía", en "La Factoría", nº 10, octubre de 1999-enero 2000:
Los desafíos y sus respuestas exigen por su novedad una acción política nueva. Esta acción política difícilmente puede salir de las instituciones y de los partidos políticos posicionados en ellas, que tienden normalmente a conservar el sistema que les garantiza la representación y el acceso a los puestos de gobierno. Hay una contradicción entre el respeto del Estado de derecho sin lo cual la democracia se pervierte por el uso arbitrario de la fuerza y la transformación de este mismo Estado, que si no se produce también lleva a la perversión del Estado de derecho por su incapacidad de responder eficazmente a los procesos excluyentes y a los nuevos desafíos. Transformación que difícilmente impulsan las cúpulas políticas y jurídicas del Estado, casi siempre conservadoras del sistema que les concede el poder.
¿Cómo salir de este «impasse»? ¿Cómo ir más allá, de las llamadas retóricas a la sociedad civil y a la iniciativa ciudadana? ¿Cómo hacer que las propuestas no sean utópicas, sino «eutópicas», situadas en el tiempo y en el espacio posibles, en un futuro más próximo que lejano y viables en unos lugares que las pueden recibir, concretar y realizar?
En primer lugar, no hay que ver el sistema político institucional como un todo homogéneo. No solamente por las lógicas diferencias ideológicas y de interés entre partidos políticos, sino también por como viven las contradicciones entre valores y principios generales por un lado y normas y prácticas políticas y administrativas por otro. Otra contradicción bien evidente es la que se da entre el ámbito político institucional local-regional y el estatal. Es bien sintomática la revitalización o la aparición ex novo de movimientos políticos «regionalistas» o nacionalitarios en Europa, el auge del «municipalismo» tanto en Europa como en América, y la emergencia de liderazgos fuertes en estos ámbitos.
Por lo tanto, el ámbito institucional, tanto político como judicial, ejecutivo como legislativo, supraestatal (europeo) como estatal y sobre todo local y regional, puede ser receptor en muchos casos y impulsor en otros, aunque menos, de propuestas innovadoras. En cada caso ante cada tipo de propuestas se manifestarán contradicciones diferentes. Por ejemplo, la renovación democrática de la política europea encuentra mucho más eco en el Parlamento europeo que en los Consejos de ministros (que representan a los gobiernos estatales). La modificación de los sistemas electorales encuentra una fuerte resistencia en los partidos estatales y es en cambio esencial para reforzar el ámbito político regional-local.
Las propuestas renovadoras no pueden depender únicamente de lo que ocurra en un ámbito contradictorio, pero en el que predomina el conservacionismo, como es el institucional. Las contradicciones emergerán si hay una presión política exterior a las instituciones, social, cultural, que desarrolle iniciativas que impacten a la opinión pública y modifique la relación de fuerzas o el equilibrio establecido y que se concrete en propuestas de cambiar tanto normativas, como prácticas en la vida institucional. Por lo tanto, sin movimientos cívicos no habrá cambio político y si no lo hay tampoco habrá respuesta eficaz a los nuevos desafíos del territorio.
Estos movimientos surgen de las propias contradicciones generadas por los desafíos analizados anteriormente. Las estrategias sobre el territorio, la «demanda» de ciudad y de espacio público, la reivindicación del reconocimiento social, político y jurídico, el rechazo a la exclusión, la exigencia de participación y de comunicación, etc. incitan a la acción a diversos colectivos de población en tanto que ciudadanos o «demandantes» de ciudadanía.

Una cultura política nueva
Ahora bien, en la medida que nos encontramos ante problemáticas nuevas se requiere también una cultura política nueva que construya un discurso que proporcione legitimidad y coherencia a los movimientos cívicos. Si no es así se corre el riesgo de acentuar la fragmentación territorial y sociocultural, de dar una imagen anacrónica o corporativa de las iniciativas cívicas (que puede ser real si les falta un anclaje universalista) y de depender únicamente de cómo se resuelvan en cada caso las contradicciones en el sistema institucional establecido.
Por esta razón estamos en un periodo en el que el rol de los «intelectuales» (en un sentido «gramsciano») se convierte en decisivo. Si a finales del siglo XVIII se construyeron las bases de la cultura democrática en un sentido civil y político, que tuvieron su máxima expresión en las revoluciones americana y francesa pero que sólo se «universalizaron» y aun parcialmente en los siglos siguientes. Si a finales del XIX el movimiento obrero y socialista puso en primer plano la cuestión de los derechos económicos y sociales, que dieron lugar a las revoluciones de base proletaria y, sobretodo, al welfare state. Ahora nos corresponde asumir no sólo el combate por la plena realización y su adecuación a las circunstancias actuales, de estos valores y objetivos universalistas, sino también los nuevos valores y objetivos que nos permitan dar respuesta a los nuevos desafíos (que a veces se denominan derechos 3ª generación, especialmente en la cultura de la ecología política).
Nos parece que un camino útil es el seguido históricamente por todos aquellos que han promovido el cambio en nombre de los derechos de las personas. Es decir, en nombre de la “ciudadanía”, de los sujetos activos e iguales en derechos. La revolución americana se presenta como una exigencia de ciudadanía (cuya expresión más radical y muy actual es Thomas Paine). La revolución francesa proclama los «derechos del hombre» y define a todos los franceses como «citoyens» (tan es así que los partidarios del «ancien regime» se les denomina miembros del «partido de los extranjeros»). El movimiento obrero y socialista parte de la crítica de la contradicción entre derechos formales y derechos reales, entre las posibilidades que ofrece la nueva sociedad industrial y las opresiones y exclusiones  a las que da lugar. Siempre en todos los procesos de cambio hay un punto de partida  común: la exigencia de unos derechos que aparecen como legítimos pero negados a muchos, como potenciales pero no realizados. El objetivo histórico del socialismo europeo así como de los movimientos populares latinoamericanos del siglo XX ha sido convertir a las clases trabajadoras y en general a los excluidos en ciudadanos. Y en consecuencia su objetivo político principal fue conquistar los derechos que los harán ciudadanos mediante nuevas instituciones económicas, sociales y políticas (welfare state, planificación económica, contractualización de las relaciones laborales, etc.).
Ahora y para concluir este trabajo vamos a intentar aportar una contribución a esta redefinición y ampliación de derechos de la ciudadanía a partir del tipo de respuestas que hemos dado a los desafíos citados en los puntos anteriores. Todo ello sin pretender ni mucho menos proponer un catálogo exhaustivo.

Los nuevos derechos de ciudadanía
* Derecho al lugar: la gente tiene derecho a mantener su residencia  en el lugar donde tiene sus relaciones sociales, en sus entornos significantes. O a tener otro de su libre elección.
* Derecho al espacio público y a la monumentalidad: es el complemento necesario del anterior. Hay que dotar los lugares de significado y de calidad urbana.
* Derecho a la identidad colectiva dentro de la ciudad: la organización interna del espacio urbano debe facilitar la cohesión sociocultural de las comunidades (barriales, de grupos de edad, étnicas, etc.).
* Derecho a la belleza, al lujo del espacio público, a la visibilidad de cada zona de la ciudad. Cada parte de la ciudad debe tener su atractivo para los otros.
* Derecho a la movilidad y a la accesibilidad: hay que tender a igualar las condiciones de acceso a las centralidades y la movilidad desde cada zona de la ciudad metropolitana.
* Derecho a la centralidad: todas las áreas de la ciudad metropolitana deben poseer lugares con valor de centralidad y poder acceder con igual facilidad a los centros urbanos o metropolitanos.
* Derecho a la ciudad: es la suma de los derechos anteriores, es decir el derecho de ejercer el conjunto de libertades urbanas. La oferta urbana global debe ser accesible, conocida y con posibilidad de ser usada por todos los que viven en la región metropolitana.
* Derecho al acceso y al uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación: Las administraciones públicas no sólo deben proteger y garantizar este derecho sino también utilizar las TIC para democratizar realmente al acceso de todos a los servicios de interés general.
* Derecho a la ciudad como refugio: La ciudad debe asumir áreas de refugio para aquellos que por razones legales, culturales o personales necesiten durante un tiempo protegerse de las instituciones, en tanto que éstas no son capaces de protegerlos. Por otra parte estas áreas-refugios forman parte de la oferta urbana como aventura transgresora.
* Derecho a la protección por parte del gobierno de proximidad ante las instituciones políticas superiores y las organizaciones y empresas prestadoras de servicios: El gobierno local debe actuar de defensor de oficio de los ciudadanos en tanto que  personas sometidas a otras jurisdicciones y también en tanto que usuarios y consumidores.
* Derecho a la justicia local y a la seguridad: Hoy la justicia es inaccesible para la mayoría de ciudadanos (por su coste, lentitud, etc.). La seguridad es vista principalmente en términos de represión y se plantean políticas de seguridad sobre todo cuando la «inseguridad» afecta a sectores medios y altos y a agentes y representantes de las instituciones. La justicia local, de base municipal y la seguridad como actuación concertada entre la institución local y la sociedad civil organizada es hoy una demanda inaplazable de las mayorías ciudadanas, en la medida que puede asegurar una prevención más eficaz y si es preciso una reacción sancionadora más rápida.
* Derecho a la ilegalidad: Paradójicamente tanto los colectivos sociales como, a veces, las instituciones locales deberían asumir el coste de promover iniciativas ilegales o alegales para convertir una demanda no reconocida en un derecho legal (por ejemplo, para obtener la reversión de uso  de espacio público congelado por una institución estatal).
* Derecho a la innovación política: Los gobiernos locales y regionales deben recoger las demandas sociales para innovar en cuanto a sistemas electorales, mecanismos de participación, instrumentos de planeamiento y de gestión, etc. (por ejemplo, el planeamiento estratégico es una innovación política aun no recogida por el derecho público).
* Derecho al empleo y al salario ciudadano: El ámbito urbano-regional debe garantizar un rol social que proporcione ingresos monetarios es decir remunerados al conjunto de la población activa.  Además de las iniciativas generadoras de empleo (por ejemplo, servicios de proximidad, ecología urbana, etc.), es en este ámbito que se pueden experimentar y gestionar algunas formas de «salario ciudadano».
* Derecho a la calidad del medioambiente: Como derecho a una calidad de vida integral y como derecho a preservar para las generaciones futuras. Este derecho incluye el uso de los recursos naturales y energéticos, el patrimonio histórico-cultural y la protección frente a las agresiones a la calidad del entorno (contaminaciones, congestiones, suciedad, fealdad, etc.).
* Derecho a la diferencia, a la intimidad y a la elección de los vínculos personales: Nadie puede sufrir discriminación según sus creencias, sus hábitos culturales o sus orientaciones sexuales, siempre que se respeten los derechos básicos de las personas con las que se relacione. Todo tipo de vínculo personal libremente consentido (por ejemplo, parejas homosexuales) merece igual protección. No hay un modelo de vida personal o familiar que tenga derecho a más protección que otro.
* Derecho de todos los residentes en una ciudad a tener el mismo status político-jurídico de ciudadano: Y por lo tanto igualdad de derechos y responsabilidades. La ciudadanía debe distinguirse de la nacionalidad (que en el marco de la globalización y de las uniones políticas supraestatales debe perder su actual carácter absoluto es decir la facultad de proporcionar un estatuto diferenciado). Es la relación con un territorio -con un entorno social- lo que debe determinar el estatuto legal.
* Derecho a que los representantes directos de los ciudadanos tanto institucionales (gobierno local y/o regional) como sociales (organizaciones profesionales, económicas, sindicales, territoriales, etc.) participen o accedan a las conferencias y organismos internacionales que tratan cuestiones que las afectan directamente.
* Derecho de los ciudadanos a igual movilidad y acceso a la información similar a la que  poseen los capitales privados y las instituciones públicas. Derecho a acceder a todo tipo de información emanada de los organismos públicos y de las empresas de servicios de interés general. Derecho a la movilidad física completa en los espacios políticos y económicos en los que se encuentran inmersos. Derecho al uso social de las actuales tecnologías de información y comunicación, especialmente en las relaciones con las Administraciones públicas (por ejemplo, ventanilla única).
* Derecho de los gobiernos locales y regionales y de las organizaciones, ciudades a constituir redes y asociaciones que actúen y sean reconocidas a escala internacional. Este derecho incluye tanto el reconocimiento por parte de las NNUU y de todos sus organismos y programas como de organizaciones mucho menos transparentes (como la Organización mundial del comercio o el Banco Mundial). La regulación de los procesos globalizados no la realizarán únicamente los gobiernos de los Estados y los grandes grupos económicos como el fracaso del AMI acaba de demostrar.
* Derecho a desarrollar una identidad colectiva como comunidad de ámbito regional-urbano y a conquistar la cota de autogobierno que ésta misma comunidad determine libremente, con la sola condición de que no excluya a ningún habitante del territorio de ninguno de los derechos de los ciudadanos del mismo.

Un triple proceso
El desarrollo y la legitimación de estos derechos dependerán de un triple proceso:
* Un proceso cultural, de hegemonía de los valores que están en la base de estos derechos y de explicitación o especificación de los mismos.
* Un proceso social, de movilización ciudadana  para conseguir su legalización y la creación de los mecanismos y procedimientos que los hagan efectivos
* Un proceso político-institucional para formalizarlos, consolidarlos y desarrollar las políticas para hacerlos efectivos.
En la medida que en muchos casos estos derechos aparecen como una novedad política y no tienen aun el suficiente arraigo social, el rol de los intelectuales, a la vez como fuerza sociocultural y como colectivo capaz de definir los contenidos y las motivaciones de estos derechos, es hoy fundamental. En esta etapa histórica el desafío que el territorio plantea a la intelectualidad exige un gran coraje moral y una considerable audacia política.  

Jordi Borja.

Fecha - 26-11-99
  Política Regional

  Nota informativa nº 68

"Por una política regional eficaz y próxima a los ciudadanos"
  Al iniciar mi misión en el Colegio de Comisarios deseo presentarles mi concepción de la política regional europea y las prioridades que guiarán mi actuación durante los próximos cinco años.

  Me ha producido una sincera satisfacción que el Presidente Prodi me confíe la responsabilidad de la política regional dentro de la Comisión. La política regional de la Unión Europea contribuye de modo efectivo a la unidad de Europa, a su cohesión económica y social y a su cohesión humana y territorial. Asimismo, es una de las políticas comunitarias más visibles y concretas, ya que permite mejorar directamente la calidad de vida de numerosos ciudadanos de la Unión Europea. Por todas estas razones, creo que la política regional es un instrumento inmejorable para lograr que el progreso de Europa se reparta más equitativamente.

  El primer objetivo de la política regional europea es reducir las importantes disparidades existentes entre las regiones y grupos sociales de la Unión. Por consiguiente, ayuda a las regiones y a los ciudadanos a beneficiarse plenamente de las ventajas derivadas del mercado único y de la unión económica y monetaria. No obstante, pese a los significativos progresos de los últimos diez años, considero que la política regional debe proseguir sus esfuerzos para contribuir a la reconversión de las regiones con dificultades. Esta empresa requiere y justifica una ayuda de larga duración.

  En mis anteriores funciones, como presidente de una colectividad local francesa - el departamento de Saboya, en la frontera del Valle de Aosta y del Piamonte italiano - y como Ministro de Medio Ambiente, tuve la ocasión de dirigir numerosos proyectos de desarrollo local y regional realizados con el apoyo de las políticas europeas. Estas experiencias me enseñaron que la aportación de los Fondos europeos sirve para algo más que fomentar las inversiones. Así, frecuentemente es la existencia misma de la política regional europea la que impulsa a los agentes locales a innovar, trabajar conjuntamente y canalizar sus energías a largo plazo, haciendo posible la puesta en marcha de proyectos de interés común, que a veces traspasan las fronteras nacionales.

  Por ello, dedicaré todo mi afán a conseguir que se intensifique la cooperación entre los interlocutores regionales y locales (autoridades políticas, operadores económicos, interlocutores sociales, etc.) cuando se preparen, y posteriormente se ejecuten, los programas regionales. Se trata de una excelente palanca para aumentar la eficacia, visibilidad y legitimidad de los Fondos Estructurales y, por ende, de un medio muy adecuado para dar a conocer Europa. Los Estados miembros deberán, pues, poner en marcha a escala local asociaciones de cooperación fuertes.

**Aplicar las decisiones de Berlín** --
  Como saben, los grandes ejes de la política regional europea para el período 2000-2006, así como su presupuesto, fueron aprobados el pasado mes de marzo por los Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno reunidos en el Consejo Europeo de Berlín. Globalmente, hasta el año 2006 se dedicarán casi 260.000 millones de euros a las medidas estructurales en los Estados miembros y en los países candidatos.

  Sobre esta base y dentro de ese marco, mi función consistirá en velar por que la nueva generación de programas regionales y proyectos del Fondo de Cohesión sea un auténtico éxito. A partir del año próximo, los Fondos Estructurales concederán cerca de 25.000 millones de euros anuales a las regiones menos desarrolladas (objetivo nº 1) o en fase de reconversión (objetivo nº 2). Por otra parte, el Fondo de Cohesión asignará 2500 millones de euros a nuevos proyectos en el área del medio ambiente y de las redes transeuropeas de transporte en España, Portugal, Grecia e Irlanda.

  Nuestro equipo también hará todo cuanto esté a su alcanze para que la ampliación de las políticas estructurales a los países de Europa central y oriental, y, en particular, la asistencia técnica en la fase de preadhesión, se realice en condiciones satisfactorias. El desafío de la ampliación es de talla, por lo que es preciso prepararse de antemano. Lo haremos con el nuevo instrumento de preadhesión (ISPA) y, en lo que a mí concierne, trabajando junto al Presidente en pro de la reforma de las instituciones en ejercicio de mis otras atribuciones.

  Por último, desde un planteamiento más amplio, quiero incrementar los esfuerzos emprendidos en Bruselas y en cada Estado miembro para dar a conocer el funcionamiento, las realizaciones y el valor añadido de la política regional de la Unión entre todos sus beneficiarios posibles, directos o indirectos. Se trata, en efecto, de una dimensión esencial de la Europa de los ciudadanos y de sus representantes. Por ello, daré gran importancia a las visitas in situ, no sólo para explicar la política regional, sino también para discutir con los ciudadanos europeos sobre el futuro de la Unión y de sus instituciones.

  Michel BARNIER

Michel Barnier
  nuevo Comisario de política regional y responsable ad personam de la Conferencia Intergubernamental

  Nacionalidad: francesa

  Carrera profesional:
  1973-1989 Consejero General de Saboya
  1978-1993 Diputado por Saboya
  1982-1999 Presidente del Consejo General de Saboya
  1993-1995 Ministro de Medio Ambiente
  1995-1997 Ministro delegado de Asuntos Europeos
  1997-1999 Senador por Saboya
  1997-1999 Presidente de la Asociación Francesa del Consejo de Municipios y Regiones de Europa
  1998-1999 Presidente de la Delegación senatorial para la Unión Europea

Las medidas estructurales en la "Comisión Prodi"
  El pasado 15 de septiembre, el Parlamento Europeo procedió a la investidura del nuevo Colegio de Comisarios presidido por Romano Prodi. Tres Comisarios se encargarán de la ejecución de las medidas estructurales: Michel Barnier, Anna Diamantopoulou y Franz Fischler.

  Responsable de la política regional, Michel Barnier (F) dirigirá las intervenciones del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y del Fondo de Cohesión. Anna Diamantopoulou (GR), por su parte, se encargará del Fondo Social Europeo, en el marco de sus competencias en materia de empleo. Por último, como Comisario de agricultura y pesca, Franz Fischler será responsable de las medidas de desarrollo rural del Fondo Europeo de Orientación y Garantía Agrícola (FEOGA) y del Instrumento Financiero de Orientación de la Pesca (IFOP). Las intervenciones del Instrumento Estructural de Preadhesión (ISPA) y del Programa Especial de Adhesión para la Agricultura y el Desarrollo Rural (SAPARD) serán, respectivamente, competencia de Michel Barnier y de Franz Fischler.

  Antes de recibir la investidura del Parlamento Europeo, todos los nuevos comisarios comparecieron ante el Parlamento para presentar sus prioridades en sus ámbitos específicos. Asimismo, enviaron al Parlamento sus respuestas a una serie de preguntas escritas.

  Las actas de las audiencias y las respuestas escritas de los comisarios están disponibles en el sitio del Parlamento Europeo:

  En el sitio Europa se encuentra la semblanza de cada comisario:

Fecha - 25-11-99
Comentarios: Estimados amigos:

La Unión Iberoamericana de Municipalistas (UIM), Organización no Gubernamental Internacional para el Desarrollo, con sede en Granada (España), ha publicado su Programa de Cooperación Internacional para el año 2000.

Con dicha iniciativa la UIM persigue entre otros objetivos, contribuir a mejorar las condiciones socioeconómicas y la calidad de vida de los/as ciudadanos/as de Iberoamérica, así como mejorar las condiciones básicas de gestión, administración, institucionalización y participación democrática en los municipios de Iberoamérica, incrementando, para ello, los intercambios de conocimientos, de experiencias y de técnicas.

En esta línea de acción, el Programa se estructura en tres niveles fundamentales de actuación que son:




Asimismo y con el propósito de facilitar dicho intercambio, la UIM convoca un número de becas para algunas de las actividades que integran su Programa de Cooperación, destinadas a alcaldes, directivos y responsables públicos de entidades locales iberoamericanas que desempeñen funciones de dirección y gestión pública local.

Para el Año 2000 se han convocado:





60 becas (Curso de Grado de la MAESTRIA UIM EN DIRECCION Y GESTIÓN PUBLICA LOCAL/15 BECAS por cada una de las instituciones contraparte).

Si desean ampliar información, pueden dirigirse a la siguiente página web de internet:

Reciban un cordial saludo.



Fecha - 25-11-99
Comentarios: Estimad@s tod@s

En el Ecuador estamos en una muy interesante discusion sobre el tema de la autonomia regional, su necesidad, su alcance, sus competencias. Las versiones simples de la discusion hablan de la desmembracion y balcanizacion del pais, que son las que estan llegando a un grupo de la poblacion y a una region del pais. Por otro lado, esta la desesperacion de reconocer un modelo centralista de desarrollo que se encuentra, por decir lo menos, agotado, y la consideracion que una verdadera descentralizacion podria mejor significativamente la situacion de la periferia del pais. En todo caso, el tema ha dejado el ambito academico y es de discusion politica a todo nivel.

A continuacion unos pocos de los cientos de articulos que se han escrito sobre el tema.

De existir interes en el tema estare incluyedno algunos articulos mas en esta lisa


Nestor Vega Jimenez

Hoy, 20 de Noviembre de 1999

La autonomia indigena

Por Ileana Almeida*

Estan de moda las voces euforicas que claman por la "descentralizacion" y la "autonomia". Opiniones y discusiones van subiendo de tono y presagian enfrentamientos de imprevisibles desenlaces. Parece, entonces, oportuno analizar propuestas y pretensiones con cabeza fria y enfrentar lo que en realidad sucede.

Hay que recordar que la posibilidad de las autonomias fue planteada ya hace algunos a~os por los pueblos indios y que, quizas por tratarse de sectores menospreciados socialmente, no se le dio la aten cion debida.

Sin embargo, en el seno de las organizaciones indigenas es un tema de permanente analisis, pues se advierte que para llegar a acuerdos justos con el Estado hay que emprender arduas negociaciones. Se sabe, tambien, que el analisis debe distinguir entre las nacionalidades que ocupan un territorio determinado y las que estan dispersas. Asimismo se debate como retomar el contacto con los pobladores de un mismo pueblo que han quedado aisladas por las fronteras estatales. En Espa~a -para poner el ejemplo mas utilizado- gozan de regimen autonomico los vascos, los catalanes, los gallegos. El trato que les da el Estado espa~ol se basa en los derechos especificos de estos pueblos, que ya fueron reconocidos en la Edad Media mediante fueros especiales y ciertos privilegios.

La autonomia es una decision que incluye aspectos culturales, lingüisticos, organizativos, sociales, territoriales, institucionales que se deducen con evidencia logica de una historia propia y de uno s elementos etnicos diferenciados. Por esta razon, la autonomia representa la voluntad popular.

En cambio, la descentralizacion, que tiene alcances mucho menores que los de la autonomia, no pone en discusion los valores historicos de los pueblos ni su capacidad de autodefinicion politica; su propuesta apenas se orienta al mejor funcionamiento de las unidades administrativas existentes.

El pais cuenta con un esquema juridico-administrativo que permite la descentralizacion. Sin embargo, no existe todavia una formula para la autonomia indigena; solo hay un peque~o espacio autonomo par a la educacion bilingüe, a pesar de que la Constitucion vigente reconoce los derechos colectivos de los pueblos indios.

La autonomia propuesta por los lideres indigenas no solo trata de lograr una mejor utilizacion de los recursos regionales y una mejor distribucion del Presupuesto del Estado. Para ellos la autonomia es un derecho que garantiza la supervivencia de sus pueblos, el respeto que merecen, los lazos culturales y afectivos que les une. Implica tambien la proteccion constitucional y el desarrollo economico.

Se podria aducir que los pueblos indigenas han mantenido a traves de los siglos una cierta autonomia; pero, no se puede confundir autonomia con marginacion y abandono. La marginacion anula las perspe ctivas historicas; la costumbre se vuelve rutina y la cultura se estanca por falta de informacion. Empe~ados como estan los indigenas en superar el marginamiento, han formulado sus problemas y aspira ciones con argumentos valederos. Conciben la autonomia no como competidora ni enemiga del Estado, sino como canalizadora de la libre expresion de su identidad de pueblos. Si el Estado no comprende el compromiso que tienen los indigenas con su propia historia, cultura y lengua, la nacionalidad de cada uno de los pueblos originarios corre el riesgo de disolverse en las instancias y disposiciones e statales. Los pueblos indios aspiran a alcanzar una autonomia que permita una interdependencia justa y equitativa entre todos los ecuatorianos a partir de un tratamiento igualitaria de sus lenguas, c ulturas, territorios, medio ambiente.

La autonomia es necesaria para configurar y consolidar como naciones a los pueblos indigenas. Esta tesis se planteo con claridad en el I Congreso del Pueblo Kechua, que se llevo a cabo en el Cuzco de l 4 al 7 del mes en curso, al que asistieron representantes de Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina y hasta de la Amazonia brasile~a. En este evento se puso en evidencia que los pueblos indios necesitan afirmarse frente a los estatos establecidos, y no depender de sus intereses y auspicios.

La autonomia indigena, no pretende balcanizar el pais, pero, al mismo tiempo, se espera que el Estado no niegue la presencia de estos pueblos en el territorio ecuatoriano y que no deje de garantizarl es las condiciones de justicia, progreso y libertad indispensables para su existencia.

El Estado ecuatoriano mantiene una arcaica concepcion centralista y una vision estrecha de la democracia, a pesar de que multiples ejemplos comprueban que un mismo Estado puede dar cabida a distintos pueblos y naciones, a condicion de asegurarles espacios difrenciados y todo tipo de relaciones a base de democracia y respeto mutuo. El Estado actual confiere a los indigenas la ciudadania ecuatoria na, pero es esta una ciudadania que sacrifica la identidad de sus pueblos.

* Fundacion Pueblo Indio del Ecuador.

Hoy, 23 de Noviembre de 1999


El reto de las autonomias

Las propuestas de autonomia ganan terreno. Al proyecto inicial de Manabi siguio el llamado a consulta popular, para enero, de parte del Consejo Provincial del Guayas. Tambien las provincias serranas del centro y las provincias amazonicas discuten sus propias aspiraciones autonomicas. Las organizaciones indigenas reactualizan sus propuestas de diez a~os atras, y el alcalde de Quito ha expresado s u apoyo a estos procesos y ha manifestado la necesidad, para el centro, de asumir su propia autonomia. No obstante la aparente unanimidad, a la hora de precisar el contenido real y los alcances de las autonomias regionales surgen las imprecisiones, vacios y aun contradicciones.

Las autonomias no se reducen a la administracion regional de los tributos o al reparto o transferencia de recursos. El Consejo Provincial del Guayas preguntara en su consulta si se debe asignar a la provincia el 50% de las rentas que produce, y Manabi reclama la potestad de recaudar y administrar ciertos tributos que se generan en la provincia, como el IVA o el impuesto a la circulacion de capit ales, a los consumos especiales y otras tasas como la que se cobra por el transito de los vehiculos. Pero no se deben limitar las propuestas autonomicas a la asignacion de recursos. En el plano politico, el proceso es mas complejo y no se agota en una consulta. Cambiar el modelo de Estado centralist a por otro que respete las particularidades regionales supone otras formas de participacion ciudadana y una clara redefinicion de las funciones y el sentido del mismo Estado.

?Quien se hace cargo del centro?

Por Felipe Burbano de Lara

?Quien piensa las autonomias desde el centro? ?Quien se hace cargo de ese lugar despreciado y abandonado por todas las provincias pero del que depende la reconstruccion de una nueva unidad nacional?

El centro es hoy un gran vacio, el lugar de los acuerdos imposibles. Por eso, nadie quiere asumirlo. El ultimo gesto de ese gran vacio fue la declaracion de Roque Sevilla de que Quito se colocaba en la periferia, para ser parte tambien de las autonomias. Con ese gesto de enorme significacion simbolico-politica, Quito se distancia de si misma. La debilidad del gobierno actual expresa justamente ese vacio que es el centro. El pais no tiene un lugar desde donde gobernarse a si mismo; y quien intente poner el pie en ese espacio, recibira todos los desacuerdos de una nacion en soletas.

No tenemos claro los riesgos de un proceso de autonomia donde nadie piensa y asume el centro. Vivimos dramaticamente la crisis de la centralidad -crisis de integracion- expresada de la manera mas cla ra por el lenguaje posmoderno: multiplicacion de las diferencias, proliferacion de los margenes, pluralizacion de los fragmentos (Nelly Richards).

?Cual es el rol del centro en un proceso de autonomias? Rehacerse a si mismo desde una perspectiva renovada. Jugar el papel esencial de mediacion, esto es, lugar donde las demandas autonomicas encuentran un espacio de dialogo para la reafirmacion de una nueva forma de unidad nacional. Sin ese espacio de mediacion, las autonomias apuntan inevitablemente a la fragmentacion.

Lo que esta en juego en este momento, el gran desafio, es dar el paso siguiente a las autonomias. Si las voluntades autonomicas expresan la desintegracion del centro, manifestada en el desplome de un modelo autoritario de Estado -aquel que integra bajo la logica centro-periferia-, el nuevo centro debe definirse por su pluralidad. Alli esta la riqueza de la mediacion: reanimar el dialogo entre identidades replegadas al ambito local, incorporar 'al otro' como elemento constitutivo de las identidades; ya no es un centro que suprime y elimina las diferencias mediante una vocacion integradora de corte totalitario; es un centro que se constituye en espacio de reconocimiento del otro. El centro siempre va a significar poner un limite a la identidad local, reconocer la finitud de esa identidad , lo contrario de lo que supone la autonomia, una suerte de afirmacion absoluta de la identidad local.

El Ecuador esta en la fase de la explosion autonomica, del parricidio, de la ruptura, de la desintegracion, fase necesaria para rehacerse a si mismo. Pensar el centro nos llevara de las autonomias al juego de las diferencias. Las autonomias nos hacen ver como opuestos, el centro transforma esas oposiciones en diferencias.

El desafio final del proceso es crear un nuevo sujeto no regionalista. Eso busca el centro como lugar de reencuentro; un sujeto capaz de moverse en un escenario donde emergen y se afirman multiples i dentidades; no un sujeto que solo puede reconocer la suya propia. La peor amenaza para el nuevo desafio es la incorporacion de los partidos al proceso de las autonomias, porque ellos expresan los des encuentros y las rivalidades, ademas de la fragmentacion regional. El proceso que esta detras de las autonomias nos conduce, inevitablemente, mas alla de los partidos en sus formas anacronicas actual es. Pero esto, desgraciadamente, no lo entienden los oportunistas de turno.

Fecha - 24-11-99
Comentarios: The Tetworld Center for Peace and Global Gaming is pleased to present the Members of the Global Advisory Committee, at:

You are cordially invited to visit and review the Tetworld Peace Through Development Project, and the new Tetworld GlobalGame Complex...
Thanks, and,
Mark Siegmund
Tetworld Center for Peace and Global Gaming
Visit the Main Introductory Page, at:
Visit the Tetworld Gaming Complex at:
Tetworld Systems and Gaming page at:
Tetworld Center Global Advisory Committee, at:
Award winning ezine"21st" (Tetrahedron and the Game article)

Fecha - 24-11-99

Desafíos para el Siglo XXI

22, 23 y 24 de Noviembre de 1999
Salón de Actos y Aulas de Posgrado (2do. Piso)
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas - Universidad de Buenos Aires
Av. Córdoba 2122 – Buenos Aires - Argentina

C.E.A. (Centro de Estudios Avanzados - Universidad de Buenos Aires)
CEPAS (Centro de Estudios de Política,Administración y Sociedad - Asociación de Administradores Gubernamentales)



19 hs.  Acto de Apertura

19.30 hs. Conferencia de apertura
a cargo de Dr. Oscar Oszlak: “ Tecnología, Cultura y Reformas estatales pendientes”


09.00 a 11.00 hs Panel "Reformas políticas, Institucionales y de Gestión para la
Gobernabilidad Democrática"

Dr. Marcelo Cavarozzi
Dr. Carlos Acuña
Dr.  Ricardo Sidicaro
Dr. Manuel Antonio Garretón

11.15  a 13.15 hs.
Mesas de trabajos libres
Mesa 1: Aula 236
Mesa 2: Aula 237
Mesa 3: Aula 238
Mesa 4: Aula 239

15.00  a 17 hs.  Panel " Desarrollo Sustentable y Reformas Pendientes en las Relaciones Estado – Mercado – Sociedad Civil"

Dr. Daniel Azpiazu
Dr. Mario Damill
Dra. Marta Bekerman
Ing. Beatriz Hebe López

17 a19 hs
Mesas de trabajos libres

Mesa 5: Aula 236
Mesa 6: Aula 237
Mesa 7: Aula 238
Mesa 8: Aula 239


9 a 11 hs. Panel "Equidad distributiva: Asignatura Pendiente de la Reforma Estatal"

Dr. Roberto Martínez Nogueira
Dr. José Luis Corragio
Dr. Aldo Isuani
Dr. Eduardo Bustelo

11.15  a 13.15 hs.
Mesa de Trabajo Libres
Mesa 10: Aula 238
Mesa 9: Aula 237
Mesa 11: Aula 239
Mesa 12: Aula 240

15.15   a 17 hs. Panel de síntesis y relatorías

17.30  a 18.30 hs. Conferencia de cierre a cargo del Dr. Manuel Antonio Garretón:  “De las reformas estatales a la transformación de las relaciones Estado y Sociedad”

Asociación de Administradores Gubernamentales
Tel/Fax: (54-11) 4394-5588/1951
Internet http:/
Sarmiento 517 6to. of E.
(1041) Bs. As.

Centro de Estudios Avanzados- Universidad de Buenos Aires
Tel: (54-11) 4508-3618 int. 113
Fax: (54-11) 4508-3628
Pte. J.E. Uriburu 950 Primer Piso
(1114) Bs. As.

Fecha - 24-11-99
Comentarios: GLOBAL DEMILITARIZATION                         November 24, 1999

For those favoring Nuclear Weapons Abolition,

If you are interested in spending a few minutes to urge political leaders of the nuclear weapons nations, by email, to disable all the nuclear weapons in the world by the year 2000, please continue below the ******'s.
If you want to DELETE your address from this mailing list, please send the following email:

          [Please execute your "REPLY" command so we will get your
          exact address to be deleted from our mailing list].

Subject:  delete

Message:  [Please list all your other email addresses and we will put them on our "permanent delete list" also].

Monthly reminder: please copy, paste and mail the following or similar email, post or fax messages to the President of the USA each month.  Also please send copies to the Heads of State of the other nuclear weapons nations as shown below.  Some email addresses are via the countries' Permanent Missions to the United Nations.

If you want a list of the post addresses, fax, phone numbers, etc., of the other nuclear Heads of State, please request them from us.

If you are an officer of a peace, environmental or religious organization: In your next correspondence with your members, please urge them to also send these messages each month by email, post card, letter, fax or phone.


Subject: Human fallibility

Boris Yeltsin, President, Russia ,
Tony Blair, Prime Minister, Britain ,
Jacques Chirac, President, France ,
Jiang Zemin, President, China ,
Ehud Barak, Prime Minister, Israel ,
Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Prime Minister, India ,
Gen. Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan

Dear Mr. President,

As we mourn the dead from Egyptian Airline Flight 990, we must recognize again that technical systems do fail from time to time. Humans cannot achieve perfection. An accident involving nuclear weapons would be incomparably more catastrophic. We urge you to take a courageous initiative to call on the leaders of all nuclear weapons states to disable their nuclear weapons now, before they may be used because of a technical or human failure.

Sincerely yours,
[Your name, post address & country]

Best regards,

Sue & Marvin Clark
Global Demilitarization
42 Maple Ave.
Troy, NY, 12180 USA

Administrative Board Members

Oscar Arias, Nobel Peace Laureate, honorary member
Mary Evelyn Jegen, SND, Pax Christi International
Dietrich Fischer, Author, Professor, Pace University
Bill Price, Director, World Peacemakers
Bill Hartung, Author
Organizations are for identification only

Emailings monthly since July 1996

In October, I took over from Marvin Clark to send out these monthly mailings. Due to a mistake on my part, the entire list of email addresses was accessible to everyone for 15 minutes after the last mailing on October 12, until I discovered and corrected the mistake. Therefore, you received several email messages intended only for me.  I sincerely apologize for that. It proves again that despite the best intentions we are only human, and accidents do happen. I wish to thank all those who sent supportive comments. Those who asked have been deleted from the list. My incoming mailbox was temporarily full and I may have missed a few of those wishing to be taken off the list. If that applies to you, please send me another "delete" request.
With many thanks and best regards, Dietrich Fischer

Fecha - 24-11-99
Comentarios: 19  novembre 1999
>La semaine dernière, au nom du mouvement coopératif, le CCO était l’un des
>premiers organismes à réagir publiquement en appui au Collège d’Alfred.
>Aujourd’hui, associé à une multitude de partenaires et associations
>communautaires, le Collège fait maintenant appel à votre grande générosité.
>Ce matin, nous avons participé à une conférence de presse très réussie.
>Plus d’une centaine de personnes y participaient sans compter une bonne
>dizaine de journalistes.  Chapeau à Pierre Glaude, Alain Delorme, Gilbert
>Héroux, Denis Pommainville et toute leur équipe, car en un temps record,
>ont fait toute une impression  quant à la situation présente et à l’avenir
>de cette institution unique en son genre.
>À nous maintenant !  Pour sauver le Collège D’Alfred, il est important que
d’ici le 24 novembre prochain, des centaines de lettres d’appui soient
>acheminées au gouvernement de l’Ontario plus précisément au premier
>ministre, l’Honorable Mike Harris, ainsi  qu’aux ministres de l’Agriculture
>et des Affaires francophones, respectivement messieurs Ernie Hardeman et
>John Baird.
>Ci-joint, voici un exemple de lettre d’appui que vous pouvez coller sur
>votre papier entête.  En plus, si vous avez le temps, voici de l’
>information, qui vous facilitera sans doute la tâche, si vous désirez
>rédiger une lettre personnalisée.
>Les délais sont très courts mais comme toujours, nous comptons sur votre
>appui pour faire la différence.
>Nous vous invitons à envoyer au CCO, la copie de votre lettre au numéro de
>télécopieur suivant (613) 241-6186.
>Nous vous remercions de votre appui... car avec la coopération tout est
>Merci !
>Ethel Côté
>Créé en 1981, le Collège d’Alfred de l’Université de Guelph offre
>présentement une formation collégiale dans les secteurs de la technologie
>agricole, de l’horticulture, du dévelopement international et de l’
>alimentation.  Le Collège offre de plus des services de formation sur
>et de recherche et transfert de technologie.  À compter de septembre 2000,
>de nouveaux programmes s’ajouteront à la programmation annuelle dans les
>secteurs du développement rural, des techniques vétérinaires, de la
>transformation des aliments.
>Le total des étudiant.e.s à plein temps au Collège est de 155.  Avec les
>nouveaux programmes, ce nombre augmentera considérablement dans les années
>L’examen des budgets des dernières années démontre que le Collège d’Alfred
>réussi de façon inéquivoque à mettre en place un fonctionnement efficace
>tout en misant sur l’autofinancement graduel.  Parmi les résultats les plus
>probants, l’analyse démontre que:
>*   La contribution du ministère représente 43% du budget total
>comparativement à 83%   en 1995-1996;
>* Le Collège a absorbé au cours des 8 dernières années une coupe d’environ
>de 1,5    million de dollars, soit de 3,7 M en 1991-1992 à 2,3 M en
>1998-1999 tout en faisant    en sorte que le budget total augmente au delà
>de cinq millions de dollars;
>* Le coût par étudiant à plein temps a diminué de façon significative se
>chiffrant main-
>  tenant à moins de 10 000 $.  Ce chiffre se compare à l’ensemble du coût
>forma-   tion dans les collèges communautaires pour des programmes
>* Le Collège oeuvre dans un milieu minoritaire de langue française;
>* L’apport financier des contrats de recherche et de formation sur mesure a
>augmenté   de façon considérable depuis que le Collège ne relève plus du
>ministère de     l’Agriculture de l’Ontario, passant de 400 000 $ en
>1995-1996 à plus de 1,5 M $     pour chacune des années depuis la fusion
>avec l’Université de Guelph;
>*   L’Université de Guelph appuie le maintien du Collège d’Alfred et entend
>poursuivre    les démarches pour s’assurer que cette situation soit réglée
>dans les plus brefs     délais.
>Le Collège démontre de façon claire qu’il est capable de répondre aux
>besoins en évolution dans son secteur d’activités tout en diminuant sa
>dépendance des fonds publics.  Cependant une coupure aussi considérable et
>instantanée que celle proposée par les fonctionnaires provinciaux
>signifierait la fermeture du Collège et ainsi la fin des services aux
>francophones dans le deuxième secteur économique en importance en Ontario.
>L’Honorable Mike Harris
>Premier ministre
>Téléc:  (416) 325-7578
>L’Honorable Ernie Hardeman
>Ministre de l’Agriculture
>Téléc: (519) 826-4335
>L’Honorable John Baird
>Ministre des Affaires francophones
>Téléc: (416) 326-3083
>Gouvernement de l’Ontario
>Re:  Appui au Collège d’Alfred
>Par la présente, nous exprimons notre appui au Collège d’Alfred.  Durant
>dernières années, nous avons vite fait de constater l’effort déployé par
>cette institution et ses membres, afin de favoriser le développement du
>deuxième secteur économique en importance en Ontario qu’est l’agriculture.
>Comme nous, vous constaterez que le Collège d’Alfred a su se tailler une
>place de choix au sein de la communauté francophone de l’Ontario et ses
>programmes sont grandement appréciés tant par les étudiants que par le
>Aujourd’hui le Collège d’Alfred suggère un partenariat renouvelé afin de
>satisfaire les exigences des coupures du gouvernement de l’Ontario sans
>toutefois le mettre en péril.  Ce partenariat se base sur:
>*   le respect  de l’entente de partenariat signée entre le ministère de l’
>Agriculture et l’Université,
>(se terminant en l’an 2002) permettant au Collège de compléter les
>changements entrepris
>depuis les 3 dernières années;
>*   le développement de mesures d’évaluation complètes et équitables
>permettant de juger la
>performance du Collège d’Alfred sur une base uniforme et professionnelle;
>* le début de discussions entre le ministère de l’Agriculture et le
>ministère de la Formation, des
>Collèges et des Universités pour que les collèges d’agriculture soient
>financés sur la même base que   les autres institutions post-secondaires en
>Ontario et pour que les engagements du premier ministre   quant au maintien
>des budgets en éducation s’étendent aux trois seuls collèges publics en
>Ontario   qui sont à l’extérieur du financement régulier des collèges.
>À notre avis, cette proposition est des plus intéressante car elle démontre
>un dynamisme qui rapportera autant pour le développement de l’industrie
>agricole de l’Ontario que pour l’émergence d’une relève qualifiée bilingue.
>Le Collège d’Alfred : une valeur ajoutée que nous sommes fiers de
>c.c. Conseil de la Coopération de l’Ontario, télécopieur : (613) 241-6186
Fecha - 11-11-99
Comentarios: R E F O R M A  Y  D E M O C R A C I A  No. 15. Revista del CLAD

Ya se encuentra en circulacion la edicion numero 15 de la Revista del
CLAD, REFORMA Y DEMOCRACIA, correspondiente al ultimo cuatrimestre de
1999. En la pagina aparecen los
resumenes de los trabajos incluidos en esta edicion, producidos por:

Carmelo Mesa-Lago
Desarrollo social, reforma del Estado y de la seguridad social, al umbral del siglo XXI

Ivan Finot
Elementos para una reorientacion de las politicas de descentralizacion y participacion en America Latina

Humberto Falcao Martins y Joaquim Rubens Fontes Filho
¿En quien se pone el foco? Identificando "stakeholders" para la formulacion de la mision organizacional

Luciano Parejo Alfonso
El Estado como poder y el derecho regulador de su actuacion, hoy; algunas de las transformaciones en curso

Nelson Marconi
El fortalecimiento de las carreras de Estado: la experiencia brasilenia

Mercedes Iacoviello
Desarrollo estrategico de recursos humanos en el Estado

Lawrence R. Jones y Fred Thompson
Un modelo para la nueva gerencia publica: lecciones de la reforma de los sectores publico y privado

Declaracion de La Habana

Si Ud. desea solicitar este o algun otro ejemplar, favor dirigir su pedido a la direccion del Centro de Documentacion y Analisis de Informacion (CEDAI) del CLAD:

Las suscripciones a REFORMA Y DEMOCRACIA pueden hacerse mediante el formulario on-line que aparece en

Fecha - 08-11-99
Nombre: Francisco Centurión Gezn
Email: claeriou@adinet-com.uv
Comentarios: Desde el litoral estamos trabajando en un proyecto que aborda el Desarrollo Local en una perspectiva de caracter regional y transfronterizo, en el convencimiento que la nueva escena nos plantea retos que no reconocen fronteras administrativas sino realidades que las trascienden. El Claeh conjuntamente con Proyecto Local de Barcelona han encarado este proyecto en la región del Bajo Río Uruguay en el proyecto llamado "Litoral Integrado" que tengo el enorme compromiso de dirigir y al mismo tiempo la gran alegría de impulsar. Creemos que las gestiones locales deben asumir un protagonismo mayor y para ello es necesario prepararse, esto supone articular y sumar, en lugar de superponer y desperdiciar los recursos. Estamos convencidos que propuestas como la que Uds. llevan adelante van a contribuir a crear el "clima" propicio para empezar a prepararnos. Esperamos poder aportar a consolidar lo que creemos es un proceso en el que tienen lugar una multiplicidad de dimensiones concurrentes. Prometemos nuevos mensajes con algunos conceptos e informaciones que refieran a nuestro proyecto y a la visión con que encaramos un trabajo de largo aliento.

Fecha - 06-11-99
Nombre: Diego Benavente Millán - Temuco - Chile
Email: Teléfono: 56-45-237166
Comentarios: Amigos localistas, por Carlos Ortiz me he incorporado a esta tribuna y me sugirio les informara sobre nuestra lista regionalista, en la cual hemos estado un poco tranquilos pero somos un grupo bastante movido en materia de descentralizacion, hay de todo y de todas partes.
Somos muchos los que pensamos, que la descentralizacion debe llegar al extremo mas cercano a las personas y en este caso ese nivel en la mayoria de los casos lo representa el municipio. Por lo tanto, la regionalizacion se entiende como un paso intermedio para llegar finalmente lo mas cercano que se pueda de las personas.

Les cuento a todos los amigos de AGORA, que aca en Chile hemos lanzado recientemente el Grupo de Los Federales, un grupo pequeño de regionalistas, incluso lo integran algunos de la lista region@lista, encabezados por el senador Horvath (indep. centro derecha) y el diputado Barrueto (izquierda PPD), con quienes nos hemos vestido de negro con lentes oscuros (tipo Matrix), para promover la descentralizacion en la comunidad nacional realizando acciones llamativas para atraer la atencion de los medios de comunicacion. En este trabajo ya hemos ido a protestar frenta a la Casa de Gobierno (Moneda) en primer lugar para pedir al Pdte. Frei que cumpla su palabra de reformar la ley que permita elegir a los Consejeros Regionales y luego fuimos donde los Industriales (SOFOFA: Organizacion de los Industriales) para pedirles que trasladen sus Industrias y Gerencias a regiones, y recientemente (ayer 5 de Nov) fuimos donde el presidente de la Corte Suprema a pedirle su apoyo para que los Fiscales regionales sean elegidos por las regiones (Consejos regionales) y no centralizadamente por el Fiscal Nacional, como lo estipula la Ley recientemente promulgada. En todos estas acciones hemos recibido una gran cobertura de los medios, lo cual en 15 años de accion regionalista o mas, al interior de los claustros y elites regionalistas, no habiamos ni siquiera vislumbrado posible alguna vez.

Para que tengan una idea visual de lo que ya hemos logrado pueden ir a nuestra pagina de los federales en la siguiente direccion:

Todos estan invitados a sumarse a esta iniciativa, el proximo paso es poder generar Federales en todas las regiones, de modo de tener personas que denuncien y cuiden el avance del proceso descentralizador motivando e integrando a las comunidades regionales en la defensa de sus propios intereses y en el conseguir el poder de decision autonomo, para una gestion austosostenida del desarrollo local y regional.

Espero y estoy seguro que muchos de nosotros podemos integrar nuestras rutas y acciones y asi poder ayudar al avance en estos temas tan importantes para una convivencia mas fraterna, responsable, solidaria y equitativa entre las personas en su territorio. Mas adelante les informare e invitare a sumarse a una institucionalidad virtual con asiento en un precioso rincon del sur del mundo, donde buscaremos cobijar las mejores ideas y trabajos en pos de la descentralizacion, desarrollo regional y local en Latinoamerica y en particular de nuestro cono Sur de Sudamerica, partiendo por nuestra region de La Araucania y su valeroso pueblo indigena (jamas doblegado) los Mapuches.

Un saludos desde el Sur de America a todos los amigos de Agora.

Fecha - 04-11-99
Nombre: Carlos Vallée.
Comentarios: Hola Carlos,me contento que esta página tenga tan buena acogida. Ratifico lo que propuse en mi primer contacto con el Proyecto AGORA. Estoy dispuesto a compartir mis experiencias a nivel municipal. En este sentido quiero manifestarle al amigo Leonardo Garcia(Nicaragua)que puedo compartir la informacion disponible.Tengo mucho interes en compartir experiencias ya que en Venezuela hemos ini-ciado un proceso de cambio que tendra gran impacto en lo municipal.Actualmente,trabajo sobre el tema de la participación ciudadana en la Gestion Local,principalmente en los Planes Locales o Municipales.Mi dirección:
Saludos..........hasta pronto...
Fecha - 29-10-99
Comentarios: If you are referring to the Bribe Payers Index or the Corruption Perceptions Index, looks like you can get them via TI's web site at (26 October 1999 press release) - or at least get contact info.  Cheers, Lyo (

On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Jorge Jimenez wrote:

> By the way, this week Transparency International released a study on world corruption, ranking countries, etc. Perhaps you might find something on the web or somewhere else. If you find the study on the internet, please provide me with the address. I would be interested in giving it a look.

Lat-Law is sponsored by the National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade

To unsubscribe, please send a message to with the following command in the BODY of the mesage: SIGNOFF lat-law

Fecha - 27-10-99
Nombre: Ana Ojeda Croissier
Comentarios: ¡Felicidades Carlos!. Cada vez se pone más interesante esta página. La verdad es que vale la pena sobre todo porque se está convirtiendo en un foro internacional. Me parece genial que podamos poner en común la problemática del municipio, desde distintos puntos de vista, partiendo de relaciones políticas y culturales diferentes, pero con un mismo propósito: que funcione mejor. Ojalá podamos hablar pronto de una democracia directa.
En ese sentido me han interesado mucho unos puntos de un manifiesto que apuntaste en junio de este año, creo. Me parecen muy interesantes. Sería bueno poder discutir alguno de estos puntos en un debate público con los políticos de nuestro municipio. Un saludo.
Fecha - 10-10-99
Nombre: Leonardo Garcia A. (Nicaragua)
Email: Teléfono: 505 2668321
Comentarios: Estoy preparando una tesis sobre un Modelo Virtual Comparativo de Gestion Local, para municipios centroamericanos, especialmente nicaraguenses, pues parte de una base de datos, analisis, indicadores, referencias, etc. de municipios medianos de Nicaragua, estudio que se encuentra a un 50% de avance en este momento (oct. 10, 1999) y en lo cual le estoy muy agradecido al Sr. Carlos Zarate que se ha interesado muy profesionalmente en el tema y me ha estado apoyando con informacion valiosa. Si hay alguien que tuviera interes especial por este tema, yo estoy a las ordenes para que intercambiemos informacion, puedo explicar mi tema y apoyar en otros temas del ambito municipal si lo desean, siempre que este a mi alcance y quizas alguien mas pudiera tener otras pistas para ayudar a construir este modelo que luego sera de todo el mundo, sin mayor dificultad. En caso que resulte un exito. Pero bien, se me ocurre que en caso que no resulte uin exito, tambien estaria a la orden toda la investigacion para alguien que tuviera mayor capacidad y suerte que yo y quizas asi se pudiera lograr construir algo bueno. Saludos a todos. Creo que este medio es un buen instrumento para estimular los intercambios de informacion y enriquecer el acervo cultural y de conocimiento en temas especializados cada vez mas. Hasta pronto, ahi tienen mis dos e-mails por si desea alguien escribirme y conversar sobre el tema. Arq.Leonardo Garcia.
Fecha - 10-10-99
Comentarios: Colegas de Golde;
Traduzco del ingles el siguiente llamado al concurso: "1999 Premio Furs para el Mejor Ensayo sobre Temas Urbanos y Regionales de Autores Jovenes".
A ver si alguien joven se anima y llega a tiempo. Saludos, Alejandra Massolo

En colaboracion con el International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (IJURR) y Basil Blackwell Publishers de Oxford, la Fundacion para los Estudios Urbanos y Regionales esta organizando un concurso internacional de ensayo. El premio de 1000 libras esterlinas se otorgara al mejor ensayo sobre temas urbanos y regionales de joven de menos de 35 años y origen no ingles parlante.
El ensayo no debera tener una extension mayor de 5000 palabras y enviado con un resumen de maximo 500 palabras. Los ensayos podran ser escritos en los siguientes idiomas: Ingles (de autor no ciudadano de UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Nueva Zelanda e Irlanda anglofonas, o cualquier otro pais de habla inglesa), Frances, Español, Aleman, Portugues e Italiano. Los ensayos seran leidos por dos dictaminadores (referees) anonimos quienes enviaran sus comentarios al Prof. Enzo Mingione, para preparar una lista seleccionada que sera considerada por el panel del jurado. El resultado se hara publico a mas tardar el 1ro. de junio del 2000.  El ensayo ganador sera traducido (si es necesario) al Ingles y publicado en el IJURR con los cambios y correcciones sugeridos por los dictaminadores. El segundo y tercer ensayo ganador obtendran premios respectivamente de 250 libras (en valor de titulos de Blackwell) y de 100 libras (en valor de titulos de Blackwell), por parte de Basil Blackwell Publishers. Los ensayos deberan ser enviados hasta el 31 de diciembre de 1999, a la direccion electronica:   como attachment (Basic Mime encoding), o por correo (archivo winword en diskette) a la siguiente direccion:
FURS Essay Competition, Fondazione Bignaschi, Via Olmetto 3, 20123, Milano, Italy. 
Se debe adjuntar una nota indicando el nombre completo del autor, direccion, universidad o lugar de trabajo (si tiene), fecha y lugar de nacimiento, nacionalidad, telefono, numero de fax y un breve Curriculum Vitae (maximo 100 palabras).
Para mayor informacion dirigirse a FURS Essay Competition, a la direccion antes indicada; al Tel: 39-02-8057718; Fax: 39-02-8692565.

Fecha - 10-10-99
Comentarios: El Comercio

Quito, 9 de octubre de 1999

Una ciudad con temple

Raul Gangotena Ribadeneira

Los infantes, ni~os y jovenes de Quito fueron a clases ayer, viernes 8 de octubre, luego de una de las semanas mas emocionantes, pero tambien mas aterradoras, que una ciudad de alrededor de dos millones de habitantes pueda haber tenido. El lunes 4, los adultos fueron a sus labores sabiendo que el volcan Pichincha estaba en proceso de erupcion.

El martes 5 se lo comprobo de manera inequivoca, pues una nube gigante, de extra~a negrura, hizo anochecer a las cinco de la tarde, mientras la ciudad se cubria de un manto blanco grisaceo de fina ceniza. La gente continuo trabajando con el solo aditamento de una mascarilla. El miercoles 6, millones de escobas limpiaron el material, justo antes de que una fenomenal tromba de agua y granizo se abatiera sobre la ciudad y la comarca. El jueves 7 el cielo amanecio sin una nube, esplendoroso.

Las miradas disfrutaban del volcan nevado, cuando, a las siete de la ma~ana, un inigualable espectaculo se desplego en la boveda celeste: una explosion gigantesca. La imagen dio la vuelta al mundo. Fue un fenomeno sobrecogedor que pudo haber aterrorizado a cualquier poblacion hasta el panico. Pero Quito se mantuvo en orden, trabajando con estoicismo y un temple del que bien pueden sus habitantes enorgullecerse en los siglos venideros.

Bien todos, comenzando por el Alcalde. La Municipalidad del Distrito Metropolitano ha demostrado ser un autentico Gobierno local. Tres veces al dia el Alcalde se comunica con los habitantes por medios radiales.Tanta ha sido la preparacion que, como debe ser, tambien para los indigentes del Centro Historico, debidamente censados, hay un plan de contingencia en caso de alerta roja.

Luego de la lluvia de ceniza, el Gobierno central faculto al Alcalde para conducir la ciudad con autoridad sobre las organizaciones nacionales, colaborando en la accion local. Todo esta dirigido a asegurar condiciones para continuar trabajando mientras dure la erupcion. ?Que cuanto puede durar? Entre meses y a~os, dice el Alcalde, asesorado por el Instituto Geofisico.

Sin lamentos. Sin histerias. Sin gritos estentoreos. Sin agresiones. Sin reclamos groseros. Sin desplantes ni bravatas. Sin emocionalismos ni sentimentalismos. Con amplio despliegue de racionalidad. Con temple. Con orden. Con responsabilidad. Y, claro, como siempre, con alegria, con humor. Y con ingenio. Durante la lluvia de ceniza del martes, en las esquinas clave, habia una amplia provision de mascarillas. Este columnista compro cuatro en diez mil sucres. Era el momento preciso. Una familia entera -todos con mascarillas pues la ceniza era abundante- se acercaba a los vehiculos para facilitar el indispensable adminiculo de proteccion. Le hacian a uno un gran servicio. Al dia siguiente, pasada la caida de ceniza, se las conseguia en mil sucres. A esta provision de un bien en el momento en que el consumidor mas lo valora, Michel Porter le llama una operacion que agrega valor.

Asimismo, luego de la fenomenal explosion matutina del 7, los ambulantes vendian una magnifica fotografia del evento volcanico a transeuntes y turistas: la explosion fue convertida en postal en tres o cuatro horas. Eso se llama talento empresarial. Solo que en el Ecuador este talento es connatural a la poblacion. Si no fuera por las mafias politico-empresariales incansables para enga~ar y atracar, el Ecuador seria un pais sin pobreza.

Por fortuna, este tipo de politicos parasitos no ha logrado enquistarse en el Gobierno local de Quito. En algun momento, en un periodo nefasto, lo intentaron. Quito les avento lejos. Pero, asi como ha sabido prevenirse de los efectos de una erupcion, debe prevenirse de la peste del populismo destructor. Y puede contribuir para que el pais entero se sacuda de ese fenomenal enga~o. Si alguna vez hubiera caido presa de ese tipo de politicos, no podria ahora, ni remotamente, experimentar esta organizacion y predisposicion colectiva tan madura para enfrentar la adversidad.

El episodio ha constituido una nueva demostracion de que no hay mejor Gobierno que el cercano a la poblacion. Hasta la prevencion de desastres naturales, tarea que los gobiernos locales rara vez acometen, se esta realizando con notable acierto. Razon adicional para que la Municipalidad quite~a, y las organizaciones ciudadanas, consideren -muy seriamente- el planteamiento de un estatuto de autonomia y se sumen a la iniciativa manabita presentada al pais en esa direccion.


Nestor Vega Jimenez
General Roca 220 y Bossano
Quito - Ecuador
Phone & Fax (+593-2) 464 149
Celular (+593-9) 92 00 99

Fecha - 07-10-99
Comentarios: Con motivo de celebrarse el Día Mundial del Hábitat,  jornada de reflexión y de propuestas sobre la situación de millones de personas en todo el mundo, que se ha visto agravada por las catástrofes naturales de los últimos meses y por las crisis económicas que han envuelto a distintos países,  los miembros de FUNDACIÓN LATINOAMERICANA - FUNDAL queremos saludar a todos los que comprometen su accionar en pos de asentamientos humanos más solidarios y socialmente sustentables.

Sabemos de la importancia que la integración entre organizaciones comunitarias e instituciones gubernamentales tiene para la gestión del hábitat, y de los esfuerzos que en ese sentido se están realizando, lo que nos compromete a continuar trabajando para  lograr ciudades para todos.

Esta FUNDACIÓN LATINOAMERICANA continúa con el seguimiento de los procesos de producción social del hábitat y la defensa del derecho de los pueblos a la vivienda social como factor fundamental del desarrollo humano.

Nuevamente queremos compartir con ustedes esta fecha, alentándolo a continuar con la tarea emprendida, en la convicción de que todos sus esfuerzos se verán coronados por el éxito.

Cordialmente los saludo con afectuosa consideración.


Fecha - 06-10-99
Nombre: miguel angel hernandez santana
Comentarios: Me parece sumamente interesante el proyecto que estais llevando a cabo.

Fecha - 06-10-99
Comentarios: ADVISORY:


Almost a quarter of the world's population lives in poverty. An estimated 1.5 billion individuals, one in four people, live without adequate shelter and basic services. With almost 50% of the world's population living in cities and towns, most of the poor are to be found in urban slums and squatter settlements.

The urbanisation of poverty and how to alleviate it is one of the central themes of the the Third International Conference on Urban Poverty.

Organised by the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) and the International Forum on Urban Poverty (IFUP), it will be held in Nairobi, Kenya on 12 14 October 1999. The conference will be attended by mayors and representatives of Local Authorities, researchers, experts, NGO representatives and support agencies and will be opened by Mr Klaus Toepfer, Ag. Executive Director of UNCHS (Habitat).

The main objective of the conference is to discuss recent innovations in poverty alleviation through better social integration and participation of poor communities. Best practices will be shared by participants from all around the world.

The conference will focus on four thematic areas:


The rapidly growing informal settlements in cities remain one of the world's most visible and telling urban problem. Between 25%  and 50% of the population in most cities in developing countries  live in the informal settlements without basic services. Many of them live under the threat of eviction.

The Forum will discuss lessons from past experiences and analyse the role which central and local governments, as well as civil  society, can play in order to break the vicious circle of poverty, insecurity and exclusion to be found in the informal settlements.

Three main topics will be discussed:

-   Regularisation of tenure in informal settlements
-   Legal protection against evictions and the right to housing
-   Towards the inclusive city


Urban safety has become a major concern of municipal, central and city governments because of the growth of crime and insecurity in most big cities. International meetings of experts have focused on the central role of the city and the need for strong coalitions, mobilizing communities and agencies in order to develop and implement effective crime prevention strategies for safer cities.

The working group will analyse and disseminate lessons learned from practices about security at the city level. It will particularly focus on the developing world where the problems affecting poor are specific. Two main topics have been selected for discussion:

-   The informal city
-   Domestic violence against women
-   Access and Safety for Urban Transport

Groups in society have varying needs in terms of transport. Women, for
example, have different travel patterns from men. The differences
imply alternative requirements with respect to choice of mode,
transport infrastructure investment patterns, safety and security.

The Forum will examine global experiences of transport systems and
their impact on the poor. The poor are also "transport poor" and the
working group will examine the different transport needs of the poor,
women, children, the elderly and the handicapped.


Unsustainable human settlements development adversely affects the
physical and social development of children especially poor urban boys
and girls. The rapidly growing number of street children and pavement
dwellers in both developed and developing countries indicates that
there is urgent need for more child centred human settlements

The Forum will review and discuss obstacles for social integration and
safety of children in cities. It will also share lessons from
experiences and best practices from some "child friendly cities".

The focus will be on the following topics:

-   Obstacles for the survival of a child during the first five
    years of life.
-    Obstacles for the sound introduction of a child into society.
-    Obstacles for a child to progress and develop through different
    stages in life.

For more information please contact:
Mr. Sharad Shankardass  
Media & Press Unit
UNCHS (Habitat)
P.O.Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 254 2 623153;
Fax: 254 2 624060
E mail:

Zahra A. Hassan
Media Liaison
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)
P.O.Box 30030
Tel: 254-2-623151
Fax: 254-2-624060
***This message was generated through the UNCHS (Habitat) mailing
***Please send any queries on this list to

Fecha - 11-07-99
Nombre: Teléfono:
Comentarios: Salutationes a tu gruppa
Creo que lo que vos tenteis es muy importante. Yo estaba interesada quando yo leiba tu pagina de internet.
En Australia hay un movimiento para promover la democracia aqui. Los australianos indivudualmente son forte creentes en la democracia, y commenzando de los annos acerca 1870 en le gobenarnancia local en los Estados de Tasmania, Queensland y tambien en Nuevo Zelando, los habitantos qui tengan el derecho de votar, disfructava tambien el derecho de votar en lo que nos llamar initiativos populares. Al inicio los questiones permitadas concernava la determination de taxas especiales pro travajos municipales. Se una majoridad del pueblo votando aprobava el projecto, todos los habitantes qui posedevan tierra en la municipalidad pagaron. 
No estoy cierto lo que fueron los leyes en los otros Estados de Australia, mas sabo que en Western Australia y South Australia el pueblo tambien disfructaba derechos segun su proprias initiativos.
En cerca 1920 el Parlemento del Estado de Queensland hecho leyes que permitteva 10% del numero de citadanos de poner qualquier question ellos desiderava sobre el papel de referendum pro obtenir el voto de todo la communidad sobre el projecto.  Iste derecho fue destruida in 1994 por un gobiernamento que non gustaba la libertad de los citadanos de dicer lo que los citadanos desiderava.
Acerca el inicio del siglo 1900 - y havia multe associations in Australia. Istes fueron voluntari y formadas de citadanos locales. Principalmente ellos fueron associadas con la production agricultoral, mas tambien y habia asociationes par comprar y vender productos.
Hoy hay no multe de ellas.
Habia difficultades por los Australianos general de apprender lo que pasaba en otros locos del mundo. Aparte de los germanos y los daneses (los dos gruppas tambien parlaba ingles), le resto del poblacion era anglophono y non sabia lo que succedeva in otros paises europaneos. Seque que los australianos non sabia del "Raffeisen" schemas o otros asociaciones similares.
Como he dicho los australianos individualmente creen in democracia. Tamen el sistemo de gobernamiento aqui es commumpida de representation a un oligarchia in muchos locos en effecto, o al nivel estadal un dictatura elejida, que dura quatro annos.
Il ha personas que ha oido del nomen Mondragon, mas no hay algun promovar por le sistem aqui. Creo que el pueblo vermente non pensar que un tal idea sea possible de realizar.
Los australianos desea disfructar mas de la democracia, mas los que tienen el poder non desea que los australianos sabe su derechos.
Pro ejemplo. El anno pasado fue le 50iem aniversario de la Declaration de Derechos Humanos. Hodie los australianos no saben la existencia de este documento o del ICCPR (abbreviation ingles). Los Australianos non saben acerca le cortes de Nuremburg in Alemana despues la guerra mundial pasada. Para preguntar es contestar. Mismo las questiones relevante no son conoscidas.
Espero que tu visitaras la pagina
Este pagina sera sobre reconstruction en las quatro semanas a venir, et espero que tu trovaras plus de interes alli. Pienso que es muy importante de haber un formel de leyes con equidad pro todo la comunidad.
Hay in el Parlemento de Queensland un proposition por un ley pro facilitar el peublo a gustar la democracia directe. La ultima vez que este succedeva in eso Parliamento fue in 1917-1919 quando el proposition pro un ley fue aprobada in les los casas del Parlement de Queensland.   Puedes hallar lo se comenzas a la pagina y sigue los ligamenes a la legislation de Queensland y alora busque sobre "Bills".  Este "bill" esta al momento en ameliaration in algunos aspectos, tamen espero que tu lo disfructe.
Con felicitaciones de Australia
Movimiento pro la democracia directe per KM
Nota: Hay muchos an~os despues habitava in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia donde teneva amigos de Chile. 
Fecha - 21-06-99
Nombre: alicia gómez martín
Email: Teléfono: 928 26 0005
Comentarios: buenos días Carlos: La verdad es que Boro me ha indicado tu página ante mis insistentes comentarios acerca de la problemática que vivo a dirio en mi barrio y en mi municipio. Como Boro yo también soy profesora y ahora colaboro en el dep. académico de HECANSA. Es precisamente este tema uno en los que más tengo interés en desarrollar a nivel municipal. No sé si existe posibilidad de participar en el proyecto de ustedes. La verdad es que tengo muchas ganas de compartir con otras personas la problemática del municipio e intentar reflexionar e intervenir en problemáticas analizadas. Gracias por aportar esta página. Estamos en contacto. Alicia Gómez
Fecha - 16-06-99
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate Teléfono:
Comentarios: Versión castellana del manifiesto del comentario anterior; propuestas:
1) abrir el Ayubtamiento o (y) un lugar provisional (a poder ser definitivo) "Casa de la ciudadanía";
2) Dedicar una plaza pública a los encuentros ciudadanos y a las nuevas tecnologías de la información;
3) Acoger en estos lugares actividades y presentaciones que se planteen la democracia:
4) Nombrar un responsable de la coordinación local de las actividades y de éstas con la coordinación nacional de "Pl@ces Net" así como de mantener la participación de las asociaciones, empresas y ciudadanos, con objeto de asegurar la eficacia de sus plazas. Estos coordinadores presentarán las actividades de las últimas mostrando las ventajas de la utilización de las nuevas tecnologías, de la participación de las ciudades hermanadas y de otros socios en el marco de la cooperación descentralizada, de la implicación de los medios informativos locales y regionales en estas conmemoraciones y finalmente, de la continuidad de los intercambios en el marco de una Casa de la Ciudadania.
Fecha - 16-06-99
Nombre: Carlos Ortiz de Zárate
Email: Teléfono: 928247693
Comentarios: Se está preparando una gran fiesta ciudadana en internet; incluyo el manifiesto de la misma, en versión francesa, en el próximo mensaje ofreceré una versión en castellano de la misma:

La charte 1999 :
1/ d'ouvrir la mairie ou (et) un lieu provisoire (idéalement définitif) "Maison de la Citoyenneté",
2/ de dédier une place publique aux rencontres citoyennes et aux nouvelles technologies de l'information,
3/ d'accueillir dans ces lieux des activités et présentations permettant de mieux connaître les nouvelles technologies de l'information et leurs usages citoyens au service de la démocratie,
4/ de désigner un correspondant en charge de coordonner localement les opérations en relation avec la coordination nationale de pl@ces Net, et de favoriser: la participation des associations, entreprises, et citoyens à faire vivre cette place en y présentant leurs activités utilisant ou non les nouvelles technologies, la participation des villes jumelées et partenaires dans le cadre de la coopération décentralisée, l'implication des organismes de presse locale et régionale dans ces activités exceptionnelles, la transmission de l'information sur les activités à la coordination nationale, la continuité de ces échanges dans le cadre d'une Maison de la Citoyenneté.

Fecha - 04-06-99
Nombre: Yeray Martin Santana
Email: Teléfono: 928/231832
Comentarios: Pienso que el trabajo que estáis haciendo es muy bueno. Esta revista es muy informativa y didáctica.
Fecha - 26-05-99
Nombre: Ariel Ogando
Email: <> , Teléfono:
Comentarios: Querido amigo: Antes que nada te pido disculpas por no haber respondido a tu correo pero andaba con bastante trabajo. Entre a tu sitio y me parece muy interesante no solo por los objetivos que tiene, sino por que tal vez encontremos formas concretas de cooperación entre nuestros pueblos ya que nosotros tambien trabajamos en desarrollo local y tu sitio expresa una necesidad de debatir sobre los problemas mas cercanos que todos tenemos y que son los de caracter municipal... Me interesaria saber si exite alguna linea de convenios entre tu Universidad yo Municipio de las Canarias y pequeños municipios del Tercer Mundo para que podamos armar alguna porpuesta de capacitación, cooperación o proyecto de desarrollo en conjunto. Un Fuerte abrazo desde el Noroeste Argentino.
Revista Wayruro
o su Espejo en:
Fundación Wayruro
Direccion Postal: Casilla de correo 83, S.S. de Jujuy (4600), Jujuy, Argentina
Fecha: 10/Mayo/1999
Apreciado Señor Carlos Ortiz de Zarate,
He leído con interés la información que aparece en la pagina referida al proyecto AGORA y estoy interesado en compartir experiencias relacionadas con la importancia de la participación de los ciudadanos en el Desarrollo Local.
Soy un Geógrafo venezolano, egresado de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (Caracas) el año 1976.Durante toda mi vida profesional mis responsabilidades han estado vinculadas al tema de su proyecto.
Actualmente me desempeño en una empresa filial de Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) la empresa estatal petrolera venezolana.Una de mis responsabilidades es administrar las relaciones con el Gobierno Municipal y la Sociedad Civil.Tal como lo han informado los diferentes medios de comunicación internacional en Venezuela estamos involucrados en un proceso de transformación política,social y económica muy profunda.Dicho proceso tiene como uno de sus principales elementos REDACTAR Y APROBAR UNA NUEVA CONSTITUCION.Yo considero que dentro de ese proceso el Municipio y los ciudadanos tenemos una gran oportunidad.Los autores de la convocatoria a la Asamblea Constituyente ha propuesto una ....."democracia participativa y social"(sic).Estoy interesado en compartir experiencias, recibir opiniones y todo aquello que ustedes consideren de importancia para analizar nuestra realidad.
Mi sitio de residencia es una pequeña ciudad llamada Altagracia en el estado Zulia.Situada a 950 kilómetros, al oeste, de la ciudad de Caracas (Venezuela) y en la costa oriental de el Lago de Maracaibo.
Espero tener la oportunidad interactuar con usted y sus compañeros de proyecto por esta vía.
Carlos Vallee Zea.